Staff Senate Minutes August 12, 2010 Members Lance Alexis Cyndi Ammons Mike Burnett Mike Corelli Keith Corzine William Frady Sheila Frizzell Tammy Frizzell Homer Harris April Karby Jason LaVigne Eric Margiotta David Porter Kathleen Prindiville Laura Simons Scott Swartzentruber Jeff Tatham Walter Turner Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) Present Excused Unexcused X Comments Angie Song attending X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Diana Catley attending Laura Simons recording. I. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (Brenda Holcombe) Motion Jason Lavigne Second Mike Burnett II. Approval of the Meeting Agenda Not enough people were in attendance for a quorum; therefore, we were unable to vote. Motion Eric Margiotta Second Jason Lavigne III. Chancellor’s Office Update (Dianne Lynch, ex-officio member) a. Diane Lynch was unable to attend. IV. Human Resources Report (Diana Catley, representing Kathy Wong, ex-officio member) a. Same restrictions on employee salary as last year. Job openings require approval from Executive Council. b. Employee’s performance evaluations are now considered public information. 1 Staff Senate Minutes August 12, 2010 c. Payroll department is very busy especially since there have been many summer session faculty appointments and new adjunct positions. d. Reminded everyone of University Policy #95 which will allow no access to computer resources unless all security documents are on file. This is part of the Identity Management process where everything is driven by Banner. e. Job titles in banner and outlook are being cleaned up. Job titles in Microsoft Outlook are being synced up with Banner. Job titles shown are the HR titles which may not be the “working” title. f. Employee Appreciation Day is October 21. g. Authority was given to individual institutions to set their own furlough policies. Currently WCU does not have a furlough policy and does not foresee the need for furloughs any time soon. V. New Business a. Committees (William Frady, Jason Lavigne) i. Each member must be assigned to a standing committee. A few members have not been assigned to a committee. The Governance Committee does not have any members. People can still change their committee and can be on two committees. Employee Assistance Fund is not a standing committee. b. Treasurer Position (William Frady) i. We did not have a quorum and were unable to vote. This will be addressed at the next meeting. c. Staff Assembly Alternates (William Frady, Jeff Tathum) i. Requested someone volunteer to be an alternate. There are 4 meetings per year; 2 are teleconference and 2 are in person in Raleigh. The alternate will vote if an official representative is not present. d. Meetings Update (William Frady) e. William met with Dr. Bardo and Dianne Lynch. Dr. Bardo is very supportive of the staff senate and asked that the group attend the WCU leadership retreat. Discussed providing some space for the staff senate to keep their files and have a small desk. This space would be available each year and help provide some continuity in our record storage. f. Staff Senate Buttons (William Frady) i. These buttons would be a good way to advertise staff senate and help people know who their representatives are. g. Meeting with the Chancellor in November (William Frady) i. Dr. Bardo will attend the November 30 staff senate meeting. William will schedule a late spring meeting with Dr Bardo. h. Chancellor’s Leadership Retreat i. The chancellor has invited staff senate members to attend. This will be on September 14, 1:00-5:00pm in the UC Grand Room. 2 Staff Senate Minutes August 12, 2010 i. VI. Thanks to Legislature – formal letter proposal (William Frady) i. William would like to send a formal letter of appreciation from the staff senate to legislators that Dianne Lynch recommends. Members would sign the letter at a staff senate meeting. Members are not required to sign. William Frady, Jason Lavigne, and Tammy Frizzell will write a formal letter for Dianne Lynch to approve. They will bring it to a staff meeting for staff approval and signatures. Old Business a. Emergency Assistance Fund (Jeff Tathum, Laura Simons) i. Funds will be available to all WCU employees; it is not limited to staff. Funds will be distributed on a first-come, first- serve basis. Discussed setting this up for payroll deduction and having a fund drive on Employee Appreciation Day. b. Picnic Tables (William Frady) i. Discussed sponsoring a picnic table and the possibility of working with facilities to cover the installation costs. William Frady and Jason Lavigne will look into costs and get additional information from facilities. c. Goals for the Year (William Frady) i. Discussed possible goals for this year 1. Fund raisers for Emergency Assistance and Scholarship Funds 2. Buttons 3. Picnic Tables 4. Changes to the Holiday/Flex Schedule 5. Representative on the team that develops the college schedule 6. Sponsor a town forum 3