Error characterization in quantum information processing: A protocol for analyzing spatial correlations and its experimental implementation The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation López, Cecilia C., Benjamin Lévi, and David G. Cory. “Error characterization in quantum information processing: A protocol for analyzing spatial correlations and its experimental implementation.” Physical Review A 79.4 (2009): 042328. © 2009 The American Physical Society. As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 09:47:07 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 Error characterization in quantum information processing: A protocol for analyzing spatial correlations and its experimental implementation Cecilia C. López, Benjamin Lévi, and David G. Cory Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 共Received 30 May 2008; published 22 April 2009兲 We present a protocol for error characterization and its experimental implementation with four qubits in liquid state NMR. The method is designed to retrieve information about spatial correlations and scales as O共nw兲, where w is the maximum number of qubits that have non-negligible interaction. We discuss the practical aspects regarding accuracy and implementation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.042328 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Ac, 03.65.Yz, 33.25.⫹k I. INTRODUCTION S共0兲 = Precise and reliable control of the system constituting a quantum information processor 共QIP兲 remains one of the biggest challenges in the quantum information field. In order to assess the reliability of a device and to tailor quantum error correction schemes to a faulty one, we need to characterize the errors occurring in the system. Quantum process tomography 共QPT兲 关1兴 presented a first answer to this problem, providing full characterization of the process under analysis. Experimental implementations of QPT have been already conducted in a variety of small systems 关2–5兴. Nevertheless, QPT becomes impractical beyond a few qubits, as it requires O共24n兲 experiments for a system of n qubits. In recent years, the idea of getting less information at a lower cost has become a popular strategy in tackling error characterization, and several works have been devoted to the subject 关6–12兴. Our proposal fits in this context, providing a subset of information yet still using scalable resources. The scheme we present selectively keeps information about the spatial correlations of the errors occurring in the process under study 共a gate, a noisy channel, etc.兲. Both the magnitude and the structure of the errors are relevant to evaluate fault-tolerance. In particular, fault-tolerance threshold theorems are designed for certain conditions of spatial correlation 共also termed range or locality兲 关13兴. So even when it is experimentally determined that only up to w qubits are involved in an error process, we have to further establish in which way the 共 wn 兲 possible sets are being affected. We have implemented our protocol in a liquid state NMR four-qubit QIP. The core mathematical work for this protocol was introduced in 关7兴. Here we extend our proposal to a more general setting and include an experimental realization. Our basic method, like others proposed 关1,6–8,10,11兴, assumed error-free implementation stages. This idea is of course unrealistic in practice, and implementation errors complicate the task of reliable error characterization. Thus here we have included an analysis of their effect. 冕 ជ 兲E共ជ 兲0E†共ជ 兲dជ . p共 ជ denotes D2 complex coefficients 兵0 , l , l The vector 2 = 1 , . . . , D − 1其 that parametrize E, an arbitrary operator in the Hilbert space HD, as n D2−1 E = 0I + 兺 l=1 lO l, Ol = 丢O 1050-2947/2009/79共4兲/042328共6兲 共j兲 l , 共2兲 j=1 is an element of the Pauli group where each O共j兲 l 兵I , x , y , z其 but at least one factor in each Ol is a Pauli ជ 兲 is a 共real兲 matrix. Notice that Tr关OlOl⬘兴 = D␦l,l⬘. When p共 non-negative distribution, Eq. 共1兲 describes an arbitrary comជ 兲兩ជ 兩2dជ pletely positive 共CP兲 map, and the condition 兰p共 = 1 guarantees the preservation of Tr关兴. This representation of a CP map is an operator-sum representation with continuous parameters. We prefer this form as it is more suitable to describe nonunitary dynamics arising from stochastic Hamilជ , are trivially related to the tonians. Our parameters, the parametrizations of the operator-sum representations used in other works 关8,10兴. Also, for small l, it is possible to relate Eq. 共1兲 to a description of the noise in terms of generators rather than propagators 关7兴. When necessary, we shall denote the l in more detail as .. p,q. j,k. . . , where j ⬎ k ⬎ . . . label qubits, and p , q , . . . = x , y , z. .. Therefore p,q. j,k. . . labels a term in Eq. 共2兲 that is a product of p for qubit j, q for qubit k, etc., and I for the qubits absent in the subscript. Notice that the number of qubits in the subscript gives the Pauli weight 共also Hamming weight兲 of the term 关14兴. In our protocol we measure a subset of m qubits at a time, which will allow us to extract the magnitude of the errors involving that subset. So we now break the system in two: m qubits belonging to the Hilbert space HM , which will be the ones measured, and m̄ = n − m qubits belonging to the complementary space HM¯ , HD = HM 丢 HM¯ . We require the initial state to be separable in these two spaces, and within HM , thus II. THEORY BEHIND THE PROTOCOL We start by describing the action of a general map on the state of an n-qubit system 共D = 2n兲, described by an initial state 0, as 共1兲 共M̄兲 0 = 共M兲 0 丢 0 and 共M兲 0 = 丢 共j兲 0 . 共3兲 j苸M We now perform a U共2兲 丢 m twirl on the target map S, 042328-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 LÓPEZ, LÉVI, AND CORY Km 1 1 = m 兺 C†k S共Ck0C†k 兲Ck , K k=1 共4兲 where the Ck are m-fold tensor products of the twirl operators on one qubit, for the m qubits in HM . For the task we propose, a subset of K = 6 operators from the Clifford group will suffice. We refer to this minimum set of operators required to apply the twirl 关Eq. 共4兲兴 as the 6m-Clifford element pool 共see Appendix A for references and some mathematical details on this twirling兲. ¯ The reduced density matrix 共M兲 1 = TrM 关1兴 is the state of the m qubits we measure. In general, the fidelity decay, which gives a measure of how 1 differs from the initial 0, encodes information about the map S we are characterizing 关6,7兴. In particular, considering only the qubits we will mea共M̄兲 丢 m̄ + dev 兲 / 2m̄, we obtain sure and expressing 共M̄兲 0 = 共I 共M兲 共M兲 共M兲 2 共M兲 Tr关共共M兲 − ⍀dev , 0 兲 兴 − TrM 关0 1 兴 = ␥ 共5兲 冉兿 共6兲 ␥共M兲 = 兺 具兩l兩2典 l Pj − j苸M 兿 C j共l兲冊 , j苸M 共M兲 共M̄兲 共M兲 共M̄兲 = 0 if dev = 0 共⍀dev for dev ⫽ 0 can be exactly comand ⍀dev puted if desired兲. The quantity defined in the left-hand side of Eq. 共5兲 is the fidelity decay rate 关6,7兴 we will analyze in ជ 兲 . . . dជ , this work. In Eq. 共6兲 we have denoted 具. . .典 = 兰p共 2 兲 兴 the initial purity of each of the M-qubits, and P j = Tr关共共j兲 0 C j共l兲 = 再 共2/3兲共1 − P j/2兲 if O共j兲 l = x, y , z if O共j兲 l = I. Pj 冎 共7兲 For the derivation of Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲 we use the equivalence between a Clifford twirl and a Haar twirl 关15兴, and apply the tools developed in 关16兴. See also Appendix A. In sum 共6兲, a l-term vanishes when Ol is the identity operator for the m qubits being measured. So by choosing different sets of M-qubits, it is possible to leave out certain l in a given ␥. Note however that C j does not distinguish the direction of the Pauli matrices, so there is an implicit coarsegraining of all the Ol that have the identity I for the same subset of m qubits. This is how we get the “collective coefficients” col l , 2 兩col j 兩 = 兺 p=x,y,z 兩 pj 兩2, 2 兩col j,k 兩 = 兺 2 兩 p,q j,k 兩 , etc. 共8兲 p,q=x,y,z 共3兲 共1兲 共3兲 For example, the terms 共1兲 x x and x z contribute colcol lectively to 1,3. By combining the ␥’s from different M-sets it is possible to further isolate the collective coefficients. If we prepare a and b in a pure state so Pa = Pb = 1, we obtain 9 共a兲 col 2 2 共␥ + ␥共b兲 − ␥共a,b兲兲 = 具兩a,b 兩 典 + 兺 具兩col a,b,j兩 典 + ¯ . 共9兲 4 j 共Please refer to Appendix B for the formulas of the ␥’s involved in this example.兲 If three-body and higher multibody col 2 兩 典. Similarly, the terms can be neglected, Eq. 共9兲 gives 具兩a,b 共j兲 共j,j⬘兲 combination of the seven ␥ , ␥ , and ␥共j,j⬘,j⬙兲 for a set of col 2 兩 典, and so on. The three qubits a , b , c would return 具兩a,b,c collective coefficients then report on the spatial correlations of errors. III. PROTOCOL We present now a systematic protocol for measuring the collective coefficients involving the m qubits of a particular subset. 共i兲 Prepare each of the qubits to be measured in the initial state 兩0典. Prepare each of the other m̄ qubits in the maximally mixed state I / 2. 共ii兲 Apply one of the m-fold Clifford operators from the 6m-Clifford element pool. 共iii兲 Implement the target gate or noise under study. 共iv兲 Invert the Clifford operator applied in 共ii兲. 共v兲 Measure the projection of the resulting state on the initial state 兩0典, for each of the qubits being measured. To implement the twirl, we repeat 共i兲–共v兲 each time taking a different operator from the 6m-Clifford element pool, and average the results. In a canonical QIP, the implementation of this protocol to measure the decay rates involving m qubits will require N realizations. This will take care of: 共1兲 preparing the desired initial state as in step 共i兲 共starting from the 兩0典 丢 n state, and randomly flipping the m̄ qubits we do not measure兲; 共2兲 measuring the ␥’s through repeated projective measurements of the m qubits as prescripted in step 共v兲 关notice Eq. 共5兲 be共M兲 共M兲 for the proposed initial state兴; comes 1 − TrM 关共M兲 0 1 兴 = ␥ 共3兲 implementing the twirl approximately, by randomly drawing the twirl operators for steps 共ii兲 and 共iv兲 from the corresponding 6m-Clifford element pool 共or from an infinite pool of one-qubit random rotations兲. With this strategy, the outcome of the measurement step 共v兲 is a Bernoulli variable, and thus N can be estimated from usual statistics. More precisely, the standard error in our estimation of the decay rate will be ␥ ⱕ 1 / 冑N 共following the central limit theorem兲 so for a desired precision ␦ we must have N ⱖ ␦−2. On the other hand, the Chernoff bound tells us that, for a desired precision ␦ and an error probability ⑀N Ⰶ 1, we must have N = log共2 / ⑀N兲 / 共2␦2兲, which is a stronger requirement when ␦ ⬍ 2e−2. In any case, N is independent of the number of qubits; thus the efficiency of the protocol is independent of the size of the system. In the case of liquid state NMR ensemble QIP, pseudopure state preparation allows for initialization in the I / 2 state over the ensemble of molecules, and ensemble measurements avoid the need of repeated realizations in order to perform step 共v兲 by quantum state tomography 共QST兲. This is the case in our experiment. The measurement step 共v兲 retrieves the information to calculate the decay rates for the m qubits and for any smaller subset of qubits within those. For example, twirling qubits a and b only 共m = 2兲, we can obtain ␥共a兲, ␥共b兲, and ␥共a,b兲 in one col 2 兩 典 as in Eq. 共9兲 neglecting the higher shot, and calculate 具兩a,b multibody terms. This procedure can be repeated for the 共 2n 兲 = n共n − 1兲 / 2 pairs of qubits, and by doing so all the collective coefficients for one- and two-body terms can be extracted. The scalability of the method goes as follows. If we can neglect the multi-body terms above a certain Pauli weight w, 042328-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 ERROR CHARACTERIZATION IN QUANTUM-… and N is the number of realizations required to measure the fidelity ␥ for w qubits, then with N共 wn 兲 ⱕ Nnw / w! experiments we can estimate all the non-negligible coefficients. This should be compared against N24n, the overhead in the number of experiments required for QPT. We emphasize here that our proposal seeks to characterize the correlations among up to w qubits in order to establish the range of the noise, not to characterize the process fully. To use our protocol, the negligibility of multi-body terms above a certain Pauli weight w must be established a priori. In a canonical QIP we could apply our protocol to measure all the n qubits, obtain all the decay rates ␥共j兲 , ␥共j,k兲 , . . . , ␥共1,. . .,n兲, and extract all the collective coefficients after only N experiments 共independently of n兲. In this way we can handle all the Pauli weights, from zero to n. But the error in the decay rates ␥ propagates into the col for m qubits inefficiently, roughly as 2 ⬀ 冑兺wj=0共 nj 兲␥. Therefore our strategy is to look for spatial correlations after establishing a cutoff Pauli weight w: to our knowledge, neither QPT nor other proposals so far are able to make use of the negligibility of high order correlations in order to gain further insight. In general, even after it has been established that a subset of parameters is null, it is not trivial to direct the measurement procedure to target the non-null ones exclusively. An approach to establishing this cutoff w, demanding the same resources as our protocol, is to apply the method developed by Emerson et al. 关8兴 which gives the probability of errors happening, distinguishing them only by Pauli weight 关this is an average of all the 共 wn 兲 collective coefficients having Pauli weight w兴. It is worth pointing out that both methods require the same experimental work: the algorithms retrieve different information because the measurement and processing of the data is different, but actually both protocols can be implemented simultaneously and used complementarily. TABLE I. Measured 共meas兲 collective coefficients for selected pairs of qubits, for the various gates studied. theo are the theoretical values for these gates as described in the text. The sim values come from numerical simulation: simG are the values obtained by the calculation of the propagator as given from the rf pulse sequence corresponding to the gate 共G兲 alone; simE are the values obtained by completely mimicking the experiment 共E兲, considering the average of 36 simulations, each applying rf pulses to prepare the initial state and implement the Cliffords gates and the gate under study. Gate We implemented our protocol in a liquid state NMR QIP using the four 13C-labeled carbons of crotonic acid 关17兴 in a 400 MHz Bruker spectrometer. The initial state preparation and all the gates required by the protocol were implemented with rf pulse sequences engineered using either gradient ascent pulse engineering 共GRAPE兲 关18兴 or strongly modulating pulses 共SMP兲 关17共c兲兴 methods. Their simulated gate fidelities Fg were on average 0.98. The typical experimental performance of one-qubit gates on the spectrometer is 1%–2% below their simulated fidelities. See 关2兴 for details on the model used in the simulation. We studied the following processes 共see Table I for more details兲: 共i兲 A time suspension sequence IE since it is important to study our ability to “do nothing” in a system with a natural Hamiltonian that is always on. 共ii兲 An engineered error creating a coupling between qubits 1 and 2, of the form C12共兲 = exp共−iz1z2兲. We chose  = 0.1, and  = 0.4 共the previous one applied consecutively four times兲. 共iii兲 A controlled-NOT 共CNOT兲 gate between qubits 1 and 2: CNOT 共1兲 共2兲 = 0.5共I + z共1兲 + 共2兲 x − z x 兲. Also, this gate applied twice: 2 具兩col 2,3兩 典 2 具兩col 1,4兩 典 IE 12.2 ms Fg = 0.96 meas theo simG simE 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 C12共0.1兲 4.88 ms Fg = 0.99 meas theo simG simE 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 C12共0.4兲 19.52 ms Fg = 0.87 meas theo simG simE 0.26 0.15 0.23 0.24 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02 CNOT meas theo simG simE 0.32 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 meas theo simG simE 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.88 ms Fg = 0.99 CNOT2 23.76 ms Fg = 0.97 CNOT2 = I. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 2 具兩col 1,2兩 典 These gates are more complex than one-qubit operations 共which are typically less than 1 ms long兲 and they all involve refocusing idle times 共periods of free evolution under the internal Hamiltonian兲 in their pulse sequences. The results on the measurement of the collective coefficients for the qubit pairs 共1,2兲, 共2,3兲, and 共1,4兲 are presented in Table I. The pair 共1,2兲 is the one targeted by the C12 and CNOT gates while the other two are the pairs involving qubits 1 or 2 with the highest J-coupling 关17兴. We expect the errors for the three chosen pairs to be larger 共due to internal evolution that is not perfectly refocused兲. See Appendix C for more details on the experiment and simulations using liquid state NMR QIP. col 2 兩 典 for the various pairs of qubits The resulting 具兩a,b shown in Table I exhibit good agreement with the predicted ones. Notice that the largest differences between measured and predicted appear on the pair 共1,2兲, and on the most complex gates: CNOT2, CNOT, and C12共0.4兲. This indicates that these deviations are due to the errors expected from spurious processes in our QIP, particularly an imperfect refocusing during the gate sequence rather than from an imperfect implementation of the protocol. 042328-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 LÓPEZ, LÉVI, AND CORY The simulations account for well-known sources of error in liquid state NMR QIP 共imperfect pulse design 关17共c兲兴, rf field inhomogeneities 关2兴, and the presence of the magnetically active hydrogens in crotonic acid 关17兴兲. It is worth mentioning that the main errors occurring in one-qubit gates are correlated one-body errors 共this is, a one-qubit rotation that is slightly off兲, and they do not introduce two-body errors, which are the main target of a spatial correlation analysis. This can be noticed also in the fact that the simG values are similar to the simE values 共a change of 0.00–0.01, except in two cases where we found 0.02 and 0.03兲. Moreover, there is a contribution arising from T2 relaxation. However, a calculation over the theoretical propagator and the numerics over the simulated one show a change on the order of 0.01. Elements outside our model of the system, which would explain further the gap between theory and experiment, are B0 共static兲 field inhomogeneities, the presence of transients and residual nonlinearities in the spectrometer circuitry, and an imperfect spectral fitting of the measured signal. These are well-known issues in liquid state NMR QIP, whose effect falls within the 1%–2% error. We must differentiate between the implementation errors in the protocol 共initial state preparation, one-qubit twirling, and readout兲, and the errors in the gate under study. The former ones affect the accuracy of protocol, which accounts for the measured non-null coefficients that are expected to be zero. As discussed, rf field inhomogeneities, the presence of hydrogen, and T2 relaxation already give an error bar 2 ⬇ 0.03. There are still other sources of error mentioned above that could make 2 larger, but within that order. Moreover, a fiducial initial state preparation is critical to the success of the algorithm. We can quantify this as follows. If we call 0 the error in the initial state preparation, and similarly we call 1 the error in the implementation of the Clifford gates, an error propagation in the formula for the ␥’s gives ␥2 ⱕ 20共1 + 4␥兲 + 21, and then it is simple to propagate this into the formulas for the 兩2l 兩: for example, for a pair of qubits a and b, we follow Eq. 共9兲 and obtain 2 = 49 冑␥2 + ␥2 + ␥2 . These ’s account for nonstatistical era b a,b rors 共typically correlated one-body errors兲 and set the accuracy of the method. Given the low complexity of initial state preparation and one-qubit operators, these ’s are smaller than the errors in target operations 共a fact reflected, for example, in the gate fidelities兲. This is why even though the theory was developed for error-free initial state preparation and twirl, the actual implementation can still retrieve information about the target operations. V. DISCUSSION ON THIS AND OTHER PROPOSALS Our protocol belongs to the family of characterization strategies based on the use of twirling to coarse-grain the original O共24n兲 complex parameters to a poly共n兲 number of parameters 共cf. the work by Emerson and co-workers in 关6,8兴兲. In our case, we gain detail about the process under study 共spatial correlations兲. Note also that the required resources in our proposal are within the minimal performance expected from a functional QIP: fiducial state preparation and readout, and a set of 6n one-qubit gates. One of the protocols presented by Bendersky et al. in 关10兴 also returns similar information 共although our method performs a coarse graining of the directions兲. Nevertheless, their proposal requires more demanding resources 关although still scaling as poly共n兲兴: a full twirl on U共D兲 and the implementation of the Ol operators. Other characterization methods include the ancillaassisted ones in 关10,11兴 but unfortunately they have a rather strong requirement: one or more clean error-free qubits within the system. Contrasting with all the proposals discussed so far, the method developed by Knill et al. in 关9兴 does not require error-free stages, allowing for certain type of errors to occur during the whole computation. Unfortunately it is not yet evident how to take their scheme beyond one-qubit QIP 关12兴. On a different note, we would like to point out a particular feature of the variables 具兩l兩2典, which are the diagonal elements of the so-called matrix in the Ol basis 共cf. the ai in 关8兴, or the m,m in 关10兴兲. When the error E acts on a short time we can expect the coefficients to be small and Eq. 共2兲 can be taken instead as a first-order Taylor expansion of E, where the l with l ⱖ 1 play the role of a generator of the error. This idea was originally developed in 关7兴 under the same setting but aiming to study the generators directly led to limitations in the error model. Nevertheless, drawing the connection between the two opens the possibility of identifying a generator, which is essentially a Hamiltonian with varying parameters l whose dynamics we can only observe on average through the 具兩l兩2典. This interpretation allows a different insight into the dynamics of the system, as many physical processes are better described by the action of a stochastic Hamiltonian rather than by an operator-sum representation arising from a system+ bath picture. In conclusion, we have presented a method to characterize the spatial correlations occurring in a gate or process under study, showing its potential through a liquid state NMR QIP experiment. Second, we have pointed out the need of experimental feedback in order to arrive to a not only scalable but also feasible protocol, as the one we introduced. Finally, we have analyzed the relevance of implementation errors, showing the need for strategies that are not only scalable but also robust. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank J. Emerson, M. Silva, and L. Viola for useful discussions, and J. S. Hodges and T. Borneman for invaluable assistance with the experiments. This work was supported in part by the National Security Agency 共NSA兲 under Army Research Office 共ARO兲 Contract No. W911NF-05-10469. APPENDIX A: ON THE CLIFFORD TWIRL Consider the twirling of the map S for m qubits in the Hilbert space HM , of dimension 2m. As shown in 关15兴, a Haar twirl is equivalent to Clifford twirl as follows 042328-4 1 = 冕 U共M兲 dUU†S共U0U†兲U 共A1兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 ERROR CHARACTERIZATION IN QUANTUM-… Km 1 = m 兺 C†k S共Ck0C†k 兲Ck , K k=1 共A2兲 where dU denotes the Haar measure on the unitary group U共2m兲. The sum on Eq. 共A2兲 runs over all the elements of the Clifford group for U共2m兲. In particular, this equation holds for a twirl on U共2兲 丢 m, where the Ck are m-fold tensor products of the K = 24 elements of the Clifford group for one qubit, for the m qubits in HM . We can write the Clifford operators for one qubit as products SP of an element S of the symplectic group 兵exp关−i共 / 3兲共x + y + z兲 / 冑3兴 , = 0 , 1 , 2 ; exp关−i共 / 4兲 p兴 , p = x , y , z其 and an element P of the Pauli group 兵I , x , y , z其. Due to some redundancy in the symplectic twirling, the minimum number of elements to achieve the two-design property 关Eq. 共A1兲 and 共A2兲, as defined in 关15兴兴 is actually half of the whole Clifford group: S can be taken from either S1 = 兵exp关−i共 / 3兲共x + y + z兲 / 冑3兴 , = 0 , 1 , 2其 or S2 = 兵exp关−i共 / 4兲 p兴 , p = x , y , z其. This number can be further decreased to K = 6 if we take an initial state 0 as described in the main text 关Eq. 共3兲兴 and we remark that we will be only interested in the projection of 共M兲 onto given initial states of the form 共j兲 1 0 = 共I + z兲 / 2. There is then an additional redundancy in the values of these projections which enables us to chose P in the set 兵P1 , P2其 with P1 = I or z and P2 = x or y. Here we have chosen 共j兲 0 along z for definiteness 共which is what we use in the experi- 冉 col 2 2 ␥共a兲 = Aa 具兩col a 兩 典 + 兺 具兩a,j 兩 典 + ␥共a,b兲 = 8PaPb + 2共Pa + Pb兲 − 4 冉 9 2 + PaAb 具兩col b 兩 典+ 兺 j⫽a,b j⫽a 冉 具兩 col 2 a,b兩 典 2 具兩col b,j 兩 典 + + 兺 j⫽a,b 兺 兺 k⬎j⫽a ment兲 but an equivalent result can be obtained for the x or y directions. Notice that the number of elements K required in Eq. 共A2兲 depends on what quantity we will measure. In U共2兲 丢 m 共as it is in our case兲, whether some elements are redundant can be proved simply by straightforward calculation. Implementing a Haar twirl as defined on Eq. 共A1兲 would require sampling over an infinite pool of random rotations Uk. The equivalence with the Clifford twirl allows us to implement the twirling with a finite set of gates: the Km Clifford operators in U共D兲. Nevertheless, although not infinite, the pool is of exponential size in m, thus again calling for a sampling strategy to implement the twirl approximately. Of course, for m small enough, it may be possible to implement the twirl exactly 共as in our experiment, where m = 2 and the Clifford pool has size 36兲. But on general grounds we can take on any of the two approaches. Depending on the experimental setup in question, one twirl may be more robust than the other 共depending on what type of errors are expected for one-qubit gates兲, and also one pool may be easier to construct than the other. APPENDIX B: COMBINING ␥(a), ␥(b), AND ␥(a,b) 2 TO RETRIEVE Š円col a,b円 ‹ To illustrate the mechanism of combining different ␥’s, consider measuring one and two qubits as follows. With A j = 共4P j − 2兲 / 3: 2 具兩col a,j,k兩典 + ¯ 冊 冊 冉 and similarly ␥共b兲 , 冉 col 2 2 具兩col a,b,j兩 典 + ¯ + AaPb 具兩a 兩 典 + k⬎j⫽a,b 兺 j⫽a,b 兺 2 具兩col a,j 兩 典 + k⬎j⫽a,b 2 具兩col a,j,k兩 典 + ¯ 冊 2 具兩col b,j,k兩 典 + ¯ , 4 where . . . denote the corresponding higher order multi-body terms. If we prepare the qubits in a pure state so Pa = Pb = 1, the combination ␥共a兲 + ␥共b兲 − ␥共a,b兲 = 冊 4 col 2 2 具兩a,b 兩 典 + 兺 具兩col a,b,j兩 典 + ¯ 9 j⫽a,b 冊 leaves only the collective coefficients involving both the qubits a and b. APPENDIX C: DETAILS ON THE EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION The internal Hamiltonian of the system in the rotating frame is given by Hint = ប 兺 j=1 4 J j,k 共j兲 共k兲 ␦,j 共j兲 +ប 兺 z z , 2 z k⬎j=1 2 共C1兲 where the chemical shifts, at our 9.4 T spectrometer, are of the order of kHz: ␦,1 = 6650.6 Hz, ␦,2 = 1695.8 Hz, ␦,3 = 4210.0 Hz, and ␦,j = −8796.7 Hz. The J-couplings are J12 = 72.6 Hz, J23 = 69.8 Hz, and J14 = 7.1 Hz while J24 = 1.6 Hz, J13 = 1.3 Hz, and J34 = 41.6 Hz 共according to the characterization of the sample we used; see also 关17兴兲. The experimental initial state preparation over the four qubits reported a correlation with the theoretical one that was on average 0.99 共0.98 the lowest兲. The correlation for the targeted qubits 共a pair of qubits兲 was, in each case, between 1.00–0.99 共the pseudopure state preparation was designed to optimize this correlation兲. 042328-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042328 共2009兲 LÓPEZ, LÉVI, AND CORY We implemented the twirl of pairs of qubits exactly using 36 Clifford operators. We had to pick one of the eight available six-element subsets of Clifford operators for each qubit, and we chose the subset that performed best experimentally: we applied each candidate to the thermal equilibrium state and compared the experimental performance with the theoretical one. This criterion coincided with choosing the subset that best took the equilibrium state to the I / 2 state for the qubit being twirled. To perform QST on four qubits with a liquid state NMR QIP, we used a set of 18 readout pulses. Therefore the number of experiments required to measure one collective coefcol 2 兩 典 for a given pair of targeted qubits 共a , b兲 for a ficient 具兩a,b particular gate under study was 648, plus 18 experiments to characterize the initial state 兩00典具00兩共I / 2兲 丢 2 corresponding to preparing that pair in a pseudopure state. We performed QST of the full system therefore having a broader knowledge of the experimental performance but this is not required by the protocol: only the target qubits must be measured. The negligibility of higher order multibody terms in the gates under study is to be expected in liquid state NMR QIP. In a simple model, these gates consist basically of periods of free evolution of length 关the corresponding propagator is U = exp共−iHint / ប兲兴 separated by -pulses on some of the j 兴, already accounting for qubits 共so U = exp关−i共 / 2 + ⑀兲x,y some error ⑀兲. For example, the sequence for the gate IE is 2 3,4 1,4 3,4 2 3,4 1,4 共 − 兲3,4 x − 共 − 兲x − 共 − 兲x − 共 − 兲x − 共 − 兲−x − 共 − 兲−x − 共 − 兲−x − 共 − 兲−x , where denotes free evolution for a time , and 共兲 pj denotes a pulse 共180° rotation兲 around the p axis for the qubits j. Using the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff 共BCH兲 formula 关19兴 is straightforward to see that in the building block UU, three-body and higher order terms will appear with a factor at least J/2 smaller with respect to any possible one-body and two-body terms. For the values of J j,k involved in our experiment, we have J/2 ⱕ 0.14. This means that any possible three-body and four-body terms would appear with a coefficient ten times smaller than the ones for one-body and two-body terms. 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