Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation Primary Credit Analyst: Sussan S Corson, New York (1) 212-438-2014; sussan.corson@standardandpoors.com Secondary Contact: Charlene P Butterfield, New York (1) 212-438-2741; charlene.butterfield@standardandpoors.com Table Of Contents Rationale Outlook Enterprise Profile Financial Profile Related Criteria And Research WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 1 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ General Obligation Credit Profile Washington Ed Fac Auth, Washington University of Puget Sound, Washington Washington Ed Fac Auth (Univ of Puget Sound) weekly rate demand rev bnds ser 2001 Long Term Rating A+/A-1+/Stable Affirmed A+/Stable Affirmed Washington Hgr Ed Fac Auth, Washington University of Puget Sound, Washington Series 2012A Long Term Rating Rationale Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its 'A+' long-term rating on the University of Puget Sound, Wash.'s outstanding revenue bonds, issued by the Washington Education Facilities Authority. At the same time, Standard & Poor's affirmed its 'A+/A-1+' long-term rating on the university's weekly rate demand revenue bonds, which were also issued by the authority. The outlook on all ratings is stable. The ratings reflect the university's good financial resources for the rating, growing endowment, and a return to positive operations. We also favorably view the management team and the recent successful completion of a comprehensive campaign. Balancing these strengths, in our view, is dependence on tuition revenue coupled with a low matriculation rate and weaker selectivity compared with peer medians. The 'A+' long-term rating reflects our view of the University of Puget Sound's: • Good financial resources for the rating category, • Restoration of growth in net tuition revenue and positive operating surpluses on a full accrual basis in the last couple of years, • Strong management team with good disclosure practices, • Successful completion of a recent major capital campaign, and • Good geographic student draw. Offsetting credit factors include: • A highly competitive market for students both regionally and nationally, which has resulted in a consistently low matriculation rate; and • Continued tuition dependence. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 2 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation The short-term rating on the $10.35 million series 2001 bonds, which are in a weekly mode, reflects our view of the university's: • Funds of $41 million identified as available on a same-day basis as of Sept. 30, 2015, providing variable-rate demand debt service coverage of 4.0x; • Financial policy to maintain sufficient bond coverage by same-day and next-day assets equal to at least 3.0x the outstanding amount of unenhanced variable-rate bonds (although this is the official policy, practice has been to maintain same-day assets in excess of 3.0x); and • Timely security liquidity procedures, which conform to the indenture and ensure that bondholders will receive immediately available funds on the purchase date. At fiscal year-end June 30, 2015, about $73 million of total debt was outstanding, of which $38.5 million, or 53%, was issued as variable-rate bonds. The series 2001 variable-rate demand bonds are currently in weekly mode and the university provides self-liquidity for these bonds. The series 2012B debt was issued as direct placement debt that bears interest at a variable rate tied to LIBOR with a mandatory tender after the first seven years. The university has also entered into three interest rate swap agreements to synthetically fix its variable-rate debt. The series 2012B direct placement debt has cash-to-debt and coverage covenants. We have reviewed the events of default and have not identified a credit risk; acceleration of debt occurs seven days after event of default. The bonds are considered a general obligation of the university. Outlook The stable outlook reflects our expectation that University of Puget Sound enrollment will be relatively stable, and that financial resources will remain consistent with the rating category. To maintain the rating over the next two years, it is important that the university's operating margins remain adequate, enrollment trends remain relatively stable, and liquidity and resource ratios remain stable. Although not expected, significantly higher tuition discounting and weakening of revenue trends or a drop in financial resources affecting liquidity would be a credit risk. Material declines in coverage could result in a lower short-term rating. Given the competitive demand profile, it is unlikely that we would raise the rating during the next two years. Enterprise Profile The University of Puget Sound, founded in 1888 in Tacoma, is a private residential liberal arts institution with an emphasis on undergraduate education. In recent years, it has introduced new programs, including biochemistry, bioethics, biophysics, molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, and Latina/Latino studies. Demand and enrollment Headcount enrollment is down slightly with a total of 2,774 enrolled for fall 2015, compared with 2,782 for fall 2014 and 2,853 enrolled for fall 2012. However, management met its overall goal for total enrollment in fall 2015 and expects stable total enrollment over time as it plans to modestly reduce the size of the freshman class while targeting WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 3 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation higher student retention rates. Retention and graduation rates remain an area of focus for management as well as enrollment diversity and international recruitment. Management reports that the majority of students come from about 40 states outside Washington, and 37% of entering freshmen for fall 2015 came from California. Freshmen applications increased significantly to 5,827 in fall 2015 from 5,583 for fall 2014 and 4,588 in 2013, which management attributes the increase to a continued focus on branding and marketing and refinements to its application process. Student quality for fall 2015 was strong with an average SAT score of 1209 compared with a national average of 1006. Selectivity is lower than that of similarly rated institutions, although a 79% acceptance rate in fall 2014 and fall 2015 reflects some improvement in selectivity compared with 85% in fall 2013. In addition to what we consider relatively low selectivity, the matriculation rate is low, in our opinion, and declined from 17% in fall 2013 to 14% in fall 2015, reflecting the highly competitive regional and national markets. The overall tuition discount rate has remained relatively stable at about 38% for the last two years and the freshman discount rate totaled 40% in fall 2015, which is in line with management targets. Freshman retention rates remained relatively stable in fall 2015 at 86% and are in line with peer medians. While the undergraduate population accounts for about 90% of the student population, the university also offers graduate programs. Graduate applications grew to 884 in fall 2015 from 869 the prior year. The acceptance rate was 29%, and the matriculation rate was 52%. Management We view the University of Puget Sound's management team favorably, as we consider the disclosure practices to be very good. The current president, who has been with the university since 2003, has announced that he will be stepping down at the end of this year and the university is searching for his replacement. There are no other changes in the executive team, although there is an expected transition of the board chair in July 2016 due to normal rotation. In addition, the team is completing a 10-year strategic plan that included a comprehensive fundraising campaign, branding project and enrollment initiatives. Management expects the next long-term strategic plan will be shaped by the new president, although the university remains focused on updating its branding and marketing, with the focus on presenting a clear and consistent message and enhancing potential students' campus visits. The management team also budgets conservatively, including contingencies in the budgeting process. Although management does not budget for depreciation, it includes planned maintenance in its budget, which helps to offset depreciate expense on a full accrual basis. The University of Puget Sound board comprises up to 39 members who can serve three three-year terms. The committees include: executive, academic and student affairs, development and alumni relations, finance and facilities, audit, compensation, trusteeship, and honorary degree. The investment subcommittee has 10 members. Financial Profile Operations The University of Puget Sound posted positive operating results on a full-accrual basis in fiscal 2014 and fiscal 2015 boosted by net tuition revenue growth and relatively stable operating expenses in fiscal 2014. In fiscal 2015, it posted an almost $3 million operating surplus, or 1.86% net operating margin. The university remains dependent on student WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 4 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation tuition and fees (at 73% of total adjusted revenues); tuition increased 3.6% to 3.7% annually in the past two years to $44,740 for fall 2015 from $43,200 for fall 2014. Tuition rate increases along with a relatively stable tuition discount rate, contributed to net tuition revenue growth despite relatively slightly declining enrollment. Management expects fiscal 2016 operating results to be balanced on a budgetary basis, despite some expense pressure related to health care costs. Because the budget does not include full depreciation costs, smaller budgeted operating margins could mean weaker performance on a full accrual basis. However, management intends to continue to increase the planned major maintenance budget by 10% per year to maintain expanded campus facilities, which, along with general conservative budgeting, somewhat mitigates the lack of full depreciation costs in the budget. The University of Puget Sound had approximately $73 million in debt outstanding as of June 30, 2015. For fiscal 2015, the university had $240 million in expendable resources, representing a good 152% of operating expenses and 328% of debt, which is well above peer medians. Expendable resource ratios improved from fiscal 2013 when they represented 134% of operations and 271% of debt. Cash and investments ratios also exceed peer medians and improved slightly, with cash representing 231% of operations in fiscal 2015, compared with 209% in fiscal 2013. Cash and investments represent 499% of debt, which we consider strong. Management has no plans to issue additional debt in the next three years. Endowment and fundraising The University of Puget Sound's endowment had an estimated market value of $311 million as of Sept. 30, 2015 and almost $322 million as of June 30, 2015. Endowment market value has grown in the previous few years as a result of investment returns and a successful comprehensive campaign. There were no significant changes to the asset allocation with 43% of the Sept. 30, 2015 value allocated to equities, 14% to absolute return, 10% to global fixed income and cash, 19% to real assets, and 14% to private capital. As of June 30, 2015, management reports about $92.7 million of assets, or approximately 30% of endowment market value, as available the same or next day. Management has targeted a level of highly liquid funds within the endowment to meet its self-liquidity needs and for overall flexibility and officials expect to review these targets. The university has an endowment spending rate of 5% of a trailing 36-month average market value, although the effective spending rate averaged 4.5% in the previous 10 years. The team also designated a portion of operating surplus in the previous couple years for the endowment, which lowered the effective spending rate. In fiscal 2015, about $12 million of endowment income contributed to operations, or about 7.5% of revenue. The university has a line of credit of $5 million for working capital, which has never been drawn. We do not anticipate any significant change to the endowment or liquidity practices in the next year. In June 2015, the university successfully completed its comprehensive campaign, raising $131.6 million, which exceeded its goal of $125 million. A large portion of funds raised (43%) were directed to the endowment and about 30% is designated for facilities, including the bulk of the construction costs for an athletics and aquatics center which is currently underway and slated for completion in summer 2016. The university has invested in its facilities and has funded the bulk of recent projects with cash and philanthropy and only a moderate amount of debt. A new admissions welcome center is also currently under consideration, but would depend upon future fundraising. The university previously adopted a 20-year campus master plan, which could be updated with the next strategic plan and president. Management does not expect to issue additional debt in the next three years. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 5 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation Contingent liabilities The university has three swap agreements, one with Societe Generale and two with Bank of New York Mellon. The swaps had a negative mark-to-market value of $13.3 million as of Oct. 30, 2015. Basis risk exists given that the floating leg of the swap is linked to the LIBOR swap rate. There is a moderate degree of collateralization and termination risk as the university is required to post collateral when its rating falls below 'BBB' for the 2005 swap and below 'BBB-' for the 2006 swaps. University of Puget Sound -- Selected Statistics --Fiscal year ended June 30-- Medians 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Private Colleges & Universities 'A' 2014 Headcount 2,774 2,782 2,812 2,853 2,918 MNR Full-time equivalent Enrollment and demand 2,721 2,723 2,778 2,815 2,857 3,434 Freshman acceptance rate (%) 79.2 79.3 85.2 82.6 75.7 64.5 Freshman matriculation rate (%) 14.1 14.9 17.1 17.1 18.4 21.2 Undergraduates as a % of total enrollment (%) 89.3 90.6 90.5 90.4 90.7 80.9 Freshman retention (%) 86.3 87.3 86.7 86.4 88.0 86.3 Graduation rates (five years) (%) N.A. 78.1 76.8 74.7 76.4 74.9 Adjusted operating revenue ($000s) N.A. 161,188 156,258 150,541 148,734 MNR Adjusted operating expense ($000s) N.A. 158,250 152,304 152,013 148,460 MNR Net operating income ($000s) N.A. 2,938 3,954 (1,472) 274 MNR Net operating margin (%) N.A. 1.86 2.60 (0.97) 0.18 MNR Change in unrestricted net assets ($000s) N.A. 1,188 15,945 12,288 4,177 MNR Tuition discount (%) N.A. 37.7 38.6 39.2 38.2 35.4 Tuition dependence (%) N.A. 72.7 71.9 73.0 72.7 MNR Outstanding debt ($000s) N.A. 73,292 74,285 75,206 60,769 90,765 Current debt service burden (%) N.A. 3.18 3.33 2.85 2.80 4.00 Current MADS burden (%) N.A. 3.14 3.26 3.28 3.25 MNR Endowment market value ($000s) N.A. 321,676 318,501 276,927 250,468 218,129 Cash and investments ($000s) N.A. 365,630 364,044 318,310 291,548 MNR Unrestricted net assets ($000s) N.A. 241,973 240,785 224,840 212,552 MNR Expendable resources ($000s) N.A. 240,419 239,348 203,814 167,370 MNR Cash and investments to operations (%) N.A. 231.0 239.0 209.4 196.4 150.6 Cash and investments to debt (%) N.A. 498.9 490.1 423.3 479.8 266.7 Expendable resources to operations (%) N.A. 151.9 157.2 134.1 112.7 97.9 Expendable resources to debt (%) N.A. 328.0 322.2 271.0 275.4 172.6 Income statement Debt Financial resource ratios WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 6 1552466 | 301590491 Washington Educational Facilities Authority University of Puget Sound; Private Coll/Univ - General Obligation University of Puget Sound -- Selected Statistics (cont.) Average age of plant (years) N.A. 10.6 10.6 7.6 7.1 13.3 N.A.--Not available. MNR--Median not reported. MADS--Maximum annual debt service. Total adjusted operating revenue = unrestricted revenue less realized and unrealized gains/losses and financial aid. Total adjusted operating expense = unrestricted expense plus financial aid expense. Net operating margin = 100*(net adjusted operating income/adjusted operating expense). Student dependence = 100*(gross tuition revenue + auxiliary revenue)/adjusted operating revenue. Current debt service burden = 100*(current debt service expense/adjusted operating expenses). Current MADS burden = 100*(maximum annual debt service expense/adjusted operating expenses). Cash and investments = cash + short-term & long-term investments. Expendable resources = unrestricted net assets + temp. restricted net assets - (net PPE- outstanding debt). Average age of plant = accumulated depreciation/depreciation & amortization expense. Related Criteria And Research Related Criteria • • • • • USPF Criteria: Higher Education, June 19, 2007 USPF Criteria: Commercial Paper, VRDO, And Self-Liquidity, July 3, 2007 USPF Criteria: Contingent Liquidity Risks, March 5, 2012 USPF Criteria: Assigning Issue Credit Ratings Of Operating Entities, May 20, 2015 Criteria: Use of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. 14, 2009 Related Research • Alternative Financing: Disclosure Is Critical To Credit Analysis In Public Finance, Feb. 18, 2014 WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 15, 2015 7 1552466 | 301590491 Copyright © 2015 Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC, a part of McGraw Hill Financial. All rights reserved. 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