XXXX Bear Creek Hydro Generation Project Interconnection Facilities Study

Bear Creek Hydro Generation Project
Interconnection Facilities Study
Report No. SPA 2005-33
August 2005
System Planning (Lower Mainland & Vancouver Island)
British Columbia Transmission Corporation
© British Columbia Transmission Corporation, 2005. All rights reserved.
Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
Scope and Limitations:
This report was prepared by BCTC solely for the purposes described in this report, and is based on
information available to BCTC as of the date of this report. Accordingly, this report is suitable only for
such purposes, and is subject to any changes arising after the date of this report.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed by BCTC, BCTC does not represent or warrant the accuracy,
completeness or usefulness of this report, or any information contained in this report, for use or
consideration by any third party, nor does BCTC accept any liability out of reliance by a third party on
this report, or any information contained in this report, or for any errors or omissions in this report. Any
use or reliance by third parties is at their own risk.
This document contains proprietary information and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of BCTC
Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................. 3
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4
2.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE ........................................................................................... 5
2.1 Designations .......................................................................................................... 5
3.0 SYSTEM STUDIES ..................................................................................................... 6
4.0 DESCRIPTION OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES ......................................... 6
4.1 Direct Assignment Facilities ................................................................................. 6
4.1.1 Transmission Tie to 1L44............................................................................. 6
4.1.2 Protection Facilities...................................................................................... 6
4.1.3 Control Centre Information Facilities .......................................................... 6
4.1.4 Clowhom Substation Facilities..................................................................... 7
4.1.5 Telecommunications Facilities..................................................................... 7
4.1.6 Field Co-ordination ...................................................................................... 7
4.2 Network Upgrade Facilities................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Transmission Line Upgrades to 1L44 .......................................................... 7
4.2.2 Protection...................................................................................................... 7
4.2.3 Control.......................................................................................................... 7
4.2.4 Telecommunications .................................................................................... 7
5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND SCHEDULE ................................................................... 8
6.0 COST ESTIMATES FOR FACILITIES ...................................................................... 8
6.1 Direct Assignments (DA) Facilities ...................................................................... 8
6.2 Network Upgrade (NU) Facilities ......................................................................... 9
Appendix A – Documentation............................................................................................ 10
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
This report contains a description and associated costs for the BCTC facilities that are necessary
so that the Transmission System can accommodate the Bear Creek Hydro generation project near
Sechelt, British Columbia.
The interconnection facilities identified have been categorized as Direct Assignment or Network
The cost estimate is summarized in the following table:
Direct Assignment (DA)
Network Upgrades (NU)
$1,560K (+GST)
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
XXXX (IPP) is proposing to develop a hydroelectric power generating facility and integrate it
into the Transmission System near Sechelt BC. The IPP will generate a total of 19.35 MW to be
injected into the Transmission System at the BC Hydro Clowhom generating station (COM).
The IPP facility consists of Upper Bear and Lower Bear, and a small 138kV substation and is
collectively referred to as Bear Creek Hydro (BRK). Upper Bear will have one 13.8 kV
generator rated at 13 MVA with a power factor of 0.9, and Lower Bear will have one 13.8 kV
generator rated at 8.5 MVA with a power factor of 0.9. Maximum output from Upper Bear and
Lower Bear are 11.7 MW and 7.65 MW respectively.
The IPP will built a 7.5 km 138 kV overhead transmission line from Upper Bear to Lower Bear,
and another 6.2 km 138 kV overhead transmission line from Lower Bear to an proposed 138kV
substation within 200m of COM. The proposed in service date of the Bear Creek Hydro IPP is
September 2006.
The point of interconnection is the line side disconnect of BRK on line 1L44 at COM.
This report contains a description and associated costs for the BCTC facilities that are necessary
so that the Transmission System can accommodate the Bear Creek Hydro generation project.
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
On 12 April 2005, XXXX executed an Interconnection Impact Study and Facilities Study
Agreement (Agreement) with BCTC.
This report documents the Interconnection Facilities Study portion of the work described in the
Agreement. The studies are based on the technical submission of XXXX attached in Schedule A
of the Agreement.
The Interconnection Impact Study is covered in a separate report (SPA 2005-27).
Referenced Interconnection Facilities Study documentation is listed in Appendix A of this report.
The following are BCTC operating designations used throughout this report:
Operating Designation
BC Hydro
BC Transmission Corporation
System Control Centre
Lower Mainland Control Centre
South Interior Control Centre
Clowhom Substation
Gibsons Substation
Sechelt Substation
Bear Creek Hydro Substation
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
System Studies Results
Power flow, short circuit, analytical, transient stability, protection, control, and
telecommunications studies were performed to identify transmission system
limitations for interconnecting the BRK generation project.
Refer to the Interconnection Impact Study - Report No. SPA 2005-27 for details.
The interconnection facilities identified have been categorized as Direct Assignment or
Network Upgrades.
Direct Assignment Facilities
Transmission Tie to 1L44
A 138kv 4-structure tap line to BRK from the COM switchyard, a distance of
under 200m.
Protection Facilities
Connect COM 1L44 line protection (new primary and standby) to BRK 138 kV
CB CTs and initiate tripping of that breaker from COM 1L44 and T1 protection.
Trip into COM T1 protection from breaker failure protection of BRK 138 kV CB.
This will provide backup tripping for faults in the BRK installation.
Control Centre Information Facilities
The following work will be required at LMC, SIC and SCC:
Database and display work at LMC, SCC and SIC
Commissioning at LMC, SIC and SCC
Physical termination of D20 port at LMC
Data link facilities from LMC to SCC and SCC to SIC
Addition of the BRK generators to the Advanced Network Application system at
Details of the required status and telemetry points are covered in the Project
Interconnection Requirements.
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
Clowhom Substation Facilities
Connection of the ground grid of COM to BRK via two size 9 ground wires
acting as shield wires on the transmission tap to BRK.
Telecommunications Facilities
A 4W circuit for DNP3.0 IED (SCADA) from Bear Creek to COM. The tone will
interconnect at COM to LMC via BCH PLC and Microwave network.
Installation of XXXX supplied FOTs equipment between BRK and COM
Digital to analog conversion and DC power supply at COM to interface IPP
equipment to powerline carrier
Powerline carrier facilities between COM and GIB
Note: the PLC wave trap at COM is to be connected to the SEC side of the BRK
tap to 1L44, otherwise an additional trap must be provided by XXXX at BRK
DACs equipment at LMC is required
Field Co-ordination
Provide Field Coordinator duties associated with the commissioning of BRK to the
Transmission System in accordance with System Operating Order 1T-35. Refer to
Section 13.1 of “BCTC’s 69 kV to 500 kV Interconnection Requirements for Power
Generators" dated May 2004.
Network Upgrade Facilities
Transmission Line Upgrades to 1L44
Upgrade 1L44 COM to SCG and SCG to SEC to new summer ratings of 240 and
300 amps respectively.
New primary and standby line protection at COM for 1L44.
Add new telemetry for 1L44 and add BRK 52L status to RTU at COM. Add new
line telemetry and status points to database and displays at LMC.
Provide dial-up facilities for SEL-203X via Globestar satellites services for line
protection data access.
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
If BCTC facilities work can proceed by 01 December 2005, BCTC will make reasonable efforts
to complete the facilities and be ready for BRK synchronization by 30 September 2006.
The implementation assumptions, which have been used in the schedule development, are the
BCTC (and its contractors) would perform all work associated with the protection,
control centre and telecommunications (excluding satellite) facilities.
It is assumed that the 1L44 circuit will be de-energized during construction. XXXX is
responsible to repay BC Hydro and other IPP(s) tapped on circuit 1L44 for any
generation losses/costs incurred during construction.
All facilities identified for the connection have been categorized as Direct Assignment (DA)
Facilities or Network Upgrade Facilities (NU). The following provides a breakdown of the
Direct Assignments (DA) Facilities
The costs for DA facilities, as described in Section 4.0, are summarized in the following
Project Management
Study Work & Other Services
Transmission/Station Facilities
Protection Facilities
Control Centre Facilities
Telecommunications Facilities
Field Coordinator
Contingency (6.6%)
DA Total
$1,000K (+GST)
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
Network Upgrade (NU) Facilities
Project Management
Study Work & Other Services
Transmission Facilities
Protection Facilities
Control Centre Facilities
Telecommunications Facilities
Contingency (6%)
NU Total
$560K (+GST)
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Bear Creek Hydro IPP Interconnection Facility Study
August 2005
Appendix A – Documentation
The following drawings and notes are part of the project proposal submitted by
XXXX. Subsequent revisions or new documents may supersede some of these
documents. In such cases the latest issue is the governing document.
The following table lists the data and other information from XXXX with respect to
the Interconnection Facilities Study.
12 April 2005
Interconnection Impact Study and Facilities Study
1 March 2005
Generator Interconnection - Application
1 March 2005 ( dated Nov
Generator Equipment Statement ( GES)
1 March 2005 ( dated Nov
Transmission Entrance Equipment Statement (TEES)
13 May 2005
Supplement to the GES ( e-mail D. Marano to R.
Hefflick regarding BRK G2 voltage)
7 July 2005
Supplement to the TEES ( e-mail D. Marano to G.
Shtokalko regarding BRK transformer connections)
8 August 2005
Supplement to the GES ( e-mail D. Marano to R.
Hefflick regarding BRK generator reactance data
100-01 Rev 3 Nov. 30/04
Control Single One Line Diagram
Figure 1 Rev A 2002
Substation Location – Photo Sketch
Figure 2 Rev A 2002
Substation Layout – Preliminary Sketch
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