Cameron University Library Faculty Resource Guide Information Literacy Sessions Student and Faculty Tutorials Films on Demand Videos Interlibrary Loan Policy Contact Information Friends & Family Resources Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Upon request, Cameron Library obtains research Exploring Cameron Library Faculty Resources materials not available at Cameron University Library for current faculty, staff, students and faculty emeriti. Plan ahead, as some items are more difficult than others to obtain. Cameron University library promotes scholarly inquiry and work by providing materials and services associated with the access and use of information. Access to print and electronic materials is available in the physical library and through the library’s webpages. The library houses comfortable work areas, a fully equipped computer lab, and a group of friendly staff members trained to assist Cameron University patrons with their library needs. Information Literacy Sessions Student Tutorials ILL Costs Tutorials that help students locate information, evaluate information, and synthesize information are available through the library website. Interlibrary loan personnel will notify patrons in advance of charges. Borrowers are responsible for paying overdue fines and the cost of lost or damaged materials. Faculty Tutorials Librarians provide customized group information literacy instruction upon request. Visit for details. ILL Periods Classes can be customized to meet specific faculty and student needs. Lending library personnel Topics Covered: establish book and media loan periods. Those who wish to retain an item beyond the initial due date should notify interlibrary loan personnel of this fact three or more days prior to the due date. Articles are the borrower’s to keep. Student and Faculty Tutorials Tutorials that help faculty integrate Films on Demand videos and articles into their Blackboard classes are available through the library website. Films on Demand The library home page provides 24/7 electronic access to over 10,000 Films for the Humanities and Sciences videos. Understanding LC call numbers Searching the CU Library Catalog Database searching Selection of appropriate sources Narrowing both the topic and the results Citation formats Categories: L i b ra ry B l a ckb o a rd Mo d u l e s The library offers Blackboard modules that introduce basic library skills to students. Humanities & Social Sciences Business & Economics Science & Mathematics Health & Medicine Archival Films & Newsreels Who do I contact for…? Need Help? Chat with a Librarian Information Literacy/Blackboard Scheduling Assistance: Jason Smith, x5565 Requesting Resources Assistance: Cathy Blackman, x2917 Technical Assistance: Mandi Smith, x2961 Interlibrary Loan Assistance: Belinda Ferguson, x2382 Course Reserves Assistance: Wensheng Wang, x6710 Archives Assistance: Jason Smith, x5565 Circulation Assistance: Circulation Desk, x2956 Research Assistance: Reference Desk, x2957 General Questions: Reference Desk, x2957 Call (580) 581-2957 Text (580) 982-5204 Tweet @CameronLibrary Librarian Contact Information Email Stop by the Reference Desk Dr. Sherry Young—Director (580) 581-2403 Cathy Blackman—Cataloging (580) 581-2917 Jason Smith—Archives & Interlibrary Loan (580) 581-5565 Wensheng Wang—Access Services (580) 581-6710 Mandi Smith—Technical & Electronic Services (580) 581-2961 CU Library Supports Undergraduate Research Are you working with a student to either identify or complete a special research project? Would you like to share the results of a completed project with others? If so, Cameron Librarians can provide the following assistance. Individualized instruction focused on location of scholarly resources relevant to the research topic Display of the student’s work inside of the library Contact a librarian for additional information Faculty Friends and Family Member Resources Lawton community members may borrow books, music CDs, and video recordings. We also offer quiet study and reading spaces. Tell your friends and family members! K-12 curriculum Juvenile fiction and nonfiction Leisure reading materials Audiobooks Educational and entertainment DVDs Music CDs Visit our website at