001111 RAN: Name: Company: APPLICATION FORM – WOODLOTS Adviser Name ADVISER’S STAMP Adviser Company REWARDS PROJECTS LTD - AFS LICENCE 224000 Post completed applications to: Rewards Projects Ltd, PO Box 803, West Perth WA 6872 This Application Form relates to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 5 December 2008. It is important that you have read the PDS accompanying this Application Form before applying for Woodlots in the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 (ARSN 133 719 123). This Application Form must not be provided to any person unless at the same time access is given to the PDS. If you have received this PDS electronically, the Responsible Entity will provide a free paper copy on request. Unless otherwise defined in this Application Form, capitalised terms have the same meaning as defined in the PDS. Examples of how to complete the Application Form are contained on our website www.rewardsgroup.com.au 1. Application Type ✔ Sole Joint 2. Applicant Details ✔ Individual Applicant 1 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other Joint First Name Middle Name Corporate Trust Last Name Mr John Robert Citizen Company Name ACN PL E Director 1 Director 2 Name of Trust ABN Trustee 1 Trustee 2 1 Residential Street Residential Address/Registered Office PERTH State 6000 Postcode AS ABOVE AM Postal address (if different to above) Financial Planner Occupation WA State Postcode Date of Birth 0 1 - 0 1 - 1 9 6 0 john@citizen.com.au Email Address Contact Numbers 0 Work 8 - 0444 444 444 Mobile Individual Joint EX Applicant 2 9999 1111 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other First Name Home 0 8 - 9999 8888 Facsimile 0 8 - 9999 1111 Corporate Middle Name Trust Last Name Company Name ACN Director 1 Director 2 Name of Trust ABN Trustee 1 Trustee 2 Residential Address/Registered Office State Postcode State Postcode Postal address (if different to above) Occupation - Date of Birth - Email Address Contact Numbers Work - Mobile Home - Facsimile - 3. APPLICATION FOR WOODLOTS I/We apply for 1 Woodlots at $5,500 (ex GST) per Woodlot totaling $ 5,500 65 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT ✔ 5,500 Cheque (for full amount) $ payable to Rewards Projects Ltd Trust Account Credit Card (for full amount) Please debit my MasterCard Card Number - Debit the amount of $ Visa Diners - Amex - Expiry Date - plus any applicable credit card merchant fee Cardholders Name Cardholders Signature Date - - 12 Month Interest Free Loan (complete section 7 and pages 67 to 75 of this Application Form) Finance Package 5. PRIVACY Refer to Privacy information on page 62 and 63 of the PDS for further details. Unless you tick the box below, we and other companies in the Rewards Projects Ltd group may use your personal information to offer you products or services that may be of interest to you. 6. APPLICANTS’ SIGNATURE PL E I do not consent to the use of my personal information for this purpose. By signing this Application I/we acknowledge, agree and declare that: (a) I/we the undersigned apply for the number of Woodlots specified above; (b) I/we have read and understand the terms of the PDS and have had the opportunity to seek independent professional advice; (h) to comply with the requirements of the Corporations Act, this Application Form cannot be passed on unless attached to this PDS; (i) the term of the Project is expected to be at least twenty (20) years from the commencement date or until the expiration of the management agreement; (j) Rewards Projects Ltd is not obliged to redeem, repurchase or cause to be repurchased my/our interest in the Project; (c) I/we acknowledge that Rewards Projects Ltd is not bound to accept this application; (e) I/we agree to be bound by the terms of the constitution for the Rewards Group Premium Timber Project 2009 (as it may be amended from time to time), the licence agreement and management agreement (Agreements) and the provisions of this PDS; (f) (k) I/we acknowledge that the Responsible Entity does not guarantee the repayment of capital invested, and that no return is promised; AM (d) I/we have not relied on any statements or representations made by any party (including Rewards Projects Ltd and its officers, agents and employees) prior to applying, other than those written representations made in the PDS; I/we irrevocably appoint Rewards Projects Ltd and each director for the time being of Rewards Projects Ltd as my/our Attorney on the terms and with the powers set out on page 62 of the PDS and direct that the Agreements be signed on my/our behalf pursuant to those terms; EX (g) I/we acknowledge that the full amount of any application moneys is immediately due and payable upon signing this Application Form; (I) Rewards Projects Ltd can provide information on the status of my investment to my/our nominated adviser; and (m) I/we consent to payment to licensed advisers for procuring my/ our investment, an amount calculated (as 8% (plus GST) of the amount I/we invest, plus a further 2% (plus GST) for marketing), as determined by Rewards Projects Ltd, if this Application Form bears their stamp. Alternatively, Rewards Projects Ltd may offer up front commission of up to $275 per Woodlot and trailing commission of $55 per Woodlot per annum for the first 5 years of the Project. Signature of Applicant 1 Signature of Applicant 2 Name Name Date - - Signature of Witness Date - - Name of Witness Date - - ENSURE YOUR SIGNATURE IS WITNESSED Executed in Accordance with Section 127(1) of the Corporations Act by authority of its Directors in the presence of: Signature of Director Signature of Director/Company Secretary Name Name Date - - Signature of Witness Date 66 - Name of Witness Date ENSURE YOUR SIGNATURE IS WITNESSED - - -