MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY NON-FACULTY SICK LEAVE BANK APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OPEN ENROLLMENT OCTOBER 1 THRU OCTOBER 30, 2015 Please complete and return to Human Resource Services (no box number necessary) by 4:30 p.m. Friday, October 30th, 2015. Name _______________________________________ M # _________________________________________ Department ___________________________________ Job Title _____________________________________ In accordance with Senate Bill No. 98, which provides for the creation of sick leave banks at institutions within the Tennessee Board of Regents System, this is to request membership in the MTSU Non-Faculty Sick Leave Bank Plan. I understand that this membership is subject to the MTSU NonFaculty Sick Leave Bank Guidelines, as administered by the Trustees, and acknowledge that a copy of the guidelines has been made available to me. This is to authorize the trustees to transfer the equivalent of two (2) days of my sick leave to the Sick Leave Bank. _____________ Date ____________________________________________ Signature (You will be notified if you had insufficient leave to join the bank.) Human Resources Services Office Use Only Initial Sick Leave Assessed _________ Effective Date of Membership _________