Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 COST-OF-SERVICE ALLOCATION 2009 Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 1 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie HQT-11, Document 2 Application R-3669-2008 Original : 2008-07-29 Page 2 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 LIST OF TABLES 1. List of Modifications Since Application R-3640-2004 .............................................5 Table 1: Summary by Cost-of-Service Function 2009 ($M) ........................................6 Table 2: Allocation by Function of the 2009 Rate Base ($k).......................................7 Table 3: Allocation by Function of the Expenses Necessary to the 2009 Cost of Service 2009 ($M) ..........................................................................................................8 Table 4: Description of Factors for the Allocation of Assets .....................................9 Table 5: Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-ofService .........................................................................................................................11 Table 6: Description of Allocation Factors by Service .............................................16 Table 7: Allocation by Cost-of-Service Component 2009 ($M).................................19 Table 8: Allocation by Service of the Cost-of-Service 2009 ($M) .............................20 Table 9: Cost-of-Service Allocation 2009 ($M) ..........................................................21 HQT-11, Document 2 Original : 2008-07-29 Page 3 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie HQT-11, Document 2 Application R-3669-2008 Original : 2008-07-29 Page 4 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 1. List of Modifications Since Application R-3640-2004 Toulnustouc-Type Connections Sub-Function New sub-function concerning the cost for Toulnustouc-type connections. A new allocation rule was added concerning the assets Development fees and other deferred fees. Une affectation directe est réalisée afin d'accroître la précision. Ontario Sub-Function New sub-function concerning the cost of the interconnection with l'Ontario. Allocation Factors for the functions Generation Step-up and Network Allocation factors based on the transmission requirements that correspond to those functions, considering the new Toulnustouc-type connections sub-function. HQT-11, Document 2 Original : 2008-07-29 Page 5 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 1 Summary by Cost-of-Service Function 2009 ($M) Note 1: Allocation of assets for functions SCC/CT, Support and Telecommunications pro-rated to specific assets Note 2: Allocation pro-rated to rate base 13 balances Note 3: Allocation of expenses necessary to the cost of service SCC/CT Support and Telecommunications pro-rated to specific assets First column (translation of functions & sub-functions): Connection of plants: step-up stations, connection lines; Network: Extra high voltage (Mtl-QC and Mtl surrounding Area), Extra high voltage-Others; Customer connections: step-down stations, connection of high voltage customers; Interconnections: Churchill Falls, Ontario, Others; Total Columns Titles (horizontally): (1) to (5) Rate base 13 Balances : (1)Specific Assignments; (2) SCC/CT (note 1) (3) **Support (note 1) (4) Telecomm (note 1) (5) Total (6) Return on the rate base columns (note 2) (6) to (10) Expenses necessary to the cost of service (7)Specific Assignments; (8) SCC/CT (note 3) (3) Support (note 3) (4) Telecomm (note 3) (5) Total (12) revenue requirement (6 + 11) **NOTE: Throughout this document, the word “Soutien” has been used to describe function no.3. This word in rendered in English as “Support” Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 6 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 2 Allocation by Function of the 2009 Rate Base ($k) See Appendix for Table key (p.22 of the current document) Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 7 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 3 Allocation by Function of the Expenses Necessary to the 2009 Cost of Service 2009 ($M) See Appendix for Table key (p.23 of the current document) Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 8 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 4 Description of Factors for the Allocation of Assets Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor All line items Corporate rules The Transmission Provider’s main units include the main South-West Transmission department, the main North-East Transmission department, the Operations department and the other units. The Transmission Provider’s other units are: Office of the President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, the Controller as well as the following departments: Human Resources, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs, Planning of Assets, Energy Movements Control Department, and Expertise and technical support for transmission. Substations Direct Assignment Substations are attributed directly to the corresponding functions. Lines Direct Assignment Lines are attributed directly to the corresponding functions. Other network assets Direct Assignment The other network assets are attributed directly to the corresponding functions. Support assets Support assets are attributed directly to the corresponding functions. Direct Assignment Telecommunications Direct Assignment Telecommunications assets are attributed directly to the Telecommunications function. Intangible assets Direct Assignment Intangible assets are attributed directly to the corresponding functions. Assets for accumulated benefits Salary costs (or payroll) Assets pertaining to accumulated benefits are attributed to the different functions according to salary costs. Debt for accumulated benefits Salary costs Debt pertaining to accumulated benefits is attributed to the different functions according to salary costs. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 9 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 4 Description of Allocation Factors for Assets (Continued) Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Regulatory assets Net capital assets and net intangible assets Regulatory assets are attributed to different functions according to the net capital assets in operation and net intangible assets for the year in question (excluding Telecommunications assets). Development fees and other deferred fees Direct Assignment Development fees and other deferred fees associated with Telecommunications assets are attributed directly to the Telecommunications function. Development fees and other deferred fees Direct Assignment Development fees and other deferred fees associated with Toulnustouc-type connections are attributed directly to that function. Development fees and other deferred fees Net capital assets and net intangible assets Development fees and other deferred fees associated are attributed to the different functions according to net capital assets in operation and net intangible assets for the year in question (excluding Telecommunications assets and those associated with Toulnustouc commitments). Government refund Net capital assets of overhead lines of the Southern territory The government refund is attributed directly to the different functions on the basis of net capital assets in operation for overhead lines of the main South West department for the year in question. Regulatory cash balance Gross direct expenses The Regulatory cash balance is attributed to the different functions according to gross direct expenses. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 10 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 5 Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-of-Service Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Materials, fuel and supplies Net capital assets and net intangible assets Materials, fuel and supplies are attributed directly to the different functions according to net capital assets in operation and net intangible assets for the year in question (excluding Telecommunications assets). All line-items Corporate rules The Transmission Provider’s main units include the main South-West Transmission department, the main North-East Transmission department, the Operations department and the other units. The Transmission Provider’s other units are: Office of the President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, the Controller as well as the following departments: Human Resources, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs, Planning of Assets, Energy Movements Control department, Expertise and technical support for transmission, and Special Projects. Gross direct expenses Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. Gross direct expenses Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/TC function. Gross direct expenses Direct Assignment For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Shared service expenses Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 11 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 5 Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-of-Service (continued) Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Shared services expenses Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Shared services expenses Direct Assignment The amounts associated with the Operations department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Shared services expenses Maintenance Hours For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Shared Services Center Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. Shared Services Center Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Shared Services Center Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with the Operations department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Shared Services Center Supplier return Direct Assignment For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 12 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 5 Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-of-Service (continued) Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Groupe Technologie Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. Groupe Technologie Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Groupe Technologie Supplier return Direct Assignment The amounts associated with the Operations department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Groupe Technologie Supplier return Maintenance Hours For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Capital costs Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. Capital costs Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Capital costs Direct Assignment The amounts associated with the Operations department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 13 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 5 Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-of-Service (continued) Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Capital Costs Investment Hours For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Internal billing Direct Assignment Internal billing Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. The amounts associated with this line-item for the Energy Movements Control department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. Internal billing Direct Assignment Internal billing Maintenance Hours Transmission services purchases Direct Assignment Electricity purchases Direct Assignment Amortization Direct Assignment Amortization Direct Assignment Amortization Nat capital assets and Net intangible assets Original : 2008-07-29 The amounts associated with the Operations department are attributed directly to the SCC/CT function. For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. The amounts associated with this line-item are attributed directly to the Interconnections Others and High voltage network functions. The amounts associated with this line-item are attributed directly to the Support function. The amounts associated with the amortization of capital assets in operation as well as intangible assets are attributed directly to the functions. The amounts associated with other amortization of telecommunication assets are attributed directly to the Telecommunications function. The amounts associated with amortization other than those mentioned above are attributed to the different functions according to net capital assets in operation and net intangible assets for the year in question (excluding Telecommunications assets). HQT-11, Document 2 Page 14 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 5 Description of Allocation Factors for Expenses Necessary to the Cost-of-Service (continued) Line-Item Criterion Description of the Factor Municipal and school taxes Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item are attributed directly to the Support function. Other taxes Direct Assignment The amounts associated with taxes for other telecommunications assets are attributed directly to the Telecommunications function. Other taxes Net capital assets and net intangible assets Regulatory assets are attributed to different functions according to the net capital assets in operation and net intangible assets for the year in question (excluding Telecommunications assets). Other revenues from internal billing Direct Assignment The amount associated with this line item is directly attributed to the Telecommunications function. Corporate expenses 50% gross direct expenses 50% net capital assets The amount is allocated among functions according to corporate rules, that is to say, in a proportion of 50% for gross direct expenses and 50% for net capital assets in operation. Interest from Government refund Net capital assets of overhead lines of the Southern territory The amount associated with this line-item is attributed directly to the different functions on the basis of net capital assets in operation for overhead lines of the main South West department for the year in question. External billing Direct Assignment The amounts associated with this line-item for the Transmission Provider’s other units, except for the Energy Movements Control department, are attributed directly to the Support function. External billing Net capital assets and net intangible assets For the main South-West and North-East Transmission departments, the amounts associated with this line-item are attributed directly according to the maintenance hours for each of the departments. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 15 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 6 Description of Allocation Factors by Service Line-Item Step-up stations Criterion Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements Description of the Factor The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 1) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQTHIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses); and 2) The portion of annual energy requirements for this service that is in the total annual energy requirements, from which is removed the energy associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH described above. Connection lines Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 1) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQTHIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses); and 2) The portion of annual energy requirements for this service that is in the total annual energy requirements, from which is removed the energy associated with point-to-point reservations HQTCRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH described above. Extra high voltageMtl-Qc and Mtl surrounding area Portion of annual coincident peak Original : 2008-07-29 The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service in proportion to the capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses). HQT-11, Document 2 Page 16 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Extra high voltage-Others Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements Application R-3669-2008 The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 1) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses); and 2) The portion of annual energy requirements for this service that is in the total annual energy requirements, from which is removed the energy associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH described above. 450 kV Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 1) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with point-to-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses); and 2) The portion of annual energy requirements for this service that is in the total annual energy requirements, from which is removed the energy associated with point-to-point reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH described above. High voltage Portion of annual coincident peak The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service in proportion to the capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for this service that is in the total capacity requirements for the annual coincident peak, from which is removed the capacity associated with pointto-point service reservations HQT-CRT, HQT-DER and HQT-HIGH (of 105 MW, 32 MW, and 237 MW respectively including transmission losses). Step-down stations Connection of high voltage customers Direct Assignment The amount associated with this line-item is allocated directly to the native load transmission service. Direct Assignment The amount associated with this line-item is allocated directly to the native load transmission service. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 17 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Toulnustouc-type connections Direct Assignment The amount associated with this line-item is assigned directly to the long-term point-to-point transmission service. Churchill Falls Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 1) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. 2) The portion of annual energy requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. Ontario Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 3) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. 4) The portion of annual energy requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. Interconnections – Others Portion of annual coincident peak Portion of annual energy requirements The amount associated with this line-item is allocated by service according to the weighted sum of the following load factors: 5) The portion of capacity requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. 6) The portion of annual energy requirements associated with the annual coincident peak for long-term point-to-point services that is in the annual coincident peak. Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 18 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table 7 Allocation by Cost-of-Service Component 2009 ($M) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (1) (2) (3) Functions % % Capacity Energy Connection of plants - Step-up stations - Connection lines Network - Extra high voltage- Mtl-Qc surrounding area - Extra high voltage- others - 450 kV - High voltage 12 Customer connections - Step down stations - connection of high voltage customers - Toulnustouc-type connections 13 14 15 16 Interconnections - Churchill Falls - Ontario - Others 17 Total (4) % Specific Assignments (5) (6) Allocation by Component Allocation Factor* Capacity (7) (8) Energy (9) Specific Assignments Total 41.5% 41.5% 58.5% 58.5% A A 105.6 17.4 149.1 24.6 254.7 42.0 100.0% 0.0% B 354.4 0.0 354.4 41.5% 41.5% 100.0% 58.5% 58.5% 0.0% A A B 340.4 48.4 522.7 480.6 68.4 0.0 820.9 116.8 522.7 41.4% 41.4% 41.4% 100.0% 100.0% C C 427.5 59.2 427.5 59.2 100.0% D 86.2 86.2 58.6% 58.6% 58.6% E E E 9.1 18.1 52.1 12.9 25.5 73.7 1,468.2 834.7 22.0 43.6 125.8 572.8 2,875.7 (A) Capacity-energy allocation factor based on the load factor of the sub-function (B) Capacity allocation factor based on the capacity of the sub-function (C) Direct assignment to the native load (D) Direct assignment to point-to-point services Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 19 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 (E) Capacity-energy allocation factor based on the load factor of the network Table 8 Allocation by Service of the Cost-of-Service 2009 ($M) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Allocation by Service % % Native Load 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Connection of plants - Step-up stations - Connection lines Network - Extra high voltage- Mtl-Qc surrounding area - Extra high voltage- others - 450 kV - High voltage 12 Customer connections - Step down stations - connection of high voltage customers - Toulnustouc-type connections 13 14 15 16 Interconnections - Churchill Falls - Ontario - Others 17 Total Point-toPoint Allocation Factor* % % Native Load Point-toPoint Total 95.0% 95.0% 58.5% 58.5% A A 241.8 39.8 12.8 2.1 254.7 42.0 94.9% 0.0% B 336.2 18.2 354.4 95.0% 95.0% 94.9% 58.5% 58.5% 0.0% A A B 779.6 110.9 495.9 41.3 5.9 26.8 820.9 116.8 522.7 C C 427.5 59.2 0.0 0.0 427.5 59.2 D 0.0 86.2 86.2 E E E 20.7 41.0 118.3 1.3 2.6 7.6 22.0 43.6 125.8 2,670.9 204.8 2,875.7 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% * (A) Capacity: Native load = 35,764 MW, Point-to-point = 1,934 MW, Energy: native load = 183,709 GWh, Point-to-point = 9,601 GWh (B) Capacity: Native load = 35,764 MW, Point-to-point = 1,934 MW (C) Direct assignment to the native load (D) Direct assignment to point-to-point services Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 20 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 (E) Capacity: Native load = 35,764 MW, Point-to-point = 1,934 MW, Energy: native load = 183,709 GWh, Point-to-point = 9,601 GWh Table 9 Cost-of-Service Allocation 2009 ($M) (1) Functions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Connection of plants - Step-up stations - Connection lines Network - Extra high voltage- Mtl-Qc & Mtl surrounding area - Extra high voltage- others - 450 kV - High voltage 13 14 15 16 Customer connections - Step down stations - connection of high voltage customers - Toulnustouc-type connections Interconnections - Churchill Falls - Ontario - Others 17 Total 12 Original : 2008-07-29 (2) Capacity (3) (4) Energy (5) Specific Assignments (6) (7) (8) Allocation by Component SubTotal Capacity Energy (9) Specific Assignments (10) Sub-Total Total 100.2 16.5 141.7 23.3 241.8 39.8 5.4 0.9 7.4 1.2 12.8 2.1 254.7 42.0 336.2 0.0 336.2 18.2 0.0 18.2 354.4 322.9 46.0 495.9 456.7 65.0 0.0 779.6 110.9 495.9 17.5 2.5 26.8 23.9 3.4 0.0 41.3 5.9 26.8 820.9 116.8 522.7 427.5 59.2 427.5 59.2 427.5 59.2 86.2 8.6 17.0 49.0 12.1 24.0 69.3 1,392.1 792.1 486.6 20.7 41.0 118.3 0.6 1.1 3.2 0.6 1.1 4.4 2,670.9 76.1 42.6 86.2 86.2 86.2 1.3 2.6 7.6 22.0 43.6 125.8 204.8 2,875.7 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 21 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 APPENDIX Table Key for TABLE 2: First column (translation of line-items): 1. Net tangible assets in operation: 2. Original Cost 3. Substations 4. Lines 5. Other assets of the network 6. Support assets 7. Telecommunications 8. Total; 9. Cumulative amortization: 10. Substations 11. Lines 12. Other network assets 13. Support assets: 14. Telecommunications 15. Total 16. Net value: 17. Substations, 18 Lines, 19. Other network assets 20. Support assets 21. Telecommunications 22. Total 34. working capital 35. Regulatory cash balance 36. Materials, fuels and supply 37. Total 38. Total 23. Intangible assets: 24. Original cost 25. Cumulative amortization 26. Net value 27. Non-amortized expenses 28. Accumulated benefits assets 28. Accumulated benefits debt 30. Regulatory Assets 31. Development fees and other deferred fees 32. Government refund 33. Total Columns Titles (horizontally): (1) Line-item (2) to (4) Connection of Plants: (2) step up stations (3) connection lines (4) total (5) to (9) Network: (5) Montreal surrounding area and Mtl-Qc corridor (6) Others (7) 450 kV (8) High voltage (9) Total (10) to (13) Customer connections: (10) Step-down stations (11) High Voltage customers (12) Toulnoustouc-type connections (13) Total (14) to (17) Interconnections: (14) Chrchill Falls (15) Ontario (16) other (17) Total (18) SCC/CT (19) Support (20) Telecommunications (21) Total Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 22 of 23 Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Application R-3669-2008 Table Key for TABLE 3: First column (translation of line-items): 1. Net operating expenses: 2. Gross direct expenses 3. Shared services expenses 4. Supplier return on assets 5. Capital costs 6. Internal billing 7. Other expenses 8. Transmission service purchases 9. Electricity purchases 10. Amortization 11. Taxes 12. Other revenues from internal billing 13. Corporate Expenses 14. Interest on government refund 15. External billing 16. Expenses necessary to the cost-of-service Columns Titles (horizontally): (1) Line-item (2) to (4) Connection of Plants: (2) step up stations (3) connection lines (4) total (5) to (9) Network: (5) Montreal surrounding area and Mtl-Qc corridor (6) Others (7) 450 kV (8) High voltage (9) Total (10) to (13) Customer connections: (10) Step-down stations (11) High Voltage customers (12) Toulnoustouc-type connections (13) Total (14) to (17) Interconnections: (14) Chrchill Falls (15) Ontario (16) other (17) Total (18) SCC/CT (19) Support (20) Telecommunications (21) Total Original : 2008-07-29 HQT-11, Document 2 Page 23 of 23