Western Carolina University

Western Carolina University
Masters of School Administration/Add-on Certificate
Educational Leadership and Foundations
Annual Assessment Report for 2007-2008
Primary Contact Name/Info:
Phone: (828) 227-3213
Dr. Frederick C. Buskey, Assistant Professor
Educational Leadership and Foundations
107 Killian
Fax: (828) 227-7607 email: fbuskey@email.wcu.edu
Student Learning Outcome(s) Assessed in 2007-08
Method(s) of
Results of Assessment
1. Facilitate the articulation, formulation and dissemination of a
school vision of learning supported by the school community.
Portfolio Assessment
(Standard 1)
2. Promote and maintain a positive school culture for learning, by
promoting effective instructional programs, by applying best
practices to students learning and by designing and implementing
comprehensive professional growth plans for staff.
3. Manage the organization, operations and resources in a way that
promote a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Portfolio Assessment
(Standards 2 and 3)
4. Collaborate with families and other community members
5. Respond to diverse community interests and needs
6. Mobilize community resources.
7. Demonstrate a respect for the rights of others by acting
8. Articulate, analyze, describe and communicate the larger political,
social, economic, legal and cultural context and advocate for all
9. Complete an internship that provides significant opportunities for
synthesizing and applying knowledge and practicing the skills
identified in outcomes 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standardsbased work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the
Western Carolina University Department of Educational Leadership
and Foundations and school district personnel for graduate credit.
Portfolio Assessment
(Standard 6)
Spring graduates performed adequately
Portfolio Assessment
(Standard 7)
Reported faculty
Highest performing area on portfolio
Faculty have been engaged in substantive
outreach. Advisee web site in webCAT has been
an effective tool for supporting candidates.
Interns continue to receive overall ratings in the
highest 2 categories
Portfolio Assessment
(Standard 5)
Intern Supervisor
9/14 students met or exceeded standard; 3/14
students were marginal and 2/14 were weak.
Struggling students showed no consistent
pattern except they were not able to articulate
personal growth related to the standard.
Results show overall significant growth in
understanding school culture. There is a need to
incorporate more work with the SIT and to be
more explicit about protecting instructional time.
Overall results were positive. There are some
specific areas in need of improvement.
Implementation Plan
Redesign of program will take these
into account and place responsibility
clearly in specific courses.
Redesign of program will take these
into account and place responsibility
clearly in specific courses.
Redesign of program will take these
into account and place responsibility
clearly in specific courses.
Continue support; clarify advisor roles.