RESEARCH Identification of Novel QTL for Sawfly Resistance in Wheat J. D. Sherman, D. K. Weaver, M. L. Hofland, S. E. Sing, M. Buteler, S. P. Lanning, Y. Naruoka, F. Crutcher, N. K. Blake, J. M. Martin, P. F. Lamb, G. R. Carlson, and L. E. Talbert* ABSTRACT The wheat stem sawfly (WSS) (Cephus cinctus Nort.) is an important pest of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) in the Northern Great Plains. This paper reports the genetic analysis of antixenosis for egg-laying WSS females in recombinant inbred lines (RIL) of hard red spring wheat. Female WSS preferentially choose certain wheat genotypes for egg-laying, with the cultivar Reeder being preferred and Conan being less preferred. We measured percent stem infestation and percent stem cutting for 91 RIL from a Reeder–Conan cross in four sawfly-infested locations in Montana. Heritability based on means over environments was h2 = 0.86 for infestation and h2 = 0.75 for cutting. Percent infestation was negatively correlated with heading date (r = −0.57, P < 0.001) and degree of stem solidness (r = −0.31, P < 0.01). A molecular map was created with 431 markers. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for infestation and cutting were identified as cosegregating with QTL for heading date (controlled by Ppd-D1 on chromosome 2D) and stem solidness (controlled by Qss.msub.3BL). Additionally, significant QTL for infestation and cutting on chromosomes 2D and 4A were present in several environments, and did not cosegregate with heading date, plant height, or solid stems. These QTL may complement the use of solid stems for host plant resistance by developing wheat lines that vary for attractiveness to the wheat stem sawfly. J.D. Sherman, S.P. Lanning, Y. Naruoka, N.K. Blake, J.M. Martin, and L.E. Talbert, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Dep., Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717; D.K. Weaver, M.L. Hofland, S.E. Sing, and M. Buteler, Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Dep., Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717; F. Crutcher, Plant Pathology and Microbiology Dep., Texas A&M Univ., College Station TX 77843; P.F. Lamb and G.R. Carlson, Northern Agricultural Research Center, 3848 Fort Cir., Havre, MT 59501. Received 20 Mar. 2009. *Corresponding author: ( Abbreviations: CIM, composite interval mapping; DArT, diversity arrays technology; LOD, logarithm of odds; QTL, quantitative trait loci; RIL, recombinant inbred lines; SSR, simple sequence repeat; WSS, wheat stem sawfly. A n initial step in insect herbivory is selection of the host plant for feeding or oviposition. Lack of host attractiveness in certain genotypes to ovipositing females may provide a level of resistance to insect damage. Exploitation of this type of antixenotic resistance in plant breeding requires that the genotypes of the host plant show heritable variation in the number of eggs deposited by females. Interaction of the wheat stem sawfly (WSS; Cephus cinctus Nort.) with wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) provides a system to assay the genetics of host plant interaction with egg-laying females for an agriculturally significant insect pest. Wheat stem sawfly inflicts severe economic damage to winter and spring wheat in the Northern Great Plains of the United States. Infested plants produce lower yields and usually lodge after girdling of the stem base by mature larvae, reducing the amount of grain that can be harvested (Holmes, 1977; Morrill et al., 1992). Wheat stem sawfly larvae overwinter in below-ground portions of stems, Published in Crop Sci. 50:73–86 (2010). doi: 10.2135/cropsci2009.03.0145 © Crop Science Society of America 677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein has been obtained by the publisher. CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 73 and the adults emerge in the early summer. Mating is brief, and the females spend the balance of their lifespan seeking large-stemmed grass hosts for oviposition (Ainslie, 1929; Weiss and Morrill, 1992). Because adults are short lived, rapid location and selection of hosts is critical for continuation of their life cycle. Despite considerable effort to control WSS proliferation and migration by cultural, chemical, and biological methods, only host plant resistance has proven to be both reliable and effective. Host plant resistance is found in wheat accessions that have stems fi lled with pith, referred to as solid stems (Kemp, 1934). The pith impedes larval growth and migration, greatly reducing stem cutting, insect survival, and ultimately population growth (Wallace and McNeal, 1966). Genetic experiments have shown that a single locus, termed Qss.msub-3BL, contributed at least 76% of the total variation for stem solidness in a cross between solid- and hollow-stemmed parents (Cook et al., 2004). A second minor gene for stem solidness (Qssmsub3DL) was identified in a separate population (Lanning et al., 2006). Resistance conferred by solid stems may be due to a combination of antibiosis (death of neonates and young larvae) in the stem and tolerance (inability of mature larvae to cut the stem). However, solid stems do not confer complete resistance, and cutting as high as 30% may be observed occasionally in solid-stem wheat cultivars (Lamb and Carlson, unpublished data, 2008). Another type of resistance, antixenosis, may be available for genetic control of the WSS (Weaver et al., 2009). Antixenosis refers to reduced ability of plants to serve as a host through mediation of insect behavior. Attraction of phytophagous insects to volatile chemicals produced by host plants has been shown in plant–herbivore systems. Insects can use plant volatiles as cues to select appropriate hosts for feeding and oviposition (reviewed by Visser, 1986; Bernays and Chapman, 1994; Schoonhoven et al., 1998; Bernays, 2001). Nonpreference for oviposition, a form of antixenosis, serves as a resistance mechanism in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] to the sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillet) (Henzell et al., 1994). Tao et al. (2003) identified two quantitative trait loci (QTL) explaining 12 and 15% of the variation for nonpreference among 120 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) in a sorghum cross. We report here that WSS females are differentially attracted to spring wheat cultivars for the purpose of oviposition, with Reeder being a preferred host, while Conan is less preferred. We analyzed a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between Reeder and Conan spring wheat to determine the genetic basis for differences in WSS attraction, and to identify molecular markers that may be useful for breeding. 74 MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Materials Ninety-one F6 –derived RIL were developed by single-seed descent beginning at the F2 generation from a cross between Reeder (PI 613586) and Conan (PI 607549) spring wheat. Reeder is a semidwarf cultivar due to alleles at Rht-B1 and Conan is semidwarf due to alleles at Rht-D1, and thus the progeny lines segregated for height. Semidwarf and standard-height lines were retained for this experiment. The extreme dwarf phenotype conferred by reduced height alleles at both loci resulted in poor vigor in low-moisture areas such as the sawfly sites used for this study, and therefore were removed from the population. Dwarf RIL would also be relatively inaccessible for WSS infestation due to very short stems in the Montana testing sites. Agronomic and Sawfly Infestation Data The RIL were planted in 2006 and 2007 at two locations in northern Montana with a history of WSS infestation. Locations included private farms north of Havre (48°49'55" N, 110°03'28" W) and near Loring (48°46'31"N, 107°52'33" W). Experiments were established in late April in the midst of stubble from a previous WSS-infested wheat crop. Each experiment was a randomized block with three replications. Each block included the 91 RIL along with four plots of each parent. Plots consisted of 10 seeds per entry planted in individual hills, with spacing of 0.8 m between adjacent hills. For all four sites, stems were individually collected at maturity in late August of each year. Every stem was dissected to determine the presence of larvae (infestation) and larval survival (stem cutting). Stem dissection also revealed varying levels of parasitism by endemic natural enemies (Runyon et al., 2002). Stem diameter was also measured at this time and the mean values for all of the stems in each plot were used for statistical analysis. Infestation and cutting made it impossible to accurately record agronomic data at infested sites. Therefore, separate trials were established in Bozeman in 2006 and 2007 at the Arthur Post Research Farm (45°41'N, 111°00'W) to obtain agronomic data. These trials consisted of single row plots 3 m in length with 0.30 m between rows seeded at a rate of 2.3 g m–1. Each experiment was planted in a randomized block design with three replications in which each block included 91 RIL and four plots of each parent. Plant height, excluding awns, was measured as mean height of plants within a row. Heading date was measured as the number of days from planting when 50% of the heads were completely emerged. The level of pith in each internode was measured on a scale ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 was considered hollow and 5 was solid. Ratings at each of the five internodes were summed to provide a total stem solidness score between 5 (hollow) and 25 (solid) for each stem. A mean value of five stems per plot was used for statistical analysis. Glaucousness was visually assessed on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) for the two uppermost internodes and the spike for each plot in the 2007 field trial. The three readings were summed to give a final scale of 3 (low) to 15 (high). All response variables were analyzed via analysis of variance using a model for a randomized complete block for each environment. Subsequently the analysis was then combined over environments where the model included environment, replication within environment, entry, and environment × entry using PROC WWW.CROPS.ORG CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 GLM in SAS (SAS Institute, 2004). All factors except environments were considered random effects. Narrow-sense heritability for WSS infestation and cutting were computed on an entry mean basis as described in Fehr (1987) for each environment and combined over locations. Pearson correlations were computed using PROC CORR in SAS among WSS infestation, cutting, parasitism, and agronomic–maturity traits using entry mean values from the hill plot experiments and the single row yield trial. Map Construction Genomic DNA was isolated from leaf tissue as described by Riede and Anderson (1996). Reeder and Conan were screened with about 700 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers listed on GrainGenes (http:// [verified 20 Oct. 2009]) to identify polymorphic markers. Approximately 50 ng of DNA was used in polymerase chain reaction as described by Roder et al. (1998), with annealing temperatures as suggested on GrainGenes. Polymorphic SSR markers were used to assay the entire set of 91 RIL and 232 were mapped. To increase the number of markers and combine linkage groups, the population was also submitted for diversity arrays technology (DArT) analysis (Akbari et al., 2006; http://www.triticarte. [verified 20 Oct. 2009]). A total of 314 DArT markers were identified as polymorphic. However, many of these cosegregated, so that a total of 190 DArT markers were used in map construction. In addition to DArT and SSR markers, the RIL were screened with markers for known genes that were polymorphic between Reeder and Conan, including PpdA1, Ppd-B1, Ppd-D1 for photoperiod sensitivity (Beales et al., 2007), Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 for semidwarf growth habit (Ellis et al., 2002), and VrnB1 (Zhang et al., 2008) for response to vernalization. High-molecular-weight glutenins were assayed following the method of Payne et al. (1981) except that di-thiothreitol was used as a reducing agent rather than 2-mercaptoethanol. Additionally, primer sets linked to low-molecular-weight glutenin/gliadin genes that differed between Reeder and Conan were used to screen the population. These included psp1 for the Glu-A3 locus and psp2 for the Gli-B1 locus (Devos et al., 1995). The genetic map was constructed using MapMaker V3.0 (Lander et al., 1987; Lincoln et al., 1993). First, selected markers were anchored to chromosomes using information from the wheat consensus map (Somers et al., 2004). The ASSIGN command was used to identify linkage groups with a logarithm of odds (LOD) threshold of 3.0. Each group was ordered using the THREE-POINT (at minimum LOD 3.00, maximum distance 37.2) and ORDER commands where possible. If an order could not be determined in this fashion, then the SUGGEST SUBSET, COMPARE, TRY, and NEAR commands were used. Where cosegregating DArT markers confounded ordering, all but one was dropped from the framework to get an initial order. Final marker orders were checked with the RIPPLE command (window size: 5, log-likelihood threshold: 2.00). Recombination distances were determined using the Kosambi mapping function (Kosambi, 1944). The map was also built using MapDisto (http:// [verified 20 Oct. 2009]; Lorieux et al., 1995), using the population identifier “single-seed descent.” The FIND GROUPS command was used first (LOD 5 minimum and rmax 0.3). The LOD value was set high initially to create linkage CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 groups of reasonable size. Each linkage group over five loci was ordered using the ORDER SEQUENCE command, the Seriation II method (Buetow and Chakravarti, 1987a, 1987b). Groups of fewer than five loci were ordered using COMPARE ALL ORDERS. The RIPPLE command was used to check orders using SARF criteria and progressive methods. Once orders were determined, the data were searched for errors and 31 likely errors were replaced with missing data. The DROP LOCUS command was used, and two loci were dropped as their removal decreased the size of the map. The recombination fraction estimate was made using the classical command utilizing Martin and Hospital (2006) (SSD). Recombination distances were determined using the Kosambi mapping function (Kosambi, 1944). Segregation Distortion Markers were subjected to a chi-square test for fit to a 1:1 ratio using MapDisto. Markers with significant distortion are indicated in the genetic map (Fig. 1). QTL Mapping QTL Cartographer ( [verified 20 Oct. 2009]; Wang et al., 2007) was used to perform single marker analysis, interval mapping (Lander and Botstein, 1989), and composite interval mapping (CIM) (Zeng, 1993, 1994) for WSS infestation and cutting using the entry means for each environment. The frequency distributions for these traits were checked for normality for each location and when combined over environments using the Shapiro–Wilk test from PROC UNIVARIATE in SAS (SAS Institute, 2004). Quantitative trait loci were identified and analyzed successively, first utilizing the simplest analysis to scan the whole genome. Single marker analysis fit the data to the simple linear regression model, giving the estimates for b0, b1, and the F statistic for each marker. For interval mapping, a walking speed of 2 cM was used and significant LOD values were set by 300 permutations at an experiment-wise P < 0.05. Identified significant QTL were further analyzed with CIM. Cofactors were determined using the standard CIM model, regression method forward and backward with a probability in and out of 0.1. Composite interval mapping can identify linked multiple QTL and help refine QTL peaks. Initially, LOD values were set by 300 permutations at an experiment-wise P < 0.05 and the window size was 20. Significant QTL were further studied by narrowing the window size to 5 and using 1,000 permutation tests to define an empirical detection threshold at an experiment-wise P < 0.01 (Churchill and Doerge, 1994). Significant LOD values varied between 2.5 and 3.5. The mean map position of the significant QTL was established by the map position of the peak LOD score in the interval between two flanking markers. A 1-LOD fall-off (from the QTL peak) method was used to estimate the left-and right-flanking map positions of a confidence interval surrounding the mean QTL map position (Chaky, 2003). RESULTS Agronomic and Sawfly Infestation Data Wheat stem sawfly infestation occurred in all four test sites (Table 1). The parental cultivars Conan and Reeder differed WWW.CROPS.ORG 75 Figure 1. Conan–Reeder linkage map created using 91 F6 –derived recombinant inbred lines from single-seed descent (SSD) with a total of 431 markers and a total map distance of 2608.72 cM. A total of 46 linkage groups were identified and associated with a chromosome using the consensus map. Chromosome number is indicated in bold above each set of linkage groups, and sets of linkage groups were ordered using the consensus map. To the left of the linkage groups is recorded the distance (in cM) between markers and to the right is the marker name. The asterisk at the beginning of the marker name is generated by the mapping program. Asterisks at the end of the marker name denote significantly distorted loci (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, *****P < 0.00001). 76 WWW.CROPS.ORG CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 Figure 1. Continued. CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 WWW.CROPS.ORG 77 Figure 1. Continued. 78 WWW.CROPS.ORG CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 significantly for both percent infestation and Table 1. Mean percent wheat stem sawfly infestation and cutting in 91 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) and parents in four replicated trials in Montana. percent cutting at all sites. Percent infestation Cultivar RIL averaged over all sites was 50.2% for Reeder † Location Trait Reeder Conan Mean SD Range‡ Heritability and 15.9% for Conan. Percent cutting averInfestation (%) 38.1 3.0 20.8 15.8 0.0–63.8 0.78 aged over all sites was lower than infestation Havre 2006 Cutting (%) 8.8 0.0 3.6 3.7 0.0–16.1 0.60 for both Reeder (34.3%) and Conan (10.8%). Infestation 46.9 9.1 25.3 16.5 0.0–56.5 0.82 The RIL showed significant genetic varia- Loring 2006 Cutting 38.0 8.0 18.2 12.1 0.0–49.9 0.73 tion for both percent infestation and percent Infestation 58.6 29.9 43.9 13.1 18.1–68.4 0.69 cutting (Table 1). The distribution of cutting Havre 2007 Cutting 46.3 20.1 34.3 11.0 12.1–61.4 0.70 and infestation among the RIL was not sigInfestation 56.8 21.2 48.6 15.1 13.7–77.3 0.34 nificantly different from normal for Havre Loring 2007 Cutting 43.9 14.6 33.6 10.4 4.5–72.4 0.36 2007, Loring 2007, or the average of all sites Infestation 50.2 15.9 34.7 12.7 9.6–57.5 0.86 (Shapiro–Wilk ≥ 0.978572, P > 0.1342). Mean§ Cutting 34.3 10.8 22.4 7.5 6.1–47.5 0.75 However, the Havre 2006 and Loring 2006 † Values based on three replications of four hill plots per replication at four locations. Differences between data were significantly different from norparents significant (P < 0.05) based on LSD. mal (Shapiro–Wilk < 0.95718, P < 0.0042). ‡Values based on three replications for a single hill plot. Genotype effects were significant (P < 0.001) for all The distributions of the Havre 2006 data trait/locations based on analysis of variance. were skewed with less infestation and cut- §Mean values across environments and locations. ting than expected for a normal distribuConan are both semidwarf, but Reeder at 83.9 cm is sigtion, possibly due to the braconid parasitoid as described nificantly taller than Conan at 77.3 cm. Because Reeder below. Genotype × environment interaction variance was and Conan possess reduced height alleles at different loci, also significant (P < 0.01) but small in comparison to genosemidwarf and standard-height genotypes were present in type variance (data not shown). Narrow-sense heritability the RIL population. The RIL exhibited heights of 70.5 values ranged from h2 = 0.34 (Loring 2007) to h2 = 0.78 to 111.8 cm. Reeder and Conan differed for the degree (Havre 2006) for percent infestation, and from h2 = 0.36 of stem solidness, as Conan contains the major stem solid (Loring 2007) to h2 = 0.73 (Loring 2006) for percent cutQTL identified by Cook et al. (2004). Conan had more ting among the four sites. Heritability based on means over solid stems than Reeder, 10.3 vs. 7.2, and solidness scores environments was h2 = 0.86 for infestation and h2 = 0.75 for differed significantly (P < 0.01) among the RIL. Reeder cutting. Table 2 shows that the correlation between percent and Conan also varied in glaucousness as measured visually infestation and percent cutting was significant (P < 0.0001) on a scale of 3 (low) to 15 (high). Conan received a score of at all four sites. However, the correlation was lower at the 15 (± 0.11) and Reeder received a score of 4.9 (± 0.11). The Havre 2006 site, reflecting the fact that most of the infested RIL varied significantly for glaucousness (P < 0.05) though stems were not cut by the WSS. One cause of sawfly mortalonly seven nonglaucous genotypes similar to Reeder were ity that varies by geographic region is presence of endemic braconid parasitoids (Runyon et al., 2002). Braconid paraTable 2. Correlation of percent wheat stem sawfly infestation sitoids were evident in Havre 2006, with >50% of the larand percent cutting for 91 recombinant inbred lines grown in vae parasitized in the stem by these native wasps. Parasitized four locations in Montana. larvae die before the stem is cut. The confounding effect of Havre Loring Havre Loring Combined Trait the parasitoid is reflected in the relatively low correlation 2006 2006 2007 2007 locations (r = 0.69) between infestation and cutting seen at this site. Cutting/Infestation 0.69**** 0.95**** 0.96**** 0.87**** 0.94**** The correlation between the sum of parasitism and cutting Cutting plus 0.95**** 0.95**** 0.97**** 0.88**** 0.97**** parasitism/infestation to infestation was r = 0.95 at this site (Table 2), indicating **** Probability of correlation different from zero is <0.0001. that parasitism was the only obvious mortality factor preventing larvae from cutting stems. Parasitism was not a facTable 3. Mean agronomic data for Reeder, Conan, and 91 tor at any other location. recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from single-row yield trials The distant location of the WSS test sites as well as grown in Bozeman, MT, in 2006 and 2007. severe lodging due to sawfly damage prevented collection Cultivar RIL of agronomic data at these sites. Thus, the RIL and parents Trait Reeder Conan Mean Range were evaluated in replicated trials for 2 yr at a site with Heading date (d)† 60.2 60.7 61.3 56–68 no WSS infestation. Pertinent agronomic data for Reeder, †‡ 7.2 10.3 8.3 7.1–10.8 Stem solidness Conan, and the RIL from these experiments are presented 83.9 77.3 92.3 70.5–111.8 Plant height (cm)†‡ in Table 3. Although heading date for Reeder and Conan † Genotype effects were significant (P < 0.001) for all trait/environments based on was similar, the RIL showed transgressive segregation analysis of variance. ‡ Differences between parents significant (P < 0.05) based on least significant diffor heading date, with a range of 56 to 68 d. Reeder and ference. CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 WWW.CROPS.ORG 79 Table 4. Correlation of wheat stem sawfly infestation and cutting with maturity and agronomic traits for 91 recombinant inbred lines from the Reeder–Conan cross. Data are based on means over four locations for cutting and infestation and means over two locations for heading date, plant height, and stem solidness. Trait Heading date Plant height Stem solidness Sawfly cutting –0.55*** 0.028 ns† –0.32** Sawfly infestation –0.57*** 0.11 ns –0.31** ** Probability of correlation different from zero is <0.01. *** † Probability of correlation different from zero is <0.001. ns, not significant. identified. Conan and Reeder also varied significantly for stem diameter, with Conan stems having a larger diameter (3.5 ± 0.04 mm) than Reeder stems (3.1 ± 0.04 mm). The RIL also varied significantly for stem diameter (P < 0.05). Correlation analysis (Table 4) showed that heading date was negatively associated with WSS infestation (r = −0.57) and cutting (r = −0.55), indicating that earlier heading was associated with increased infestation and cutting. The fact that WSS data and agronomic data were obtained in different locations possibly had some impact on the observed correlations. However, the correlation of line performance for heading date between the Bozeman site and a non–sawfly testing site in Havre (48°54'32" N, 109°67'45" W), based on data from advanced breeding trials containing 64 lines, was r = 0.76 in 2006 and r = 0.65 in 2007 (Lanning and Talbert, unpublished data, 2006, 2007). The correlation of line performance between these sites for plant height was r = 0.62 in 2006 and r = 0.86 in 2007. Thus, plant height and heading date measurements from Bozeman were likely a reasonable reflection of performance in the north Havre testing site. Degree of stem solidness was negatively correlated with percent cutting (r = −0.32) and percent infestation (r = −0.31). No significant correlation was observed between glaucousness, plant height, or stem diameter with either infestation or cutting. Construction of Genetic Map A genetic map with a total of 431 markers and a total size of 2608.75 cM was created for the Reeder–Conan RIL (Fig. 1). The map contained 232 SSR markers, 190 DArT markers (Akbari et al., 2006), six markers for major genes controlling development (Ppd-A1, Ppd-B1, Ppd-D1, Rht-B1, Rht-D1, Vrn-B1), and three markers for storage proteins. A total of 46 linkage groups were identified. Chromosomal assignments of linkage groups were tentatively made by referring to previous maps (Somers et al., 2004). Where possible, the map order was compared with the consensus map and deletion maps ( ggpages/SSRclub/GeneticPhysical/ [verified 20 Oct. 2009]). There was overall agreement between the order of markers in this map and previously published maps. The six markers for major genes and storage proteins all mapped 80 to the appropriate chromosomes (i.e., Ppd-A1, 2A; Ppd-B1, 2B; Ppd-D1, 2D; Rht-B1, 4B; Rht-D1, 4D; Vrn-B1, 5B; GluA3, 1A; Glu-B1 and Gli-B1, 1B) (Fig. 1). The distribution of markers and linkage groups among the chromosomes is shown in Fig. 1. In most cases, the D genome chromosomes had fewer mapped markers within a homeologous chromosome group. Chromosome 5D is an exception, with more markers than 5A. In several cases either few or no DArT markers mapped to a D genome chromosome. The homeologous group 6 chromosomes overall had the fewest mapped markers. Patterns of Segregation Distortion Chi-square (χ2) analysis indicated 66 loci with segregation distortion where segregation was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (Fig. 1). Approximately 20 of the distorted loci occurred singly, while the remainder were distributed in clusters of distorted loci on linkage groups 2D, 4A, 4B, 4D, 5B, 6B, 7B, and 7D. Clusters with the most significant distortion were associated with the Rht loci on 4B and 4D or were on 5B or 7D. Distorted loci favored the Conan allele on 2D, 4A, 4B, 5B, 7B, and 7D, while the Reeder allele was favored on 4D, 6B, and 7B. QTL Analysis Single marker analysis showed QTL for infestation and cutting based on means across the four locations associated with the Ppd-D1 locus. This locus also had an effect on heading date, with insensitive genotypes being earlier and having greater WSS infestation and cutting and has been previously mapped to the short arm of 2D. Conan had the insensitive allele at the Ppd-D1 locus, while Reeder had the sensitive allele. Ppd-D1 was identified as influencing heading date by interval mapping (results not shown) and CIM (Fig. 2). Single marker analysis also identified an important QTL for infestation and cutting based on mean data over four locations on chromosome 3B defined by SSR marker gwm340. This marker identifies the solid stem locus Qss. msub.3BL (Cook et al., 2004), which was associated with QTL for cutting and infestation in one environment as detected through interval mapping (results not shown) and CIM (Fig. 2). The plot for chromosome 3B is discontinuous because it consisted of two linkage groups. Quantitative trait loci associated with infestation or cutting in fewer environments were identified on chromosomes 1B and 5B (Table 5). These QTL were also associated with heading date. The QTL on 5B was associated with VrnB1. Using single marker analysis, markers on chromosomes 1B, 2D, and 4A, which did not cosegregate with morphological traits, showed significant association (P < 0.05) to infestation in all four locations. Of these, interval mapping indicated significant QTL on chromosomes 2D and 4A (results not shown). Interval mapping produced a broad curve that involved multiple markers WWW.CROPS.ORG CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 Figure 2. Chromosome maps (x axis) and logarithm of odds (LOD) scores (y axis) for chromosomes 2D, 3B, and 4A generated through composite interval mapping. Several marker designations and relative positions are on the x axis. Refer to Fig. 1 for complete maps. The LOD graph indicates strength of association between markers and trait as follows: heading date—hd67: combined 2006 and 2007 data from both locations; solid stem—ssolid67: combined 2006 and 2007 data from both locations; infestation—I67: combined 2006 and 2007 data from both locations, IH7: Havre 2007, IL7: Loring 2007, IL6: Loring 2006, cutting—C67: combined 2006 and 2007 data from both locations, CH7: Havre 2007, CL7: Loring 2007, CL6: Loring 2006. Horizontal line indicates significant LOD scores. The lower graph indicates the additive effect of the Reeder allele. including about 50 cM on 2D and about 20 cM on 4A. Composite interval mapping localized the QTL to narrower intervals, as seen in Fig. 2. The 2D QTL was significant for infestation and approached significance for cutting based on the mean of all four environments, as well as cutting for Havre 2007 and cutting and infestation Loring 2006. Composite interval mapping discriminated two QTLs mapping to 4A that had opposite effects (Fig. 2). For the QTL between markers gwm494 and wmc760, the Reeder allele increased cutting and infestation, while with the QTL occurring between wmc760 and barc243 the Reeder allele decreased infestation (Fig. 2). The QTL between wmc760 and barc243 was not significant until cofactors correcting for the effect of the other QTL were used. Traits significant at these QTL included cutting based on the mean of all four environments, as well as the cutting and infestation for Loring and Havre 2007. The QTL on chromosome 2D explained as much as 19% of the variation for mean infestation and cutting. The QTL on 4A for which Reeder contributed the allele for increased cutting and infestation explained as much as 29% of the variation while the linked QTL explained as much as 15%. The QTL on chromosomes 2D and 4A did not cosegregate with markers showing segregation distortion or with QTL for morphological and developmental traits such as heading date or stem solidness. DISCUSSION Previous small-plot studies indicated that spring wheat cultivars differed in their attractiveness to egg-laying females of WSS. Through these assessments of stem lodging for several location/years, Conan and Reeder were identified as extremes in levels of attractiveness to WSS (Weaver et al., CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 WWW.CROPS.ORG 81 Table 5. Significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified through composite interval mapping for stem cutting or infestation by the wheat stem sawfly at four locations† in Montana. Chromosome Flanking markers Location/trait R2‡ LOD§ Effect of Reeder allele Coincident QTL cfd20-cfd48 Havre06/infestation 0.08 2.5 Earlier heading, more cutting Heading date Ppd-D1-barc168 Loring07/cutting Combined/cutting¶ 0.12 0.10 4.8 3.0 Later heading, less cutting and infestation Heading date gwm539-cfd44 Loring06/infestation Loring06/cutting Havre06/infestation Havre06/cutting Havre07/infestation Havre07/cutting Combined/cutting Combined/infestation# 0.10 0.19 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.16 2.6 5.0 3.2 3.3 3.5 4.2 2.4 3.8 More cutting and infestation None gwm299-barc77 Loring06/cutting Loring06/infest 0.09 0.14 3.5 3.2 Decreased solidness, more cutting and infestation Stem solidness barc164-gwm566 Loring07/cutting 0.10 4.0 Decreased cutting None wmc760-wPt1743 Loring07/infestation Havre07/infestation Havre07/cutting Combined/cutting¶ 0.07 0.15 0.14 0.11 3.0 4.6 5.6 4.0 Decreased cutting and infestation None gwm494-wmc760 Loring07/infestation Havre07/infestation Loring07/cutting Havre07/cutting Combined/cutting¶ 0.29 0.29 0.20 0.27 0.2 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 6.0 More cutting and infestation None Havre06/infestation 0.26 4.0 Earlier heading, more cutting and infestation Heading date 1B 2D 3B 4A 5B † barc74-gwm604 Locations: Havre06, Havre 2006; Havre07, Havre 2007; Loring06, Loring 2006; Loring07, Loring 2007. ‡ The phenotypic variation explained by the QTL. § LOD, logarithm of odds. ¶ Average of cutting over all sites. # Average of infestation over all sites. 2009). Similar behavior of WSS was seen in the Reeder and Conan hill plots of the current study, as WSS females in all four locations infested more Reeder stems than Conan. The ability of female sawfl ies to distinguish among genotypes proved to be highly heritable (Table 1). The lower heritability value at the Loring 2007 site may have been due to an infestation of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) that encompassed about one-half of each replication. Wild oats, a host for the WSS, may have confounded WSS oviposition preference among the RIL, as described by Sing (2002). Given the complexities of insect reproductive behavior (Bernays and Chapman, 1994), the WSS was remarkably consistent in selection of host plants for egg laying. These consistent results for parental infestation levels are reflected in the high heritability values for this trait. Percent cutting was lower than percent infestation in all four experiments. This is expected, given that no cutting occurs when larvae die before moving to the base of the stem. One cause of WSS mortality that varies by geographic region is the presence of endemic braconid parasitoids (Runyon et al., 2002). In fact, these parasitoids were present in high numbers in the Havre 2006 site and caused a high level of mortality of WSS. The effect of the parasitoids on WSS mortality is reflected in the relatively low 82 correlation (r = 0.69) between infestation and cutting seen in this site compared with other sites. The distribution of the data from this site was also skewed, probably due to the parasitoid. The correlation between percent infestation and the sum of percent cutting and percent parasitism was r = 0.95, suggesting that the low level of cutting in this environment was due to parasitism. Oviposition preference in WSS has been reported to be influenced by developmental stage and the degree of stem solidness (Holmes and Peterson, 1960). Adult WSS females are constrained to stems that they can breach with their sawlike ovipositor and are thus dependent on the brief availability of rapidly growing, soft green shoots. In wheat, stems that have begun elongating and develop through to the full emergence of the head are preferred. Among suitable stems in several host species, females select the taller ones for oviposition (Seamans, 1928; Holmes and Peterson, 1960; Youtie and Johnson, 1988; Morrill et al., 1992; Perez-Mendoza et al., 2006). Wheat stem sawfly females are also limited by their body size in the range of stem diameters that they can infest because they encircle the stems with their legs when ovipositing, so there is a variable range of stem diameters that is utilized among host species (Youtie and Johnson, 1988; Perez-Mendoza WWW.CROPS.ORG CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 et al., 2006). Morphological traits that did not cosegregate with oviposition in the RIL were stem diameter and glaucousness. Stem diameters for Conan and Reeder and the RIL were all within the usable range of the WSS (Morrill et al., 1992). The Conan–Reeder RIL were segregating for morphological characteristics that appeared to influence WSS oviposition and cutting, including stem solidness and heading date. The RIL showed greater variation for heading date and plant height than the variation between Reeder and Conan. Height variation among the RIL is attributable to the fact that Reeder and Conan contained different genes for semidwarf growth habit, resulting in segregation in the RIL. Semidwarf and standard-height genotypes were present among the RIL. Similarly, the range of variation for heading date in the RIL suggests that Reeder and Conan differ for genes influencing this trait as well. Previous work has shown that the insensitive allele at Ppd-D1 confers earlier heading and shorter stature in the Northern Great Plains (Dyck et al., 2004). While Conan and Reeder are both photoperiod insensitive, Conan has the Ppd-D1 allele conferring photoperiod insensitivity and Reeder had the sensitive allele at the same locus. Reeder has an insensitive allele at Ppd-B1, while Conan has the sensitive allele at this locus (Blake et al., 2009). The negative correlations between heading date and WSS infestation (r = −0.57) and cutting (r = −0.55) has important implications for breeding WSS-resistant cultivars. Early lines had stems available for oviposition by the WSS for a longer period of time, and were susceptible to egg laying during early stages of sawfly fl ight in the spring. Thus, selection for later heading lines may help control the WSS (Morrill and Kushnak, 1999). However, earlier heading has been an important selection target for hard red spring wheat in the Great Plains, in that early lines have the ability to head and begin to fi ll grain before extreme summer heat. Thus, breeding objectives for sawfly resistance and heat resistance may be in opposition to one another, emphasizing the need for the identification of novel mechanisms of resistance. Height did not significantly correlate with infestation or cutting in a consistent manner in this population. Relationships between height and suitability of stems for oviposition typically include a broader range of height than were observed in this study (Seamans, 1928, Holmes and Peterson, 1960). We also did not observe significant QTL for cutting or infestation associated with either of the Rht genes segregating in this population, probably due to the removal of the dwarf genotypes from the population. The degree of stem solidness was correlated with both WSS infestation (r = −0.31) and cutting (r = −0.32). This result has been shown previously and, in fact, solid stems are the primary plant characteristic used for WSS management. Conan is referred to as a semisolid cultivar. CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 50, JANUARY– FEBRUARY 2010 On a scale of 5 to 25, where 5 is hollow and 25 is completely pith-fi lled or solid, Conan averaged 10.3 vs. 7.2 for Reeder (Table 3). The degree of solidness in either parent is not sufficient to provide resistance to the WSS. The primary resistant cultivar grown in Montana WSS areas is Choteau (Lanning et al., 2004), with an average stem solidness rating of 21.2. Even with a comparatively lower level of stem solidness, it is interesting to note that solidness QTL could be identified in the Conan–Reeder RIL as influencing infestation and damage caused by the WSS. Current strategies for developing cultivars resistant to WSS involve measuring stem solidness and selecting genotypes with low stem cutting when breeding populations are evaluated in naturally infested areas. Our results show that selection for low stem cutting may indirectly select for later heading types as well as for stem solidness. Delayed heading is impractical for agronomic reasons, and solid stems are already used as a resistance mechanism (Lanning et al., 2004). Thus, we were interested in identifying novel loci that influenced oviposition preference of the sawfly without influencing agronomic performance. An initial step was construction of a linkage map with the Reeder–Conan RIL. We found that approximately 30% of SSR markers were polymorphic between Reeder and Conan, and could be mapped using the RIL. The DArT analysis identified 314 polymorphic markers between the parents. Many of these mapped to the same locations, leaving a total of 190 that were useful for complementing the SSR map. Chromosomes averaged 19.7 markers ranging from 37 on 1A and 3B to 7 on 1D and 6D with most of the D genome chromosomes having less than the average. Others also have reported a paucity of markers on the D genome, suggesting a need for additional marker development (Francki et al., 2009). We identified a total of 46 linkage groups instead of 21, indicating gaps on some chromosomes due to lack of polymorphism between Reeder and Conan. The presence of chromosome regions that lack polymorphism between Reeder and Conan was not unexpected, in that both are hard red spring wheat cultivars adapted to the Northern Great Plains, and likely share common ancestors. Pedigrees of the cultivars cannot be directly compared, in that Conan’s parents derived from a recurrent selection population involving multiple parental lines (D. Clark, personal communication, 2007). Although the size of this map is comparable to other wheat maps (current map—2608.75 cM; consensus map—2569 cM) (Somers et al., 2004), the current map is larger than it appears because all chromosome segments were not linked. It is important to emphasize that linkage groups containing few markers are tentatively assigned to chromosomes because several markers have been previously mapped to more than one chromosome. The most likely assignment was made by choosing the chromosome to which most of the markers were previously mapped. WWW.CROPS.ORG 83 At least one marker showing segregation distortion was observed on every chromosome except 1D. Segregation distortion manifests in this population as both single markers scattered through the genome and as groups of distorted loci observed on several chromosomes Segregation distortion can occur for a variety of reasons (see Song et al. [2006] for review). Some of the observed distortions in this case may be due to population structure, as RIL populations tend to have more distortion than F2 populations (Wang et al., 2003). The markers surrounding the Rht genes were distorted because of our elimination of dwarf lines from the population. The alleles conferring standard height were favored in both cases. Previously, 1D, 3D, 4D, 5B, and 7D have been reported to carry segregation distorted loci in wheat and wheat relatives (Faris et al., 1998; Kumar et al., 2007). We too observed segregation distortion on 4D, 5B, and 7D. While groups of distorted loci that favored both parents were observed, most of the distorted loci favored the Conan allele. Map distances corrected for segregation distortion using the Bailey function (Bailey, 1949; Lorieux et al., 1995) for our population retained marker order but increased distances between markers beyond that expected based on previous maps (data not shown). The classical function better represented expected map distances and enabled the inclusion of cosegregating loci that could not be mapped using the Bailey function. Xu (2008) showed that the effect of segregation distortion on QTL detection is likely to be negligible, though slight positive or negative effects are possible. Negative effects may include a slight loss in power of detection. Our inability to identify a QTL for cutting or infestation at the Rht loci may be due to this loss of power. However, the novel WSS infestation/cutting QTL on 2D and 4A were not in regions showing segregation distortion. Potential QTL for antixenosis that would decrease WSS attraction without implications on agronomic performance were identified as QTL that did not cosegregate with heading date and stem solidness. Also, QTL for WSS infestation and cutting present in multiple environments were of most interest. Quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 2D and 4A fit the criteria of no association with morphological or developmental traits and having an effect in multiple environments. Generation of additional markers for these regions is an important priority for eventual manipulation of the QTL using marker-assisted selection. Previous results have suggested that differential production of volatile compounds may control attraction of insects to specific genotypes (Reddy et al., 2004; Martel et al., 2005). Piesik et al. (2008) showed that wheat stems reliably produce several volatile compounds that influence attraction of female WSS for oviposition. Reeder and Conan differ for the production of these compounds (Weaver et al. (2009). Markers identified in this study will allow derivation of near-isogenic lines to determine the 84 genetic relationship between volatile production and the newly identified QTL. Two strategies for the use of QTL influencing antixenosis can be envisioned for the control of WSS. First, QTL decreasing attractiveness could be backcrossed into high-yielding cultivars to decrease infestation. 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