Document 12185816

Western Carolina University
Program Assessment Plan
Department of BKEMGE
College of Education and Allied Professions
Assessment Plan for 2006-2007
Primary Contact Name: Terry D. Rose
Program Improvement Plan: (See Appendix A for a copy of the model
used for program improvement within the department which led to the
following Assessment Plan.)
Department Vision:
Educational environments where students and teachers engage as co-learners
to critically, creatively and reflectively impact a rapidly changing world.
We acknowledge the following values as driving our vision: lifelong
learning, embracing diversity, curiosity, critical thinking, multiple
perspectives, social justice, reflective nature and actions, passion,
competence, rigor, self assessment and growth, honesty, mindful action,
collegiality, resourcefulness and research informing actions and practice and
critical entrepreneurship (these values are not in priority order).
Department Mission Statement:
The department of BKEMGE strives to model practices that form our vision
and create supportive communities of practice which encourage and engage
students and others in critical examination and improvement of current
educational practices.
(See Appendix B for the Information pertaining to the development of the
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives for the department.)
Statement on Alignment of Program Mission with the University and
College Mission:
In relation to the University Mission and Vision, our mission statement
reflects a strong commitment to not only teaching, but also to creative
individual and collective endeavors as well as service to the larger
educational community and the fostering of positive relationships and
partnerships within the region and beyond.
In relation to the College Mission and Vision, our mission statement reflects
an emphasis on the three areas of teaching, research and service with a focus
on support for and partnerships with educational communities within the
region and beyond in order to not only prepare beginning professional
educators to be successful and remain in the profession but also to support
and build successful partnerships with those already in the profession
through collaborative endeavors and staff development.
BKEMGE Program Goals and Objectives: (See Appendix B for
Information Regarding Development of these Goals and Objectives.) The
following represent all goals and objectives for the departmental programs.
The goals pertaining most directly to student outcomes will be repeated
immediately following this section.
(Goal 1) Formatively evaluate our courses and programs to inform/change
Refine and align teaching evaluations to reflect our goals and the
university expectations.
Refine and align advising evaluations to reflect our goals and the
university expectations.
(Goal 2) Nurture partnerships among educational communities of practice.
Continue to engage in SUTEP partnership endeavors.
Continue membership and leadership roles in professional
Continue existing and seek out other contacts within the local schools
and the global community.
Refine and continue Jamaica program and other distance education
Refine WNC EDNET connections.
Maintain and improve working relationships with community
Increase participation to local educational communities by providing
more consulting without pay.
(Goal 3) Engage the regional community in refining our educational
Establish and use existing boards and partnerships to provide input
into our mission and goal revisions in the future.
(Goal 4) Empower all students to achieve self-efficacy and leadership in the
Continue opportunities for student leadership roles such as increase
CHILD organization membership and participation, encourage
increased participation in the Rural/Urban exchange program and
involve students in professional organizations such as NCCTM.
Evaluate, refine and choose curricula in our existing courses for
promotion of student empowerment and self efficacy.
Incorporate classroom management and leadership skills into our
existing courses.
Provide more opportunities for public presentation of student projects
such as the graduate research projects.
Work collaboratively with both undergraduate and graduate students
on research projects and presentations.
(Goal 5) Encourage all students to reflect on, critically examine and improve
their educational knowledge and practice.
Evaluate and refine existing courses to reflect the current Educational
and Technology Standards and best practice for all subjects.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for students to
reflect on and inform their own practice.
Give opportunities for revision of projects and encourage
(Goal 6) Prepare all students to work with diverse communities and learners.
Incorporate current research and literature in the area of diversity into
existing courses.
Incorporate more assignments such as “Crossing Borders” into
existing courses.
Hire diverse faculty.
Encourage participation in and sharing of experiences in programs
such as Rural/Urban Exchange.
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses
(teaching in Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.).
Incorporate more curricula into existing classes which help students
prepare for working with diverse groups including ELL, special
education, socioeconomics, etc.
(Goal 7) Promote individual and collective endeavors that improve the
quality of education in the local area and beyond.
Continue to evaluate and improve our existing programs as well as the
need for new programs
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses
(teaching in Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.).
Continue to engage in SUTEP partnership endeavors.
Continue membership and leadership roles in professional
Continue existing and seek out other contacts within the local schools
and the global community.
Refine and continue Jamaica program and other distance education
Refine WNC EDNET connections.
Maintain and improve working relationships with community
Increase participation to local educational communities by providing
more consulting without pay.
(Goal 8) Encourage inquiry.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities to model
inquiry process in our courses.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for inquiry
Evaluate classrooms and existing space and work to provide
multimedia workstations in every classroom.
Evaluate status and secure resources to provide equitable resources for
distance education and on site courses.
Integrate the National Technology Standards and other National
Organizations’ Standards in all classes.
(Goal 9) Evaluate and integrate new tools for thinking and learning.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities to model
inquiry process in our courses.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for inquiry
Evaluate classrooms and existing space and work to provide
multimedia workstations in every classroom.
Continue to research, secure and integrate the most current tools for
thinking and learning for our courses.
Evaluate status and secure resources to provide equitable resources for
distance education and on site courses.
Integrate the National Technology Standards and other National
Organizations’ Standards in all classes.
(Goal 10) Nurture a community where all members can feel safe, welcome
and respected to pursue challenging ideas and ways of being.
Examine, challenge and expose hegemonic social patterns.
Incorporate current research and literature in the area of diversity into
existing courses.
Incorporate more assignments such as “Crossing Borders” into
existing courses.
Hire diverse faculty.
Encourage participation in and sharing of experiences of students and
faculty in programs such as Rural/Urban exchange.
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses
(teaching in Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.).
Incorporate more curricula into existing classes which help students
prepare for working with diverse groups including ELL, special
education, socioeconomics, etc.
(Goal 11) Promote critical but respectful academic collaborative discourse.
Establish faculty writing groups.
Encourage and support faculty presentations of their research and
their projects.
Establish new and maintain existing advisory boards to help with
program evaluation and program improvement.
Model the use of critical but respectful academic collaborative
discourse in our classrooms.
Goals and Objectives Most Directly Related to Student Outcomes: The
following goals and objectives are those which are associated most directly
with student outcomes. These represent those requested by the University
Office of Assessment for the year end report May 31, 2006.
(Goal 4) Empower all students to achieve self-efficacy and leadership in the
Continue opportunities for student leadership roles such as increase
CHILD organization membership and participation, encourage
increased participation in the Rural/Urban Exchange program and
involve students in professional organizations such as NCCTM.
Evaluate, refine and choose curricula in our existing courses for
promotion of student empowerment and self efficacy.
Incorporate classroom management and leadership skills into our
existing courses.
Provide more opportunities for public presentation of student projects
such as the graduate research projects.
Work collaboratively with both undergraduate and graduate students
on research projects and presentations.
(Goal 5) Encourage all students to reflect on, critically examine and improve
their educational knowledge and practice.
Evaluate and refine existing courses to reflect the current Educational
and Technology Standards and best practice for all subjects.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for students to
reflect on and inform their own practice.
Give opportunities for revision of projects and encourage
(Goal 6) Prepare all students to work with diverse communities and learners.
Incorporate current research and literature in the area of diversity into
existing courses.
Incorporate more assignments such as “Crossing Borders” into
existing courses.
Hire diverse faculty.
Encourage participation in and sharing of experiences in programs
such as Rural/Urban Exchange.
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses
(teaching in Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.).
Incorporate more curricula into existing classes which helps students
prepare for working with diverse groups including ELL, special
education, socioeconomics, etc.
The following table represents the relationship between the departmental goals and
objectives most directly related to student outcomes and the Intended Learning
Outcomes, Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences and Methods of Assessment as
required by Western Carolina’s Program Assessment Handbook (p. 43).
Curricular and
Methods of
(Goal 4)
Empower all
students to
achieve selfefficacy and
leadership in
the field.
opportunities for
student leadership
roles such as increase
CHILD organization
membership and
encourage increased
participation in the
exchange program
and involve students
in professional
organizations such as
-Evaluate, refine and
choose curricula in
our existing courses
for promotion of
Students will
participate in and
take leadership
roles in
organizations such
Exchange Program
and Student
Advisory Boards
within the program
and across campus.
The assessment
coordinator for the
department will
maintain records
each year from
faculty sponsors of
organizations and
Every three years,
the assessment
coordinator for the
department will
compile and
analyze the data
pertaining to the
number of students
participating in and
Students will
conduct and
present research in
their courses and
in the professional
Courses in the
program in
social studies and
empowerment and
self efficacy.
management and
leadership skills into
our existing courses.
-Provide more
opportunities for
public presentation
of student projects
such as the graduate
research projects.
collaboratively with
both undergraduate
and graduate
students on research
projects and
literacy education
(ELMG 416, 466,
419, 417 and
various literacy
Participation in the
Symposium on
Graduates will
conduct research in
their classrooms
and share their
findings with the
EDEL 695 & 696
graduate research
course is
comprised partially
of WCU graduate
students who are
currently teaching.
Graduates will
participate in and
take leadership
roles in their
schools and in
The Annual
Graduate Research
Symposium at
Graduates will
serve on
textbook adoption
committees, etc.
State curriculum
committees and
textbook adoption
committees as well
as various
positions at the
school, local and
state levels.
National Board
(Goal 5)
Encourage all
students to
reflect on,
examine and
improve their
-Evaluate and refine
existing courses to
reflect the current
Educational and
Standards and best
practice for all
-Evaluate and refine
existing courses for
opportunities for
students to reflect on
and inform their own
Students will use
models of current
best practice and
knowledge of
current state and
national standards
to plan, implement
and evaluate
and individually
appropriate lessons
and units of
Projects, lesson
and unit plans
evaluated and
revised in EDEL
311, 312, 418,
ELMG 415, 416,
417, 419, 466,
303,334,474, 433,
467, 453 and
Internship I
holding leadership
positions in school
organizations and
advisory boards as
well as the number
of types of
students participate
The assessment
coordinator will
contact the
graduate school for
numbers of
participants and
awards for
presentations each
year. The
coordinator will
contact College
Director of
Assessment for
alumni information
from graduates and
participation in
leadership roles,
National Board
Certification, etc.
Data will be
analyzed for
every three years.
Records of all and
examples of some
projects and plans
from courses in the
program will be
kept, formatively
evaluated and
revised and
maintained by each
instructor. Each
year, on a rotation
schedule agreed
upon by the
and practice.
-Give opportunities
for revision of
projects and
Students will
reflect on,
critically examine
and improve their
knowledge and
(ELMG 484) and
Internship II
(ELMG 495).
instructors will
work collectively
to evaluate course
projects toward
reflection of
student outcomes.
Teacher work
samples and
assessment data
will be kept by the
department and
analyzed every
three years by a
committee from
the department for
demonstration of
student outcomes.
Graduates will use
models of current
best practice and
knowledge of
current state and
national standards
to plan, implement
and evaluate
and individually
appropriate lessons
and units of
Their classroom
The assessment
coordinator for the
department will
contact the Office
of Assessment for
the College for
alumni and
employer hiring,
success and
satisfaction data.
These data will be
analyzed every
three years.
Projects, lesson
and unit plans
evaluated and
revised in EDEL
311, 312, 418,
ELMG 415, 416,
417, 419, 466,
Records of all and
examples of some
projects and plans
from courses in the
program will be
kept, formatively
evaluated and
revised and
maintained by each
instructor. Each
Graduates are able
to reflect on,
critically examine
and improve their
knowledge and
(Goal 6)
Prepare all
students to
work with
and learners.
-Incorporate current
research and
literature in the area
of diversity into
existing courses.
-Incorporate more
assignments such as
“Crossing Borders”
into existing courses.
-Hire diverse faculty.
Students will be able
to plan, implement
and evaluate lessons
and units of
instruction which
reflect a knowledge,
understanding and
appreciation for all
individuals within a
diverse community
of learners.
participation in and
sharing of
experiences in
programs such as
-Incorporate more
diverse experiences
of faculty into
existing courses
(teaching in Jamaica,
working with
Francine Delany,
Japan, etc.).
-Incorporate more
curricula into
existing classes
which help students
prepare for working
with diverse groups
including ELL,
special education,
socioeconomics, etc.
303,334,474, 433,
467, 453 and
Internship I
(ELMG 484) and
Internship II
(ELMG 495).
year, on a rotation
schedule agreed
upon by the
instructors will
work collectively
to evaluate course
projects toward
reflection of
student outcomes.
Teacher work
samples and
assessment data
will be kept by the
department and
analyzed every
three years by a
committee from
the department for
demonstration of
student outcomes.
Graduates will be
able to plan,
implement and
evaluate lessons and
units of instruction
which reflect a
understanding and
appreciation for all
individuals within a
diverse community
of learners.
Their classroom
The assessment
coordinator for the
department will
contact the Office
of Assessment for
the College for
alumni and
employer hiring,
success and
satisfaction data.
These data will be
analyzed every
three years.
Bellon, Jerry J. and Handler, Janet R. (1982). Curriculum Development and
Evaluation: A Design for Improvement. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Bellon, J., Bellon, E., Blank, M., Brian, D., Kershaw, C., Rose, T., Veal, J.
(1989). Needs Assessment Guide. Tennessee Department of Education,
Nashville, Tennessee.
Wargo, Melissa C. (2006). Western Carolina University Handbook for
Program Assessment: March 2006 ed. Office of Assessment, Western
Carolina University.
Appendix A
Departmental Program Improvement Model
BKEMGE Program Strengthening
Collective Vision of department
Evaluate Collective Vision in relationship to the College Vision and
University Vision
Develop Department Mission Statement
Evaluate Mission Statement in relationship to the College and University
Mission statements.
Develop departmental:
Define Data Sources
Collect Data / Document Actions
Collect Data/ Document Outcomes
Analyze Data
Use analysis of data to refine practice
Repeat process
Proposed Model
Bellon, Jerry J. and Handler, Janet R. (1982). Curriculum Development and
Evaluation: A Design for Improvement. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Bellon, J., Bellon, E., Blank, M., Brian, D., Kershaw, C., Rose, T., Veal, J.
(1989). Needs Assessment Guide. Tennessee Department of Education,
Nashville, Tennessee.
Appendix B
Information Concerning the Development of
Department Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
“Mission Meeting”
February 1, 2006
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
“Visions of. . . . .” or, if you will, “Why are you here?” (Approx. 15
Presentation of proposed model for program strengthening (Approx. 5
Discussion, acceptance of proposed model or decline proposed model
and develop/accept new model (Approx. 10 minutes)
Define collective vision (Approx. 20 minutes)
Define pervasive influences (internal and external) (Approx. 20
Develop mission statement (Approx. 20 minutes)
Lunch: 11:30 am (We will eat and keep discussing items left on the
agenda. You eat, I’ll record.)
Discuss and define goals for department (Approx. 45 minutes)
Brainstorm possible qualifications and questions for department head
candidates based on department vision, mission and goals. (Approx.
30 minutes)
Closing: Next steps? (Approx. 15 minutes)
“Mission Meeting” Minutes
February 1, 2006
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Present: Terry Rose, Bob Houghton, Patricia Bricker, Russ Binkley, Vicki Faircloth,
Jane Perlmutter, Mid Buchanan, Terre Folger, Marylou Matoush, Barbara Bell, David
We began the meeting with everyone sharing the reason they chose to move into higher
education. We shared our individual visions for ourselves in our profession. We
recorded these on chart paper (which were saved if you need to review what was said.
We commented on what we had learned about each other through this process. We had
some similar themes for purpose, but everyone brought something unique to the vision
Terry presented a proposed model for program strengthening which follows
(Additions after faculty discussion of model are in bold)
BKEMGE Program Strengthening
Collective Vision of department
Evaluate Collective Vision in relationship to the College Vision and University Vision
Develop Department Mission Statement
Evaluate Mission Statement in relationship to the College and University Mission statements.
Develop departmental
Define Data Sources
Collect Data / Document Actions
Collect Data/ Document Outcomes
Analyze Data
Use analysis of data to refine practice and for program imrovement
Repeat process
To step four and occasionally revisit Steps One-Three as well in this cycle
Proposed Model
The proposed model was accepted with revisions and it was discussed that model could
not only help us redefine our department but could also help us collect and analyze any
data necessary for future reports, accreditation visits, etc.
We took our individual visions sheet and looked for themes to help define collective
vision. Our draft statement for our vision is as follows: Educational environments where
students and teachers engage as co-learners to critically, creatively and reflectively
impact a rapidly changing world. (We will refine this statement later.)
We acknowledged the following values as driving our vision: lifelong learning,
entrepreneurship, embracing diversity, curiosity, critical thinking, multiple perspectives,
social justice, reflective nature and actions, passion, competence, rigor, self assessment
and growth, honesty, mindful action, collegiality, resourcefulness and research informing
actions and practice (these values are not in priority order).
We sat down to a delicious lunch thanks to David Strahan!!!
We then created a mission statement draft from our vision. It is “to model practices that
form our vision and create supportive communities of practice which encourage and
engage students and others in critical examination and improvement of current
educational practices”.
We discussed and defined some goals for our department. These are (draft):
Continually/formatively evaluate our courses and programs to inform/change
Nurture partnerships among educational communities of practice;
Engage regional community in refining educational mission;
Empower students to achieve self-efficacy and leadership in the field;
Encourage students to reflect/work on/critically examine practices/pedagogies.
Participate in the world in both individual/autonomous and collective endeavors;
Read about, participate in, design and encourage inquiry and research;
Evaluate and integrate new tools for thinking and learning;
Nurture an environment / community where members can feel safe, welcome and
respected to pursue challenging ideas and ways of being;
(10) Promote critical but respectful academic collaborative discourse / debate.
We then looked over a list of proposed questions for department head candidates.
Barbara? Do you have the revised questions that you could send to everyone to add to
these minutes?
Next steps:
Define pervasive influences (internal and external)
Refine the wording on vision and mission statements
Edit and add to goals
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry D. Rose
2nd Mission Meeting
April 28, 2006
8:30 am-10:00 am
Present: Terry Rose, Jane Perlmutter, Bob Houghton, Barbara Bell, Marylou Matoush, Russell
Binkley, Terre Folger and Kathryn Kantz
We began the meeting by revisiting our vision, mission and goals from the first mission meeting.
Goals were refined (see below).
BKEMGE Vision Statement:
Educational environments where students and teachers engage as co-learners to critically,
creatively and reflectively impact a rapidly changing world.
We acknowledge the following values as driving our vision: lifelong learning, embracing
diversity, curiosity, critical thinking, multiple perspectives, social justice, reflective nature and
actions, passion, competence, rigor, self assessment and growth, honesty, mindful action,
collegiality, resourcefulness and research informing actions and practice and critical
entrepreneurship (these values are not in priority order).
BKEMGE Mission Statement:
The department of BKEMGE strives to model practices that form our vision and create
supportive communities of practice which encourage and engage students and others in critical
examination and improvement of current educational practices.
Formatively evaluate our courses and programs to inform/change
Nurture partnerships among educational communities of practice.
Engage regional community in refining educational mission.
Empower all students to achieve self-efficacy and leadership in the field.
Encourage all students to reflect on, critically examine and improve their educational
knowledge and practice.
Prepare all students to work with diverse communities and learners.
Promote individual and collective endeavors that improve the quality of education in the
local area and beyond.
Encourage inquiry.
Evaluate and integrate new tools for thinking and learning.
Nurture a community where all members can feel safe, welcome and
pursue challenging ideas and ways of being.
Promote critical but respectful academic collaborative discourse.
Objectives were then discussed in relation to each goal.
BKEMGE Goals and Objectives:
(Goal 1) Formatively evaluate our courses and programs to inform/change
-Refine and align teaching evaluations to reflect our goals and the university expectations.
-Refine and align advising evaluations to reflect our goals and the university expectations.
(Goal 2) Nurture partnerships among educational communities of practice.
-Continue to engage in SUTEP partnership endeavors.
-Continue membership and leadership roles in professional organizations.
-Continue existing and seek out other contacts within the local schools and the global community.
-Refine and continue Jamaica program and other distance education programs.
-Refine WNC EDNET connections.
-Maintain and improve working relationships with community colleges.
-Increase participation to local educational communities by providing more free consulting.
(Goal 3) Engage regional community in refining educational mission.
-Establish and use existing boards and partnerships to provide input into our mission and goal
revisions in the future.
(Goal 4) Empower all students to achieve self-efficacy and leadership in the field.
Continue opportunities for student leadership roles such as increase CHILD organization
membership and participation, encourage increased participation in the Rural/Urban
exchange program and involve students in professional organizations such as NCCTM.
Evaluate, refine and choose curricula in our existing courses for promotion of student
empowerment and self efficacy.
Incorporate classroom management and leadership skills into our existing courses.
Provide more opportunities for public presentation of student projects such as the
graduate research projects.
Work collaboratively with both undergraduate and graduate students on research projects
and presentations.
(Goal 5) Encourage all students to reflect on, critically examine and improve their educational
knowledge and practice.
Evaluate and refine existing courses to reflect the current Educational and Technology
Standards and best practice for all subjects.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for students to reflect on and
inform their own practice.
Give opportunities for revision of projects and encourage improvement.
(Goal 6) Prepare all students to work with diverse communities and learners.
Incorporate current research and literature in the area of diversity into existing courses.
Incorporate more assignments such as “Crossing Borders” into existing courses.
Hire diverse faculty.
Encourage participation in and sharing of experiences in programs such as Rural/Urban
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses (teaching in
Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.)
Incorporate more curricula into existing classes which helps students prepare for working
with diverse groups including ELL, special education, socioeconomics, etc.
(Goal 7) Promote individual and collective endeavors that improve the quality of education in the
local area and beyond.
Continue to evaluate and improve our existing programs as well as the need for new
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses (teaching in
Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.)
Continue to engage in SUTEP partnership endeavors.
Continue membership and leadership roles in professional organizations.
Continue existing and seek out other contacts within the local schools and the global
Refine and continue Jamaica program and other distance education programs.
Refine WNC EDNET connections.
Maintain and improve working relationships with community colleges.
Increase participation to local educational communities by providing more free
(Goal 8) Encourage inquiry.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities to model inquiry process in our
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for inquiry projects.
Evaluate classrooms and existing space and work to provide multimedia workstations in
every classroom.
Evaluate status and secure resources to provide equitable resources for distance education
and on site courses.
Integrate the National Technology Standards and other National Organizations’
Standards in all classes.
(Goal 9) Evaluate and integrate new tools for thinking and learning.
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities to model inquiry process in our
Evaluate and refine existing courses for opportunities for inquiry projects.
Evaluate classrooms and existing space and work to provide multimedia workstations in
every classroom.
Continue to research, secure and integrate the most current tools for thinking and learning
for our courses.
Evaluate status and secure resources to provide equitable resources for distance education
and on site courses.
Integrate the National Technology Standards and other National Organizations’
Standards in all classes.
(Goal 10) Nurture a community where all members can feel safe, welcome and respected to
pursue challenging ideas and ways of being.
Examine, challenge and expose hegemonic social patterns.
Incorporate current research and literature in the area of diversity into existing courses.
Incorporate more assignments such as “Crossing Borders” into existing courses.
Hire diverse faculty.
Encourage participation in and sharing of experiences of students and faculty in programs
such as Rural/Urban exchange.
Incorporate more diverse experiences of faculty into existing courses (teaching in
Jamaica, working with Francine Delany, Japan, etc.)
Incorporate more curricula into existing classes which helps students prepare for working
with diverse groups including ELL, special education, socioeconomics, etc.
(11) Promote critical but respectful academic collaborative discourse.
Establish faculty writing groups.
Encourage and support faculty presentations of their research and other projects.
Establish new and maintain existing advisory boards to help with program evaluation and
program improvement.
Model the use of critical but respectful academic collaborative discourse in our
The goals and objectives were reviewed and approved by those present at the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry D. Rose
May 13, 2006