Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 AVERAGING MECHANISM FOR WEATHER-RELATED TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION REVENUES Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 1 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 2 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 Contents 1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 5 2 2006 AND 2007 DIFFERENCES: IMPACT OF REVISION OF CLIMATIC NORMAL 6 3 2006–2007 RESIDUAL BALANCE AND NEW ADDITIONS ........................ 8 4 FINANCIAL IMPACTS ............................................................................... 10 5 ALLOCATION OF AVERAGING ACCOUNT AMORTIZATION.................. 11 6 REQUEST CONCERNING AVERAGING ACCOUNT ............................... 13 Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 3 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 4 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution 1 Application R-3677–2008 BACKGROUND In rate application R-3579-2005, the Distributor proposed to implement an averaging mechanism aimed at neutralizing the impacts on its transmission and distribution income of any weather-related variation in real sales volumes with respect to projected volumes. The Distributor recalls that for ratesetting purposes, it forecasts sales under normal weather conditions from a standardized history netted of temperature effects. Any temperature variation with respect to this normal generates an impact on sales revenues. The Distributor’s proposal is thus based on the fact that sales revenues fluctuate with temperature while the Distributor must bear any and all fixed transmission and distribution costs, creating an impact on the Distributor’s results and return. In its decision D-2006-34,1 the Régie accepted the Distributor’s proposed weatherrelated transmission and distribution revenue averaging mechanism and calculation methods, applicable as of 1 January 2006. An averaging account was created for this purpose. It contains the monthly differences between the real distribution and transmission revenues and the corresponding projected revenues. Since the differences are calculated from real results for a full year, and given the constraints related to the rate case filing dates, the differences recorded in the account are included in the rate base for the second test year following the year in question. As mentioned in applications R-3579-2005 and R-3610-2006, insofar as weather conditions vary randomly around an average climatic scenario, the positive and negative fluctuations should cancel each other out over the long run, obeying a normal 1 D-2006-34, R-3579-2005, pp. 19–21. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 5 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 distribution. This being the case, the weather-related differences should tend to zero out over the years. Therefore, the Distributor did not see the need to amortize the balance of the averaging account. Only the aspect related to financial expenses was taken into account in the revenue requirement. However, in case R-3610-2006, the Distributor specified that by monitoring the account over a certain period, it will be possible to determine whether the offsetting phenomenon actually took place or whether the balance grew from year to year. In the latter case, the Distributor reserved the right to request amortization of the balance. In this connection, and further to decision D-2007-12, the Distributor asserted that the temperature-related volume differences might offset each other over the years but that the dollar differences might not do so. In 2008 the Distributor wishes to return to this matter, particularly in a context in which it has revised its climatic normal. 2 2006 AND 2007 DIFFERENCES: IMPACT OF REVISION OF CLIMATIC NORMAL As presented in Exhibit HQD-9, Document 1 and in the Distributor’s 2007 annual report,2 the balance of the averaging account stood at $131.9 million as at 31 December 2007, including applicable interest. This balance represented an undercharge for the Distributor and was integrated into the Distributor’s rate base as of 1 January 2008. The differences recorded in 2007, signed oppositely, were much lower, only $2.6 million. With applicable interest, an overcharge of $3.3 million will be included in the rate base as of 1 January 2009. 2 HQD-4, Document 3, p. 8. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 6 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 The differences recorded in the averaging account were calculated based on the climatic normal established and used by the Distributor before 2008. As described in its rate application R-3644-2007 (HQD-2, Document 1), the Distributor, for purposes of demand forecasting, has introduced a new climatic normal applied as of 2008. Table 1 presents the differences for 2006 and 2007 as calculated from the old and the new climatic normals for each customer class using the Régie-approved allocation method. The impact on each class is determined by calculating the difference between the balances calculated with the old and new normals for each class. TABLE 1 DIFFERENCES RECORDED IN AVERAGING ACCOUNT FOR EACH CUSTOMER CLASS FOR 2006 AND 2007: OLD VERSUS NEW NORMAL Averaging account 2006 Old normal New normal Difference 2007 Old normal New normal Difference Combined Old normal New normal Difference Rate D Rate DT Rate G Rate M Rate L TOTAL (M$) 105.90 78.88 27.02 13.33 10.57 2.76 11.32 8.81 2.51 1.33 1.03 0.30 0.06 0.04 0.01 131.94 99.34 32.60 (1.65) (24.19) 22.54 (0.74) (3.21) 2.47 (0.70) (4.66) 3.96 (0.20) (0.56) 0.36 (0.01) (0.08) 0.07 (3.30) (32.71) 29.41 104.25 54.69 49.56 12.59 7.36 5.23 10.62 4.14 6.47 1.13 0.47 0.66 0.04 (0.04) 0.08 128.64 66.63 62.01 As indicated in the above table, the amount of $62.0 million represents a portion of the averaging account exceeding the differences resulting from the use of the new climatic normal, which for this reason are not likely to be offset. The Distributor therefore proposes to fully include this portion in the 2009 revenue requirement. This portion Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 7 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 thereby ceases to generate financing costs. The Distributor specifies that this measure does not constitute a retroactive application of the new climatic normal since the balance to be amortized remains $128.6 million based on the old normal. The purpose of this proposal is exclusively to amortize as adequately as possible a portion of the averaging differences that does not correspond to the principle of offsetting. 3 2006–2007 RESIDUAL BALANCE AND NEW ADDITIONS As regards the residual balance of $66.6 million and the addition of future differences to the rate base, the Distributor requests authorization to straight-line amortize them over a five-year period starting in 2009. The proposal to amortize the amounts recorded in the averaging account is based on the following considerations: • weather uncertainties subsisting beyond the Distributor’s revision of the climatic normal in 2008; • the uncertainty linked to the changes in the Distributor’s unit revenue over the years, conditioned by the changes in its various costs and rate strategies. These considerations lead one to believe that offsetting of differences over time might not be symmetrical in terms of volume or monetary value. From this standpoint, the zeroing of the averaging account balance over the long term appears uncertain. For these reasons, and in keeping with its statement on page 13 of application R-36102006, HQD-4, Document 4, the Distributor hereby requests authorization to amortize the balance of its averaging account. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 8 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 The Distributor proposes to straight-line amortize the balance of the averaging account included in the rate base, the most appropriate method given the nature of the account, which is designed to smooth the effects of temperature variations. In addition, since the differences recorded in the averaging account have no future utility, it would be inappropriate to weight them variably over the amortization period in question. As to the choice of amortization period, the Distributor is considering the fact that the differences recorded in the averaging account and included in the rate base result from undercharges and/or overcharges recorded in previous test years and represent no future advantage. Furthermore, while the zeroing of these differences in monetary terms appears uncertain, as explained above, the Distributor cannot completely ignore the compensatory nature of temperature fluctuations on sales volumes and, to a certain extent, on the monetary differences recorded in the averaging account. For this reason, the Distributor considers an amortization period of five years to be reasonable for the purposes of amortization of the differences recorded in the averaging account. This is also the period used by Gaz Métro for its temperature-related rate stabilization account. The annual amortization calculation will distinguish each of the years with which the respective components of the averaging account balance are associated. This will enable the Distributor to allocate the amortized amounts according to the customer class allocation factors specific to each of these years, as discussed in section 5. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 9 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution 4 Application R-3677–2008 FINANCIAL IMPACTS Table 2 below presents the impact of the five-year amortization (2009–13) considering only the balance as at 31 December 2008. TABLE 2 IMPACTS OF AMORTIZATION OF AVERAGING ACCOUNT BALANCE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Proposal – amortization Averaging account balance 31/12/2008 Additions on 1/1/2009 re 2007 differences Balance of account in BT as at 1 January 131.9 -3.3 128.6 53.3 40.0 26.6 13.3 Amortization balance relating to old normal Amortization remaining balance Total amortization 62.0 13.3 75.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 128.6 Unamortized balance Return on unamortized balance (7.65%) Effect on additional required revenues Status quo without amortization Balance account in BT as at 1 January Return on unamortized balance (7.65%) Differential financial expenses Return on unamortized balance – proposal Return on unamortized balance – status quo Difference 53.3 4.1 79.4 40.0 3.1 16.4 26.6 2.0 15.4 13.3 1.0 14.3 0.0 0.0 13.3 10.2 138.8 128.6 9.8 128.6 9.8 128.6 9.8 128.6 9.8 128.6 9.8 49.2 4.1 9.8 -5.8 3.1 9.8 -6.8 2.0 9.8 -7.8 1.0 9.8 -8.8 0.0 9.8 -9.8 10.2 49.2 -39.0 Table 2 shows that the effects of the proposal on the financial expenses are favorable since they result in savings of $39 million over the five-year amortization period. The amortized amounts have no direct effect on the revenue requirement since they affect the electricity sales revenues rather than the charges. They do, however, have an impact on the additional required revenues. According to the differential analysis, the impact of the Distributor’s proposal results in an $89.6 million increase in the additional required revenues resulting from the amortized amount of $128.6 million minus the $39 million decrease in financial expenses. This effect, however, does not take account of the offsetting that might take place in the years 2010–13. If major oppositely signed differences are recorded, the ultimate conclusion as to the total effect on the additional required revenues could be entirely different. Nevertheless, the Distributor notes that Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 10 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 the balance of an averaging account that is not zeroed over time could prove costly to customers who bear its financing cost. Thus, the $131.9 million differences attributable to 2006 included interest of $11.4 million at the time of their inclusion in the rate base and generated additional financial expenses in 2008 of $10.3 million ($131.9 million x 7.81%). 5 ALLOCATION OF AVERAGING ACCOUNT AMORTIZATION In view of the Distributor’s proposals relating to the averaging account for transmission and distribution revenues, we must present the amounts that will be amortized, distinguishing the portion relating to the change in climatic normal (see section 2) and the portion relating to the other differences associated with 2006–08, as well as the differences that will be recorded in the averaging account of the rate base as from 2009. For projected test year 2009, these amortizations are, respectively, $62.0 million due to the change in climatic normal and $13.3 million corresponding to one-fifth of the residual balance of the averaging account for the transmission and distribution revenues. As with the interest calculation, the amortizations will be calculated on the differences for each specific year. This will facilitate the assignment of amortizations to the right balances. Since the averaging account is already established for different customer classes according to the method approved by the Régie, the amortization by classes is calculated using the same proportions. This is equivalent to taking one-fifth of the balance for each customer class. For 2009, the amortization charge for the averaging account is presented in Table 3. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 11 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution Application R-3677–2008 TABLE 3 ALLOCATION OF AMORTIZATION OF AVERAGING ACCOUNT BALANCE AS AT 1 JANUARY 2009 M$ Rate D Rate DT Rate G Rate M Rate L Total (M$) Revision new climatic normal ($62.01 million) Amortization of 2006 account Amortization of 2007 account Subtotal 27.02 22.54 49.56 2.76 2.47 5.23 2.51 3.96 6.47 0.30 0.36 0.66 0.01 0.07 0.08 32.60 29.41 62.01 Amortization of 2006 account Amortization of 2007 account Subtotal 15.78 (4.84) 10.94 2.11 (0.64) 1.47 1.76 (0.93) 0.83 0.21 (0.11) 0.09 0.01 (0.02) (0.01) 19.87 (6.54) 13.33 Total amortization 2009 60.50 6.70 7.30 0.76 0.08 75.34 Balance new climatic normal ($66.63 million) As regards cost allocation, these amortizations by customer class are presented in the “Other” function in Table 27B of Exhibit HQD-11, Document 3.3 The treatment of the averaging account amortization is similar to that of the other electricity revenues. 3 Pursuant to decision D-2005-34 (p.92), column 6 of Table 1 of Exhibit HQD-11, Document 3 presents the sum of the other revenues and the amortization of the averaging account for each customer class. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 12 of 13 Hydro-Quebec Distribution 6 Application R-3677–2008 REQUEST CONCERNING AVERAGING ACCOUNT AMORTIZATION Summarizing the amortization mechanisms proposed in this document, the Distributor hereby requests the following authorizations from the Régie: • for straight-line amortization as of 2009, over a five-year period, of the differences recorded in the averaging account included in the rate base, with the exception of the differences mentioned in the following paragraph; • for full amortization in 2009 of the sum of $62.0 million based exclusively on the old climatic normal, for which no zeroing is possible. Original : 2008-08-01 HQD-4, Document 2 Page 13 of 13