Staff Forum Meeting UC Cardinal Room January 15 , 2009

Staff Forum Meeting
UC Cardinal Room
January 15th, 2009
Members Present: Lauren Bishop; Wiley Danner; Colby Deitz; Virginia Fowler; Lisa Frady;
Larry Hammer; Brenda Holcombe; Akum Jamir; Kim Jamison; Tom Johnson; Teresa Killian;
Deborah Lovern; Jed Tate; Donna Welch; Debbie West
Members Absent: Anne Aldrich (excused); Roseanna Belt (excused); Jeff Hughes (excused);
Joe McFalls; Carrie Shuler;
Ex-Officio Members Present: Dianne Lynch; Kathy Wong
Jed welcomed everyone to today’s meeting.
The agenda for today’s meeting was approved as submitted.
Minutes of the December meeting were approved as submitted.
The next meeting of the Executive Committee is scheduled for Feb 5, 2008 from 2:00 – 3:00
The next Staff Forum meeting is scheduled March 12th from 8:30 – 10:30
Office of Human Resources Report: Kathy reported on the following:
Payroll Project – Central Payroll is scheduled to go offline Dec 31, 2009. WCU
has representatives on a number of advisory committees that will help determine how the
9 Universities that are coming off of central payroll will function. WCU and Asheville
are currently set to pilot Universities. There are still a number of major decisions to be
made such as PAY ID (how frequently paychecks should be run and who should be paid
how often), and whether we will all be completely autonomous, or varying degrees of
Exec Council approved decision to start new employees only on the 1st and 15th of
the month. Recommendation going before them now to no longer allow advancing of
State Health Plan: There is no expected change before the Oct renewal; however,
with the current state of the health plan, the possibility of decreased benefits, increased
co-pays or employee premiums are all on the table.
OSP is working on a furlough policy.
Chancellor’s Office Report: Dianne reported on the following:
University is currently reverting 5% back to the state. It was just increased
another 2%.
WCU is planning scenarios of 3%, 5%, 7%, 8% permanent budget reductions. We
do not know at this time what will be required next fiscal year. All options are on the
table for how to deal with the current hold-backs and the permanent reduction.
Considering freezing positions (with Exec Council exceptions)
BOG met last week. WCU requested approx 3% increase in Tuition and Fees.
BOG does not want ANY Tuition and Fee Increases at all. They are struggling with how
they will proceed as they are split in their opinion on how to deal with this.
The Domestic Policy Resolution is in the the Chancellor’s office. They are
creating a committee to hammer out the detail and will submit the forthcoming policy to
the Exec Council for approval.
Staff Assembly Report: Jed Tate reported the following:
The assembly voted to have 4 meetings per year rather than 2; however, 2 of those
will be video conferences. The last Friday of the month is their regular meeting which Jed
has opened up to all Staff Senate members. Only delegates can vote.
Tom Johnson reported:
Tom is now on the Exec committee for the Staff Assembly. They are working on
some input for UNC Tomorrow.
UAC Report: No UAC meeting this month
Staff Forum Committee Reports:
Human Resources –
Public Relations –
Environment & Resources – Lauren - Finalized Staff awards were presented. Senate voted. All
in favor, no opposed.
Scholarship – Lisa – Committee was working on wording “award up to $1000” leaves option
open for multiple awards for possible different amounts. Senate voted on proposed
change – all agreed, no opposed.
Yard Sale in March usually. Last year, the spot was donated (cost is about $35).
Need to start requesting donations.
Governance – Donna – Preparing for elections and working on changes to by-laws.
Old Business:
New Business:
General Discussion about Clothing Drive. Decision made to email Glenn Bowen with
our interest to do ‘something’ and request for how to proceed or how to work together.
Open Comments:
Campus Safety: University Police looking into a new training to be used on campus
“Shots Fired” program. Emergency Training programs required to get FEMA assistance
if ever needed. Details still being worked out.
Respectfully submitted by:
Deborah Lovern