Staff Senate Minutes Members Lance Alexis Tammy Ammons-Hagberg Suzanne Baker Kay Benson Mike Burnett Mike Corelli Keith Corzine William Frady Sheila Frizzell Tammy Frizzell Homer Harris Alison Joseph April Karby Jason Lavigne Eric Margiotta Caden Painter David Porter Kathleen Prindiville Will Shivers Carrie Shuler Laura Simons Scott Swartzentruber Jeff Tatham Walter Turner Shawna Young Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) Erin McNelis (Faculty Senate Chair) I. II. III. Present X Excused Not Excused March 10, 2011 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Approval of the Meeting Agenda a. Motion Homer Harris b. Second Mike Corelli Approval of the Minutes for February, 2011 a. Motion Jason Lavigne b. Second Homer Harris Human Resources (Matt Brown for Kathy Wong) a. Staff Changes i. Linda Haney retired in late 2010. ii. Leigh Ann Busby has resigned. iii. Lisa Hakanson and Alicia Estes have moved into the vacated positions. The positions will now be less specialized. They will share the duties between SPA/EPA recruitment and class comp. 1. HR has received permission to advertise the 2 intake positions left vacant by Estes and Hakanson. iv. The office has a new Director of Training and Development, Patrick Hughes. b. New Performance Management system for SPA and EPA non-faculty is being spearheaded by Patrick Hughes, Director of Training and Development ( 1 Staff Senate Minutes March 10, 2011 IV. i. There will be forthcoming communications on training workshops and demos. ii. The training will be for supervisors and employees. It is step by step training that will explain when to save and how to navigate. 1. Supervisors cannot change an employee’s comments. 2. An employee cannot change comments made by their supervisor. iii. The traditional deadline for Performance Management was April 30. This year the deadline will be extended to May 31. iv. Residential Living Housekeeping had a workshop on March 9, 2011. v. One potential holdup is that all changes have to be made by the software company. It is located in Austin, TX. vi. Employees will have the option to self evaluate. However, it is not mandatory that the employee do so. New Business a. Chancellor’s Search Committee (William Frady) i. The committee is in the home stretch. They met last week in Atlanta (March 3, 4 and 5.). ii. 3 names have been submitted to UNC President, Tom Ross. – All 3 candidates are high caliber. The high caliber of the applicant pool speaks to the strength of Western Carolina University. iii. There will be some campus discussion and input. However, if the candidates visit the campus, the campus will not know about it until after the event if ever. iv. Anne Lemon at General Administration has informed the committee that the Board of Governors will meet on April 8 and the name will be given to them. We may hear about the decision on the news before William Frady can officially notify the staff. v. Confidentiality dictates that the campus will never know the identities of the pool of applicants other than the new chancellor. 1. The confidentiality of the search is needed. Most applicants make their participation known. Others may opt to keep their search private. If an applicant decides not to inform their current employer, the University making their interest known could be detrimental to the applicant’s current situation. Some of the considered applicants were female. b. Election Results (Tammy Frizzell) The Staff Senate would like to welcome its newest members: Tammy Ammons-Hagberg, Suzanne Baker, Kay Benson, Alison Joseph, Caden Painter, Will Shivers, Carrie Shuler and Shawna Young c. Staff Senate Scholarships Awards (Tammy Frizzell) The Staff Senate Scholarship fund currently has $1088.00. The Scholarship committee chose 2 recipients on 2 Staff Senate Minutes March 10, 2011 V. Monday March 7, 2011. Each recipient was alerted via letter of their $500.00 award. However, the letter had a caveat. It stated that fundraising efforts for 2011 were not yet finished. Therefore, monies raised by the yard sale would be used to augment their awards. They would be alerted to any further awards via letter. i. The 2 recipients are: 1. Adam Ray 2. Kristen Arrington d. Proposed Amendments (William Frady) i. Amendment one passed with the following word changes: 1. Staff Forum to Staff Senate 2. The Treasurer will be a member of the Staff Senate Executive Committee ii. Motion Eric Margiotta iii. Second Jason Lavigne iv. Wording of the Amendment adopted on 3/10/11 - Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall be to oversee the Staff Senate Discretionary Fund and to complete all attendant paperwork. The Treasurer will work with Catamount Clothing and Gifts to market items agreed to and voted on by the Senate. The Treasurer will serve as a member of the Western Carolina University Employee Emergency Assistance Fund. The Treasurer will serve as a member of the Staff Senate Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall assume the role of the Chair in the event that the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary are not present at a Staff Senate meeting. Added 3/10. v. The Second Amendment was tabled until the next meeting. Proposed changes: 1. Last Sentence – The Committee shall, at all times, be acting on behalf of the WCU Foundation in the discharge of its duties. 2. Faculty Representation vi. Tammy Frizzell will contact Legal Counsel, Development and the Faculty Senate about the composition of the committee and changes to approved wording. e. Yard Sale Update (Tammy Frizzell) i. Homer Harris cleaned out the Zamboni Room. ii. Donations are rolling in. Small donations will be accepted at Tammy Frizzell’s office, Killian Annex 224B. For large donations, Tammy Frizzell will arrange a time to meet at the Zamboni Room. iii. A signup sheet will be circulated. Old Business a. Ornaments (Tammy Frizzell) i. The ornaments have arrived. The ornaments will go on sale in Catamount Clothing and Gifts in July, 2011. 3 Staff Senate Minutes March 10, 2011 VI. ii. Food Drive Update (William Frady) The food drive has been extended until the end of this week, March 11. iii. Furlough (William Frady) - No further discussion at this time Additional Discussion a. Morale i. Budget cuts have lead to reduced morale. Is there a way we can improve it? 1. The negative News Reports 2. Student Chalking on February 19 ii. One positive note is that the budget situation is not as grim as first feared. iii. As Staff Senate Representatives, we can listen to our coworkers and help them cope. We are their voice. iv. The state may ease up the 6 month retirement clause to keep talent in the work force. (Currently employees that retire from the system must wait 6 months before they can return to work within the system as a temporary/part-time employee.) v. The Professor that was in the news was acquitted but the story created a lot of negative publicity. vi. WCU was mentioned in USA Today. Their state roundup mentioned the job cuts in Cullowhee. vii. What is important is the esprit de corps. Pride is what matters. WCU has a talented Staff that supports this university. viii. We can speak our minds at the Staff Senate meetings. ix. We can help those that have lost their jobs. Mention to them open searches. Talk to them about their needs. b. The Budget i. Has anyone heard about the situation for 2012? Nothing really firm is known. We will not have a clear idea of what will happen in 2011 until the state’s receipts are posted in April. ii. Nothing is set in stone yet. All that is on the table are proposals. c. New bill (EPA non-faculty and SPA) – The Office of State Personnel gives way to a university personnel system? More later. d. Retirement – Will personnel have to work until age 60 regardless of years of service? Currently an employee can retire with full benefits if they have 30 years of service. i. Use the Orbit site to calculate your retirement benefits. e. Health Care – Smoking would drop employees to the 70/30 plan in 2010. Is the weight component on target for 2011? i. For the weight you must have a BMI under 40. ii. Everyone may be dropped to the 70/30. Employees may only be able to have the 80/20 if they pay a premium. iii. The Smoking Plan ran into lots of issues – travel time, test sites, are employees paid for their time…..stay tuned…. 4