October 17, 2003, 3:00
Attending: Malcolm Abel, Millie Abel, Jim Costa, Mark Couture, Fred Hinson
(chair), Kathy Hosig, Don Livingston, Brad Simms, Charles Wallis,
Jennifer Barnhart
Marsha Lee Baker, Debra Burke, Richard Starnes
1. Approval of the minutes
• The minutes from the October 6th meeting were unanimously approved.
2. Construction Management Accreditation Requirements
• Because of American Council for Construction Education accreditation requirements, the
Construction Management program will list C2 and C5 liberal studies courses that should be taken to satisfy major requirements.
• The new catalog will list MATH 144 or 145, GEOL 305, and PHYS 130 as “Liberal studies courses that must be taken for the major” in order to meet accreditation standards.
3. ECON 103 & ECON 104
• ECON 103 and ECON 104 were deleted as General Education courses.
4. LAW 306
• LAW 306: Women and the Law was approved as a P4 Upper Level Perspective.
5. Upper Level Perspectives Courses
• Originally, fifteen Upper Level Perspectives courses were proposed for the spring semester. Approximately twenty-four Upper Level Perspectives courses will be ready by the beginning of the registration process.
• HSCC 300 and ND 310 have been approved for Spring Semester 2004 by emergency action and are being proposed as Upper Level Perspectives courses.
6. Special Topics Courses Counting as Liberal Studies Courses
• Special topics courses may not be designated as liberal studies courses. If a student wishes to receive liberal studies credit for a specific special topics course, a liberal studies contract must be used.
7. Liberal Studies Document and Check Sheet Review
• Suggested changes were approved. These changes are as follows:
1. Program Requirements : Remove the phrase “program requirements” from the document.
2. C2 and C5 : C2 (Mathematics) or C5 (Physical & Biological Sciences) can meet the liberal studies requirements as well as major requirements, with the hours counting once.
3. NCCC Articulation Agreement : The NCCC Articulation Agreement will be included in the Liberal Studies Document, as well as the liberal studies requirements to be completed at other private or public colleges and universities.
4. General education/liberal studies from non-NCCC transfers : Students completing general education or liberal studies at another public or private institution besides the
NCCC system, will have their general education program evaluated by the LSOC.
5. C5 Statement on pg. 9 : Current statement: “students may take two non-liberal studies 100 or 200 level science courses with laboratory or applied components in either the same or different disciplines” should be replaced by the statement included in the check sheet: “Courses in two different disciplines are required…”
6. Minor, concentration, or DFA : Liberal studies courses can be used to meet both liberal studies requirements and minor, concentration, or disciplinary focus area requirements.
7. Contracts for Upper-Level Perspectives Courses : When a student uses a contract to take an upper level perspective course, the student must have the contract completed before the semester begins.
8. What constitutes “outside the major”: When an upper level perspective course meets a student’s major, the credit hours for that course will not be counted toward the total of 18 hours of Liberal Studies Perspectives. In this situation that student will take an additional elective liberal studies course in any Perspective category outside the major (courses of the same prefix in the same discipline).
A letter to encourage faculty members to modify First Year Seminars to create new Upper
Level Distribution classes has been drafted. Please review the draft and send any comments to Mark Couture.