WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes May 10 , 2007 UC Cardinal Room Members Present: William Frady; Homer Harris; Lisa Surber; Michaelle Finch; Nancy Carden; Bill Studenc; Jed Tate; Ronda Bryant; Walter Turner; Donna Welch; Dawne Coward Members Absent: Mike Stewart (excused); Roseanna Belt (excused); Tamrick Mull (excused); Tim Inman (excused); Elizabeth Frazier (excused); Carolyn Parris (excused); Kathleen Franks (excused); Sue Grider; Jeff Gunter; Peter Lloyd; Cale Wilson Ex-Officio Members Present: Kathy Wong Welcome: William welcomed everyone to today’s meeting. Approval of Agenda: The agenda for today’s meeting was approved as given. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from April were approved as submitted. Information Items: The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June7, 2007, 2:00-3:00, HFR 453. The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2007, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Cardinal Room, UC. Office of Human Resources: Kathy reported on the following: Legislative Report: The House changed the proposal for pay raises from 2.5% to 4.25%. Health Insurance: We will more than likely see some sort of increase in our health insurance premiums as well as the possibility that our health insurance coverage period will change from a fiscal to a calendar year. Career Banding: Competency assessment training emails were recently distributed and were geared toward supervisors. Chancellor’s Office: No report. Campus Committee Reports: UAC – No report. Staff Forum Committee Reports: Human Resources No report. Resource & Environment No report. However, William said that we need to continue to pursue our recommendation for picnic tables, benches, etc. as the Chancellor has stated he is in favor of this. Public Relations No report. Scholarship No report. Elizabeth will bring scholarship criteria to the June meeting for discussion, editing, etc. Governance Election will be discussed in “Old Business” Old Business: Elections – Nancy reported that elections went well. New members to the Staff Forum are as follows: Lauren Bishop (Craftsman) Nancy Carden (Clerical/Secretarial) – Re-elected to 2 nd Term Colby Deitz (Technical) Lisa Frady (Professional) Akum Jamir (Technical) Teresa Killian (Technical) Deborah Lovern (Professional) Cindy Nicholson (Professional) William said that we do need to discuss making a change to the by-laws to include a statement for the UNC Staff Assembly delegates, i.e. ex-officio voting, ex-officio non-voting, etc. – whatever the Forum decides. Scholarship Criteria – Williams asked the group to throw some ideas on the table for discussion and the following ideas were offered: 1) We should include children & grandchildren, to include adopted or step-children; if in any year there are no children or grandchildren, then we need an option to include nieces, nephews, etc. 2) Should the scholarship be merit-based, need-based or both? 3) Should include list of expectations for award recipients, i.e. student in good standing, minimum GPA, etc. 4) Should priority consideration be given to staff members who have a certain number of years of service? 5) We should think about adding a clause that says something to the effect that “These criteria may be revised each November or February” (or whatever months are deemed appropriate). 6) It was suggested that typically scholarships are awarded in one-half increments, i.e. one-half one semester and one-half the next semester. So, the Scholarship Committee will need to work closely with Financial Aid to make sure the money is moved, etc. It was agreed that William will send the Scholarship Committee an email asking them to email a draft set of criteria to the entire Forum for review before the June meeting. UNC Staff Assembly – Jed reported on the following from his recent trip to Chapel Hill: 1) Erskine Bowles is forming a task force to include fifteen people, six of whom will come from the UNC Staff Assembly. The goal of this task force is to make the UNC System more competitive in hiring, etc. 2) President Bowles talked briefly about banding and how frustrated he is with those who have not yet been banded. 3) President Bowles spoke about safety issues for our campuses. 4) The President also focused on breaking down barriers with community colleges. 5) President Bowles is concerned about university research being demand driven. 6) The President states he is shooting for a 5% salary increase, but more realistically, we can probably expect an increase somewhere in the neighborhood of three to four per cent. 7) Jeff Davies spoke about ethics problems. Talloires Declaration – William reviewed the wording that Richard Kucharski suggested should the Forum decide that they wish to support this endeavor. After a brief discussion, Jed made the motion that we table this matter as it really doesn’t pertain to Staff Forum. Homer seconded and the motion carried. William will notify Jane Nichols of our decision. New Business: None. Open Comments: Walter said he was approached by Carrie Joseph, Coordinator of Campus Wellness, about the possibility of coming to speak to the Forum. Walter gave her William’s name as a contact person. Walter asked if we can include a clause in the UNC Staff Assembly section of our by-laws naming delegates on this assembly as a “subcommittee” of the Staff Forum. We will keep this item in mind as we move forward with amending the by-laws after the new slate of Staff Forum members have come on board. The question was asked whether or not anyone had spoken with Terry Riouff about the lack of UAC meetings. William responded that he talked with Terry and Terry is supposed to try to schedule some meetings in the near future. The American Red Cross was contacted and told that the Staff Forum voted not to host a summer blood drive. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.