PROVOST’s COUNCIL MINUTES November 11, 2015, 8:30-10:00

November 11, 2015, 8:30-10:00
Darrell Parker, Susan Fouts, Farzaneh Razzaghi, Alison Morrison-Shetlar,
Brandon Schwab, Tim Metz, Brian Kloeppel, Richard Starnes, Dale
Carpenter, Jeff Ray, Kevan Frazier
Andrew Adams for George Brown, David Hudson for Doug Keskula, Arthur
Anne Aldrich
Provost Council members provided additional announcements to those
provided with the materials.
Alison sent out a retention activities document for any additions you wish to
make. Please review for your particular area and return to Alison by the end of
this week (11/13/15).
Update from
Executive Council
The main discussions in Executive Council have been regarding the budget.
Next Monday Alison must bring a rationale regarding the positions we have
put forward. Greg will contact you regarding these positions. From last year’s
budget hearings, we put forward 42 faculty and staff positions to be spread
over two years. This has shifted to some degree, 9 faculty and 2 staff positions
have been put forth for this year. We need SCH generation from faculty
positions and impact to include 4-5 bullet points.
Step 3 salary plan will begin in November. As we start to work on the faculty
lines, it will go to deans for revisions with a short turn around. We will have
two weeks to complete.
Update on
Activities (Alison)
Alison would like to see more activities submitted than what was submitted
this week. We are down development officers but Natalie Clark has stepped up
to assist until these positions are filled. Alison met with the Alumni Board this
past Saturday and developed specific goals for this group.
The University Foundation Board meeting is Friday at Biltmore Park. Deans
named other board meetings that are scheduled in the near future. We
encourage you to include boards in events on campus. We are also discussing
a Legacy Event to engage more people in our philanthropic activities.
(Arthur Salido)
Arthur distributed and reviewed a handout. He has been working on faculty
credentials. Arthur has identified several instructors whose materials need to
be updated which is an important part of the process. In the future, Arthur
recommends WCU develop a process to do this on a semester basis so we catch
these early.
The QEP topic development membership includes a good distribution of
representation. They are reviewing institutional data, literature review and
QEPS from other institutions. Arthur reviewed the timeline for the QEP topic
development committee.
Arthur is confident as to where we are in the process with a couple of
exceptions. Arthur has plans in place to deal with those areas for which we are
behind. The final report is due September 6, 2016. Discussion ensued.
Authorization to
Establish Free
Enterprise Center
(Ed Lopez)
The process to establish a free enterprise center was opened for faculty
comment. Following approval to plan by Provost Council, a forum was
scheduled for Faculty Senate to make recommendations. There were 4-5
specific areas of concern identified. Dr. Lopez has edited the document as to
how we are addressing those concerns. In some cases there were legacy issues
from the way BB&T was established, etc.
Ed Lopez walked the council through the comments. The general faculty
comments fell in similar categories which mapped onto the Faculty Senate
resolution five points. Dr. Lopez felt the faculty forums were vital to this
process and very beneficial to the proposal and the center as it takes shape. Ed
looked for ways to improve the proposal incorporating faculty comments. The
five main areas were budget concerns, need, academic freedom, reputational
costs and absence of peer review. Discussion ensued.
Provost Council voted to move forward with the proposal to establish the
center. Alison will take the recommendation to the Chancellor and seek his
guidance in how to move forward in time to address at the next Faculty Senate
meeting. If the Chancellors approves, he will submit it to the Board of Trustees
for approval and from there to GA.
Registration (Alison)
Richard requested this information be disseminated to the Department Heads.
We will add it as an agenda item to the next workday.