The impact of climate change on price instability of agricultural products and food security Term Paper November 2010 Begzod Djalilov (ZEFc) Christine Ladenburger (ZEFb) José Luis Viveros Añorve (ZEFb) 1 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3 2. Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................... 5 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Climate Change ..................................................................................................... 5 Food Security ........................................................................................................ 6 Vulnerability........................................................................................................... 7 3. Climate Change and Food Security .................................................................. 8 3.1. Availability of food ................................................................................................ 8 3.1.1. Background ...................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2. Example 1: Climate change impacts on rice production in Asia ........................ 9 3.1.3. Example 2: Global warming and global wheat production ...............................11 3.1.4. Example 3: Global warming and maize in Africa..............................................13 3.2. Access to food .....................................................................................................14 3.2.1. Background .....................................................................................................14 3.2.2. Growing biofuel production and high oil prices ................................................16 3.2.3. Income growth and changing preferences .......................................................17 3.2.4. Speculation .....................................................................................................17 3.2.5. Population Growth and Urbanization ...............................................................18 3.3. Use & utilization of food ......................................................................................19 3.4. Stability of food systems .....................................................................................20 4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 21 Literature ................................................................................................................. 22 List of Figures Figure 1: Mechanism of climate change impact on food production, price and security......................... 3 Figure 2: Major Rice Producing Countries (2008) ................................................................................... 9 Figure 3: World food production (MT) ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 4: Main wheat producers and their market shares in exports of the world (2007-2008) ........... 12 Figure 5: Major wheat importer countries (2007) .................................................................................. 12 Figure 6: Maize production (MT) in Africa ............................................................................................. 13 Figure 7: Energy-Agriculture linkages within a broader conceptual framework .................................... 16 Figure 8: International Cereal Prices (benchmark monthly averages; US $/tonne) .............................. 18 List of Boxes Box 1: Impacts of climate change in Asia .............................................................................................. 10 Box 2: Africa – the continent most vulnerable to climate change.......................................................... 14 Box 3: Entitlements ................................................................................................................................ 15 List of Tables Table 1: Impact of global warming and CO2 on rice output and price in some countries of Asia ......... 10 Table 2: Impact of global warming on maize output in selected countries of Africa ............................. 13 2 1. Introduction The present paper attempts to review and analyze the impact of climate change on food security. This will be conducted by exploring the impacts of climate change such as global warming and increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere on food production and international food prices, use and utilization of food as well as on the stability of food systems. Due to the time constraint, the analysis will focus on agriculturally produced food, excluding forestry and fisheries, having in mind that they play an important role for food security, too. Climate change may affect all dimensions of food security, namely food availability (i.e., production and trade), access to food, use and utilization of food, and stability of food supply (FAO, 2003a). The relation between food security and climate change is multidimensional and complex, it includes many different aspects such as bio-physical changes, losses and gains of arable land, and water issues on the one hand, and socio-economic aspects like global governance, technological innovations, legal and institutional structures, high oil prices and increased biofuel production, income growth and changes of consumption preferences, speculation, population growth, and urbanization on the other hand. Figure 1 describes the complexity of mechanism of the climate change impact on food security dimensions: Figure 1: Mechanism of climate change impact on food production, price and security • • • • Production Factors Climate Change • Demand: • • • • • Oil Prices Biofuels Speculation Dysfunctional Global Markets … Income Growth Changing Preferences Population Growth Urbanization … Stability of the food system Political and Economic Factors: Food Prices Access Food Production Food Security Availability Use and Utilization State Governance Source: own graph 3 The paper will focus on the food security dimensions of food availability and access to food. For reasons of time and space, use and utilization as well as the stability of the food system will be discussed only very shortly. In the context of food availability, the impacts of climate change on food are explored by presenting regional cases with a focus on developing countries. The case of rice production in Asia provides general insights in possible impacts of global warming and CO2 emissions on rice availability. Since rice is one of the most important dietary components for the majority of population in Asia this case is suitable to illustrate how climate change may affect a considerable share of the global population by altering the production of only one good. The second example, wheat production and its performance under global warming, shows the possible scenarios of climate change’s influence on the wheat availability in Eurasia. The last example analyzes maize availability in Africa under climate change, which is highly relevant given the importance of maize as an essential food product for Sub-Sahara African households. Food accessibility is the second dimension of food security analyzed in more detail in this paper. Access to food is mainly determined by the entitlements a person has and their comparison to food prices. Food output is one determinant of international food prices, according to the basic rule of prices determined by supply and demand. However, there are additional factors that cause price instability of agricultural products. The drastic growth of biofuel production and upward trend of oil prices, recent changes in income and preferences in some developing countries, the speculative activities on global commodity markets, and demographic dynamics such as urbanization and population growth are considered as key additional factors influencing the international market prices of agricultural commodities. As the third pillar of food security, use and utilization of food are shortly discussed. Climate change is expected to have a considerable impact on human health, e.g. through contributing to an increase of diarrheal diseases, which may prevent people from absorbing sufficient nutrients from their food. Finally, the stability of food systems is threatened by climate change due to increased frequency of extreme weather events. Especially for countries already vulnerable to climate change, securing the stability of food systems becomes a challenge. This paper is structured as follows. The next chapter explains the conceptual framework of the paper. Section 3.1 provides three examples of how climate change may affect food production. Section 3.2 discusses food prices and the most important factors influencing them. Section 3.3 shortly goes into the issue of use and utilization of food, and the last 4 section of chapter 3 deals with the impacts of climate change on the stability of food systems. In the last chapter, we summarize the main findings and draw conclusions. 2. Conceptual Framework 2.1. Climate Change There is no internationally agreed definition of the term “climate change”. It can refer to (i) long-term changes in average weather conditions (World Meteorological Organization (WMO) usage); (ii) all changes in the climate system, including the drivers of change, the changes themselves and their effects (Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) usage); or (iii) only human-induced changes in the climate system (UNFCCC usage) (FAO 2008, p.8). Climate change variables influence biophysical factors, such as plant and animal growth, water cycles, biodiversity and nutrient cycling, and the ways in which these are managed through agricultural practices and land use for food production. At the same time, these variables have an impact on physical and human capital, such as roads, storage, and marketing infrastructure, houses, productive assets, electricity grids, and human health. Therewith they influence the economic and socio-political factors that govern food access and utilization and are responsible for the stability of food systems (FAO 2008, p.12). According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the most important climate change variables are: • the CO2 fertilization effect of higher greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere; • increasing mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures; • gradual changes in precipitation: • increase in the frequency, duration, and intensity of dry spells and droughts; • changes in the timing, duration, intensity, and geographic location of rain and snowfall; • increase in the frequency and intensity of storms and floods; • greater seasonal weather variability and changes in start or end of growing seasons (FAO 2008). Generally one can differentiate between immediate and less immediate impacts of climate change. The latter are expected to result mainly from gradual changes in mean temperatures and rainfall. Examples for these less immediate changes are changing suitability of land for different types of crops and pasture, decreasing health and productivity of forests, changes in 5 the distribution and composition of marine resources, and lower availability of good-quality water for crop, livestock, and inland fish production (IPCC 2007). Many quantitative assessments show that the first decades of the 21st century are expected to see low impacts of climate change. More severe biophysical impacts but also improved abilities to cope with them are expected for the second half of the century. However, how strong the impacts of climate change will be felt over all decades will crucially depend on the future policy environment for the poor (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007) who are expected to suffer most due to detrimental initial conditions and lacking coping capacities. Discussing the time horizon of climate change impacts, it should be mentioned that more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, rising sea levels and increasing irregularities in seasonal rainfall are already influencing not only food production, but also food distribution infrastructure, incidence of food emergencies, livelihood assets, and human health (FAO 2008). 2.2. Food Security The FAO defines food security as achieved when “all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life’’. This definition comprises four key dimensions of food supplies: availability, stability, access, and utilization (FAO 2002). Food systems “encompass (i) activities related to the production, processing, distribution, preparation and consumption of food; and (ii) the outcomes of these activities contributing to food security […] The outcomes also contribute to environmental and other securities (e.g. income)” (GECAFS online; cited from FAO 2008, p.4). Climate change is particularly visible at the farm end of the food system, affecting the quantities and types of food produced and the adequacy of production-related income. However, extreme weather events can also damage or destroy transport and distribution infrastructure and affect other non-agricultural parts of the food system adversely (FAO 2008, p.5). Food systems and food security are strongly interrelated. If climate change hits vulnerable parts of the food system food insecurity is likely to be the result. Of course, other driving, such as demographic developments, changes in economic systems and trade flows, science and technology developments or shifts in cultural practices also have a strong influence on food systems and food security (FAO 2008; Easterling & Aggarwal 2007; Gregory et al. 2005; IPCC 2007). 6 Another concern is that food security usually involves trade-offs with expenditure on health and education. This again reduces the ability to improve longer-term living conditions or resilience to stress and shock (Boudreau 1998). However, these factors will not be considered in detail in this paper. 2.3. Vulnerability Climate change presents a challenge to future livelihoods. Those social groups which are already vulnerable are expected to suffer most since relatively modest adverse changes in resources or economies imply critical shifts in food security for these communities. Therefore the analysis of impacts of global warming should begin with a consideration of contemporary vulnerability to hunger and famine (Bohle et al. 1994, p.37). Robert Chambers defines vulnerability as “the exposure to contingencies and stress, and difficulty coping with them. Vulnerability has thus two sides: an external side of risks, shocks and stress to which an individual or household is subject; and an internal side which is defencelessness, meaning a lack of means to cope without damaging loss.” (Chambers 2006, p.33) This definition suggests three basic coordinates of vulnerability: • The risk of exposure to crises, stress, and shocks, • The risk of inadequate capacities to cope with stress and crises, and • The risk of severe consequences of, and the attendant risk of slow or limited recovery from, crises, risk, and shocks (Bohle et al. 1994, p.38). Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECAFS) differentiates between environmental vulnerability and social vulnerability. The first refers to stresses originating from drought, storms, landslides, and other such phenomena, whereas the latter captures the capacity of communities to cope with and recover from environmental stresses (Gregory et al. 2005). The FAO defines vulnerability of the food system as a situation in which “one or more of the four components of food security – food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food system stability – is uncertain and insecure” (FAO 2008, p.20). According to GECAFS, the vulnerability of food systems is the combination of the nature and magnitude of environmental stress and the societal capacity to cope with, and/or recover from environmental change, coupled with the degree of exposure to stress (Gregory et al. 2005, p.2143). 7 Regions and groups within regions as well as parts of food systems differ in their vulnerability to environmental changes because their exposure to stress, as well as their capacity to cope and to adapt differs. Therefore, it is important to have in mind that the exposure to changes as well as the kind of change and the ability to cope with it are the critical factors determining the food security impacts of climate change for a certain group. Climate change and environmental vulnerability will be explained with the help of three examples in chapter 3.1. Social vulnerability to the impacts of climate change on food security will be addressed throughout the whole paper. In the following, the four dimensions of food security and the possible influence of climate change on them will be discussed. 3. Climate Change and Food Security 3.1. Availability of food 3.1.1. Background Food availability is determined by the physical quantities of food that are produced, stored, processed, distributed, and exchanged. Food availability is the net amount remaining after production, stocks, and imports have been summed and exports deducted for each item. Adequacy is assessed through comparison of availability with the estimated consumption requirement for each food item (FAO 2008). Climate change affects agriculture in complex ways. Food production is directly affected through changes in agro-ecological conditions. Furthermore, processing, storage, and transportation of food will face new challenges due to higher temperature, increased humidity, and other climate-related changes (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007, p.19703). Direct effects of climate change on food production are, for example, more severe and more frequent extreme weather events, such as storms, droughts, and floods that are likely to cause short-term fluctuations in food production in semiarid and sub-humid areas (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007, p.19704). Due to rising water temperatures local food supplies are projected to be negatively affected by decreasing fishery resources in large lakes and rivers. However, this may be exacerbated by continued overfishing (IPCC 2007). The so-called “greenhouse fertilization effect” will have beneficial effects primarily in temperate zones, with yields expected to increase by 10 to 25 percent for crops with a lower rate of photosynthesis efficiency, and by 0 to 10 percent for those with a higher rate of 8 photosynthesis efficiency. However, these effects are not likely to influence projections of world food supply (Tubiello & Fischer 2007, p.21). Crop productivity is projected to increase slightly at mid- to high latitudes for local mean temperature increases of up to 1-3°C, and then decrease with higher temperatures (IPCC 2007, p.11). At lower latitudes, especially in seasonally dry and tropical regions, crop productivity is projected to decrease for even small local temperature increases (1-2°C) (Easterling & Aggarwal 2007, p.11; IPCC 2007). Since these are the regions where already most of the world’s poor live, these changes are likely to hit vulnerable parts of population and food systems and thus increase the risk of hunger. An evaluation of various scenarios conducted by Parry et al. (2005) concludes that world cereal production is estimated to decrease between 1 and more than 7 percent depending on the climate scenario. The largest negative changes occur in developing countries, averaging 11 percent by 2060. By contrast, in developed countries production is estimated to increase under most scenarios. Thus, existing disparities in crop production between the developed and developing countries are estimated to grow (Parry et al. 2005, p.2128). In the following, three examples will show the impact climate change has on the production of some important food crops. 3.1.2. Example 1: Climate change impacts on rice production in Asia Rice is one of the most important staples in the world. Especially in Asia it is a basic food Figure 2: Major Rice Producing Countries (2008) item. China and India are the main rice producers and represent the bulk of population in this region. But also many other Asian countries depend on rice for feeding their residents. Thus, analyzing the rice production scenarios in the context of changes in temperature and emission of CO2 in China, India, the Philippines, and Malaysia may provide a good example for Source: FAOSTAT ( the possible effects of climate change on the output and prices of essential food products. The increases in temperature and CO2 levels affect the rice yield through (i) water availability for irrigation, and (ii) photosynthesis process (Matthews 1995, p.254). The increase of 9 temperature may lead to increased water demand. At the same time, a decrease of available freshwater is expected due to higher temperatures, which may cause water scarcity for irrigation systems. In addition, the increased temperature speeds up the rice crop maturity phase. These effects are expected to be detrimental for rice yields. However, higher levels of CO2 allow for increased photosynthesis processes, which benefits plant growth and yield (Matthews 1995). Box 1: Impacts of climate change in Asia Problems of climate change in Asia are often related to freshwater availability. Particularly in large river basins, water availability is projected to decrease due to climate change. Along with population growth and increasing demand arising from higher standards of living, this could adversely affect more than a billion people by the 2050s. Coastal areas, especially heavily-populated mega delta regions in South, East and South-East Asia, will be at greatest risk due to increased flooding from the sea and, in some mega deltas, flooding from the rivers. Additionally due to projected changes in the hydrological cycle, endemic morbidity and mortality due to diarrheal disease associated with floods and droughts are expected to rise in East, South and South-East Asia. Increases in coastal water temperature would exacerbate the abundance and/or toxicity of cholera in South Asia (IPCC 2007, p.13). In general, rice production in Asia may benefit from climate change (Huang & Khanna 2010, p.26). Table 1 shows the effects of climate change on major rice producer countries in Asia. Table 1: Impact of global warming and CO2 on rice output and price in some countries of Asia Country Overall impact on output Production and processing costs Price of rice Food (rice security) in Asia + + + Rice yield variability (seasonal and geographical fluctuation of harvest) + + + India China the Philippines Malaysia + + + + + + - + + + + - Source: own compilation; data from Huang & Khanna (2010) Note: + positive effect, - negative effect The most significant aspects of the data presented in Table 1 are the relationships among overall output increase, rice yield variability, production and processing costs, price behavior of rice, and rice security. On average, all listed countries may experience increases in rice 10 production due to higher temperatures and increased CO2 levels. On the other hand, higher production fluctuations are expected due to extreme weather events and possible water scarcity. This may lead to increased price instability, which may affect the food security status of various countries. However, other factors influencing food prices and the impact of prices on food security will be analyzed in the next chapter. Another concern is that global warming and higher CO2 levels may cause an increase in production and processing costs. The rice producers may need to adopt their seasonal operations, i.e. they may shift certain types of rice crop from the second to the main season due to faster maturity of crops. These shifts require more investments in production and processing Figure 3: World food production (MT) Storage and milling facilities need to have 2000000000,00 more 1500000000,00 capacity to process the increased yield of rice during the 1000000000,00 500000000,00 Production (MT) main season. Furthermore, Sugar cane Maize Rice, paddy Wheat Cow milk,… Potatoes Vegetables… Cassava Soybeans Tomatoes 0,00 infrastructure. investments in logistics, roads and Source: FAOSTAT addition, new cultivars of rice to meet vehicles to carry rice to the points of consumption will be necessary. In the high temperature conditions, constructing more efficient water storage facilities, changing the cropping systems and management practices in order to efficiently utilize the water resources require certain costs and capacity building activities (FAO 2008). The influence of food prices on food security will be discussed in more detail in chapter 3.2. 3.1.3. Example 2: Global warming and global wheat production As a second example, the impacts of global warming on wheat production are discussed. Wheat is together with maize and rice the most produced staple in the world in quantitative terms (see Figure 3). However, there are only relatively few wheat exporter countries (see Figure 4).There are serious concerns about negative impacts of global warming on wheat production. In general, high temperature accelerates the development process of the crop and simultaneously shortens the grain-filling period. As a result, the producers may experience severe reductions in grain yields. For example, 10C temperature rise shortens the period of grain-filling by 5 percent and proportionally decreases the grain yield (Hodson & White 2009, p.53). 11 Of course, this may have serious consequences for the major wheat importers, too. The expected reduction of wheat yields may trigger the price for wheat to increase substantially. Figure 4: Main wheat producers and their market shares in exports of the world (2007-2008) Others; 9% Argentina; 5% Major wheat importer countries such as Egypt, Brazil, Algeria, Indonesia, Mexico, and Nigeria USA; 22% are likely to suffer from these Australia; 10% price increases. Additionally, global warming may CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine); 23% Canada; 16% require the producers to change sowing irrigation EU; 15% dates as geographically Source: Own graph; data from and increase well as shift to production areas because high temperature may lead to soil degradation and decreased water availability. Further pressure on fertile land may be the result. What can be the consequence of high temperature or consecutive drought seasons with water deficits could be seen in the recent high temperature season in Northern Kazakhstan and South Russia where extreme heat has caused a drought in wheat production areas. As a response to such alarming weather conditions, the governments of Kazakhstan and Russia limited their wheat exports. The forest fire caused by the high temperature around Moscow served as an additional reason for such restrictive regulation on the export of wheat that had already been affected by the consecutive series of dry seasons in the region. Economic consequences of such harsh restrictions on the world wheat price are elaborated in chapter 3.2. However, the social impact of wheat export restrictions of both countries in the regional states that have neither grain independence nor diversified economic structure such as Tajikistan was more severe than for the wheat producers themselves. Since the consumption Figure 5: Major wheat importer countries (2007) Quantity (tonnes) Italy Japan Egypt Brazil Algeria Indonesia Netherlands Morocco Spain Belgium Mexico Republic… Nigeria Iraq India Philippines Germany Tunisia Turkey Yemen 7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 Source: FAOSTAT ( 12 Value (1000 $) pattern of low income households in Central Asia is mainly composed of bread and wheatbased food products and food producers in the region faced high wheat costs they sold their products such as bread and noodles with inflated prices. 3.1.4. Example 3: Global warming and maize in Africa The third example deals with maize production in Africa. Many people in the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa depend on maize production for their livelihoods. Maize is used as a staple and as fodder for livestock. Since approximately 130 million individuals in the region are small-holders of livestock and even more are subsistence farmers producing maize, this staple is of great importance in Africa (Jones & Thornton 2003, p.52). An interruption or decrease in its production Figure 6: Maize production (MT) in Africa may threaten their food security due to shortages of food, milk, meat, edible oil, income, and other factors of livelihood. Despite maize’s significant high tolerance temperature, following reductions Source: FAO Agro-Maps to the possible in maize output of some selected countries due to global warming depicts the scarcity of maize that may occur in some regions (FAO 2010): Table 2: Impact of global warming on maize output in selected countries of Africa Country Maize Area Yield (kg/ha) Possible (ha) 2000 2000 2055 yield with in Decrease global yield (%) warming Ethiopia 1,450,000 1,793 1,596 11 Sudan 76,000 697 606 13 Angola 672,941 636 541 15 Source: own compilation; data from FAOSTAT 13 in On average, Africa may experience a 10 percent decline in maize yield in the next 50 years, having a chain effect on the agricultural system of the region. Similar to the case of rice production discussed in section 3.1.2, changes in precipitation are expected to cause increased yield variability. Due to the variations in supply the market price of maize is likely to fluctuate. Box 2: Africa – the continent most vulnerable to climate change The strongest impact of climate change on the economic output of agriculture is expected for subSaharan Africa, which means that the poorest and already most food-insecure region is also expected to experience the largest contraction of production and thus agricultural incomes (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007). However, that the risk of hunger will increase particularly in southern Asia and Africa is also the result of the projected increase in number of poor people in these regions, and not only due to the regional pattern of climate change (Parry et al. 2005, p.2137; Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007; Gregory et al. 2005). It is also evident that the potential for adaptation is greater in more developed economies and that this, together, with the generally more favorable effects of climate change on yield potential in higher rather than lower latitude regions, is likely to bring more positive effects to the North and more negative effects to the South (Parry et al. 2005, p.2137). Thus, Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate variability and change because of multiple stresses and low adaptive capacity (IPCC 2007, p.13). As a consequence of the impact of climate change on these three main agricultural products, food security in developing countries remains exposed to instability since climate chance hits vulnerable food systems. Less availability of important staples will threaten food security in many developing countries because these countries do not have the capacity to cope with these impacts. 3.2. Access to food 3.2.1. Background As discussed in the previous chapter, the output from agriculture over and above subsistence food production will be an important contributor to food security. But for achieving food security, access to food has to be ensured. Access to food is determined by the ability of a person to secure entitlements, i.e. the set of resources that an individual requires to obtain access to food (Sen 1982). 14 Thus, income-generating capacity, the amount of remuneration received for products and goods sold or labor and services rendered, and the ratio of the cost of a minimum daily food basket to the average daily income decide on the affordability of food (FAO 2008, p.24). Box 3: Entitlements In his seminal book “Poverty and Famines” Amartya Sen analyzed the causation of starvation, especially during famines (Sen 1982), i.e. the most extreme case or result of not properly working food systems. For Sen the acquirement problem, i.e. the problem of establishing command over commodities, in this case food, “is really central to questions of hunger and starvation in the modern world.” (Sen 1985, p.5) This, of course, still holds true for food crises situations caused by climate change. That famines can occur even without any decline in food output or availability per head makes clear that the metric of food output per head alone, i.e. the availability-dimension of food security, is deceptive (Sen 1985, p.10). Even, as was observed in the Wollo famine in 1973 and the Bangladesh famine of 1984, and in the Irish famines of the 1840s, food often moves out of the famine-regions to elsewhere (Sen 1985, p.24). Therefore, food availability alone cannot solve the problem of food insecurity. The expansion of food production is as important for generating entitlements as for generating more supply. The second dimension of food security – access – will therefore get special consideration in this paper. International commodity prices have significantly increased since the year 2000, reaching the highest level since mid-1970´s between 2007 and 2008 (J. Von Braun 2008b; PREM et al. 2008; Benson et al. 2009). Prices of agricultural products are the result of many different factors, which are interrelated with each other in complex ways. One main influencing factor is the sheer availability of food, which is directly affected by climate change. As has been discussed, recent unprecedented floods in southern states of Mexico and the worst droughts in many years in Russia, for example, destroyed a significant number of hectares of maize and wheat, respectively. In the case of Russia, one of the largest suppliers of wheat in the world, the government executed an export veto. As a result of this measure, the global supply of wheat suffered a contraction causing a severe rise of prices (Hernandez et al. 2010). Another set of factors influencing food prices are political and economic factors such as investment flows, speculation or the promotion of biofuels (von Braun 2007; Robles et al. 2009). The main of objective of this section is to analyze the behavior of commodity prices between years 2000 and 2010, the determinants and dimensions that have played a significant role in the international price setting of agricultural products, and the main impacts and potential 15 consequences of the evolution of such prices. As will be shown, non-natural factors have played a significant role in the price setting of agricultural products. Some of these factors will be discussed in more detail in the next subsections. 3.2.2. Growing biofuel production and high oil prices Due to increasing national energy security concerns, high oil prices, and climate change biofuels (ethanol, bio-diesel and bio-gas) have emerged as an attractive alternative source of energy especially for developed countries. Thus, biofuel production has been significantly encouraged in the last years. One important consequence is that fertile land is now used for the production of biofuels instead of food (World Bank 2007). This trade-off is discussed extensively for example in the World Development Report 2008 and will not be elaborated here in more detail. However, a major implication of the changes in the energy strategies of various countries towards bio-based sources is the increased demand for raw materials such Figure 7: Energy-Agriculture linkages within a broader conceptual framework as maize, wheat, and soy contributing to the increase in food prices. Between 2000 and 2007 maize prices went up by 39 percent, wheat followed the same trend by rising 22 percent in the same period (J. Von Braun 2008b, p.5). With the increased biofuel production and rising food prices a strong correlation has emerged between the energy and agricultural sector. As illustrated in Figure 7, this correlation may have an impact on the socioSource: Von Braun 2008, p.3 political, economic, and environmental spheres at global, country, and household level through different channels, such as the price-mechanism, markets, innovations, technologies, regulations, public policies, and private sector investments (J. Von Braun 2008b). A major driving force for the promotion of biofuels and rising food prices are historically high oil prices. Between 2000 and 2008, oil prices went up from US $18.7 per barrel to US $135 per barrel. This exponential growth has been mainly caused by three factors: expansionary monetary policy carried out by the Federal Reserve of the United States (US), hedge fund speculation, and the weakness of the US dollar 16 Besides boosting biofuel production, this upward trend of oil prices has also contributed to increase the chemical inputs prices, i.e. fertilizers and pesticides, the mechanical-based crop production technologies, and transportation costs of agricultural products, again contributing to higher international food prices. It is important to note that while biofuel production has been stimulated by higher public investment and subsidies, the agricultural sector in developing countries faces severe difficulties due to low public and private spending (IAASTD 2008, p.78). 3.2.3. Income growth and changing preferences Another relevant determinant of rising food prices is income growth. In recent years the world economy has been mainly driven by Asian countries such as China and India, which grew at an average rate of 9 percent annually between 2004 and 2006. In addition to the same pattern, Africa and industrialized countries grew at an annual rate of 6 percent and 2 percent, respectively (IMF, 2007). The income growth related to the overall economic growth has induced changes in consumption patterns by modifying preference towards higher-value products such as milk and meat (Joachim von Braun 2007, p.9). Higher demand of milk and meat will increase the demand for fodder, pushing grain prices up. 3.2.4. Speculation Another determinant of the upward-trend of international food prices observed from 2000 to 2008/9 is speculation1. With the financial liberalization process2 of the late 80’s and early 90’s speculation emerged as a worldwide financial phenomenon. It is conceived as an action that does not promise safety of the initial investment along with the return on the principal sum, and it includes the buying, holding, selling, and short-selling of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, and any valuable financial instrument from fluctuations in its price, independently of its intrinsic value (Graham & Dodd 1996; Robles et al. 2009). Commodity markets have been exposed to short-term speculative investors who have been mainly seeking for quick profits taking advantage of the lack of institutional arrangements to prevent speculation. This has contributed to increased uncertainty as well as high price fluctuations. Figure 7 shows the instability of international cereal prices. A drastic upward trend in prices occurred 1 Three types of speculation have been identified: 1) Governments, farmers, households and small traders; 2) Commercial traders; 3) Noncommercial traders seeking profits (von Braun, 2008, p. 5). This document is focused on seeking-profit traders. 2 The financial liberalization process is one of the policy prescriptions introduced by the Washington Consensus developed by John Williamson with the aim of booting economic development (Williamson 1990). 17 between 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, however, due to the global financial crisis a slight decline has been observed since mid-2008. Nonetheless, international prices remain higher Figure 8: International Cereal Prices (benchmark monthly averages; US $/tonne) than pre-crisis levels. Recent studies sound evidence have provided about the influence of speculation on trading activities in the commodity futures markets. The results proof how the profit-seeking behavior of short-term investors has distorted markets, created uncertainty, and price-bubbles, and led to higher international prices, especially of rice, maize, and wheat (Robles et Food prices remain below their peak in 2008, but are still higher than pre-crisis levels in many developing countries. al. 2009, pp.4-7). Source: State of World Food Insecurity 2010 FAO, p. 10 3.2.5. Population Growth and Urbanization Population growth and urbanization also have a considerable influence on food prices. The growing global population has increased the demand of different kinds of goods. Urbanization is the result of global change and increasing mobility, as well as other factors such as population growth and climate change. Floods, droughts, and pestilences have severely affected farmers pushing them to migrate from rural to urban areas. Moreover, socio-economic obstacles such as lack of education, health services, and lack of alternative sources of employment along with the deterioration of income due to deteriorating ecological conditions have contributed to rising mobility and urbanization patterns. Larger urban areas under lack of supply of food have created more pressures on international prices. Furthermore, it is expected that the loss of fertile lands due to land degradation will further trigger urbanization (Scherr & Yadav 1996). Urbanization is often associated with rapid growth of supermarkets, attracting foreign investment by global retail chains, which causes important changes in the food production and marketing chains. Trade and domestic market liberalization have contributed to the removal of import controls and the deregulation of prices, which had significant impacts on food systems (Gregory et al. 2005, p.2142). 18 In sum, food prices are the result of many different factors, some of them related to climate change, other independent of natural phenomena. Both groups of factors have contributed to a significant rise of global food prices in the last years, which had severe negative impacts on poverty and undernutrition. First data on the poverty impacts of the food price crisis is indicating that the number of undernourished people increased significantly between 2006 and 2009 (FAO 2010) since many people could not afford adequate food any more. 3.3. Use & utilization of food The third dimension of food security is the use and utilization of food. This aspect will be discussed only shortly. Food utilization refers to the use of food and how a person is able to secure essential nutrients from the food consumed. “It encompasses the nutritional value of the diet, including its composition and methods of preparation; the social values of foods, which dictate what kinds of food should be served and eaten at different times of the year and on different occasions; and the quality and safety of the food supply, which can cause loss of nutrients in the food and the spread of food-borne diseases if not of a sufficient standard” (FAO 2008, p.21). A great concern about climate change and food security is that changing climatic conditions can initiate a vicious circle where infectious disease causes or compounds hunger, which, in turn, makes the affected populations more susceptible to infectious disease (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007; IPCC 2007). Projected climate change-related exposures are likely to affect the health status of people, especially those with low adaptive capacity, through: • increases in malnutrition and consequent disorders; • increased deaths, disease and injury due to heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts; • the increased burden of diarrheal disease; • the increased frequency of cardio-respiratory diseases due to higher concentrations of ground-level ozone related to climate change; and, • the altered spatial distribution of some infectious disease vectors (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007; IPCC 2007; Easterling & Aggarwal 2007). Furthermore, climate change is expected to have some mixed effects on the range and transmission potential of malaria in Africa. The balance of positive effects, such as fewer deaths from cold exposure, and negative health impacts will vary from one location to another (IPCC 2007, p.12). 19 Increases in daily temperatures will also raise the frequency of food poisoning, particularly in temperate regions. Warmer seas may contribute to increased cases of human shellfish and reef-fish poisoning in tropical regions and a poleward expansion of the disease (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007; IPCC 2007). 3.4. Stability of food systems Stability of the three dimensions of food security is the last aspect that shall be mentioned here. Climate variability is an important cause of unstable access. E.g. landless agricultural laborers, who almost wholly depend on agricultural wages in a region of erratic rainfall and have few savings, are at high risk of losing their access to food (Schmidhuber & Tubiello 2007, p.19703). Global food markets may exhibit greater price volatility, jeopardizing the stability of returns to farmers and the access to purchased food of both farming and nonfarming poor people. Also the stability of supply is concerned. Many crops have annual cycles, and yields fluctuate with climate variability, particularly rainfall and temperature. Droughts and floods are a particular threat to food stability and can bring about both chronic and transitory food insecurity. Both are expected to become more frequent, less predictable and more intense as a consequence of climate change (FAO 2008, p.26). 20 4. Conclusion The main objective of the present analysis is the analysis of the relationship between climate change and food security. This has been done by scrutinizing the impacts of climate change on availability and prices of food as well as on use and utilization of food and food system stability. The review of the climate change impact on the food availability reveals that the most vulnerable countries are located in Africa and Asia where the majority of low income households are. These households depend on basic agricultural commodities such as rice, wheat, and maize. The regional examples of rice production under the global warming and CO2 emission provided evidence that although the overall output may increase, the yield variability becomes larger, which in turn may lead to increased fluctuation of rice supply on the market. In addition, the adaptation towards seasonal changes of yields may result in higher production and processing costs of rice. The combination of these costs and the supply fluctuations are likely to cause a rise of the price of rice. As another essential staple, the case of wheat has been explored. The impact of climate change, particularly the rise of temperature and extreme weather events, on wheat production of major world producer countries, namely Russia and Kazakhstan, trigger a drastic increase of prices for wheat. As a result, the stability of wheat security in the region has been threatened, negatively influencing low income households. Similar impacts are expected for the maize output, another important agricultural product that plays a major role in ensuring food security in Africa. Similar to the supply dynamics described above, the external factors such as the increased biofuel production and high oil prices, income growth and changing preferences, speculation, population growth, and urbanization play a fundamental role in setting international market prices of agricultural commodities. As a result, it has been derived that there is a dysfunctionality of global markets, which is caused by political and economic factors. 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