Impact of University Context on Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Case of Russia *Research has been conducted with financial support from a Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 14-18-01093) Iakovleva Tatiana Shirokova Galina Tsukanova Tatyana RENT 2014 Research Motivation v Multiple factors that enhance entrepreneurial intentions among students (Autio et al., 2001; Bae et al., 2014) v v v v self-efficacy (DeNoble et al., 1999) role models (Van Auken et al., 2006) risk taking propensity (Hisrich, Peters, 1995) gender (Wilson et al., 2007; Marlow, McAdam, 2011) v Mixed empirical evidence on the role of entrepreneurial education (Souitaris et al., 2007;Oosterbeek et al., 2010) v Lack of attention to the institutional context in universities and its influence on entrepreneurial intentions 2 Research Questions q How the different institutional dimensions of university context relate to the students’ entrepreneurial intentions? q Whether the student’s individual characteristics such as gender and family entrepreneurial background can change the relationship between university context and student’s entrepreneurial intentions? 3 Theoretical Background u Theory of entrepreneurial intentions (Wilson et al., 2007; Marlow, McAdam, 2011; Iakovleva et al., 2011; Sanchez, 2013 ) u Individual characteristics and family background (Bae et al., 2014; Oosterbeek et al., 2010; Graevenitz et al., 2010) u Institutional theory perspective (Busenitz et al., 2000; Scott, 1995) adopted for university-level context u regulative dimension u cognitive dimension u normative dimension 4 Main Hypotheses o H1. Regulative dimension of university context will be positively associated with students’ entrepreneurial intentions. o H2. Normative dimension of university context will be positively associated with students’ entrepreneurial intentions. o H3. Cognitive dimension of university context will be positively associated with students’ entrepreneurial intentions. 5 Hypotheses with moderation o H4. The positive relationship between three institutional dimensions of the university context (regulative, normative, and cognitive) and students’ entrepreneurial intentions will be weaker for males than for females. o H5. The positive relationship between three institutional dimensions of the university context (regulative, normative, and cognitive) and students’ entrepreneurial intentions will be weaker for students with family entrepreneurial background than for students without such background. 6 Conceptual Framework 7 Methodology Dataset Ø GUESSS 2013/2014 Ø Russia Method Ø Regression analysis Variables Ø Dependent variables: entrepreneurial intentions (Liñán and Chen, 2009) Ø Independent variables: the university context along three dimensions: regulative, normative and cognitive (Oftedal et al., forthcoming) Ø Control variables: gender, entrepreneurial family, the level of study 8 Results of regression analysis 9 Main results v University context measured through three institutional dimensions – regulative, normative and cognitive – are positively related to the students’ entrepreneurial intentions v Hypotheses 1-3 were supported v Student’s entrepreneurial intentions may not be determined only by entrepreneurship education v for men the cognitive and normative institutional dimensions of the university context have a weaker positive relationship with entrepreneurial intentions than for women v the relationship between normative dimension and student’s entrepreneurial intentions is weaker for students from an entrepreneurial family than for students without an entrepreneurial family background v Hypotheses 4-5 were partly supported 10 Conclusions Ø Testing the impact of university institutional context showed that normative, regulative as well as cognitive dimensions positively associated with entrepreneurial intentions Ø Support funding, positive image of entrepreneurship among fellow students can increase student’s start up intentions and innovativeness Ø It is important to take into consideration students’ individual difference in order to gain more understanding in entrepreneurial intentions’ formation ü University creates a contextual environment that affects students above and beyond individual behavioral characteristics 11 Limitations & Implications ü Focus on Russia limits the generalizability of the main results ü Focus on individuals’ perceptions of formal and informal institutions at the university level which has the potential to contribute to common method bias ü The theoretical value is to extend the usage and application of behavioral theories in predicting entrepreneurial actions ü This study offers insights pertaining to practices directed at enhancing entrepreneurial intentions and the importance of educators who should take into account the individual difference in personal characteristics and family background while developing the curricula in entrepreneurship education ü It supports the view that entrepreneurship can be taught and compulsory courses on entrepreneurship has to be included at the graduate level 12 Thank you for your attention! 13