Document 12199003

R-3709-2009 Application
Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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R-3709-2009 Application
Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
Régie IRs 41.1, 42, 46.1 (partial), (AEÉ-9, Document 6)
41. References:
(i) Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-1, Document 5, page 1;
(ii) Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.2, (unpaginated,
page 2).
The allocation of the revenue requirement by energy source for the Building
Regulation (reference (i)) does not correspond to the allocation that the
application of the B_REGL_10-11 P factor would produce (reference (ii)).
In the following table, the Régie compares the allocated budget for the Building
Regulation with the allocation factor used.
Allocation of the Revenue Requirement – Building Regulation
Allocated Budget
Natural Gas
Heavy Fuel Oil
Light Fuel Oil
Operating Costs
Natural Gas
Heavy Fuel Oil
Light Fuel Oil
B_REGL_10-11 P
(reference (i))
% of total
(Régie calculation)
(reference (ii))
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
41.1 Please justify this variance or correct if necessary.
Contrary to what is indicated in the descriptions under which the percentages are
presented, the percentages produced in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.2
(unpaginated, page 2), should be applied to the overall revenue requirement for
the Building Regulation activity to be consistent with the amounts by energy
source produced in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-1, Document 5, page 1. Moreover, it should
be noted that an error occurred in these percentages, which should be replaced
with the following:
Natural Gas
Heavy Fuel Oil
Light Fuel Oil
In order to respect the descriptions of Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.2
(unpaginated, page 2), under which the percentages are presented, the
percentages to be applied specifically to the revenue requirement for
remuneration and operating costs should indeed be the following:
Natural Gas
Heavy Fuel Oil
Light Fuel Oil
B_REGL_10-11 P
Operating Costs
Financial Assistance
We note however that this typo is limited to Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.2
(unpaginated, page 2) and that the allocation presented in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-1,
Document 5, page 1 remains valid. Exhibit AEÉ-4, Documents 2.2 and 2.3 was
consequently amended.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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R-3709-2009 Application
Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
42. References:
(i) Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.2, (unpaginated, page
(ii) Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.3, (unpaginated, page
The percentages calculated from the data on the projected number of
participants for the Energy Innovation Assistance Program (9010) (reference (ii))
does not correspond with the data at the bottom of the table for the P_9010_1011 P allocation factor (reference (i)).
As an example, no participant is projected for propane, while 0.11% of the
revenue requirement for this program is attributed to the this energy source.
42.1 Please justify the variances for each energy source or correct if necessary.
The number of participants projected by energy source for the Energy Innovation
Assistance Program (9010) is presented in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.3
(unpaginated, page 29) only for information purposes. The variances for each
energy source can be explained by the rounding applied to the results of the
multiplication of the overall target for projects to be retained during the period of
2010-2011 (numbering 18) by the balance of the energy sources targeted in the
context of the projects retained from April 1, 2007 to September 1, 2009,
weighted as a function of the financial assistance granted. Let us specify here
that for the allocation of the revenue requirement for program 9010, the balance
of energy sources targeted in the context of the projects retained from April 1,
2007 to September 1, 2009, weighted as a function of the financial assistance
granted, was used.
46. Reference:
Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Document 2.3.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
The data use to build the allocation keys based on the number of participants are
provided in the allocation tables. Moreover, the data used for the calculation of
the allocation factors applied to the development activities of the Comprehensive
Plan, for the the [sic] administration of the AEÉ and for the complementary
activities do not appear in the allocation tables in reference. [Translator’s note: I
assume that the previous sentence should read as follows: Moreover, the data
used for the calculation of the allocation factors applied to the development
activities of the Comprehensive Plan, for the the administration activities of the
AEÉ and for the complementary activities do not appear in the allocation tables in
46.1 Please complete the allocation tables for each of the following activities by
incorporating the numbers used in the calculation of the allocation factors used
for the allocation of the revenue requirement for these programs/activities.
Please indicate the year or the years to which these data refer.
Consultation (140);
Consultation (140): The data used comes from the National Database on Energy
Consumption published by the OEÉ [Translator’s Note: The OEÉ is the Office de
l'efficacité énergétique or Energy Efficiency Office; national refers to provincial].
More specifically, these data correspond to the quantity of electricity, natural gas,
heavy fuel oil, light fuel oil, gasoline, diesel and propane consumed (in PJ) in the
residential, commercial and institutional, industrial and road transportation
sectors in Quebec in 2006. Is should be noted that for the industrial sector, the
Quebec-specific data published by Statistics Canada in the scope of its 2006
Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada had to be used to determine the
percentages for light fuel oil and diesel. It should also be noted on this last point
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
that a typo occurred in Exhibit AEÉ-4, Document 2.3 with respect to the source of
data used for Activity 140, “Consultation”. Indeed, the source should have been
the “Office de l'efficacité énergétique and Statistics Canada” and not the “Office
de l'efficacité énergétique and the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and
Wildlife”. See the amended Exhibit AEÉ-4, Document 2.3.
OC IRs 8.1 and 20.1 (AEÉ 10, Document 5.2)
8. References:
i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, P_6020_10-11 P
ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, P/A #6020
8.1 Please provided [sic] the supporting schedules that set out how the
“Percentages by Energy Source” (“Pourcentages par forme d’énergie”) were
derived including:
 The specific types of equipment included in the calculation, by energy
source and how this relates to the types of equipment targeted by the P/A
for 2010-2011.
 The basis for the “number” for each type of equipment (e.g., is it the
existing stock of each equipment type by energy or a projection of the
new stock anticipated for each over some future period?)
 Is there any weighting of the different equipment types or is it based
strictly on numbers? If there is, explain the weighting used, the rationale
and provide the weights used by equipment type.
The equipment considered for the construction (i.e. derivation) of the
P_6020_10-11 P allocation factor are those included on an internal list, created
from consideration of regulated equipment at the Federal level according to
modifications 9 and 10 applied to Canada’s Regulation Respecting Energy
Efficiency. The percentage allocated to each energy source comes from the
count of the number equipment units to be studied by the Agency during the
period of 2010-2011 according to the energy source that it consumes.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
20. References:
i) AEE-4, Doc 2.2, B_RES_10-11 P
ii) AEE-4, Doc 2.3, Activities in the Design Phase
20.1 Reference (i) describes the allocation factor as a “weighted energy
balance as a function of the P/As in the design phase in the residential
sector”. Please provide supporting schedules that set out how the
“Percentages by Energy Source” were derived and in doing so indicate:
 The various energy balances used (including the definition of each),
 The weighting factors applied to each energy balance (including the
rationale for the weightings used).
 How the inputs were used to calculate the proposed percentages by
energy source.
The weighted allocation factor used to allocate the revenue requirement specific
to the blocks of design activities by sector was derived as follows:
1. the revenue requirement specific to each of the activities included in the
design block is allocated by energy source on the basis of an energy
balance specific to the sub-sector targeted;
2. the total amounts thus allocated to each of the energy sources are then
used to determine the relative importance of the efforts that will be made
for each of them in the scope of the sector’s design activities.
For each of the sectors, the description and the source of the energy balances
used in the development of the sectoral allocation factor are presented in Exhibit
AEÉ-4, Document 2.2. However, in accordance with that which is indicated in the
answer to Question 1.1. of the No. 1 Hydro-Québec Distribution Information
Request Series, Exhibit AEÉ-10, Document 1, the Agency will not provide more
information with respect to the inputs specifically used in the calculations.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
HQD IR 2.2 (AEÉ 10, Document 1)
2. References:
(i) AEÉ-4, Document 2, pp 9-12
(ii) AEÉ-4, Document 2.2, information sheets on the
allocation factors FD_GLOBAL QP_10-11 P,
In reference (i), the AEÉ explains in a general manner the allocation of the
common cost (“tronc commun”) activities among the energy sources.
In reference (ii), the AEÉ provides a descriptive sheet for the three allocation
factors for “common cost” activities allocated according to the “derived factor”
2.2 For each of the common cost (“tronc commun”) activities allocated according
to the “derived factor” approach, please explain on which basis the choice of
allocation factor was made?
Cost centres 150 – Monitoring System and 1055 – Customer Service constitute
complementary activities to the monitoring and delivery of the Agency’s programs
and activities (P/As), for which there are participants, whatever their funding
source. For the period of 2010-2011, the programs and activities that will benefit
from these [Translator’s Note: presumably, these cost centres], are those in
operation or in the pilot phase. Given this, the allocation factor used to allocate
the revenue requirement for these [Translator’s Note: presumably, these cost
centres] is FD_PA OPÉRATION_10-11 P, which is derived from the revenue
requirement for remuneration and operating costs for all of the Agency P/As in
operation or in pilot phase during this period.
Cost centres 110 – Planning and Design of the Comprehensive Plan, 160 –
Hearings at the Régie, and 121 – Communications Support constitute activities
related to the development, the filing, and the study of the Comprehensive Plan
before the Régie. For the period of 2010-2011, all of the P/As with funding
derived in whole or in part from the quota, and, which will be the subject of
discussions before the Régie, will benefit from these activities. Given this, the
FD_GLOBAL QP_10-11 P allocation factor, which is derived from the revenue
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
requirement for remuneration and operating costs for non-administrative P/As
with funding derived from the quota, is used to allocate the revenue requirement
for these [Translator’s Note: presumably, these cost centres].
Cost centres 1030 – Legal and Administration constitute activities related to
management daily operations of the Agency. For the period of 2010-2011, all of
the Agency’s programs and activities, whatever their funding source, will benefit
from these activities. Given this, the FD_GLOBAL AEE_10-11 P allocation
factor, which is derived from the revenue requirement for remuneration and
operating costs for all non-administrative P/As, is used to allocate the revenue
requirement for these [Translator’s Note: presumably, these cost centres].
SCGM IRs 3.2, 8 (AEÉ 10, Document 4)
3. References:
AEÉ-1, Document 5
AEÉ-4, Document 2.3
3.2 Please validate that the results of the calculations attributable to
remuneration, to operating costs and to financial assistance to natural gas,
presented in AEÉ-1, Document 5, are carried out in accordance with the
percentages presented in Exhibit AEÉ-4, Document 2.3.
The results of the calculations attributable to remuneration, to operating costs
and to financial assistance to natural gas, presented in AEÉ-1, Document 5, are
carried out in accordance with the percentages presented in Exhibit AEÉ-4,
Document 2.3.
However, as indicated in response to Question 41.1 of the No. 2 Régie de
l’énergie Information Request Series, Exhibit AEÉ-9, Document 6, contrary to
what is indicated in the associated descriptions, the percentages in remuneration
and operating costs associated with design activities for the regulatory,
residential, business, industrial, transportation and new technologies sectors,
presented in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Documents 2.2 and 2.3, should be applied to
the overall revenue requirement for these activities to be consistent with the
amounts by energy source produced in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-1, Document 5.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
These adjustments being limited to Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-4, Documents 2.2 and 2.3,
the allocation presented in Exhibit B-1, AEÉ-1, Document 5, page 1 remains
valid. To avoid any confusion, Exhibit AEÉ-4, Documents 2.2 and 2.3 was
8. Reference:
AEÉ-4, Document 1
“In accordance with the Régie’s requirement, the Agency set up a working group
made up of intervenors representing the energy distributors and the consumers
in order to examine in depth the allocation factors proposed by the Agency and to
decide on an approach to follow for the revenue requirement allocation in the
upcoming financial years.” AEÉ-4, Document 1, page 5
“This working group met three times in the Régie offices, that is, on July 15 and
16, 2009, as well as August 25, 2009. The working group sessions allowed for
the completion of the tasks identified by the Régie in Section 7.2 of Decision D2009-046 and, from there, to reach a proposal for an allocation approach by
energy source, essentially integrating the recommendations of the entire group of
the intervenors present.” AEÉ-4, Document 1, page 5
8.1 Please file the report illustrating the proposal for an allocation approach by
energy source, as discussed with the intervenors during the working group
meetings in July and August 2009.
The report illustrating the proposal for an allocation approach by energy source,
as discussed with the intervenors during the working group meetings in July and
August 2009, is produced in Exhibit AEÉ-4, Document 2.
The preliminary versions of this report, filed with working group participants on
July 9 and 29, 2009, are available in the Section entitled “Follow-up of Decisions
D-2009-018 and D-2009-046 of the R-3671-2008 Filing.” The version filed during
the session with the participants of the August 25, 2009 working group is
produced at Exhibit AEÉ-10, Document 4, Appendix 8.1.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
8.2 Please justify the changes made on the allocation factors for each program
and activity concerned.
The changes made on the allocation factors of the concerned P/As are presented
and justified at Exhibit AEÉ-10, Document 4, Appendix 8.2.
ACEF de Québec IRs 32.1, 36, 37.2, 37.3 (AEÉ 10, Document 10)
32. References for the following questions: AEÉ-4, Document 2
(page 8) “The allocation of the revenue requirement for remuneration and
operating costs of the regulated programs in operation or in the pilot project
phase, is done, insofar as possible, on the basis of the number of participants
projected by energy source.”
32.1 Please confirm that the allocation of the costs for a program among the
energy sources on the basis of the number of participants is equitable insofar as
the unit cost per participant is the same for all sources of energy?
The allocation of the costs for a program among the energy sources on the basis
of the number of participants projected by energy source is indeed equitable
when the unit cost by participant is the same for all the forms of energy. When
the unit cost by participant differs from one source of energy to another,
specifically because of a difference with respect to the unitary financial
assistance granted by source, the cost allocation on the basis of the number of
participants projected by energy source remains equitable insofar as this feature
is taken into account in the determination of the allocation factor used.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
36. References for the following questions: AEÉ-4, Document 2.2
36.1 (p. 1) From which information sources did the AEÉ evaluate the number of
equipment units by energy source for the different equipment types considered?
The number of equipment units by energy source was determined from an
internal list, which was created by taking into account the regulated equipment at
the federal level according to modifications 9 and 10 applied to the Regulation
Respecting Energy Efficiency in Canada.
36.2 (p. 9) Justify the variance between the allocation among energy sources for
remuneration and operating costs (e.g. fuel oil 18.02%) and the allocation of
financial assistance (13.66%)?
As indicated in the footnote in Exhibit AEÉ-4, Document 2.2, page 9, “The factor
used to allocate the revenue requirement for remuneration and operating costs
differs from the factor used to allocate the revenue requirement for financial
assistance due to the unit assistance granted by energy source.”
36.3 (p. 10) How was the energy balance specific to the Low-Income Households
determined and from what source of data?
The analysis of savings by measure was carried out by Dunsky Energy
Consulting from the technical/economic potential study carried out by Technosim
for electricity, natural gas and heating oil, as well as according to the allocation of
Low-Income Households by type of dwelling.
36.4 (p. 13, Intervention First Nations) Is the relative importance of electricity and
fuel oil based on the overall energy balance or does this take into account the
balance by usage associated with the measures applied?
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
It is based on the overall energy balance.
36.5 (p. 14, programs in the design phase in the residential sector) What
weighting (and on what basis: budgetary, anticipated savings…) was used for
each program in the design phase?
For each of the programs in the design phase, the projected amounts, as well as
the relative importance of the energy sources specifically targeted, were used to
derive the weighted allocation factor by sector.
36.6 (p. 25) Why are electricity and gasoline under-represented, and diesel, overrepresented, relative to Quebec’s energy balance, with respect to innovation
assistance already granted or planned? This disequilibrium seems less
pronounced, but it still exists, for financial assistance granted to support
excellence in technological innovation (page 27).
The revenue requirement for financial assistance specific to these two programs
is not allocated on the basis of Quebec’s energy balance, which explains why the
percentages associated with each energy source do not correspond to the
proportions represented by each source in the overall energy balance for
36.7 In the same way, explain the disequilibrium relative to the energy balance
for the activities in the design phase in new technologies (p. 28).
The revenue requirement specific to activities in the design phase for the new
technologies sector is not allocated on the basis of Quebec’s energy balance,
which explains why the percentages associated with each energy source do not
correspond to the proportions represented by each source in the overall energy
balance for Quebec.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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R-3709-2009 Application
Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
36.8 Why are expenses associated with training and education activities (p. 33)
allocated as a function of the energy balance for buildings rather than on the
basis of the overall energy balance?
A portion of the initiatives planned in training for the period 2010-2011 are
intended for building players and will benefit all of the sectors of activity. The
portion of the revenue requirement in education and training associated with
these initiatives is allocated on the basis of an energy balance specific to
buildings in the residential, business and industrial sectors. For more details on
the allocation of the revenue requirement relative to activity 130, “Training and
Education”, please refer to Answer 17.2 of the of the No. 1 Canadian Federation
of Independent Business (FCEI) Information Request Series.
37.2 and 37.3
37. References for the following questions: AEÉ-4, Document 2.3
37.2 (p. 38) For information and awareness, what portion of the expenses is
allocated to the residential sector and to the light transportation sector by energy
The strategic planning will be finalized during the coming weeks. Once this
exercise is completed, we will be able to allocate the expenses among the
different sectors.
37.3 (p. 39) What are the sectors and levels of education that will benefit the
initiatives in training and education? Are the sectors benefitting from these
activities the sectors that receive the training directly or the sectors that profit
from the services rendered by those who have been trained? Is the training
activity considered as a standard consumption good or as an investment to
improve the supply of services?
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
The education initiatives target the Quebec school system at the primary and
secondary levels.
With respect to training, the Agency wishes to meet the demand for all the
sectors of activity in which it is involved. The identification of training initiatives
for the different sectors of activity is underway. The study of the relevance of
evaluation of the training needs for the activity sectors ensures that a balance is
struck among the training needs in all the activity sectors, having expressed the
need during the consultations carried out by the Agency in spring 2009, the
needs of the market and current training supply.
The Agency wishes to meet the needs for continuing and standard training. Thus,
the sectors will benefit directly from the development of continuing training and
will also profit from the services rendered through the hiring of new graduates of
standard training.
The training activity is considered as an investment to improve the supply of
ACEF de l’Outaouais IR 9 (AEÉ 10, Document 11)
9. References:
(i) AEÉ-2, Document 2, p. 10
(ii) AEÉ-4, Document 2.3, p. 3
(iii) AEÉ-4, Document 2.2, p. 3
[Translator’s Note: (ii) and (iii) are reversed and (i) seems
i. “2.3 Position of the Agency
Urban development is concerns all the energy sources, including those qualified
as emerging, and requires the involvement, among others, of municipalities,
urban transit companies, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land
Occupation, the Ministry of Transportation, as well as energy promoters and
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
ii. Allocation table by P/A (7080 Sustainable Urban Development)
P/A Characterization
Targeted Sectors
Targeted Sub-Sectors
Targeted Energy Source
Cost Driver
Rate Categories Targeted
Gaz Métro
Residential, business, transportation
New and existing residential, light and heavy vehicles, commercial,
institutional and municipal
Electricity, natural gas, light fuel oil, gas, diesel, propane
Number of consumers by energy source
D, DT, DH, G, G9, M
D1 (levels 1 and 2)
1, 2, 3
Allocation Approach
Energy Balance
Energy Balance used
Type (volume or
Weighted energy balance for the residential and transportation sectors
Office de l’efficacité énergétique and Centre for Data and Analysis in
Transportation (CDAT)
Number of consumers by energy source
Data Sources
Description: Proportion of Quebec’s light vehicle fleet
consuming gas and diesel
Source: Centre for Data and Analysis in Transportation, Projet
de caractérisation énergétique et des émissions de GES du
parc de véhicules légers immatriculés au Québec en 2003, 2004
et 2005
[Translator’s note: My translation of the study title in English is
Profiling of Energy and GHG Emissions in Quebec’s Licensed
Vehicle Fleet in 2003, 2004 and 2005].
Description: Number of new housing units by principal heating
source, Quebec, 2006
Source: Estimate from Quebec’s Ministry of Natural Resources
and Wildlife (MRNF), 2008
9.1 Please confirm whether all the players cited in reference (i), whose
involvement is considered necessary by the Agency for sustainable urban
development, all report to the business sector.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
The actors cited in reference (i), whose involvement is considered necessary by
the Agency for sustainable urban development, do not all report to the business
sector. The municipalities and certain ministries are also mentioned. Moreover,
this list was not meant to be exhaustive. The reference mentions that the
involvement of these players, among others, is necessary.
9.2 Please explain why the industrial sector is not concerned by sustainable
urban development among the list of targeted sectors in reference (ii).
The industrial sector is also concerned by sustainable urban development.
However, this is not the sector for which the Agency plans to intervene as a
priority in the scope of sustainable urban development.
9.3 Please explain why the existing residential can be targeted by the
sustainable urban development program while construction and infrastructure are
already in place.
Modifications can be applied in the existing residential sectors. Let us mention,
among others, densification, renovation, redevelopment of public spaces in order
to favour the use of alternative transportation means to the automobile.
9.4 Given the time that the implementation of a sustainable urban development
program can take, please justify the allocation of the program costs to the new
residential sector as of 2010-2011.
The period of 2010-2011 will not include transfer expenses in the new residential
sector, but rather expenses for design, development and studies.
9.5 Does a zone designated as “urban sustainable” refer here to new residential
or to all types of residential?
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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Answers to Selected Information Requests
by Various Intervenors
While sustainable urban development projects depend on their siting, they also
depend on several other planning characteristics. The undertaking does not plan
to designate “urban sustainable” zones.
Originals: 2009-12-23
AEÉ-9, Document 6;
AEÉ-10, Documents 1, 4, 5.2, 10, 11
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