WCU Staff Senate Meeting Agenda August 9, 2012 (8:30-10:30 am)

WCU Staff Senate Meeting Agenda
August 9, 2012 (8:30-10:30 am)
Cardinal Room (University Center)
Tammy Ammons-Hagberg
X (David proxy)
Suzanne Baker
Kay Benson
Paula Carnes-Ashe
X (Shawna proxy)
Michelle Cooper
Wiley Danner
Pam DeGraffenreid
Phyllis Franks
Sheila Frizzell
Leah Hampton
Robin Hitch
Alison Joseph
Jason LaVigne
Amy McKenzie
Jen Nickel
Caden Painter
Joseph Philpott
David Rathbone
Will Shivers
Andy Voelker
Shawna Young
Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) – David Belcher
Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member)
Erin McNelis (Faculty Senate Chair – ex-officio)
Alecia Page (SGA President-ex-officio)
X (David proxy)
X (Shawna proxy)
Approval of the Meeting Agenda (Caden Painter)
Motioned and approved
Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Caden Painter)
Motioned and approved
External Informational Reports
a. Office of the Chancellor Updates (Chancellor Belcher/Dianne Lynch)
Not present
b. Human Resources Report (Kathy Wong, ex-officio member)
Not present
c. Faculty Senate Report (Erin McNelis or designee)
Not present
d. SGA President Report (Alecia Page or designee)
Not present
Sub-committee Meeting Time and Updates (20 minutes)
a. Governance (Caden Painter)
Not Excused
Vote on Proposed Bylaw Edits - Online voting and role of SGA President/Faculty Senate
b. Motion and approved
HR Committee (Joe Philpott)
Updates: 1.2% increase for SPA has been processed and the EPA salary increase is still
being discussed. The HR committee will be discussing the salary equity survey with
Henry Wong in August. The committee will also be meeting with HR to gain a better
understanding on banding so the team can be a resource for staff members on this
PR Committee (Jen Nickel for Alison Joseph)
a. Draft classification communication plan
b. Website update – The committee is working to update the Staff Senate website. Of
particular concern is keeping the list of senators updated and better managing the
minutes from each meeting.
c. Forum – hold in BAC or Blue Ridge?
d. Nametags – would prefer to use a magnetic nametag so not putting pins in clothes; use
Jen: We are also thinking about creating a certificate so people can put it on
their office door or on their desk
Michelle Cooper: We could use something like that in the more common
spaces where each senator works.
e. Service – The committee is working to promote the use of community service hours;
we’ll link to Service Learning from the Staff Senate website. The committee is also
considering holding a service day for staff.
David Rathbone: We also need to promote when the Staff Senate holds service
days so the campus community knows.
f. Sending out certificates, etc. (staff recognition idea from July meeting) – The committee
decided that this is more of a function for HR.
General discussion and agreement it’s probably better to let HR handle matters
of recognition and have a discussion with HR
Resources and Environment (Andy Voelker)
The committee is researching a formulating a plan for the upcoming year. The
committee is especially interested in looking at possible grant opportunities, especially
those pertaining to safety concerns.
Scholarship (Amy McKenzie)
a. The committee will have a table at Employee Appreciation day to accept donations and
raffle give aways.
b. The committee will also have a table at some of the Faculty/staff appreciation lunches
to accept donations.
c. The scholarship application will go online in February and be available both paper and
via online.
d. Ornaments – The committee needs to re-order ornaments but is trying to figure out
what percentage of ornament profits goes to the scholarship. This will need to wait until
the Senate has a Treasurer’s report.
The committee would like to order 300 of the 2011-2012 design. The
ornaments will be available both in the bookstore and online. The committee
will be promoting the sale of the ornaments at different events including
Employee appreciation lunches, Homecoming and Family Weekend. There will
be a sticker on the box of each ornament notifying people that a portion of the
proceeds of the ornament went to support the scholarship.
Jason LaVigne: We need to be careful with the language we use because this
money goes into the discretionary fund and that money has been used to
support different Senate activities.
Amy: In the past, the funds raised by the ornament sale have not exclusively
been used to support scholarships?
Jason LaVigne: No, but we’ve always been cautious with how the money has
been spent. We will need to keep in mind that we’ll probably run out of
Pam DeGraffenreid: I agree, the ornaments will sell out. I would recommend
buying 500 especially if we have the ornaments before Christmas. The
Bookstore could order the ornaments and front the money for the Senate.
Jason LaVigne: I would recommend voting on the current quote ($950 for 300
Leah Hampton: People will be more likely to purchase an ornament once they
know the proceeds go to a scholarship fund.
Michelle Cooper: It sounds like we need to vote to authorize the purchase as
well as authorize re-orders in the event the ornaments sell out.
Caden Painter: We can also do interim votes online.
Amy McKenzie: Can I also be empowered to talk to the bookstore about
ordering if we don’t have the money?
Pam DeGraffenreid: The Bookstore can order and sell the ornaments at the
same commission as 2011-2012 (20%).
Caden Painter: Motion to approve Amy’s request?
Motion and approved
Discretionary fund – Currently, all Staff Senate expenses are paid for from this account.
There is also a scholarship account where the principle of the funding is kept and the
interest earned each year is given out in scholarships each year. We would like to give
out three $3K scholarships this year. The principle account for the scholarship account
is currently underwater. The scholarship committee has a fundraising goal of $3K that
will be deposited into the discretionary fund. The Senate may want to consider creating
two different accounts to split Staff senate operating costs with scholarship fundraising
funds. Another thing the Senate may want to consider is establishing a fundraising
Michelle Cooper: We may want to consider partnering with area businesses –
we could give them ad space in our newsletter for example.
Amy McKenzie: We can definitely consider that possibility.
Internal Informational Reports
a. Treasurer Report (Paula Carnes-Ashe, Treasurer)
Not present
b. Staff Assembly Report (Andy Voelker/Jason LaVigne/David Rathbone)
David Rathbone and Jason LaVigne attended the meeting:
Jason LaVigne: SB 575 is still a topic of conversation for the Staff Assembly. Open forums will be
held on each campus this fall. The UNC system has issued a RFP for a newhealthcare provider.
BCBS and United have submitted proposals.
David Rathbone: We may also want to consider bringing the assembly chair to campus.
Jason LaVigne: That would be good for us and it would be important to plan a positive day for the
chair. We should also discuss getting support for the Staff Senate chair in terms of compensating
the chair’s home department for the time the chair spends on Staff Senate responsibilities. This
is handled differently on each campus. The next Assembly meeting will be held in October where
we will be voting on the chair elect position so it will be important for us to have a full delegation
from WCU in attendance.
Chancellor’s Leadership Council Report (Robin Hitch)
Kathy Wong did a great presenting on the state of WCU staff to the council. She pointed out that
a large number of positions will be open due to individuals retiring in the upcoming years. The
university will need to plan accordingly and consider what is necessary to attract quality staff to
fill these positions. WCU also has a large number of staff who have been here 1-2 years
indicating that we’re beginning to experience turnover in staff who would have historically
stayed. The council discussed the budget and strategic plan and priorities for funds. WCU didn’t
receive the enrollment growth that we should’ve received due to other UNC schools not meeting
enrollment targets and still requiring funds to operate. HHS and Biltmore are opening on time
and on track. The biggest eye opener was the state of the steam plant – it was built in the 1920s
and needs $40M to repair or replace.
Wrap up and General Discussion
Amy McKenzie: Do we have an update on the Suggestion Box results?
Caden Painter: I haven’t met with the chancellor yet to discuss.
David Rathbone: How many people do we need on the budget advisory committee?
Caden Painter: We need 6 and can discuss more at the September meeting.
Michelle Cooper: Can the Staff Senate give an official welcome to the provost? She’s staff friendly
and it would be great to welcome her before the forum. We should officially empower our
Executive Committee to act on behalf of the Senate. ---General discussion and agreement----
Adjourn 10:00 to go take photos
Didn't discuss the following:
New Business
a. WCU Strategic Plan
Old Business
a. Goals 2012-2013
Staff Senate Goals from 2011-2012
• Build community and spirit
• Improve morale
• Build influence and credibility of Staff Senate – retaining balance
• Increase connection and visibility to staff
b. Budget Advisory Committee – Representatives
Paula Carnes-Ashe, Leah Hampton, Alison Joseph, David Rathbone (?)
c. WCU Suggestion Box – Results and Dissemination
Next Staff Senate Meeting:
8:30 – 10:30 September 13, 2012
UC Cardinal Room