Noted psychology researcher to lecture at CU

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, April 19, 2004
Noted psychology researcher to lecture at CU
Dr. Kate Bleckley, an assistant psychology professor at Texas Tech University, will discuss her current
research in a one-hour lunch talk, “Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Visual Attention
Allocation,” this week at Cameron University in Lawton.
Psi Chi, the campus psychology honor society, and the CU Student Government Association will provide
free pizza and drinks for Bleckley’s lecture, which begins at noon Wednesday, April 21, in the Student
Activities Building, located in the 300 block of University Drive. The free presentation is open to the public.
Bleckley is interested in the individual differences that predict performance in complex, real-world tasks.
Her research has focused on individual differences in working memory capacity, intelligence, and aging.
The researcher has examined the differences between younger and older adults on attention tasks and
looked at the factors that influence cross-hemispheric recruitment of neurons. She has also assessed
factors that predict performance on air traffic controller simulators.
Bleckley research has also explored cross-cultural differences in beliefs about aging.
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PR# 04-095
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