WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes

WCU Staff Forum Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2007
UC Cardinal Room
Members Present: Mike Stewart; Homer Harris; Tamrick Mull; Lisa Surber; Kathleen Franks;
Carolyn Parris; Donna Welch; Tim Inman; Jed Tate; William Frady; Ronda Bryant; Elizabeth
Frazier; Dawne Coward
New Members Present (Non-Voting Today): Deborah Lovern; Lisa Frady; Cindy Nicholson;
Teresa Killian; Akum Jamir; Colby Deitz
Members Absent: Bill Studenc (excused); Sue Grider (excused); Walter Turner (excused); Jeff
Gunter; Cale Wilson; Pete Lloyd; Roseanna Belt (excused); Michaelle Finch (has left employment
of WCU)
Ex-Officio Members Present: Dianne Lynch
Welcome: William welcomed everyone to today’s meeting. Both new and current Forum
members introduced themselves. William took a moment to explain the UNC Staff Assembly for
the benefit of new members.
Approval of Agenda: The agenda for today’s meeting was approved as given.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from April were approved as submitted.
Information Items:
The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 5, 2007, 2:00-3:00,
HFR 453.
The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2007, 8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Cardinal Room, UC.
Office of Human Resources: Kathy was not present at today’s meeting; however, Mike Stewart
that the Office of Human Resources will soon implement the performance management portion of
Chancellor’s Office: Dianne reported that most everything happening with the Chancellor’s
Office at this point centers around the budget. She also stated that Helder dormitory is scheduled
for demolition around the second week in July, and the weekend of June 29 th, Jackson County
Emergency Services personnel, as well as University Police and others will use the entire weekend
at Helder for training purposes prior to its demolition.
Campus Committee Reports: UAC – William reported that the UAC is “firing back up” and we
should see some action coming from the committee soon.
Staff Forum Committee Reports:
Human Resources
No report.
Resource & Environment
William reported that this Committee is still working on a map of the campus as it relates to
possible placement of benches, picnic tables, etc. He then took a moment to explain this matter
to the new members in order to bring them up to date.
Public Relations
Nothing new to report from this Committee; however, Jed Tate explained the role of the PR
Committee for the benefit of new Forum members.
This Committee is still working on the scholarship criteria. Elizabeth explained the scholarship to
the new members.
This Committee has nothing new to report, and with elections now behind us the Committee’s
next focus will be to make several major amendments to our by-laws. Nancy also explained the
purpose of this Committee to new Forum members.
Old Business:
Scholarship Criteria – Using his laptop and a screen as visual aids, William reviewed the
scholarship criteria, and we reviewed these and made several changes. The updated document
will be sent to the entire group for review prior to next month’s meeting.
New Business:
Parking Permit Changes/Payroll Deduction – William explained that at the June Board of
Trustees meeting, approval was given for a parking permit price increase to $60. As a result,
payroll deduction in the amount of $5 per month per employee will now be in effect. This means
there will no longer be a requirement for the 30-day temporary permit previously approved by
the Board of Trustees.
Duties of Staff Forum Officers – William asked that the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and all
Committee Chairs write up their duties so that these can be incorporated into the by-laws when
they are amended.
Staff Forum Service for Delegates to the UNC Staff Assembly – William explained the
service rotation for the UNC Staff Assembly, and he told the Forum that they need to make a
decision and vote in July whether or not the UNC Staff Assembly members stay on the Forum
until they complete their terms with the Assembly (and if that be the case, whether they are
voting or non-voting members of the Staff Forum) or whether they will become ex-officio (with or
without voting privileges) until they complete their term with the Assembly.
Open Comments:
Dawne encouraged all new members to take a look at the Staff Forum website to familiarize
themselves with the by-laws, committees, etc.
William thanked everyone for their service to the Forum, said his good-byes as Chair and as a
member of Staff Forum, and wished the group well in its future endeavors.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.