Western Carolina University Program Assessment Plan Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Program

Western Carolina University
Program Assessment Plan
Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Program
Educational Leadership & Foundations Department
College of Education and Allied Professions
Assessment Plan for 2006-2007
Primary Contact Name/Information
Alvin Proffit, Ed.D.
250 Killian
College Mission Statement
The professional education program at Western Carolina University fulfills its mission by creating and nourishing a
community of learners guided by knowledge, values, and experiences. The guiding principles of this community include:
1) the belief that the best educational decisions are made after adequate reflection and with careful consideration of the
interests, experiences, and welfare of the persons affected by the decisions; 2) appreciation of and respect for diversity;
and 3) the fostering of the responsible use of technology.
Program Mission
The Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership (Ed.S.) leads to advanced licensure in education
administration (Superintendent Licensure). The program requires 36 hours beyond the Master's Degree in School
Administration. Students who have a Master's Degree in an education-related field may have their transcripts reviewed to
determine pre-requisite courses needed for principal licensure before entering the Ed.S. Upon completion of the Ed.S.
students who are admitted into the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership may transfer up to 36 hours into the Ed.D.
Program Goals
Examining the North Carolina Standards for Educational Leaders and the ELCC standards, the faculty and field based
advisory groups agree that the goals of the Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) are:
Candidates entering the Ed.S. program will have demonstrated successful educational employment as a teacher,
counselor, school psychologist or administrator, be viewed by their peers and supervisors as strong candidates for the
Ed.S. program, and will demonstrate vision for the 21st century school that is consistent with the Ed.S. program aims.
Candidates will demonstrate competencies through specific projects as assessed by faculty through multiple
evaluative methods to ensure their satisfactory progress in the program.
Candidates completing the Ed.S. will demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes that are reflected in vision and
strategic plans which will involve all stakeholders and are representative of student centered decision making.
Current status of plan:
The Ed.S. will undergo major revisions during the 2006-2007 academic year due to the recent approval by the State
Board of Education (April 5/6, 2006 meeting) for an add-on license for the principal license. Prior to this option for
students with an existing graduate degree, students have had to take 24 hours, plus the 36 of the Ed.S. to get their
license. The faculty in the department have developed an add-on program and students are currently enrolling for the
add-on license. This change provides us the opportunity to reconsider our Ed.S., its role and function within the graduate
Any revisions that will apply to the Ed.S. will include entry, mid-point and exit assessment criteria with specific rubrics to
address them. All courses and assessment tools will address the seven competencies of school leaders.
Intended Learning Outcome
Curricular and/or Co-Curricular
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
Methods of Assessment
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
Learning Outcome 4: An Ed.S. graduate is an In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
educational leader who has the knowledge changes in principal licensure by DPI.
and ability to promote the success of all
students by collaborating with families and
other community members, responding to
diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
Learning Outcome 1: An Ed.S. graduate is
an educational leader who has the
knowledge, skills and abilities to promote
the success of all students by facilitating
the articulation, formulation, and
dissemination of a school vision of learning
supported by the school community.
Learning Outcome 2: An Ed.S. graduate is an
educational leader who has the knowledge
and ability to support the success of all
students by promoting and maintaining a
positive school culture for learning, by
promoting effective instructional programs,
by applying best practices to student
learning, and by designing and
implementing comprehensive professional
growth plans for staff.
Learning Outcome 3: An Ed.S. graduate is
an educational leader who has the
knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by managing the
organization, operations, and resources in a
way that promote a safe, efficient, and
effective learning environment.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
Intended Learning Outcome
Curricular and/or Co-Curricular
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
Methods of Assessment
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major
Learning Outcome 7: An Ed.S. graduate is
changes in principal licensure by DPI.
an educational leader who has the ability
and experience to promote the success of
all students by completing an internship
that provides significant opportunities for
synthesizing and applying knowledge and
practicing the skills identified in outcomes
1-6 through substantial, sustained,
standards based work in real settings,
planned and guided cooperatively by the
Western Carolina University Department of
Educational Leadership and Foundations
and school district personnel for graduate
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.
Learning Outcome 5: An Ed.S. graduate is
an educational leader who has the
knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by demonstrating a
respect for the rights of others and by
acting responsibility.
Learning Outcome 6: An Ed.S. graduate is
an educational leader who has the
knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by articulating,
analyzing and describing, and
communicating the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context and
advocating for all students.
In revision for 2006-2007, due to major changes in
principal licensure by DPI.