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Nancy M. Fish
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ado Forestry A
Colorado Forestry Advisory Board Members:
Don Ament
Commissioner of Agriculture
Joyce Berry
Dean, College of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Tom Borden
Private Landowner, Fort Collins, Colorado
Nancy Fishering
Colorado Timber Industry Association
Russell George
Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Doug Robotham
Trust for Public Land
Tom Stone
Commissioner, Eagle County
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Executive Summary
The 2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests begins with an overview of significant incidents and
trends in forest insect and disease activity across the state. The remainder of the Report provides an
in-depth examination of the ecology, condition and management of Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests.
Unlike previous editions, which highlighted a range of forest health concerns, this and future Reports
will focus on the research related to a particular forest type. These detailed, science-based investigations
should effectively deepen Coloradans’ understanding of the forested landscapes that surround them and
the challenges that lie ahead in ensuring long-term forest sustainability.
Cooler temperatures and increased moisture during 2004 brought much needed relief to drought-stricken
vegetation across Colorado. Insect and disease activity tied to extreme drought stress began to subside in
many areas, including the southwest and southcentral parts of the state that experienced epidemic piñon
ips beetle activity and corresponding piñon pine mortality during the previous year. Despite this movement toward recovery, the extent and intensity of insect and disease activity continues to be a concern
in many forests. Aerial surveys recorded approximately 1.2 million trees killed by mountain pine beetle
outbreaks in 2004. This is nearly one hundred times the mortality reported in 1996.
Many of Colorado’s forests evolved with natural cycles of insects, disease and other forms of disturbance, such as fire. In ponderosa pine forests, this disturbance promoted diversity and resilience across
the landscape. Historical ponderosa pine stands in Colorado ranged from relatively open woodlands
in the southwest to moderately and even extremely dense forests along varying elevations of the Front
Range. Beginning with the gold rush in 1858,
Euro-American settlement and land management
practices disrupted the natural disturbance cycles
that shaped these forests. The near exclusion of
fire after 1910 proved particularly detrimental to
some ponderosa pine landscapes.
Merrill R. Kaufmann
Current ponderosa pine forests in Colorado are
generally denser and more homogeneous in terms
of age and size than prior to Euro-American
settlement. These conditions can put individual
trees in intense competition for light, water and
other critical resources, resulting in stressed forest
stands that are less able to fight off insect and
disease attacks. In addition, increased tree and
understory density places some ponderosa pine
The restoration of a more open canopy and greater
age and size diversity has made this forest more
forests at heightened risk for large-scale and/or
resilient to disturbance.
high intensity wildfire. Fires of the magnitude
seen in Colorado during 2002 can have numerous
adverse impacts on ponderosa pine forests and surrounding watersheds, including landscape-scale tree
mortality, severe soil damage, loss of seed sources, establishment of invasive species and damage to critical wildlife habitat.
The potential for widespread and destructive wildfires is of particular concern to communities in the
high-risk wildland-urban interface. Ponderosa pine forests characterize approximately 75 percent of the
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
interface zone in Colorado, a statistic that encompasses 1,274 communities. Land management treatments
that thin the forest through selective harvest and reintroduce fire through prescribed burning can reduce
the risk of fire to individual homes and communities. In some ponderosa pine landscapes, these treatments can also restore the forest to more historical – and therefore more sustainable – ecological conditions.
Determining a viable course of action in any particular forested landscape requires an analysis of both
historic and current forest conditions. Land managers must also establish a desired future condition
for the landscape and consider the social, political and economic realities that may affect their ability to
achieve that condition. The most effective solutions are found when land managers, policymakers, homeowners, community leaders, scientists and others join forces to achieve a mutually desirable end result.
Peter Barth
Many Colorado communities have already undertaken a collaborative approach to managing ponderosa
pine forests. Notable examples include the Ponderosa Pine Forest Partnership in southwest Colorado,
the Greater Laramie Foothills Project northwest of Fort Collins, and the Harris Park Community Wildfire
Protection Plan southwest of Denver. Community Wildfire Protection Plans, as described in the Healthy
Forest Restoration Act (P.L. 108-148), provide a valuable new tool to assist diverse local interests in identifying and addressing their mutual concerns for public safety, community sustainability and natural
Ponderosa pine forests represent one of six major
forest types in Colorado. Other significant forest
types that will be addressed in future reports
include aspen, piñon -juniper, mixed conifer,
lodgepole pine and spruce-fir. The information in
the 2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
incorporates a substantial body of both analytical
and applied research and reflects a tremendous
public concern for the sustainability of these forests across the state. This and subsequent reports
should serve as valuable material for those working to find solutions to Colorado’s forest management challenges.
Ponderosa pine forests offer valuable opportunities
to combine education, research and management.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
2004 Insect and Disease Activity Update
Many of Colorado’s forests began taking steps toward recovery during 2004, after struggling through
several years of severe drought. Cooler temperatures, earlier monsoon weather patterns and increased
moisture provided relief for thirsty trees in urban, rural and mountain environments. The dramatic
spread of piñon ips beetles in southwest and southcentral Colorado slowed significantly, as did damage
from other species of ips beetles at lower elevations. Mortality in ornamental blue spruce along the Front
Range dropped off in July as afternoon rains increased.
Despite these signs of improvement, the trends
in insect and disease activity initiated by previous years of stress continue to play out across the
state’s forested landscapes. Epidemics of mountain
pine beetle continue to flourish and spread in hard
hit areas. Trees strained by earlier drought conditions continue to die, and insect populations continue to reproduce in record numbers and remain
active for longer periods of time.
Dave Leatherman
Native aspen stands throughout Colorado show
impacts from drought as evidenced by myriad
diseases and insects, including cankers, decay and
rot diseases, wood borers, and bark and ambrosia
beetles in dead and declining trees. The appearBeetle-caused piñon pine mortality is substantial
ance of three new minor hardwood bark beetles
throughout southwest Colorado. This view looks
underscores the depth of the drought’s reach in
south towards Mesa Verde National Park.
that it spared very few species from vulnerability.
The sighting of these beetles could also signal the northward shift of traditionally southern species as a
result of climate change. The progression of significant insect activity into higher elevation forests is also
a likely signal of lingering drought and warming climates. It will take several years of normal to above
normal moisture for affected forests to regain their resiliency to attack.
The majority of Colorado’s insect and disease
activity continues to stem from native species.
Regular cycles of insect and disease outbreaks
are an important component of a functioning
forest ecosystem. The current condition of many
Colorado forests has caused these natural cycles
to operate at scales and severities that match
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
The banded elm bark beetle discovered for the
first time in Colorado in 2003 was confirmed
to carry the causal fungus that leads to Dutch
elm disease. Although sightings of the beetle
declined substantially in 2004, the appearance of
a new carrier for Dutch elm disease is of concern, particularly to Front Range communities
that lost up to 60 percent of their American elms
during the last three or more decades.
Large-scale bark beetle outbreaks continue to expand
in many Colorado forests.
or exceed previous records. The most effective way to reduce unwanted damage in areas of high public
value is to reduce stress or alleviate competition prior to attack. Once epidemic-level infestation has
begun, management options in affected areas are limited.
Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae)
While many areas around the state are reporting static or declining mountain pine beetle activity, epidemic conditions continue to exist and expand in “hotspots” where beetle-caused mortality has been
extremely high since the early 1990s. Mountain pine beetle is the most significant damaging insect of
Colorado’s pine forests and particularly favors older, dense stands of ponderosa, lodgepole and limber
pines. Aerial surveys in 2004 recorded 1,256,320 trees killed by beetle activity. That compares to 696,400
reported killed in 2003, 275,000 in 2000 and 13,000 in 1996.
Randy Moench
In Grand County, lodgepole pine mortality continues to be high in major outbreak
areas located around Lake Granby and in
the Williams Fork and Troublesome Creek
watersheds. Mountain pine beetle impacts are
also increasingly evident in higher elevation
sites in this region, with pockets of mortality
observed above 10,000 feet. This expansion is
likely due to warmer summer temperatures
that allow epidemics to occur at higher elevations than is considered normal. Mountain
pine beetle activity in this area is currently the
most damaging insect and disease situation
affecting Colorado’s state and private lands.
Mountain pine beetle mortality in Colorado has
risen exponentially since the beginning of the
current outbreak in the early 1990s.
Colorado State Forest Service
High visibility areas in Summit County also
continue to experience expanding mountain
pine beetle activity, as do lodgepole pine stands on the Colorado State Forest in eastern North Park and
the Yampa Ranger District of the Routt National Forest. On the Front Range, there is notable mountain
pine beetle activity in ponderosa pine, both north
and south of the Upper Poudre Canyon near Fort
An aerial view reveals extensive mountain pine
beetle mortality in forests near Boulder.
In the southern portion of the state there are two
major outbreaks of mountain pine beetle that have
been occurring for the past several years. An outbreak that started in Chaffee County’s Arkansas
River valley has spread roughly along the course
of the river and into the Wet Mountains, the eastern slope of the Sangre de Cristo mountains and
forested areas to the south of Cañon City. Another
major outbreak is in the vicinity of the Vail Valley
along the I-70 corridor, where beetle attacks have
had a visible impact on lodgepole pine forests
around the ski area and in urban-interface zones
around homes and other development. While
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
activity in these areas has slowed, the beetles appear to be moving north of the Interstate, with areas of
increasing mortality in the Redstone Canyon / Piney Lake area. Significant mortality can be expected in
the future.
Other areas with fairly intense pockets of mountain pine beetle activity include portions of the San Juan,
Rio Grande, Gunnison and Uncompahgre National Forests, where drought conditions could encourage
beetle activity to rise to epidemic levels. Increased beetle activity in bristlecone and limber pine at higher
elevations may be ecologically significant when combined with the effects of drought, climate change and
newly discovered threats such as white pine blister rust.
Piñon Ips Beetle (Ips confusus)
Perhaps the most dramatic recent example of tree mortality in the central Rocky Mountains has been the
extensive loss of piñon pine due to an epidemic of piñon ips beetle activity. This outbreak is occurring
on a tremendous scale with several species of piñon being affected throughout the Southwestern United
In Colorado, mortality has been particularly severe in the southern portion of the state with more than
a million acres affected to some extent and many thousands of acres experiencing the loss of up to 90
percent of mature piñon trees. Recent drought conditions are the root cause of the outbreak, but fairly
high tree densities and the overall even-aged status of piñon stands are contributing factors. The heaviest
losses to date have occurred around Durango, Cortez and Dolores in the Four Corners region. Significant
piñon mortality has more recently moved into the Grand Junction area. Activity in these areas probably
peaked in 2004.
The overall situation in piñon-juniper forests is
further complicated by increased activity from
cedar bark beetles (Phloeosinus spp.), which have
killed pockets of junipers statewide. They were
particularly noted in southwestern Colorado and
on the Front Range and eastern plains. They are
generally not aggressive and are assumed to have
been aided by the drought.
Spruce Beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis)
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
The future of the outbreak depends greatly upon weather conditions. The rains of 2004 slowed the
epidemic on the southern Front Range. But, even with favorable weather conditions, the slow growth of
piñon stands means that many woodlands and
forests will not regain a mature piñon component
for some time. Preventive spraying in spring and
fall appears to be working to protect individual
trees against ips attack. In areas where twig
beetles are attacking all new growth, however, a
third spraying may be needed in late spring.
Drought and piñon ips beetle activity combined
to result in heavy piñon pine mortality in several
areas of Colorado.
Spruce beetles are on the increase in many parts of Colorado, partially due to mild weather conditions
that allow the beetle completing its life cycle in one year instead of the normal two. As a result, some field
observers have noted more rapid population growth than has been seen historically. Aerial surveys for
2004 report 154,654 trees killed over 62,171 acres.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Other factors found to increase the risk of spruce beetle attack include: well-drained creek bottom growing sites; stands with larger diameter trees or high densities; and stands with an overstory made up of at
least 65 percent spruce.
Spruce beetle activity that resulted from the 1997
Routt Divide Blowdown continues to expand and
intensify. The Mt. Zirkel Complex fire occurred
in the same area in 2002 and further stressed
the region’s already at-risk forests. Hundreds of
thousands of spruce have been killed in Routt and
Jackson Counties in the years since these events.
The main zone of impact continues to range from
north of Rabbit Ears Pass to the Wyoming border.
Beetles appear to be increasing in the Elkhead
Mountains west of the main blowdown areas.
Dave Leatherman
In southern Colorado, the majority of spruce beetle activity is occurring in scattered pockets of less than
100 acres, but on several sites large numbers of mature spruce have been killed over extensive areas.
About 30 known sites of significant spruce beetle
activity currently exist on the Routt, White River,
Grand Mesa, Gunnison, Uncompahgre, San Juan
and Rio Grande National Forests.
Mortality from spruce beetle activity is evident in
this forest north of Steamboat Springs.
Spruce beetle outbreaks are also cause for concern
on private land throughout the mountains, especially where large-diameter trees exist at high densities. The age of many Colorado spruce forests suggests they are ready to regenerate through large-scale disturbance. Further outbreaks are likely inevitable.
Moisture and climate conditions will be key factors in how soon these outbreaks occur.
Subalpine Fir Decline
Dave Leatherman
Subalpine fir decline continues to occur at significant levels in Colorado and is one of the greatest causes
of forest mortality in the state. Approximately 675,974 trees were reported killed in 2004 on nearly 275,000
acres. The condition is caused by a combination
of western balsam bark beetle activity (Dryocoetes confusus) and various root disease pathogens,
particularly Armillaria ostoyae. Losses of subalpine
fir have been particularly significant throughout
southern Colorado and on the Uncompahgre
Plateau. On several ski areas, the loss is a concern
for area managers. The widespread nature of the
mortality, combined with the fact that tree death
is caused by a combination of insect and fungal
activity, means there are few options for managerial response. Maintaining stands with a wide
range of age classes is probably the most prudent
course of action to reduce long-term impacts.
Subalpine fir decline is prevalent in many of
Colorado’s high-elevation forests, including this
location on the east side of Monarch Pass.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
The southern portion of the Uncompahgre Plateau has seen significant levels of western spruce
budworm defoliation in Engelmann spruce,
as have areas of the San Juan and Rio Grande
National Forests below Wolf Creek Pass. This
activity suggests that budworm activity is on the
increase in high elevation forests. Heavy defoliation also occurred in Larimer County near Cherokee Park. Acreages of Douglas-fir with light and
moderate defoliation increased along the Front
Range of El Paso and Douglas Counties. Isolated
pockets of activity were detected in north central
Colorado on several ownerships and near La Veta
Pass. Activity was reduced in the Wet and Sangre
de Cristo Mountains, which have experienced
chronic budworm defoliation in previous years.
USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region Archives
Western Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis)
Western spruce budworm activity has increased in
Engelmann spruce on the Uncompahgre Plateau.
Dwarf Mistletoes (Arceuthobium spp.)
Dave Leatherman
Dwarf mistletoes chronically affect several conifer species in Colorado. With recent mild winter conditions and periods of drought,
dwarf mistletoes are contributing to mortality in many areas of the
Rocky Mountain region, including Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin,
Douglas, Park and El Paso Counties.
Lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe is
just one of several mistletoes that
impact Colorado’s conifers.
Dwarf mistletoe is the most important health factor for lodgepole
pine and is estimated to infest about 50 percent of Colorado’s
lodgepole pine stands. Historically, the extent and spread of this
parasitic plant has been limited by large, stand-replacing fires.
With the advent of intense fire suppression, the range and severity
of mistletoe infection in lodgepole pine has increased.
Ponderosa pine dwarf mistletoe is widespread throughout the host
type in Colorado and infests approximately 20 percent of the ponderosa pine forests along the Front Range. Dwarf mistletoe is also
a continuing problem in the ponderosa pine stands of the Black
Forest near Colorado Springs.
Typical impacts of mistletoe include formation of “witches brooms” in crowns and branches; reduction in tree
growth and seed production; and increased susceptibility to insect attack, root disease and storm damage.
Gambel Oak Dieback
Drought conditions combined with late frosts caused a massive dieback of Gambel oak throughout Colorado. One result of this condition was a build-up of the Gambel Oak Flatheaded Borer (Agrilus quercicola).
Along the southern Front Range and in the Durango – Cortez area, this led to attacks on and losses of ornamental oaks. Denver and Colorado Springs were also particularly hard hit. Subsequent rainfall lessened
stress on the host plants and reduced the chances that activity and damage will continue at serious levels.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Douglas-fir Beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae)
Douglas-fir Pole Beetle (Psuedohylesinus
While this insect is rarely considered a major pest species, it
has killed many hundreds of mature Douglas-fir in the eastern portion of the San Juan National Forests. As the common
name suggests, this insect most frequently attacks smaller
Douglas-fir beetle activity creates
diameter Douglas-fir, but trees up to 12 inches in diamunique galleries in the wood of
eter are being killed near Pagosa Springs. This beetle was
affected trees.
also detected in high numbers in the Wet Mountains near
Westcliffe, north of Durango and in the southern San Juan
Mountains. Drought conditions likely contributed to the susceptibility of large numbers of host trees.
Douglas-fir engraver beetles (Scolytus reflexus and others) caused additional mortality in small-diameter
Douglas-fir throughout the host range.
Dave Leatherman
Douglas-fir beetle continues to kill mature trees in areas
scattered throughout its Colorado range. Aerial surveys
in 2004 recorded 62,274 trees killed on 41,452 acres. In a
few cases, drought conditions seem to have encouraged
increased Douglas-fir beetle activity in areas of chronic defoliation by western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis). Another common association is for Douglas-fir beetle to
infest trees damaged but not killed by fire; this is occurring
near South Fork on the site of the 2002 Million Fire.
Hardwood Bark Beetles
Three hardwood bark beetle species rarely seen or never before recorded in Colorado were detected in
2004, probably due to both recent drought conditions and possible impacts from climate change. These
species are: Pityophthorus juglandis, a southwestern species found for the first time in Colorado in the
Denver / Boulder area and also in Colorado Springs in ornamental black walnuts; Typophloeus striatulus,
found in an alpine species of oak near Molas Divide; and Pityophthorus virilis, found on skunkbush sumac
at the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs.
White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola)
This disease of white pines, which originated in Asia, was separately introduced from Europe to both the
east (late 1800’s) and west (1921) coasts of North America and is now moving into Colorado. It is spreading both southward from Wyoming and northward from New Mexico. It is well-established in limber
pines in Larimer County and has recently been discovered in the Sangre de Cristo mountains east of the
San Luis Valley. The latter infections of bristlecone pines near Mosca Pass are speculated to have arrived
via wind dispersal of spores from known infections in New Mexico. This disease may have serious consequences for both limber and bristlecone pine in Colorado. While neither tree is economically important,
they are both of unquestioned ecological significance. Primary management options are to minimize
human movement of infected ornamental plants (both pines and the alternate hosts, which are currants
(Ribes spp.) and hope that resistant individuals persist naturally in native white pine stands exposed to
the disease.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Ponderosa Pine Forests in Colorado
When considered against the backdrop of geologic time, ponderosa pine forests are a relatively recent
component of Colorado’s landscape. They arrived from the south a mere 5,000 years ago, following the
close of the last ice age. By the mid-nineteenth century, when gold was discovered and settlers descended
on Colorado in great numbers, ponderosa pine forests were well established in the southwest part of the
state and along the foothills and mountains of the Front Range.
Early residents took advantage of the readily-accessible, low elevation ponderosa pine forests to graze
livestock and harvest timber for homes, businesses and the mining and railroad industries. Due to the
significant impacts of human activity, few existing ponderosa pine landscapes exhibit the spatial or structural features of the forests that existed prior to Euro-American settlement.
Although ponderosa pine forests have been subjected to substantial change over the past century,
research on historic landscapes has provided useful insights for evaluating and improving the condition
of current forests. Much of the resulting body of knowledge revolves around the role of fire in ponderosa
pine ecosystems and the degree to which disruptions in natural fire cycles have put these forests – and
the people that live in and around them – at risk.
Like many of Colorado’s forest types, ponderosa pine landscapes are disturbance driven, meaning they
evolved with natural cycles of wildfire, insect and disease infestations, flooding, avalanches and windstorms. The primary change agent for ponderosa pine is fire.
Land management policies, including the exclusion of fire from forests for much of the last century, had a
significant impact on ponderosa pine throughout its range.
In New Mexico and Arizona, scientists have found that
ponderosa pine stands are much more dense today than
prior to Euro-American settlement. These forests have also
experienced substantial invasion by Douglas-fir and are
generally more prone to damaging, large-scale wildfires.
Beginning in the late 1980s, several large-scale wildfires
burned in Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests, threatening lives, homes, communities and watersheds with their
intensity and resulting devastation. Approximately 75
percent of the state’s high-risk wildland-urban interface is
characterized by ponderosa pine landscapes. This fact has
been underscored by events such as the Black Tiger Fire
(1989), Buffalo Creek Fire (1996), Hi Meadow Fire (2000),
Bobcat Gulch Fire (2000), and Hayman Fire (2002) on
the Front Range, the Coal Seam Fire (2002) in Glenwood
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Kent Grant
In Colorado, where ponderosa pine forests occur on a
greater diversity of sites and in varied vegetative combinations, the departure from historic conditions seems most
pronounced in the southwest part of the state and at elevations between 5,500 and 8,000 feet along the Front Range.
Ponderosa pine trees provide a wide range
of benefits to Colorado’s communities
and visitors.
Land managers, policymakers, homeowners and
community leaders have joined researchers in
asking questions such as:
• Are these fires natural?
• Did they occur at this size and severity prior to
human settlement?
• What role does the forest’s condition play?
• Can the forest be restored to a more sustainable
Ponderosa pine forests occur on a wide variety of
and diverse site conditions in Colorado.
• How can land managers reduce risks to communities from fire?
• Can ecological restoration and risk reduction be accomplished simultaneously?
Peter Barth
Springs and the Missionary Ridge Fire (2002)
outside of Durango. The need to address this
combined community and resource protection
challenge has prompted increased attention to
ponderosa pine forests and their management.
While the answers are not unanimous, a strong consensus is building around the need for reduction of
forest fuels to protect communities and on the benefits of ecological restoration in selected ponderosa
pine forests. Questions persist about the need for restoration activities at higher elevations in Colorado,
but the importance of risk reduction in those areas remains.
In some Colorado communities, people representing diverse interests have come together to explore
solutions to ponderosa pine management on the ground. Projects such as the Ponderosa Pine Partnership
in southwest Colorado and the Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership involve multiple ownerships,
interests and disciplines; apply science to management practices; and monitor results to inform future
actions. Many of these coalitions are also exploring related management challenges such as fuel treatment
costs, disposal or utilization of resulting woody materials, and the need for broad public engagement and
Community Wildfire Protection Plans, as described in the recently passed Healthy Forests Restoration
Act (P.L. 108-148), provide a much-needed vehicle for bringing together diverse local interests to discuss
their mutual concerns for public safety, community sustainability and natural resources. Participation
in this planning process will allow communities to assess fuels treatment needs in a broader, solutionoriented context that also considers ecosystem restoration issues, fire response capability and individual
responsibility for home-site protection.
Ponderosa pine forests are literally in the backyards of many Colorado communities. The condition of
these forests impacts water quality and quantity, the availability of healthy wildlife habitat, opportunities
for scenic and recreational experiences, and the ability of both residents and visitors to safely and sustainably enjoy their desired quality of life.
Ponderosa pine forests represent Colorado’s best opportunity to combine research and public values in a
way that both improves community protection and increases ecological resilience.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Ponderosa Pine Overview
Keith Wood
Scottish botanical explorer David Douglas first
identified the ponderosa pine in 1826 while traveling
in the Pacific Northwest. He subsequently named
it in recognition of its heavy, or ponderous, wood.
Studies of packrat middens indicate that ponderosa
pine existed in northern New Mexico 11,000 -12,000
years ago and reached the area near Colorado
Springs about 5,000 years ago (Julio Betancourt pers.
comm.). Now widely distributed throughout western North America, ponderosa pine forests occupy approximately
three million acres in Colorado and grow on sites with a wide range
of topographic and environmental conditions.
Paige Lewis
The broad spreading branches, long, bundled needles and generally conical form of the ponderosa pine
(Pinus ponderosa scopulorum) are familiar to many Coloradoans who live, work and recreate in their midst.
Its tall trunks and relatively high branches provide
an ideal space for shaded picnics, and its rough,
furrowed bark is said to give off the scent of vanilla
when warmed by the sun. Many birds and small
animals such as mice, chipmunks and squirrels prize
the seeds from its moderate-sized cones.
Elevation and moisture availability are key factors in determining
where ponderosa pine occurs, which plant communities accompany
Thick bark and long protective
it, and how fire and other ecological processes function within the
needles enable ponderosa pine
trees to survive low-intensity
forest. Although ponderosa pine is most common in Colorado’s
surface fires.
montane life zone, between 6,000 – 9,000 feet, it begins to appear on
the landscape at around 5,000 feet, where prairies and shrublands transition into open ponderosa forests.
At these lower elevations, ponderosa pine may occur in pure stands or mixed with piñon pine, juniper,
and oak brush. Extensive patches of grassland or shrubs are also common.
Merrill Kaufmann
As elevations increase, ponderosa pine may be found in combination with Douglas-fir and aspen, particularly on wetter, or mesic, sites and north-facing slopes. In the upper montane zone, usually at or above 7,500
feet in the Front Range, ponderosa pine may be found in pure stands on dry, or xeric, sites. But at these elevations, it more commonly makes a transition into
mixed conifer stands that may include lodgepole
and limber pine as well as aspen and Douglas-fir.
Elevation and moisture help determine the type of
forest that occurs on a particular site.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Climate, soils, topography and disturbance patterns combine to determine the unique structure
and composition of a forest. These environmental
factors also shape the historic range of variability, or
diversity of conditions, that could exist in a particular forest ecosystem over time. An understanding of the dynamic processes that created a forest
landscape can aid managers in determining what
steps to take in restoring that landscape to more
historic and/or resilient conditions.
Ecology and Agents of Change
Like many of Colorado’s forests, ponderosa pine landscapes are characterized as disturbance driven, meaning they evolved with natural cycles of wildfire, insect and disease infestations, flooding and windstorms.
Although insects and diseases such as mountain pine beetle and dwarf mistletoe have played a key role
in shaping the state’s ponderosa pine forests, the primary disturbance agent – prior to Euro-American
settlement – was wildfire. Since 1860, human activities such as timber harvest, grazing, fire suppression
and urban development have been significant catalysts for change.
The influence of Native Americans on historical fire regimes is difficult to reconstruct and therefore
unclear. Evidence suggests that they used fire to alter landscapes, but it is likely that the impact of these
fires was localized in space and time.
Ponderosa pine is particularly well adapted to
survive low-intensity fire. It has thick bark that
insulates the cambium from heat, long sparse
needles that shield buds, and branches that selfprune at the base of the crown, thereby reducing
the chance that fire will climb into the canopy
(Oliver and Ryker 1990). There is ample evidence
that in historic landscapes trees exposed to fire
often survived, even when damaged. Surviving
trees frequently recorded both the year and season
of the fire in their growth rings, providing a valuable source of information for forest researchers
(Stokes and Smiley 1968, Brown et al. 1999).
Merrill Kaufmann
Frequent cycles of surface fire served to rejuvenate
many pre-settlement ponderosa pine forests.
These adaptations caused ponderosa pine to be
favored over more fire sensitive species such as
Douglas-fir, which has thinner bark when young, more dense and compact foliage and branches that
extend close to the ground. Low-severity surface fires could move through historical ponderosa pine
forests in a cleansing rather than damaging way. Pine needles, grasses, shrubs and competing conifer
seedlings would be consumed, while established and mature ponderosa pines often survived and thrived
with increased access to light, water and nutrients.
Periodically, small groups of older trees were killed by cycles of bark beetles, resulting in openings in
the canopy conducive to the establishment of new pine seedlings. These young trees would gradually
be thinned by competition, insects, disease and fire, eventually replacing the older trees that previously
occupied the site (Brown and Aplet 2000). Occasional episodes of crown fire also resulted in scattered
meadows and persistent openings on the landscape.
Fire behavior is shaped by interactions between vegetative fuels, weather and topography. Patterns of fire
severity and frequency over time and space are known as fire regimes. Regional differences in historic fire
regimes resulted in a variety of forest stands and landscapes in Colorado and throughout the West.
Two main types of fire regimes exist in ponderosa pine. In surface-fire regimes, relatively frequent low to
moderate intensity fires burned throughout forest stands with little mortality in the forest canopy. In
mixed-severity fire regimes, fires burned somewhat less frequently and with variable intensity, consuming
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Surface-fire regimes were particularly common
in ponderosa forests of the southwestern United
States where predictable summer rainfall, longer
growing seasons and the influences of the El
Nino climatic cycle caused fires to occur about
every three to seven years, with most fires having
no stand-replacing component (Covington and
Moore 1994, Woolsey 1911). Resulting landscapes
were often described as open and park-like, characterized by scattered mature trees. Crown fires
were exceedingly rare.
USDA Forest Service
whole patches of forest in some areas while leaving other areas with little or no canopy mortality
at all.
Historical ponderosa pine forests in the Southwest
were often described as open and park-like.
Merrill Kaufmann
Researchers have found that Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests historically exhibited a broad
range of fire patterns, depending on their geographic location, elevation and related environmental
conditions. In lower-elevation forests of southwest Colorado, fires in ponderosa pine were frequent and
largely burned as surface fires, much like those in Arizona and New Mexico (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004).
Scientists working in the San Juan Mountains found historical fire intervals of 6-10 years in low elevation
ponderosa pine forests and 18-28 years in high elevation mixed conifer forests.
Fire regimes along Colorado’s Front Range appear
to differ from north to south and along an elevational gradient. While regular climatic cycles play
a critical role in regulating fire in the southwest
(Swetnam and Betancourt 1990), summer monsoon moisture is less reliable on the Front Range
and has been shown to decrease in influence in the
northern parts of the state (Woodhouse and Brown
2001). In addition, the Front Range’s cold, less productive soils caused surface fuels to build up and
dry out more slowly, making them less likely to
support regular cycles of surface fire. Historic fire
intervals in these forests could be 50 years or more.
Variable fire regimes and site conditions produced
a range of ponderosa pine landscapes in Colorado.
Over the past decade, extensive research has been
conducted into historical fire cycles in both the
lower and upper montane zones of the Front Range.1 While these studies differ with regard to their impliMixed severity fires burn intensely in some areas
while leaving other patches of forest less affected
or even untouched.
The use of the terms upper montane and lower montane stems from a study of forest types in Rocky Mountain National Park and east toward
the plains (Peet 1981). In this study, the elevation at which the transition between life zones occurs appears to be around 8,000 feet. At
the higher elevations, ponderosa pine exists in either pure stands or with a mix of other conifer species, usually at densities referred to
as ‘forest,’ and normally on drier sites. At lower elevations, types having a significant ponderosa pine component are often classified as
‘woodland,’ meaning they are more open in nature. These lower elevation forests generally, and occur across a much wider moisture
range, with forests on moister lower elevation sites having higher densities, more dominance by Douglas-fir, and less dominance by
ponderosa pine.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
cations for forest management, the resulting body of research provides valuable insights into the pre-settlement conditions of Colorado’s ponderosa pine and the extent to which current forests are outside the
historic range of conditions that could have existed prior to Euro-American settlement.
Lower Montane Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Front Range
Since 1994, scientists from the Rocky Mountain
Research Station of the USDA Forest Service have
conducted an extensive research program on
ponderosa pine / Douglas-fir forests in the lower
montane life zone of the South Platte watershed
southwest of Denver (Kaufmann et al. 2000 a and
b, 2001, 2003 and Huckaby et al. 2001). This 7,500acre landscape, which now surrounds Denver
Water’s Cheesman Lake, was unique prior to the
2002 Hayman Fire because it was not logged and
had been fenced to exclude livestock grazing since
1905. Although most of the landscape was severely
burned in the Hayman Fire, sampling and research
prior to the event yielded rich information about the
area’s fire history.
Denver Water
Fires in the lower montane forests at Cheesman
Lake, and elsewhere in the South Platte watershed, historically were less frequent than reported
in southwestern Colorado or near the grassland
Historical forests around Cheesman Lake were
/ woodland transition zone of the Front Range.
much more open and diverse than many current
Ignitions of small, low-intensity fires undoubtedly
ponderosa pine landscapes.
occurred, but they generally left behind little or no
evidence in the form of fire scars. For these forests, longer periods of time between fires resulted in the
accumulation of vegetative fuels and fuel ladders,
which would allow surface fires to climb into
forest crowns.
Prior to the 2002 Hayman Fire, the modern-day
forests around Cheesman Lake resembled many
lower montane forests along the Front Range.
Merrill Kaufmann
A number of large fires occurred around the area
now occupied by Cheesman Lake, burning a
significant part of the landscape roughly every 50
years. It took an average of 75 years for an area
equivalent to the entire landscape to burn. These
fires were mixed in severity, including both surface
fire and patchy, lethal overstory fire.
Most of the historic landscape exhibited sparse
canopy cover, with the amount of land area covered by tree crowns ranging from 0 to 30 percent.
Actual tree densities varied from 0 to 20-40 trees
per acre depending on past fires and seedling
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
establishment patterns. Ponderosa pine was dominant on all but north-facing slopes, where Douglas-fir
dominated steeper areas.
Ponderosa pine or ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests similar to those found in Douglas and Jefferson
Counties have also been identified in lower elevation portions of the Big Thompson and Poudre River
watersheds in Larimer County and in some portions of Boulder County. Fire histories observed in several
northern Front Range sites suggest similar fire behavior patterns (Brown and Shepperd 2001), though
landscape-scale analyses similar to those made possible by the historically intact Cheesman landscape are
not available.
Upper Montane Ponderosa Pine Forests in
the Front Range
Merrill Kaufmann
Forest ecologists from the University of Colorado
at Boulder and other institutions have conducted
studies of historic fire regimes in upper montane
ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests around
the area of Boulder and Larimer Counties (Veblen
and Donnegan 2004, Ehle and Baker 2003). These
studies reveal a historic variety of forest landscapes ranging from pure ponderosa pine stands
to complex mixtures of species, tree densities
and distributions on the ground (Veblen et al.
Upper montane forests exhibit a more complex
2001, Sherriff 2004). While ponderosa pine and
mixture of species, tree densities and
Douglas-fir are common components of the upper
distribution patterns.
montane zone, research suggests that the ecology
of this zone may be significantly different from that of lower elevations.
A growing body of evidence in northeast Colorado suggests that mixed conifer forests in the upper montane zone, which typically include some lodgepole pine, were often characterized historically by a mixed
severity fire regime. Fires of this pattern would burn along the forest floor in some places while consuming patches or even entire stands of trees in others, leaving a complex pattern of species dominance, age
structure and other forest conditions across the landscape (Huckaby and Kaufmann unpublished data,
Sherriff, 2004). It is widely suggested that these fires would decrease in frequency but could increase
in severity with rising elevations. Patterns of fire frequency at higher elevations are strongly driven by
regional drought.
Euro-American Settlement
Euro-American settlement brought dramatic change to Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests, resulting in
a greater departure from historical conditions that in any other forest type in the state. Although Native
American activity cannot be discounted, it does not appear to have impacted natural fire cycles to the
extent of post-1850 activity (Cassells 1983).
Good access, even in winter, made ponderosa pine forests a prime resource for early settlers. Timber harvests supplied lumber for homes and businesses and supported mining, railroad construction and other
industrial development. Initial logging entries generally removed the larger, predominantly old growth
component of historical ponderosa pine landscapes. Subsequent harvests removed many of the remaining trees. This activity opened the forest canopy and disturbed the soil, resulting in conditions favorable
for the germination and establishment of dense crops of new seedlings (Kaufmann et al. 2000a).
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Grazing became excessive in many settled areas, and overgrazing was common during drought years
early in the 20th century. The Manitou Experimental Forest northwest of Colorado Springs was established in the late 1930s to help address impacts of overgrazing. In many forests, the disruption of regular
fire cycles may have begun with heavy livestock grazing because it reduced grasses and other fine fuels
that once carried surface fires across the landscape. Large numbers of new tree seedlings thrived in an
environment with reduced competition from grasses and forbs.
As Euro-American populations expanded across the West, the risk of large-scale wildfires became
increasingly unacceptable. During the early twentieth century, federal land managers instituted a policy
of aggressive fire suppression in an effort to protect budding communities and critical natural resources.
The regular fire cycles that had once promoted diversity and resilience in many forest ecosystems were
essentially eliminated by this policy. Subsequent research revealed that fire scars that had formed on
trees fairly regularly prior to Euro-American settlement abruptly ceased, indicating that a major natural
disturbance process had been disrupted (Brown et al. 1999, Brown and Shepperd 2001, Grissino-Meyer et
al. 2004, Veblen et al. 2000).
The second half of the twentieth century brought
a different kind of human impact on forests in
the form of increasing numbers of people building homes and communities in the midst of
previously wildland settings. In Colorado, this
wildland-urban interface primarily exists in the
ponderosa pine forests that cover the lower-elevation foothills and mountains within commuting
distance of larger towns and cities. An estimated
600,000 to 750,000 Coloradans currently live in
areas characterized by fire-prone ponderosa pine
USDA Forest Service
The combination of grazing, logging and fire
exclusion during post-1850 settlement contributed
to the establishment and survival of millions of
young ponderosa pine seedlings that would grow
to maturity in the absence of fire and without its
renewing, regenerative influence.
Cattle were often used to haul logs during the
nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Consequences of Change
The disruption of natural disturbance cycles has transformed millions of acres of forest and woodland in
Colorado and throughout much of the West (USDA Forest Service 2000a). Thousands of acres of dense,
homogeneous forest now characterize landscapes that once sustained a complex mosaic of forest density,
size and age. There is general agreement that many of these landscapes are increasingly vulnerable to
unnaturally large and severe wildfires. Such events pose a tremendous risk to the lives and property of
surrounding communities and threaten the long-term sustainability of traditional forest values such as
wildlife habitat, watershed integrity, and cultural and aesthetic considerations. The question that remains
is what, if anything, should be done to reduce this risk and restore more resilient forest conditions?
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Current Conditions
Colorado State Forest Service
Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests, particularly at lower elevations, are arguably more adversely affected
by altered disturbance cycles than are other forest types in the state. Dense forest regeneration in the
wake of grazing, logging and fire suppression resulted in vast stands of trees having approximately the
same age and size. The lack of subsequent disturbance allowed most of these trees to survive, creating
continuous canopies of pine trees that are now under stress from competition for resources. One consequence of this condition is that when disturbances such as insect outbreaks and fire do occur, the existing
forest does not have either the diversity or resilience needed to survive the event. Many existing lower
elevation forests are unsustainable in their present condition.
There are approximately 3 million acres of ponderosa
pine in Colorado.
Throughout the lower-elevation ponderosa pine /
Douglas-fir zone of Colorado, current ponderosa
pine forests differ from historical forests at both
the larger landscape scale and smaller stand level.
Where there were once open park-like landscapes
in the southwest and more fragmented, complex
landscapes along the Front Range, both supporting large numbers of old trees, there are now
more dense, younger and less diverse ponderosa
pine forests extending across large areas of the
entire state.
In many locations, stands that were historically
pure or nearly pure ponderosa pine now include
competing species such as Douglas-fir and piñon
pine. Shrubs such as mountain mahogany and
Gambel oak have also grown up in the understories, creating ladder fuels that can carry fire from
the ground to the crowns of large trees.
Increased competition for resources has also made these forests more vulnerable to attack from insects
and disease. This has been particularly true during the last decade of the twentieth century and early part
of the twenty-first, when warmer temperatures
and several years of extreme drought left ponderosa pine – and less drought-tolerant trees –
struggling just to survive. While ponderosa pine
evolved with cycles of disturbance from native
insects and disease, current conditions have made
those cycles longer and more widespread in some
A dramatic consequence of the current condition of ponderosa pine and other forests across
Colorado has been the advent of larger and more
severe fires than previously recorded. The 1989
Black Tiger Fire near Boulder forewarned of an
impending shift in fire behavior, particularly for
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Dan Wand
Fire Size and Severity
Trees in this dense ponderosa pine forest east of
Bayfield face intense competition for light, water
and nutrients.
In 1996, the Buffalo Creek Fire burned nearly
12,000 acres of ponderosa pine forest in the South
Platte watershed southwest of Denver. The majority of the fire burned so severely that entire stands
of forest were consumed and soils became resistant to water absorption, prompting subsequent
flooding and severe erosion. In 2000, the Bobcat
Gulch fire near Fort Collins and the Hi Meadow
fire south of Denver burned over 10,000 acres each
and destroyed more than 60 homes.
Merrill Kaufmann
ponderosa pine sites along the Front Range. The
fire quickly burned 2,100 acres and 44 homes and
other structures. While the Black Tiger Fire was
viewed as somewhat of an aberration, subsequent
fires set a pattern of large, rapidly moving, standreplacing fires, many of which burned with devastating severity.
Post-settlement land use patterns resulted in dense,
homogenous stands of ponderosa pine at increased
risk from wildfire.
The combination of drought, stressed forest conditions and extreme weather patterns made 2002 the
state’s most dramatic fire year yet, with the majority of fire events burning in moderately to extremely
dense ponderosa pine forests. The Schoonover, Snaking and Hayman wildfires burned on the same landscape previously impacted by the Buffalo Creek and Hi Meadow fires.
The Missionary Ridge Fire outside of Durango, the Burn Canyon Fire near Telluride and the Spring Complex west of Trinidad indicated that the problem was not limited to the Front Range.
The Hayman Fire grew to be Colorado’s largest fire in recorded history, burning 138,000 acres and 133
homes and incurring suppression costs of $39 million. Prior to 2002, the state’s largest fire was the 14,000
acre Black Ridge Fire in La Plata County. Reports of conditions on the Hayman fire were similar to those
from other fire events that year: dense, extremely dry ponderosa pine forests with thick understory vegetation, the lowest fuel moisture levels in thirty years, and extreme, wind-driven fire behavior.
Merrill Kaufmann
In areas of Colorado where surface fires occurred
historically, these kind of high-severity crown fires
are highly atypical. Even in areas with mixedseverity regimes, the size of the patches created by
recent fires appears to be considerably larger than
occurred historically.
The 2002 Schoonover Fire was just one of several
large-scale wildfires to burn in Colorado’s
ponderosa pine forests in recent years.
In both situations, the occurrence of crown
fires with large areas of complete tree mortality is inconsistent with ecological sustainability
(Kaufmann 2000b, 2001). Large crown fires reset
the ponderosa pine landscape to an unforested
condition. Unlike lodgepole pine, which regenerates naturally after an intense fire, a ponderosa
pine stand may only regenerate from the fire’s
perimeter where mature trees provide a seed
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
source. Reestablishment of older forests takes at least several centuries, as the old-growth condition does
not occur until individual trees are about 200 years old (Kaufmann 1996). Re-formation of soils and recovery of genetic diversity takes even longer.
The increase in widespread and destructive wildfires in Colorado is cause for particular alarm in
the wildland-urban interface, where increasing
numbers of homes, businesses and other components of community infrastructure are intermingled with high-risk forest fuels. Approximately
75 percent of Colorado’s communities-at-risk from
wildfire, a total of 1,274 communities, are characterized by or lie within one mile of ponderosa pine
forests. Nearly 45 percent of Colorado’s ponderosa
pine forests are in private ownership.
The fires of 2002 forced more than 81,000 people
to flee their homes, sometimes more than once,
Approximately 75 percent of Colorado’s
and resulted in the destruction of 384 primary
communities at risk from wildfire are
residences and 624 other structures. Much of the
characterized by ponderosa pine forests.
season’s $152 million in suppression costs was
driven by the need to use all available resources to protect life and property in the wildland-urban interface. In addition to the loss of homes, communities reported numerous other personal and economic
impacts including loss of business and tourism; damage to power, telephone and water utilities; and
health impacts from reduced air quality.
Colorado State Forest Service
Human Lives and Communities
Merrill Kaufmann
Firefighters consider the interface zone one of the most dangerous and complicated firefighting situations
they face (Keller 2003). Fire suppression in the wildland-urban interface demands training, procedures,
and equipment for both structural and wildland fire. Interface incidents also present additional challenges, including: community evacuation; hazardous material response; narrow access to structures;
uncertain water supply; communication and coordination between multiple jurisdictions; extraordinary
values-at-risk; and heightened public and media attention.
The proliferation of people and structure in the
forest dramatically increases the values threatened
by wildfire.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Human presence in the forest also increases the
risk of human-caused fires. While abandoned
campfires and carelessly discarded cigarettes are
well-known fire hazards, home or land owner
activities also result in wildland fires. Furthermore, homes and structures represent a tremendous fuel source. Flammable building materials,
the presence of hazardous household chemicals
and fuel tanks, and dense vegetation in the surrounding landscape can increase the intensity
of an oncoming fire or the escape of a domestic
fire. Ironically, development in the interface often
limits land managers’ ability to implement hazard
reduction tools such as forest thinning and prescribed fire.
Watershed Integrity
Tom Wardle
Healthy watersheds are not as vulnerable to
ecological events outside the historical range of
variability. Evidence of ash layers in deep sediment exposed after the Buffalo Creek fire (Elliott
and Parker, 2001) suggests significant fire and erosion events over a period of two thousand years,
though the size and severity of earlier fires may be
difficult to gauge.
Watersheds become ecologically unhealthy when
major ecosystem components and processes
change and the system becomes vulnerable to
Healthy forests contribute to water quality and
events that are outside the historical norm. Such
productive aquatic habitat.
is the case for many watersheds currently forested
with ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir in Colorado.
This has been particularly true in the Upper South Platte watershed and other areas of the Front Range in
the lower montane zone (Wohl 2001).
Fire ecologists use the term burn severity to refer to the effects of fire on soil conditions and hydrologic function. In general, the denser the pre-fire vegetation and the longer the fire burns on a particular site, the more
severe the impacts on soil and its ability to absorb and process water. High severity wildfires remove virtually all living forest vegetation above the ground, including trees, shrubs and grasses, and consume fallen
needles, decomposed roots and other elements of ground cover or duff that protect forest soils.
The loss of critical surface vegetation leaves forested slopes extremely vulnerable to large-scale soil erosion and flooding during subsequent storm events. These risks threaten the communities and natural
resources downstream, but can also adversely affect watershed integrity over the long-term. The presence
of highly erosive soils in several parts of the state, and weather patterns that frequently bring heavy rains
after fire season, can result in difficult and expensive challenges long-after the fires are out. In 2002, at
least 26 municipal water storage facilities were closed due to wildfire impacts.
Public and private entities invest millions of dollars to implement emergency measures that protect
people, communities and critical resources from post-fire events such as flooding, erosion, mudslides,
and related degradation of water supplies and storage facilities. In the wake of the 2002 wildfire season,
federal agencies invested more than $26 million in emergency rehabilitation, while at least $16 million
was invested to shore-up non-federal lands.
Even in the absence of large, severe fires, watershed conditions may be negatively affected by increased
forest density. Lower montane forests in northeast Colorado provide relatively small amounts of annual
runoff and are not considered a potential source for increasing the water available for human use. Nonetheless, in such dry ecosystems, even limited runoff can provide significant support to riparian vegetation in portions of watersheds supplied by intermittent or seasonal water flow. With high forest densities,
such intermittent flow is reduced or even eliminated, and it is likely that the extent of riparian communities in many watersheds has been reduced.
Habitat and Biodiversity
The natural biodiversity of Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests developed over a period of many centuries.
Mule deer and Rocky Mountain elk live throughout these forests along with several smaller mammals
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
including chipmunks and voles. Many bird species
are also seen, including
Changes to ponderosa pine forests during the last
few decades have been particularly rapid and extensive, threatening the sustainability of diverse plant
and wildlife communities. Wide-ranging wildlife
species, such as deer and elk, that are accustomed to
open forests and woodlands at lower elevations have
found less suitable habitat in recent years.
Colorado State Forest Service
Steller’s jay, brown creeper, white and red-breasted
nuthatches, juncos, red-shafted flicker, and the colorful western tanager. The tassel-eared Abert’s squirrel
uses the tree for nesting, food and shelter and is a
distinctive inhabitant of ponderosa pine forests on
the central and southern Colorado Plateau.
Ponderosa pine forests provide valuable habitat
for several wildlife species in Colorado.
While this is an extreme example, it documents
the potential for ecological harm when the ponderosa pine system has reached conditions that
are considered unsustainable. Equally serious is
the threat of invasion by non-native species. This
is a particular concern in burned areas because
exotic plants can impede or prevent the re-establishment of native vegetation and associated
Michael H. Francis ©
Threatened or endangered species have been put at risk by habitat reduction caused by increases in
both forest density and fire severity. In the Upper South Platte watershed of the Front Range, the habitat
required by the Pawnee montane skipper, a threatened butterfly, is open forest woodland with grassy
meadows that include blue grama grass and prairie gayfeather, the butterfly’s preferred forage. This
habitat has been reduced dramatically in recent decades. The viability of the Pawnee montane skipper
was even further threatened by recent drought and by the destruction of 40 percent of its known habitat
in the 2002 Hayman and Schoonover fires. Subsequent skipper populations dipped to about 5 percent of
their known historical average (Leslie Ellwood, pers. comm.).
Weed seeds are carried into burned areas by
wind, clothing, vehicles, soil erosion, flooding and
sometimes through aerial seeding or failure to
use weed-free erosion-control materials. Species
of primary concern in Colorado include orange
The Abert’s squirrel is a distinctive inhabitant of
hawkweed, spotted knapweed, yellow toadflax,
ponderosa pine forests on the central and southern
leafy spurge and cheatgrass. Studies of underColorado Plateau.
story plant diversity before and after the Hayman
fire indicated the presence of 16 non-native plant species on the post-fire landscape (Fornwalt et al. 2003).
The ecological and economic consequences of species invasions vary, but analyses leave little doubt that
under certain circumstances the costs can be enormous if left unchecked. Early detection and treatment,
followed by subsequent monitoring, are essential to maintaining the ecological integrity of areas affected
by fire.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Management Options
The current condition of many ponderosa pine forests in Colorado threatens the long-term sustainability
of diverse natural resource values and poses a more immediate hazard to human lives and property in
the wildland-urban interface. Land managers, policymakers, homeowners and community leaders have
joined researchers in asking what should be done to address this challenge.
The answers are complex and varied. Determining a viable course of action in any particular forested
landscape requires an analysis of: the historic conditions that shaped that landscape, the current conditions that exist on the ground, the desired future condition for the landscape, and the social, political and
economic realities that may affect the extent to which that desired condition can be achieved.
Land owners and managers can address the current condition of Colorado’s ponderosa pine forests by
reducing vegetative fuels to protect homes and communities, by improving the resiliency of the forest
through broader ecological restoration or by combining the two approaches.
There is broad agreement that strategic fuels reduction is needed to reduce wildfire risks to human lives
and structures. There is also agreement that in many lower elevation ponderosa pine forests, risk reduction and ecological restoration can often be achieved simultaneously.
In higher elevation forests, where historic fire patterns were more complex, it is unclear whether fuel
reduction treatments to reduce risks to human communities would also contribute to ecological restoration and/or a return to pre-settlement conditions. Also, in many areas, the existence of human development itself may preclude certain management options and complicate large-scale implementation.
Ecological / Landscape Restoration
Landscape restoration requires that forest conditions be improved at a large enough scale to affect the
behavior of ecological processes such as fire. To attempt this kind of restoration means looking beyond a
group of homes to be protected or even an individual forest stand. It involves working at a landscape or
watershed scale and assessing the historic range of variability that existed there. Management considerations should include soil conditions, hydrology, and species and habitat diversity, as well as cycles of fire
and other disturbances that produced the resulting composition of the forest.
Merrill Kaufmann
In the ponderosa pine forests of southwest Colorado and portions of the Front Range, current
forest density is likely a result of prior logging
and grazing and more recent fire suppression.
Thus, the thinning of smaller trees and the reintroduction of low-intensity surface fire would
contribute to the restoration of historic conditions and lead to increased forest resiliency. To be
truly effective, these treatments would need to be
implemented at large enough scales to reduce the
likelihood of large, stand-replacing fires and to
restore the diversity in age, size, density and species distribution created by natural fire in historical landscapes (Romme et al. 2003). After initial
Forest managers reduced tree densities and created
openings on this landscape near Trumbull in hopes
of restoring historical conditions and resilience.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
treatments, regular prescribed burning would likely be needed to maintain the critical role of fire in the
At higher elevations and on more moist sites along the Front Range, fire exclusion probably has had
less influence on current ponderosa pine forest densities. Research suggests that in some of these areas,
natural fires in the early 19th century prompted regeneration of the dense, even-aged stands seen today
(Veblen 2002). Restoration of historical conditions in these forests would require a component of highintensity large-scale fire, an activity that would be unsafe in many locations due to the existence of
human development.
Fuels Treatment / Hazard Reduction
Hazardous fuel treatments remove live or dead
vegetation in order to reduce the potential for
large or intense wildland fire. They also aim to
improve opportunities for firefighters to operate safely in suppressing fire and to increase the
ability of forests to survive a wildfire. Values
slated for protection often include municipal
watersheds, critical species and habitats, cultural
resources, and scenic and recreational opportunities.
Dave Root
The National Fire Plan, the Ten Year Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to Communities
and the Environment, the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, and many other federal, state and local policies
emphasize fuels reduction as a means of lessening wildfire risks to people and communities. In
contrast to ecological restoration, fuel reduction
projects tend to focus specifically on mitigating
risks to people, homes, communities or critical
infrastructure and resources.
When tree crowns are close together or touching,
fire can spread quickly through the forest canopy.
Forest fuels are divided into three basic categories
(O’Brian 2004):
• Crown Fuels – Live and dead material in the canopies of trees
• Surface Fuels – Grass, shrubs, litter and woody debris in contact with the ground surface
• Ground Fuels – Organic soil, duff, and buried wood.
The fire hazard for a particular area is determined by assessing the potential magnitude of fire behavior and resulting ecological effects based on the type, density, condition and continuity of fuels on the
ground. Fire behavior is also influenced by fuel moisture and wind patterns.
Thinning, or mechanical treatment, is a silvicultural practice that reduces forest density by removing some
portion of trees and shrubs from a site. This, in turn, reduces the amount and continuity of live or dead
fuels. With less fuel to burn, potential fire intensity and spread rates are lessened. Additional benefits
include improved forest vigor and resiliency.
Thinning from below is the most common treatment used to reduce wildfire risk in ponderosa pine forests.
This technique involves removing only small to mid-sized trees while leaving larger trees that are more
resistant to fire. Thinning from below reduces both ladder and canopy fuels and lessens the chance that
surface fires will climb into forest crowns and result in unnaturally intense or large wildfires.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Dan Wand
Wood mastication or chipping involves grinding or chipping trees, converting them from standing live biomass to dead material on the ground. Like thinning, this technique removes fuels from the forest canopy.
Many areas currently are being treated with mulching or chipping machines because there is limited
economic demand for small diameter trees or wood chips. The long-term ecological consequences of this
approach are unclear, however, especially where large quantities of wood are deposited on the forest
Prescribed fire is another technique commonly
used in ponderosa pine forests, particularly in the
Southwest, to remove surface fuels. Prescribed
fires are planned, intentionally ignited and carefully managed to achieve a particular resource
objective. They are often intended to mimic the
natural surface fires that once moved through
these forests, but are also useful for consuming woody debris created through thinning
operations. Sometimes naturally ignited fires are
managed in a similar way if they meet a set of
predetermined conditions and objectives.
Thinning is often required prior to prescribed
burning because current forest densities can
Thinning was used in this forest near Durango to
dramatically increase or intensify fire behavior.
increase spacing and crown separation between
Prescribed burning is also a less precise tool
individual trees.
for restoring particular structural conditions to
a forest. Burning, however, releases a pulse of nutrients into forest soils that does not occur with logging. Prescribed burning is also a very effective means of maintaining restored conditions once they are
achieved. A combined treatment of thinning and prescribed fire is often the most effective.
While the effectiveness of fuel treatments in altering fire behavior is still being assessed, studies following the 2002 fire season in Colorado indicate
that treatments can be effective if implemented
at the appropriate scale. Strategically placed fuel
breaks in Mesa Verde National Park, for example,
protected critical buildings and residences from
the flames of the Long Mesa Fire. On the Hayman
Fire, the Polhemus prescribed burn site, the early
season Schoonover Fire and a thinning project at
Peter Barth
Land managers face additional challenges in implementing fuel reduction, including: the economic costs
of the treatment; the removal of subsequent woody debris; the diversity of public opinions regarding
forest management; the challenge of managing across multiple land ownerships; and the need for longterm maintenance of treatments. Overcoming
these challenges often involves reaching out to
community leaders, interest groups, and the general public, to ensure that fuel reduction projects
are in the highest priority areas and supported
Prescribed fires are used to consume surface and
ladder fuels and to restore low-intensity fire to
ponderosa pine ecosystems.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Jennifer Chase
the Manitou Experimental Forest all appeared to
successfully alter the path and lower the intensity
of the oncoming blaze (Graham 2003).
Woody materials that result from forest
management activities are often disposed of
through mechanical chipping or grinding and then
scattered on the site.
Several smaller or older treatments were not up to
Hayman’s challenge, however, and failed to deter
or change the fire’s path. These examples suggest
that fuels treatment projects achieve maximum
effectiveness when they are implemented on a
landscape scale, across ownership boundaries, and
are maintained over the long-term so that forest
regrowth does not eliminate treatment benefits.
Recent studies also show that homeowners can
significantly reduce their risk from wildfire by
taking action to reduce the flammability of their
home and surrounding landscape. Even low-level
surface fires can destroy a home if it is composed
of highly-flammable materials vulnerable to flying
embers or if it is situated on a landscape at-risk to
Homeowners in the wildland-urban interface can go a long way toward protecting themselves and
their property by following guidelines outlined by FireWise ( and similar education
programs. Common recommendations include cleaning debris from gutters; moving firewood, propane
tanks and other combustible materials away from the home; pruning trees and removing ladder fuels to
prevent surface fire from climbing into tree crowns; using fire-resistant roofing, siding and other construction materials; and ensuring safe access to the home and property for firefighters.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
A General Forest Restoration Prescription for
Front Range Ponderosa Pine
The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) works with individuals; local, state and federal land management agencies; community coalitions and a variety of other interests along the Front Range to improve
the condition of ponderosa pine and other forests. Many of these projects serve as demonstration areas
and pilot efforts to test the effectiveness of various land management treatments and to explore related
issues such as partnership building, cost-effectiveness, impacts on wildlife habitat and watersheds, and
fuels treatment technologies.
The treatment strategies listed below were developed by CSFS Forester Chuck Dennis based on
research conducted in Front Range forests and information gleaned through several years of on-theground project implementation and monitoring. The objective of this treatment prescription is to restore
forest stand conditions to the historical range of variability that existed prior to 1870 along the Front
Colorado State Forest Service
Because of differences in landscape histories,
site conditions, and political and social realities,
no single set of management recommendations
is appropriate across the entire range of ponderosa pine in Colorado. But this prescription
provides a good example of the kinds of goals
and strategies land managers consider in developing a fuels treatment or landscape restoration
Detailed Treatment Strategies
2. Reduce Stocking Levels – Reduce tree
densities to numbers more closely resembling
pre-1870 conditions by thinning from below all
post-settlement trees, except those needed to
emulate or ultimately develop pre-settlement
densities and diameter distributions. Trees-peracre prior to European settlement are estimated
at 25 to 50 or more. For mountain pine beetle
control, approximately 145 trees per acre is the
maximum level recommended, except as may
be necessary for wildlife habitat.
Before – A dense ponderosa pine forest west of
Denver prior to thinning.
Colorado State Forest Service
1. Save the Oldest Trees – When thinning,
retain most trees which pre-date grazing and
fire exclusion; trees approximately 150 to 200
years or more in age. Retain most trees of species other than ponderosa pine for diversity,
except on moist sites where encroachment by
shade- tolerant trees creates ladder fuels.
After – The same forest after thinning to protect
adjacent communities.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
3. Distribute Trees in Groups – Standing trees left after thinning operations should be grouped and
clumped in a fashion that more closely resembles pre-1870 stand structures. Even spacing of trees is
not desirable. Density should vary throughout forest stands from open pockets with no or few trees
to dense pockets of trees with up to 150 trees per acre. Within forest stands or project areas strive for
and, over time, develop irregular stand structure and spatial arrangement. Historical stand structure
appears to have been comprised of even-aged groups of trees that varied widely in size and shape.
Often two, three and sometimes more age and size groups were represented in a stand.
4. Keep Standing Dead Trees (Snag Retention) – In areas of general treatment, strive to save most
standing snags, particularly those larger than 10 inches in diameter. Retention of snags within fuel
breaks, defensible spaces, along trail and road corridors and within recreation areas must be evaluated
on an individual basis.
5. Create Openings – Openings are considered to be areas with no to very few trees and a crown
closure of 10 percent or less. Research has revealed that historic stands were extremely open, with more
than 90 percent of the landscape having crown closures of
30 percent or less. Openings of up to 40 acres or more were
found widely distributed across the landscape. Most openings were small, however, in the two to five-acre range,
with only a few of the very large openings present.
6. Conduct Prescribed Burning – Prescribed burning
should be used, where appropriate, to reduce fuel loads,
expose mineral soil, provide a nutrient flush to soils,
reduce competition and stimulate production of grasses
and forbs that may have evolved under periodic fire cycles.
Maintenance burns will likely be needed within 3 to 10
years of the initial prescribed burn to reintroduce a periodic fire regime to sites where such a regime existed previously. To reduce catastrophic fire risk as well as return fire
safely to its historical role in the ecosystem, sites often need
to have existing fuel loads reduces prior to burning.
Jennifer Chase
7. Monitor Natural Regeneration – Research has shown
that openings in the presettlement forest were persistent
and long lasting. It is important to decide early in the management of an area which openings are to be maintained
over time, as that will dictate maintenance needs. GenerRestoration of ponderosa pine forests
ally, regeneration of other areas will be by natural seeding.
often results in the rejuvenation of
If regeneration is lacking, planting can be used to achieve
native understory vegetation.
the desired density. If too many young trees in an area
survive prescribed fire, some can be removed to achieve specified density levels.
8. Manage Grazing Activity – Grazing activity should be managed and monitored during one to three
years following the initial treatment to help establish and spread grasses and forbs in the understory.
9. Work to Control Noxious Weeds – Noxious weed problems should be addressed prior to thinning
and prescribed burning to reduce their potential for spread. Learn and apply the proper cultivation and
control tools, including grazing and proper timing of fire that can reduce the spread potential of weeds.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Community Actions
In communities throughout the state, people representing diverse interests have come together to explore
on-the-ground solutions to ponderosa pine management. The most successful of these efforts involve
multiple ownerships, use the best available scientific information, and monitor treatment results in order
to improve future actions. Many of these coalitions are also exploring related management challenges
such as fuel treatment costs, disposal of resulting woody materials, and the need for broad public engagement and support.
Community Wildfire Protection Plans, as described in the recently passed Healthy Forests Restoration Act,
provide a new vehicle for bringing together diverse local interests to discuss their mutual concerns for
public safety, community sustainability and natural resources. Participation in this planning process will
allow communities to assess fuels treatment needs in a broader, solution-oriented context that also considers ecosystem restoration issues, fire response capability and individual responsibility for home-site
• Ponderosa Pine Forest Partnership
Carla Harper
The Ponderosa Pine Forest Partnership began in 1992 with a meeting in Dolores, Colorado to discuss concerns over forest conditions, wildfire risks, and the steady decline occurring in the local timber industry.
From this meeting came a coalition of federal and
state land managers, scientists, local government
officials and timber industry representatives that
was committed to finding a sustainable solution to
both of these challenges.
Community leaders, scientists, land managers
and industry representatives joined to make the
Ponderosa Pine Forest Partnership a success.
Partnership members designed an innovative
restoration experiment that incorporated both
ecological and economic objectives. The treatment prescription was based on a recent scientific
assessment (by Dr. Bill Romme) that revealed current forest densities to be much higher than prior
to Euro-American settlement. The treatment’s four
main goals were to: (1) reduce canopy density and
restore small openings and clumps of trees similar
to those found in pre-1880 stands; (2) reintroduce
low-intensity fire; (3) stimulate greater productivity in understory vegetation; and (4) provide
timber for local sawmills.
The Partnership, through a variety of contractors, conducted treatments from 1995 to 1998. All treatments
involved ecological monitoring and research and many tested new harvesting and wood utilization
techniques. In 2001, a scientific review team endorsed the Partnership’s approach and encouraged them
to expand their treatments on the landscape. Although the financial costs of treatment remain a challenge,
the Partnership has experience no legal challenges and continues to work towards the goal of implementing and refining an ecologically and economically sound prescription for restoration of ponderosa pine in
southwestern Colorado. They credit their success to early involvement from researchers and stakeholders
and solid support from the local community.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
• Greater Laramie Foothills Project
The Greater Laramie Foothills Project encompasses approximately 700,000 acres in north-central Colorado where altered fire regimes have been determined to pose a significant threat to ecological sustainability. The Project is one of three in Colorado to be incorporated into the Nature Conservancy’s Fire
Learning Network. Through this Network, the Nature Conservancy and their diverse partners hope
to accelerate ecological restoration on high priority landscapes by fostering innovation and technology
transfer in regional learning networks.
In addition to ponderosa pine woodlands, the Laramie Foothills landscape includes cliff and canyon
systems, mixed grass prairie, shrublands, pinyon-juniper woodlands and juniper savanna. Restoration of
ponderosa pine conditions is Project members’ highest priority due to the potential impacts of large-scale
or high-intensity wildfire on both communities and natural resources. Representatives from the Project’s
core team have participated in a number of workshops across the nation designed to help Learning
Network affiliates approach landscape restoration through an ecologically sound and community-based
Work to date is founded on an assessment of historic natural conditions and the use of computer-aided
modeling to establish desired future conditions across the landscape. Participants are in the process of
identifying high-priority ponderosa pine stands for treatment and have already designed a multi-scale
monitoring plan for project implementation. Recent community meetings have increased local engagement in the Project’s efforts.
• Harris Park Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Harris Park Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) includes over 22 communities in the Platte
Canyon and Elk Creek Fire Protection Districts approximately 50 miles southwest of Denver. These communities are surrounded by mid to high elevation ponderosa pine forests, many of which have experienced severe fires within the last ten years. In addition to private ownership, the Harris Park landscape
also includes Staunton State Park and over 18,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service property.
The final stage of the Harris Park Community Wildfire
Protection Plan will involve numerous public meetings and workshops to explain the analysis and fuels
treatment options defined in the document. The Fire
Protection Districts will lead these community outreach efforts with assistance from the Colorado State
Forest Service.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Dr. Tim Rohrer
Work on the community wildfire protection plan began with an assessment of fuel hazards, fire risk and
values threatened in the Harris Park region. From this analysis, land managers established a prioritized
list of areas in need of treatment to protect communities. The next step will be to develop individual fuels
treatment plans for each high priority landscape. Prescribed treatments will include forest wide thinnings, restoration harvests, fuelbreak development
and defensible space implementation around homes.
Plan participants hope to coordinate ongoing management at Staunton State Park with future activities on
private and U.S. Forest Service land. By implementing
fuels treatment in a cross-boundary manner, they will
be able to maximize community protection opportunities.
Fuels mitigation activity in Staunton State
Park will provide a foundation for future
management in the Harris Park area.
References and Additional Reading
Brown, P. M., M. R. Kaufmann, and W. D. Shepperd. 1999. Long-term, landscape patterns of past fire
events in a ponderosa pine forest of central Colorado. Landscape Ecology 14: 513-532.
Brown, P. M. and W. D. Shepperd. 2001. Fire history and fire climatology along a 5 degree gradient in
latitude in Colorado and Wyoming, USA. Paleobotanist 50: 133-140.
Brown, R. and G. Aplet. 2000. Restoring forests and reducing fire danger in the Intermountain West with
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Cassells, S.E. 1983. The Archaeology of Colorado. Johnson Books, Boulder, CO. 80301.
Cohen, J. and R. Stratton. 2003. Home destruction within the Hayman fire perimeter. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-114, Ogden, UT. Pp. 263-292.
Covington, W.W., and M.M. Moore. 1994. Southwestern ponderosa forest structure – changes since EuroAmerican settlement. Journal of Forestry 92:39-47.
Donnegan, J. A., T. T. Veblen, and J. S. Sibold. 2001. Climatic and human influences on fire history in Pike
National Forest, central Colorado. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 1526-1539.
Ehle, D. S. and W. L. Baker. 2003. Disturbance and stand dynamics in ponderosa pine forests in Rocky
Mountain National Park, USA. Ecol. Monographs 73: 543-566.
Elliott, J. G. and R. S. Parker. 2001. Developing a post-fire flood chronology and recurrence probability
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Finney, M. A., C. W. McHugh, R. Bartlette, K. Close, and P. Langowski. 2003. Description and interpretations of fire behavior. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep.
RMRS-GTR-114, Ogden, UT. Pp. 59-95.
Fornwalt, P. J., Kaufmann, M. R., Huckaby, L. S., and Stoker, J. M. 2002. Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator to reconstruct historical stand conditions in the Colorado Front Range. USDA Forest Service,
Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-25. Pp. 108-115.
Fornwalt, P. J., M. R. Kaufmann, L. S. Huckaby, J. M. Stoker and T. J. Stohlgren. 2003. Non-native plant
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Graham, R. T., technical editor. 2003. Hayman fire case study. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain
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Hadley, K. S. and T. T. Veblen. 1993. Stand response to western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir bark
beetle outbreaks, Colorado Front Range. Can. J. For. Res. 23: 479-491.
2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
Huckaby, L. S., M. R. Kaufmann, J. M. Stoker, and P. J. Fornwalt. 2001. Landscape patterns of montane
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2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
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2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
The 2004 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests was developed by the Colorado Division of Forestry in
conjunction with Colorado State University Publications and Printing. Primary authors are Paige Lewis
(Colorado State Forest Service), Merrill R. Kauffman (USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research
Station) and Laurie S. Huckaby (USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station). Dave Leatherman of the Colorado State Forest Service contributed substantially to the 2004 Insect and Disease Update.
Special thanks to Barbara Dennis and Lisa Schmitz of Colorado State University for publication design
and production.
Additional assistance with information and photos was provided by JeriLyn Harris of the USDA Forest
Service’s Rocky Mountain Region, Carla Harper of Montezuma County and Peter Barth, Mike Bahm, Jennifer Chase, Skip Edel, Kristin Garrison, Kent Grant, Dave Root, Bob Sturtevant, Dan Wand, Keith Wood
and Scott Woods of the Colorado State Forest Service.
Front cover photos: Merrill Kaufmann, Michael H. Francis, Keith Wood, Paige Lewis
Back cover photo: Bob Sturtevant