How far do shocks move across borders? Examining volatility transmission in major agricultural futures markets Manuel A. Hernandez, Raul Ibarra, and Danilo R. Trupkin IFPRI, Banco de Mexico, and Universidad de Montevideo Workshop on Food Price Volatility and Food Security Bonn, January 31, 2013 Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Motivation Objective Motivation In recent years, we have been witness to dramatic increases in both the level and volatility of international agricultural prices. This has raised concern about unexpected price spikes as a major threat to food security, particularly in less developed countries. Similarly, (1) the important development of futures markets and (2) their major informational role, have contributed to the increasing interdependence of agricultural markets. E.g., the average daily volume of corn futures traded on a regular session in CBOT is around 80-90k (compared to 20k 25 years ago). Lead-lag relationships suggest that spot prices move toward futures prices (Garbade & Silver, 1983; Crain & Lee, 1996; Hernandez & Torero, 2010). Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Motivation Objective Motivation (2) Identifying the ways in which international futures markets interact can provide important insights for further understanding global food price volatility. The analysis can also provide additional information to the ongoing debate about the potential regulation of futures exchanges. a Shock Exchange B Exchange A Shock b Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Motivation Objective Objectives We evaluate the level of interdependence and volatility transmission between leading agricultural futures exchanges (volume). United States (Chicago) Europe (France, UK) Asia (China, Japan) Focus on three key commodities: Corn Wheat Soybeans Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Motivation Objective Objectives (2) Estimate two Multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models to explore futures markets interactions in terms of the conditional second moment (better insight about dynamic price relationship). BEKK, Engle and Kroner (1995) Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC), Engle (2002) We want to address the following specific questions: Is there volatility transmission across markets? What is the magnitude and source of interdependence between markets? How does a shock (innovation) in a market affects volatility in other markets? Has the level of interdependence changed across time? Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Conditional Mean Conditional Variance Conditional Mean Equation yt = Θ0 + p X Θj yt−j + εt , j=1 εt |It−1 ∼ (0, Ht ) {yt } 3 × 1 vector of daily returns at time t for each market n, i.e., yt = log(Pt /Pt−1 ). Θ0 3 × 1 vector of long-term drift coefficients. Θj 3 × 3 matrix of parameters. εt 3 × 1 vector of errors conditional on past information It−1 . Ht 3 × 3 matrix of conditional variances and covariances. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Conditional Mean Conditional Variance BEKK Model Suitable to characterize volatility transmission across markets since flexible enough to account for own- and cross-volatility spillovers and persistence. Ht = C 0 C + A0 εt−1 ε0t−1 A + B 0 Ht−1 B cij Elements of upper triangular matrix of constants C . aij Measure the degree of innovation from market i to market j. bij Measure the persistence in conditional volatility between markets i y j. By construction, Ht is positive definite. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Conditional Mean Conditional Variance BEKK Model (2) Conditional Variance Equation for Market 1: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 h11,t = c11 + a11 ε1,t−1 + a21 ε2,t−1 + a31 ε3,t−1 + 2a11 a21 ε1,t−1 ε2,t−1 + 2a11 a31 ε1,t−1 ε3,t−1 + 2a21 a31 ε2,t−1 ε3,t−1 2 2 2 + b11 h11,t−1 + b21 h22,t−1 + b31 h33,t−1 + 2b11 b21 h12,t−1 + 2b11 b31 h13,t−1 + 2b21 b31 h23,t−1 . Markets are both directly and indirectly related through spillovers and persistence. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Conditional Mean Conditional Variance DCC Model Suitable to evaluate if the degree of interdependence between markets, measured through a conditional correlation matrix Rt , has changed across time. H t = D t R t Dt −1/2 Rt = (ρij,t ) = diag (qii,t Qt = (1 − α − β)Q̄ + 1/2 −1/2 )Qt diag (qii,t 0 αut−1 ut−1 ). √ + βQt−1 , uit = εit / hiit . 1/2 Dt = diag (h11t ...hNNt ). hiit GARCH(1,1) specification, i.e. hiit = ωi + αi ε2i,t−1 + βi hii,t−1 . Q̄ N × N unconditional variance matrix of ut . α, β non-negative scalar parameters satisfying α + β < 1. Essentially Qt is a VMA process that captures short-term deviations in the correlation around its LR level. Rt sheds light on how markets are interrelated in the SR and LR. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Data The Asynchronous Problem Data Daily closing prices 2004-2009 (Commodity Research Bureau, Futures database). Corn: Chicago (CBOT), France (MATIF), China (DCE). Wheat: Chicago (CBOT), UK (LIFFE), China (ZCE). Soybeans: Chicago (CBOT), China (DCE), Japan (TGE). Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Data The Asynchronous Problem Data (2) We work with the nearby contract (Crain & Lee, 1996). Are the most active, liquid contracts and contain more information. Consider only those days where all markets were open. All prices are standardized to US dollars per MT (account for exchange rate). We work with daily returns, y = log (Pt /Pt−1 ), to obtain a convenience support for the distribution of error terms. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Data The Asynchronous Problem Daily returns Corn Wheat Soybeans Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Data The Asynchronous Problem The Asynchronous Problem (corn) Period t-1 (Day 1) Period t (Day 2) GMT (World time) 24:00 DCE (local time in 9:00 China) 24:00 ydu,t 15:00 24:00 9:00 15:00 Price Return in DCE MATIF (local time in France) 10:45 yfu,t 18:30 9:30 18:30 Price Return in MATIF ξf,t-1 CBOT (local time in the United States) 10:45 13:15 ycu,t 9:30 ξf,t 13:15 Price Return in CBOT We need to account for potential bias when considering exchanges with different closing times (synchronize data by exploiting information from markets that are open to derive estimates for prices when markets are closed). Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Data The Asynchronous Problem Synchronizing the returns (Engle and Rangel, 2009) 1 The asynchronous returns, yt = log(Pt ) − log(Pt−1 ), are modeled as a VMA(1): yt = νt + Mνt−1 , Vt−1 (νt ) = Hν,t M Moving average matrix. νt Unpredictable component of the return, i.e., Et (yt+1 ) = Mνt . 2 If P̂t = Et (Pt+1 ), the synchronized returns ŷt can be defined: ŷt = Et (log(Pt+1 )) − Et−1 (log(Pt )) = νt + Mνt . The synchronized returns and covariance matrix are, then, estimated: ŷt = (I + M̂)νt , Vt−1 (ŷt ) = (I + M̂)Ĥν,t (I + M̂)0 Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness T-BEKK Results Coefficient ci1 Corn DCE (i=3) CBOT (i=1) LIFFE (i=2) ZCE (i=3) CBOT (i=1) DCE (i=2) TGE (i=3) 0.377 (0.107) -0.036 (0.163) -0.037 (0.083) 0.040 (0.245) -0.119 (0.048) 0.036 (0.238) 0.115 (0.421) 0.430 (0.152) -0.018 (0.028) 0.204 (0.030) 0.065 (0.166) 0.011 (0.009) 0.983 (0.012) -0.086 (0.111) 0.135 (0.048) 0.081 (0.183) -0.072 (0.104) 0.995 (0.008) -0.017 (0.041) -0.058 (0.254) 0.043 (0.026) 0.199 (0.068) -0.066 (0.108) 0.001 (0.003) 0.976 (0.014) -0.066 (0.334) -0.333 (1.029) 0.360 (0.640) 0.410 (1.149) 0.055 (0.042) -0.125 (0.068) 0.526 (0.086) 0.004 (0.031) 0.037 (0.033) -0.398 (0.402) -0.001 (0.026) 0.156 (0.048) 0.091 (0.067) 0.098 (0.071) 0.971 (0.014) -0.003 (0.013) 0.009 (0.032) 0.085 (0.542) -0.070 (0.860) 0.367 (0.269) 0.041 (0.035) -0.025 (0.041) 0.638 (0.092) 0.004 (0.043) 0.029 (0.023) 0.608 (0.072) 0.129 (0.042) -0.182 (0.070) 0.026 (0.021) 0.918 (0.025) 0.186 (0.062) 0.005 (0.007) 0.198 (0.084) 0.232 (0.121) -0.033 (0.021) 0.047 (0.025) 0.759 (0.066) 0.003 (0.009) 0.140 (0.525) 0.079 (0.104) 0.229 (0.305) 0.073 (0.079) -0.194 (0.126) 0.206 (0.048) -0.055 (0.044) 0.088 (0.095) 0.979 (0.013) ci3 ai2 ai3 bi1 bi2 bi3 Soybeans MATIF (i=2) ci2 ai1 Wheat CBOT (i=1) Wald joint test for cross-volatility coefficients on each commodity (H0 : aij = bij = 0, ∀i 6= j) Chi-sq 31.600 63.060 p-value 0.002 0.000 Wald test for non causality in variance on each market (H0 : aij = bij = 0, ∀j, i 6= j) Chi-sq 3.497 3.831 8.192 6.182 9.142 14.479 8.396 p-value 0.478 0.429 0.085 0.186 0.058 0.006 0.078 Log likelihood # observations -5,169.3 1,105 Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin 40.479 0.000 12.154 0.016 6.931 0.140 -4,857.0 -6,696.7 960 1,227 Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness Corn: IR analysis The responses are the result of a 1%-innovation in the own conditional volatility of the market where the innovation first occurs. The responses are normalized by the size of the original shock. CBOT Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 30 h11 (CBOT) 40 50 60 h22 (MATIF) 70 80 90 h33 (DCE) MATIF Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 30 h11 (CBOT) 40 50 60 h22 (MATIF) 70 80 90 h33 (DCE) DCE Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 30 h11 (CBOT) 40 50 60 h22 (MATIF) Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin 70 80 90 h33 (DCE) Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness Wheat: IR analysis The responses are the result of a 1%-innovation in the own conditional volatility of the market where the innovation first occurs. The responses are normalized by the size of the original shock. CBOT Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -20 0 20 40 h11 (CBOT) 60 80 100 h22 (LIFFE) 120 140 160 180 h33(ZCE) LIFFE Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -20 0 20 40 h11 (CBOT) 60 80 100 h22 (LIFFE) 120 140 160 180 h33(ZCE) ZCE Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -20 0 20 40 h11 (CBOT) 60 80 100 h22 (LIFFE) Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin 120 140 160 180 h33(ZCE) Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness Soybeans: IR analysis The responses are the result of a 1%-innovation in the own conditional volatility of the market where the innovation first occurs. The responses are normalized by the size of the original shock. CBOT Shock 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 30 40 h11 (CBOT) 50 60 70 80 70 80 h22 (DCE) DCE Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 h11 (CBOT) 30 40 50 60 h22 (DCE) h33 (TGE) TGE Shock 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% -10 0 10 20 h11 (CBOT) 30 40 h22 (DCE) Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin 50 60 70 80 h33 (TGE) Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness T-BEKK Results (Summary) The results confirm the importance of Chicago in global agricultural markets, despite the increase in the production of corn-based ethanol and regulations & trade policies governing agricultural products. It is interesting to observe that CBOT has spillover effects over China, a closed, highly regulated market; China also has spillover effects over other exchanges (at least for soybeans). The fast adjustment process after own- and cross innovations in Chinese markets further support the robustness of our estimations. Now, is there a higher market interdependence? Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness Dynamic Conditional Correlations (T-DCC Model) Corn Correlation CBOT-DCE Correlation MATIF-DCE 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.0 Sep-04 Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-08 Mar-09 0.5 Sep-07 Mar-08 0.6 Sep-06 Mar-07 0.6 Sep-05 Mar-06 0.7 0.6 Sep-04 Mar-05 0.7 -0.1 Sep-04 Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Correlation CBOT-MATIF 0.7 Wheat Correlation CBOT-LIFFE Correlation CBOT-ZCE Correlation LIFFE-ZCE 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 May-05 Oct-05 Mar-06 Aug-06 Jan-07 Jun-07 Nov-07 Apr-08 Sep-08 Feb-09 May-05 Oct-05 Mar-06 Aug-06 Jan-07 Jun-07 Nov-07 Apr-08 Sep-08 Feb-09 May-05 Oct-05 Mar-06 Aug-06 Jan-07 Jun-07 Nov-07 Apr-08 Sep-08 Feb-09 0.1 Soybeans Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Feb-08 Sep-08 Apr-09 Dec-06 Jul-07 Jul-07 Apr-09 Feb-08 Sep-08 Dec-06 May-06 Oct-05 Jan-04 Mar-05 Aug-04 Apr-09 Sep-08 Jul-07 0.2 Feb-08 0.3 0.2 Dec-06 0.3 0.2 May-06 0.4 0.3 Oct-05 0.5 0.4 Jan-04 0.6 0.5 0.4 Mar-05 0.6 0.5 Aug-04 0.6 Jan-04 Correlation DCE-TGE 0.7 Aug-04 Mar-05 Correlation CBOT-TGE 0.7 Oct-05 May-06 Correlation CBOT-DCE 0.7 Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Full sample Variation across time Robustness Sensitivity 1 Segmented our sample based on structural break tests for volatility (1st half 2008): pre- and post-crisis. Cross-effects stronger for corn and slightly weaker for wheat in post-crisis; no major change in soybeans (resemble DCC results). 2 In wheat, we find very similar results when considering Kansas (KCBT) instead of Chicago (CBOT). 3 Evaluated robustness of results when excluding China (regulated market with lower time-varying conditional volatility). Both the BEKK and DCC results are qualitatively similar to the base results. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Introduction Model Data Results Conclusions Summary Wrapping up The agricultural markets analyzed are highly interrelated. Higher interaction between Chicago and both Europe and Asia than between the latter. Chicago plays a major role in terms of spillover effects, particularly for corn and wheat (no decoupling of U.S. corn market). The degree of interdependence across exchanges has not necessarily increased in recent years for all commodities. The results provide additional information for policymakers should they consider regulating futures markets. E.g., a local regulatory initiative will probably have limited effects given that agricultural exchanges are highly interrelated and there are volatility spillovers. Hernandez, Ibarra and Trupkin Volatility transmission in agricultural futures markets Thank you!