AGENDA ITEM NO: 8.3 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTED BY: Jay Kalra, Chair, Planning and Priorities Committee DATE OF MEETING: May 27, 2010 SUBJECT: Annual Capital Plan 2010-11 COUNCIL ACTION: For information only CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND: The first iterations of the University of Saskatchewan Annual Capital Plan and MultiYear Capital Plan (2008-09 – 2011/12) were approved in June, 2009, by the Board of Governors. On May 11, 2010, the Board of Governors approved the Annual Capital Plan for 2010-11. The Multi-year Capital Plan (2008-09 – 2011/12) provides the base information for the commitment within the Second Integrated Plan on Infrastructure and Capital Resources by providing a comprehensive overview of the considerations relevant to capital planning: buildings and space, land, infrastructure, including municipal structure, information and communication technology requirements, equipment, and renewal and operating costs. Within the framework provided by the multi-year plan, which focuses on the principles and components of capital planning, the Annual Capital Plan provides the specifics of the capital priorities and projects for the coming year. Within the Annual Capital Plan, the Annual Capital Allowance addresses the university’s growing need for capital renewal and replacement, deferred maintenance, information and communication technology and capital equipment renewal and replacement. DISCUSSION SUMMARY The ad-hoc Capital Subcommittee of the Planning and Priorities Committee reviewed the Annual Capital Plan on April 8, 2010, to provide advice in its development, followed by discussion and review of the plan by the full Planning and Priorities Committee at its meeting on April 14, 2010. The Annual Capital Plan outlines the priority capital projects and programs for the upcoming year based on funding available. In addition to the commitments towards new buildings under construction, other priorities within the plan include the investment in the university’s classroom space in support of the student experience and the campus core revitalization. As the provincial government budget provided an annual capital grant of approximately $12.0 million for the 2010-11 budget year, a significant reduction of almost $8.0 million, the Annual Capital Allowance within the plan addresses the means by which the university will manage the reduction. Although the reduction in capital funding is expected to be a short-term decrease, emphasis on the university’s capital needs is intended within the 2011/12 Operations Forecast, and early discussions with the committee have already taken place in this regard. The issue of deferred maintenance continues to remain an area of primary concern, and the Planning and Priorities Committee supports increasing the percentage allocation from the Annual Capital Allowance in support of the university’s deferred maintenance needs. The plan identifies $604 million in deferred maintenance (reduced from $620 million in 2009); of which $250 million is deemed critical. In this respect, the university, like other post-secondary and public institutions across North America, is faced with ageing buildings and declining capital infrastructure. To more closely identify capital needs, capital profiles for all planning entities are intended as part of the development of the Multi-Year Capital Plan for the Third Integrated Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Annual Capital Plan 2010-11 (pages 1 – 20 and Appendix A). The text of the complete capital plan and additional information on the university’s Major Capital Planning Process, including the Multi-Year Capital Plan (2008-09 – 2011/12) can be found online at: The status of individual projects can be found at: Clicking on the individual project name links to project specifics, such as overall projected cost, project approval stage, executive sponsor(s), and visual representations.