WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes

WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2005, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Hinds University Center – Cardinal Room
Members: Dawne Coward ; Terry Riouff; Mike Stewart; Jeff Gunter; Lisa Frady; William Frady;
Ronnie Deitz; Ron Amster; Clifton Fisher; Cory Causby; Debbie Justice; Irene Welch; Bill
Studenc; Michele Sutton; Julie Walters-Steele
Ex-Officio Members: Dianne Lynch ; Kathy Wong
New Members: Homer Harris; Sue Grider; Elizabeth Frazier; Katie Spear; and Nancy Carden
Absent: Marvin Bumgarner; Alicia Estes (excused); Larry Hammer (excused)
Guest Speaker: Casey Carter
Members were welcomed and the meeting was called to order by Terry Riouff.
Approval of Agenda: The agenda for today’s meeting was approved unanimously.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the May 12, 2005 meeting were approved as
Information Items: The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled forThursday, July 7,
2005, 2:00-3:00 p.m. in Room 453 HFR (4 th Floor Conference Room).
The next Staff Forum meeting will be held on Thursday, July 14, 2005, 8:30-10:30 a.m., in
the Cardinal Room of the UC.
Guest Speaker: Terry introduced Casey Carter, employee in the Development Office, as our
guest speaker for today. Casey spoke with the group about fund raising ideas to help endow the
Staff Forum Scholarship. She distributed a sheet with several ideas and encouraged everyone to
contact her with questions or suggestions. She also mentioned several “kid-friendly” ideas should
the Forum decide to have a booth again this year at Mountain Heritage Day. Finally, Casey
encouraged everyone to consider making a contribution through the Family Campaign and to
designate their contribution to the Staff Forum Scholarship Fund.
Human Resources Report: Kathy stated that her office is currently working on the annual leave
liability report. She also mentioned one piece of legislation involving the re-hiring of employees
after their retirement. Should this legislation pass, it would prevent State agencies from reemploying retirees for a period of six months following his or her retirement. Lastly, Kathy
informed the group of the possibility of a class-action lawsuit resulting from temporary employees
in other State agencies being allowed to work 12 months in a row rather than being removed
from the payroll for an entire pay period, which is a State-mandated requirement for temporary
employees. She asked this group to please be mindful of this requirement and to share this
information with pertinent personnel in their respective departments.
Chancellor’s Office Report: Due to the fact that Dianne Lynch was called away from the
meeting unexpectedly, there is no report for today’s meeting.
Campus Committee Reports: University Advisory Council – The committee hasn’t met this
month. Calendar Committee: No report.
SF Committee Reports: Human Resources : No report. Resources and Environment: No report.
Public Relations: No report. Scholarship: Michele said the Committee is working on several
different ideas for raising funds to help endow the scholarship fund, and she expressed her
appreciation for Casey Carter’s assistance as well. Governance: Julie said this committee will
meet soon to review election procedures to make some adjustments and to make sure the
election process runs more smoothly.
Issues Status Report: No report.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Election of Officers – The following people were elected to serve for the 20052006 term: Chair – Terry Riouff; Vice Chair – Mike Stewart; Secretary – Dawne Coward; UACAt-Large Members – Clifton Fisher, Jeff Hughes, Debbie Justice; Staff Forum At-Large
Member to UAC – Ronnie Amster. A campus-wide email will be sent announcing these results.
Discussion of Health Care Pilot Program – A very brief discussion of this matter was held. Board
of Trustees Meeting – Terry attended the June Board of Trustees meeting and gave them the
following report: 1) The Staff Forum approved the three resolutions concerning pay raises, the
pilot health plan, and formulation of a UNC Staff Assembly. 2) He expressed the staff’s concern
about the plight of the State Health Plan as well as their concern about pay increases. 3) He told
the Board that several employees had suggested free tuition for the children of University
employees, and Terry said the Board seemed quite supportive of this idea. Since this would more
than likely require legislative approval, it was suggested that we put “feelers” out to our local
legislators concerning this matter and see what happens from there. 4) Lastly, Terry reported to
the Board that several staff members have told him of their concern that staff growth is not
keeping up with University growth and that being a State employee is not as attractive as it once
was. Videoconference – Terry reminded everyone that the next videoconference is scheduled for
Friday, July 8, 2005, beginning at 10:30 a.m. over at the University Outreach Center, and he
encouraged everyone who can to attend. Farewell to Departing Members – Terry bid farewell to
those members completing their term of office, and he thanked each one for their service to the
Staff Forum.
Open Comments: Congratulations were extended to Lisa and William Frady as well as Mike
Stewart on their recent graduation from Western.