Report and Accounts 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Management Report 1. Executive Summary 2. Macroeconomic Background and Market Developments 2.1. Financial Markets 2.2. Real Estate Market 3. Pension Plans 3.1. Overview 3.2. Population Covered by the Pension Plans 3.3. Benefits, Charges and Contributions 3.4. Actuarial Valuation 3.4.1. Financial and Actuarial Assumptions 3.4.2. Results of the Actuarial Valuation 4. Investment Policy 5. Portfolio Structure and Risk Management 5.1. Strategic Benchmark 5.2. Breakdown by Asset Class 5.3. Breakdown by Region 5.4. Exposure to Exchange Rate Risk 5.5. Value at Risk – “Assets – Liabilities” 5.6. Leverage-Adjusted Modified Duration Gap 5.7. Breakdown of the Bond Portfolio by Issuer Type 5.8. Breakdown of the Bond Portfolio by Rating 5.9. Breakdown of the Real estate Portfolio 6. Results and Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Pension Fund 7. Closing Remarks II. Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statements III. Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement IV. Certification of the Financial Statements Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 2 MANAGEMENT REPORT 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Banco de Portugal Defined Benefit Pension Fund was created in 1988 and is a closed fund composed of an autonomous set of assets exclusively allocated to meeting the liabilities assumed by the Banco de Portugal in respect of payment of retirement, disability and survivors’ benefit, as well as payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to SAMS - Social Health Assistance Service for Banking Sector Employees. The Pension Fund was closed to new employees as a result of their integration in the general Social Security Scheme pursuant to Decree Law No 54/2009 of 2 March. The Pension Fund positions itself at the level of the first pillar of social protection until 31 December. Pursuant to Decree Law No 1-A/2011 of 3 January, the payment of the retirement pensions to employees who reach the statutory retirement age ceases to be the sole responsibility of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal, being shared in the future between the Pension Fund and the Social Security. As at 31 December 2010, the Fund’s assets amounted to 1,230.7 million euros, whereas the liabilities for past services amounted to 1,230.7 million euros. The future cash flows related to the liabilities of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund are discounted using market interest rates. This methodology is grounded on the assumption that the present value of the liabilities must represent, at each point in time, the capital that would have to be invested to meet future payments. Thus, based on the nominal interest rates of inflation-linked sovereign debt of the Euro Area and bearing in mind the time structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities, a discount rate of 4.8% was computed. This discount rate was used to calculate the liabilities value as at 31 December 2011. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 3 The Defined Benefit Pension Fund’s investment policy is not oriented towards an isolated maximisation of returns from a purely assets perspective. Instead, it aims at maximising the return of the assets vis-à-vis the liabilities value, prudently limiting market and credit risks affecting the value of the assets that compose the Pension Fund’s portfolio, and maintaining an adequate liquidity level to meet the liabilities related to pensions payment. The management of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund’s assets is also conditioned by the significant maturity of the population covered by this plan, which leads to a greater number of beneficiaries (retirees or pensioners) than active staff members (the ration between the former and the latter stood at 0.63 at the end of 2010), as well as by the resulting weight of liabilities relating to pensions in payment phase. Thus, from total liabilities, 773.1 million (62.4%) concern liabilities for pensions in payment phase and the remaining 466.3 million (37.6%) relate to past service liabilities of active employees. Consequently, the assets portfolio has a high proportion of bonds, largely inflation-linked and reflecting the time structure of the liabilities. As at 31 December 2010, the Fund was diversified between Euro Area sovereign bonds (80.1%), real estate (13.7%) and equities (6.2%). The wage cost containment measures adopted by the Banco de Portugal gave rise to a positive differential between the inflation rate, decisive for the assets return, and wage increases, which determine the value of the Pension Funds’ liabilities, having led to a positive impact on the funding ratio of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund. This effect was, however, counterbalanced by the improvement in the calculation method of the discount rate, which translated into its downward adjustment (revision of assumptions, so as to make them more conservative), as well as by a negative return (-0.8%) of assets versus liabilities. As at 31 December 2010, the overall funding ratio of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund was 99.3%, remaining unchanged from the previous year and above both the minimum level set out in the Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 12/2001 (98.2%) and the minimum solvency margin set out by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal - The Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (85.4%). Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 4 Table 1: Pension Fund - Highlights 31/12/2009 31/12/2010 Active employees 1,655 1,511 Retirees 1,771 1,862 503 534 Discount rate 5.15% 4.80% Estimated long-term inflation rate 2.68% 2.11% TV 88/90 TV 88/90 Population Data Pensioners Actuarial and Financial Assumptions Mortality table Assets (amount and return) M€ % Return M€ % Return 1,007.9 79.8% 10.3% 985.5 80.1% -1.1% Real Estate 171.2 13.6% 1.2% 168.6 13.7% 2.6% Equity 83.2 6.6% 18.9% 76.6 6.2% 4.6% Total 1,262.3 100.0% 9.4% 1,230.7 100.0% -0.5% Bonds Liabilities (million €) 1,270.9 1,239.4 Funding ratio 99.3% 99.3% Mandatory minimum (BdP regulation) 97.9% 98.2% Minimum solvency (ISP regulation) 85.7% 85.4% Asset/Liability Return 0.0% -0.8% Asset/Liability Risk (1-month VaR, 95% confidence) 0.9% 1.0% Coverage Ratio Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 5 2. MACROECONOMIC BACKGROUND AND MARKET DEVELOPMENTS 2.1. Financial markets 2010 was marked by heightened dichotomies between various countries of the Euro Area. After a strongly recessive year in 2009, many European countries showed fragile public accounts, reaching significantly high levels of deficit and sovereign debt in relation to their gross domestic product (GDP). The difficulty in placing debt in financial markets led Greece and Ireland to seek a bail-out from the remaining countries of the European Union and from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the problems some countries have been facing, the Euro Zone economy grew around 1.7% in 2010, partially recovering from the GDP contraction of -4.1% in 2009. Average annual inflation rose to 1.6%, after the low level recorded in 2009 (0.3%). The Portuguese economy is estimated to have grown 1.3% and to have registered an average inflation of 1.4% during 2010, after a GDP contraction of -2.5% and a negative inflation of 0.9% in 2009. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European System of Central Banks acted with the aim to support the financial system and the economy. The ECB’s refinancing rate stood at 1% throughout the year and some of the exceptional measures adopted in 2009 were kept, being noteworthy the unlimited long-term refinancing operations and the covered bonds purchase programme. A government debt purchase programme was also launched, in order to support the Euro zone economies under particular financial markets pressure. Along with these measures, the ECB’s Governing Council urged all the Euro Area Countries to carry out credible budgetary consolidation policies on a multiannual basis. The abundant liquidity provided by the monetary policy and the expectations of maintaining the stabilization of ECB’s refinancing rate at historically low levels, contributed to the downward movement of the French sovereign debt medium and long-term interest rates, which fell between 10 and 64 basis points. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 6 Chart 1 Evolution of the Euro Area yield curves during 2010 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Taxa de Jur o (%) 0.0 -1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -2.0 Horizonte Temporal (anos) Maturity (years) Nominal Interest Rate Yield Curve Dec 2010 Nominal Interest Rate Yield Curve Dec 2009 Real Interest Rate Yield Curve Dec 2009 Real Interest rate Yield Curve Dec 2010 Source: Thomson Reuters & SGFPBP French real interest rates also fell in 2010, particularly in the shorter maturities. The 1-year interest rate on inflation-linked bonds of the Euro Area fell by around 100 basis points, while the 30-year interest rates decreased only by 7 basis points. With the exception of the 1-year maturity segment, nominal interest rates fell more sharply than real interest rates (interest rates on inflation-linked bonds), reflecting the expected inflation decrease. The downward interest rate movement was not widespread, given the widening in spreads between sovereign debt rates of the countries perceived as having more fragile public accounts or weaker financial systems when compared to German interest rates. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 7 Chart 2 Interest rate differential between the European and German Sovereign Debt (10-year maturity) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Fr Be At Fi Nl Gr Pt 30-Dec-09 Es It Ir 30-Dec-10 Source: Thomson Reuters and SGFPBP The Euro depreciated significantly against the major currencies as a result of fears concerning the solvency of some Member-States. Devaluations varied between 6.7% against the U.S Dollar and 18% against the Japanese Yen. The crisis that swept across Europe ended up having very positive effects on the German Economy. On one hand, it benefited from its “safe haven” status, attracting quite a significant flow of capital and, on the other hand, it took advantage of the strong depreciation of the Euro, being an export-oriented economy. Thus, while most of the European equity markets devalued, the German market appreciated by 16%. The DJ Euro Stoxx 50 index depreciated by 5.4%, the French CAC 40 fell by 2.2% and the Portuguese PSI 20 fell by 10%. In the U.S, the Federal Reserve carried out a programme, named Quantitative Easing 2, to stimulate the economy through the purchase of North American sovereign debt. This programme, as well as the recovery of various macroeconomics indicators, led to an appreciation in equity markets. The S&P 500 index rose 11.7%. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 8 2.2. Real estate The first signs of a turnaround in the real estate market sentiment with regard to real estate assets emerged in 2010. In fact, the Asia-Pacific, America and Europe’s markets entered into a recovery phase throughout the year, a trend which became clearer mainly during the second half of the year. Various real estate indicators recorded maximum values of the past two years. To be highlighted is the increase in the turnover, as well as in commercial leases and even in prime rents charged in some markets. The office segment remained dominant, although with a slight loss of position with regard to the retail segment, especially in Europe and Asia-Pacific markets, whereas in the U.S a recovery in the residential segment was noticeable. In Portugal, the real estate market was hit by the economic conditions and also by the spreading of the sovereign debt crisis. As a result, 2010 was marked by stagnation and widespread falls in the assets’ prices and rents. Nevertheless, the volume of transactions increased slightly compared to 2008 and 2009. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 9 3. PENSION PLANS 3.1. Overview The Banco de Portugal ensures, through the Pension Fund , the right to retirement, disability and survivors’ benefits (including possible supplementary and death benefits), as well as payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to SAMS – Social Health Assistance Service for Banking Sector Employees. Pensions paid by way of retirement and survivors’ benefits result from the sum of the amounts calculated on the basis of each component of pensionable wages, in accordance with the collective labour agreement and the Bank’s internal regulations. The Pension Plan encompasses four schemes relating to base remuneration, seniority and three schemes relating to fringe benefits. All schemes were closed to new employees as a result of their integration in the general Social Security scheme pursuant to Decree-Law No 54/2009 of 2 March. Pursuant to Decree-Law No 1-A/2011 of 3 January, active employees on this date, who are covered by a substitutive social security scheme, provided for in the regulations of the collective labour agreement for the banking sector, are to be included in the general Social Security Scheme. In accordance with this decree-law, as from 4 January 2011, these same employees will be covered by the general Social Security Scheme when they reach the statutory retirement age. As a consequence of this legislative change, from January 2011 onwards, the payment of retirement pensions to employees who reach the statutory retirement age ceases to be the sole responsibility of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund of Banco de Portugal, to be shared, in the future, between this and the Social Security. This situation did not entail any change in the amount of past service liabilities calculated at the end of the 2010 fiscal year. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 10 3.2. Population covered by the Pension Fund It’s important to highlight the significant maturity of the population covered by the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund, in which the number of beneficiaries is greater than that of its active members. The non-renewal of the active population covered by the Fund, as a result of the integration of new banking sector employees, after 3 March 2009, in the general Social Security Scheme and the resulting closing of the Fund to new members, highlights the reduction in the active members/beneficiaries ratio. As a result, liabilities for pensions in payment phase represent a significant portion of total liabilities and strongly restrict the attitude adopted in respect of the management of the Fund’s assets. Table 2: Population covered by the Pension Fund Active Retirees Pensioners Total 1 31-12-2008 1,688 1,739 504 3,931 31-12-2009 1,655 1,771 503 3,929 Change 2008/2009 31-12-2010 -33 1,511 32 1,862 -1 534 3,907 -2 0.75 0.73 0.63 2 Assets/Beneficiaries Ratio 1Members; 2Retirees Change 2009/2010 -144 91 31 -22 and Pensioners On 31 December 2010, the Pension Fund covered 1,655 members (active employees), 1,862 retirees and 534 pensioners. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 11 3.3. Benefits, charges and contributions Chart 3 shows the evolution of the volume of benefits and charges paid by the Pension Fund in the last 10 years. In 2010, the amount of matured pensions reached 50.5 million euros, which represents an increase of 4.4% compared to the preceding year. Sums paid by way of redeemed capital reached 2.2 million euros in 2010, despite there being still sums to be paid regarding employees reaching the retirement phase at the end of 2010. Sums paid by way of death benefits reached 0.4 million euros and charges in respect of contributions to SAMS concerning pensions paid amounted to 2.96 million euros. Contributions totalling 30.4 million euros were paid in 2010. This sum includes extraordinary contributions with a view to reduce the effect, in the funding of the Pension Fund, of the human resources policy decisions made by the Banco de Portugal. Chart 3: Volume of benefits and charges borne by the Fund (thousand euros) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2000 2001 Pensions 2002 2003 Redeemed capital 2004 2005 2006 Death benefits 2007 2008 2009 2010 Contributions to SAMS Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 12 3.4. Actuarial valuation 3.4.1. Financial and actuarial assumptions The main actuarial assumptions are those listed in this point. Assumptions Growth rate - pensions (*) 1st year 2nd year and following 1st year Growth rate - wages 2nd year and following Discount rate Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Statutory retirement age Number of monthly pension/wage installments Minimum monthly guaranteed wages in following years Percentage of married staff Age difference between spouses (male individuals being older) 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 1,000% 0,000% 2,684% 2,108% 2,000% 0,000% 3,684% 3,108% 5,148% 4,802% TV 88/90 TV 88/90 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) T-1 Crocker Sarason (US) T-1 Crocker Sarason (US) 65 years 65 years 14 14 475.00 € 485.00 € 80% 80% 3 3 (*) Equal to the updating rate of the remunerative tables of the banking sector and of the Minimum Guaranteed Retribution/Income These assumptions are occasionally adjusted in line with specific characteristics of the population groups. The discount rate determined at the end of 2010 and used to calculate liabilities as at 31 December was 4.80%. This rate is based on the nominal interest rate of inflation-linked Euro Area sovereign bonds taking into account the maturity structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 13 As a result of the behaviour of inflation-linked sovereign debt market in the Euro Area, for the period corresponding to the maturity of the liabilities, the discount rate decreased by -0.35 percentage points compared to the end of the preceding year. As for the expected inflation rate, this moved in the same direction, also decreasing by -0.58 percentage points. This resulted in an increase in the real discount rate of +0.24 percentage points. In accordance with the wage-cost containment measures adopted by the Banco de Portugal, the assumptions regarding the growth of pensions and wages were considered null for 2010. In 2010, the TV 88/90 mortality table for men and women, already adopted in preceding years, continued to be used. This table’s grip to reality was confirmed by an empirical study performed on the basis of the Pension Fund’s demographic data up to 2006. The actuarial and financial assumptions used in the Minimum Solvency scenario determined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal are the following: Assumptions 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 st 0,000% 0,000% 2 year and following 2,684% 2,108% Growth rate - wages 0,000% 0,000% Discount rate 4,500% 4,500% TV 73/77 TV 73/77 1 year Growth rate - pensions nd Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Statutory retirement age Number of monthly pension/wage installments Minimum monthly guaranteed wages in following years Percentage of married staff Age difference between spouses (male individuals being older) 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) -/65 years -/65 years 14 14 475.00 € 485.00 € 80% 80% 3 3 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 14 3.4.2. Results of the actuarial valuation As at 31 December 2010, total past service liabilities amounted to 1,239.4 million euros, of which 773.1 million corresponds to liabilities for pensions in payment phase and 466.3 million to past service liabilities of active employees. ( EUR) 31-12-2009 Liabilities for past services (LPS) Retirees and pensioners Active employees 1,270,946,154 723,224,958 547,721,196 31-12-2010 1,239,417,671 773,106,594 466,311,077 Past service liabilities decreased by -31.5 million euros in 2010. This reduction corresponds to an overall annual decrease of -2.5% in the amount of past service liabilities, as a result of the following combined effects: a. Annual expected increase of +2.31% in liabilities; b. Unquantifiable annual decrease of -4.79% in liabilities, in decreasing order of relevance, to a financial departure resulting from: - Indexation of the assumptions (nominal interest rate and inflation rate) to market rates; - Wage-cost containment measures adopted by the Sponsor; - Revision of discount rate and long term inflation assumptions. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 15 4. INVESTMENT POLICY The Pension Fund’s investment policy is defined within the applicable regulatory provisions issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP) and more restrictive internal regulations laid down by the Sociedade Gestora itself pursuant to the risk profile approved by the Banco de Portugal. Its purpose is to maximise the return on assets under management in comparison to the value of the assumed liabilities and to limit the downside risk of the funding ratio. This goal is pursued by taking into account the need to ensure at all times: • The maintenance of an appropriate liquidity level to address liabilities regarding pensions in payment phase and redeemed capital; • The limiting of the risks affecting the Fund’s assets value through the adoption of prudential criteria for the selection of instruments and institutions eligible for investment; • The diversification of the investments, so as to avoid risk accumulation, as well as an excessive concentration in any asset, issuer or group of companies. 5. PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE AND RISK MANAGEMENT Throughout 2010, the portfolio structure was analysed and permanently monitored, so as to identify the level of exposure to different types of risk, as well as its form of mitigation. Limits were imposed and risk measures were closely monitored. No breaches regarding the principles and prudential rules applicable to pension funds have been detected. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 16 5.1 Strategic benchmark For the dual purpose of limiting the risk of a reduction in the funding ratio and maximising the return on the portfolio, a strategic benchmark was selected for the Pension Fund’s portfolio structure in 2010. Its breakdown, which is summarily presented below, conforms to the established risk profile laid down by the Banco de Portugal. Chart 4 – Strategic benchmark in 2010 Average annual breakdown BONDS EQUITIES REAL ESTATE 13.4% 7.1% 79.5% Breakdown of the bond component 4.8% 1.2% Breakdown of the equity component Inflation-linked sovereign debt Fixed-rate sovereign debt 7.9% USA 39.8% Asia-Pacific Switzerland 42.3% Euro Area Other 5.2% 4.8% 94.1% United Kingdom Breakdown of the real estate component 39.9% 60.1% Buildings Funds Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 17 5.2 Break down by asset class The portfolio breakdown by asset class was determined with reference to the breakdown of the strategic benchmark. In order to incorporate short-term expectations concerning market developments, some deviations were assumed, which were conflict with the limits imposed by the internal rules. Over 2010, the average exposure to bonds represented 79.7% (almost entirely sovereign debt), while real estate and equities represented 13.4% and 6.9%, respectively. With regard to the previous year, it is worth of note a higher exposure to the equity market, in exchange for a lower investment in bonds. The bond component of the portfolio was mostly made up of inflation-linked debt (77.0%). Given the expectation of a reduction in break-even inflation rates, the portfolio exposure to inflation linked bonds was lower than in the preceding year, as well as below the corresponding 2010 strategic benchmark exposure. The breakdown of the equity component shows a portfolio overweight relative to the strategic benchmark in the Euro Area, with a total exposure of 66.2%. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 18 Chart 5 – Portfolio in 2010 Average annual breakdown BONDS SHARES REAL ESTATE 13.4% 6.9% 79.7% Breakdown of the bond component Breakdown of the equity component 4.9% Inflation-linked Sovereign debt 3.6% 19.4% 20.6% 2.1% 6.0% Fixed-rate sovereign debt USA Asia-Pacific Switzerland Euro Area 77.0% Other United Kingdom 66.2% Breakdown of the real estate component 39.9% 60.1% Buildings Funds Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 19 Chart 6 – Evolution of the breakdown of the portfolio by asset class in 2010 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Bonds Equities Real Estate Chart 7 – Breakdown of bond portfolio in 2010 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Inflation-linked debt Fixed rate debt Other Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 20 5.3 Breakdown by region The Pension Fund’s asset portfolio registered a reduction in 2010 in its exposure to the Euro Area countries in comparison to that observed in 2009 (-2.8 percentage points). Nevertheless, this exposure remained predominant (96.8%). Table 3 – Average region exposure of the portfolio Total average region exposure of the portfolio Euro Area 96.8% Europe (Excluding the Euro Area) 0.7% Asia and Pacific North America 0.2% 2.3% 5.4 Exposure to exchange rate risk The Pension Fund exposure to exchange rate risk, resulting from the exposure to equity markets and bonds outside the Euro Area, was very limited, having represented, on average, 3.2% of the portfolio. Table 4 – Average exposure of the portfolio to exchange rate risk Average exposure of the portfolio to exchange risk JPY 0.2% CHF 0.4% GBP 0.3% USD 2.3% 5.5 Value-at-Risk “Assets-Liabilities” The downside risk of the pension Fund’s funding ratio is assessed and monitored by calculating the 1-month Value-at-Risk for a 95% confidence level. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 21 Chart 8 – 1 month Value-a- Risk – Assets-Liabilities 2.0% 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.2% 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec This risk measurement figure corresponds to the maximum reduction in the funding ratio in percentage points, for a confidence level of 95%, over a 1-month period. The evolution of the Value-at-Risk during 2010 reflected, on one hand, tactical adjustments in the investment portfolio and, on the other, the volatility of interest rates. 5.6 Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap The sensitivity of the Pension Fund’s funding ratio to changes in real interest rates is assessed by calculating the leverage-adjusted modified duration gap. This gap corresponds to the difference between the duration of liabilities and the duration of the bond portfolio adjusted so as to reflect the size differences between these two aggregates. Table 5 – Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap a) b) c) d) Modified duration of liabilities for past services Modified duration of bonds Portfolio exposure to bonds Funding ratio Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap = b) x c) - a) / d) Average 2010 values 14.6 14.0 78.6% 99.6% -3.7 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 22 The modified duration of bonds was relatively close to the modified duration of liabilities in 2010. However, taking into account the fact that the investment policy also includes assets with low interest rate-sensitivity, the leverage-adjusted differential registered a negative average value (-3.7 years). The negative differential experienced in 2010 indicates that the asset portfolio value is less sensitive to changes in interest rates than the value of liabilities. Given that real interest rates rose significantly in 2010, this position had a positive contribution to the “asset-liability” return. 5.7 Breakdown of the bond portfolio by issuer type The credit risk control is ensured by restricting investments to instruments and institutions of reputed safety and financial robustness, as well as by monitoring the ratings assigned by international agencies, supplemented by permanent attention to available market information. Bearing in mind that Euro Area inflation-linked bonds play a crucial role in the Pension Fund Asset-Liability Management and also that these same bonds are almost exclusively issued by sovereign states, the sovereign debt represented virtually all the bond portfolio in 2010 (96.7%), being the remainder invested in bonds issued by supranational institutions and by financial institutions guaranteed by the Portuguese Government. Given the bond markets instability and the fact that they remained focused on credit risk, the fixed rate segment was also highly concentrated on sovereign debt. Table 6 – Exposure of the bond portfolio by type of issuer Average 2010 values Sovereign debt Supranationals Financial Institutions 96.7% 0.9% 2.5% Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 23 5.8 Breakdown of the bond portfolio by rating The creditworthiness of the Pension Fund bond portfolio showed a slight deterioration in comparison to 2009, as a consequent of the downgrades of several Euro Area sovereign states by the main rating agencies. Nevertheless, the portfolio maintained a high exposure to debt rated as AA or higher (86.0% on 31 December 2010). Assets with a BBB rating were sold in May 2010. Thus, at the end of the year, the bond portfolio was 100% composed of assets rated as A- or higher. Chart 9 – Evolution of the breakdown of the bond portfolio by rating 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 AAA AA Jul-10 A Aug-10 BBB+ Sep-10 Oct -10 Nov-10 Dec-10 BBB 5.9 Breakdown of the real estate portfolio As at 31 December 2010 the total value of real estate assets under management amounted to 168.6 million euros, representing 13.7% of the Pension Fund total portfolio. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 24 The real estate portfolio includes real estate investment funds (60%) and properties directly owned by the Pension Fund (40%). This portfolio, mostly invested in Portugal (96%), is diversified through the following segments: Offices (68%), Tourism and Leisure (12%), Retail (6%), Logistics (6%), Residential (5%) and Land (1%). 6. RESULTS AND STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE PENSION FUND The assets and the liabilities of the Pension Fund were both influenced by the rise in inflationlinked sovereign debt real interest rates. Liabilities for past services are valued at market prices by taking into account interest rates and expected inflation levels. In 2010, the expected inflation embedded in Euro Area inflation-linked sovereign debt decreased more than the fall in nominal interest rates. As a consequence, real interest rates rose. This movement had a negative impact on the value of liabilities that nearly canceled the additional liability resulting from interest cost. In 2010, liabilities grew at an adjusted rate of +0.3%, which sets the reference for the rate of return on assets, from an integrated management of assets and liabilities point of view. The increase in real interest rates also conditioned the return on both the strategic benchmark and the portfolio, given the asset-liability emphasis of the investment policy. In fact, the goal of limiting the risk of reduction in the funding ratio translated into a strong exposure of both the strategic benchmark and the portfolio to assets highly correlated to liabilities, in particular longterm inflation-linked Euro Area treasury bonds. Having benefited from the exposure to equities denominated in foreign currency, the strategic benchmark achieved, in 2010, a return of 0.8%, higher than the adjusted change to the value of liabilities and, consequently, a positive on asset-liability return (+0.5%). Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 25 In the portfolio, the composition of the equity segment was overweighed in the Euro Area, which would have a damaging effect given the underperformance of equity markets in that region and the devaluation of the single currency in 2010. Table 7: Portfolio and strategic benchmark return Adjusted change in liabilities Strategic benchmark return Portfolio return 0.3% 0.8% -0.5% The total return on assets stood at -0.5% in 2010, which compared with the adjusted value of liabilities (+0.3%) led to an asset-liability return of -0.8%. Table 8: Portfolio return by asset class Portfolio return -0.5% Bonds Real estate Equities -1.1% 2.6% 4.6% At the end of the year, the Pension Fund’s funding ratio stood at 99.3%, the same level as in the end of 2009. Table 9: Financial condition of the Pension Fund 31-12-2009 31-12-2010 Assets portfolio 1,262,326,043 1,230,687,429 Liabilities for past services 1,270,946,154 1,239,417,671 Funding ratio 99.3% 99.3% Minimum mandatory funding ratio (BP Notice no. 12/2001 (*)) 97.9% 98.2% 101.5% 101.2% 85.7% 85.4% 115.9% 116.2% Level of coverage achieved against the minimum mandatory funding ratio Minimum Solvency funding ratio Level of coverage achieved against the minimum solvency funding ratio (*) As amended by BP Notice No 4/2005 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 26 For the purposes of the provisions of the Banco de Portugal Notice No 12/2001, as amended by Notice No 4/2005, the cover ratio stood at 101.2% of the minimum required. The requirements issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal were also met, the minimum solvency coverage having reached 116.2%. The components identified in Table 10 explain the stability of the funding ratio. Table 10: Change in the Pension Fund’s funding ratio % of the value of liabilities Change in the funding ratio Asset-Liability Return Review of assumptions Exogenous factors to financial management 0.0% -0.8% -1.4% 2.2% The considerable impact of exogenous factors, outside the control of the Pension Fund AssetLiability Management on the funding level is chiefly due to the wage-cost containment measures adopted by the Banco de Portugal. These measures led to a positive differential between the expected inflation rate, crucial to determine the return of the portfolio (highly exposed to inflation-linked instruments) and wage increases, which determine the rate of change. This favourable effect on the funding level of the Pension Fund, due to an expected loss of purchasing power of the bank employees in 2011, was counterbalanced by the negative “assetliability” return, as well as by the improvement in the calculation method of the discount rate, which translated into its downward adjustment (revision of assumptions, so as to make them more conservative). Thus, the overall effect was the stabilisation of the funding ratio at 99.3%. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 27 7. CLOSING REMARKS The Board of Directors would like to conclude the 2010 Report and Accounts by thanking the Banco de Portugal for its confidence and cooperation. A word of recognition is also due to the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the way it monitored the business of the Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do banco de Portugal, S.A.. Finally, we would like to highlight the high level of professionalism and dedication of all the staff of the Sociedade Gestora. Lisbon, 28 February 2011 António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vítor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 28 FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL BENEFÍCIO DEFINIDO Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Statement Certification of the Financial Statements Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 29 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2010 EUR Notes 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 APPLICATIONS OF THE FUND Land and building Securities Cash and bank deposits Debtors and creditors Accruals and deferrals 4 5 6 7 8 Total investment of the fund 67,313,830.00 68,674,344.00 1,148,139,734.96 1,157,189,762.52 7,527,736.15 27,239,668.33 -2,936,964.22 10,643,092.10 9,441,532.36 -219,264.38 1,230,687,428.99 1,262,326,042.83 VALUE OF THE FUND Opening assets 4,987,978.7 Profit (loss) and accumulated contributions from preceding years Profit (loss) and accumulated contributions for the year Total value of the fund The Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge 9 4,987,978.97 1,257,338,063.82 1,156,319,844.33 -31,638,613.80 101,018,219.53 1,230,687,428.99 1,262,326,042.83 The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vitor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 30 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2010 EUR Notes 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 INCREASES IN THE VALUE OF THE FUND Contributions 10 30,446,538.17 Income 11 33,653,837.37 30,987,628.12 Capital gains 12 97,798,685.59 133,610,036.81 Other income 13 34,446.25 192,728.92 161,933,507.38 212,025,845.53 56,117,588.48 54,042,630.17 15.00 1,435.00 Total increases in the value of the fund 47,235,451.68 DECREASES IN THE VALUE OF THE FUND Matured pensions 10 Taxes Capital losses 12 136,890,536.71 56,322,369.29 Other expenses 14 563,980.99 641,191.55 Total decreases in the value of the fund PROFIT (LOSS) The Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge 193,572,121.18 111,007,626.01 -31,638,613.80 101,018,219.52 The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Vitor Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Pessoa Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 31 CASH FLOWS STATEMENT EUR 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contributions From the Sponsor From the Participants/Beneficiaries Transfers 28,180,862.46 2,265,675.71 0.00 44,928,455.80 2,306,995.88 0.00 -50,528,717.44 -2,182,639.50 -48,688,215.72 -2,448,111.35 -3,406,231.54 -2,900,701.43 0.00 -119,665.86 34,446.25 -444,315.13 0.00 -243,721.70 192,728.92 -403,071.52 954,053,184.08 33,653,837.37 185,509,489.90 30,987,628.12 -981,218,368.59 -190,803,182.34 -19,711,932.19 18,438,294.56 Pensions, Share Capital and Matured Single Premiums Pensions paid Matured capital Transfers Charges regarding Pensions Payment and Death Benefits Remunerations Remuneration Management Remuneration from Deposit and Safe Custody Account Other Income and Gains Other Expenses NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Proceeds Disposal/Repayment of Investments Proceeds from Investments Payments Purchase of Investments NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents Currency Translation Differences Cash and Cash equivalents at beginning of period Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of period 0.00 0.00 27,239,668.34 8,801,373.78 7,527,736.15 27,239,668.34 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 32 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND THE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT 1. CREATION AND BUSINESS a) The Banco de Portugal Defined Benefit Pension Fund (the “Pension Fund”) was created by the Banco de Portugal, in its capacity as Founder Associate, by public deed executed on 15 September 1988 in the Lisbon 9th Notary Office. The Sociedade Gestora executed this deed in its capacity as managing company, a quality acquired under its previous execution of a fund management agreement with the Banco de Portugal. The Pension Fund is composed of autonomous assets exclusively earmarked for the fulfilment of the commitment of the Banco de Portugal to pay retirement, disability and survivors’ pensions. The benefit scheme financed through this Fund results from the regulations of the collective labour agreement, from the Regulation of Retirement and Survivor’s Benefits and the Regulation of Pension schemes of Fringe Benefits – Sponsor’s Pension Fund. According to the regulations laid down in the collective labour agreement, the benefit scheme foresees pensions paid by way of death, as well as the Sponsor’s charges with SAMS – Social Health Assistance Service for Banking Sector Employees. The benefit schemes covered by this Plan are the following: - Scheme I - Scheme II - Scheme III - Scheme IV - Special Scheme A - Special Scheme B - General Scheme Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 33 b) Pursuant to the provisions laid down in Decree-Law No 1-A/2010 of 3 January, active employees on this date, who are covered by a substitutive social security scheme, provided for in the regulations of the collective labour agreement for the banking sector, are included in the general Social Security Scheme. As a consequence of this legislative change, from January onwards, these same employees will be covered by the general Social Security Scheme when they reach the statutory retirement age. As a result, the payment of the retirement pensions to employees who reach the statutory retirement age is no longer the sole responsibility of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal, being shared in the future between this Fund and the Social Security. This situation did not entail any change in the amount of past service liabilities calculated at the end of the 2010 fiscal year. 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SUBMITTED The attached accounts were prepared in accordance with the accounting records of the Sociedade Gestora dos Fundos de Pensões do Banco de Portuga, S.A.. These accounts summarise the Pension Fund’s transactions and net assets. They do not take into account liabilities relating to pensions or other benefits payable in the future. The Pension Fund’s actuarial position, including these liabilities, is shown in the actuarial report. These financial statements should be read along with the aforementioned report (See Note 15). Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 34 3. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES, METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS OF THE ASSETS VALUATION a) General The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and in accordance with the rules issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP). The accounts were prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of investment in land, buildings and securities) and on a going-concern basis, pursuant to the fundamental accounting principles of consistency, prudence and accrual. b) Land and Buildings Land and buildings are initially recognised at their acquisition cost plus acquisition expenses. Subsequently, this value is reassessed by independent entities, in accordance with the provisions of Standard No 9/2007 of 28 June of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal. Unrealised capital gains and losses arising from the revaluation of real estate are recorded in the Income and Expenditure Statement, in the financial year in which the revaluation is made. c) Securities Financial investments in the portfolio on 31 December 2009 are valued at their fair value in accordance with Standard No 9/2007 of 28 June of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal. Pursuant to this standard, an economic methodology adapted to the type of financial asset in question is applied to securities whose listing price significantly departs from their fair market value. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 35 In the terms of the applicable legislation, the portfolio of listed securities with low liquidity in regulated markets and chiefly traded over the counter is valued through the prices provided by the main financial information suppliers. The difference between the fair value of the securities and their respective acquisition cost is booked under capital gains and losses, as the case may be, in the Income and Expenditure Statement. The difference between the proceeds from the sale of securities and their book value is also booked under the same headings. d) Contributions Upon actual receipt, the contributions of the Banco de Portugal to the Pension Fund are booked under contributions to the Income and Expenditure Statement (see Note 10). e) Income Income from real estate rents and securities is booked in the period to which it refers, save for dividends, which are only recognised upon actual receipt. f) Pensions benefits and costs Pensions are paid to the beneficiaries by the Banco de Portugal, which is subsequently fully reimbursed by the Pension Fund on a monthly basis (see Note 10). g) Fees Fees are booked under the corresponding heading in the Income and Expenditure Statement in the period to which they refer, regardless of their date of payment. Fees as yet unpaid are booked against accrued costs and prepaid fees are booked under deferred costs (see Note 8). Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 36 h) Derivatives Foreign exchange forward contracts executed to hedge the foreign exchange risk associated with the securities portfolio are revalued at the foreign exchange rates corresponding to their remaining maturity, as implied in the forward exchange rates (average bid/ask price as at the revaluation date) released by internationally recognised financial information systems. The differences between the equivalent in euros to the applied forward revaluation rates and to the agreed rates represent revaluation income or costs. These are booked under increases or decreases in the assets portfolio, respectively, under the heading capital gains and losses, against accruals and deferrals. i) Taxation Pension funds are exempt from Corporate Income Tax and Property Tax, in accordance with the Tax Benefit Act. 4. LAND AND BUILDINGS EUR 31-Dec-10 Date of last valuation Investment value Adjustments 31-Dec-09 Book value Book value Avenida da República 2008 8,055,047.13 10,117,592.87 18,172,640.00 18,172,640.00 Avenida da Liberdade Edifício Libersil 2009 10,045,179.99 3,538,780.01 13,583,960.00 13,583,960.00 Avenida de Berna Espaço Berna 2009 12,796,687.62 323,312.38 13,120,000.00 13,120,000.00 Edifício Y 2009 4,537,154.03 1,021,975.97 5,559,130.00 5,559,130.00 Edifício Castilho 2010 18,245,202.75 -1,367,102.75 16,878,100.00 18,238,614.00 53,679,271.52 13,634,558.48 67,313,830.00 68,674,344.00 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 37 The investment value includes the base price, legal charges and other expenses. The adjustments correspond to unrealised capital losses in the 2010 financial year, to the amount of 1,360,514 euros, and to capital gains of 14,995,072 euros in preceding years. Valuations should be made on a three-year basis, or earlier when there are materially relevant differences between the net book value of the building and its market value. In 2010, the following unrealised capital gains and losses were identified: EUR Building Unrealised gains (losses) Edifício Castilho -1,360,514.00 Total 5. -1,360,514.00 SECURITIES EUR 31-Dec-10 Acquisition cost 31-Dec-09 Adjustments Market value Market value EQUITIES 0 Stocks 0 0 Units Investment funds 162,707,056.01 15,157,065.92 177,864,121.93 185,797,771.46 916,387,797.28 13,209,017.78 929,596,815.06 946,659,580.04 Other supranational issuers 18,170,702.25 -647,062.44 17,523,639.81 Other issuers 23,954,565.00 -799,406.84 23,155,158.16 BONDS Sovereign debt - 1,121,220,120.54 0.00 24,732,411.02 26,919,614.42 1,148,139,734.96 1,157,189,762.52 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 38 The adjustments correspond to unrealised capital gains or losses calculated as the difference between the market value and the historical acquisition cost. In 2010, net unrealised capital gains and losses recognised in the Income and Expenditure Statement amounted to -24,375,458 euros (see Note 12). The remaining 51,295,072 euros concern preceding years. 6. CASH AND BANK DEPOSITS This heading is broken down as follows: EUR 31-Dec-10 Cash Demand deposits Term deposits 31-Dec-09 718.80 718.80 267,017.35 1,238,949.53 7,260,000.00 26,000,000.00 7,527,736.15 27,239,668.33 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 39 7. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS This heading is broken down as follows: EUR 31/Dec/10 31/Dec/09 Current Assets Brokers and financial intermediaries Taxes (a) 0.00 449.60 449.60 118,893.96 141,672.83 0.00 0.00 693.27 4,752.27 120,036.83 146,874.70 2,761,076.81 9,398.46 38,774.67 83,925.02 Creditors – Buildings 143,277.71 146,452.98 Other 113,872.02 126,362.78 0.03 0.03 3,057,001.24 366,139.27 -2,936,964.22 -219,264.57 Tenants Derivatives (b) Other Current Liabilities Brokers and financial intermediaries Taxes (a) Derivatives (b) Net value a) Taxes - VAT This heading essentially concerns the VAT paid in the renovation works of Edifício Libersil, to be brought forward to future years. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 40 b) Derivatives The policy on the use of derivatives was based exclusively on the use of foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge the foreign exchange risk in Exchange-Traded Funds denominated in four separate currencies: pound sterling, US dollar, Japanese yen and Swiss franc. Since there were no underlying assets on 31 December 2010, no foreign exchange forward contract position was open. 8. ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS This heading is broken down as follows: EUR 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 Interest receivable From Securities From term deposits Rents received 10,623,688.42 9,441,302.89 19,074.63 9,800.42 0.09 Other accruals and deferrals Accrued costs Other 0.00 -9,900.00 328.96 328.96 10,643,092.10 9,441,532.36 Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 41 9. VALUE OF THE FUND Changes in the value of the Fund were as follows: EUR 31-Dec-09 VALUE OF THE FUND AS AT 31 DECEMBER 31-Dec-10 1,262,326,042.83 Increases due to contributions 30,446,538.17 Decreases due to matured pensions and repayments 56,117,588.48 Financial profit (loss) -5,967,563.49 Profit for the year -31,638,613.80 VALUE OF THE FUND AS AT 31 DECEMBER (A) 1,230,687,429.03 To recall: Liabilities for Past Services (B) Excess compared to liabilities 1,270,946,154.00 1,239,417,671.00 (A-B) -8,730,241.97 10. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED AND BENEFITS PAID FUND AT BEGINNING OF YEAR Realised 1,262,326,043 Expected (*) 1,262,326,043 Contributions Current contributions Extraordinary contributions 30,446,538.17 20,998,732.17 9,447,806.00 21,683,643.00 21,683,643.00 0.00 8,762,895 -684,911 9,447,806 40.41% -3.16% -/- 0.69% -0.05% 0.75% Benefits and pension costs Pensions Capital repayment Transfer of rights Reimbursements 56,117,588.48 50,528,717.44 2,182,639.50 0.00 0.00 54,604,175.00 48,874,593.00 2,472,592.00 0.00 0.00 1,513,413 1,654,124 -289,953 0 0 2.77% 3.38% -11.73% -/-/- 0.12% 0.13% -0.02% 0.00% 0.00% Costs with pensions in payment phase 2,959,900.91 Death benefit 446,330.63 2,929,708.00 327,282.00 30,193 119,049 1.03% 36.37% 0.00% 0.01% Deviation (% real) (% Opening Assets) (*) expected amounts at beginning of the year Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 42 Current contributions include, in addition to the component paid by the Sponsor (the Banco de Portugal), contributions from the employees in the conditions laid down in their corresponding pension plans. The realised value of extraordinary contributions is due to the non-expected population movements, despite these being allowed in the deed of constitution. The contributions of the Banco de Portugal for the funding of the Pension Fund were made in order to neutralise the decisions taken at the level of the human resources policy. A high number of early retirements were taken by active employees in 2010. This was caused by the alterations to the Social Security for the banking sector, in which the liabilities for pensions payments are to be shared in the future between the Fund and the general Social Security Scheme. These movements in the bank’s active population became significantly relevant from October 2010 onwards, given the fact that the 2nd Tripartite Agreement on Social Security for the Banking Sector between the Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social (Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity), the Associação Portuguesa de Bancos (Portuguese Association of Banks) and Sindicatos do sector financeiro (financial sector Unions) was signed. The contribution made in 2010 shows a decrease over the amount achieved in 2009 (-63%) due to the fact that there was no need for an extraordinary contribution to compensate for assetliability management results and/or changes to the assumptions. The deviation for 2010 recorded in the heading Capital Redemption arises from the fact that some retirements took place in the last days of the year and, accordingly, the liquidation of capital redemption took place in 2011. The deviation recorded in the total amount of death benefit paid in 2010 and the increase in this same amount, in comparison to the previous year (+48%), are due to a rise in mortality. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 43 11. INCOME This heading includes the following types of income: EUR 31-Dec-10 Land and buildings 4,269,093.65 31-Dec-09 4,362,420.94 Securities 0 Participation certificates 4,735,473.00 1,368,517.90 23,250,093.32 24,146,701.29 Other public issuers 279,539.73 39,280.82 Other issuers 915,000.00 885,219.17 29,180,106.05 26,439,719.18 1,143.05 6,830.04 203,494.62 178,657.96 204,637.67 185,488.00 33,653,837.37 30,987,628.12 Real estate and securities investment funds Bonds Sovereign debt Demand deposits Term deposits Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 44 12. CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Capital gains and losses recognised in the year are broken down as follows: EUR 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 UNREALISED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Land and buildings Capital gains 0.00 0.00 1,360,514.00 1,656,910.00 -1,360,514.00 -1,656,910.00 Capital gains 10,857,992.36 61,840,617.71 Capital losses 35,260,047.26 18,380,649.76 -24,402,054.90 43,459,967.95 Capital gains 113,190.84 3,205.77 Capital losses 86,593.51 5,285.59 26,597.33 -2,079.82 Capital gains 83,037,532.84 38,837,420.69 Capital losses 96,383,486.51 3,327,536.27 -13,345,953.67 35,509,884.42 Capital gains 0.00 32,170,529.53 Capital losses 0.00 31,809,651.62 0.00 360,877.91 Capital gains 3,789,969.55 758,263.11 Capital losses 3,799,895.43 1,142,336.05 -9,925.88 -384,072.94 TOTAL CAPITAL GAINS 97,798,685.59 133,610,036.81 TOTAL CAPITAL LOSSES 136,890,536.71 56,322,369.29 -39,091,851.12 77,28,667.52 Capital losses Securities Other REALISED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES Securities Derivatives Other NET VALUE Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 45 13. OTHER INCOME This heading is broken down as follows: Eur) 31-Dec-10 Other Income 14. 31-Dec-09 34,446.25 192,728.92 34,446.25 192,728.92 OTHER EXPENSES This heading is broken down as follows: EUR 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-09 Financial 254,851.10 266,169.75 Buildings 292,725.95 338,371.57 6,267.71 21,166.58 10,136.23 15,483.65 563,980.99 641,191.55 Extraordinary expenses Other expenses a) Financial expenses This heading covers expenses borne by the Pension Fund related to the financial asset global custody service. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 46 b) Expenses in buildings This heading covers normal building management and maintenance costs. 15. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE ACTUARIAL REPORT As an integral part of the management report, the Sociedade Gestora dos Fundos de Pensões do Banco de Portugal reports the actuarial results of the Defined Benefit Pension Fund as at 31 December 2011. 16. TAX LIABILITIES The Banco de Portugal assumes tax liabilities under the agency agreement entered into with the Sociedade Gestora (Managing Company) on 17 October 2006. This Agreement states that the Banco de Portugal shall: a) pay retirement and survivors’ pensions to their respective beneficiaries on behalf and on the instructions of the Sociedade Gestora; b) withhold any contributions and taxes due, for subsequent delivery to the competent authorities; c) settle the sums paid and the contributions owed to the Pension Fund related to the Bank’s employees through offset, in the terms of sub-paragraph a). The Banco de Portugal has complied and will continue to comply with the aforementioned agreement as long as the same remains in force, and shall assume all inherent liabilities. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 47 17. METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS OF LIABILITIES VALUATION The assumptions used in the valuation of Liabilities for Past Services (LPS) were calculated based on the available market information on the reporting date. The market data was removed from financial instruments that replicate the structure of the future flows of the LPS. a) Discount rate The methodology for calculating the discount rate to apply in each actuarial valuation consists, on a first approach, in determining the base rate, which corresponds to the yield to maturity of the Pension Fund’s LPS, which is also calculated through the nominal return rate of inflation-linked sovereign debt of the Euro Area. Subsequently, a spread is added to this base rate. This spread reflects the differential between the return rate on securities issued by highly rated Euro Area sovereign states and private debt securities of high credit quality of the Euro area. b) Wages and pensions growth rates The assumption for the wage growth rate corresponds to the expected inflation rate for the time-frame corresponding to the time structure of liabilities, apart from the 1st year, plus a spread that reflects the real growth of long-term wages of the population covered by the Pension Fund. The assumption for the expected inflation rate is calculated on the basis of implicit inflation rates removed from securities of inflation-linked sovereign debt of the Euro Area. The assumption for the pension growth rate is equal to the expected inflation rate for the average remainder time of pension payments. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 48 18. RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES, PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES Aimed at maximising the return on assets under management against the value of the assumed liabilities, and in line with the principles adopted for the maintenance of an adequate liquidity level, diversification and risk limitation on the assets value, the Sociedade Gestora applies a set of procedures regarding risk management, of which: • Asset-Liability guidance of financial management; • Daily assets and liabilities valuation according to mark to market principles; • Revaluation of the Investment Policy, on a monthly basis, or whenever required, by the Investment Committee; • Production of monthly reports and analysis of performance, risk control and market perspectives; • Regular estimate of the funding ratio of the Pension Fund; • Use of an information system which eases the daily monitoring of the portfolio positions and real time follow-up of their compliance; • Configuration of all instruments subject to investment in the information system. 19. MANAGEMENT, EXPOSITION AND ORIGIN OF RISKS The Pension Fund is exposed to market risks embodied in the volatility of the funding level related not only to the variation in interest rate levels and the portfolio assets, to credit risks arising from the relationship established with counterparties and issuers, and to liquidity risk. So as to determine the assumed magnitude of the aforementioned risks and their limits, the exposure will be determined, whenever possible, based on the market value and the composition of the portfolio. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 49 Market Risks • “Interest rate” risk – likelihood of observing a funding ratio reduction caused by the volatility of interest rates. • Average exposure to “interest rate” risk from an asset-liability approach – 21.0% (share of the the Pension Fund’s liabilities not covered by interest contingent assets). • Equity risk – this risk is related to the volatility of the equities held in the portfolio and the consequent possible resulting reduction in the funding ratio. • Average exposure to assets subject to equity risk (% of the portfolio value) – 6.9% • “Inflation” risk – this risk is related to the volatility of the inflation rate and the consequent possible resulting reduction in the funding level. • Average exposure to “inflation” risk from an asset-liability approach – 19.0% (share of the Pension Fund’s liabilities not covered by inflation contingent assets). • Exchange rate risk – this risk arises from the changes in the foreign currency rates against the Euro (found in the foreign currency listed investments) and the consequent possible resulting reduction in the funding ratio. • Average exposure to assets subject to exchange rate risk (% of the portfolio value) – 3.2%. • Real estate risk – risk of fluctuations in the real estate value and portfolio investment funds and the consequent reduction in the funding level. • Average exposure to assets subject to real estate risk (% of the portfolio value) – 13.4%. • Concentration risk – this risk is related to the excessive accumulation of exposure to a single asset or asset class. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 50 Market risk management is done by setting exposure limits for the different risks and through the calculation and daily monitoring of the value at risk (maximum expectable loss, for a 95% confidence level, in a given time period, of the asset value against the Fund’s liabilities value. The sensitivity analysis of the Fund’s funding ratio, made on the assumption of simultaneous materialization of adverse scenarios for each asset class over liabilities, results in a decrease of 8.3%, in an one-year-period. This analysis was grounded on the stochastic model of assets and liabilities projections developed by the Sociedade Gestora. Value at Risk 31.50% Equity risk Real estate risk 17.30% Bond risk 4.80% Total Weight in the portfolio (31/12/2010) 6.90% 13.40% 79.70% 100.0% Impact on the funding ratiol -2.2% -2.3% -3.8% -8.3% The interest rate risk is also calculated based on the modified duration of the portfolio and the leverage-adjusted modified duration gap, which consists on the difference between the duration of liabilities and the duration of the bond portfolio, adjusted so as to reflect the size differences between these two aggregates. Credit Risk • Issuer and counterparty risk – risk of payment or financial settlements failures by an issuer or a counterparty. Credit risk management is ensured by assessing the issuers and counterparties’ credit quality and by defining exposure limits, namely by country, issuer or issuance, based on credit ratings provided by the main Rating Agencies and, in addition, by accessing indicators, which are based on market information, and by monitoring other relevant sources, namely news agencies and specialized press. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 51 Average exposure to issuers by rating: Rating AAA AA A BBB+ % of the portfolio value 60% 30% 7% 3% Assets with BBB rating were sold in May 2010. Thus, at the end of the fiscal year, the bond portfolio was completely composed by assets with rating A- or higher. Liquidity risk • Risk of difficulties in the sale of certain assets, due to lack of buyers or the need to sell them at a loss over their fair value. Liquidity risk is monitored by the bid-ask spread and mitigated by the imposition of minimum limits for issuing size, so as to make a bond eligible for investment. 20. CLOSING REMARK The Financial Statement is subject to requirements corresponding to Standard 7/2010-R of 4 July of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal. This Standard defines the elements which must be published in the Financial Statement, so as to adapt the given information to the specific characteristics of each entity. Thus, certain elements have not been included, given the activity pursued by the Defined Benefit Pension Fund in 2010. Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 52 CERTIFICATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 53 Ernst & Young ERNST & YOUNG Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Avenida da República, 90, 6th floor 1600-206 Lisbon Portugal Tel: +351 217 912 000 Fax: +351 217 957 586 Legal Certification of Accounts Introduction 1. We have audited the attached financial statements of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido “(Fund)”, which comprise the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31 December 2010, which shows total assets of 1,230,687,428.99 Euros and a value of the fund of the same amount, including negative net profits of 31,638,613.80 Euros, the Income and Expenditure Statement and the Cash Flows Statement for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Notes. Responsibilities 2. The Board of Directors of the Sociedade Gestora dos Fundos de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (“Sociedade Gestora”) is responsible for preparing financial statements that give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities of the Fund, the results of its operations and cash flows, as well as for adopting appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an appropriate internal control system. 3. We are responsible for expressing an independent and professional opinion on the basis of our audit of the aforementioned financial statements. Scope 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards and Technical Recommendations issued by the Institute of Statutory Auditors, which require that we plan and execute with a view to obtaining reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. Accordingly, the aforementioned audit included: __________________________________________________________________________ _ Limited liability company * Share capital 1,105,000 euros * Registered in the Statutory Auditors’ Association under no. 178 * Registered in the CMVM under no. 9011 * Taxpayer no. 505 988 283 * Registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry under the same number * A member of Ernst & Young Global Limited Relatório e Contas | 2010 Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido 54 − examination, on a test basis, of documentation supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an evaluation of the estimates, based on the judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora dos Fundos de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, used in the preparation of the financial statements; − an assessment as to whether the accounting policies and the disclosures adopted are appropriate, as applicable; − assessing that the accounts were prepared on a going-concern basis; and − an overall assessment of the appropriateness of the financial statements. 5. Our audit also covered the verification that the financial information included in the Management Report is consistent with the financial statements. 6. We believe that the audit carried out provides a reasonable basis for expressing our audit opinion. Opinion 7. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, of the financial position of the Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal – Benefício Definido as at 31 December 2010, the results of its operations and cash flows for the financial year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal for the Pension Funds industry. (Regulatory Standard No 9/2007-R of 28 June and No 7/20010-R of 4 July). Lisbon, 15 March 2011 Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Firm of Statutory Auditors (No 178) Represented by: [signature] Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Montes Pinto (ROC No 1230) Relatório e Contas | 2010