Some Results and Conjectures for Tree Polymers under Weak/Strong Disorder Ed Waymire Department of Mathematics Oregon State University 3RD FRONTIER PROBABILITY DAYS SALT LAKE CITY, UT MARCH 7-22, 2011 Based on joint work with Stanley C. Williams, Torrey Johnson [W&W,2010] Tree polymers and multiplicative cascades, in: Fractals and Related Fields, ed Julien Barrel, Birkhauser [J&W,2011] Tree polymers in the infinite volume limit at critical strong disorder, (PREPRINT) [] 3 Types POLYMER TREE PATHS (−1) (−1, −1) v|2 = (−1, +1) (+1) (+1, +1) (+1, −1) n v = (S|n) = (s , s , . . . , s ) ∈ {−1, +1} 1 2 n (FINITE TREE PATH): ∞ S = (s , s , . . .) ∈ ∂T = {−1, +1} (INFINITE TREE PATH): 1 2 (POLYGONAL TREE PATH): n → (S)n = n ! j=1 sj Path Probability Weights IID POSITIVE X(−1) X(−1, −1) (Ω, F, P ) X(−1, +1) X(v) EX = 1 X(+1) X(+1, −1) X(+1, +1) v = (S|n) = (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ) ∈ {−1, +1}n S = (s1 , s2 , . . .) ∈ ∂T = {−1, +1}∞ n ! sj n → (S)n = j=1 Path Probability Weights IID POSITIVE X(−1) X(−1, −1) (Ω, F, P ) X(−1, +1) X(v) EX = 1 X(+1) X(+1, −1) X(+1, +1) v = (S|n) = (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ) ∈ {−1, +1}n ∞ S = (s , s , . . .) ∈ ∂T = {−1, +1} 1 2 (PATH PROBABILITIES): probn (∆n (S)) = Zn−1 ∆n (S) = {s ∈ ∂T : s|n = S|n} n ! j=1 X(S|j)2−n Normalized Haar measure: λ(ds) on {−1, 1}∞ n ! dprobn (S) = Zn−1 X(S|j) dλ j=1 X(v) S = (s1 , s2 , . . .) ∈ ∂T = {−1, +1}∞ (S)n = n ! sj j=1 SIMPLE SYMMETRIC X ≡ 1 ⇒ probn (ds) = λ(ds) RW PROBABILITY LAWS OF n → (S)nWELL UNDERSTOOD ! Bolthausen’s Disorder Parameterization -Weak Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn > 0 a.s. n→∞ Strong Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn = 0 a.s. n→∞ Bolthausen’s Disorder Parameterization -Weak Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn > 0 a.s. n→∞ Strong Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn = 0 a.s. n→∞ Theorem (Kahane-Peyriere `76, Biggins `76, W., Williams, `94) Weak Disorder if and only if EX ln X < ln 2 Strong Disorder if and only if EX ln X ≥ ln 2 Bolthausen’s Disorder Parameterization -Weak Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn > 0 a.s. n→∞ Strong Disorder: Z∞ = lim Zn = 0 a.s. n→∞ THEOREM (Kahane-Peyriere 1976 ``Live/Die’’ Criteria) Weak Disorder if and only if EX ln X < ln 2 Strong Disorder if and only if EX ln X ≥ ln 2 (Disorder Strength vs Branching Rate) TYPICAL POLYMER PROBLEMS FOR: n (S)n = ! sj j=1 A. a.s.Non-ballistic ? (a.s. LLN---Weak/Strong ?) B. Infinite Volume Limit ? prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) a.s.? n→∞ C. a.s. Diffusive (sub/super) ? (a.s.CLT---Universal/Variance ?) X(v) ≡ 1, v∈T = n ∞ ∪n=1 {−1, +1} TYPICAL POLYMER PROBLEMS FOR: n (S)n = ! sj j=1 A. a.s.Non-ballistic ? (a.s. LLN---Weak/Strong ?) B. Infinite Volume Limit ? prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) a.s.? n→∞ C. a.s. Diffusive (sub/super) ? (a.s.CLT---Universal/Variance ?) ! x (s)n 1 − 12 z 2 dz a.s. ? probn ({s ∈ ∂T : √ ≤ x}) → √ e n 2π −∞ TYPICAL POLYMER PROBLEMS FOR: n (S)n = ! sj j=1 A. a.s.Non-ballistic ? (a.s. LLN---Weak/Strong ?) B. Infinite Volume Limit ? prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) a.s.? n→∞ C. a.s. Diffusive (sub/super) ? (a.s.CLT---Universal/Variance ?) ! x (s)n 1 − 12 z 2 dz a.s. ? probn ({s ∈ ∂T : √ ≤ x}) → √ e n 2π −∞ SIMPLE SYMMETRIC RW BENCHMARK: probn (ds) = λ(ds) ANSWER A: Always non-ballistic (in a weak sense) regardless of disorder type. (S)n | → 0 a.s. as n → ∞ Eprobn | n ANSWER A: Always non-ballistic (in weak sense) regardless of disorder type. (S)n | → 0 a.s. as n → ∞ Eprobn | n NOTE: e.g. a..s. Strong Law requires answer to Question B Existence of prob∞ (s)n → 0) = 1 prob∞ (s ∈ ∂T : n a.s. ANSWER A: Always non-ballistic (in weak sense) regardless of disorder type. (S)n | → 0 a.s. as n → ∞ Eprobn | n NOTE: e.g., a..s. Strong Law requires answer to Question B Existence of prob∞ (s)n → 0) = 1 prob∞ (s ∈ ∂T : n a.s. Similarly, law of iterated logarithm, and other a.s. , a.s. laws ANSWER B. SPECIAL CASES PROPOSITION B2 (Johnson, W.) In the case of weak disorder prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) exists a..s. a. n→∞ In the case of critical strong disorder, for each finite F ⊂ N ! (F ) = lim prob ! (F ) in probability b. prob ∞ n n→∞ an Zn → A > 0, an a.s. ANSWER B. SPECIAL CASES PROPOSITION B2(Johnson, W. ) In the case of weak disorder prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) exists a..s. a. n→∞ In the case of critical strong disorder, for each finite F ⊂ N ! (F ) = lim prob ! (F ) in probability b. prob ∞ n n→∞ PROOF IDEA: WD: Martingale Convergence Theorem ! Mn (f ) = Zn f (s)probn (ds), n ≥ 1. ∂T an Zn → A > 0, an a.s. ANSWER B. SPECIAL CASES PROPOSITION B2 (Johnson, W. ) In the case of weak disorder a. prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) exists a..s. n→∞ In the case of critical strong disorder, for each finite F ⊂ N ! (F ) = lim prob ! (F ) in probability b. prob ∞ n n→∞ PROOF IDEA: WD: Martingale Convergence Theorem ! Mn (f ) = Zn f (s)probn (ds), n ≥ 1. ∂T an SD: Seneta-Heyde scaling & Derivative Martingale for BRW. Aidekon and Shi (2011), Biggins and Kyprianou (2004) Zn ! → A > 0, a.s. If µ is a probability anon group ∂T , µ̂(F ) = is Fourier transform. " ∂T j∈F (sj )µ(ds) PROPOSITION B2(Johnson, W. ) In the case of weak disorder a. prob∞ (ds) = lim probn (ds) exists a..s. n→∞ In the case of critical strong disorder, for each finite F ⊂ N ! (F ) = lim prob ! (F ) in probability b. prob ∞ n n→∞ PROOF IDEA: WD: Martingale Convergence Theorem ! Mn (f ) = Zn f (s)probn (ds), n ≥ 1. ∂T SD: Seneta-Heyde scaling & Derivative Martingale for BRW. a n Aidekon and Shi (2011), Biggins and Kyprianou (2004) Conventional Wisdom: Zn General Nonexistence for SD. → A > 0, a.s. Remark: Size-Biased an Existence for SD (W. & Williams 1996) Problem B. (Long-chain Diffusivity) THEOREM (Bolthausen, 1989) βW Assume lognormally distributed weights: X = e √ √ Then for β <" 2 < βc#= 2 ln 2 one has the diffusive scaling ! ∂T (S)n √ n 2 probn (dS) → 1 Also a.s.asymptotically normal distribution ! (S)n r2 r √ r Mn ( √ ) ≡ e n probn (dS) → e 2 n ∂T a.s. −δ <r <δ NOTE: The full weak disorder regime is β < βc = i.e., since weak disorder is: X X β2 =E ln < ln 2 2 EX EX √ 2 ln 2 PROPOSITION C1 (Weak Disorder)W.&Williams (2010) Under weak disorder the following limit exists a.s. : ln Mn (r) = ln cosh(r) lim n→∞ n a.s. THEOREM C1. (W&W 2010): Assume EX 1+! < ∞ For the tree polymer model weak disorder implies diffusive scaling and asymptotic normality almost surely. That is, a.s. ! (S)n ! r r2 r √ r Mn ( √ ) ≡ e n probn (dS) →! e 2 −δ <r <δ M Mn (s)ds n ∂T n (r) = 1 + 0 REMARK: Comets and Yoshida (2006), AoP, Proved CLT 1 for d+1-dimensional lattice polymers, d ≥ 3 . Cov Σ = Id . d Proposition C3. (Strong Disorder) W.&Williams (2010) Under strong disorder the following limit exists a.s. : ln Mn (r) F (r) = lim " ! n→∞ n h(r) h(r) h(r) ln EX + ln pr (+) + pr (−) = ln cosh(r) + h(r) where h = h(r) solves ! h " h $ # h X X h (+), (−) = ! E ln p p r r EX h EX h h p r (±) h !(p, q) = −p ln p − q ln q ; pr (±) = h pr (+) + phr (−) SPECIAL CASE: β2 βW − 2 X=e 2 F (r) = r tanh(rh(r)) + β h(r) − βc β where β 2 h2 (r) + 2rh(r) tanh(rh(r)) − 2 ln cosh(rh(r)) = βc2 Out[100]= 0.47 2 F (r) = r tanh(rh(r)) + β h(r) − ββc 0.46 β 2 h2 (r) + 2rh(r) tanh(rh(r)) − 2 ln cosh(rh(r)) = βc2 √ β = 2 2 ln 2 > βc 0.45 !1.0 In[101]:= In[100]:= 0.0 0.5 1.0 xs ! Range!# 1, 1, 0.05"; gs ! g %. Table!FindRoot!With!#x ! xs!!n""$, G!x, g" $ 0", G!x_, g_" :! g2 Log!16" " x g Tanh!x g" # Log!Cosh!x g"" # Log!2"; h(r) In[99]:= !0.5 ContourPlot!G!x, g" $ 0, #x, # 1, 1$, #g, 0.45, 0.5$" In[103]:= 0.50 In[105]:= F!x_, g_" :! x Tanh!x g" " Log!256" g # 4 Log!2"; ListLinePlot!Table!#xs!!n"", F!xs!!n"", gs!!n"""$, #n, Len F (r) 0.49 0.20 0.48 0.15 Out[100]= Out[105]= 0.47 0.10 0.46 r 0.05 0.45 !1.0 !0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 !1.0 !0.5 r In[101]:= xs ! Range!# 1, 1, 0.05"; gs ! g %. Table!FindRoot!With!#x ! xs!!n""$, G!x, g" $ 0", #g, 0.25$", #n, Length!xs"$"; In[103]:= F!x_, g_" :! x Tanh!x g" " Log!256" g # 4 Log!2"; In[105]:= ListLinePlot!Table!#xs!!n"", F!xs!!n"", gs!!n"""$, #n, Length!xs"$ ", PlotRange % Automatic" 0.5 1.0 CONJECTURE (J. , W. 2011) Diffusive scaling and variance σ = σ (β) under strong disorder 2 2 where 2ββc − σ (β) = β2 2 2 βc , β ≥ βc CONJECTURE (J. , W. 2011) Diffusive scaling and variance σ = σ (β) under strong disorder 2 2 where 2ββc − σ (β) = β2 2 2 βc , β ≥ βc --SKETCHES OF PROOFS-- SIZE BIAS TOOL: (W., Williams 1994) Define the size-bias probability on Ω × ∂T Q(dω × ds) = Ps (dω)λ(ds) where on σ(Xv : |v| ≤ n) Ps (dω) = n ! j=1 Xs|j (ω)P (dω) SIZE BIAS TOOL: (W., Williams 1996 TAMS) Define the size-bias probability on Ω × ∂T Q(dω × ds) = Ps (dω)λ(ds) where on σ(Xv : |v| ≤ n) Ps (dω) = n ! Xs|j (ω)P (dω) j=1 Pω (ds) = probn (ω, ds) SIZE BIAS TOOL: (W., Williams 1996 TAMS) Define the size-bias probability on Ω × ∂T Q(dω × ds) = Ps (dω)λ(ds) where on σ(Xv : |v| ≤ n) Ps (dω) = n ! Xs|j (ω)P (dω) j=1 Pω (ds) = probn (ω, ds) QΩ (dω) ≡ Q ◦ −1 πΩ (dω) = Zn (ω)P (dω) SIZE BIAS TOOL: (W., Williams 1996 TAMS) Define the size-bias probability on Ω × ∂T Q(dω × ds) = Ps (dω)λ(ds) where on σ(Xv : |v| ≤ n) Ps (dω) = n ! Xs|j (ω)P (dω) j=1 Pω (ds) = probn (ω, ds) −1 QΩ (dω) ≡ Q ◦ πΩ (dω) −1 Q∂T (ds) ≡ Q ◦ π∂T (ds) = Zn (ω)P (dω) = λ(ds) SIZE BIAS TOOL: (W., Williams 1996 TAMS) Define the size-bias probability on Ω × ∂T Q(dω × ds) = Ps (dω)λ(ds) n ! Xs|j (ω)P (dω) on σ(Xv : |v| ≤ n) Ps (dω) = j=1 LEMMA (W,W, `94): On F = σ(Xv : v ∈ T ) Weak disorder : QΩ (dω) << P (dω) Strong disorder: QΩ (dω) ⊥ P (dω) PROOF IDEAS: WD: dQΩ (ω) = Z∞ (ω) < ∞ dP PROOF IDEAS: dQΩ (ω) = Z∞ (ω) < ∞ dP WD: SD: n " 1 −n Xs|j − ln 2)} Xs|j 2 = exp{n( Zn ≥ n j=1 j=1 ∼ exp{n(EX ln X − ln 2)} n ! →∞ if EX ln X > ln 2 But, positive martingale property implies P (Z∞ < ∞) = 1 i.e. QΩ (dω) ⊥ P (dω) Calculate ln Mn (r) F (r) = lim n→∞ n WD: Zn Mn (r) coshn (r) −δ <r <δ Kahane’s T-Martingale SD: Via SIZE-BIASED Borel-Cantelli limsup and liminf calculations. OR Via a vector cascade T-martingale coding (Displ.,Weight) PROPOSITION B2 (W., Williams 1996 TAMS) In the case of strong disorder there is a random path τ = τ (ω) such that prob∞ (ds) = δτ (ds) QΩ − a.s. PROOF IDEA: Strong disorder QΩ − a.s. makes Z∞ = ∞ 1. Fix a path s say s1 = −1 +1 s Martingale under Ps + (ω) < ∞ ⇒ Z∞ 2. So now fix ω ∈ [Z∞ = ∞] + (ω) < ∞ ⇒ τ1 (ω) = −1 Z∞ Theorem C1 (Proof Ideas) For the tree polymer model weak disorder implies diffusive scaling and asymptotic normality almost surely. That is r2 r lim Mn ( √ ) = e n→∞ n 2 |r| < δ a.s. Sketch of Proof: n EZn Mn (r) = cosh (r) Zn Mn (r) coshn (r) d Zn Mn (r) n dr cosh (r) −δ <r <δ Kahane’s T-MARTINGALE − δ < r < δ (Signed) T-MARTINGALE n ! d Zn Mn (r) = mn,j (r) = n dr cosh (r) j=1 # ∞ " q j ! EX q ! E|mn (r)| ≤ C q−1 2 j=1 ! mn (r) WEAK DISORDER ∃ 1<q<2 ⇒ ⇒ such that Zn Mn (r) → Y (r) n cosh (r) Zn Mn ( √rn ) EXq <1 q−1 2 |r| < δ Y (0) = 1 1 1 r2 r2 r n r −1 −1 Mn ( √ ) = Zn cosh ( √ ) → Z∞ Y (0)e 2 = e 2 n √r cosh ( n ) n n a.s THANK YOU