HONORS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 13, 2017 (This form may be used for the Academic Achievement, Bart McCash, Gordon and Sara Bell, Michael Martinelli Memorial, Paul W. Martin, Sr., Hannah/Harris Study Abroad, and the Lawrence R. Good scholarships) Name Last Local Address Cell Phone Street First Student ID # Middle City E-mail Son/Daughter of a TVA Employee Yes State Course Grade List Honors courses you are currently enrolled in: Course Course Veteran No List all Honors courses and grades completed to date: Zip Cumulative GPA Grade Yes Marital Status No Course Grade EARNED AND ATTEMPTED HOURS Earned hours completed: Total hours in progress: Honors hours completed: Honors hours in progress: List your Honors activities (give semester/year where possible): (If you need additional space to list your Honors activities, please attach a separate sheet of paper to list them.) Are you planning to complete an Honors Thesis/Creative Project? Yes No Have you participated in Scholars Week at MTSU? If yes, give details: Yes No Have you participated in an MTSU, professional, or national conference? If yes, please give details below: Yes No List any financial aid/scholarships you currently receive: Please write a one page essay answering the following two questions: 1. What qualifies you for an Honors scholarship? 2. How do you think your participation in the Honors Program will contribute to your future development? Please attach a short biographical paragraph that includes the following: name, hometown, major(s), minor(s), awards won, scholarships received, and future plans All Honors Scholarship recipients must carry a full load as defined by the University (12 hours) during the semester the scholarship is in effect. Also, Honors students may receive only one Honors scholarship at a time. A Tennessee Board of Regents Instutition. MTSU is an equal opportunity, non-racially identifiable, educational institution that does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. This cannot be saved as a PDF. 'Submit by E-Mail' does not work for MAC users