WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes

WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2006
Hinds University Center – Cardinal Room
Members Present: Dawne Coward, Terry Riouff, William Frady, Julie Walters-Steele, Mike
Stewart, Homer Harris, Jeff Gunter, Bill Studenc, Alicia Estes, Nancy Carden, Cory Causby,
Ronnie Amster, Jed Tate, Elizabeth Frazier and Katie Spear
Members Absent: Marvin Bumgarner, Sue Grider (excused), Michele Sutton (excused)
Ex-Officio Members Present: Dianne Lynch, Kathy Wong
Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved unanimously.
Approval of minutes: The minutes of the December meeting were approved.
Guest Speaker: Sean O’Connell, President of the University Club, was our special guest at
today’s meeting. Sean explained that the UClub is a non-profit club that has grown over the years
to now include members from off campus. Each Friday afternoon from 4:30-6:30 is set aside for
a social. Sean’s purpose for attending today’s meeting is to introduce everyone to the UClub and
to invite each Staff Forum member to come take a look at the facility, join them for a time of
fellowship, and consider becoming a member. Sean distributed informational brochures, and
those not present at today’s meeting who wish to have a copy of the brochure can obtain one by
contacting Dawne Coward.
Information items:
The next Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 2, 2006, 2:00 p.m.,
HFR 453.
The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 9, 2006, 8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Cardinal Room, UC.
Office of Human Resources: Kathy Wong
The Provost’s email update yesterday contained some incorrect information regarding Career
Banding. In the text of that email it sates that the goal is to have all SPA employees banded.
Kathy said that for now only IT Services and University Police will be banded; others will probably
happen over a 2-3 year period.
The State Health Plan has some new offerings, and everyone was encouraged to read all emails
that are distributed concerning these new offerings rather than deleting the emails without
reading them.
With regard to the WeSave Program, everyone was encouraged to provide feedback on the
website, specifically requesting that more merchants in the western end of the state be invited to
The 2006 holiday schedule has been distributed
NC HealthSmart Wellness Program – Every agency and university will be asked to have someone
serve in this program.
Compliance training emails will soon be distributed; be on the lookout for these.
The Office of State Personnel is working on a proposal to introduce an Employee Assistance
Program, which will be handled by OSP and will be on a “fee-for-service” basis.
Leave summary reports will go out soon. Everyone was encouraged to check these for accuracy.
Pay increases are in the final stages and will be reflected in January paychecks. Letters will go out
on pay day. The Office of Human Resources is still working on EPA raises.
Chancellor’s Office: Dianne Lynch
The Chancellor has been in Washington most of the week but is in Chapel Hill today for the Board
of Governors meeting. This will be the first Board of Governors meeting for President Bowles.
Enrollment remains a top priority. Applications are down a bit this year, so we sent in the same
enrollment numbers as last year for funding purposes.
Campus Committee Reports: UAC - This committee has not yet held its first meeting of the
new year. Calendar - No report.
Staff Forum Committee Reports:
Human Resources - William Frady
This committee is still working on the budget issues. In addition, the committee just finished
working on the pay increases. William says the HR committee will be glad to take on the
solicitation of merchants to participate in discounted services for employees.
Resource and Environment - Jeff Gunter
No report.
Public Relations - Bil Studenc
This committee met to take a look at the duties of the Public Relations Committee, just to make
sure the committee is doing everything it has been charged with doing.
Scholarship - Michelle Sutton
This committee has not yet held its first meeting of the new year but hopes to meet within the
next month.
Governance— Julie Walters-Steele
Committee met to get elections rolling for this year. They are also reviewing the by-laws and
comparing these to by-laws from other institutions to see how we compare.
Issues Status Report: No report
Old Business: None
New Business:
Jed Tate explained his ideas for a Staff Support Center. Positive responses were received
regarding Jed’s ideas, and we will have Anna McFadden (Faculty Center) come to a future Staff
Forum meeting to enlighten us on how the Faculty Support Center operates so that maybe we
can get some ideas from her.
A system-wide videoconference is scheduled for tomorrow, 1/13/06, beginning at 10:30 a.m. in
the University Outreach Center videoconferencing center.
Open Comments:
Someone mentioned the possibility of the Forum checking into discount cards (like the Smoky
Mountain High School football team sells) to raise money for our scholarship fund.
Tom Frazier is printing some updated Staff Forum stationery.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.