2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Target Date for Completion Assistant Vice Provost of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research (IEPR) Transfer $300 from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research (IEPR) budget to the operating budget of each department participating in a traditional program review and $200 to each department participating in an academic audit to assist with expenses related to the review. IEPR will pay the reviewer a $1500 honorarium and hotel expense directly. Oct. 23 - Oct. 31, 2015 IEPR Program Review Dashboard Walker Library Rachel Kirk Provide to the department chair the following data regarding enrollment, degrees awarded and SCH production for inclusion in Self-Study Report. Fall enrollment for previous 7 yrs, Degrees awarded for previous 7 yrs. Course offerings, enrollment for previous 5 yrs. Course offerings, frequency for previous 5 yrs. Oct. 23, 2015 Provide data to the department chair regarding the library holdings and services. The library report will include the following: Number of titles/volumes for subject area Number of journal titles (print ordered for that area) Expenditures for book and periodicals List of standing orders/continuations List of journals (print) and available on-line full-text journals Micro text collections related to the subject area Interlibrary loan services, including Athena project Information about library instruction classes Comparative information to other libraries Nov. 14th, 2015 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Department Chair in consultation with College Dean Appoint Departmental Graduate Program Review Committee composed of department members who are full and associate members of the Graduate Faculty. The size of the committee may vary depending upon the size of the graduate program, but it should have a minimum of three faculty members. The membership should represent each degree program and/or emphasis comprising the program. Department Chair Departmental Graduate Program Review Committee Department Chair Select a graduate student representative for the Departmental Graduate Program Review Committee. Prepare a self-study of the program . The self-study report should address all items on: THEC's "Program Review Rubric for Graduates Programs". Contact potential reviewers to determine availability to perform the external review during February 1, 2016 – April 15, 2016. If willing to be considered as a reviewer, request a CV for submission to the Graduate Council. Please refer to the Criteria for Selecting External Reviewers, http://www.mtsu.edu/iepr/docs/extrev04.pdf. Target Date for Completion Nov. 6, 2015 Nov. 6, 2015 Nov. 2015 - Jan. 15, 2016 Nov. 10th, 2015 or Dec. 1st, 2015 Department Chair & College Dean Submit a list of at least three potential external reviewers with curriculum vitae to Scott Handy, Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies Nov. 11th, 2015 or Dec.2nd, 2015 Associate Dean, College ofGraduate Studies Dr. Scott Handy Forward list of potential external reviewers, with accompanying documentation, to Graduate Council. Nov. 13th, 2015 or Dec.4th, 2015 Select a primary reviewer, plus alternatives from names forwarded by Department Chair. Nov. 20th, 2015 or Dec. 11th, 2015 Graduate Council 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies, Dr. Scott Handy Forward curriculum vitae of selected reviewer(s) to Chris Brewer, Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR Assist. Vice Provost, Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research Chris Brewer Vice Provost Dr. Tina Johnson Forward CV to the Vice Provost for approval. An official request to review the program cannot be extended until the Vice Provost has approved the person selected. Target Date for Completion Nov. 20th, 2015 or Dec. 11th, 2015 Nov. 23, 2015 or Dec. 14, 2015 Notify Chris Brewer, Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR when reviewer(s) approved. Nov. 23 -24, 2015 or Dec. 14-15, 2015 Assist. Vice Provost, Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research Chris Brewer Notify the Assoc. Dean, College of Graduate Studies, College Dean, and Department Chair when approval of external reviewer has been received from the Provost’s office. Provide guidelines for developing an itinerary during campus visit:http://www.mtsu.edu/iepr/docs/gprvsch.pdf. Nov. 23 -24, 2015 or Dec. 14-15, 2015 Department Chair Schedule dates for reviewer's campus visit, and notify Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR and the Assoc. Dean of Graduate Studies of the dates. Reviewers should be on campus at least 1½ days for an adequate review. Departmental Graduate Program Review Committee Submit draft self-study report to Department graduate faculty for review. Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research Forward contract to the external reviewer, and make reservations Office for the reviewer’s lodging. Dec. 19, 2015 Dec. 19, 2015 or Dec. 23, 2015 Dec. 19, 2015 - Jan. 8, 2016 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Target Date for Completion Department Chair Review Departmental Graduate Program Review Committee's self-study report and provide any additional comments. Forward report to the College Dean. A signature sheet should be attached to the front of the self-study report certifying that the report has been reviewed and approved by the Dept. Chair and College Dean. Dec. 23, 2015 - Jan. 8th, 2016 To print signature sheet from website, click here. College Dean Attached signature sheet to self-study and forward to Vice Provost, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, and AVP of IEPR. Click here, to print signature sheet from IEPR website. ***Send IEPR Office 2 copies: 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy Vice Provost Notify the Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR when self- study is approved or requires modifications Jan. 12th, 2016 Notify Dean and Department Chair if self-study has been approved or needs modifications. Jan. 13th, 2016 Assist. Vice Provost, Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research Department Chair Forward the approved self-study report to the external Reviewer. Jan. 8th - Jan. 11, 2016 At least 30 days prior to campus visit Submit self-study Jan. 18th Review Wk Feb. 22nd 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Target Date for Completion Jan. 25th Feb. 29th Feb. 2nd March14 Feb.15th March 21 Feb. 29th April 4th March 7th Department Chair in Prepare itinerary for external reviewer, including meetings with the consultation with Chair, Departmental Graduate Vice Provost, Department Chair, Department’s Graduate Faculty, Program Review Committee Graduate Students, College Dean, Library Dean, Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR and College of Graduate Studies Dean and Associate Dean. Provide copy of schedule to all participating parties. External Reviewer Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies and Department Chair External Reviewer Assist. Vice Provost, IEPR Visit campus to conduct program review. Provide additional materials requested by reviewer, such as theses, dissertations, or other data. Submit external reviewer reports (narrative report and Graduate Program Review Rubric) to the Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR. Provide copies of the external reviewer’s report to the Vice Provost, College Dean, Department Chair, Graduate Council Coordinator, Dean of the Library, and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. April 11th At least 2 weeks prior to campus visit February 22nd - April 15th, 2016 Per reviewer’s request Two weeks after campus visit Within 1 week following receipt of reviewer’s report 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Responsible Party Action Target Date for Completion Department Chair Prepare departmental response to reviewer’s evaluation of program and the activities needed to implement the actions recommended, and submit to the Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies, and the Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR. Due date will be specified by Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR when reviewer’s report is sent to chair, typically 2 weeks following receipt of reviewer’s report. Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies Provide external reviewer report, departmental response, and Departmental Graduate Program Review report to Graduate Council for review and recommendations. May 6th, 2016 Graduate Council or Associate Dean of CGS, Dr. Scott Handy Dean, College of Graduate Studies Meetings scheduled by IEPR Forward review and recommendations to Dr. Jackie Eller, Dean,College of Grad. Studies. 5/13/16 Review concerns raised by the external reviewer as well as standards not met or minimally met. Prepare the Provost’s Program Review Recommendation document and discuss the graduate program review with the Provost. 6/11/16 The Dean and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, College Dean and Department Chair will meet with the Vice Provost and Assist. Vice Provost of IEPR to discuss the external reviewer’s report and the department’s response. The Dean and Department Chair may invite other faculty members to the meetings as desired and appropriate. Following receipt of each departmental response ( 1 - 2 weeks after receipt of dept. response) 2015-16 Graduate Program Review Schedule of Activities MS HEALTH & HUMAN PREFORMANCE MS MASS COMMUNICATION MS MATHEMATICS MS PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE Action Responsible Party Department Chair and Graduate Holidays Thanksgiving break - November 26th - 27th Christmas Break - December 24th - January 1st Spring Break - March 7th - 12th SACS on-site visit March 28th-31st Last Day of class - April 27th Submit 1-Year Progress Report to Vice-Provost, College Dean, and IEPR Assistant Vice Provost. The report is to include a progress report on the action items included in the Undergraduate Program Review: Departmental Response form. Available dates for Reviews Feb. 22nd Feb. 29th March 14th March 21st April 4th April 11th - Feb. 26th March 4th March18th March 25th April 8th April 15th Target Date for Completion TBD