001111 RAN: Name: APPLICATION FORM – WOODLOTS Adviser Name ADVISER’S STAMP Company: Adviser Company Name REWARDS PROJECTS LTD - AFS LICENCE 224000 Post completed applications to: Rewards Projects Ltd, PO Box 803, West Perth WA 6872 This Application Form relates to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 5 December 2008. It is important that you have read the PDS accompanying this Application Form before applying for Woodlots in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 (ARSN 133 719 123). This Application Form must not be provided to any person unless at the same time access is given to the PDS. If you have received this PDS electronically, the Responsible Entity will provide a free paper copy on request. Unless otherwise defined in this Application Form, capitalised terms have the same meaning as defined in the PDS. Examples of how to complete the Application Form are contained on our website www.rewardsgroup.com.au 1. Application Type ✔ Sole Joint 2. Applicant Details ✔ Individual Applicant 1 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other Joint First Name Middle Name Corporate Trust Last Name John Robert Citizen Company Name ACN PL E Director 1 Director 2 Name of Trust ABN Trustee 1 Trustee 2 1 Residential Street Residential Address/Registered Office PERTH State 6000 Postcode AS ABOVE AM Postal address (if different to above) Financial Planner Occupation WA State Postcode Date of Birth 0 1 - 0 1 - 1 9 6 0 john@citizen.com.au Email Address Contact Numbers 0 Work 8 - 0444 444 444 Mobile Individual Joint EX Applicant 2 9999 9999 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other First Name Home 0 8 - 9999 8888 Facsimile 0 8 - 9999 1111 Corporate Middle Name Trust Last Name Company Name ACN Director 1 Director 2 Name of Trust ABN Trustee 1 Trustee 2 Residential Address/Registered Office State Postcode State Postcode Postal address (if different to above) Occupation - Date of Birth - Email Address Contact Numbers Work - Mobile Home - Facsimile - 3. APPLICATION FOR WOODLOTS I/We apply for 2 Woodlots at $5,500 (ex GST) per Woodlot totaling $ 11,000 65 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT Cheque (for full amount) $ payable to Rewards Projects Ltd Trust Account Credit Card (for full amount) Please debit my MasterCard Card Number - Debit the amount of $ Visa Diners - Amex - Expiry Date - plus any applicable credit card merchant fee Cardholders Name Cardholders Signature Date - - 12 Month Interest Free Loan (complete section 7 and pages 67 to 75 of this Application Form) ✔ Finance Package 5. PRIVACY Refer to Privacy information on page 62 and 63 of the PDS for further details. Unless you tick the box below, we and other companies in the Rewards Projects Ltd group may use your personal information to offer you products or services that may be of interest to you. 6. APPLICANTS’ SIGNATURE PL E I do not consent to the use of my personal information for this purpose. By signing this Application I/we acknowledge, agree and declare that: (a) I/we the undersigned apply for the number of Woodlots specified above; (b) I/we have read and understand the terms of the PDS and have had the opportunity to seek independent professional advice; (h) to comply with the requirements of the Corporations Act, this Application Form cannot be passed on unless attached to this PDS; (i) the term of the Project is expected to be at least twenty (20) years from the commencement date or until the expiration of the management agreement; (j) Rewards Projects Ltd is not obliged to redeem, repurchase or cause to be repurchased my/our interest in the Project; (c) I/we acknowledge that Rewards Projects Ltd is not bound to accept this application; (e) I/we agree to be bound by the terms of the constitution for the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 (as it may be amended from time to time), the licence agreement and management agreement (Agreements) and the provisions of this PDS; (f) (k) I/we acknowledge that the Responsible Entity does not guarantee the repayment of capital invested, and that no return is promised; AM (d) I/we have not relied on any statements or representations made by any party (including Rewards Projects Ltd and its officers, agents and employees) prior to applying, other than those written representations made in the PDS; I/we irrevocably appoint Rewards Projects Ltd and each director for the time being of Rewards Projects Ltd as my/our Attorney on the terms and with the powers set out on page 62 of the PDS and direct that the Agreements be signed on my/our behalf pursuant to those terms; EX (g) I/we acknowledge that the full amount of any application moneys is immediately due and payable upon signing this Application Form; (I) Rewards Projects Ltd can provide information on the status of my investment to my/our nominated adviser; and (m) I/we consent to payment to licensed advisers for procuring my/ our investment, an amount calculated (as 8% (plus GST) of the amount I/we invest, plus a further 2% (plus GST) for marketing), as determined by Rewards Projects Ltd, if this Application Form bears their stamp. Alternatively, Rewards Projects Ltd may offer up front commission of up to $275 per Woodlot and trailing commission of $55 per Woodlot per annum for the first 5 years of the Project. Signature of Applicant 1 Signature of Applicant 2 Name Name Date - - Signature of Witness Date - - Name of Witness Date - - ENSURE YOUR SIGNATURE IS WITNESSED Executed in Accordance with Section 127(1) of the Corporations Act by authority of its Directors in the presence of: Signature of Director Signature of Director/Company Secretary Name Name Date - - Signature of Witness Date 66 - Name of Witness Date ENSURE YOUR SIGNATURE IS WITNESSED - - - Finance Package Rewards Group PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 EX AM PL E ARSN 133 719 123 Responsible Entity: Rewards Projects Ltd (AFS Licence 224000) Finance Provider: Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) www.rewardsgroup.com.au FINANCE PACKAGE REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Rewards Projects Ltd (AFS Licence 224000) This Finance Package relates to an investment in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 which can only be made via the Product Disclosure Statement dated 5 December 2008 (PDS) in relation to the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009. It is important that you have read the PDS accompanying this Finance Package before applying for a Woodlot in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009. This Finance Package must not be provided to any person unless at the same time access is given to the PDS. If you have received the PDS electronically, the Responsible Entity will provide a free paper copy on PL E request. Unless otherwise defined in this Finance Package, capitalised terms have the same meaning as defined in the PDS. Financial Accommodation will be provided by Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) (CBA). Financial Accommodation provided by Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) will be administered by Rewards Projects Ltd. POST ENTIRE COMPLETED FINANCE PACKAGE TO: Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 Finance Package c/o Rewards Projects Ltd PO Box 803 AM West Perth WA 6872 CBA MIS LOAN APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS "QQMJDBOUTNVTUDPNQMFUFBOETJHOUIF-PBO"QQMJDBUJPOBOE%JSFDU%FCJU"VUIPSJUZHSFFOQBHFT t "QQMJDBOUTSFRVJSJOHB(VBSBOUPST UPRVBMJGZGPSUIFJS$#"-PBONVTUDPNQMFUFUIF(VBSBOUPSTFDUJPOHSFZQBHFT EX t SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED PROOF OF INCOME REQUIRED t t t t 1":(oDPQZPGMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMBTUUBYSFUVSOBOEBSFDFOUQBZTMJQPSUXPNPTUSFDFOUQBZTMJQTDPOGJSNJOHJODPNF 4FMGFNQMPZFEoMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMFUUFSGSPN"DDPVOUBOUSFHBSEJOHFTUJNBUFEJODPNF 0UIFSUIJSEQBSUZoDPOGJSNBUJPOPGJODPNFEFDMBSFEFHWFSJGJFEMFUUFSGSPNFNQMPZFS 1SPPGPGJEFOUJUZBTQFS".-$5'SFRVJSFNFOUTQBHF NVTUCFJODMVEFEJO1%4 Processing of your application may be delayed if you do not supply this information with your application. Application Deadline To ensure assessment of your application can be completed in time, your signed, completed Finance Package and all supporting documentation, must reach the Provider by no later than 5:00pm on 30 June 2009 CBA LOAN APPLICATION Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 PERSONAL DETAILS - APPLICANT 1 Mr Title John First Name Citizen Surname Robert Second Name Date of Birth 0 1 - 0 1 - 1 9 6 0 0UIFSOBNFTLOPXOCZ 123456789 Drivers Licence (please supply a certified copy) 1 Residential Street $VSSFOU3FTJEFOUJBM"EESFTTOPU10#PY PERTH, WA Suburb and State How many years have you been a resident at the above address 0 0 /VNCFSPG:FBST&NQMPZNFOU 2 3 Postcode 2 0 0 AS ABOVE Postal Address (if different from above) Suburb and State Postcode .PCJMF 0444 444 444 08 9999 1111 Facsimile PL E 08 9999 9999 Telephone 6 john@citizen.com.au Email Citizen Financial Pty Ltd Employer Financial Planner 0DDVQBUJPO Employment Status (full or part time, casual, self) Full Time Previous Employer (only if less than 2 years prior to current employment) .BSJUBM4UBUVT No *G:FT"DDPVOU/VNCFS AM &YJTUJOH$#"DVTUPNFS:FT Number of Dependent Children PERSONAL DETAILS - APPLICANT 2 Title First Name Surname 0UIFSOBNFTLOPXOCZ Second Name Date of Birth - - EX Drivers Licence (please supply a certified copy) $VSSFOU3FTJEFOUJBM"EESFTTOPU10#PY Suburb and State Postcode How many years have you been a resident at the above address Postal Address (if different from above) Suburb and State Postcode .PCJMF Telephone Facsimile Email Employer 0DDVQBUJPO /VNCFSPG:FBST&NQMPZNFOU Employment Status (full or part time, casual, self) Previous Employer (only if less than 2 years prior to current employment) .BSJUBM4UBUVT &YJTUJOH$#"DVTUPNFS:FT No Number of Dependent Children *G:FT"DDPVOU/VNCFS REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 1 CBA LOAN APPLICATION (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 CORPORATE/TRUST APPLICANT Company Name or Trustee Contact Person Trust Name "#/"$/ .PCJMF Telephone "SFZPVB4PMF%JSFDUPS :FT Facsimile No Registered Business Address Suburb and State Postcode Suburb and State PL E Postal Address (if different from above) Postcode .PCJMF Telephone Email Facsimile $PQZPGUSVTUEFFEJTSFRVJSFE1MFBTFSFGFSUP".-$5'SFRVJSFNFOUTPOQBHF DETAILS OF LOAN FINANCE 2 AM 1MFBTFGJMMJOUIFOVNCFSPG3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU8PPEMPUTCFMPX 8PPEMPUTYQMVT(45JGBQQMJDBCMF $11,000.00 Loan Amount -PBO1FSJPE1MFBTFUJDLSFMFWBOUCPY :FBST :FBST ✔ :FBST EX :FBST *OUFSFTU0OMZ0QUJPOGJSTUNPOUITJOUFSFTUPOMZ :FT *OUFSFTU3BUF0QUJPO'JYFE ✔ Variable No :FBST ✔ :FBST :FBST 1MFBTFUJDLSFMFWBOUCPY 1MFBTFUJDLSFMFWBOUCPY Note: Fixed interest rate loans are only available for loan amounts of $12,100 or greater (ie. when you apply for 2 or more Woodlots). Capitalisation of Fees The Establishment Fee, Trust Review Fee (if any) and the Stamp Duty Administration Fee by default will be capitalised in the -PBO"NPVOU1MFBTFUJDLUIFCFMPXCPYJGZPVEPOPUXBOUUPDBQJUBMJTFUIFTFGFFTBOEXJTIUPQBZUIFTFGFFTUPUIF-FOEFS in full on 31 July 2009. *8FEPOPUXJTIUPDBQJUBMJTFUIF&TUBCMJTINFOU'FF5SVTU3FWJFX'FFJGBOZ BOEUIF4UBNQ%VUZ"ENJOJTUSBUJPO'FF in the Loan Amount. 2 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 STATEMENT OF INCOME 120,000 $VSSFOU(SPTT4BMBSZ 0UIFS*ODPNF%FUBJMT STATEMENT OF ASSETS OF APPLICANT 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 1,200,000 Address *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ Address &TUJNBUFE7BMVF $BTI4IBSFT%FQPTJUT Cash and Shares &TUJNBUFE7BMVF &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 150,000 MIS Investment 10,000 200 AM $SFEJU$BSE 40,000 Visa 220 -JNJU Joint 5,000 Total Assets 5PUBM$PNNJUNFOUT 5PUBM-JBCJMJUJFT EX ✔ 10,000 150 10000 1,450,000 Sole Applicant 5,000 MIS Investment 20,000 1FSTPOBM-PBOT Car Loan &TUJNBUFE7BMVF Home Contents - Margin Loan Superannuation 15,000 0UIFS"TTFUTDPOUFOUTFUD 400,000 PL E Car 3,200 *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ4IBSFT-PBOT 35,000 0UIFS"TTFUTWFIJDMFTFUD STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES OF APPLICANT 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ-PBOT .JOJNVN.POUIMZ #BMBODF0XJOH Company 3,770 440,000 Trust Please Tick *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSUBYSFUVSOT ✔ *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSQBZTMJQT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED Proof of income required t 1":($PQZPGMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMBTUUBYSFUVSOBOEBSFDFOUQBZTMJQPSUXPNPTUSFDFOUQBZTMJQTDPOGJSNJOH income. t 4FMGFNQMPZFEoMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMFUUFSGSPN"DDPVOUBOUSFFTUJNBUFEJODPNF t 0UIFSUIJSEQBSUZoDPOGJSNBUJPOPGJODPNFEFDMBSFEFHWFSJGJFEMFUUFSGSPNFNQMPZFS 1SPPGPGJEFOUJUZBTQFS".-$5'JEFOUJGJDBUJPOJOGPSNBUJPOBOEEPDVNFOUTPOQBHF Processing of your application may be delayed if you do not supply this information with your application. REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 3 CBA LOAN APPLICATION (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 *8FIFSFCZBQQMZUPUIF$PNNPOXFBMUI#BOLPG"VTUSBMJB"#/the Lender) for loan finance in consideration of UIFBNPVOUUIBUJTEVFBOEQBZBCMFCZNFVTJOUIF"QQMJDBUJPO'PSNGPSUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU *8FXBSSBOUUIBUBMMPGUIFQFSTPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOJODMVEJOHBTTFUBOEMJBCJMJUZJOGPSNBUJPOQSPWJEFECZNFVTBUUIFEBUFPGNZ PVSBQQMJDBUJPOJTUSVFBOEDPSSFDU*8FBDLOPXMFEHFUIBUUIF-FOEFSJTOPUPCMJHBUFEUPBDDFQUNZPVSGJOBODFBQQMJDBUJPO PRIVACY ACT 1988 (Cth) CONSENT AND DECLARATION FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE CONSUMER CREDIT CODE *8F BDLOPXMFEHF UIBU UIF -FOEFS PS 3FXBSET (SPVQ -JNJUFE PO JUT CFIBMG NBZ HJWF JOGPSNBUJPO BCPVU NFVT UP B DSFEJU SFQPSUJOHBHFODZGPSUIFGPMMPXJOHQVSQPTFT t UPPCUBJOBDPOTVNFSDSFEJUSFQPSUBCPVUNFVTBOEPS t UPBMMPXUIFDSFEJUSFQPSUJOHBHFODZUPDSFBUFPSNBJOUBJOBDSFEJUJOGPSNBUJPOGJMFDPOUBJOJOHJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUNFVT The Lender may give information which is required or permitted to be given to a credit reporting agency by the Privacy Act, JODMVEJOH JEFOUJUZQBSUJDVMBSToNZPVSOBNFT JODMVEJOHBOZLOPXOBMJBTFTTFYBEESFTTBOEUIFQSFWJPVTUXPBEESFTTFT EBUFPGCJSUIOBNFPGFNQMPZFSBOEESJWFSTMJDFODFOVNCFS t NZPVSBQQMJDBUJPOGPSDPNNFSDJBMDSFEJUoUIFGBDUUIBU*XFIBWFBQQMJFEGPSDSFEJUBOEUIFBNPVOU t UIFGBDUUIBUUIF-FOEFSJTBDVSSFOUDSFEJUQSPWJEFSUPNFVT t MPBOSFQBZNFOUTXIJDIBSFPWFSEVFCZNPSFUIBOEBZTBOEGPSXIJDIEFCUDPMMFDUJPOBDUJPOIBTTUBSUFE t BEWJDFUIBUNZPVSMPBOSFQBZNFOUTBSFOPMPOHFSPWFSEVFJOSFTQFDUPGBOZEFGBVMUUIBUIBTCFFOMJTUFE t JOGPSNBUJPOUIBUJOUIFPQJOJPOPGUIF-FOEFS*XFIBWFDPNNJUUFEBTFSJPVTDSFEJUJOGSJOHFNFOU UIBUJTBDUFEGSBVEVMFOUMZPSTIPXOBOJOUFOUJPOOPUUPDPNQMZXJUINZPVSDSFEJUPCMJHBUJPOT t EJTIPOPVSFEDIFRVFToESBXOCZNFVTGPSPSNPSFXIJDIIBWFCFFOEJTIPOPVSFENPSFUIBOPODF t UIBUUIF-FOEFSIBTDFBTFEUPCFBDSFEJUQSPWJEFSGPSNFVT t JOGPSNBUJPO GPS BTTFTTJOH XIFUIFS UP BVUIPSJTF B MBSHF DSFEJU USBOTBDUJPO PVUTJEF PG NZPVS OPSNBM USBOTBDUJPOBM BDUJWJUJFTBOEPS t JOGPSNBUJPOVTFEGPSBTTJTUJOHNFVTUPBWPJEEFGBVMUJOHPONZPVSDSFEJUPCMJHBUJPOT PL E t AM *8FVOEFSTUBOEUIJTJOGPSNBUJPONBZCFHJWFOCFGPSFEVSJOHPSBGUFSUIFQSPWJTJPOPGDSFEJUUPNFVT *8FDPOTFOUUPUIF-FOEFSQSPWJEJOHUP3FXBSET(SPVQ-JNJUFEBOEJUTBHFOUTBOZDPOTVNFSDSFEJUSFQPSUPSBOZPUIFSDSFEJU JOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUNFVT Assessing commercial credit application *8FBHSFFUIBUUIF-FOEFSNBZPCUBJOBDPOTVNFSDSFEJUSFQPSUDPOUBJOJOHJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUNFVTGSPNBDSFEJUSFQPSUJOH BHFODZGPSUIFQVSQPTFPGBTTFTTJOHNZPVSBQQMJDBUJPOGPSDPNNFSDJBMDSFEJU EX Business purpose declaration *8FEFDMBSFUIBUUIFDSFEJUUPCFQSPWJEFEUPNFVTCZUIF-FOEFSJTUPCFBQQMJFEXIPMMZPSQSFEPNJOBOUMZGPSCVTJOFTTPS investment purposes (or for both purposes). Important :PVTIPVMEOPUTJHOUIJTEFDMBSBUJPOVOMFTTUIJTMPBOJTXIPMMZPSQSFEPNJOBOUMZGPSCVTJOFTTPSJOWFTUNFOUQVSQPTFT By signing this declaration you may lose your protection under the Consumer Credit Code. *8FEFDMBSFUIBU*XFTJHOFEUIJTEFDMBSBUJPOCFGPSFFOUFSJOHJOUPUIJTDSFEJUDPOUSBDU Signature of Applicant 1 Date - Signature of Applicant 2 - Date Applicant 1 Name Print Name 4 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 Print Name - - AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT FACSIMILE INSTRUCTION (INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATE BORROWERS) 2.2 Upon receipt of the Facsimile Instruction appearing to comply with paragraph 2.1 the Lender may (but will not be obliged to) telephone an Authorised Signatory (“the Verifier”), other than the Authorised Signatory who gave the Facsimile Instruction, to confirm authenticity of the Facsimile Instruction. If and only if the Lender elects to verify the Facsimile Instruction under this clause, the Lender is entitled to assume when it telephones the Client’s telephone number and asks to speak to the Verifier that the person who identifies himself or herself as the Verifier is that person and if that person verifies the authenticity of the Facsimile Instruction, the Client’s Facsimile Instruction is genuine. 2.3 The Lender is not obliged to honour the Client’s Facsimile Instructions until the verification procedures described in clause 2.2 have been fully completed or if it for any other reason doubts the authenticity of the instruction. Should this result in a payment being delayed beyond relevant cut off times, the Lender shall not incur any liability whatsoever to the Client. The Lender will not be responsible for any delay due to Facsimile Instructions which are incomplete or unclear. To Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ABN 48 123 123 124 (the Lender) Name Client (the “Client”) Account number/s Account or All accounts (“the Account” or “the Accounts”) Authorisation The Client and the Lender agree that this Authority applies to the Facsimile Instructions in respect of the Client’s Accounts. 5IF$MJFOUBDLOPXMFEHFTUIBU (iii) Facsimile Instructions are not subject to further written or oral confirmation or verification and the Client undertakes to reimburse the Lender for all costs incurred by it if a further written confirmation sent by the Client causes error or duplication of payment in the funds transfer process. 1.3 The Client shall pay the Lender’s fees (and any costs or FYQFOTFTJODVSSFECZUIF-FOEFS JODPOOFDUJPOXJUIUIJT Authority or payments made pursuant to Instructions. The Lender is authorised to debit the Client’s accounts XJUIBMMTVDIGFFTDPTUTPSFYQFOTFT 2. Contents of Facsimile Instructions and 2.1 3. Release and Indemnity In consideration of the Lender agreeing to act in BDDPSEBODFXJUIUIJT"VUIPSJUZUIF$MJFOU 3.1 releases the Lender from any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, accounts and demands of all kinds which the Client may make or have against the Lender GPS BOZ EJSFDU PS JOEJSFDU EBNBHF MPTT PS FYQFOTF TVGGFSFEPSJODVSSFECZUIF$MJFOUBOE 3.2 indemnifies the Lender and agrees to keep the Lender JOEFNOJGJFE BHBJOTU BMM MPTTFT DPTUT FYQFOTFT BOE liabilities incurred, paid or payable by the Lender and in connection with all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, accounts and demands of all kinds which may be taken or made against the Lender and against all DPTUT DIBSHFT BOE FYQFOTFT JODVSSFE QBJE PS QBZBCMF by the Lender in respect of all such actions, suits, proceedings, claims, accounts and demands, in each case in connection with the Lender acting in good faith upon the Facsimile Instructions (including any unauthorised or incorrect Facsimile Instructions) given to the Lender in accordance with this Authority. 4. 4.1 General This Authority may be terminated by the Client or the Lender by giving written notice thereof to the other, but without prejudice to the Client’s liability in respect of any Facsimile Instruction received and acted upon by the Lender prior to the receipt by the Lender or the Client of such notice. Upon giving or receipt of such notice by the Client, the Client must not give any further Facsimile Instruction to the Lender. 4.2 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria and the Client and the Lender irrevocably and unconditionally submit to UIFOPOFYDMVTJWFKVSJTEJDUJPOPGUIFDPVSUTPGUIBUTUBUF and its courts of appeal. The Lender may at its sole discretion refuse to accept any Facsimile Instructions provided that the Client is notified of such refusal as soon as practical. EX (ii) A Facsimile Instruction received by the Lender which is complete and regular on its face shall be deemed to be an original document and to have been sent by the Client to the Lender and as between the Client and the Lender shall be conclusive evidence that the Lender had authority to comply with the Facsimile Instruction. In the event of any dispute in connection with a Facsimile Instruction given under this Authority the Client waives the right to claim that any signature on the Facsimile Instruction is not genuine or that the Facsimile Instruction was sent to the Lender without the authority of the Client. AM (i) PL E 1. 1.1 Verification Procedures Facsimile Instructions which include the name and signature of the Authorised Signatory, and appear to have been signed in accordance with the Client’s Account Authority, will be deemed to be valid and the Lender is authorised to act upon and to debit the Client’s Account in accordance with the Facsimile Instructions. REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 5 CBA LOAN APPLICATION (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 5. Interpretation 6OMFTTJODPOTJTUFOUXJUIUIFDPOUFYU 5.1 Any reference to the singular number shall include a reference to the plural number and vice versa where two or more persons are parties to this Authority the Authority shall bind them jointly and each of them severally. Authorised Signatory means a person authorised to operate the Client’s account in accordance with the $MJFOUT"DDPVOU"VUIPSJUZBOE Facsimile Instructions means payment instructions given to the Lender by facsimile transmission and appearing or purporting to be a facsimile copy of the signature of the Authorised Signatory and signed or purporting to have been signed in accordance with the Client’s Account Authority. 5IF GPMMPXJOH FYQSFTTJPOT TIBMM IBWF UIF GPMMPXJOH NFBOJOHT Account Authority means the authority provided to the Lender as amended or substituted from time to time authorising one or more persons to be the Authorised Signatory to operate the Client’s accounts with the -FOEFS AUTHORISED SIGNATORIES (CORPORATE BORROWERS ONLY) PL E *8FSFGFSUPUIFMPBOBHSFFNFOU-PBO"HSFFNFOU CFUXFFOVT (Borrower) and Commonwealth Bank of Australia ACN 123 123 124. Terms used in this notice and defined in the Loan Agreement have the meaning given to them in the Loan Agreement. "OZQFSTPOTQFSTPOEFMFUFBTBQQSPQSJBUF SFGFSSFEUPCFMPXUIFi"VUIPSJTFE4JHOBUPSJFTw BSFBVUIPSJTFEUPTJHOGPSBOE PO CFIBMG PG UIF #PSSPXFS BMM OPUJDFT BOE UP FOEPSTF BDDFQU TJHO BOE FYFDVUF GPS BOE PO CFIBMG PG UIF #PSSPXFS BMM PUIFS EPDVNFOUTBSJTJOHVOEFSPSSFMBUJOHUPUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOU Name (please print) EX Name (please print) Signature AM Name of Authorised Signatory Name (please print) 5IFTJHOBUVSFTBQQFBSJOHOFYUUPUIFOBNFTPGUIF"VUIPSJTFE4JHOBUPSJFTBCPWFBSFUSVFTQFDJNFOTPGUIFTJHOBUVSFTPGUIPTF persons. &YFDVUFEGPSBOEPOCFIBMGPGUIF#PSSPXFSJOBDDPSEBODFXJUITFDUJPOPGUIF$PSQPSBUJPOT"DUCZPSJOUIFQSFTFODFPG 6 4JHOBUVSFPG4FDSFUBSZPUIFS%JSFDUPS /BNFPG4FDSFUBSZPUIFS%JSFDUPSJOGVMM /BNFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZJOGVMM REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 4JHOBUVSFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZ TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION (applies to all Applicants) #ZSFRVFTUJOHUIBUUIF-FOEFSQSPWJEFGJOBODFUPUIF"QQMJDBOU*XFBDLOPXMFEHFBOEEFDMBSFUIBU *8FIBWFSFBEBOEVOEFSTUPPEUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUBTBOOFYFEUPUIJT"QQMJDBUJPO BOEIBWFIBEUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPTFFL independent professional advice. t *8FBNBSFTJEFOUPG"VTUSBMJB t *8F BHSFF UP CF CPVOE CZ UIF -PBO "HSFFNFOU BT BOOFYFE UP UIJT "QQMJDBUJPO BOE *XF BHSFF UP UIF UFSNT PG TVDI agreement. t *8FIBWFOPUSFMJFEPOBOZTUBUFNFOUTPSSFQSFTFOUBUJPOTNBEFCZBOZQBSUZJODMVEJOHUIF-FOEFS QSJPSUPUIF"QQMJDBOU applying for finance or any investment in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. t "OZGJOBODFUPCFQSPWJEFEUPNFVTCZUIF-FOEFSJTUPCFBQQMJFEGPSCVTJOFTTPSJOWFTUNFOUQVSQPTFT*8FGVSUIFS BDLOPXMFEHFUIBU*XFNBZMPTFNZPVSQSPUFDUJPOVOEFSUIF$POTVNFS$SFEJU$PEF t *8FLOPXUIBUUIF-FOEFSXJMMCFSFMZJOHPOUIFJOGPSNBUJPOXJUIJOUIJT"QQMJDBUJPOBOEBOZPUIFSJOGPSNBUJPO*8FNJHIU provide to the Lender) when providing financial accommodation to the Applicant. t 5IF-FOEFSNBZBDDFQUPSSFKFDUNZPVS"QQMJDBUJPOBUJUTTPMFBOEBCTPMVUFEJTDSFUJPOBOEUIBUVQPOBDDFQUBODFPGUIF "QQMJDBUJPO*XFBHSFFUPCFCPVOECZUIFUFSNTPGUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUBOEUIJT"QQMJDBUJPO t #Z TJHOJOH BOE SFUVSOJOH UIJT "QQMJDBUJPO *XF BNBSF EPJOH TP BT B EFFE QPMM JSSFWPDBCMZ BOE JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI UIF Application (including the Loan Agreement). t 5IF-FOEFSDBOQSPWJEFJOGPSNBUJPOPOUIFTUBUVTPGUIJTGJOBODFGBDJMJUZUPNZPVSOPNJOBUFEBEWJTFSCFMPXPS3FXBSET Group Limited or any entity associated with the Lender or Rewards Group Limited. Adviser Company Name /BNFPGGJOBODJBMBEWJTFSTPMJDJUPS Contact Name t *8FIBWFSFBEBOEVOEFSTUPPEUIBU Telephone 08 9999 2222 t NPOJFTJOWFTUFEJOUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/EPOPUSFQSFTFOUEFQPTJUT or other liabilities of the Lender or its associates and are subject to investment risk including possible delays in SFQBZNFOUBOEMPTTPGJODPNFPSDBQJUBMJOWFTUNFOU t OPOFPGUIF-FOEFSPSBOZPGJUTBTTPDJBUFTPS3FXBSET(SPVQ-JNJUFEPSBOZPGJUTTVCTJEJBSJFTTUBOETCFIJOEUIF DBQJUBMWBMVFOPSEPUIFZHVBSBOUFFUIFQFSGPSNBODFPGUIJTJOWFTUNFOUPSUIFVOEFSMZJOHBTTFUTBOE t OPOFPGUIF-FOEFSPSBOZPGJUTBTTPDJBUFTHVBSBOUFFTPSQSPWJEFTBOZBTTVSBODFJOSFTQFDUPGUIFPCMJHBUJPOTPGUIF Responsible Entity of Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. AM t Adviser Name .Z0VSPCMJHBUJPOTVOEFSUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUJODMVEJOHNZPVSPCMJHBUJPOTUPQBZNPOFZJOUFSFTUDPTUTGFFTBOEDIBSHFT BSFOPUBGGFDUFECZ t UIFTVDDFTTPSGBJMVSFPG3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/ t UIF MFWFM PG SFUVSO GSPN BOZ MPTT PG NPOFZ JOWFTUFE JO UIF 3FXBSET (SPVQ 1SFNJVN 5JNCFS 1SPKFDU "34/ t BOZCSFBDICZUIF3FTQPOTJCMF&OUJUZPGUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/PGJUT PCMJHBUJPOTPS t BOZJMMFHBMJUZJODPOOFDUJPOXJUIUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/PSBOZ1SPEVDU Disclosure Statement issued with respect to the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. EX t PL E t *8FVOEFSTUBOEBOEBDLOPXMFEHFUIBUUIFMBXSFRVJSFTTJHOBUPSJFTUPQSPWJEFUSVFBOEDPSSFDUJOGPSNBUJPOBOETUBUFBMM the names by which they are commonly known, I also understand that the law prohibits the use of false names, as well as the giving, use or production of false or misleading information or documents in connection with the provision of financial services and the making, possession or use of a false document in connection with an identification procedure. t *8FEFDMBSFUIBUUIFEFUBJMTBTTIPXOPOUIJTGPSNBSFDPNQMFUFBOEDPSSFDU t *G BU UIF EBUF PO XIJDI NZ JOWFTUNFOU JT EVF * IBWF OPU QSPWJEFE BMM OFDFTTBSZ TVQQPSUJOH EPDVNFOUBUJPO SFRVJSFE CZ the Lender in time for the Lender to consider and process my application, I understand that, unless I elect not to do so below, I will be taken to have applied to Rewards Projects Limited for a 12 month interest free loan on the terms set out in the Product Disclosure Statement for the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 (the Rewards Loan), on the basis that the Lender may consider, during the period of 31 days after the date of funding of the Rewards Loan, providing finance in accordance with this application (but with a term of one less month) for the purpose of refinancing the Rewards Loan. If the Lender elects to provide such finance during this period, then I agree that the Lender may provide finance to me on the terms of my original application for the purposes of refinancing the Rewards Loan. I elect not to apply for a Rewards Loan if I have not provided all necessary supporting documentation required by the Lender in time for the Lender to consider and process my application. *8F IFSFCZ BHSFF UP UIF UFSNT DPOUBJOFE JO UIF "VUIPSJUZ UP "DDFQU 'BDTJNJMF *OTUSVDUJPOT BOE UIFTF BSF TFQBSBUFMZ TJHOFE DPOUBJOFEJOQBHFPGUIF"QQMJDBUJPO REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 7 CBA LOAN APPLICATION (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 &YFDVUFEBTBEFFEQPMM INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS Signed, sealed and delivered When Printed - Applicant 1 to sign here When Printed - Witness to sign here Signature of Applicant 1 Date - Signature of Witness - Date - Witness Name Applicant 1 Name Print Name Print Name Signature of Applicant 2 - Signature of Witness - Date - - PL E Date - Print Name Print Name CORPORATE APPLICANTS &YFDVUFEGPSBOEPOCFIBMGPGUIF#PSSPXFSJOBDDPSEBODFXJUITFDUJPOPGUIF$PSQPSBUJPOT"DUCZPSJOUIFQSFTFODFPG 4JHOBUVSFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZ AM 4JHOBUVSFPG4FDSFUBSZ%JSFDUPS EX /BNFPG4FDSFUBSZ%JSFDUPSJOGVMM 8 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 /BNFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZJOGVMM CBA DIRECT DEBIT REQUESTS Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 PART 1 – DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST SERVICE AGREEMENT t 8FNBZWBSZUIFUFSNTPGUIJT%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTU4FSWJDF"HSFFNFOUBUBOZUJNFCZHJWJOHZPVBUMFBTUEBZTOPUJDF t #ZTJHOJOHUIF%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTUCFMPXZPVSFRVFTUBOEBVUIPSJTFVTUPBSSBOHFGPSGVOETUPCFEFCJUFEGSPNZPVSBDDPVOU t XIFSFBO&TUBCMJTINFOU'FF5SVTU3FWJFX'FFBOEPS4UBNQ%VUZ"ENJOJTUSBUJPO'FFJTBQQMJDBCMF t FJUIFSBDDPSEJOHUPUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUXIJDIXFIBWFXJUIZPVPSFJUIFSPGZPVPSBUIJSEQBSUZ PSBTQSPWJEFEJO this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement. The amounts drawn will be as due under that Loan Agreement or any agreed variations to it thereafter or any greater amount which you, either of you, or a third party instruct us to draw, provided such instruction is given in the manner specified in the operating authority held by us in connection with the Direct Debit Account. Where the amount due under the Loan Agreement decreases, the Lender at its discretion may decrease the amount drawn from your account or, unless you instruct us to decrease it, continue to draw the higher amount. 8FXJMMBSSBOHFGPSGVOETUPCFEFCJUFEGSPNUIF%JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOU J BTSFRVFTUFEBOEBVUIPSJTFEJOUIF%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTUCFMPXPS JJ BDDPSEJOHUPBOZOPUJDFTFOUUPZPVTQFDJGZJOHUIFBNPVOUQBZBCMFBOEUIFEBUFUIFQBZNFOUJTEVFPS (iii) in accordance with this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement. The payment will be deducted from the Direct Debit Account on the payment due date. If the due date for payment falls on a OPOXPSLJOHEBZPSBOBUJPOBMQVCMJDIPMJEBZUIFQBZNFOUXJMMCFQSPDFTTFEPOUIFOFYUXPSLJOHEBZ *U JT ZPVS SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ UP FOTVSF UIBU ZPV IBWF TVGGJDJFOU GVOET JO UIF %JSFDU %FCJU "DDPVOU XIFO QBZNFOUT BSF UP CF ESBXO*GZPVEPOPUIBWFTVGGJDJFOUGVOETUIFO t UIFQBZNFOUXJMMCFSFHBSEFEBTOPUIBWJOHCFFONBEF t BOBENJOJTUSBUJPOGFFXJMMCFDIBSHFEUPZPVSBDDPVOU t JGUIF%JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOUJTDPOEVDUFEXJUIUIF-FOEFSUIFOXFNBZPOBEBZTVCTFRVFOUUPUIFQBZNFOUEVFEBUF debit funds from your account, either in full or partial payment of any amount overdue. :PVTIPVMECFBXBSFUIBU t t %JSFDU%FCJUJOHUISPVHI#VML&MFDUSPOJD$MFBSJOH4ZTUFNJTOPUBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBDDPVOUT t %JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOUEFUBJMTTIPVMECFDIFDLFEBHBJOTUBSFDFOUTUBUFNFOUGSPNZPVSGJOBODJBMJOTUJUVUJPO*GZPVBSF JOBOZEPVCUZPVTIPVMEDIFDLXJUIZPVSGJOBODJBMJOTUJUVUJPOCFGPSFDPNQMFUJOHUIF%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTUBOE t JUJTZPVSSFTQPOTJCJMJUZUPBEWJTFVTJGZPVS%JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOUJTBMUFSFEUSBOTGFSSFEPSDMPTFE AM t 'FFTNBZCFQBZBCMFJOSFTQFDUPGB%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTUBOEBEEJUJPOBMGFFTNBZCFQBZBCMFJOSFTQFDUPGEJSFDUEFCJUT GSPNDFSUBJOBDDPVOUTPSUZQFTPGBDDPVOUTTVDI7JTBPS.BTUFSDBSEDSFEJUDBSEBDDPVOUT8FXJMMDIBSHFUIFTFGFFTUPUIF Direct Debit Account at the time of the direct debit in accordance with our usual rates applying from time to time. As at the EBUFPGUIJT%JSFDU%FCJU3FRVFTU4FSWJDF"HSFFNFOUUIFGPMMPXJOHGFFTBQQMZJOSFTQFDUPGEJSFDUEFCJUTGSPNDSFEJUDBSET 4UBOEBSE$BSE 7JTB .BTUFS$BSE 1.10% t 1SFNJVN$BSE 0.95% 7JTB .BTUFS$BSE 1.50% 1.52% *GZPVCFMJFWFUIFSFIBTCFFOBOFSSPSJOEFCJUJOHZPVSBDDPVOUZPVTIPVMEDPOUBDUUIFCSBODIXIFSFZPVSMPBOBDDPVOUJT held as soon as possible so that we can resolve your query quickly. EX t PL E t :PVSSFDPSETBOEBDDPVOUEFUBJMTXJMMCFLFQUQSJWBUFBOEDPOGJEFOUJBMBOEXJMMPOMZCFEJTDMPTFEBUZPVSSFRVFTUPSBUUIF request of the financial institution in connection with a claim made to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit, or otherwise as required by law. PART 2 – DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST *8FIFSFCZBVUIPSJTFBOESFRVFTUZPV$PNNPOXFBMUI#BOLPG"VTUSBMJB"1$"6TFS*%OVNCFSPS UPBSSBOHFGPS funds to be debited from the following account (the Direct Debit Account) and as prescribed above through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System or to debit the Direct Debit Account by any other means. John R Citizen Account (or Card) Name The Bank Account Bank (or Card) 9 Account BSB 123456 Account (or Card) Number 9 6 &YQ 1 1 1 This authorisation is to remain in force in accordance with the terms described in the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement. *8FBVUIPSJTFUIFGPMMPXJOH 5IF $PNNPOXFBMUI #BOL PG "VTUSBMJB UP WFSJGZ UIF EFUBJMT PG UIF %JSFDU %FCJU "DDPVOU JEFOUJGJFE BCPWF XJUI NZPVS GJOBODJBMJOTUJUVUJPOXJUIXIPNUIF%JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOUJTIFMEBOE .ZPVSGJOBODJBMJOTUJUVUJPOXJUIXIPNUIF%JSFDU%FCJU"DDPVOUJTIFMEUPSFMFBTFJOGPSNBUJPOBMMPXJOH$PNNPOXFBMUI Bank of Australia to verify the details of the Direct Debit Account. When Printed - Please sign here Signature Date Signature - - Date - - Applicant 1 Name Print Name (if joint account, all names required) Print Name REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 9 CBA LOAN APPLICATION: GUARANTOR Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 PERSONAL DETAILS - GUARANTOR 1 Title First Name Second Name Surname Date of Birth - - 0UIFSOBNFTLOPXOCZ Drivers Licence (please supply a certified copy) $VSSFOU3FTJEFOUJBM"EESFTTOPU10#PY Suburb and State Postcode How many years have you been a resident at the above address Postal Address (if different from above) Suburb and State Postcode Email Employer 0DDVQBUJPO Facsimile PL E .PCJMF Telephone /VNCFSPG:FBST&NQMPZNFOU Employment Status (full or part time, casual, self) Previous Employer (only if less than 2 years prior to current employment) .BSJUBM4UBUVT No *G:FT"DDPVOU/VNCFS AM &YJTUJOH$#"DVTUPNFS:FT Number of Dependent Children PERSONAL DETAILS - GUARANTOR 2 Title First Name Surname 0UIFSOBNFTLOPXOCZ Second Name Date of Birth - - EX Drivers Licence (please supply a certified copy) $VSSFOU3FTJEFOUJBM"EESFTTOPU10#PY Suburb and State Postcode How many years have you been a resident at the above address Postal Address (if different from above) Suburb and State Postcode .PCJMF Telephone Facsimile Email Employer 0DDVQBUJPO /VNCFSPG:FBST&NQMPZNFOU Employment Status (full or part time, casual, self) Previous Employer (only if less than 2 years prior to current employment) .BSJUBM4UBUVT &YJTUJOH$#"DVTUPNFS:FT 10 No *G:FT"DDPVOU/VNCFS REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 Number of Dependent Children CORPORATE/TRUST GUARANTOR Company Name or Trustee Contact Person Trust Name "#/"$/ .PCJMF Telephone "SFZPVB4PMF%JSFDUPS :FT Facsimile No Registered Business Address Suburb and State Postcode Suburb and State Telephone PL E Postal Address (if different from above) Postcode .PCJMF Email Facsimile EX AM $PQZPGUSVTUEFFEJTSFRVJSFE1MFBTFSFGFSUP".-$5'SFRVJSFNFOUTPOQBHF REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 11 CBA LOAN APPLICATION: GUARANTOR (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 STATEMENT OF INCOME - GUARANTOR 1 $VSSFOU(SPTT4BMBSZ 0UIFS*ODPNF%FUBJMT STATEMENT OF ASSETS OF GUARANTOR 1 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ &TUJNBUFE7BMVF STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES OF GUARANTOR 1 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ-PBOT .JOJNVN.POUIMZ #BMBODF0XJOH *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ4IBSFT-PBOT &TUJNBUFE7BMVF $BTI4IBSFT%FQPTJUT &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 0UIFS"TTFUTWFIJDMFTFUD &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 1FSTPOBM-PBOT -JNJU 0UIFS"TTFUTDPOUFOUTFUD &TUJNBUFE7BMVF $SFEJU$BSE AM PL E Total Assets 5PUBM$PNNJUNFOUT 5PUBM-JBCJMJUJFT EX Sole Applicant Joint Company Trust Please Tick *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSUBYSFUVSOT *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSQBZTMJQT YOU MUST SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTING INFORMATION WITH YOUR APPLICATION Proof of income required t 1":($PQZPGMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMBTUUBYSFUVSOBOEBSFDFOUQBZTMJQPSUXPNPTUSFDFOUQBZTMJQTDPOGJSNJOH income. t 4FMGFNQMPZFEoMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMFUUFSGSPN"DDPVOUBOUSFFTUJNBUFEJODPNF t 0UIFSUIJSEQBSUZoDPOGJSNBUJPOPGJODPNFEFDMBSFEFHWFSJGJFEMFUUFSGSPNFNQMPZFS 1SPPGPGJEFOUJUZBTQFS".-$5'JEFOUJGJDBUJPOJOGPSNBUJPOBOEEPDVNFOUTPOQBHF Processing of your application may be delayed if you do not supply this information with your application. 12 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 STATEMENT OF INCOME - GUARANTOR 2 $VSSFOU(SPTT4BMBSZ 0UIFS*ODPNF%FUBJMT STATEMENT OF ASSETS OF GUARANTOR 2 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ &TUJNBUFE7BMVF STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES OF GUARANTOR 2 3FTJEFOUJBM1SPQFSUZ-PBOT .JOJNVN.POUIMZ #BMBODF0XJOH *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ *OWFTUNFOU1SPQFSUZ4IBSFT-PBOT &TUJNBUFE7BMVF $BTI4IBSFT%FQPTJUT &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 0UIFS"TTFUTWFIJDMFTFUD &TUJNBUFE7BMVF 1FSTPOBM-PBOT -JNJU 0UIFS"TTFUTDPOUFOUTFUD &TUJNBUFE7BMVF $SFEJU$BSE AM PL E Total Assets 5PUBM$PNNJUNFOUT 5PUBM-JBCJMJUJFT EX Sole Applicant Joint Company Trust Please Tick *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSUBYSFUVSOT *8FIBWFFODMPTFEPVSQBZTMJQT YOU MUST SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTING INFORMATION WITH YOUR APPLICATION Proof of income required t 1":($PQZPGMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMBTUUBYSFUVSOBOEBSFDFOUQBZTMJQPSUXPNPTUSFDFOUQBZTMJQTDPOGJSNJOH income. t 4FMGFNQMPZFEoMBTUUXPUBYSFUVSOTPSMFUUFSGSPN"DDPVOUBOUSFFTUJNBUFEJODPNF t 0UIFSUIJSEQBSUZoDPOGJSNBUJPOPGJODPNFEFDMBSFEFHWFSJGJFEMFUUFSGSPNFNQMPZFS 1SPPGPGJEFOUJUZBTQFS".-$5'JEFOUJGJDBUJPOJOGPSNBUJPOBOEEPDVNFOUTPOQBHF Processing of your application may be delayed if you do not supply this information with your application. REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 13 CBA LOAN APPLICATION: GUARANTOR (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL GUARANTORS IMPORTANT INFORMATION (applies to all Guarantors) #ZSFRVFTUJOHUIBUUIF-FOEFSQSPWJEFGJOBODFUPUIF"QQMJDBOU*XFBDLOPXMFEHFBOEEFDMBSFUIBU *8FIBWFSFBEBOEVOEFSTUPPEUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUBTBOOFYFEUPUIJT"QQMJDBUJPO BOEIBWFIBEUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPTFFL independent professional advice. t *8FBNBSFTJEFOUPG"VTUSBMJB t *8F BHSFF UP CF CPVOE CZ UIF -PBO "HSFFNFOU BT BOOFYFE UP UIJT "QQMJDBUJPO BOE *XF BHSFF UP UIF UFSNT PG TVDI agreement. t *8FIBWFOPUSFMJFEPOBOZTUBUFNFOUTPSSFQSFTFOUBUJPOTNBEFCZBOZQBSUZJODMVEJOHUIF-FOEFS QSJPSUPUIF"QQMJDBOU applying for finance or any investment in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. t "OZ GJOBODF UP CF QSPWJEFE UP UIF "QQMJDBOU CZ UIF -FOEFS JT UP CF BQQMJFE GPS CVTJOFTT PS JOWFTUNFOU QVSQPTFT *8F GVSUIFSBDLOPXMFEHFUIBU*XFNBZMPTFNZPVSQSPUFDUJPOVOEFSUIF$POTVNFS$SFEJU$PEF t *8FLOPXUIBUUIF-FOEFSXJMMCFSFMZJOHPOUIFJOGPSNBUJPOXJUIJOUIJT"QQMJDBUJPOBOEBOZPUIFSJOGPSNBUJPO*8FNJHIU provide to the Lender) when providing financial accommodation to the Applicant. t 5IF-FOEFSNBZBDDFQUPSSFKFDUNZPVS"QQMJDBUJPOBUJUTTPMFBOEBCTPMVUFEJTDSFUJPOBOEUIBUVQPOBDDFQUBODFPGUIF "QQMJDBUJPO*XFBHSFFUPCFCPVOECZUIFUFSNTPGUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUBOEUIJT"QQMJDBUJPO t #Z TJHOJOH BOE SFUVSOJOH UIJT "QQMJDBUJPO *XF BNBSF EPJOH TP BT B EFFE QPMM JSSFWPDBCMZ BOE JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI UIF Application (including the Loan Agreement). t 5IF-FOEFSDBOQSPWJEFJOGPSNBUJPOPOUIFTUBUVTPGUIJTGJOBODFGBDJMJUZUPNZPVSOPNJOBUFEBEWJTFSCFMPXPSBOZFOUJUZ associated with the Lender or Rewards Group Limited. /BNFPGGJOBODJBMBEWJTFSTPMJDJUPS Contact Name *8FIBWFSFBEBOEVOEFSTUPPEUIBU t NPOJFTJOWFTUFEJOUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/EPOPUSFQSFTFOUEFQPTJUT or other liabilities of the Lender or its associates or Rewards Group Ltd or any of its subsidiaries and are subject to JOWFTUNFOUSJTLJODMVEJOHQPTTJCMFEFMBZTJOSFQBZNFOUBOEMPTTPGJODPNFPSDBQJUBMJOWFTUNFOU t OPOFPGUIF-FOEFSPSBOZPGJUTBTTPDJBUFTPS3FXBSET(SPVQ-JNJUFEPSBOZPGJUTTVCTJEJBSJFTTUBOETCFIJOEUIF DBQJUBMWBMVFOPSEPUIFZHVBSBOUFFUIFQFSGPSNBODFPGUIJTJOWFTUNFOUPSUIFVOEFSMZJOHBTTFUTBOE t OPOFPGUIF-FOEFSPSBOZPGJUTBTTPDJBUFTHVBSBOUFFTPSQSPWJEFTBOZBTTVSBODFJOSFTQFDUPGUIFPCMJHBUJPOTPGUIF Responsible Entity of the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. .Z0VSPCMJHBUJPOTVOEFSUIF-PBO"HSFFNFOUJODMVEJOHNZPVSPCMJHBUJPOTUPQBZNPOFZJOUFSFTUDPTUTGFFTBOEDIBSHFT BSFOPUBGGFDUFECZ t UIFTVDDFTTPSGBJMVSFPGUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/ t UIF MFWFM PG SFUVSO GSPN BOZ MPTT PG NPOFZ JOWFTUFE JO UIF 3FXBSET (SPVQ 1SFNJVN 5JNCFS 1SPKFDU "34/ t BOZCSFBDICZUIF3FTQPOTJCMF&OUJUZPGUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/PGJUT PCMJHBUJPOTPS t BOZJMMFHBMJUZJODPOOFDUJPOXJUIUIF3FXBSET(SPVQ1SFNJVN5JNCFS1SPKFDU"34/PSBOZ1SPEVDU Disclosure Statement issued with respect to the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. EX t Telephone AM t PL E t 14 t *8FVOEFSTUBOEBOEBDLOPXMFEHFUIBUUIFMBXSFRVJSFTTJHOBUPSJFTUPQSPWJEFUSVFBOEDPSSFDUJOGPSNBUJPOBOETUBUFBMM the names by which they are commonly known, I also understand that the law prohibits the use of false names, as well as the giving, use or production of false or misleading information or documents in connection with the provision of financial services and the making, possession or use of a false document in connection with an identification procedure. t *8FEFDMBSFUIBUUIFEFUBJMTBTTIPXOPOUIJTGPSNBSFDPNQMFUFBOEDPSSFDU t *GBUUIFEBUFPOXIJDIUIF"QQMJDBOUTJOWFTUNFOUJTEVFUIF"QQMJDBOUBOEPS*IBWFOPUQSPWJEFEBMMOFDFTTBSZTVQQPSUJOH documentation required by the Lender in time for the Lender to consider and process the Application, I understand that the Applicant will be taken to have applied to Rewards Projects Limited for a 12 month interest free loan on the terms set out in the Product Disclosure Statement (the Rewards Loan), on the basis that the Lender may consider, during the period of 31 days after the date of funding of the Rewards Loan, providing finance in accordance with this application (but with a term of one less month) for the purpose of refinancing the Rewards Loan. If the Lender elects to provide such finance during this period, then I agree that the Lender may provide finance to the Applicant on the terms of the original application GPSUIFQVSQPTFTPGSFGJOBODJOHUIF3FXBSET-PBOBOEUIBUNZHVBSBOUFFXJMMFYUFOEUPDPWFSBNPVOUTBEWBODFECZUIF Lender to the Applicant. REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 &YFDVUFEBTBEFFEQPMM INDIVIDUAL GUARANTORS Signed, sealed and delivered Signature of Guarantor 1 Date - Signature of Witness - Date - - - Print Name Print Name Signature of Guarantor 2 - Signature of Witness - Date PL E Date - Print Name Print Name CORPORATE GUARANTORS &YFDVUFEGPSBOEPOCFIBMGPGUIF(VBSBOUPSJOBDDPSEBODFXJUITFDUJPOPGUIF$PSQPSBUJPOT"DUCZPSJOUIFQSFTFODFPG 4JHOBUVSFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZ AM 4JHOBUVSFPG4FDSFUBSZ%JSFDUPS /BNFPG%JSFDUPSPSTPMF%JSFDUPSBOETPMF4FDSFUBSZJOGVMM EX /BNFPG4FDSFUBSZ%JSFDUPSJOGVMM REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 15 CBA LOAN APPLICATION: GUARANTOR (continued) Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123 Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 PRIVACY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT – INDIVIDUAL GUARANTOR/S *8FIFSFCZBQQMZUPUIF$PNNPOXFBMUI#BOLPG"VTUSBMJB"#/UIF-FOEFS BTHVBSBOUPST GPSMPBOGJOBODF to be provided to the borrower to finance the amount that is due and payable in the Application Form for the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 ARSN 133 719 123. *8FXBSSBOUUIBUBMMPGUIFQFSTPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOJODMVEJOHBTTFUBOEMJBCJMJUZJOGPSNBUJPOQSPWJEFECZNFVTBUUIFEBUFPGNZ PVS BQQMJDBUJPO JT USVF BOE DPSSFDU *8F BDLOPXMFEHF UIBU UIJT GPSN EPFT OPU DPOTUJUVUF BO PGGFS PS BDDFQUBODF PG DSFEJU BT defined in any legislation relating to the provision of credit. #ZTJHOJOHUIJTBQQMJDBUJPO*XFBVUIPSJTFUIF-FOEFSBOEPS3FXBSET(SPVQ-JNJUFEBOEPSBOZPGUIFJSBHFOUTBTEFGJOFEJO UIF1SJWBDZ"DU UPHJWFUPBOEPCUBJOGSPNBDSFEJUSFQPSUJOHBHFODZ t DFSUBJOQFSTPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUNFVTUPBMMPXNFVTUPCFJEFOUJGJFE t JOGPSNBUJPOUIBU*XFIBWFPGGFSFEUPBDUBTBHVBSBOUPS t QFSTPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOBOEJOGPSNBUJPOBTUPNZPVSDSFEJUXPSUIJOFTTDSFEJUTUBOEJOHDSFEJUIJTUPSZBOEDSFEJUDBQBDJUZGPS UIFQVSQPTFTPGBTTFTTJOHNZPVSHVBSBOUFFGPSQFSTPOBMDSFEJUHJWFOUPBOPUIFSQFSTPO #ZTJHOJOHUIJTBQQMJDBUJPO*XFBDLOPXMFEHFUIBU UIF -FOEFS BOEPS 3FXBSET (SPVQ -JNJUFE NBZ WFSJGZ UIF JEFOUJUZ PG HVBSBOUPST WJB UIF DPMMFDUJPO PG QFSTPOBM JOGPSNBUJPO t *XF NBZ TVCKFDU UP QFSNJUUFE FYDFQUJPOT BDDFTT ZPVS JOGPSNBUJPO CZ DPOUBDUJOH $VTUPNFS 3FMBUJPOT $PNNPOXFBMUI #BOL(SPVQ3FQMZ1BJE4:%/&:/48*XFBMTPBDLOPXMFEHFUIBUDIBSHFTNBZBQQMZGPSUIJTBDDFTT PL E t *OBEEJUJPOUPUIFBVUIPSJTBUJPOTTFUPVUBCPWFJOSFMBUJPOUPDSFEJUSFQPSUTCZTJHOJOHUIJTBQQMJDBUJPO*XFBVUIPSJTFUIF-FOEFS BOEPS3FXBSET(SPVQ-JNJUFEUP t HJWF UP BOE PCUBJO GSPN NZPVS CBOL BOEPS PUIFS DSFEJU QSPWJEFS BOZ SFDPSE UIBU IBT BOZ CFBSJOH PO NZPVS DSFEJUXPSUIJOFTTDSFEJUTUBOEJOHDSFEJUIJTUPSZPSDSFEJUDBQBDJUZGPSUIFQVSQPTFPG B BTTFTTJOHXIFUIFSUPBDDFQUNFVTBTHVBSBOUPSGPSQFSTPOBMDSFEJUBQQMJFEGPSPSQSPWJEFEUPUIFCPSSPXFST C GPSBOZQVSQPTFSFMBUFEUPUIFTVCTFRVFOUNBOBHFNFOUPGUIFQFSTPOBMDSFEJUHVBSBOUFFECZNFVT GPSBOZQVSQPTFSFMBUFEUPUIFFOGPSDFNFOUPSQSPQPTFEFOGPSDFNFOUPGNZPVSHVBSBOUFFBOEPS (d) for the purpose of assessing the risk in purchasing any credit facility (being a credit facility given to or applied for by UIFCPSSPXFS GSPNNFVTBOEPSUIFSJTLJOVOEFSUBLJOHDSFEJUFOIBODFNFOUPGBOZTVDIDSFEJUGBDJMJUZFBDIBTUIF case may be. AM t D PCUBJO JOGPSNBUJPO BCPVU NZPVS DPNNFSDJBM BDUJWJUJFT PS DPNNFSDJBM DSFEJUXPSUIJOFTT GSPN B CVTJOFTT XIJDI QSPWJEFT JOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUUIFDPNNFSDJBMDSFEJUXPSUIJOFTTPGQFSTPOTGPSUIFQVSQPTFPGBTTFTTJOHXIFUIFSUPBDDFQUNFVTBTB guarantor for personal credit applied for, or provided to, the borrower. EX Signature of Guarantor 1 Date - - Print Name 16 Signature of Guarantor 2 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 Date Print Name - - ELECTION UNDER CLAUSE 28.16 OF THE CODE OF BANKING PRACTICE (DIRECTOR GUARANTORS) We are advised that you, as a Director of the Borrower, are considering providing a Guarantee in support of the Borrower’s facilities. /PUF5IJTGPSNNBZCFVTFEXIFOUIF%JSFDUPS(VBSBOUPSJTQSFTFOUi'BDFUP'BDF0QUJPOw PSXIFSFUIF%JSFDUPS(VBSBOUPS JTDPOUBDUFECZUFMFQIPOFi5FMFQIPOF0QUJPOw Part 1 – General information (applies in all cases) A. Code of Banking Practice protections of Guarantors The Code of Banking Practice (“Code”) has certain provisions designed to protect Guarantors and proposed Guarantors. (FOFSBMMZXFBSFSFRVJSFEUP t QSPWJEF(VBSBOUPSTXJUIDFSUBJONBUFSJBMDPODFSOJOHUIF#PSSPXFSBOEUIFQSPQPTFEGBDJMJUJFTBOE t BMMPX(VBSBOUPSTVOUJMUIFOFYUEBZGPMMPXJOHUIFSFDFJQUPGUIBUNBUFSJBMCFGPSFXFBTLUIFNUPTJHOUIF(VBSBOUFF B. Information which must be given to you #PUIUIF$PEFBOEUIFHFOFSBMMBXSFRVJSFUIBUDFSUBJONBUFSJBMNVTUCFQSPWJEFEUPZPV UIF'BDJMJUZ5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOTXIJDIJODPSQPSBUFUIF'BDJMJUZ"HSFFNFOUZPVBSFCFJOHBTLFEUP(VBSBOUFFUPHFUIFS XJUIBMJTUPGSFMBUFETFDVSJUZDPOUSBDUTBOEZPVNBZBTLVTGPSBDPQZPGBOZSFMBUFETFDVSJUZDPOUSBDU t BOZGJOBM-FUUFSPG0GGFSQSPWJEFEUPUIF#PSSPXFSXJUIEFUBJMTPGBOZDPOEJUJPOTDPOUBJOFEJOBOZFBSMJFSWFSTJPOPGUIF 0GGFS-FUUFSXIJDIXFSFTBUJTGJFECFGPSFUIFGJOBM-FUUFSPG0GGFSXBTJTTVFE t BMJTUJOHXJUIEFUBJMTPGBOZOPUJDFTPGEFNBOENBEFPOPSBGUFS+VOFJOSFMBUJPOUPBOZGBDJMJUZPGUIF#PSSPXFS XJUIVTUPHFUIFSXJUIDPQJFTPGTUBUFNFOUPGBDDPVOUDPWFSJOHUIFQFSJPEEVSJOHXIJDIBOZTVDIOPUJDFXBTJTTVFE t B MJTUJOH PG BMM EJTIPOPVST PO PS BGUFS +VOF PO BOZ GBDJMJUZ PG UIF #PSSPXFS XJUI VT UPHFUIFS XJUI DPQJFT PG TUBUFNFOUTPGBDDPVOUDPWFSJOHUIFQFSJPEEVSJOHXIJDIBOZTVDIEJTIPOPVSPDDVSSFE PL E t 8FXJMMBMTPUFMMZPV t XIFUIFSUIFSFIBWFCFFOBOZFYDFTTFTPSPWFSESBXJOHTPGPSNPSFEVSJOHUIFQBTUTJYNPOUITPOBOZGBDJMJUZPGUIF Borrower with us. AM C. Further information – waiver rights *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF BCPWF NBUFSJBM UIF $PEF SFRVJSFT UIF QSPWJTJPO PG GVSUIFS JOGPSNBUJPO UP ZPV $MBVTF PG UIF $PEF provides, however, that Director Guarantors (that is, Guarantors who are Directors of the Borrower company, other than Sole %JSFDUPS(VBSBOUPSTPS$PNNFSDJBM"TTFU'JOBODJOH(VBSBOUPST NBZBEWJTFVTUIBUUIFZFMFDU t OPUUPSFDFJWFTPNFPGUIFGVSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOSFRVJSFEUPCFQSPWJEFEVOEFSUIF$PEFBOEPS t UPTJHOUIF(VBSBOUFFXJUIPVUXBJUJOHVOUJMUIFOFYUEBZ D. Further information – details 5IF GPMMPXJOH JT UIF GVSUIFS JOGPSNBUJPO XF BSF SFRVJSFE UP QSPWJEF 5IF CPYFT BSF GPS OPUJOH ZPVS FMFDUJPO SFHBSEJOH UIF provision of this information. P P P P P EX Documents not required BOZSFMBUFEDSFEJUSFQPSUGSPNBDSFEJUSFQPSUJOHBHFODZ BOZDVSSFOUDSFEJUSFMBUFEJOTVSBODFDPOUSBDUJOPVSQPTTFTTJPO any financial accounts or statements of financial position given to us by the Borrower for the purposes of the Facility within ZFBSTQSJPSUPUIFEBZXFQSPWJEFUIJTJOGPSNBUJPOUPZPV the latest statement of account relating to the Facility (and any other statement of account for a period during which B OPUJDF PG EFNBOE XBT NBEF CZ UIF #BOL PS B EJTIPOPVS PDDVSSFE JO SFMBUJPO UP XIJDI XF BSF SFRVJSFE UP HJWF ZPV JOGPSNBUJPOVOEFSDMBVTFC J BOE any unsatisfied notice of demand made by us on the Borrower in relation to the Facility where the notice was given within 2 years prior to the day we provide you with this information. REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009 17 ELECTION UNDER CLAUSE 28.16 OF THE CODE OF BANKING PRACTICE (DIRECTOR GUARANTORS) (continued) Part 2 – “Face to Face” E. (a) Elections under clause 28.16 of the Code The nominations you have made regarding the information and documentation required to be provided by us to you are OPUFEJODMBVTF%BCPWF8IFSFUIFCPYFTBSFUJDLFEUIJTJOEJDBUFTUIBUZPVIBWFBEWJTFEVTUIBUZPVBSFFMFDUJOHOPUUP SFDFJWFUIFJOGPSNBUJPOEFTDSJCFEJOUIFTVCDMBVTFPQQPTJUFUIBUCPY C :PVIBWFBMTPBEWJTFEVTUIBUZPVIBWFFMFDUFEUPXBJUPSOPUUPXBJUVOUJMUIFOFYUEBZBGUFSSFDFJWJOHUIFJOGPSNBUJPO required to be given to you under clause 28.4 [including any information under clause 28.4(d)]. Acknowledgement by Proposed Director Guarantor 1MFBTFOPUFUIBUCZTJHOJOHCFMPXZPVBSFDPOGJSNJOHUIBUZPV t IBWFSFBEBOEVOEFSTUPPEUIFJOGPSNBUJPOTFUPVUBCPWFJOSFMBUJPOUPZPVSSJHIUTUPSFDFJWFNBUFSJBMVOEFSUIF$PEF PG#BOLJOH1SBDUJDFBOE t EPOPUXJTIUPSFDFJWFUIFJOGPSNBUJPOSFMBUJOHUPUIF#PSSPXFSOPNJOBUFECZUJDLJOHUIFCPYFTJO$MBVTF%BCPWF :PVBMTPDPOGJSNUIBUZPVIBWFJOEJDBUFEUPVTZPVSFMFDUJPOBTUPXIFUIFSZPVXJTIUPXBJUVOUJMUIFOFYUEBZUPDPOTJEFSUIF information you receive from us. Date - PL E Signature - Part 3 – “Telephone” Elections under Clause 28.16 of the Code Where we have spoken to you already, the nominations you have made regarding the information and documentation SFRVJSFEUPCFQSPWJEFECZVTUPZPVBSFOPUFEJODMBVTF%BCPWF8IFSFUIFCPYFTBSFUJDLFEUIJTJOEJDBUFTUIBUZPVIBWF BEWJTFEVTUIBUZPVBSFFMFDUJOHOPUUPSFDFJWFUIFJOGPSNBUJPOEFTDSJCFEJOUIFTVCDMBVTFPQQPTJUFUIBUCPY (b) If, however, the nominations are incorrect or the information or documentation you have received is incomplete and you XJTIUPSFDFJWFGVSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOQMFBTFDPOUBDUVTJNNFEJBUFMZ*GXFEPOPUIFBSGSPNZPVQSJPSUPZPVFYFDVUJOHUIF Guarantee, we will assume that you are satisfied with the information and documentation provided. Please also ensure UIBUXFIBWFDPSSFDUMZSFDPSEFEZPVSFMFDUJPOSFHBSEJOHUIFOFYUEBZSFRVJSFNFOU AM F. (a) G. Contact unable to be made Where we have not been able to contact you, we have assumed that your election is to receive all of the required information BOEOPUUPXBJWFUIFOFYUEBZSFRVJSFNFOUGPSTJHOJOHUIF(VBSBOUFF EX Agent use only To be signed only after telephone interview *DFSUJGZUIBU*IBWFFYQMBJOFEUPUIF(VBSBOUPSBCPWFUIFJSFOUJUMFNFOUTVOEFS$MBVTFPGUIF$PEFPG#BOLJOH1SBDUJDF* IBWFBMTPSFDPSEFEUIF(VBSBOUPSTOPNJOBUJPOTCZUJDLJOHUIFCPYFTBCPWF 03 To be signed where Agent unable to contact Director Guarantor I certify that, on - - I attempted to contact the Guarantor above by telephone but was unable to do so. Signature of Agent Name of Agent (please print) Print Form 18 REWARDS GROUP PREMIUM TIMBER PROJECT 2009