Exhibit No.6 EXAMPLES OF TARIFF RATE CALCULATIONS FROM PJM, NEPOOL, VERMONT ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC., AND BANGOR HYDROELECTRIC COMPANY PJM OPEN ACCESS TRANSMISSION TARIFF Please Note: This document does not include certain Tariffrevisions that are pending FERC approval. Includes FERC-Approved Revisions As Of December 13, 2000. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff Fifth Revised Sheet No. 84 SCHEDULE 7 Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service 1) The Transmission Customer shall pay each month for Reserved Capacity at the sum of the applicable charges set forth below for the Point ofDelivery: Summary of Charges (in $/kW) Point of Delivery Yearly Charge Monthly Charge Weekly Charge Daily On.PeakV Charge Daily Off-Peak~ Charge BorderofRJl Control Area1~ 21.209 1.767 0.4079 0.0816 0.0583 AEZone 23.809 1.984 0.4580 0.0920 0.0650 BG&E Zone 15.675 1.306 0.30 10 0.0600 0.0430 DelmarvaZone 19.378 1.615 0.3730 0.0750 0.0530 JCPL Zone 15.112 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 ietEdZone 15.112 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 PenelecZone 15.112 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 PECO Zone 26.264 2.189 0.5051 0.1010 0.0722 PPL Zone 22.044 1.837 0.4240 0,0850 0.0600 Pepco Zone 20.999 1.750 0.4040 0.0810 0.0580 PSE&GZone 23.696 1.975 0.4557 0.0911 0.0651 2) The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily On-Peak Delivery, or Daily Off-Peak Delivery shall not exceed the Weekly Delivery rate specified in section (1) above for weekly service times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity and any additional transmission service, if any, in any day during such week. 1” Monday Friday except the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial thy, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. V Saturday and Sunday and the followingholidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. - Revised: Effective: March 3, 2000 June 1, 2000 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff Fifth Revised Sheet No. 86 SCHEDULE 8 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service 1) The Transmission Customer shall pay for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below for the Point of Delivery: Summary of Charges Point of Delivery Monthly Charge (SIkW) Weekly Charge (51kW) Daily OnPeak1’ Charge (51kW) Daily OffPeak~1Charge (51kW) Hourly OnPeak~’Charge ($IMWh) Hourly OffPeak~’Charge ($/MWh) Border ~pf PJ~1 1767 Control Area ~ 04079 00816 00583 510 242 AEZone 1.984 0.4580 0.0920 0.0650 5.72 2.72 BG&E Zone 1.306 0.3010 0.0600 0.0430 3.80 1.80 DelmarvaZone 1.615 0.3730 0.0750 0.0530 4.66 2.21 JCPLZone 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 3.63 1.73 MetEd Zone 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 3.63 1.73 renelec Zone 1.259 0.2906 0.0581 0.0414 3.63 1.73 PECO Zone 2.189 0.505 1 0.1010 0.0722 6.31 3.01 PPLZone 1.837 0.4240 0.0850 0.0600 5.30 2.50 Pepco Zone 1.750 0.4040 0.0810 0.0580 5.00 2.40 PSE&GZone 1.975 0.4557 0.0911 0.0651 5.70 2.71 Monday Friday except the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. - V Saturday and Sunday and the followingholidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 7:00 a.m. up to the hour ending 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. up to the hour ending 7:00 a.m. Revised: Effective: March 3, 2000 June 1, 2000 NEW ENGLAND POWER POOL RESTATED NEPOOL OPEN ACCESS TRANSMISSION TARIFF FERC ELECTRIC TARIFF, FOURTH REVISED VOLUME NO. 1 (As amended through the Sixty-Fourth Agreement Amending New England Power Pool Agreement) Issued By: David T. Doot, Secretary Issued On: August 31, 2000 Effective: November 1, 2000 NEPOOL Tariff - Fourth Revised Vol. No. 1 (through the 64th Agreement] New England Power Pool FERC Electric Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 Per hour - Original Sheet No. 71 the Non-Firm T or 0 Rate “per day” divided by 24. The Pool PTF Rate shall be the Rate determined annually in accordance with paragraph (2) of Schedule 8. 21 Payment for Internal Point-to-Point Service Each Participant or Non-Participant which takes firm or non-firm Internal Point-to-Point Service shall pay to NEPOOL a charge per Kilowatt of Reserved Capacity based on an annual rate (the “IPTP Charge”) which shall be the Internal Point-to-Point Service Rate; provided that if either or both (i) a rate which is derived from the annual incremental cost, not otherwise borne by the Transmission Customer or a Generator Owner, of any new facilities or upgrades that would not be required but for the need to provide the requested service, or (ii) a rate which is equal to the Pool’s opportunity cost (if and when available) capped at the cost of expansion is greater than the Pool PTF Rate, the IPTP Charge shall be the higher of such amounts; provided further that no such charge shall be payable with respect to the use of Internal Point-to-Point Service to effect a delivery to the NEPOOL power exchange in an Interchange Transaction. If at any time NIEPOOL proposes to charge a rate based on opportunity cost, it shall first file with the Commission procedures for computing opportunity cost pricing for all Transmission Customers. The Issued By: David 1. Doot, Secretary Issued On: June 30, 2000 Effective: June 1, 2000 NEPOOL Tariff Fourth Revised Vol. No. I (through the 64th Agreement] - New England Power Pool FERC Electric Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. Original Sheet No. 72 1 Transmission Customer shall also be obligated to pay any ancillary service charges and any applicable congestion or other uplift charge required to be paid pursuant to Sections 24, 25A and 25B of this Tariff. The charge for firm Internal Point-to-Point Service shall be as follows: Per year - the IPTP Charge Per month - the IPTP Charge divided by 12 Per week - the 1IPTP Charge divided by 52 Per day - the IPTP Charge “per week” divided by 5; provided that the rate for 5 to 7 consecutive days may not exceed the “per week” rate. The rate for non-firm Internal Point-to-Point Service shall be as follows: Per year - the IPTP Charge Per month - the IPTP Charge divided by 12 Per week - the IPTP Charge divided by 52 Per day - the IPTP Charge “per week” divided by 7; Per hour the Issued By: David T. Doot, Secretary Issued On: June 30, 2000 non-firm IPTP Charge “per day” divided by 24. Effective: June 1, 2000 NEPOOL Tariff - Fourth Revised Vol. No. 1 (through the 64th Agreement] New England Power Pool FERC Electric Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 2nd Rev Sheet No. 73 Superseding 1st Rev 73 If several power marketers or other entities are involved in a series of sales of the same energy andlor capacity, transmission service shall be required only with respect to the delivery to the ultimate wholesale buyer, and if an Internal Point-to-Point Service charge is payable with respect to the transaction, the charge shall be paid only with respect to the delivery to, and absent other arrangements the charge shall be paid by, the ultimate wholesale buyer. 22 Reservation of Capacity for Point-to-Point Transmission Service Compliance with the applicable requirements of Part V of this Tariffis required for the initiation of Through or Out Service or Internal Point-to-Point Service. [Next Sheet is 74] Issued By: David T. Doot, Secretary Issued On: August 31, 2000 Effective: November 1, 2000 NEPOOL Tariff Fourth Revised Vol. No. 1 (through the 64th Agreement] - LOCAL OPEN ACCESS TRANSMISSION TARIFF OF VERMONT ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC. Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. Local Open Access Transmission Tariff Original Sheet No. 132 SCHEDULE 8 Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider each month for Reserved Capacity at the sum of the applicable charges set forth below: 1) Yearly delivery: the same charge as for monthly delivery per MW of Reserved Capacity per month. 2) Monthly delivery: the revenue requirement for that month divided by the coincident peak demand for that month per MW of Reserved Capacity per month. 3) Weekly delivery: by twelve (12) the charge for monthly delivery multiplied and divided by fifty-two (52) per MW of Reserved Capacity per week. 4) Daily delivery: the charge for weekly delivery divided by five (5) per MW of Reserved Capacity per day. The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, section shall not exceed the rate specified in (3) above times the highest amount in megawatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week. Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. Local Open Access Transmission Tariff Original Sheet No. 133 5) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission service as follows (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, customer-initiated requests for discounts (2) (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) any must occur once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. any discount agreed upon for service on a path, receipt to point(s) of delivery, offer the same discounted from point(s) of the Transmission Provider must transmission service rate for the same time period to all Eligible Customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of delivery on the Transmission System. For BANGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC OPEN ACCESS COMPANY TRANSMISSION TARIFF Filed December 30, Revised February 29, 1999 2000 Attachment P Exhibit 1 of 13 Bangor 1-lydro-Electric Company (BHE) Annual Revenue Requirements for Transmission Facilities for costs in SUMMARY Total Rates a b Line Description of Charges or Service c d e Supporting Document Amount $/kWIYr i Year g h Rates 12 Months 52 Weeks 7 Days 24 Hours $IkW!Mo $/kW!Wk $IkW/Day $!kW!Hr Col(e)112 Col(e)152 Col(g)/7 Col(h)/24 f I 2 3 4 Ancillary Services: Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service Scheduling Revenue Requirement Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Charges For Wholesale Customers Interconnected at 115 kV and Above and Taking Servcie Only at 115 kV and Above: 115kv and above Transmission Revenue Requirement Exh. 2 1.25 (1) Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 6 / Exh 8 1 3h/1 000 Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 6 / Exh 8 13h/1000 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 6 / Exh 8 13h11000 Network Integration Transmission Service Line 6 I Exh 8 13h/1000 Losses Exhibit 9 1.59% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Charges For Wholesale Customers Interconnected at Below 115 kV and Taking Service Only at Below 115kV: Below 115 kV Transmission Revenue Requirement Exh. 2 1.25 (2) Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 13 / Exh 8 13(h-i)/1000 Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 13/ Exh 8 13(h-i)/1000 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 13 / Exh 8 13(h-i)/1000 Network Integration Transmission Service Line 13 / Exh 8 13(h-i)/1 000 Losses Exhibit 9 1.41% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Charges For Wholesale Customers Interconnected at Below 115 kV and Taking Service Over All LNS Facilities:: Total Transmission Revenue Requirement Line 6 + Line 13 Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 7 + Line 14 Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 8 + Line 15 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Line 9 + Line 16 Network Integration Transmission Service Line 10 + Line 17 Losses Exhibit 9 2.98% Exhibit 12 Line 4 Line 3 I Exh 8 13h/1000