Western Carolina University Program Assessment Plan Special Education Graduate Program College of Education and Allied Professions Assessment Plan for 2007-2008 Primary Contact Name/Info: Sharon Dole 207 Killian 227-3282 dole@email.wcu.edu Program Mission Statement: The mission of the Special Education Program in the Department of Human Services is to prepare educators who are knowledgeable of child development and student learning, as well as how students vary in abilities, skills and maturation and use that knowledge to plan, implement and evaluate educational programs based on individual student needs, family input, and current research. We seek to create a community of learners and to prepare teachers to create a community of learners within their classrooms. Statement on Alignment of Program Mission w/University and College Mission: The program mission is consistent with the mission of the university and the conceptual framework of the College of Education and Allied Professions. Our vision is to develop teachers who are lifelong learners, who think critically and creatively, who reflect upon teaching and learning and modify instruction accordingly, who utilize pedagogical knowledge to meet the needs of a diverse student population, who use technology effectively, who promote high achievement in their students, who collaborate with families and other professionals, and who genuinely care about their students. Special Education Program Goals/Objectives: 1. To develop teachers who are knowledgeable of normal development in cognitive, socialemotional and language areas and within that framework focus on how students vary in abilities, skills and maturation. 2. To prepare teachers to differentiate for variation in abilities, skills and maturation and determine congruence with current curricula as a basis for setting goals and objectives. 3. To foster a problem-solving framework in which reflective decision-making by observing and collecting information on students is used as a basis for setting goals and objectives, planning instruction and evaluating the teaching program. 4. To provide education in a variety of teaching methods and curricular approaches which emphasize creatively using the students’ knowledge and background as a basis for designing inviting teaching and transition programs. 1 5. To provide training in working collaboratively with parents and professionals and in managing a positive classroom environment so there is time for focused learning within an accepting and inviting atmosphere. 6. To provide teachers with the skills to access and reflect on information in the field of special education through the use of journals, books and conferences so that their education will continue after graduation. Programs of Study: The special education program has both a Master of Arts in Education (Made) program and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. The Made program is for those teachers who have an “A” level license in special education. The program consists of a professional core, a special education core, and a concentration in one of the following areas: behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, mental disabilities, severe/profound disabilities, or gifted education. The program consists of 36 semester hours of graduate study. The MAT program is for those persons who do not have an “A” level license in special education. Qualified persons with a BA or BS degree may earn a teaching license and graduate degree simultaneously. The program consists of a professional core, pedagogy courses, and a concentration in one of the following areas: behavioral disorders, learning and mental disabilities, or severe/profound disabilities. The program consists of 36-39 hours of graduate study plus 0-15 semester hours of prerequisite undergraduate study. Both programs are also offered online for those persons who live a considerable distance form campus. The distance MAT program began in the summer of 2005 and had its first graduates in spring 2008. The Made distance program began in the summer of 2007. Number of Candidates Currently Enrolled in the Program: During the 2007-2008 there were a total of 114+ graduate students enrolled in special education programs. These included 54 in the Made program, 60+* in the MAT program, and 11 LOP students. This number does not include the number of non-degree graduate students. *It’s been difficult to obtain an accurate number of students enrolled in the MAT. 2 Western Carolina University Special Education Graduate Program College of Education and Allied Professions Annual Assessment Report for 2007-2008 Primary Contact Name/Info: Sharon Dole 207 Killian 227-3282 dole@email.wcu.edu The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is revising standards for all teacher education programs. As a result, the graduate curriculum is undergoing a revision to coincide with the new standards. The revision of the MAT and MAEd programs will be completed and submitted to DPI in June 2009. SPED: General Curriculum Licensure Standard (Initial Entry License for MAT) Standards (Learning Outcomes) Standard 1: Teachers have a knowledge base for each of the basic skills in language arts and mathematics. Courses in Which Standard is Addressed SPED 505 Method (s) of Assessment Case studies (rubric) Literature Review (rubric) Curriculum inspection Lesson plans Literature review Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Exceptionality update and interview paper Web site evaluation Case study Action research intervention project (rubric) Sharing effective practices SPED 566 SPED 567 SPED 630 Standard 2: Teachers have a broad and working knowledge of research-based learning strategies and their relationship to teaching individual students. SPED 240 SPED 401 SPED 505 SPED 566 3 Results of Assessment SPED 630 Standard 3: Teachers teach students to use behaviors that promote success in the learning environment. SPED 401 Standard 4: Teachers organize effective student learning environments. Standard 5: Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques to determine instructional content, instructional procedures, and documentation of student learning and progress. SPED 555 Standard 6: Teachers explicitly teach research-validated instructional and behavior strategies to facilitate learning across the curriculum. SPED 505 Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) List of suggestions for working with ADHD students Behavior change project Action research project (rubric) Classroom design project (rubric) Action research project (rubric) Test administration & report Alternative assessment project Action research intervention project (rubric) Curriculum based measurement Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio Action research intervention project (rubric) Action research project (rubric) Curriculum inspection project Lesson plans Teaching simulations Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Action research intervention project SPED 407 SPED 555 SPED 310 SPED 505 SPED 631 SPED 687 SPED 555 SPED 566 SPED 567 SPED 630 Standard 7: Teachers use systematic, SPED 505 4 explicit, multi-sensory methods to teach SPED 566 reading, written expression, and SPED 567 mathematics. SPED 630 Standard 8: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management planning and selection of teaching techniques. Standard 9: Teachers know the process and procedures for providing special education services. Standard 10: Teachers collaborate and consult with general education teachers, parents and other professionals. Standard 11: Teachers pursue continued professional development and learning to improve schools and advance knowledge. (rubric) Curriculum inspection project Lesson plans Teaching simulations Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Curriculum blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans (rubric) SPED 620 SPED 240 Test SPED 401 SPED 405 SPED 401 Definition & criteria for LD Case study Case studies SPED 405 SPED 620 Family interview Case study (rubric) SPED 401 Research professional organizations Annotated bibliography Grant application (rubric) SPED 405 SPED 505 100% proficient (n=20) SPED: Adapted Curriculum Licensure Standards (Initial Entry License for MAT) Standard 1: Teachers have an indepth knowledge base for each of the SPED 241 SPED 530 Research paper on a controversial area Systematic instruction plans and thematic units 5 functional academic areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and its extensions as required for independent living. SPED 530 Standard 2: Teachers have knowledge of language arts and mathematics skills, as outlined in the north Carolina Standard Course of Study and its extensions. SPED 555 Standard 3: Teachers use behaviors that promote success in the learning SPED 534 environment. Standard 4: Teachers organize the educational environment for student learning. Standard 5: Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques to determine instructional content, procedures, methods, and document student learning and progress. SPED 530 SPED 687 SPED 310 SPED 631 SPED 530 Standard 6: Teachers instruct in the use of a variety of SPED 687 strategies to facilitate learning across the curriculum. SPED 530 Standard 7: Lesson plan that uses assistive technology Classroom design project (rubric) Action research project (rubric) PBS project Person centered plan & curriculum based assessment (COACH) Ecological inventory Daily data probes Test administration & report Alternative assessment project Curriculum based measurement/instructional project (rubric) Systematic instruction lessons Lessons with AT, SI, and feedback Systematic instruction 6 Teachers use a variety of methods to teach and generalize skills across environments. Standard 8: Teachers facilitate student participation in the NC state assessment program including large scale and alternative assessments. Standard 9: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management planning and selection of teaching techniques. Standard 10: Teachers know the process and procedures for providing special education service. Standard 11: Teachers contribute to the development and implementation of IEP transition components. Standard 12: Teachers collaborate with families, general education teachers and other professionals. Standard 13: Teachers demonstrate professional behavior. SPED 687 lessons Lessons with AT, SI, and feedback. SPED 530 SPED 687 Teach skills and assess student performance on NC State assessment SPED 620 Curriculum blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans (rubric) Family resource notebook SPED 533 SPED 241 SPED 687 Test Teacher work sample portfolio Exit criteria SPED 687 Write an IEP and participate in an IEP meeting SPED 533 Team building projects SPED 687 Teacher work sample portfolio Exit Criteria 7 100% proficient (n=20) SPED 555 Standard 14: Teachers know and practice ethical SPED 687 responsibilities to insure the provision of a quality education SPED 528 for each student. Classroom design project (rubric) Teacher work sample portfolio Exit Criteria SPED: Behavior and Emotionally Disabled Licensure Standards (Advanced License for MAEd and MAT) Standards (Learning Outcomes) Courses in Which Standard is Addressed SPED 504 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 566 (MAT) Standard 1: Teachers have an extended knowledge of the structures and concepts of language arts and mathematics. SPED 567 (MAT) SPED 682 (MAEd) SPED 684 (MAEd and MAT) Standard 2: Teachers SPED 504 (MAEd have an extended and MAT) knowledge of research- SPED 684 (MAEd based learning and MAT) strategies and their relationship to learning of students with BED. Standard 3: Teachers SPED 504 (MAEd have extended and MAT) knowledge of the SED 684 (MAEd scope of and MAT) social/emotional skill content across age levels. Standard 4: Teachers SPED 310 (MAT employ systematic prerequisite) screening and SPED 407 (MAT evaluation procedures prerequisite) specific to the SPED 504 (MAEd Method (s) of Assessment Literature review Sharing effective practices Curriculum inspection Lesson plans Teaching simulations Literature review Literature review Research project Literature review Literature review Action research project Program observation and reflection Literature review and reflection Test administration & report BED checklist review 8 Results of Assessment identification of students with BED. Standard 5: Teachers employ procedures involving curriculumbased, strength-based and functional assessments to guide instructional planning and teaching techniques for individual students with BED. Standard 6: Teachers develop highly structured classroom designs and management systems for students with BED. Standard 7: Teachers employ crisis management techniques for management and instruction for students in crisis. Standard 8: Teachers employ instructional strategies for addressing disruptive, aggressive, school survival, withdrawal, self-stimulatory and injurious behavior. Standard 9: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management and MAT) SPED 684 (MAED and MAT) SPED 504 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 684 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 631 MAEd and MAT) SPED 687 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 407 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 504 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 555 (MAT) SPED 684 (MAEd and MAT) SPED 504 (MAEd and MAT) BED checklist analysis Case study evaluation FBA-PBS project Action research project Curriculum based measurement/instructional project (rubric) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio Case study evaluation Action research project Classroom design project Research project (rubric) Life space interview FBA Positive behavior management plan SPED 684 (Made and MAT) SPED 684 (Made and MAT) Life space interview FBA Positive behavior management plan SPED 620 (Made and MAT) Curriculum blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans (rubric) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample SPED 687 (Made and MAT) 9 100% proficient (n=20) planning and selection of teaching techniques. Standard 10: Teachers know the legal/medical/historical and philosophical foundations and the major milestones in the field of emotional behavioral disorders. Standard 11: Teachers know the research, theories and issues related to the causes, identification and instruction of students with BED. Standard 12: Teachers use research knowledge and conduct informed classroom research in the instruction and management of students with BED. Standard 13: Teachers practice their profession with ethical commitments to confidentiality and to advocacy for appropriate services for students with BED. Standard 14: Teachers know and provide support for resources and information to assist students, parents, and other professions in providing services for students with BED. Standard 15: Teachers know early Portfolio SPED 407 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 504 (Made and MAT) Article critiques SPED 684 (Made and MAT) Case studies Literature review SPED 504 (Made and MAT) SPED 555 (MAT) Literature review SPED 556 (MAT) SPED 684 (Made and MAT) SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Classroom design (rubric) Action research project (rubric) Curriculum inspection project Literature review Positive behavior management plan Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio SPED 504 (Made and MAT) SPED 684 (Made and MAT) Research project SPED 502 (Made) Current issues presentation/debate Case study 10 intervention research, curriculum and advocate for early intervention for students who, without intervention, may be inaccurately identified as BED. SPED 504 (Made and MAT) SPED 682 (Made) Article abstracts Case study FBA/PBS Literature review SPED: Intellectual Disability Licensure Standards (Advanced License for Made and MAT)* *There were no students in this program in 2007-2008. Standard Courses in Which Standard is Addressed Standard 1:Teachers SPED 530 (Made) have an extended SPED 566 (MAT) knowledge of the structure and concepts of language SPED 567 (MAT) arts and mathematics as required for independent living. SPED 630 (Made and MAT) SPED 682 (Made) Standard 2: Teachers have extended knowledge of research-based strategies, accommodations, and assistive technology and their relationship to the learning of students with mental disabilities. Standard 3: Teachers have an extended knowledge SPED 530 (Made) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) SPED 682 (Made) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) Method (s) of Assessment Sharing effective practices Curriculum inspection Lesson plans Teaching simulations Literature review Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Literature review Research project Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Literature review Research project Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) 11 Results of Assessment base of the functional academic areas addressed in the north Carolina Standard Course of Study and its extensions. Standard 4: Teachers have an extended knowledge of concepts, requirements, laws, and philosophy that guide that development of an appropriate occupational preparation program for high school students with disabilities. Standard 5: Teachers employ clinical teaching procedures involving formal and informal assessments to guide instructional planning and teaching techniques for individual students. Academic Task Analysis (rubric) SPED 566 (MAT) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) SPED 310 (Made and MAT) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) SPED 631 (Made and MAT) SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Standard 6: Teachers create an environment that models, teaches, and practices equal and equitable treatment of all learners and staff. SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Curriculum inspection project Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Test administration & report Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) Curriculum based measurement/instructional project (rubric) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio 12 Standard 7: Teachers apply a wide variety of instructional strategies and methods that result in meaningful student learning outcomes across a variety of curricula, environments, and people. Standard 8: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management planning and selection of teaching techniques. Standard 9: Teachers know the legal, historical and philosophical foundations and the major milestones in the field of mental disabilities. Standard 10: Teachers know the research, theories, and issues related to the causes, identification, and instruction of individuals with mental disabilities. SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio SPED 620 (Made and MAT) Curriculum blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio Standard 11: Teachers use research knowledge and conduct educational research to improve their SPED 566 (MAT) SPED 687 (Made and MAT) SPED 405 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 405 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) Curriculum inspection project Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis 13 instruction and support of students with mental disabilities. Standard 12: Teachers practice their profession with ethical commitments to students with mental disabilities. Standard 13: Teachers know and provide supportive resources and information to students, parents, and other professionals that maximize student learning experiences and educational outcomes. Standard 14: Teachers pursue indepth professional development and learning to improve schools and advance knowledge in the field of mental disabilities. SPED 682 (Made) (rubric) Literature review Research project SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio SPED 630 (Made and MAT) Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) SPED 630 (Made and MAT) Unit w/differentiated instruction lesson plans (rubric) Academic Task Analysis (rubric) SPED: Specific Learning Disabilities Licensure Standards (Advanced Licensure for Made and MAT) Standard Standard 1: Teachers have an extended knowledge of the structure and concepts of language arts and mathematics. Courses in Which Standard is Addressed SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 566 (MAT) SPED 567 (MAT) Method (s) of Assessment Action research intervention project (rubric) Sharing effective practices Curriculum inspection Lesson plans 14 Results of Assessment SPED 681 (Made) Standard 2: Teachers have an extended knowledge of research-based learning strategies and their relationship to learning of individual students. SPED 401 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 566 (MAT) SPED 567 (MAT) SPED 681 (Made) SPED 682 (Made) Standard 3: Teachers use clinical (diagnosticprescriptive) procedures involving curriculum-based language, and cognitive assessments, to guide instructional planning and the selection of teaching techniques for individual students. SPED 310 (MAT prerequisite) SPED 505 (Made and MAT) Standard 4: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management planning and selection of teaching techniques. SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 555 (MAT) SPED 620 (Made and MAT) SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Teaching simulations Literature review Article critiques Research project Graphic organizer of RTI Action research intervention project (rubric) Sharing effective practices Curriculum inspection Lesson plans Teaching simulations Literature review Article critiques Research project Literature review Research project Test administration & report Action research intervention project (rubric) Action research intervention project (rubric) Action research project (rubric) Curriculum blueprint 100% proficient with culturally (n=20) responsive unit and lesson plans Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio 15 Standard 5: Teachers know the legal, historical and medical foundations and the major milestones and contributions in the field of learning disabilities. Standard 6: Teachers know the research, theories, and issues related to the causes and the identification and instruction of individuals with learning disabilities. Standard 7: Teachers use research findings and conduct informed classroom research on the instruction and management of students with learning disabilities to improve their instruction. Standard 8: Teachers practice their profession with ethical commitment to the use of validated practices, confidentiality, and advancing the lives of individuals with learning disabilities. Standard 9: Teachers know and advocate for supportive resources and information to assist students, parents, and other professionals in providing services for students with learning disabilities. Standard 10: SPED 401 (MAT prerequisite) Reflections on readings Case study SPED 401 (MAT prerequisite) Reflections on readings Definition & criteria for LD Current issues presentation Article critiques SPED 502 SPED 681 (Made) SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 555 (MAT) Action research intervention project (rubric) Action research project (rubric) SPED 682 SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Research project Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Teacher Work Sample Portfolio SPED 401 (MAT prerequisite) Annotated bibliography Research professional organizations Grant application (rubric) Teacher Website (checklist) SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 401 (MAT Literature review 16 Teachers know early intervention research, curriculum and advocate for early intervention for students who, without intervention, may be inaccurately identified as learning disabled. prerequisite) SPED 505 (Made and MAT) SPED 567 (MAT) SPED 631 (Made) Comparison of NLD & AS Reflection on readings (rubric) Literature review Article critiques SPED: Severe/Profound Mental Disability Licensure Standards (Advanced License for Made and MAT) Standard Standard 1: Teachers have an extended knowledge base for each of the functional academic areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and its extensions. Standard 2: Teachers have an extended knowledge base for each of the basic life skill areas of communication, Personal/Home Management, Career/Vocational, and community domains as outlined in the NC Alternate Assessment Portfolio process. Standard 3: Teachers have an extended working knowledge for each of the basic skills of language arts and mathematics as outlined in the NC Courses in Which Standard is Addressed SPED 530 (Made) SPED 687 Method (s) of Assessment Systematic instruction lessons and group instruction lessons SPED 528 SPED 530 (Made) SPED 687 Test Instructional lessons Data collection systems for each instructional goal. Praxis II SPED 530 (Made) SPED 687 SPED 566 (MAT) Group lesson that connects to the SCOS Curriculum inspection 17 Results of Assessment Standard Course of Study. Standard 4: Teachers have a broad knowledge base of theories of human development and learning. Standard 5: Teachers employ clinical teaching procedures involving formal and informal assessment tools to guide instructional planning and teaching techniques for individual students. Standard 6: Teachers utilize specialized teaching strategies to provide instruction across a variety of curricula, environments, and people. Standard 7: Teachers use knowledge about cultural, socioeconomic and family dynamics to guide instructional and/or management planning and selection of teaching techniques. Standard 8: Teachers know the legal, historical, and philosophical foundations and the major milestones and contributions in the field of mental PSY 621 SPED 530 SPED 528 SPED 530 SPED 687 (Made and MAT) SPED 530 SPED 687 (Made and MT) SPED 620 SPED 533 (Made and MAT) SPED 620 (Made and MAT) Final Exam Daily data collection and the use of data based decision rules Ecological inventory COACH Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Portfolio Lesson plans Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Portfolio Lesson plans Curriculum Blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans (rubric) Reflections on family stories Curriculum Blueprint with culturally responsive unit and lesson plans (rubric) SPED 528 SPED 534 18 100% proficient (n=20) 100% proficient (n=20) disabilities. Standard 9: Teachers know the research, theories, and issues related to the causes, identification, and instruction of students with mental disabilities. Standard 10: Teachers use research knowledge and conduct educational research to improve their instruction and support of students with SPMD. Standard 11: Teachers practice their profession with ethical commitments to confidentiality and advocacy for appropriate services for students with SPMD. Standard 12: Teachers know and provide supportive resources and information to assist students, families, and other professionals in providing services for students with SPMD Standard 13: Teachers serve as leaders in the transition process. SPED 530 SPED 528 Final Exam SPED 528 (Made and MAT) SPED 682 (Made) Literature review SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Literature review Research project NC Alternate Assessment Portfolio SPED 687 (Made and MAT) Journal entries Videotape with selfreflection Portfolio SPED 533 (Made and MAT) Individual project SPED 533 Paraprofessional instructional guide 19 Western Carolina University Special Education Graduate Program College of Education and Allied Professions Annual Assessment Report for 2007-2008 Primary Contact Name/Info: Sharon Dole 207 Killian 227-3282 dole@email.wcu.edu Intended Learning Outcomes Assessed this Cycle To successfully complete entry level competencies (MAT only) To successfully complete advanced competencies (Made and MAT) Method (s) of Assessment Results of Assessment Teacher Work Sample 100% adequate or proficient Praxis II scores 100% passing rate Implementation Plan None Portfolio (collection of work samples) Total possible score: 4 None Standard 1: Instructional Expertise 3.3 (n=12) Standard 2: Knowledge of Learners 3.48 (n=12) Standard 3: Research Expertise 3.55 (n=12) Standard 4: Connect Subject Matter with Learners 3.69 (n=12) Standard 5: Development of Leadership 3.56 (n=12) Overall 3.28 (n=12) 20 To successfully complete common assignments related to Personal Essay diversity standards in SPED 620, a course in Cultural field the professional core experience Curriculum blueprint with culturally responsive lesson plans Intended Program/Process To Be Assessed this Cycle Advanced competencies of students in masters’ programs as documented in exit portfolios Curriculum revision in masters’ programs Total Possible Score:4 3.64 (n=20) 3.60 (n=21) 3.65 (n=20) Method (s) of Assessment Results of Assessment Implementation Plan SPED Faculty Meeting Use same advanced standards for both MAT and Made portfolio requirements. Implemented in TaskStream in the 08 spring semester. See above table for results. Committee meetings Schools of education are being required to revise their programs to coincide with the 21st century standards. This process is ongoing with a June 09 deadline to report to DPI. Committee meet once in spring 08 and will meet throughout the 08-09 school year. 21 Graduates who have been out of the program at least 2 years will be surveyed for their input.