Living in the WUI with ENMU-Ruidoso Campus Leroy Cockrell

Living in the WUI
ENMU-Ruidoso Campus
February 4, 2014
Leroy Cockrell
Little Bear Forest
Reform Coalition
National recognition program for subdivisions/communities that
take proactive measures to prepare for wildfire
Village of Ruidoso-Forestry Department
• FIREWISE is a project of the
National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA)
• FIREWISE is a nationally
recognized program that is
usually administered by the
State Forestry Departments.
• Ruidoso has been a FIREWISE
recognized community since
2003 (re-chartered in 2013)
• Village of Ruidoso Forestry
Department established the
Village ordinance (Sec.42-80)
• VoR Forestry Department
personnel will interact with
Village residents and
subdivisions to promote
FIREWISE guidelines in the
• New Mexico State Forestry
will interact with County
residents outside the city
limits of the Village of
Steps for the Subdivision
Sponsor a neighborhood FIREWISE
Task Force Committee that will
oversee the FIREWISE
Communities/USA program and track
its progress and status
Enlist a wildland/urban interface
specialist (VoR or State) to complete
your neighborhood assessment and
create a plan that identifies agreedupon achievable solutions to be
implemented by the community
Steps for the Subdivision (con’t)
• FIREWISE committee develops and
implements FIREWISE plan which
Composing a letter to the
property owners explaining the
intentions, benefits and time
frame for FIREWISE activities to
be completed
Some mention of necessary
compliance with Village
ordinance (Sec.42-80) is
recommended if applicable
May require reminders to
property owners via Email or
postal mail
Steps for the Subdivision (con’t)
FIREWISE committee reviews
progress and contacts VoR Forestry
or NMSF authority when ready for reassessment
The appropriate authority will
approve results or suggest
additional activity by the
homeowners to bring the properties
into line with FIREWISE Principles
When complete, the appropriate
authority will support the application
for the subdivision’s recognition
Submit an annual report to
FIREWISE Communities/USA that
documents continuing compliance
with the program
For the Property Owner:
Create a defensible space around
the structure (30’-level land, 60+’sloped land)
Remove dead/dying vegetation
Trim tree canopies to >= 10’ from
Remove leaf litter (leaves/needles)
from yard, roof and gutters
Relocate firewood, etc. to 30+feet
from structure
Remove “ladder fuels” (low level
vegetation, wood fences, railroad
Remove excess vegetation along
Wide driveways/roadways can help
slow/stop wildfire
Additional Activities for the FIREWISE Community
• Observe a FIREWISE Communities/USA Day each
year that is dedicated to a local FIREWISE project
• Host a chipping day for residents to remove excess
vegetation from their property, as well as community
Hold a pine needle or debris removal day in
cooperation with the local fire department
Hold a FIREWISE Education day (Forest Health
Expo- April 11-12) that provides information about
proper plant and construction choices, introduces
local staff, and distributes pertinent FIREWISE
information for the community
Create a fuel removal project that
enlists local volunteers
Benefits of becoming a FIREWISE
• Neighborhood becomes a more safe
and secure environment
• More esthetically attractive properties
• Posted FIREWISE approval makes for
easier $ales and increased property
• Can result in lowering or sustaining
costs of homeowners insurance
• And it may save your life, your
neighbor’s life and your property!
Ahhhh….remember when???