1. NAME:
Iskandar K. Abdullaev
July 18, 1968
Apartment 35, Building 23, Riaziy street Tashkent, Uzbekistan
+49-228735448 (Germany); +998-71-169-6306 (Uzbekistan)
water institutions, water allocation & distribution, water /
Irrigation / drainage management
PhD (“Kandidatsky” of Technical Science) Water Management;
2000; Tashkent Institute of Irrigation & Melioration (TIIM –
formerly TIIAME)
MSc (5 yr “Diploma”) Hydrotechnical Engineering; 1992;
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation & Agricultural Mechanization
Engineers (TIIAME)
TRAINING (in English):
2003-05; Leadership Development; International Water
Management Institute (IWMI); Colombo, Sri Lanka
2000; International Land Drainage, International Land
Reclamation Institute (ILRI); Wagenengen, The Netherlands
(5 mo)
1999; Non-Governmental Water Organizations; USIS-IREX
Contemporary Issues Exchange Program; International Water
Resources Association (IWRA); Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, Illinois USA (4 mo)
1998; NGO Introduction & Project Management; Counterpart
Consortium; funded by United States Agency for International
Development (USAID); Tashkent (2 wks)
1996; Irrigation Practices; MASHAV Training Program; Israel
(4 mo)
1995 – 96; Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality;
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa USA (8 months);
PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: IWRA, USA; Association of Uzbekistan for Sustainable
Water Resources Development - Suvchi
WORK EXPERIENCE: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand
FROM Oct, 2007
FROM Jan, 2007
Center for Development Research- ZEF, University of Bonn,
Tashkent & Bonn, Germany
Senior Researcher
Oct, 2007
Center for Development Research- ZEF, University of Bonn,
Tashkent & Bonn, Germany
Research Coordinator, Afghanistan Social Water
Management Project
FROM Apr, 2005
Apr, 2007
IMWI – Central Asia & Caucasus sub office, Tashkent
Water Management Specialist - Regional Researcher
FROM May, 2001
Mar, 2005
IMWI – Central Asia & Caucasus sub office, Tashkent
Water Management Specialist - National Researcher
FROM Mar, 1999
Apr, 2001
NGO Association of Uzbekistan for Sustainable Water
Resources Development (Suvchi)
Founding Committee Member, Executive Director
FROM Jan, 1996
FROM Sep, 1992
Mar, 1999
TIIAME – Environmental Engineering & Water Resources
Management Dept. (EEWRM)
Assistant of Professor - taught Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) to BSc & MSc students
Jan, 1996
PhD student - Researched irrigated Bukhara oasis region: saltwater balance, water conservation methods, water
productivity, environmental impacts of irrigation
FROM 1990
Uzbekistan Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources
Consultant, Impact of Reusing Drainage Waters on Water &
Soils in Kashkadarya Province
Project: Land and Water restructuring for Khorezm region of Uzbekistan
Year: Nov, 2007- present
Location: Khorezm, Uzbekistan
Employer: Center for Development Research- ZEF, University of Bonn
Client: BMBF
Main project features: Socio-technical analysis of water management in transboundary Amu Darya
Position: Senior Researcher
Activities performed: 1. Technical assessment & feasibility studies of 5 irrigation projects, 2.
Institutional assessment of & proposals for community based activities, 3. Meetings with government
representatives, community leaders & project partners
Time spent: 1 year
Project: Social Water Management in Afghanistan
Year: Apr - Nov, 2007
Location: Kunduz & Taloqan Provinces, Afghanistan
Employer: Center for Development Research- ZEF, University of Bonn
Client: EU & Government of Afghanistan
Main project features: Studying community based water management systems in two provinces,
identifying institutional & technical interventions
Position: Research Coordinator
Activities performed: 1. Technical assessment & feasibility studies of 5 irrigation projects, 2.
Institutional assessment of & proposals for community based activities, 3. Meetings with government
representatives, community leaders & project partners
Time spent: 5 months
Project: Integrated Water Resources Management in Fergana Valley - funded by Swiss
Development Cooperation (SDC)
Year: 2001-07
Location: Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan
Employer: IIMI - Central Asia & Caucasus sub office
Client: Ministries of Agriculture & Water Resources of 3 countries
Main project features: Interventions for improving institutional
irrigation water management through introduction of Water Users Groups (WUGs) at tertiary, Water
Users Associations (WUAs) at secondary and Unions of Water Users (UWUs) at main canal level
Position: Water Management Specialist
Activities performed: 1. Field assessments and trips, 2. Worked with stakeholders to form project
support groups, 3. Research on appropriate water distribution principles for different levels of water
use, 4. Presented IWMI at project meetings with donors & partners, 5. Developed manuals on water
allocation planning, distribution, O&M & irrigation performance issues, 6. Trained WUG, WUA &
UWU staff
Time spent: 60 months
Project: Enabling Communities in the Aral Sea Basin to Combat Land & Water Resources
Degradation through the Creation of Bright Spots
Year: Mar, 2005 – Mar, 2007
Location: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan & Kazakhstan peri-Aral zone
Employer: IIMI - Central Asia & Caucasus sub office
Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB - RETA 9, TA 6208-REG)
Main project features: Land & water improvements
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: Identified land & water innovations by local
communities, rated innovations according to criteria, coordinated
inputs by local & international scientists, reported results &
implemented Farmer Field Day & Farmer Fair activities for
extending results
Time spent: 27 months
Project: WUA Directors Training
Year: 2005-06
Location: South Kazakhstan (Jetisay & Turkistan Districts)
Employer: Counterpart Consortium – Kazakhstan
Client: USAID
Main project features: Training for WUA Directors
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: 1. Performed training needs assessments in selected WUA’s, 2. Developed
training modules (crop water requirements, water planning, water distribution & measurement,
performance assessment), 3. Trained 23 adults over 2 week period, 4. Conducted post training
assessments in selected WUA’s.
Time spent: 9 months
Project: WUA Development in Karalpakistan (funded by IWMI core funds)
Year: 2003-05
Location: Khojaili District, Karakalpakistan
Client: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Management of
Main project features: Support & monitoring of the development of
hydrographic, user-oriented WUA’s jointly with local farmers
Position: Project Manager,
Activities performed: 1. Assessed the water management situation including the command area for
delineation of future WUA borders, 2. Mapped / analyzed stakeholders, 3. Conducted systematic
meetings to build rapport among water users & water authorities, 4. Held WUA formation meetings,
5. Using international experience, assisted WUA’s to prepare their organizational / management
documents including by-laws, water contracts, work plans, distribution schedules, internal rules of
water management etc, 6. Made contacts with local & water management authorities on behalf of
WUA management, 7. Jointly developed with water users WUA Irrigation Service Fee (ISF), 8.
Trained WUA staff & water users on general water management, 9. Assessed impacts / follow up
monitoring for WUA’s, 10. Provided support on request.
Time spent: 12 months
Project: Adoption of Best Practices for Water Conservation in the
Syrdarya & Amudarya River Basins of Central Asia (#312310)
Year: Jul, 2001 – Mar, 2002
Location: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan &
Employer: IWMI - Central Asia & Caucasus sub office joint
Client: Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Commission on
Water Coordination (SIC - ICWC)
Main project features: Irrigation Water Conservation
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: Surveyed irrigated farming methods & recommended an economic
technology of measures to improve water conservation; developed extension brochures & conducted
Time spent: 10 months
Project: Educating Neighborhood (“Mahalla”) Leaders on Water
Year: Mar, 2000 – Mar, 2001
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: Association of Uzbekistan for Sustainable Water
Resources Development - Suvchi
Client: Counterpart Consortium / USAID
Main project features: Irrigation Water Conservation
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: Trained community leaders through seminars
Time spent: 10 months
Project: Decentralization of Water Management Institutions in Arid
Countries of the Former Soviet Union
Year: Dec, 2000 - Mar, 2001
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: Legal Government Initiatives
Client: Open Society Institute - Uzbekistan
Main project features: Institutional capacity building
Position: Mentor of research group on water sector reforms
Activities performed: Coordinated research; mentored individual researchers
Time spent: 4 months
Project: Creation of an Uzbekistan Young Water Professional’s
Organization (#1/2000)
Year: Jan – Sep 2000
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: Association of Uzbekistan for Sustainable Water Resources
Development - Suvchi
Client: International Research & Exchange Board (IREX); Bureau of Education & Cultural Affairs
(ECA) Alumni Small Grant Program
Main project features: Non-governmental organization (NGO) capacity building
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: 1. Jointly developed founding documents, 2. Convened first elections for
Board of Directors & Officers, 3. Furnished & staffed office, 4. Developed annual work plan &
budget, 5. Wrote reports
Time spent: 8 months
Project: Aralkum – Desertification of the Aral Sea Bottom
Year: 1999-2000
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: TIIM - EEWRM
Client: EU INCO-Copernicus
Main project features: Hydrogeological study of peri-Aral zone
Position: Research Team Member
Activities performed: Collected & analyzed secondary data, maintained database, operated
hydrogeological model for various scenarios, wrote reports
Time spent: 10 months
Project: Use of Polymer Materials in Water Conservation
Year: 1993 - 99
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: TIIM - EEWRM
Client: Uzbek State Committee on Science & Technology, MAWR
Main project features: Investigate properties of long chain, swelling polymers & their applications
in water conservation & improved crop production
Position: Project Manager
Activities performed: Collected & analyzed field data on various applications of polymers, wrote
reports & gave presentations, introduced technology to farmers
Time spent: 28 months
Project: Impact of Reusing Drainage Waters on Water & Soils in
Kashkadarya & Bukhara Province
Year: 1990 - 92
Location: Uzbekistan
Employer: MAWR
Client: TIIM - EEWRM
Main project features:
Position: Consultant
Activities performed: Collected & analyzed field data on the formation of drainage waters & re-use,
developed criteria for safe re-use of the drainage water, mapped zones of re-use
Time spent: 20 months
I. Peer Reviewed Papers (in English unless otherwise noted)
Abdullaev, I., Manthritilake. H. and Kazbekov, J. 2009. Water and Geopolitics in Central Asia: problems
and outlook. In: M. Arsel and M. Spoor (Eds.). The Last Drop? Water, Security and Sustainable
Development in Central Eurasia. Routledge.
Abdullaev, I., Mollinga, P., Mielke, K., Shah, U., Steege, B., Schetter, C., and Monsees, J. 2009. Water,
War and Reconstruction: Irrigation Management in the Kunduz region, Afghanistan. In: M. Arsel and M.
Spoor (Eds.). The Last Drop? Water, Security and Sustainable Development in Central Eurasia.
Abdullaev, I., Kazbekov, J., Jumaboev, K., and Manthritilake. H. 2009. Adoption of integrated water
resources management principles and its impacts: lessons from Ferghana Valley. Water International.
Vol. 34, No. 2, June 2009, 1–12
Abdullayev, I., Kazbekov, J., Manthritilake, H., Jumaboev, K. 2009. Participatory water management at
the main canal: A case from South Ferghana canal in Uzbekistan. Journal of Agricultural water
management, Volume 96, Issue 2, February 2009: 317-329
Abdullayev, I., De Fraiture Ch., Giardano , M., Yakubov , M., Rasulov, A. 2009. Agricultural Water Use
and Trade in Uzbekistan: situation and potential impacts of market liberalization. Water Resources
Development, Vol. 25, No. 1, March, 2009: 47-63
Abdullaev. I, Nurmetova. F, Abdullaeva. F, Lamers., J.P.A., 2008. Socio- technical aspects of water
management in Uzbekistan: emerging water governance issues at the grass root level. In Rahaman, M. &
Varis, O. (eds.): Central Asian Water. Water & Development Publications - Helsinki University of
Technology, Helsinki, Finland
Abdullayev, I., Manschadi, A. M., Oberkircher, L., Ataev, J. and Nurmetova, F., 2008 (in print).
Conceptualizing Water Research in Central Asia. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary
Social Sciences, 3.
Abdullayev, I., Usman Shah. 2008. Gemeinschaftliche Nutzung von Bewasserungs- systemen im
Norden Afghanistans. Wasser und nachhaltige Entwicklung (German). Südasien. 28 Jahrgang, #
2/2008. 66-69 pp
Abdullaev, I., J. Kazbekov & D. Molden. 2007. Water conservation methods & their
application. International Water & Irrigation Journal.#2, issue 21. pp. 123 - 128.
Molden, D., Tharme, R., Abdullaev, I., Puskar, R. 2007. Irrigation. Chapter 13. Farming with
Nature. The Science and Practice of Ecoagriculture. Editors: Scherr, S., McNeely, J., 231- 249
Abdullaev, I, M. Giordano & A. Rasulov. 2007. Cotton in Uzbekistan: Water & Welfare. School
of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS). University of London. pp. 214 - 228. Abdullaev, I., M.
Giordano & A. Rasulov. 2005. Cotton in Uzbekistan: Water & Welfare. Cotton Sector in Central
Asia: Economic Policy & Development Challenges. SOAS. University of London. Nov 3 – 4.
Abdullaev, I., M. Ul-Hassan, & K. Jumaboev. 2007. Water saving & economic impacts of land
leveling: the case of cotton production in Tajikistan. Irrigation & Drainage Systems. Vol. 21, #3
– 4. Dec. pp. 251 – 263.
Abdullaev, I., Ahmedov, I., Majidov, T. & M. Yakubov. 2006. Foundational materials for
guidebooks for water user associations in Uzbekistan. Agricultural Development Advisory
Service. Asian Development Bank. 234 pp. (Russian)
Abdullaev, I. & M. Yakubov. 2006. Water conservation & soil reclamation of irrigated land in
the Bukhara oasis. Monograph. Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Tashkent. 176 pp. (Russian)
Abdullaev, I., M. Ul-Hassan, H. Manthritilake & M. Yakubov. 2006. Reliability improvement in
irrigation services: application of rotational water distribution to tertiary canals in Central Asia.
IWMI Research Report #100. 28 pp. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Kushiev, H., A.Noble, I. Abdullaev & U. Toshbekov. 2005. Remediation of abandoned saline
soils using Glycyrrhiza Glabra: A study from the Hungry steppes of Central Asia.
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. Vol. 3, Issue 2. pp. 102 - 113.
Abdullaev, I. M. Ul-Hassan, H. Manthritilake & M. Yakubov. 2005. Making water distribution
more transparent: application of a time-based water distribution method for tertiary canals in
Central Asia. Applied Irrigation Science. Verlag. Vol. 30, #2. pp. 193 - 217. Frankfurt,
Abdullaev, I, D. Molden & B. Matyakubov. 2005. "Best" water conservation practices & their
impact on water productivity in the Syr Darya river basin. Vol. 1. Maintaining Investments in
Science in Sustainable Water Management. Kazakhstan Institute of Water Management. Taraz.
Abdullaev, I., M. Ul-Hassan & M. Yakubov. 2005.Irrigation water distribution at the level of
water users association – guidelines for water specialists & WUA’s. IWMI & SIC – ICWC.
Abdullaev, I. & D. Molden. 2004. Spatial & temporal variability of water productivity in the Syr
Darya river basin in Central Asia. Water Resources Research. Vol. 40. 6 pp.
Abdullaev, I., M. Ul-Hassan & M. Yakubov. 2004. IWMI. Handbook on implementing timebased water distribution method. Tashkent. 15 pp.
Abdullaev, I. 2003. Using water conservation methods to improve water productivity in the Syr
Darya river basin of Kazakhstan. Atakent-Expo. Proceedings of Ecological Sustainability &
Progressive Approaches on Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin of Central
Asia. ICWC. Almaty, Kazakhstan. pp. 616 - 621.
Horinkova, V. & I. Abdullaev. 2003. Institutional aspects of water resources management in
Central Asia: water users associations. Water International. Vol. 28, #2. June.
Hammond Murray Rust, Iskandar Abdullaev, Mehmood ul Hassan, Vilma Horinkova, 2002.
Water Productivity in the Syrdarya River Basin. IWMI Research Report 67. 24 pp
Yann, C., A. Platonov, I. Abdullaev & M. Ul-Hassan. 2002. Water productivity in the Fergana
Valley – field studies supplemented with remote sensing data. (unpublished). 20 pp.
Abdullaev, I. 2002. Effects of large scale irrigation in the Bukhara & Kashkadarya provinces of
Uzbekistan on drinking water quality in the middle reach of the Amu Darya river. Water
International. 18 pp.
Yann, C., A. Platonov, M. Ul-Hassan & I. Abdullaev. 2002. Water productivity assessment at
administrative & irrigation systems levels. Case study of Ferghana province using public
domain remote sensing data. Submitted to Asian Journal of GeoInformatics. 13 pp.
Abdullaev, I. 2002. Impact of international aid in the Central Asian water sector on reforms in
water management. Open Society Institute. Local Government Brief. Quarterly Journal. Spring
2002. pp. 22 – 24.
Abdullaev, I. & B. Matyakubov. 2001. Rational water use in irrigated agriculture. Tashkent.
Uzbekistan National Committee on Science & Technology. 165 pp.
Abdullaev, I. 2000. Water use alternatives for the Bukhara oasis & water distribution in the
Zerafshan river basin. Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Water
Resources Management for Sustainable Development. New Delhi, India. pp. 617 - 622.
Abdullaev, I. & I. Boboev. 1998. History of irrigation in the Bukhara oasis. “Selskoe xozaystvo
Uzbekistana” (Uzbekistan’s Agriculture). Volume 4, pp. 50 - 51 (Russian)
Abdullaev, I., O. Usupbekov & I.Boboev. 1998. Land & water resources in the Bukhara oasis.
“Ecologicheskiy Vestnic Uzbekistana” (Uzbekistan’s Ecological Journal) #2. (Russian)
Abdullaev, I. 1997. Mathematical modeling of the Bukhara oasis water system. “Voprosi
Matematicheskogo Modelirovania v Agroing Enjenerii” (Questions of Mathematical Modeling
in Agricultural Engineering). TIIAME. pp. 48-53. (Russian)
II. Policy Papers & Articles
Abdullaev, I. 2005. Addressing Central Asia’s water problems. Central Asia & Caucasus
Analyst. 3 pp.
Abdullaev, I. 2004. Making a difference to the dying Aral Sea. Appropriate Technology. 31 (1):
48 - 49.
Abdullaev, I. 2000. Disaster zone. Resource. ASAE - American Society for Engineering in
Agricultural, Food & Biological Systems. pp. 13 – 15.
III. International Conference Presentations
Abdullaev, I.2009. Socio-technical analysis of water management: a methodology and its
application in Uzbekistan: Case Study from Khorezm region. World Water Forum. Istanbul,
March, 16-23. 2009. Istanbul, Turkey.
Abdullaev, I. 2009. "Water governance in irrigated agriculture of Uzbekistan: Analysis of past
trends and future developments". Central Eurasian Studies ‘Past, Present and Future’, taking
place at the Center for Eurasian Studies, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, from March 1719, 2009
Abdullaev, I.2009. Integrated Water Management in Central Asia: way of reform or way of
getting more money for ailing sector? International Workshop on Water Management in StateCentric Environments. March, 24-25, 2009. Bonn. Germany
Yakubov, M., I. Abdullaev & M. Ul-Hassan. 2005. Improving Water Distribution for Poverty
Reduction in Transition Economies: Results of Action Research on Tertiary Canal in Central
Asia. Water Poverty & Social Crisis Workshop. Agadir, Morocco, Dec 10 - 15.
Abdullaev, I., M. Giordano & A. Rasulov. 2005. Cotton in Uzbekistan: Water & Welfare. Cotton
Sector in Central Asia: Economic Policy & Development Challenges. SOAS. University of
London. Nov 3 – 4.
Abdullaev, I. 2004. Central Asian Water Management Policies: Integration or Disintegration?
Celebrating 10 years of Contemporary Issues Fellowships. Water Issues in Central Asia
Conference. Tashkent. Sep 25.
Abdullaev I. & M. Yakubov. 2004. Assessing Gender Performance of the Central Asian Water
Users Associations: Case Study from IWRM Ferghana Project. ICWC 39th Annual Water
Conference. Almaty, Kazakhstan. May 19 – 21.
Abdullaev I. 2001. Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Irrigation - Examples from the Aral
Sea Basin. International Liege University Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Belgium. May.
Abdullaev I. 2000. Agriculture in the USA: Lessons for Central Asia to Learn. Water Resources
Management Issues in the Aral Sea Basin: Problems & Perspectives. International Conference of
AUSWRD – Suvchi. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Aug.
Abdullaev I. 2000. Natural Resources Management in Central Asia - Seizing the Opportunity for
Sustained Growth & Improved Equity. Yale University – KIMEP. Summer Seminar. Almaty,
Kazakhstan. May.