25 August 2014 To: Heidi Macpherson

25 August 2014
Heidi Macpherson
Brad Seabach
Faculty Senate Chair
Ruthann Benson, Dean
College of Liberal Studies
Recommendation for a UW-L Institute for Social Justice
I am writing to indicate my support for the creation of a UW-L Institute for Social Justice., to be
housed within the College of Liberal Studies. Such an institute is truly a campus-wide initiative,
complementing the Inclusive Excellence efforts across the university.
Dr. Laurie Cooper Stoll has provided a well-defined mission for the Institute for Social Justice, as
well as elaborating a clear vision and purpose. In my conversations with faculty and staff, it has
been made clear to me that such an institute would address many of their needs with regards to
possibilities for collaboration on research and teaching, access to social justice resources, and
opportunities to engage more effectively with students. It is also clear that such an institute would
add much to the university’s efforts to collaborate with community partners on issues of common
The College of Liberal Studies has dedicated three years of financial support, with the possibility of
renewal for another period of time. I would also encourage the consideration of a university-wide
funding source for this institute in the future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.