A DVA NCING K NOW LEDGE BU ILDING U NDER STA NDING FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SH IP J U LY 2011– J U N E 2013 ADVANCING K NOW LEDGE, BUILDING UNDERSTANDING Faculty Scholarship at University of Puget Sound July 2011–June 2013 Kristine Bartanen Academic Vice President and Dean of the University Puget Sound faculty members are teacher-scholars. This publication is a glimpse into the continuing engagement with the life of the mind that faculty members model for students, in and beyond the classroom. Any such publication is but a snapshot—this compilation is of voluntarily submitted work completed in the 2011–2013 academic years—but I hope this one is useful for several audiences. For students, I hope that you will have an opportunity to see the kinds of academic work that engage faculty members when we are not involved directly in teaching or advising interactions with you. Perhaps you will recognize work listed here because it has found its way into the classroom, as some faculty scholarship does. Perhaps you will find other work listed that sounds interesting, but is beyond the scope of your classroom experience. I encourage you to talk with professors about their scholarship. For faculty colleagues, I hope that this compilation will prompt conversations about new teaching collaborations, interdisciplinary projects, further scholarship, and other dimensions of the intellectual life of the campus. Congratulations on the ways that—through research, writing, creating, exhibiting, performing, and engaging civic scholarship—you are, each in your own way, contributing to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding. I encourage you to read and engage one another’s work and to enjoy the collegial interactions that will follow. For other colleagues and the broader community, I hope that this publication illustrates the vitality of academic conversation at Puget Sound. There is, of course, much additional intellectual work not listed in detail: the 157 stipended research students in the sciences, arts, humanities, and social sciences who have been mentored by faculty members over the past two summers; the 97 students who have been guided in their funded independent projects during the academic years; the on-campus talks; the many dimensions of Puget Sound’s distinctive Race and Pedagogy Initiative and Sound Policy Institute; the professional service that faculty members provide to regional, national, and international academic organizations; the lectureships, guest artist residencies, and workshops organized and hosted for the campus; and the awards earned for academic achievement, innovation, professional affiliations, and community service. Your interest in Puget Sound and your support—from assistance provided by a departmental staff member to endowment contributed for faculty development—make the intellectual work of the faculty and the fulfillment of our mission as a liberal arts college possible. PUGET SOUND is a 2,600-student, national undergraduate liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington, where students from 44 states and 16 countries are invited to undertake bold journeys of personal and intellectual discovery supported by a welcoming community. Inspired by a remarkable faculty pursuing research and scholarship in more than 50 traditional and interdisciplinary areas of study, the campus community is united by a desire to creatively meet worthy challenges and make a difference in the world. This mission of the university is to develop in its students capacities for critical analysis, aesthetic appreciation, sound judgment, and apt expression that will sustain a lifetime of intellectual curiosity, active inquiry, and reasoned independence. A Puget Sound education, both academic and cocurricular, encourages a rich knowledge of self and others; an appreciation of commonality and difference; the full, open, and civil discussion of ideas; thoughtful moral discourse; and the integration of learning, preparing graduates to meet the highest tests of democratic citizenship. Such an education seeks to liberate each person’s fullest intellectual and human potential to assist in the unfolding of creative and useful lives. 2 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND TA BLE OF CON TEN TS AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ART. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 BIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CHEMISTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CLASSICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 COMMUNICATION STUDIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 ECONOMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 EDUCATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ENGLISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND DECISION MAKING . . 17 EXERCISE SCIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITER ATURE . . . . . . . . . 17 GENDER STUDIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 GEOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 HUMANITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY. . . . . . . . . .21 LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE . . . . . . . . 22 MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 NEUROSCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 PHILOSOPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 PHYSICAL THER APY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 PHYSICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 PSYCHOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 RELIGION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY . . . . . . . . . . 29 SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 THEATRE ARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 CIVIC SCHOLARSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 WASHINGTON PROFESSOR OF THE YEAR . . . . . . . . . 34 PRESIDENT’S EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD. . . .35 FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 3 A FR IC A N A MER IC A N ST UDIE S Hans Ostrom Distinguished Professor, African American Studies and English Books or Book Chapters Clear a Place for Good: Poems 2006–2012. Congruent Angle Press, 2012. “Hidden Purposes of Creative Writing: Self, Power, and Knowledge.” Teaching Creative Writing in Higher Education: Anglo-American Perspectives, Heather Beck, ed., Palgrave Publishers, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Responses to The American Lie by Benjamin Ginsberg.” Roundtable: Downsizing Citizenship: Is U.S. Democracy Up to the Challenge of Truthiness?, Western Political Science Association Meeting, Hollywood, California, 2013. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN A FR IC A N A MER IC A N STUDIES See Chemistry, Steven Neshyba. See History, Nancy K. Bristow. A RT Papers, Articles, Reviews “Unveiling and Consuming Art in the Multifarious Spaces of Early Modern China.” Review on James Cahill, Pictures for Use and Pleasure: Vernacular Painting in High Qing China (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2010) and Jonathan Hay, Sensuous Surfaces: The Decorative Object in Early Modern China (London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2010). Oxford Art Journal, 82–86, February 8, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Xiandai meishu sichao de guocheng: yi 1930 niandai zuoyi wenyi qingnian Wei Mengke weili (The left-wing artist Wei Mengke and the making of modern art movements in the 1930’s China).” International Symposium on Wanxiang gengxin: xiandaixing, shixue wenhua yu 20 shiji Zhongguo (Modernity and Visual Culture of the Twentieth Century China), Buddhist University, Yilan, Taiwan, May 28, 2013. “From Nationalism to Modernism: The Idea of Chinese Renaissance in Early 20th Century.” University of California San Diego Chinese Studies 2012–13 Lecture Series, San Diego, California, February 27, 2013. “Cong minzu zhuyi dao xiandai zhuyu: Deng Shi (1877– 1951) yu Huang Binhong (1865–1955) xueshu sixian chengji guanxi zaitan (From Nationalism to Modernism: Reconsidering the Intellectual Connections between Deng Shi and Huang Binhong).” Keynote Address, International Symposium on Huang Binhong he Xiandai Yishu Sixiangshi (Huang Binhong and the History of Modern Art Ideas), Zhejiang Provincial Museum and China National Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China, October 15, 2012. Zaixin Hong Professor, Art Books or Book Chapters Zhongguo Meishushi (A History of Chinese Art), Hangzhou: China National Academy of Fine Arts Press, 2013. Shi zhi lv: Zhongguo he Renben de shiyi hua (The Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and Japan, by James Cahill), co-translator. Beijing: Joint Press, 2012. “Moving onto a World Stage: The Modern Chinese Practice of Art Collecting and Its Connection to the Japanese Art Market.” The Role of Japan in Modern Chinese Art, Joshua Fogel, ed., Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012. “Issues of Provenance in the Last Emperor’s Art Collecting.” Provenance: An Alternate History of Art, Gail Feigenbaum and Inge Reist, eds., Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2012. “A Newly Made Marketable ‘Leftover’: Luo Zhenyu’s Cultural Capital in Kyoto after the 1911 Revolution.” Lost Generation: Luo Zhenyu, Qing Loyalists and the Formation of Modern Chinese Culture, Chia-ling Yang and Roderick Whitfield, eds., London: EAP, in conjunction with University of Edinburgh, 2013. 4 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Kriszta Kotsis Associate Professor, Art Papers, Articles, Reviews “Mothers of the Empire: Empresses Zoe and Theodora on a Byzantine Medallion Cycle,” Medieval Feminist Forum, 48/1, 5–96, 2012. “Defining Female Authority in Eighth-Century Byzantium: The Numismatic Images of the Empress Irene (797–802),” Journal of Late Antiquity, 5.1, 185–215, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Byzantine Empresses and Bride Shows,” Medieval Association of the Pacific, Annual Meeting, University of San Diego, March 22, 2013. “Between Icon and Idol: Icons and Image Breaking in Byzantium,” Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, April 2012. “Defining Female Authority in 8th Century Byzantium: The Images of Empress Irene,” Medieval Association of the Pacific Annual Meeting, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, March, 2012. Janet Marcavage Associate Professor, Art East/West Portfolio Exhibition. Old Dominion University, UMass Dartmouth, Nicholls State University, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and other locations, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations Parallel Lines: Visual Language in Printmaking, Daedalus Society lecture, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. Link. A collaborative temporary installation by Holly A. Senn, Janet Marcavage, and Bret Lyon, Tollefson Plaza, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. Polyester Plate Printmaking. Full-day workshop in conjunction with At Home: American Prints exhibition, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington. Show and Tell. Puget Sound Faculty Exhibition, Kittredge Gallery, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. The Everyday and Print Culture. Artist Talk, Kittredge Gallery, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. Awards and Honors East/West: A Survey of Contemporary Printmaking. Invited participant. Print Portfolio curated by Brian Kelly, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and Ross Janke, Nicholls State University. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Print Portfolio. The Tabloids. A collection of folded prints, curated by Adriane Herman, presented at the Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2013. Elise Richman Print Portfolio. Wonder Women. In honor of Frances Myers, curated by Amanda Knowles and Lenore Thomas, presented at the SGCI Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2013. Look Here. Exhibition of work by Tacoma artists, Tacoma, Washington, 2013. Wonder Women. Gallery 218, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2013. The Tabloids (A Portfolio). Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2013. Associate Professor, Art Lectures and Professional Presentations “The Ethics of Painting.” The Arts in Society, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. “Accumulation.” College Art Association, Los Angeles, California, February 2012. “The Art of Memory.” Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, March 2012. New Prints. Visual Arts Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Each Form Overflows its Present, two-person exhibition with Cynthia Camlin, Pacific Lutheran University Gallery, Tacoma, Washington, 2013. New Prints 2012/Autumn. International Print Center, New York, New York, 2012. Spring Mascot, Spaceworks commission, Woolworth Windows, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. New Prints 2012/Summer. Selected by Shahzia Sikander, International Print Center, New York, New York, 2012. Introductions, Seattle Art Museum Gallery, Seattle, Washington, 2012. The Printmaker’s Hand II. Selected by Sam Davidson, Northwind Arts Center, Port Townsend, Washington, 2012. Celebration of Washington State Artists, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, 2012. Fabrication. Spaceworks commission, Woolworth Windows, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Exhibit, Gallery B2, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. Tacoma, Naturally. Alley Cat Artists, Ellensburg, Washington, 2012. Union Tac, Fulcrum Gallery, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. Mini Print Annual. Lessedra Gallery, Sophia, Bulgaria, 2012. PAN Special Portfolio Presentation. Art at Wharepuke, Kerikeri, New Zealand, 2012. Printmaking and the Mundane. Artists Image Resource, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2012. Tacoma Naturally, Alley Cat Artists, Ellensburg, Washington, 2012. Culturescapes, Addison Ripley Gallery, Washington, D.C., 2011. Bloom and Collapse, Soil Gallery, Seattle, Washington, 2011. Build Up, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 2011. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 5 Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Exhibit, Spaceworks, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. Place No Place, solo exhibition, Mazmanian Gallery, Framingham State University, Framingham, Massachusetts, 2011. Public Art in Depth Exhibition, temporary, collaborative exhibition with Nicholas Nyland and Maria Menses, University of Washington Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. Show and Tell. Puget Sound Faculty Exhibition, Kittredge Gallery, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. Linda Williams Associate Professor and Department Chair, Art Papers, Articles, Reviews “Modalities of Representation: Symbol and Narrative in 16th-Century Murals at the Convent of Izamal, Yucatan.” Colonial Latin American Review, vol 22:1, 98–125, 2013. Lectures and Professional Presentations Respondent for session: “What is Yucatecan about Yucatán: Art Historical Discourse in Yucatán’s Visual Culture, Precolumbian through Contemporary” with Charles Cody Barteet, University of Western Ontario, and Amara Solari, Pennsylvania State University. College Art Association Conference, New York, New York, February 2013. “Portal Decorations of the Colonial Franciscan Monastery of Dzidzantún, Yucatán.” 54th International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, Austria, July 2012. “Saints Peter and Paul at the Early Colonial Franciscan Monastery of Dzidzantún, Yucatán.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2012. “Rina Lazo: Beyond Rivera and the TGP.” Co-written with John Lear, Department of History, University of Puget Sound. College Art Association Conference, Los Angeles, California, February 2012. “Visual Dialogues of Power in the Viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru.” Co-organized double session with Eloise Quiñones Keber for 54th International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, Austria, July 2012. “Guiding Souls: Images of Mary and the Saints in New Spain and Peru I & II.” Co-organized double session with Eloise Quiñones Keber for Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2012. “Mexicanidad and National Identity: Revaluing Popular Arts in Post-Revolutionary Mexico.” In conjunction with the exhibition Folk Treasures of Mexico: The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection from the San Antonio Museum of Art, Tacoma Art Museum, November 2011. 6 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND BIOLOGY Joel Elliott Professor, William L. McCormick Professor of Natural Sciences, and Department Chair, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews Rogers ’10, Tanya L. and Elliott, J.K. “Differences in relative abundance and size structure of the sea stars Pisaster ochraceus and Evasterias troschelii among habitat types in Puget Sound, Washington, USA.” Marine Biology, 160:853– 865, 2013. Lectures and Professional Presentations Krauszer ’12, M., Leiken ’12, A.D., Elliott, J.K. “Ontogenetic color variation in the sea star Pisaster ochraceus as an adaptation to avoid predation by gulls.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, California, January 2013. Peter Hodum Assistant Professor, Biology and Environmental Policy and Decision Making Books or Book Chapters Towns, D.R., A. Aguirre Munoz, S.W. Kress, P.J. Hodum, A.A. Burbidge, and A. Saunders. “The social dimension public involvement in seabird island restoration.” Seabird Islands: Ecology, Invasion and Restoration, Oxford University Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews Pearson, S.F., P.J. Hodum, T.P. Good, M. Schrimpf, and S.M. Knapp. “A model approach for estimating colony size, trends, and habitat associations of burrow-nesting seabirds.” The Condor, 115: 356–365, 2013. “Seabirds.” Climate Change and the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary: Interpreting Potential Futures, Miller, I.M., Shishido, C., Antrim, L, and Bowlby, C.E. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-13-01. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 238, March 2013. Reyes, R., P.J. Hodum and R.P. Schlatter. “Nest site use in sympatric petrels of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile: Juan Fernández petrel (Pterodroma externa) and Stejneger’s petrel (Pterodroma longirostris).” Ornitología Neotropical 23 (1), 73–82, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations Hodum, P., P. González and C. López. “Reevaluating the conservation status of De Filippi’s Petrel, a poorly known Chilean endemic.” Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. Adams, J., J.C. Mangel, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, P. Hodum, K.D. Hyrenbach, V. Colodro, P. Palavecino, M. Donoso, and J. Hardesty Norris. “Conservation implications of pink-footed shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) movements and fishery interactions off South America assessed using multiple methods.” Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. Pearson, S.F., P.J. Hodum, T.P. Good, M. Schrimpf, and S.M. Knapp. “A model approach for estimating burrow nesting seabird colony size, trends and habitat associations.” Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. A. Terepocki ’13, E. Donnelly, H. Nevins, G. Shugart and P. Hodum. “Plastics in the Pacific: Regional comparisons of marine plastic ingestion by Northern Fulmars.” Poster Presentation, Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. O. Feinstein ’13, E. Donnelly, H. Nevins, and P. Hodum. “Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) as bioindicators of endocrine disrupting plasticizers in the marine surface environment.” Poster Presentation, Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. Brush ’13, A., G. Shugart, and P. Hodum. “Use of a diving procellariiform, the Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus), to expand a marine plastic bioindicator network.” Poster Presentation, Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. Colodro, V., P.J. Hodum, and K.A. Hobson. “Using stable isotopes to determine predation of endemic seabirds in the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile.” Poster Presentation, Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2013. “Estimacion poblacional y evaluacion de la clasificacion de la Fardela Blanca de Masatierra (Pterodroma defilippiana).” Technical report prepared for CONAF (Chilean National Forest Corporation), 2012. Hodum, P. and E. Hagen. “Conservation threats to, and status of, the threatened seabird community of the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile.” 5th North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, B.C., August 2012. “Estado y conservación de las aves marinas del Archipiélago Juan Fernández,” with Erin Hagen. X Congreso Chileno de Ornitología, Santiago, Chile, September 2011. “Estado poblacional de la fardela blanca de Masatierra (Pterodroma defilippiana) en el Archipiélago Juan Fernández.” X Congreso Chileno de Ornitología, Santiago, Chile, September 2011. “Propuesta para la recuperación del rayadito de Másafuera (Aphrastura masafuerae),” with Jorge Tomasevic and Cristian Estades. X Congreso Chileno de Ornitología, Santiago, Chile, September 2011. “Monitoreo de la población reproductora de la Fardela Blanca (Puffinus creatopus) en Isla Santa Clara.” Technical report prepared for CONAF (Chilean National Forest Corporation), 2011. “Monitoreo de la población reproductora de la Fardela Negra (Pterodroma neglecta) en Morro Juanango, Archipiélago Juan Fernández.” Technical report prepared for CONAF (Chilean National Forest Corporation), 2011. Awards and Honors Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Fulbright Chile, 2011. Mary Rose Lamb Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews Boyd, J.S.; Lamb, M.R.; Dieckmann, C.L. “Miniature- and Multiple-Eyespot Loci in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Define New Modulators of Eyespot Photoreception and Assembly.” G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 1:489–98, 2011. Mittelmeier, T.M.; Boyd, J.S.; Lamb, M.R.; Dieckmann, C.L. “Asymmetric properties of the cytoskeleton direct rhodopsin photoreceptor localization.” The Journal of Cell Biology, 193:741–53, 2011. Boyd, J.S.; Mittelmeier, T.M.; Lamb, M.R.; Dieckmann, C.L. “Thioredoxin-family protein EYE2 and Ser/Thr kinase EYE3 play interdependent roles in eyespot assembly.” Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC), 22:1421–9, 2011. Andreas Madlung Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews “Genetic and epigenetic aspects of polyploid evolution in plants,” Madlung, A and Wendel, J.F. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 140, 270–285, 2013. “Polyploidy and its effect on evolutionary success: old questions revisited with new tools.” Heredity 110, 99–104, 2013. Matsushita ’11, S.C.; Tyagi, A.P.; Thornton ’12, G.M.; Pires, J.C.; Madlung, A. “Allopolyploidization lays the foundation for evolution of distinct populations: evidence from analysis of synthetic Arabidopsis allohexaploids.” Genetics 191: 535–47, 2012. Madlung, A.; Henkhaus ’08, N.; Jurevic ’07, L.; Kahsai ’08, E.A.; Bernhard, J. “Natural variation and persistent developmental instabilities in geographically diverse accessions of the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica.” Physiologia Plantarum 144: 123–33, 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 7 Madlung, A.; Bremer, M.; Himelblau, E.; Tullis, A. “A study assessing the potential of negative effects in interdisciplinary math-biology instruction.” CBE Life Sciences Education, 10, 43–54, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Using gene silencing to understand light-mediated gravitropic response.” Braun ’13, J. M.; Madlung, A.; Walcher-Chevillet, C. Poster, Northwest Developmental Biology Meeting, Friday Harbor, Washington, March 2013. “Determining the role of phytochromes in reversed gravitropic response.” Hayes ’13, E.; Madlung, A.; WalcherChevillet, C. Poster, Northwest Developmental Biology Meeting, Best Undergraduate Poster Award (shared honorable mention) Friday Harbor, Washington, March 2013. “The role of red-light signaling in the plant gravitropic response.” Delgado, J.; Walcher, C.; Madlung, A. Poster, SACNAS meeting, Seattle, Washington, October 2012. “Hormone-induced physiological variation may be dependent on ploidy level in Arabidopsis thaliana.” Ramos, D.; Madlung, A. Poster, SACNAS meeting, Seattle, Washington, October 2012. “Evolutionary consequences of interspecies hybridization (allopolyploidy): a case study in the genus Arabidopsis.” Palacky University & Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR, Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 2012. “Incipient diversification and evolution of sibling lines in early generation Arabidopsis allohexaploids.” International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012. “Genomic responses during interspecies hybridization and their implications for evolutionary change in the genus Arabidopsis.” University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 2011. Grants National Science Foundation Grant: “RUI: Molecular mechanisms of flower reversion in Arabidopsis suecica,” 2011–13. Mark O. Martin Associate Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews “The Hospital Microbiome Project: Meeting Report for the 2nd Hospital Microbiome Project, Chicago, USA, January 15th, 2013.” Shogan, B.D.; Smith, D.P.; Packman A.I.; Kelley, S.T.; Landon, E.M.; Bhangar, S.; Vora, G.J.; Jones, R.M.; Keegan, K.; Stephens, B.; Ramos, T.; Kirkup, S.T.; 8 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Levin, H.; Rosenthal, M.; Foxman, B.; Chang, E.B.; Siegel, J.; Cobey, S.; An, G.; Alverdy, J.C.; Olsiewski, P.J.; Martin, M.O.; Marrs, R.; Hernandez, M.; Christley, S.; Morowitz, M.; Weber, S.; and J. Gilbert. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 2013. “Teaching Students To See Through ‘Microbial Eyes.’” Small Things Considered (American Society for Microbiologysponsored microbiology blog), January 17, 2013. “Talmudic Question #94: Why is Bacterial Bioluminescence Comparatively Rare in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments?” Small Things Considered (American Society for Microbiology-sponsored microbiology blog), January 10, 2013. “Ringing a Microbial Dinner Bell.” Small Things Considered (American Society for Microbiology-sponsored microbiology blog), November 21, 2011. “A Microbe By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet...” Small Things Considered (American Society for Microbiology-sponsored microbiology blog), August 4, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Quenching a Thirst for Citizen Microbiology: The Microbiota of Reusable Water Bottles as a Testbed for Teaching Microbiology to Undergraduate Students.” Poster Session, American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 2013. “The Intersection of Microbiology, Art, and Pedagogy.” Art+Sci Salon, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, February 2013. “Aspartate Ammonia Lyase in the Predatory Bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus,” with Danielle Campbell ’13. West Coast Bacterial Physiologists Conference, Asilomar, California, December 2012. “Searching for crp: Investigating Candidate Genes for the cAMP Receptor Protein in Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus,” with Kat Schmidt ’12. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2012. “Putting Freshman Biology Under the Microscope: Five Heresies About Microbiology Every Freshman Biology Student Should Know.” American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2012. Awards and Honors Biology Scholars Program, Center for Undergraduate Education, Assessment Residency, 2012–2013. Grants Murdock Charitable Trust Life Sciences Grant: “Gene Regulation in a Bacterial Predator,” 2010–12. Leslie Saucedo Associate Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews Pagarigan ’11, K.T.; Bunn ’13, B.W.; Goodchild ’04, J.; Rahe ’11, T.K.; Weis ’08, J.F.; and Saucedo, L.J. “Drosophila” PRL-1 Is a Growth Inhibitor That Counteracts the Function of the Src Oncogene. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61084. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061084, 2013. Weiss, S.L.; E.A. Kennedy ’07; R.J. Safran; and K.J. McGraw. “Female ornamentation predicts yolk antioxidant levels in striped plateau lizards, Sceloporus virgatus.” Journal of Animal Ecology 80:519–27, 2011. Lectures and Profesional Presentations “The effect of wildfire on stress and ornament expression in female lizards,” Weiss, S.L. and R.M. Brower ’12. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, August 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Delineating the function of PRL-1 in Drosophila.” Saucedo, L.J.; Goodchild ’04, J.; Pagarigan ’11, K.; and Edlefsen ’11, T. Drosophila Genetics Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 2012. “Pterin, not carotenoid, pigments underlie the femalespecific ornament of striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus),” Weiss, S.L.; K. Foerster; and J. Hudon. Animal Behavior Society & International Ethological Conference Joint Meeting, Bloomington, Indiana, 2011. Grants National Institutes of Health Academic Research Enhancement Award: “Delineating the function of PRL-1 in Drosophila,” 2009–2012. Grants Murdock Charitable Trust Life Sciences Grant: “Sexually selected signals of female striped plateau lizards: a study integrating behavioral ecology, chemical ecology and microbiology.” Alexa Tullis Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews Fly ’06, E.K.; Monaco, C.J.; Pincebourde, S.; Tullis, A. “The influence of intertidal location and temperature on the metabolic cost of emersion in Pisaster ochraceus.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 422–423:20– 8, 2012. Tullis, A.; Andrus ’08, S.C. “The cost of incline locomotion in ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) of different sizes.” Journal of Comparative Physiology B., vol. 181:873–81, 2011. Madlung, A.; Bremer, M.; Himelblau, E.; Tullis, A. “A study assessing the potential of negative effects in interdisciplinary math-biology instruction.” CBE Life Sciences Education, 10, 43–54, 2011. Stacey Weiss Professor, Biology Papers, Articles, Reviews Fritzsche ’09, A.K. and S.L. Weiss. “Effect of signaler body size on the response of male striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus) to conspecific chemical cues.” Journal of Herpetology 46: 79–84, 2012. Weiss, S.L.; K. Foerster; and J. Hudon. “Pteridine, not carotenoid, pigments underlie the female-specific orange ornament of striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Physiology 161:117–23, 2012. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN BIOLOGY See Neuroscience, Siddharth Ramakrishnan. BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP Eda Gurel-Atay Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership Papers, Articles, Reviews Sirgy, Joseph M.; Eda Gurel-Atay; Dave Webb; Muris Cicic; Melika Husic-Mehmedovic; Ahmet Ekici; Andreas Herrmann; Ibrahim Hegazy; Dong-Jin Lee; and J. S. Johar. “Is Materialism All That Bad? Effects on Satisfaction with Material Life, Life Satisfaction, and Economic Motivation.” Social Indicators Research, 110 (1), 349–66, 2013. Sirgy, M. Joseph, Eda Gurel-Atay, Dave Webb, Muris Cicic, Melika Husic, Ahmet Ekici, Andreas Herrmann, Ibrahim Hegazy, Dong-Jin Lee, and J. S. Johar. “Linking Advertising, Materialism, and Life Satisfaction.” Social Indicators Research, 107 (1), 7–101, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Comparing Data Collection Alternatives: Amazon mTurk, College Students, and Secondary Data Analysis,” Elizabeth Stickel, Eda Gurel-Atay, Lynn R. Kahle, and Karen Ring. American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2013. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 9 “Sustainable Marketing via Social Value Segmentation,” Kahle, Lynn R.; Eda Gurel-Atay; and Lisa Forster. Sustainable Consumption Conference, Hamburg, Germany, November 2011. “The Psychology of NASCAR’s Signage Moving at 175 MPH: Ubiquitous Decals,” Gurel-Atay, Eda and Lynn R. Kahle. SportsSIG Special Session on Cognitive Consequences of Clutter in Sports Marketing: Ubiquitous Sports, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, California, August 2011. “Aviary Segmentation: Theory and Method,” Kahle, Lynn R.; Eda Gurel-Atay; Jae-Gu Yu; and Karen Ring. Special session on Tweeting Birds: An Aviary Lifestyle Segmentation Strategy for Social Media, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, July 2011. “Sources of Health Information as a Function of Aviary Lifestyles and Product/Service Category,” Elizabeth Stickel, Eda Gurel-Atay, Steven Andrews, and Cat Armstrong Soule. Special session on Tweeting Birds: An Aviary Lifestyle Segmentation Strategy for Social Media, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, July 2011. Lisa Johnson Associate Professor, School of Business and Leadership Books or Book Chapters “Power, Knowledge, Animals,” A. Linzey and P. Cohn, eds., The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series. Palgrave MacMillan, 2012. Lau, Terence and Johnson, Lisa. The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business. Flat World Knowledge, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Lies My Legal Environment of Business Prof Told Me,” Presented with Daniel Warner, Western Washington University. Pacific Northwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, April 19, 2013. Alan Krause Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership Lectures and Professional Presentations “Seeing Green - A Case Study of Reputation Assessment in the Sustainable Architecture Industry,” with Ian Parkman. Conference on Business and Sustainability, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, November 2012. 10 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Lynda S. Livingston Professor, School of Business and Leadership Papers, Articles, Reviews “Using Peer-to-Peer Student Managed Fund for Community Service,” with Thomas Glassman and C. Shane Wright. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 10, 197–210, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Could Peer-to-Peer Loans Substitute for Payday Loans?” Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawai`i, January 2012. “Intraportfolio Correlation: An Application for Investments Students.” Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawai`i, January 2012. “Intraportfolio Correlation: An Application for Investments Students.” Decision Sciences Institute’s annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2011. Awards and Honors Best Paper in Session (Finance): “Intraportfolio Correlation: An Application for Investments Students.” Global Conference on Business and Finance, 2012. Outstanding Research Award: “Could Peer-to-Peer Loans Substitute for Payday Loans?” Global Conference on Business and Finance, 2012. Featured Paper: “Intraportfolio Correlation: An Application for Investments Students.” Decision Sciences Institute’s annual meeting, November, 2011. Case Research Journal Outstanding Reviewer for 2011. Nila M. Wiese Professor, School of Business and Leadership; Director, Business Leadership Program Lectures and Professional Presentations “Pollo Campero: Latin Flavor for the World.” International Business and Economy Conference, Caen, France, January 2013. “Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of Leadership and Cultural Values.” International Business and Economy Conference, Caen, France, January 2013. Awards and Honors Best Case Award “Pollo Campero: Latin Flavor for the World.” International Business and Economy Conference, Caen, France, January 2013. CHEMISTRY Daniel A. Burgard Associate Professor, Chemistry Papers, Articles, Reviews Burgard, Daniel A.; Fuller, Rick; Becker ’12, Brian; Ferrell ’13, Rebecca; Dinglasan-Panlilio, M. J. “Potential Trends in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Drug Use on a College Campus: Wastewater Analysis of Amphetamine and Ritalinic Acid.” Science of the Total Environment, v.450–451, 242–249, 2013. Burgard, Daniel A.; Bria ’10, Carmen R. M.; Berenbeim ’09, Jacob A. “Remote Sensing of Emissions from In-Use Small Engine Marine Vessels.” Environmental Science & Technology, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Remote Sensing Measurements of In-Use Locomotive NOx Emissions,” with Matt Breuer ’13. 23rd CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, California, April 8–10, 2013. “Trends in ADHD Medication Use on a College Campus.” Environmental Sciences: Water, Gordon Research Conference, Holderness School, Holderness, New Hampshire, June 24–29, 2012. “On-Road Measurements of Transit Bus Emissions,” with Matt Breuer ’13. 22nd CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, California, March 26–28, 2012. Jeffrey Grinstead Assistant Professor, Chemistry Papers, Articles, Reviews Alex, S.; Lange, K.; Amolo, T.; Grinstead, J.S.; Haakonsson, A.K.; Szalowska, E.; Koppen, A.; Mudde, K.; Haenen, D.; Al-Lahham, S.; Roelofsen, H.; Houtman, R.; van der Burg, B.; Mandrup, S.; Bonvin, A.M.; Kalkhoven, E.; Müller, M.; Hooiveld, G.J.; Kersten, S. “Short-Chain Fatty Acids Stimulate Angiopoietin-Like 4 Synthesis in Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells by Activating Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ.” Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1303–16, April 2013. Grants Defining and Expanding the Limits of HADDOCK for Protein-Ligand Docking. Scientific Visitor Grant, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), 2012. John Hanson Professor and Department Chair, Chemistry Books or Book Chapters “NMR Spectroscopy in Nondeuterated Solvents (NoD NMR): Applications in the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory.” ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1128, American Chemical Society, 2013. Steven Neshyba Professor, Chemistry Papers, Articles, Reviews “Radiative consequences of low-temperature infrared refractive indices for supercooled water clouds,” P.M. Rowe, S.P Neshyba, and Von P. Walden, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discuss., 13, 18749–70, 2013. “Roughness metrics of prismatic facets of ice,” S.P. Neshyba, B. Lowen ’12, M. Benning ’13, A. Lawson ’13, and P.M. Rowe. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 118, 2013. “It’s a Flipping Revolution.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 4, 2013. “Arrhenius analysis of anisotropic surface diffusion on the prismatic facet of ice,” Ivan Gladich, William Pfalzgraff ’10, Ondrej Maršálek, Pavel Jungwirth, Martina Roeselová, and Steven Neshyba. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (invited paper), 19960–9, 2011. “A responsitivity-based criterion for accurate calibration of FTIR spectra: theoretical development and bandwidth estimation,” Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, and Von P. Walden. Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 7, pp. 5930–41, 2011. “A responsitivity-based criterion for accurate calibration of FTIR spectra: identification of in-band low-responsitivity wave numbers,” Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, Christopher Cox, and Von P. Walden. Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 6, pp. 5451–63, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Underestimation of the greenhouse effect of Polar supercooled water clouds,” Penny Rowe, Steven Neshyba, and Von Walden. Presented by Rowe at the 12th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, Seattle, Washington, April 29–May 1, 2013. “Looking for the Mechanism of Anisotropic Surface Selfdiffusion on Ice Crystals Using Molecular Dynamics,” Amrei Oswald ’14, Natalie Bowens ’12, Ivan Gladich, Steven Neshyba, and Martina Roeselová. Poster presented by Oswald at the 2012 Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Holderness, New Hampshire, August 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 11 “Quantitative characterization of rough prismatic facets of ice by scanning electron microscopy,” Steven Neshyba, Mitch Benning ’13, Becca Lowen ’12, Penny Rowe, Martina Roeselová, and Ivan Gladich. Poster presented by Neshyba at the 2012 Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Holderness, New Hampshire, August 2012. “Arrhenius analysis of anisotropic surface self-diffusion on the prismatic facet of ice,” Ivan Gladich, William Pfalzgraff ’10, Ondrej Maršálek, Pavel Jungwirth, Martina Roeselová, and Steven Neshyba. Presented by Gladich at the 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, California, March 2012. “Developing Models for Sustainability 101: Eighteen Faculty Members Collaborate on a New Foundation for Sustainability Teaching and Learning,” Robert Turner, Rob Cole, Benjamin Fackler-Adams, Jean MacGregor, Sonya Remington, Rebeca Rivera, Daniel Sherman, Claus Svendsen, Jill Whitman, and Steven Neshyba. Eighth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 2012. “Arrhenius Analysis of Anisotropic Surface Self-Diffusion on the Prismatic Facet of Ice,” Ivan Gladich, William Pfalzgraff ’10, Ondrej Maršálek, Pavel Jungwirth, Martina Roeselová, and Steven Neshyba. Presented by Gladich at the XIXth Conference of Hydrogen Bonds, Gottingen, Germany, September 2011. Grants National Science Foundation, Chemistry Division: “RUI: Scanning electron microscopy and multiscale modeling of mesoscopically rough faceted ice,” 2013–2015. Eric Scharrer Professor, Chemistry Papers, Articles, Reviews “Low nematic onset temperatures and room temperature cybotactic behavior in 1,3,4-oxadiazole-based bent-core mesogens possessing lateral methyl groups.” Frank Speetjens ’10, Jane Lindborg ’08, Tatum Tauscher ’11, Nikki LaFemina ’09, Jason Nguyen ’13, Edward T. Samulski, Francesco Vita, Oriano Francescangeli, and Eric Scharrer. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 22558, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Effects of Lateral Halogen Groups on the Biaxial Nematic Phase of Oxadiazole Based Liquid Crystals.” International Liquid Crystal Conference, Mainz, Germany, August 2012. Grants National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research-Solid State and Materials Chemistry: “RUI: New oxadiazole containing liquid crystals: effects of structural changes on the biaxial nematic phase,” 2010–13. 12 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND CL A SSICS David Lupher Professor Emeritus, Classics Books or Book Chapters Alberico Gentili, The Wars of the Romans: A Critical Edition and Translation of De Armis Romanis. David Lupher, translator. Benedict Kingsbury and Benjamin Straumann, eds. Oxford University Press, 2011. “Yankee She-Men and Octoroon Electra: Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve on Slavery, Race, and Abolition,” co-authored with Elizabeth Vandiver, Ancient Slavery and Abolition: From Hobbes to Hollywood. Edith Hall, Richard Alston, and Justine McConnell, eds. Oxford University Press, 2011. Aislinn Melchior Associate Professor, Classics Papers, Articles, Reviews “Caesar in Vietnam: Did soldiers in pre-modern wars suffer PTSD?” Greece & Rome 58.2, Fall 2011. “The ABC Method of Reinforcing the Meaning of Declensional Endings.” Classical World 104.4, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Before the Change.” Langlow Honors Program Tea, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, March 1, 2012. “Apologetic Allusion and Generic Repurposing in the Exhortations at Pharsalus.” American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2012. “‘Whose dog are you?’ Moral metabiography and named slaves in Plutarch’s Roman Lives.” Playful Plutarch Conference, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2011. Eric Orlin Professor, Classics Books or Book Chapters “Augustan Religion: From locative to utopian.” Rome and Religion. Society for Biblical Literature, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Polytheistic Rome.” Bible Odyssey Web project. Society for Biblical Literature, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Monuments and Memory in Augustan Rome.” Classics Department Seminar, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, February 24, 2012. “Religious Toleration in an Age of Empire: What can we learn from the Romans?” Classical Association of Vancouver Island, Victoria, British Columbia, February 23, 2012. Awards and Honors Senior Fellow, American Leadership Forum, 2008–present. “Roman Religion: Reform and Renewal.” Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, October 17, 2011. James Jasinski Professor, Communication Studies Derek Buescher Books or Book Chapters “Lysander Spooner’s The Unconstitutionality of Slavery: A Case Study in Constitutional Hermeneutics, Ethical Argument, and Practical Reason.” Making the Case: Advocacy and Judgment in Public Argument, Kathryn Olson, Michael William Pfau, Benjamin Ponder, and Kirt Wilson, eds., Michigan State University Press, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Visualizing Heretical Argument: The Incongruent Imagery of Pfc. Jessica Lynch,” with Kent A. Ono. Reason and Social Change. Robin Rowland, ed., Washington, D.C.: National Communication Association, 2011. A. Susan Owen COM MU NIC AT ION ST UDIE S Professor and Department Chair, Communication Studies Lectures and Professional Presentations Debate Education in China, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, March 2013. Academic Debate and Public Argument, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, May 2013. Grants Partner with Willamette University and the International Debate Education Association grant 2012–15, to develop China Debate Association (CDA) and Chinese Debate Education Network (CDEN). Renee Houston Associate Professor, Communication Studies Books or Book Chapters Geist-Martin, P.; Gates, L.; Wiering, L.; Kirby, E.; Houston, R.; Lilly, A.; and Moreno, J. “Exemplifying Collaborative Autoethnographic Practice via Shared Stories of Mothering.” Collaborative Autoethnography: Developing qualitative inquiry, H. Chang, F. Ngunjiri and K. Hernandez, eds., Left Coast Press Inc., Walnut Creek, California, 2012. “The more things change, the more they stay the same: The role of ICTs in interpersonal familial relationships,” with P. Edley. Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships, L. Webb and K. Wright, eds., New York: Peter Lang, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Understanding Services for Minority Homeless Families,” with Carolyn Weisz, prepared for Pierce County, Community Connections Department, 2012. “City of Tacoma Housing First,” with Carolyn Weisz, prepared for the City of Tacoma, Human Rights and Human Services Department and City Council, 2010–11. Distinguished Professor, Communication Studies and African American Studies Papers, Articles, Reviews “Expertise, Criticism and Holocaust Memory in Cinema.” Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy. 25:3, July 2011. “Review Essay: Looking at Lynching: Spectacle, Resistance and Contemporary Transformations,” with Peter Ehrenhaus. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 97:1, February 2011. ECONOMICS D. Wade Hands Professor, Economics Books or Book Chapters “The Rise and Fall of Walrasian Economics: The Keynesian Effect.” Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective, P.G. Duarte and G.T. Lima, eds., Edward Elgar Publishers, 93–130, 2012. “Realism, Commonsensibles, and Economics: The Case of Contemporary Revealed Preference Theory.” Economics for Real: Uskali Mäki and the Place of Truth in Economics, A. Lehtinen, J. Kuorikoski, and P. Ylikoski, eds., Routledge, 156–78, 2012. The Edgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology, D. Wade Hands and John B. Davis, eds., Edward Elgar Publishers, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Back to the Ordinalist Revolution: Behavioral Economic Concerns in Early Modern Consumer Choice Theory,” Metroeconomica, 62, 286–410, 2011. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 13 Lectures and Professional Presentations “Paul Samuelson and Revealed Preference Theory.” European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), St. Petersburg, Russia, May 17–19, 2012. “Foundations of Revealed Preference Theory.” International Network for Economic Method (INEM), St. Petersburg, Russia, May 16, 2012. Invited Participant, Institute for New Economic Thinking Conference, Paradigm Lost: Rethinking Economics and Politics, Berlin, Germany, April 12–15, 2012. “Orthodox and Heterodox Economics in Recent Economic Methodology.” XVII Meeting on Epistemology of the Economic Sciences, School of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 6–7, 2011. David Lewis Associate Professor, Economics Papers, Articles, Reviews “Economic-Based Projections of Future Land-Use Under Alternative Economic Policy Scenarios in the Conterminous U.S.,” with V. Radeloff, E. Nelson, A. Plantinga, D. Helmers, J. Lawler, J. Withey, F. Beaudry, S. Martinuzzi, V. Butsic, E. Lonsdorf, D. White, and S. Polasky. Ecological Applications, 22(3): 1036–49, 2012. “Regional- and District-Level Drivers of Timber Harvesting in European Russia After the Collapse of the Soviet Union,” with K. Wendland, J. Alix-Garcia, M. Ozdogan, M. Baumann, and V. Radeloff. Global Environmental Change, 21: 1290–300, 2011. “An Econometric Analysis of Land Development with Endogenous Zoning,” with V. Butsic and L. Ludwig. Land Economics, 87(3): 412–32, 2011. EDUC AT ION Terence Beck Professor, School of Education Papers, Articles, Reviews “Identity, Discourse, and Safety in a High School Discussion of Same-Sex Marriage,” Theory and Research in Social Education, Volume 41, Issue 1, 1–32, Winter, 2013. “Conceptions of Sexuality and Coming Out in Three Young Adult Novels: A Review of Hero, Sprout, and In Mike We Trust,” Journal of LGBT Youth, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2013. Fred L. Hamel Associate Professor, School of Education Papers, Articles, Reviews Hamel, F.L. and Hillis, M.R. “I am the Master of My Fate”: Professors and Teenagers Conduct Action Research on Student Motivation.” Washington State Kappan: A Journal of Research, Leadership, and Practice, 27–36, Fall 2012. Ryken, A.E. and Hamel, F.L. “What matters is mutual investment and evidence-based dialogue: Designing meaningful contexts for teacher learning.” Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices 9 (2): 95–103, 2011. Hamel, F.L. and Jaasko-Fisher, H. “Hidden labor in the mentoring of pre-service teachers: Notes on a mentor teacher advisory council.” Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (2): 434–42, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations Hamel, F.L. and Ryken, A.E. “Learning from Practice: Investigating a Seminar Reflection Tool for Debriefing Student Teaching Experiences.” Annual meeting of the Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC), Tacoma, Washington, May 31, 2013. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Empirical Economic Modeling of Land Conservation Programs and Ecosystem Services.” International Forum of Ecosystem Adaptability Science III, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, November 2011. “Overview of the Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), Orlando, Florida, February 28, 2013. Bruce Mann “The Education Opportunity Gap and the Educator Workforce.” Testimony before the Washington State Legislative House Education Committee, Renton, Washington, October 2, 2012. Professor, Economics Papers, Articles, Reviews “Thomas Holdych: A Pioneer and Visionary.” Seattle University Law Review, Vol. 35, No. 35, ix–xiii, Winter 2012. “Assuring quality or overwhelming teachers? High quality performance assessment in American pre-service teacher education.” Invited presentation at the Pacific Rim International Teacher Education Symposium, Naruto University of Education, Tokushima, Japan, July 6, 2012. Hamel, F.L., Hillis, M.R., and the Lincoln Center Research Team. “What makes us motivated? Exploring the Lincoln Center Model.” 2012 Youth and Family Summit, Lincoln High School, Tacoma, Washington, April 2012. 14 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Sollom-Brotherton, N. and Hamel, F.L. “Whose space? Finding third space in an urban high school literature classroom.” Roundtable presentation. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 2012. Hillis, M.R. and Hamel, F.L. “Exploring the development of student motivation through the Lincoln Center Model.” International Conference of Cultural and Social Aspects of Research, San Antonio, Texas, March 2012. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibitions, Performances “Elementary classrooms and gender: Two conversations.” quiet Speaks, Q Cafe, Seattle, Washington, September 30, 2011. Grants “Using Contemporary Evolution to Teach About the Nature of Science to Underserved Audiences,” National Science Foundation, 2011–12. John Woodward Amy E. Ryken Professor, School of Education Books or Book Chapters Artist Book: Are you a boy or a girl?: Conversations about gender in elementary classrooms, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews Wacker ’10, M.A.T.’11, N. and Ryken, A.E. “Because it’s a girl cake!: Fostering dialogue about gender identity in elementary classrooms.” Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 10 (1), 65–78, June 2012. “Elementary classrooms and gender: Two conversations,” quiet Shorts, 24–5, 2011. Ryken, A.E. and Hamel, F.L. “What matters is mutual investment and evidence-based dialogue: Designing meaningful contexts for teacher learning.” Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 95–103, Fall 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Learning from Practice: Investigating a Seminar Reflection Tool for Debriefing Student Teaching Experiences,” JapanU.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC), Tacoma, Washington, May 31, 2013. “Gender Boxes: Categories, Community, and Conversation.” TEDx Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington, May 3, 2013. “Gender and Learning in Elementary School Classrooms,” with Niko Wacker ’10, M.A.T.’11. Women’s and Gender Studies and the Women’s Center, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, March 19, 2013. “Listening to Children’s Spontaneous Questions and Remarks about Gender Identity.” Symposium on Teaching and Learning: Listening for a Wider Narrative, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, Washington, October, 19, 2012. “Forcing STEM education: Lessons learned from Stewart Middle School,” with Cyrus Brown ’03, M.A.T.’06 and Amy Karlstrom ’04, M.A.T.’06. National Science Teachers Association Area Conference, Seattle, Washington, December 9, 2011. Professor and Dean, School of Education Books or Book Chapters Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, 2012. Special Education Curriculum in an Era of High Standards. Learning About Disabilities, 3rd Edition, 2012. Jitendra, A.; Woodward, J.; and Star, J. “Middle School Students’ Thinking about Ratios and Proportions.” Response to Intervention in Mathematics, R. Gersten and R. NewmanGonchar, eds., Baltimore, Maryland: Brookes Cole, 2011. Woodward, J. “The Role of Motivation in Secondary Mathematics Instruction: Implications for RTI.” Response to Intervention in Mathematics, R. Gersten and R. NewmanGonchar, eds., Baltimore, Maryland, Brookes Cole, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 to 8.” Annual Convention of the National Council for the Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2012. ENGLISH Julie Nelson Christoph Associate Professor, English; Director, Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching Lectures and Professional Presentations “‘Let yourself shine’ (Mis)reading Identity in Academic Writing.” Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, Budapest, Hungary, June 28, 2013. “Challenging Scenarios for (New) Writing Center Directors,” with David Stock. International Writing Centers Association Collaborative @ CCCC, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 13, 2013. “When High-Speed Meets Dial-Up: Material Conditions and Literacy Research Methods.” International Symposium on Language and Communication, Izmir, Turkey, June 10, 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 15 “Strategies of Placement in Women’s Writing on the Frontier.” University of Passau, Passau, Germany, June 2012. “When High-Speed Meets Dial-Up: Material Conditions and Literacy Research Methods.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, Missouri, March 22, 2012. Denise Despres Professor, English, Honors, and Humanities Papers, Articles, Reviews “Ecstasy and Intimacy: The Material Culture of Medieval Devotional Literacy.” The Blackwell Companion to British Literature, ed. Robert DeMaria, Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher, Oxford University Press, 2013. “Adolescence and Interiority in Aelred’s Lives of Christ.” Mapping Medieval Lives of Christ, Ryan Perry and Stephen Kelly, eds. Queen’s University, Belfast, Brepols, 2013. “Iconography and Iconoclasm: Christian Doctrine and Religious Heterodoxy.” The Oxford Handbook to Chaucer, Suzanne Conklin Akbari, ed., Oxford University Press, 2013. Review: Georgiana Donovan, Scribit Mater, Mary and the Language Arts in the Literature of Medieval England. The Catholic University of America Press, 2012, for Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Fall 2013. Review: Adrienne Williams Boyarin, Miracles of the Virgin in Medieval England, D.S. Brewer, 2010, for Speculum, Spring 2013. Review: Chaucer and Religion, Helen Philips, ed. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2010. Religion and Literature 43.2, 2011. Review: Imagining an English Reading Public, 1150–1400, Katherine Breen. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Review of English Studies, 2011. Peter H. Greenfield Professor Emeritus, English Grants National Endowment for the Humanities Grant: Records of Early English Drama, editorial support, 2009–11. Allen C. Jones Visiting Assistant Professor, English Lectures and Professional Presentations “Visualizing Invisible Cities: Using Virtual Reality Technology to Teach Postmodern Literature.” Fast Forward 2012: International Digital Media and Arts Association, New World School of the Arts, Miami, Florida, November 9, 2012. 16 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Poem: “They Are Building a Tennis Court Next to the Hospital.” The American Journal of Nursing, April 2013. Grants National Endowment for the Humanities: Summer Institute for Advanced Studies in Digital Humanities: “The Dylan Thomas Machine: Nonlinear Reading in 3D,” Summer 2013. Priti Joshi Professor, English Books or Book Chapters “The Middle Classes.” Dickens in Context, Sally Ledger and Holly Furneaux, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2011. “The Victorians and Race.” Dickens in Context, Sally Ledger and Holly Furneaux, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “An Old Dog Enters the Fray; or, Reading Hard Times as an Industrial Novel.” Dickens Studies Annual, vol. 44, 221–241, Summer 2013. “The Other Great Exhibition: Mayhew’s Catalog of the Industrious.” Literature Compass 9/1, 95–105, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Through a Glass, Darkly: The Great Exhibition From Meerut.” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Venice, Italy, June 4, 2013. “A Hand From the Past: A Father’s Letters to his Daughter.” Victorian Futures, Santa Cruz, California, July 29, 2011. Grants Curran Fellow, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals: “Negotiating Empire From Within: The Anglo-Indian Mofussilite,” 2011. Tiffany Aldrich MacBain Associate Professor, English Papers, Articles, Reviews “Cont(r)acting Whiteness: The Language of Contagion in the Autobiographical Essays of Zitkala-Ša.” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory, 55–69, Autumn 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “The ‘wicked, pleasure-loving ancestress’ of Lily Bart: Jewish Surrogacy in The House of Mirth.” Society of the Study of American Women Writers Conference (“Citizenship and Belonging”), Denver, Colorado, October 10–13, 2012. Suzanne Warren FOR EIGN L A NGUAGE S A ND LITER AT U R E Papers, Articles, Reviews “Judging the Pulitzer: Binocular Vision by Edith Pearlman.” The Cincinnati Review 9.2, 196–99, Winter 2013. Mark Harpring Visiting Assistant Professor, English Lectures and Professional Presentations “The Reindeer Daughter.” Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment Tenth Biennial Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, May 31, 2013. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN ENGLISH See Humanities, George S. Erving. See African American Studies, Hans Ostrom. EN V IRONMEN TA L POLIC Y A ND DECISION M A K ING See Biology, Peter Hodum. See Education, Amy E. Ryken. See Geology, Kena Fox-Dobbs. Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature Books or Book Chapters Studies in Honor of Vernon Chamberlin. Mark Harpring, ed., Juan de la Cuesta, 2011. Diane Kelley Professor and Department Chair, Foreign Languages and Literature Papers, Articles, Reviews “Culture Wars: Early Modern French Theater and Contemporary American Culture in the General Education Classroom.” Eighteenth-Century Studies and the State of Education. Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries, 3.1, October 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Forgery and Fake Copies: Mme de Thémines’ Letter in Lafayette’s La Princesse de Clèves.” Women in French Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, February 24–25, 2012. See International Political Economy, Emelie Peine. See Politics and Government, Rachel DeMotts. See Politics and Government, Daniel Sherman. E X ERCISE SCIENCE Gary McCall Associate Professor and Department Chair, Exercise Science Lectures and Professional Presentations C.E. Corser-Jensen, J.R. Hagerup, C.W. Moore, and G.E. McCall. “Is activation of the HPA axis during high intensity cycling mediated?” American College of Sports Medicine 2011 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 1–4, 2011. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 43(5): S000, 2011. J.R. Hagerup, C.E. Corser-Jensen, C.W. Moore, and G.E. McCall. “The effect of repeated bouts of high intensity cycling on plasma interleukin-6 in college students.” American College of Sports Medicine 2011 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 1–4, 2011. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 43(5): S331, 2011. Josefa Lago Graña Distinguished Professor of Hispanic Studies, Foreign Languages and Literature Books or Book Chapters “Identidades borrosas en Sunset Boulevard: Fuguet y sus máscaras en ‘Más estrellas que en el cielo [Cortometraje]’,” in Máscaras, disfraces y travestismos en la narrativa breve lationamericana. San José: University of Costa Rica, 2013. Testing Program. Conexiones. Comunicación y cultura, 5th edition, Pearson Education, 2012. Student Activities Manual (with Mark Harpring). Conexiones. Comunicación y cultura, 5th edition, Pearson Education, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Digital Pedagogy in the Liberal Arts: the Impossible Dream? (A Case Study).” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2013. “Tierra y fuego: Mujer, exilio y hogar en Poniatowska y Valenzuela.” VIII Spanish Matters Colloquium, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, April 2013. “Raíces y lava: (in)migración y (des)territorialización en “El volcán y su volcana” de Elena Poniatowska y “Tierra ajena” de José Ignacio Valenzuela,” 38th International Symposium on Hispanic Literature. Homage to Elena Poniatowska. Los Angeles, California, March 2013. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 17 “Digital Tools for Oral Testing in Foreign Languages,” 110th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Seattle, Washington, October 2012. “Breaking with the Past: Women and Renewal in One Hundred Years of Solitude,” 4th Four Corners Conference on Globalization, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 2012. “And they DIDN’T live happily ever after: the critic and the female character in One Hundred Years of Solitude.” Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender Annual Meeting, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, October 2012. “Digital Pedagogy in the (Foreign) Language Classroom,” 94th American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2012. “Using Technology to Conduct Oral Exams in Spanish.” VII Spanish Matters Colloquium, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, April 2012. “Identidad en negativo: el México de Tina Modotti a través del lente en La mujer infinita de José Ignacio Valenzuela.” VII Spanish Matters Colloquium, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, April 2012. “E-books and the Hybrid Approach to Foreign Language Teaching” International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, March 2012. “Spanish Language Teaching in the Blended Classroom,” Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain, March 2012. Brendan Lanctot Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature Books or Book Chapters “Generic Mutations and Critical Adaptations: A Comparative Reading of César Aira’s La prueba and Diego Lerman’s Tan de repente.” Cine-lit VII: Essays on Hispanic Film and Fiction, Guy H. Wood, Fernando Fabio Sánchez, Gina Herrmann, eds., Corvallis, Oregon: Cine-Lit Publications, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews Review: Briggs, Ronald. Tropes of Enlightenment in the Age of Bolívar: Simón Rodríguez and the American Essay at Revolution. Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 45.3, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Capturas itinerantes: La recepción del daguerrotipo en el discurso cultural decimonónico.” XVIII Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 19, 2013. “Recombinaciones históricas en la ‘nueva’ cultura argentina.” XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., June 1, 2013. “Pluralismo neoliberal y repertorio monumental en 1810: La Revolución de Mayo vivida por los negros de Washington Cucurto.” XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, California, May 24, 2012. “Panorama-orama: Visual Culture and Techniques of Nation-Gazing in Post-Revolutionary Argentina.” Spanish Matters VI, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, April 12, 2012. Oriel María Siu Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature; Director, Latina/o Studies Papers, Articles, Reviews “Inscriptions of Coloniality in the Central American Diaspora, or the Malaise of Diasporic Subjectivities: Surveying Dis-eased Textualities.” Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Special Issue. “Centroamericanidades: Imaginative Reformulations and New Configurations of Central Americanness,” Arturo Arias, ed., 2013. “Interview with Héctor Tobar: On The Tattooed Soldier, the Times, Memory and Marginalities.” Mester Journal, Issue No. 40, 2011. “Suicidio y colonialidad en una novela de la diáspora centroamericana: Inmortales.” Mester Journal, Issue No. 40, 2011. Review: “Hacia una nueva aproximación a la literatura centroamericana: El tropo del transistmo en Dividing the Isthmus; Central American Transnational Histories, Literatures, and Cultures de Ana Patricia Rodríguez.” Brújula. Special Issue: Central American Narratives. Revista interdisciplinaria sobre estudios latinoamericanos, Issue No. 9, Spring 2011. Books or Book Chapters Poesía. Revista Cultura (Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de El Salvador). No. 110, 2013. Poesía. Párrafo. Issue No. 10, 2011. Poesía. Diario CoLatino. En sección “Trazos culturales.” San Salvador, El Salvador, September 12, 2011. 18 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Lectures and Professional Presentations “La colonialidad del poder en Centroamérica y los Andes.” Ponencia: “Autodestrucción, discurso, colonialidad: Muerte y alcoholismo en Berlín años guanacos.” LASA, San Francisco, California, May 2012. “Sobre la incompleta muerte en La diáspora de Horacio Castellanos Moya.” Central Americans and the Latina/o Landscapes: New Configurations of Latina/o America Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, February 2012. “Central American Enunciations from U.S. Zones of Indifference: On the Homo Sacer, the State of Exception, and Writing.” University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, January 2012. “La novela de la diáspora centroamericana: Algunas anotaciones sobre los eternos Inmortales.” Los Angeles Convention Center, MLA. Presided panel on “Central American Lives: Writings from the Diaspora,” January 2011. David F. Tinsley Distinguished Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature Books or Book Chapters “Mapping Muslims: The Geopolitics of Islam in Texts and Images of Middle High German Literature at the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century.” Contexualizing the Muslim Other in Medieval Christian Discourse. Jerold Frakes, ed. The New Middle Ages Series. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011. Harry Vélez-Quiñones Distinguished Professor of Hispanic Studies and Foreign Languages and Literature Papers, Articles, Reviews “Carlos Fuentes, Harvard y Puget Sound.” Clamor, Journal of the Juan de Fuca Chapter of the AATSP, Fall 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Foreign or Bilingual: Spanish Programs in American Colleges 1990–2010. First International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, May 2013. “A Shortbus of One’s Own: Performativity, Writing, and Identity in José Ignacio Valenzuela’s El filo de tu piel.” VII Spanish Matters Colloquium, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. “Lición de llevar chapines: Gender Performance and Footwear in Guillén de Castro’s La fuerza de la costumbre.” Modern Language Association Conference, Seattle, Washington, 2012. “Abjection and Early Modern Spanish Lyric Poetry.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011. GENDER ST UDIE S See Communication Studies, Derek Buescher. See Education, Terence Beck. “The Spiritual Friendship of Henry Suso and Elsbeth Stagel.” Friendship in the Medieval and Early Modern Period. Albrecht Classen, ed. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2011. See English, Julie Nelson Christoph. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Finding Diversity in History: Images of the Muslim Other in the Middle Ages and Their Meaning for Today.” Phi Beta Kappa, Magee Address, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, October 24, 2011. See Religion, Greta Austin. Grants Fulbright Faculty Seminar, State of Baden-Württemberg and International Fulbright Commission: “Recent Developments in German Secondary and Post-Secondary Education,” June 20–23, 2012. Awards and Honors National Certificate of Merit for the Teaching and Support of German Language and Culture in the United States. American Association of Teachers of German and the Goethe Institute of New York, ACTFL Convention, Denver, Colorado, November 19, 2011. See English, Priti Joshi. See Religion, Suzanne Holland. See Sociology and Anthropology, Jennifer Utrata. GEOLOGY Kena Fox-Dobbs Assistant Professor, Geology and Environmental Policy and Decision Making Papers, Articles, Reviews Fox-Dobbs, K.; Nelson, A.A.; Koch, P.L.; Leonard, J.A. “Faunal isotope records reveal trophic and nutrient dynamics in twentieth century Yellowstone grasslands,” Biology Letters, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2012.0321, 2012. Yeakel, J.D.; Guimaraes, P.R.; Novak, M.; Fox-Dobbs, K.; Koch, P.L. “Probabilistic patterns of interaction: the effects of link-strength variability on food-web structure,” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0481, 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 19 Lectures and Professional Presentations “Grevy’s zebra diet: historic and modern comparisons with co-occurring plains zebra, and the influence of livestock competition,” Fox-Dobbs, K.; Sundaresan, S.; Olszewski, S.; Kleine, L.; IsoEcol VIII, 2012. “The role of chemosynthetic productivity within intertidal food webs at anthropogenic hydrogen sulfide seeps in Commencement Bay, Washington,” Mosher, S.; Wong, C.; Elliott, J.K.; Fox-Dobbs, K.; IsoEcol VIII, 2012. “Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental reconstructions of late Quaternary mammalian faunas from eastern Wyoming and Colorado,” Fox-Dobbs, K.; Lightner, E.; Clementz, M.; Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, 2012. “How faithfully do small mammals record C4 grass abundance in grassland ecosystems? Isotopic insights from fossil and modern communities,” Fox-Dobbs, K.; Haveles, A.; Fox, D.L.; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2011. Grants National Science Foundation Research Opportunity Award (Integrative Organismal Systems): “Parasites and the evolution of mating systems: Do parasites drive complex behavior in animals?” 2011. GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES See Sociology and Anthropology, Monica DeHart. HISTORY Nancy K. Bristow Professor, History and African American Studies Books or Book Chapters American Pandemic: Lost Worlds of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, Oxford University Press, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “A Living Legacy: The Race and Pedagogy Initiative and the Struggle for Educational Justice.” 2013 National Civil Rights Conference, Meridian, Mississippi, June 17, 2013. “Remembering a Catastrophe: The Lost Worlds of the 19181920 Influenza Pandemic.” Program for Liberal Arts and Civic Engagement, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, May 14, 2013. “Remembering a Catastrophe: Americans the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.” Hampton Lecture, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, November 1, 2012. 20 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND “‘They’re Taking These Scars Away’: Memory, Civil Rights, and the Jackson Shootings.” 2012 National Civil Rights Conference, Philadelphia, Mississippi, June 19, 2012. “Forgetting and Remembering: The Human Legacy of the 1918 Pandemic in the United States,” invited paper. After 1918: History and the Politics of Influenza in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Publique (EHESP), Rennes, France, August 2011. Douglas Sackman Professor, History; James Dolliver National Endowment for the Humanities Distinguished Teaching Professor Lectures and Professional Presentations “The Northwest Identity and the Pacific Northwest College.” Keynote Address. Pacific Northwest Colleges Consortium Retreat, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, May 30, 2012. “Putting the Pacific Back into Pacific Northwest History: How the Transpacific Traffic in Lumber and Nature Helped Create a Pacific World, 1850–1900.” University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, October 20, 2011. David Smith Professor Emeritus, History Papers, Articles, Reviews “Delinquency and Welfare in London, 1939-1949.” London Journal, 67-87, March 2013. Katherine Allen Smith Associate Professor and Department Chair, History Books or Book Chapters War and the Making of Medieval Monastic Culture, Boydell & Brewer, 2011. HUM A NIT IE S George S. Erving Associate Professor, Humanities, Honors, and English; Director, Honors Program Books or Book Chapters “British Theatre and the French Revolution.” The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “‘The Chain of Jealousy’: Selfhood and Desire in William Blake’s The Four Zoas.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Annual Conference, Park City, Utah, August 11–14, 2011. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN HUM A NITIES See Art, Linda K. Williams. See Classics, Aislinn Melchior. See Classics, Eric Olin. See English, Denise Despres. See English, Priti Joshi. See Foreign Languages and Literature, David F. Tinsley. See Foreign Languages and Literature, Harry Vélez-Quiñones. See History, David Smith. See History, Katherine Allen Smith. See Music, Geoffrey Block. See Philosophy, Paul Loeb. See Theatre Arts, Geoffrey S. Proehl. IN TER NAT IONA L POLIT IC A L ECONOM Y Bradford Dillman Associate Professor and Director, International Political Economy Books or Book Chapters Introduction to International Political Economy, 5th ed., David Balaam and Bradford Dillman. New York: Longman, 2011 (released 2010). Lectures and Professional Presentations “Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Trafficking of Blood Diamonds, Antiques, and Waste: The Challenges of Changing Private Norms and Combating Illicit Trade.” International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, California, April 3, 2012. Emelie K. Peine Assistant Professor, International Political Economy Books or Book Chapters “Trading on Pork and Beans: agribusiness and the construction of the Brazil-China-soy-pork commodity complex.” The Ethics and Economics of Agrifood Competition, Harvey S. James, Jr., ed., Springer, 2013. “Brazilian Agriculture.” Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, Harvey S. James, Jr., ed., Springer, 2013. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Moonshine, Mountaineers, and Modernity: distilling cultural history in the southern Appalachian mountains,” Peine, E. and Schafft, K. The Journal of Appalachian Studies, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Definindo o Brasil-China-soja-suíno complexo de commodities: implicações para o balanço do poder no regime agro-alimentar emergente. (Defining the BrazilChina-soy-pork commodity complex: implications for the balance of power in the emerging food regime).” International Relations Symposium, School of Economics and International Relations, Fundação de Armando Álvarez Penteado, São Paulo, Brazil. Awards and Honors Fulbright Scholar Core Program, Brazil: “Chinese Investment in the Brazilian Soybean Industry: implications for Brazilian food sovereignity and global food security,” 2012–13. Mike Veseth Robert G. Albertson Professor, International Political Economy Books or Book Chapters Wine Wars: The Curse of the Blue Nun, the Miracle of Two Buck Chuck, and the Revenge of the Terroirists. Rowman & Littlefield, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations Keynote Address. Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers Annual Meeting, Kennewick, Washington, February 8, 2012. “State of the Industry.” Moderator and Breakout Session Leader. Unified Wine & Grape Symposium, Sacramento, California, January, 25, 2012. Invited Presenter. World Affairs Council of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, December 8, 2011. Invited Presenter. Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers, Pasco, Washington, November 10, 2011. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 21 Invited Presenter. World Affairs Council of Seattle, Seattle, Washington, November 3, 2011. “Wine Boom and Bust—with Lessons for France in the 21st Century.” Keynote Address. San Francisco Treasury Symposium, San Francisco, California, October 20, 2011. “Wine Wars: A Tale of Curses, Miracles and Revenge.” Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, September 29, 2011. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Boom Varietal, documentary world premier. Oregon Film Festival, Bend, Oregon, October 7–8, 2011. L AT IN A MER IC A N ST UDIE S See Art, Linda K. Williams. See Business and Leadership, Nila M. Wiese. See Foreign Languages and Literature, Brendan Lanctot. See Foreign Languages and Literature, Josefa Lago Graña. See International Political Economy, Emelie Peine. See Sociology and Anthropology, Monica DeHart (director, Latin American Studies). M AT HEM AT ICS A ND COMPU TER SCIENCE Jason Preszler Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science Lectures and Professional Presentations “Emergent Reducibility of Cubic Polynomials,” Pacific Northwest Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, April 13, 2013. Mike Spivey Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science Papers, Articles, Reviews “Enumerating Lattice Paths Touching or Crossing the Diagonal at a Given Number of Lattice Points.” Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19 (3): Article P24, 2012. “Optimal Discounts for the Online Assignment Problem.” Operations Research Letters, 41: 112–115, 2013. “The Lah Numbers and the nth Derivative of Exp(1/x),” with Siad Daboul, Jan Mangaldan, and Peter Taylor. Mathematics Magazine, 86 (1): 39–47, 2013. Lectures and Professional Presentations “My Semester as a Quant: Mean-Variance Optimization and the Black-Litterman Model,” Thompson Hall Science and Mathematics Seminar, University of Puget Sound, August 30, 2012. “The Black-Litterman Model,” Capital Markets Research Group, Russell Investments, Seattle, Washington, May 2012. Carl Toews Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science Papers, Articles, Reviews “Mathematical Modeling in the Undergraduate Curriculum.” PRIMUS 22(7), pp. 545–63, 2012. Drake, M.; Pentico, D.; and Toews, C. “Using the EPQ for coordinated planning of a product with partial backordering and its components.” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53(1–2), pp. 359–75, 2011. Pentico, D.; Drake, M.; and Toews, C. “The EPQ with partial backordering and phase dependent backordering rate.” Omega, Volume 39, Issue 5, pp. 574–77, October 2011. Grants National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis Working Group: “‘Pretty Darn Good’ Control: extensions of optimal control for ecological systems,” with Meghan Donahue, Paul Armsworth, and Alan Hastings. MUSIC Geoffrey Block Distinguished Professor, School of Music and Humanities Books or Book Chapters Foreword: Loverly: The Life and Times of “My Fair Lady” (Dominic McHugh). Oxford University Press, 2012. Foreword: Irving Berlin’s American Musical Theater (Jeffrey Magee). Oxford University Press, 2012. “Integration.” The Oxford Handbook of the American Musical. Oxford University Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews Essay Johnny Johnson, Kurt Weill Newsletter, Spring 2013. “Is life a cabaret? Cabaret and its sources in reality and the imagination,” Studies in Musical Theatre 5/2, 163–80, 2011. 22 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Gwynne Kuhner Brown Concerto for Amplified Violin and Orchestra. Tacoma Youth Symphony with guest Maria Sampen, Rialto Theater, Tacoma, Washington, March 4, 2012. Books or Book Chapters “Performers in Catfish Row: Porgy and Bess as Collaboration.” Blackness in Opera, Naomi Andre, Karen Bryan, and Eric Saylor, eds. Illinois University of Illinois Press, 2012. Blues and Rhythm Changes for alto saxophone and bassoon. Camas Woodwind Quintet Concert, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, February 27, 2012. Assistant Professor, School of Music Papers, Articles, Reviews “Whatever Happened to William Dawson’s Negro Folk Symphony?” The Journal of the Society for American Music, vol. 6 no. 4, November 2012. The Forest Nocturnal Triptych and As The Blue Night Descends Upon the World. Puget Sound Concert Band and Wind Ensemble, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, December 2, 2011. Pat Krueger Duane Hulbert Professor, School of Music Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Solo concerto performances, Washington/Idaho Symphony, Pullman, Washington, and Lewiston, Idaho, April 2013. Pecos Bill: A Short Story About the Wild West for chamber ensemble, composer and world premiere, University of Puget Sound Jacobsen Junior concert, February 2013. Solo recital, Calvary-by-the-Sea Church, Honolulu, Hawai`i, January 2013. Live performance of soundtrack, The Phantom of the Opera, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, November 2012. Puget Sound Piano Trio, Trilogy Recovery Community benefit performance, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, September 2012. Solo recital, Listen Live at Lunch Series, First Lutheran Church, Tacoma, Washington, July 2012. Awards and Honors Artist-in-Residence, Brush Creek Ranch, Saratoga, Wyoming, July–August 2012. Professor, School of Music Books or Book Chapters “Doing Ethnography in Music Education.” Qualitative Research in Music Education, Colleen Conway, ed., Oxford University Press, 2013. Gerard Morris Assistant Professor, School of Music Lectures and Professional Presentations “Conducting the Works of Edgard Varèse.” 8th Annual UNCG New Music Festival, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina, September 30, 2011. “Edgard Varèse: The Astronomer of Sound.” 8th Annual UNCG New Music Festival, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina, September 29, 2011. Steven Zopfi Associate Professor and Director of Choral Activities, School of Music Professor, School of Music Lectures and Professional Presentations American Choral Directors Association Northwest Division Conference, Seattle, Washington. Co-presenter, College and University Reading Session, March 16, 2012. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances The Slow Voyage Through Night. CU Symphonic Band, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, April 17, 2012. Recordings, Compositions, Exhibits, Performances Reflections: 2008–2011, Adelphian Concert Choir, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, released March 2012. As the Blue Night Descends Upon the World. CSUB Concert Band Guest Composers Concert, California State UniversityBakersfield, Bakersfield, California, March 16, 2012. WMEA Diamond Jubilee Conference Performance, Adelphian Concert Choir, Steven Zopfi, conductor, Washington Music Educators Association, Yakima, Washington, February 19, 2012. Robert Hutchinson FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 23 “Stravinsky - Bach - Beethoven,” Oregon Symphony, Portland Symphonic Choir, Steven Zopfi, conductor. Selections included: Chorale Variations on Bach’s Von Himmel Hoch, Igor Stravinsky; Symphony of Psalms, Igor Stravinsky; Orchestral Suite No. 1, BWV 1066, J.S. Bach; Fantasy in C-Minor, Lydwig van Beethoven, with Renato Fabbro, piano, October 15, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Questions from the Choral Conscience.” Northwest American Choral Directors Association News and Commentary, October 18, 2011. Reprinted in Choir Teach, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 7–8, and Choral Caffeine, April 4, 2012. NEUROSCIENCE Siddharth Ramakrishnan Assistant Professor, Biology; Chair, Neuroscience Program Papers, Articles, Reviews Rosenstein, J.K; Ramakrishnan, S.; Roseman, J.; and Shepard, K. “Single Ion Channel Recordings with CMOSAnchored Lipid Membranes.” Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/ nl400822r, 13 (6), 2682–6, 2013. Vesna, V.; and Ramakrishnan, S. “Patterns, bodies and metamorphosis: The Hox Zodiac.” Technoetic Arts, v10 (2–3) 197–206, December 2012. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN NEUROSCIENCE See Biology, Stacey Weiss. See Philosophy, Justin Tiehen. See Physical Therapy, Roger J. Allen. See Psychology, David Andresen. PHILOSOPH Y Paul S. Loeb Distinguished Professor, Philosophy, and Susan Resneck Pierce Professor of Humanities and Honors Books or Book Chapters The Death of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra. Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, Paperback, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Nietzsche’s Transhumanism.” The Agonist: A Nietzsche Circle Journal, Fall 2011. 24 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Justin Tiehen Associate Professor, Philosophy and Neuroscience Papers, Articles, Reviews “Disproportional Mental Causation.” Synthese Vol. 182, Number 3: 375–91, 2011. PH YSIC A L T HER A PY Bob Boyles Clinical Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Papers, Articles, Reviews Drake, M.; Bittenbender, C.; Boyles, R.E. “The short-term effects of treating plantar fasciitis with a temporary custom foot orthosis and stretching.” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 41(4):221–31, 2011. Abstract: Drake, M.; Bittenbender, C.; Boyles, R.E. “The short-term effects of treating plantar fasciitis with a unique, temporary custom foot orthosis and stretching.” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 41(1), A30, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations Drake, M.; Bittenbender, C.; Boyles, R.E. “The short-term effects of treating plantar fasciitis with a unique, temporary custom foot orthosis and stretching.” American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2011. Continuing Education Presentations “Cervical manipulation and mechanical neck pain.” Manipalooza, Evidence in Motion, University of Colorado, Denver, Denver, Colorado, 2011. “Move it and Move On: Integrating Manual Therapy and Functional Rehab of the Shoulder Girdle.” Preconference course, American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2011. “Evidence-based Examination and Selected Interventions for Patients with Lower Extremity Disorders,” Evidence in Motion, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2011. “Evidence-based Examination and Selected Interventions for Patients with Lower Extremity Disorders.” Evidence in Motion, Poulsbo, Washington, 2011. “Colorado Manipalooza: Manual Physical Therapy Management for Adhesive Capsulitis.” Special guest appearance, University of Colorado, Denver, Denver, Colorado, 2011. Jennifer D. Hastings Professor and Director, Physical Therapy Looper, J. “Down Symdrome: What do we know about early intervention?” Pediatric Special Interest Group of Physical Therapy Washington, Tacoma, Washington, July 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews Hastings, J.; Robins ’06, D.P.T.’10, H.; Griffiths D.P.T.’10, Y.; Hamilton D.P.T.’10, C. “The differences in self-esteem, function, and participation between adults with low cervical motor tetraplegia who use power or manual wheelchairs.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2011. PH YSICS James Evans Lectures and Professional Presentations Hastings, J.; Baniewich, C.; Dickson, J.; Levine, C.; McLennan, L .“Investigation of a non-surgical option to correct neuromuscular scoliosis in adult quadriplegic: a case review.” Poster presentation, Combined Section Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego, California, January 2013. Papers, Articles, Reviews “On the Pin-and-Slot Device of the Antikythera Mechanism, With a New Application to the Superior Planets,” with Christián C. Carman and Alan Thorndike. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 93–116, February 2012. Professor, Physics; Director, Science, Technology, and Society; Philip M. Phibbs Research Scholar Key Note Speaker: Southern Africa Spinal Cord Association 10th Biennial SASCA Congress: “The Way Forward.” The Pavilion Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012. David C. Latimer “Miss steps in rehabilitation—where is the way forward?” Southern Africa Spinal Cord Association 10th Biennial SASCA Congress, The Pavilion Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews E.A. Hay and D.C. Latimer. “Implications of the Dirac CP phase upon parametric resonance for sub-GeV neutrinos,” Physical Review C, 86, 035501, 2012. “Prevention of secondary musculoskeletal pain while living with SCI.” Southern Africa Spinal Cord Association 10th Biennial SASCA Congress, The Pavilion Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012. Randy Worland “Wheelchair prescription for optimal postural alignment and function.” Southern Africa Spinal Cord Association 10th Biennial SASCA Congress, The Pavilion Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Acoustical Effect of Progressive Undercutting of Percussive Aluminum Bars,” with Eric M. Laukkanen ’14. Acoustical Society of America, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, December 2012. Julia Looper “Musical Acoustics of Orchestral Water Crotales,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, January 2012. Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Papers, Articles, Reviews Looper, J., Ulrich, D.A. “Does orthotic use affect upper extremity support during upright play in infants with Down syndrome?” Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23 (1): 70–7, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations Looper, J. and Lloyd, M. “Linking Physical Activity to Early Intervention in Children with Down Syndrome.” American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, February 2012. Carlson, T.; Choe, K.; Chung, V.; Olson, M.; Looper, J. “An overview of interventions currently employed by pediatric PTs in treating patients with DS.” Poster presentation. Section on Pediatrics Annnual Conference, August 2011. Assistant Professor, Physics Associate Professor, Physics Lectures and Professional Presentations “Measuring Brass Instruments: a ‘Physics of Music’ Lab Exercise.” Acoustical Society of American 164th Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 2012. “The Physics of Music: Using Light to Study Sound.” Tacoma Science Cafe, Tacoma, Washington, January 10, 2012. “Acoustical Effect of Progressive Undercutting of Percussive Aluminum Bars,” Eric M. Laukkanen ’14 and Randy Worland. Acoustical Society of America, 162nd Meeting, San Diego, California, November 2, 2011. “Demonstration of Coupled Membrane Modes on a Musical Drum.” Acoustical Society of America, 162nd Meeting, San Diego, California, November 1, 2011. “Experimental Study of Vibraphone Pitch Bending using Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry.” Acoustical Society of America, 161st Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2011. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 25 “Demonstrating the Effect of Air Temperature on Wind Instrument Tuning.” Acoustical Society of America, 161st Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2011. “Acoustic Effects of Holes in Commercial Cymbals,” Brooke Peaden ’12 and Randy Worland. Acoustical Society of America, 161st Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “When Did We Start Just Making Shit Up? Origins of U.S. Pseudocracy,” with Hans A. Ostrom. Western Political Science Association, Portland, Oregon, March 24, 2012. Robin Dale Jacobson Associate Professor, Politics and Government POLITICS AND GOVER NMENT Rachel DeMotts Associate Professor of Global Environmental Politics, Politics and Government, and Environmental Policy and Decision Making Papers, Articles, Reviews “Conflicts and Conundrums: No Easy Route to Ecotourism,” with L. Swatuk. Alternatives, 2012. “Whose Elephants? Conserving, Compensating, and Competing in Northern Botswana,” with P. Hoon. Society and Natural Resources 25(9), 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Conservation as an Experience of the State in Southern Africa.” American Political Science Association Africa Workshop, University of Botswana, Gaborone, July 2012. “Counting Charismatic Megafauna—or, Why Fieldwork is the Worst Method, Except for all the Others.” 50 Forward: A Half Century of African Studies at Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2012. “Weaving and Leading: A Gendered View of CommunityBased Conservation in Namibia.” International Association for the Study of the Commons, Hyderabad, India, January 2011. William Haltom Professor, Politics and Government Books or Book Chapters “America’s Culture of Litigation,” with Michael W. McCann. New Directions in Judicial Politics, Routledge, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Criminalizing Big Tobacco: Legal Mobilization and the Politics of Responsibility for Health Risks in the United States,” with Michael W. McCann and Shauna Fisher. Law and Social Inquiry, 2012. Books or Book Chapters Faith and Race in American Political Life. Robin Jacobson and Nancy Wadsworth, eds., University of Virginia Press, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “The Politics of Belonging: Interest Group Identity and Agenda Setting on Immigration.” American Politics Research, 39:6, 993–1018, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Eracing Faith: The Intersection of Race and Religion in American Politics.” Faculty Forum, Religious Studies Department, Arizona State University, March 29, 2012. “Homegrown Nativism or Corporate Profits.” Migration and Mobility, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, March 28, 2012. “Old Poison in New Security Bottles: Contemporary Immigration Restriction and the Detention Regime.” Western Political Science Association, Portland, Oregon, 2012. “Disciplined Migration.” Western Political Science Association, Hollywood, California, March 2013. Daniel Sherman Associate Professor, Politics and Government; Director, Environmental Policy and Decision Making Books or Book Chapters Not Here, Not There, Not Anywhere: Local Opposition and the Politics of Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal. Washington, D.C., Resources for the Future Press, 2011. “Hazardous Waste,” Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Government, Paul J. Quirk and William Cunion, eds., Facts on File Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Critical Mechanisms for Critical Masses: Exploring Variation in Active Opposition to Low-level Radioactive Waste Site Proposals.” Mobilization 16 (1). “Contamination, Collaboration, Remediation and Restoration: Lessons on First and Next-Generation Environmental Policy Approaches from the St. Paul Waterway Superfund Site in Tacoma, Washington.” Society and Natural Resources 24 (3). 26 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Lectures and Professional Presentations “Power Generation: Social Mechanisms in the Contentious Politics of U.S. Nuclear Waste Disposal.” Pacific Sociological Association Conference, San Diego, California. “Object-object based contextual effects on object recognition,” with Marcus Chen ’12. Object Perception and Memory Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 15, 2012. “Developing Models for Sustainability 101: Eighteen Faculty Members Collaborate on a New Foundation for Sustainability Teaching & Learning,” with Rob Turner, Rob Cole, Ben Fackler-Adams, Jean MacGregor, Sonya Remington, Claus Svendsen, Jill Whitman, and Steven Neshyba. Eighth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, Vancouver, British Columbia. Grants “Objective and Subjective Assessment of Research Methods Knowledge: A Concurrent and Longitudinal Study,” with David Moore. Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 2012–13. R ELIGION “Hot Stuff: Intergovernmental Dynamics and the Policy History of Radioactive Waste Disposal in the United States.” Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington. Greta Austin “What The Wall Street Journal Didn’t Report About Nuclear Waste”; “Looking Outside through the Eyes of an Environment Professor”; “An Immodest Proposal”; “Mixed Greens: Ecomagination and the Green Life.” July Renaissance Weekend, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Books or Book Chapters “Were There Two Arsenal Collections? Arsenal 713 and the Ivonian Panormia.” Canon Law, Religion and Politics: Liber Amicorum Robert Somerville. Uta-Renate Blumenthal, Anders Winroth, and Peter Landau, eds., Washington, D.C., Catholic University Press, 2012. “How do we decide what to do with this stuff? The Politics of Radioactive Waste Disposal in the U.S.” National Security Education Center at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. David Sousa Professor and Department Chair, Politics and Government Papers, Articles, Reviews “The Resilience of the Northwest Forest Plan: Green Drift?” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 1, 114–25, 2011. PSYCHOLOGY David Andresen Associate Professor, Psychology Lectures and Professonal Presentations “A Window Into the Mind: Teaching Undergraduates About Neuroimaging.” Association for Psychological Science, Society for the Teaching of Psychology Teaching Institute, Washington, D.C., May 23, 2013. “In-Depth Rotation Modulates EEG Gamma Oscillations,” with Thien Vu ’13. Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 25, 2013. “Out-Group Exposure Decreases Differential Mirror Neuron Response Between In- and Out-group Members,” with Mackenzie Hepker ’13. Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 25, 2013. Associate Professor, Religion; Director, Gender Studies Review: Die Konzilien Deutschlands und Reichsitaliens (916–1001): Concilia aevi Saxonici DCCCCXVI-MI, part 1 (916–960), Ernst-Dieter Hehl, ed., with Horst Fuhrmann (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 1987), The Medieval Review, June 5, 2013. Papers, Articles, Reviews Review: Karl Shoemaker, Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500. Fordham University Press, 2010; H-Net, May 2013. “St. Augustine and the Hall of Memory.” The American Scholar, Winter 2011. Review: Canon Law and the Letters of Ivo of Chartres (Christof Rolker, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Fourth Series, Cambridge, 2010). Speculum 86, 544–5, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Law in the Panormia collections.” XV International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Toronto, Canada, August 2012. Chair, “Canon law in Scandinavia.” XV International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Toronto, Canada, August 2012. “The Origins of the Scholastic Method in Two Canon Law Collections Around the Year 1000?: Explicit and Implicit Commentary in Burchard’s Decretum and Abbo of Fleury’s Collectio Canonum.” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 27 Moderator and Chair, “Letters, Privileges, and Rules: Authority in the Church.” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2012. “The Case of Henrietta Lacks: Ethical Issues in Research on Humans, Race, Reproduction & Immortality.” Alumni College, University of Puget Sound, June 2011. Panelist, “Re-thinking the Gregorian Reform.” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 2012. “Justice in Translation: Achieving Benefit for All from Genomic Science.” ELSI Congress, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, April 12, 2011. “Roman law in the eleventh-century canon law collections.” American Society of Legal History, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011. Grants National Institutes of Health/National Human Genome Research Institute: Co-investigator, Center for Genomics and Healthcare Equality, The Center of Excellence in Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI), 2010–15. Awards and Honors Secretary (second term), Governing Board of the Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio (International Society for Medieval Canon Law), 2012–16. Matthew Ingalls Assistant Professor, Religion Suzanne Holland Professor, Ethics and Religion; John B. Magee Professor of Science and Values Books or Book Chapters “Human Dignity and the Debate Over Early Human Embryos,” Palpant, N.J. and S. Holland. Human Dignity in Bioethics: from Worldviews to the Public Square, N.J. Palpant and S. Dilley, eds., New York and London: Routledge Press, 2013. Achieving Justice in Genomic Translation: Re-Thinking the Pathway to Benefit, W. Burke, K. Edwards, S. Goering, S. Holland, S. Trinidad. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Homosexuality: Religious Perspectives,” (revised), Encyclopedia of Bioethics (4th edition), Bruce Jennings, ed., Macmillan Reference USA, 2013. “Values in Translation: How Asking the Right Questions Can Move Translational Science Toward Greater Health Impact,” Kelley, M.; Edwards, K.; Starks, H.; Fullerton, S; James, R.; Goering, S.; Holland, S.; Disis, M.; Burke, W. Clinical and Translational Science 5(6): 445–51, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Technologies of Desire: Give Me Children or I Shall Die.” The George and Jean Edwards Lectureship, Louisville Presbyterian Seminary’s Annual Pressler-Edwards Lectures, October 2012. “Reproductive Justice: Crossing Borders, Crossing Bodies.” Special Joint Session at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 2011. “Cross-Border Reproductive Care & the Marketing of Desire.” American Society of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2011. 28 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Books or Book Chapters “Between Center and Periphery: The Development of the Sufi Fatwa in Late-Medieval Egypt,” Sufism and Society: Arrangements of the Mystical in the Muslim World, 1200– 1800 C.E., Routledge, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews Review: Letters of a Sufi Scholar: The Correspondence of ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641–1731) by Samer Akkach, Journal of the American Oriental Society 132.1, 163–5, 2012. “Egypt’s Rulers are Threatening the Gain of Tahrir Square.” The New York Times Sunday Review, January 4, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Redeploying the Past to Validate the Present: Muslim Legal Commentary and the Case of Sufism.” Pacific Northwest Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Portland, Oregon, May 12, 2012. “Subversive Invisibility: Context and Change in Muslim Legal Commentaries.” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, California, November 22, 2011. Awards and Honors Wabash Center Pre-Tenure Religion Faculty Teaching Workshop Fellow, 2012–13. The Bruce D. Craig Prize for Mamluk Studies for the best dissertation on a topic related to the Mamluk Sultanate submitted to an American or Canadian university, 2011. Judith W. Kay Professor, Ethics and Religion Papers, Articles, Reviews Review: Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues by Bruce K. Ward. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32:1:213–4, Spring/Summer 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “The Death Penalty in Washington State.” The City Club, Tacoma, Washington, May 2, 2012. Moderator, “Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany.” Fifth Annual Power and Heller Family Conference on Holocaust Education, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, March 8, 2012. “Aquinas’s Failed Account of Sins of Malice: A Theological Opportunity for Restorative Justice.” Pacific Section, Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, Pasadena, California, February 10, 2012. SCIENCE , TECHNOLOGY, A ND SOCIET Y Kristin Johnson Associate Professor, Science, Technology, and Society Books or Book Chapters Ordering Life: Karl Jordan and the Naturalist Tradition. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. A DDITIONA L SCHOL A RSHIP IN SCIENCE , TECHNOLOGY, A ND SOCIET Y See Economics, D. Wade Hands. See Physics, James Evans (director, Science, Technology, and Society). Lectures and Professional Presentations “Radio Bidan: Mass Mediating Childbirth in Indonesia.” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California, November 16, 2012. Grants Henry Luce Foundation Grant: “Field Schools in Southeast Asia,” Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE), 2013–2014. Monica DeHart Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology; Director, Latin American Studies Books or Book Chapters “Migration and Tourism: People on the Move,” with Nick Kontogeorgopoulos. Introduction to International Political Economy, 5th Ed., David Balaam and Bradford Dillman. New York: Longman, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Remodeling the Global Development Landscape: The China Model and South-South Cooperation in Latin America.” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 7, 1359–75, 2012. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Breaking New Ground? Ethnographic Insights on ChinaCosta Rican Development Politics.” Asia and the Americas Section Panel, Latin American Studies Association Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C., May 28–June 1, 2013. “From the Ground Up: China’s Role in Constructing the New Development Landscape in Latin America, “China and the Restructuring of the International Political Economy.” Conference sponsored by the Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, April 13–14, 2013. See Religion, Suzanne Holland. “Build It, and They Will Come: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Taiwanese Soft Power Efforts in Central America.” Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, San Diego, California, March 21–24, 2013. SOCIOLOGY A ND A N T HROPOLOGY “Breaking New Ground: The construction of South-South Partnership in China-Costa Rica Development Relations.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 12–18, 2012. Gareth Barkin Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, and Asian Studies Papers, Articles, Reviews “Reterritorialization in the Micromediascape: Indonesian Regional Television amid the Rise of Normative MediaIslam.” Visual Anthropology Review, v.29, no.1, May 2013. “Nuevos campos de desarrollo: la politica cultural de la cooperacion China-Costarricense.” International Seminar on China, Latin America and the Caribbean, China-Mexico Studies Center, Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, May 30, 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 29 Andrew M. Gardner Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Books or Book Chapters Constructing Qatar: Migrant Narratives From the Margins of the Global System. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2012. “Why Do They Keep Coming? Labor Migrants in the Gulf States.” Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf, Mehran Kamrava and Zahra Babar, eds., New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Papers, Articles, Reviews “A Portrait of Low-Income Labor Migrants in Contemporary Qatar.” Journal of Arabian Studies, June 2013. “Rumour and Myth in the Labour Camps of Qatar.” Anthropology Today, December 2012. “Foreign labour and labour migration in the small GCC states.” Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF) Policy Brief, November 2012. “Gulf Migration and the Family.” The Journal of Arabian Studies, 1(1): 3–25, 2011. “Applied Anthropology in Qatar and the Neighboring Gulf States.” Society for Applied Anthropology News, 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Migration, Urban Space, and the Shape of the Contemporary Gulf City.” International Symposium of Emerging Cities in the Arab World: Tradition, Contemporaneity, and Sustainability, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar, April 16, 2013. “Transnational Labor Migration in Contemporary Qatar: New Data.” The Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver, Colorado, March 21, 2013. “A Portrait of Low Income Migrants in Qatar.” Public Lecture for the Center for Gulf Studies at the American University of Kuwait, Kuwait City, January 15, 2013. “The Amalgamated City: Petroleum Wealth and Urban Space in Doha, Qatar.” For the conference Boom Cities: Urban Development in the Arabian Peninsula, New York University, Abu Dhabi, December 4, 2012. “How the City Grows: Urban Growth and Challenges to Sustainable Development in Doha, Qatar.” Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Denver, Colorado, November 19, 2012. “Migration and Advocacy in Qatar,” with Silvia Pessoa, for the session “Anthropologists as Advocates for Immigrants and Refugees.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 29, 2012. 30 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND “Migration and Alternative/Non-capitalist political ecologies: Focus on the Gulf States,” for the roundtable discussion “Migration and Alternative and Non-Capitalist Political Ecologies.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 29, 2012. “Segregation and Urban Space in the Gulf.” Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science, Baltimore, Maryland, March 28, 2012. “Tribalism, Identity and Citizenship in Contemporary Qatar,” with Ali Al-Shawi. Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington, D.C., December 3, 2011. “‘Lazy Arabs’: A Reconceptualization of the Qatari ‘Rentier Economy.’” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Canada, November 16, 2011. “Circular Migration and the Gulf States,” with Zahra Babar. United Nations University Center of Studies and Research on Migration. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, October 21, 2011. Grants Open Society Foundation, International Migration Initiative Grant: “Labor Migrants and Access to Justice in Qatar an Kuwait,” 2012–13. Qatar National Research Fund National Priorities Research (NPRP) Grant, Lead Principal Investigator: “Transnational Labor Migration: An Empirical Sociological Analysis,” 2010–12. Qatar National Research Fund National Priorities Research (NPRP) Grant, Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Kaltham Alghanim, Lead Principal Investigator: “Connecting Past and Present: Women’s Identity and Image in Arab Culture,” 2010–12. Denise M. Glover Visiting Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Books or Book Chapters Explorers and Scientists in China’s Borderlands, 1880-1950. Denise M. Glover, Stevan Harrell, Charles F. McKhann, and Margaret B. Swain, eds., University of Washington Press, 2011. “At Home in Two Worlds: Ernest Henry Wilson as Natural Historian” in Denise M. Glover, Stevan Harrell, Charles F. McKhann, and Margaret B. Swain, eds., Explorers and Scientists in China’s Borderlands, 1880–1950. University of Washington Press, 2011. Papers, Articles, Reviews “Conservation, Cultivation, and Commodification of Medicinal Plants in the Greater Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau,” with Sienna Craig. Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity, special issue (5.2), Denise Glover and Sienna Craig, eds., 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Viral Signs: Confronting cultural relativism with children’s health in the field.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 14–19, 2012. “Shadow Dancing: Ethnic Medicine and PRC Law.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Montreal, November 15–20, 2011. Leon Grunberg Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Books or Book Chapters “Transnational Corporations,” with Mike Veseth. Introduction to International Political Economy, 5th Ed., David Balaam and Bradford Dillman. New York: Longman, 2011. Awards and Honors 2012 Distinguished Article Award, American Sociological Association’s Sex and Gender Section: “Youth Privilege,” Gender & Society, 2011. IREX Fellow, Regional Policy Symposium: “Gender in the 21st Century: Eastern Europe and Eurasia,” 2011. T HE ATR E A RTS Sara Freeman Assistant Professor, Theatre Arts Books or Book Chapters Public Theatres and Theatre Publics. Rob Shimko and Sara Freeman, eds., Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012. “Introduction: Theatre, Performance, and the Public Sphere.” Public Theatres and Theatre Publics. Robert B. Shimko and Sara Freeman, eds., London: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012. “Timberlake Wertenbaker.” Modern British Playwriting The 1980s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Jane Milling, ed., London: Methuen, 2012. Jennifer Utrata “British Alternative Companies and Antinuclear Plays: Eco-Conscious Theatre in Thatcher’s Britain.” Readings in Performance and Ecology, Wendy Arons and Theresa J. May, eds., New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Books or Book Chapters “Men on the Margins of Family Life: Fathers in Russia,” with Jean M. Ispa and Simone Ispa-Landa. Fathers in Cultural Context, David W. Shwalb, Barbara J. Shwalb, and Michael E. Lamb, eds., 279–302, Routledge, 2013. Papers, Articles, Reviews Review: “British Asian Theatre: Dramaturgy, Process, and Performance by Dominic Hingorani.” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 26:2, Spring 2012. Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Papers, Articles, Reviews “Youth Privilege: Doing Age and Gender in Russia’s SingleMother Families,” Gender & Society 25: 616–41, October 2011. Lectures and Professional Presentations “Breadwinning and the Bottle: Doing Masculinity, Drinking, and the Normalization of Gender Crisis in the New Russia.” Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Winter Meeting and Conference, Tamaya, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, February 2013. Productions Director: Spring Awakening, Norton Clapp Theatre, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, 2013. Director: Sluggard, Northwest Playwrights Alliance Double Shot Festival, Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Tacoma, Washington, 2012. Director: Lydia, Puget Sound Climate Check Events, 2012. Director: New Life in a Future World, Northwest Playwrights Alliance Double Shot Festival, Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Tacoma, Washington, 2011. “Normalized Gender Crisis: Single Motherhood in the New Russia.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Constructions of Family and Kinship, Denver, Colorado, August 2012. “Intersectionality is Not Destiny: Negotiating Triple Outsider Status in Russia.” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, session on “Intersectionality and the Researcher,” San Diego, California, March 2012. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 31 Geoffrey Proehl Professor and Department Chair, Theatre Arts Productions 1620 Bank Street by C. Rosalind Bell. Co-director and dramaturge, with Grace Livingston, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, Fall 2012. Awards and Honors James Dolliver National Endowment for the Humanities Project: “Engaging Creativity, Criticism, Collaboration, and Community Through the Work of Suzan-Lori Parks and Her Contemporaries,” 2010–13. Kurt Walls Professor, Theatre Arts Interim Production Manager, Intiman Theatre, Seattle, Washington Paradise Lost, directed by Damaso Rodriguez The Thin Place, directed by Andrew Russell Ruined, directed by Kate Whoriskey Scenic Design The Cradle Will Rock, directed by Marilyn Bennett, Norton Clapp Theatre, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. Black Nativity, directed by Jackie Moscou, Intiman Theatre, Seattle, Washington. Holiday Glee, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Washington. The Trip to Bountiful, directed by Geoff Proehl, Norton Clapp Theatre, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. Swing into Laughter, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Women’s Chorus, Paramount Theatre, Seattle, Washington. A Look and A Touch, directed by Andrew Russell, Seattle Men’s Chorus, McCaw Hall, Seattle, Washington. Falling in Love Again, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, McCaw Hall, Seattle, Washington. Heartthrobs, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, McCaw Hall, Seattle, Washington. As You Like It, directed by Geoff Proehl, Norton Clapp Theatre, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. True Country, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Women’s Chorus, Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Washington. Cool Yule, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Washington. 32 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND Black Nativity, directed by Jackie Moscou, Seattle Theatre Group at the Moore Theatre, Seattle, Washington. Metamorphoses, directed by John Rindo, Norton Clapp Theatre, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. Come Together, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, McCaw Hall, Seattle, Washington. Sing Out, directed by Dennis Coleman, Seattle Men’s Chorus, McCaw Hall, Seattle, Washington. CI V IC SCHOL A R SHIP AT U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND University of Puget Sound is committed to its role as an intellectual asset within the community, serving as a center for faculty and student research and scholarship on a broad array of issues. In partnership with community members and organizations throughout the region, numerous projects and programs have taken shape, including three signature initiatives: Civic Scholarship Initiative pugetsound.edu/csi The Civic Scholarship Initiative connects Puget Sound’s faculty and students with citizens of the south Puget Sound region in projects of mutual concern. By investing the college’s intellectual capital, the initiative provides real-world laboratories for faculty and students to pursue their research and teaching objectives while partnering with regional organizations to solve problems, develop policy, and educate the public on issues of regional and national significance. Programs include the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound, which is providing liberal arts coursework to the Washington Correctional Center for Women; Transfer Development Rights, which addresses responsible management of urban growth; the Pierce County Economic Index; Puget Sound Brass Camp; The Road Home: Homeless Policy for Pierce County; Senior University in affiliation with Franke Tobey Jones Residence; summer camps for constrained limb therapy and for children with developmental needs; and the Zina Linnik Project to create safe parks for children in Tacoma. Race and Pedagogy Initiative pugetsound.edu/raceandpedagogy A collaboration between Puget Sound and South Sound communities, the Race and Pedagogy Initiative seeks to educate students and teachers at all levels to think critically about race and to act to eliminate racism. Since 2006 the initiative has served as an incubator, catalyst, and forum for a variety of programs and projects. Following the 2010 Race and Pedagogy National Conference, which welcomed to campus more than 1,000 presenters and participants from colleges and universities across the nation, regional schools and community organizations, and artistic and theatrical performances, RPI has continued to host gatherings that spur critical dialogue. These include the April 2012 Youth and Family Summit, keynoted by Michael Benitez Jr.; the October conference on Race, Education, and Criminal Justice, keynoted by Ericka Huggins; and the 2012–13 series of residencies and public presentations under the theme of American Voices: Invisibility, Art, and Educational Justice. Led by educator-in-residence Thelma Jackson, the series included guest artists Paul Rucker, Chiyuki Shannon, and Walidah Imarisha. Planning is now underway for the third quadrennial Race and Pedagogy National Conference, scheduled for Sept. 25–27, 2014. Sound Policy Institute pugetsound.edu/soundpolicy Sound policies restore and sustain the natural environment in balance with a healthy, prosperous, and just community. The Sound Policy Institute builds the capacity of individuals and groups, both on campus and in the Puget Sound region, to actively and effectively engage in environmental decision-making. The institute provides opportunities for the inclusion of communitybased learning objectives in the coursework and research of the college’s Environmental Policy and Decision Making Program; the integration of “big ideas” related to sustainability into the teaching and learning of faculty members from across academic disciplines and higher education institutions; and community member engagement in lifelong environmental learning experiences through courses, field trips, training sessions, and other events. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 33 WA SHINGTON PROFE SSOR OF T HE Y E A R The only national initiative specifically designed to recognize excellence in undergraduate teaching and mentoring, the Professor of the Year program is administered by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Puget Sound faculty members have been honored seven times, more than any other college in Washington. Karl Fields (2012) Professor, Politics and Government A member of the Puget Sound faculty since 1990, Karl Fields is a Distinguished Professor of Politics and Government. Fluent in Chinese and conversant in Japanese, his teaching focuses on comparative politics, comparative political economy, and the politics and societies of Asia. He chaired the politics and government department from 2000 to 2004, and served as director of the Asian Studies Program from 1997 to 2000, and 2005 to the present. His scholarship is informed by regular teaching, lecturing, and research in China, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, and travels in the Russian Far East, Thailand, and Vietnam. PAST R ECIPIENTS Michael Veseth ’72 (2010) Robert G. Albertson Professor, International Political Economy James Evans (2008) Physics and Science, Technology, and Society Nancy Bristow (2007) History Suzanne Barnett (2002) History and Asian Studies Mott Greene (1996) Honors Program and Science, Technology, and Society Robert G. Albertson (1985) Religion and Asian Studies 34 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND PR E SIDEN T’S E XCELL ENCE IN TE ACHING AWA R D The Puget Sound President’s Excellence in Teaching Award was established by former trustee Hal Eastman ’60 and his wife, Jacque ’61, to recognize faculty members who demonstrate exceptional teaching skills, independent of accomplishments in scholarship, research, or publication. Recipients are selected for their genuine passion for teaching, an ability to inspire students to learn, a capacity to set high expectations and challenge students to meet them, a respect for students as individuals, an enduring intellectual curiosity, and the capacity for growth, change, and vitality in the classroom and beyond. John Hanson (2012) Professor and Department Chair, Chemistry Professor and chair of the chemistry department, John Hanson joined the faculty of University of Puget Sound in 1990. His teaching and research interests include organic chemistry, computational and bioorganic chemistry, and biochemistry. Cited by students as an enthusiastic and passionate professor, in the past five years Professor Hanson has mentored 11 summer research students, 24 senior thesis research students, and six directed student research projects, with many students going on to present their research findings at national conferences. PAST R ECIPIENTS Bill Breitenbach (2011) History Catherine Hale (2006) Psychology Leon Grunberg (2001) Comparative Sociology Nick Kontogeorgopoulos (2010) International Political Economy Hans Ostrom (2005) African American Studies and English Sunil Kukreja (2000) Comparative Sociology Jeff Matthews (2009) School of Business and Leadership and Business Leadership Program Andrew Rex (2004) Physics and Honors Program Nancy Bristow (1999) History Paul Loeb (2003) Philosophy A. Susan Owen (1998) Communication Studies Suzanne Holland (2008) Ethics and Religion Amy Ryken (2007) School of Education Ken Rousslang (2002) Chemistry For more information about the Washington State Professor of the Year and President’s Excellence in Teaching awards, visit pugetsound.edu/academics/faculty-scholarship/teaching-awards. FACU LT Y SCHOL A R SHIP JU LY 2011–JU NE 2013 35 EDITOR’S NOTE This publication presents highlights of faculty scholarship for the period July 1, 2011–June 30, 2013. Submissions were edited for length and consistency of style wherever possible. A copy of this publication can be found online at pugetsound.edu/academics. DI V ERSIT Y STATEMENT We acknowledge the richness of commonalities and differences we share as a university community, the intrinsic worth of all who work and study here, and that education is enhanced by investigation of and reflection upon multiple perspectives. We aspire to create respect for and appreciation of all persons as a key characteristic of our campus community, to increase the diversity of all parts of our university community through commitment to diversity in our recruitment and retention efforts, and to foster a spirit of openness to active engagement among all members of our campus community. We act to achieve an environment that welcomes and supports diversity, to ensure full educational opportunity for all who teach and learn here, and to prepare effectively citizenleaders for a pluralistic world. EQUA L OPPORTU NIT Y POLIC Y University of Puget Sound does not discriminate in education or employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, marital or familial status, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, gender identity, or any other basis prohibited by local, state, or federal laws. This policy complies with the spirit and the letter of applicable federal, state, and local laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions about the policy may be referred to the university’s affirmative action officer (253.879.3991) or the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C., 20202. Information on services for persons with disabilities may be obtained from Peggy Perno, director of disability services (253.879.3395; TTD: 253.879.3399; pperno@pugetsound.edu). 36 U NI V ER SIT Y OF PUGET SOU ND OFFICE OF THE AC A DEMIC DE A N 1500 N. Warner St. #1001 Tacoma, WA 98416-1001 253.879.3205 acadvp@pugetsound.edu pugetsound.edu/academics