Cameron kicks off CU@SC series Saturday;

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, Aug. 31, 2005
Cameron kicks off CU@SC series Saturday;
several events planned for 2005-06 year
The Cameron University at the Simmons Center (CU@SC) fine arts and workshop series will open at 7
p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3, with “An Evening of Documentaries” presented by Dr. Matt Jenkins.
During Saturday’s event, Jenkins, who is an associate professor of communication at Cameron, will show
two of his documentaries, entitled Pray’s Passion and Historical Treasures, and Stories of Our Past: The
State Capital Publishing Company.
Jenkins’ documentaries have premiered at the Greenwich International Film Festival and the Bare Bones
International Film Festival, receiving numerous honors. Pray’s Passion earned Best Documentary at the
2004 Bare Bones International Film Festival, as well as the Best of Festival Award at the 2004 Berkeley
Video & Film Festival. The film was also recognized at the Oklahoma Board of Regents for Higher
Education meeting.
The film focuses on Glenn Pray, President of the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Company, located in Broken
Arrow. In 1960 Pray did what others had failed to do, build and sell a new car.
Jenkins’ second presentation – Historical Treasures, Stories of Our Past: The State Capital Publishing
Company – centers on State Capital Publishing Company, which was the largest printing company west of
the Mississippi River.
The documentary showings will be followed by a question-and-answer session with Jenkins.
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The CU@SC series will continue on Tuesday, Oct. 4, when the Cameron University’s theatre arts
department brings the production of The Day Room by Don DeLillo to Duncan. The show, which will have a
curtain time of 7:30 p.m., details the lives of patients, doctors and nurses working and living in a hospital.
As the play develops, normalcy is rocked out from under the audience.
This play will be the university’s entry into the American College Theatre Festival. Admission is $10 for
adults, $8 for senior citizens, military, and non-CU students. CU students are admitted free with Cameron
A Student Art Exhibition, which will include 120 works representing various assignments in the art
curriculum that demonstrate both technical and conceptual development, will be the third event in the
CU@SC series. The exhibition will open on Tuesday, Nov. 1 and run through Thursday, Nov. 10.
A preview of the exhibit will begin at 6:30 p.m., and will be followed by a concert of the Cameron University
Percussion Ensemble (CUPE) at 7 p.m. The CUPE is under the direction of Dr. James Lambert and
features 12 new members this year. The performance will feature a variety of music, including pieces with
the marimba and membrandophones. A reception for the artists will commence immediately after the
concert. The exhibit is free and open to the public during the Simmons Center’s normal business hours.
Admission for the percussion performance is $6 for adults, $4 for senior citizen, military, and non-CU
students. Cameron students are admitted free with CU identification.
The Spring 2006 semester will kick off with a solo piano concert performed by Dr. Thomas Labe, entitled “A
Russian Spectacular.” This powerful program will consist of Russian masterpieces by Rachmaninoff,
Liadov, Medtner and many others. The concert will take place at 8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 6, 2006. Admission is
$6 for adult, $4 for senior citizens, military, and non-CU students. Cameron students are admitted free with
CU identification. The Labe concert will be followed by a reception.
In response to last year’s overwhelming success, Dr. Vivian Thomlinson will present part two of her
workshop series “Grammar Matters!” at 1 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006. Thomlinson has taught at
Cameron since 1986, and has devoted her professional life to helping students and members of the
business community write with a more professional touch.
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As a professor of composition with an emphasis in language dynamics, she has offered communityoutreach workshops on writing for more than 15 years. She also spearheads the “Writing Across the
Curriculum” program at Cameron. A pre-registration fee of $10 is required for Thomlinson’s workshop.
Cameron University criminal justice professors Karin Dudash and Dan Ford will conduct a free workshop on
“Crisis Intervention” from 8 a.m. to Noon, and 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006. This program is
designed to help individuals recognize the onset of angry behavior and intervene before it escalates.
Workshop presenters will focus on basic development, communication, and strategies for identifying and
redirecting crisis behavior.
Dudash has 15 years of experience in the field of corrections and is certified in Nonviolent Crisis
Intervention by the Crisis Prevention Institute. Formally the Duncan chief of police, Ford is also certified by
the Crisis Intervention Institute. The workshop is free, but pre-registration is required.
The CU@SC series will close with an outdoor concert performed by the Cameron University Jazz
Ensemble. Under the direction of John Moots, the concert promises lively, upbeat entertainment. The
concert will take place at 4 p.m., Saturday, April 1, 2006, in the Redbud Courtyard at the Simmons Center.
Admission to the concert is free.
This event is held in conjunction with the “No Foolin’ Fun Run” event Cameron’s Academic Festival VI: CU
in Good Health, which requires an entrant fee. For more information on the run event, contact Dr. Sally
Soelle at 580.581.2947.
The CU@SC series are sponsored and supported by the Cameron University School of Liberal Arts, CUDuncan, and the Simmons Center. Receptions are co-sponsored by the Duncan Convention and Visitors
Bureau. Additional information, registration for workshops, concert tickets, or to be placed on the CU@SC
mailing list can be obtained by calling 580.581.5506 or 581.581.2491.
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Editors and Broadcasters: For details, contact CU Government & Community Relations at 580.581.2211.