DECEMBER 5, 2000
Members Present: Fred Hinson, Dana Edge, Nory Prochaska, Scott Philyaw, Debra Burke,
Elizabeth Addison, Don Livingston (for Robert Vartabedian), John Habel, Gary Smith, Will
Members Absent:
Fred Hinson called the meeting to order with the following announcements. Davia Allen is
unable to attend today’s meeting. She will join a meeting of our Committee in January.
The minutes from November 28th will be considered at our next meeting. The “crosswalk”
between the General Education Program and the Liberal Studies Program was presented to
the LSOC for information. The “crosswalk” has been approved by the General Education
Committee, now goes to the Council on Instruction and Curriculum for consideration, and if
approved will go to the Faculty Senate. Fred Hinson is meeting individually with department
heads to discuss the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement with the NC Community Colleges
and how the community college courses fit with WCU’s new Liberal Studies courses.
There was a discussion of possible meeting time(s) for Spring 2001, the general consensus of
the Committee was to meet Monday or Friday from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., if necessary. The
tentative starting date for meeting during Spring Semester will be Monday, January 8th, at
3:00 p.m. The Committee prefers to meet in the Rogers Room of the University Center.
Debra Burke provided the Committee with an update on SOC-103. The Committee requested
that Debra communicate again with the course proposer.
The following course proposals were reviewed:
Ø CHEM-190: This course was not approved. Nory Prochaska and Will Peebles will
talk with the course proposer.
Ø CHEM-191: This course was not approved. Gary Smith will talk with the course
Ø IET-190: This course was approved.
Ø ECON-231 This course was not approved. Debra Burke will talk with the course
Ø BIOL-106: This course was not approved. Gary Smith will talk with the course
Ø ENGL-204: The Committee began discussing this course. It presents a problem in
that English will be having courses in three perspective categories. They are:
Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts, and World Cultures. The Liberal Studies
Program has a statement which the Committee will discuss at its next meeting.
The statement is: “Each department will choose the categories of the Perspectives
to which to commit its resources. To ensure that students take courses in a
variety of disciplines, departments may offer courses in no more than two of the
perspectives categories unless they have the approval of the Associate Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs for Liberal Studies and the Oversight Committee.”
The next meeting will be on December 7, 2000 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Rogers Room of
the University Center.
The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Buchanan