The Office of Marketing and Communications is developing an expert list inclusive of all faculty members. The comprehensive listing will be provided to the media, detailing each faculty member’s specified area of research. In the event of a national/regional news story related to your area of expertise, your insight and knowledge can help to localize the issue. The Office of Marketing and Communications will work with you to arrange possible placement in the media. Please complete the form by providing the information below and return to Office of Marketing and Communications, A. I. Thomas Administration Building, Suite 102. Should you have any questions concerning the report, please feel free to contact Christi A. Landry, public relations specialist, at (936) 261-2134 or Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Department: ______________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________ Research Expertise: _________________________________________________________ Office Phone: ______________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________________________ Office of Marketing and Communications P.O. Box 519; Mail Stop 1100, Prairie View, TX 77446-0519 Phone (936) 261-2130 Fax (936) 261-2139