ABBREVIATIONS ABCCC ACC ADANS AFCERT AMC ANO AOC ASAT ASTERX AT&T ATO AUTODIN BCE BDA C/A C2 C2IPS C2W C4ISR CAFMS CDC Airborne battlefield command and control center Air Combat Command Airlift Deployment Analysis System Air Force Air Mobility Command Abu Nidal Organization Air Operations Center Antisatellite A commercial e-mail system used in CTAPS American Telephone and Telegraph Air Tasking Order Automatic Digital Network Before the common era Battle damage assessment Course acquisition Command and control Command and Control Information Processing System Command-and-control warfare Command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance Computer Assisted Force Management System Centers for Disease Control xix xx Strategic Appraisal: The Changing Role of Information in Warfare CE CEO CEP CFE CINC CNN CONOP CONUS COTS CRC CRE CSCE CTAPS CW DEC DFLP DMS DoD DOT DSB EIW ELINT EO-IR EU EW EZLN FLTSATCOM GAO GCCS GEO GIA GLONASS The common era Chief executive officer Circular error probable Conference on Forces in Europe Commander in chief Cable News Network Concept of operation Continental United States Commercial off-the-shelf Combat and Recording Center Combat Reporting Element Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Contingency Theater Automated Planning System Continuous wave Digital Equipment Corporation Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Defense Message System Department of Defense U.S. Department of Transportation Defense Science Board Economic information warfare Electronic intelligence Electro-optical infrared European Union Electronic warfare Zapatista National Liberation Army Fleet Satellite Communications U.S. General Accounting Office Global Command and Control System Geosynchronous orbit Armed Islamic Group A Russian system similar to GPS Abbreviations GPS GVN HIC HMS HPM I&C IADS IBM IBW ICBMs IG ILP IMINT IP ISR JDAM JFACC JSTARS JTIDS KTO LEO LIC MEII MILSTAR MOOTW MRC MTCR MTW NATO NGO NICON NIPC xxi Global Positioning System Government of South Vietnam High-intensity conflicts His Majesty’s Ship (a British vessel) High-power microwave Information and communications Integrated air defense system International Business Machines Intelligence-based warfare Intercontinental ballistic missiles Islamic Group Islamic Liberation Party Image intelligence Internet Protocol Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance Joint Direct Attack Munition Joint Forces Air Component Commander Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System Joint Tactical Information Distribution System Kuwait Theater of Operations Low-earth orbit Low-intensity conflicts Minimum essential information infrastructure Military Strategic and Tactical Relay System Military operations other than war Major regional conflict or contingency Missile Technology Control Regime Major theater war North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nongovernmental organization National Infrastructure Condition National Infrastructure Protection Center xxii Strategic Appraisal: The Changing Role of Information in Warfare NLF NVA OODA OOTW P Pan Am PBX PCCIP PFLP PFLP-GC PIJ PLF PLO PRG PSN PSYOP PSYW R&D Recce RMA S&T SALT SCADA SFW SIGINT SIW SNA SOCOM SONET National Liberation Front North Vietnamese Army “Observe, orient, decide, act”—a sequence of actions for fighter pilots to react more quickly than the opponent (Chapter Six) Operations other than war Position code Pan American Airlines Private branch exchange President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine– General Command Palestinian Islamic Jihad Palestine Liberation Front Palestine Liberation Organization Provisional Revolutionary Government Public switched network Psychological operations Psychological warfare Research and development Reconnaissance Revolution in military affairs Science and technology Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems Sensor fuzed weapon Signals intelligence Strategic information warfare Somalia National Alliance Southern Command Synchronous optical networks Abbreviations SPIN SSBN START TADIL TADIL–J TARPS TCO TRADOC TW/AA UAV UN WCCS WHO WMD WOC Y2K xxiii Segmented, polycentric, ideologically integrated network Ballistic-missile submarines Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Tactical Data Information Link Tactical Data Information Link-JTIDS Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance Pod System Transnational criminal organizations U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Tactical warning and attack assessment Unmanned aerial vehicle United Nations Wing command and control system World Health Organization Weapons of mass destruction Wing Operations Center Year 2000