1 Welcome to the Meeting Approval of the Meeting Agenda

Staff Senate Meeting 2/11/10 (8:30 am)
Anne Aldrich
Lance Alexis
Cyndi Ammons
Wiley Danner
Virginia Fowler
Tammy Frizzell
Brenda Holcombe
Jeff Hughes
Kim Jamison
Tom Johnson
Jason LaVigne
Joe McFalls
Eric Margiotta
Kathleen Prindiville
Carrie Shuler
Laura Simons
Scott Swartzentruber
Jeff Tatham
Donna Welch
Debbie West
Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member)
Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member)
Donna Welch
Eric Margiotta
Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Brenda Holcombe)
Excused Unexcused Comments
Welcome to the Meeting (Brenda Holcombe)
Approval of the Meeting Agenda (Brenda Holcombe)
Carrie Shuler
Donna Welch
Wimba Presentation (Anna McFadden from the Coulter Faculty Center)
a. This morning’s presentation will be emailed to Brenda Holcombe 2/11/2010.
b. Learning Management System
i. WCU is currently using WebCat.
ii. WCU will be transitioning to Blackboard.
c. Wimba is a web conferencing tool.
i. Features
1. Audio
2. Video
3. Chat
4. You can insert Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, show a movie,
ii. Requirements
1. Internet Connection
a. DSL
b. Dialup
Staff Senate Meeting 2/11/10 (8:30 am)
c. Satellite
2. Microphone and Speakers
3. Headset (optional)
4. Webcam (to broadcast)
iii. How to access Wimba
1. Go to www.wcu.edu
2. Click on WebCat
3. Wimba Meeting
a. You login to Wimba meeting using your Outlook credentials.
iv. Wimba creates an archive of the meeting.
v. It is a great tool to for creating group presentations.
d. Training and the Coulter Faculty Center
i. Phone 828.227.2930 for group or individual training.
ii. Every Monday check their website for training information.
iii. The Faculty Center lists office hours. (Training Opportunity)
e. The Coulter Faculty Center sandbox is located in Hunter Library.
Staff Assembly (Brenda Holcombe & Jeff Tatham)
a. The Staff Assembly met via web conference on January 27, 2010.
b. During the last budget cycle it was decided to limit the number of courses that staff could
take with a fee waiver.
i. The Staff Assembly is looking into creating an Endowed Scholarship fund to help
staff members defray the cost of courses that do not qualify for the fee waiver.
c. Information about the budget will become available after the Board of Governors meeting.
d. Changes to the State Health Care Plan (Handout from Benefits Manager, Ms. Mitchell)
i. The Health Plan will be contracting with an as yet unidentified 3rd party to achieve
their Comprehensive Wellness Initiative.
1. Smoking Cessation
2. BMI
ii. Enrollment will be online (much like NC-Flex). This online enrollment process will
be known as E-Benefits.
1. The enrollment period will likely be in April for the July start date.
2. All Health Care Plan members will be placed into the 70/30 plan. To sign
up for the 80/20 plan you will have to sign onto the site and attest that you
and your dependants (if you have any) do not smoke and meet the weight
3. If you opt for the 80/20 plan and attest that you and your dependants are
not smokers and meet the weight requirements, you and your dependants
will be subject to random testing.
a. The State Health Plan’s plans to implement dependant testing are
nebulous at this point, but they reserve the right to test dependants.
4. You can opt for the 80/20 plan if you attest that you are on a smoking
cessation plan. If you are selected for testing, your doctor would have to
provide documentation that proves you are trying to quit smoking.
Staff Senate Meeting 2/11/10 (8:30 am)
5. The Smoking Cessation component will be the first to go into effect, before
6. If you are selected for random smoking testing you would be asked to
submit to a cheek swab. The results are instant.
a. The cheek swab is not supposed to pick up second-hand smoke.
b. If the cheek swab is positive and you contest the results, you can
ask for a blood test. The blood test would be sent off to a lab.
7. If an employee is randomly selected and tests positive for smoking, they will
be dropped to the 70/30 plan and their benefits deductible for the year
would be set back to 0. Also, the employee would only be able to enroll in
the 70/30 plan the following year.
iii. State Health Plan information will be kept separate from Human Resources
documents. Interaction with the Health Plan will not become part of HR files.
iv. Testing sites will be separate from the place of employment.
v. Faculty Senate has resolved that State Health Care information should be in the
hands of employees before July 1, 2010.
vi. Perhaps Staff Senate and Faculty Senate could formulate a joint resolution?
vii. State workers can opt to stay in the 70/30 plan. If an employee opts to stay in
that plan, they will not be tested. (The State will not make assumptions
about that employee’s weight or smoking habits.)
e. Bottom line, there is still a lot to be determined.
f. State Health Care Website – www.shpnc.org/comp-wellness.html.
Food Drive (Brenda Holcombe)
a. Thank you to all Staff Senate members that agreed to function as a collection point. Brenda
will contact you on Monday (February 15, 2010) to arrange a pickup time.
b. The Staff Assembly passed a resolution to make “The have Heart Day” a yearly event.
New Business
a. Committee Reports
i. Resource and Environment (Virginia Fowler for Jeff Hughes)
1. Training
a. Jeff met with Shauna Sage and Angie Frederick from the Campus
Recreation Center.
i. The best time for the CRC to do training would be early
summer (May).
ii. The training would cost $40.00.
1. It covers
a. 2 cards ($5.00 each)
b. Training Booklet
c. Mannequin usage
d. First Aid supplies used during training
iii. Signup will be at the Campus Recreation Center
iv. The Public Relations Committee will place a blurb about
the training on the Staff Senate website.
v. 15-20 people (maximum) per class
ii. Public Relations (Eric Marigiotta)
Staff Senate Meeting 2/11/10 (8:30 am)
1. Jeff Tatham is doing a great job of keeping the website updated.
a. The Staff Senate Scholarship application has been posted.
iii. Scholarship (Tammy Frizzell)
1. Yard Sale
a. Elizabeth Frazier (Graduate School) has kindly donated the funds
to enable the Senate to have 2 tables at the Yard Sale ($60.00).
b. Scholarship applications are currently being accepted.
c. A signup sheet was passed around for Yard Sale collections.
Monday, February 15 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Cathleen Prindiville
Monday, February 22 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Wiley Danner
Monday, March 1 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Carrie Shuler
Monday, March 8 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Jason LaVigne
Monday, March 15 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Brenda Holcombe
Monday, March 22 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Tammy Frizzell
Monday, March 29 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Eric Margiotta
Monday, April 5 (5:00-6:00 pm)
Jeff Hughes
iv. Human Resources (Laura Simmons for Anne Aldrich) – No update at this time.
v. Governance (Donna Welch)
1. Due to a coding issue, the elections did not begin on February 1. Russ (IT)
and HR worked to quickly resolve the issue. Elections opened on February
5. Elections will close on February 15. If the Senate has a tie, the runoff
election would not end until March 4. The Staff Senate By-laws state that
the election results have to be announced by March 1. As a precautionary
measure, the Senate moves to extend the deadline until March 4 for 2010.
a. Motion:
Jeff Tatham
b. Second:
Eric Margiotta
c. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.
2. We are short in 2 classifications. This would make us a 17 person Senate
for 2010-2011 if the spaces are not filled.
a. Executive
1 position
0 Nominations
b. Service
2 positions
The 1 nominee declined.
c. The President may have to appointment members.
d. Donna Welch will send a listing of the open seats and the jobs
within those classifications to the Senate members.
Staff Senate Meeting 2/11/10 (8:30 am)
Dr. Bardo will be attending the Staff Senate Meeting slated for March 11, 2010.
Kelly Eaves-Boykin (Staff Assembly Chair) will be present at the May 13, 2010 meeting of
the Staff Senate.
Newly elected Staff Senate members will be present at our May 13 meeting, and will be
asked if they would like to attend the meetings in March and April.
Next Staff Senate Meeting:
March 11, 2010 (8:30-10:30 am)
Killian Annex Room 136 (Killian Annex First Floor Conference Room)