Santos Pedraza Mathematical Model of Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Department of Mathematics
Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX
Santos Pedraza
Graduate Student at Prairie view A&M
Mathematical Model of Streptococcus
Mentor: Dr. N. Hritonenko
When: Friday, December 06, 2013
Time: 1 pm
Where: W.R. Banks Building -309
A combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques is used to study the
behavior of Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria and determine the right
moment to start medication in order to prevent massive destruction of the eye.
The main goal is to find a function that closely approximates the data on
streptococcus bacteria experimentally obtained in the Biology Department lab
at Prairie View A&M University. It is found that the Verhulst-Pearl Model
analytically describes data well during the bacteria’s exponential phase. Cubic
Spline Interpolation, Polynomials of different degrees, and Fourier series show
a good correspondence with the experimental data. Our primarily focus is on
the Cubic Spline Interpolation method.
Questions: contact Dr. Natali Hritonenko