Document 12185542

Connect A Getting Started Guide for Faculty >> Welcome to Connect! (Ramapo’s Early Alert System)
Connect gives you a convenient way to support your student’s learning and progress by raising academic progress items when you observe excellent work or performance that concerns you, ensuring that the people on campus who can intervene are aware. Getting started is easy. Accessible through, Luminis or Moodle, Connect will automatically display all students that are enrolled in your courses. From there, you can begin raising academic progress items about students, review items that have been raised about your students, provide additional information and close the loop with other faculty and advisors in your student’s available Success Network. >> Academic Progress Surveys You will receive an email reminder when there is a new Academic Progress Survey for you to complete. An Academic Progress survey will be sent out once during the semester. 1. Click on the Students navigation item and then choose the Progress Surveys tab. 2. Check the boxes to raise academic progress items about certain students. 3. Click Submit when you are finished to raise the selected progress items. Note: If you do not have an academic progress item to raise about a student, the automatic survey response is set to No Feedback. You must still hit submit for the survey to be completed even if there is no feedback. >> Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to raise an academic progress item for every student enrolled in my course? No. For Academic year 2015-­‐2016, academic progress items will only be available for all first-­‐year students, sophomore students, junior students, transfer students and all students associated with the offices of EOF, OSS, and Athletics. When will I have the opportunity to raise Academic Progress Items this year? One survey will be sent out during the fall semester. The survey will be sent out on October 19 and will close on November 6. Please note: the last day to withdraw from a course is November 13. How do I get more detail on a student? Anytime you see a student’s name as a hyperlink, in an email, on your dashboard or throughout various Web pages, this hyperlink takes you to the student’s folder. The student folder contains a) the student’s contact information, b) notes recorded by you or shared with you, and c) academic progress items raised in Connect. How do I change how and when I am emailed by Connect? Connect will email you a daily summary of academic progress item activity for your students. You can change these settings by clicking Profile, and navigating to the Email Notifications tab. Academic Progress Survey Items A. Flags Academic Progress Flags are raised at the discretion of the faculty member and are up to interpretation. (For instance, the Attendance Concern flag is dependent upon specific course policy. There is no set amount of classes that must be missed before raising this flag.) Flags and their descriptions are explained below: 1. Attendance Concern: Raise this Academic Progress Flag when a student isn’t attending class regularly. Regularly is defined by the faculty member according to the class attendance p olicy. 2. Academically at Risk: This flag indicates that the student’s grade is fluctuating and attention should be paid to the student’s activity and grades in the course in order to strengthen their academic progress. 3. Low Participation: Raise this flag when a student isn’t participating regularly. Regularly is defined by the faculty member according to the class participation policy. 4. Behavioral Intervention Team Concern: If you have a b ehavioral concern about a student and would like to alert the Behavioral Intervention Team this flag will immediately bring the concern to their attention. The Behavioral Intervention Team is designed to coordinate the support services of Ramapo College in order to assist students who have reportedly displayed troublesome or concerning behaviors on campus. Comments are required with this flag in order to assist BIT with their intervention. Emergencies must be reported to the Department of Public Safety at 201-­‐684-­‐6666. 5. Missing Assignments: This flag will alert the student of missed course work. It is at the discretion of the faculty member to determine the type of assignments that should b e included in this flag. For instance, if the student is required to submit weekly journals and has missed only one journal assignment and this will not greatly impact their course grade then the faculty member may choose to not raise the flag. 6. Low Grades/Academic Performance: This flag indicates that the student’s grades are b elow the course expectation and the student should be make an effort to improve his/her grades in the course in order to be successful. 7. Must Finish the Semester Strong: This flag indicates that the student’s grades have been low for the majority of the semester and in order for the student to receive a passing grade they must finish the semester with higher grades on their remaining coursework and/or final exam. B. Kudos Kudos p rovides a faculty member the option to give a student praise for h is/her efforts in class. 1. Good Work: Raise this item for student’s who are performing well and have had few, if any, academic progress flags raised for them. 2. Showing Improvement: Raise this item for student’s that have had academic p rogress flags raised for them and have shown signs of improvement in their coursework and grades for a particular course. C. Referrals 1. Center for Reading & Writing Tutoring Referral: Raise this item to indicate that a student should visit the Center for Reading and Writing to improve their skills or to review their work. Questions? Please E-­‐mail 