2006 Report and Financial Statements Report and Financial Statements Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Contents Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Members of the Corporate Bodies Report of the Board of Directors Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Balance sheet and profit and loss account Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account Legal certification of accounts Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal Financial position and income and expenses account Notes to the financial position and the income and expenses account Certification of accounts Actuarial valuation 1 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company) was set up on 3 June 1988, with the purpose of managing and representing the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. The equity capital of this Managing Company is €1,000,000. The shareholders are: • Banco de Portugal, holding 97.8% of the capital as at 31 December 2006; and • the members and beneficiaries of the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. The head office is located at Rua do Comércio, N.º 148, in Lisbon. Services are located at Av. da República, N.º 57, 7.º, in Lisbon. As at 31 December 2006: • the Managing Company’s net assets amounted to €2,235 thousand; • the Managing Company’s equity capital amounted to €2,011 thousand; • the Pension Fund value amounted to €1,208,550 thousand; and • total liabilities amounted to €1,226,239 thousand. 2 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Members of the Corporate Bodies Shareholders’ Meeting Chairman Armando da Silva Couto Secretary Hernâni Fontoura Pires Board of Directors Chairman António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Member of the Board Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Executive Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Single Auditor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, S.A. Alternate of the Single Auditor Rui Abel Serra Martins, R.O.C. 3 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Report of the Board of Directors In conformity with the legal and statutory requirements, the Board of Directors hereby submits to the shareholders of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. the Report and Financial Statements, as well as other documents regarding the fiscal year 2006. 1. BUSINESS ACTIVITY CARRIED OUT 1.1. Activity developed In the course of 2006, Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal continued to focus on developing the internal structure, rather than relying on outsourcing. A new securities custody service was contracted, supported by state-of-the-art technological solutions, which will allow for a considerable decrease in related charges, namely due to a reduction in outsourced services. At IT level, steps continued to be taken to modernise the technological support platform. These include in particular the use of electronic platforms to replace the traditional means, the reinforcement of their security infrastructure, as well as the implementation of alternative systems to ensure business continuity and operational efficiency. Following the implementation of computer applications supporting the financial and management activity, new projects were developed internally regarding the operational framework of both the Pension Fund and the Managing Company. With regard to co-operation with the Portuguese-Speaking African Countries, work continued to support the development of the management structures of the central banks’ pension funds, both regarding the preparation of actuarial valuation studies and the training of staff working for the corresponding managing companies. 1.2. Human resources In 2006 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal employed, on average, 36 staff, of which 61% were female employees. The training policy has promoted the high qualification of the staff, offering support to staff enrolment in post-graduate studies or master’s degrees. As a reflection of this long-term strategy, 69% of the staff hold a university degree. 4 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 1.3. Balance sheet analysis and profit and loss account The own funds of the Managing Company increased by 4%, following the incorporation of net profit for the fiscal year 2005, rising from €1,933,025 on 31 December 2005 to €2,010,904 on 31 December 2006. Total income in the fiscal year amounted to €3,425,773, accounting for an increase of 3.2% compared to the previous year. Of this amount, the management fee totalling €3,369,279 was particularly important, as it grew by 3.4% compared to the previous year. The main items in operational costs were: supplies and services from third parties, staff costs and depreciation for the year, which recorded changes of +6.5%, +2.1% and -12.7% respectively, compared to the previous year. Chart 1 - Developments in costs of the Managing Company 2,15 2,5 1,99 1,94 2 1,5 1 1,03 0,96 0,91 0,29 0,25 0,26 0,5 0 EUR millions 2004 2005 2006 Supplies and services from third parties Staff costs Depreciation for the year The growth of supplies and services from third parties mostly resulted from the increase in nonrecurring charges for legal services. In turn, staff costs, which account for almost 60% of the total charges of the Managing Company, increased slightly below inflation. The increase in net profit for the year makes it possible to accommodate the Pension Fund’s growth, namely regarding the solvency margin, which amounted to 106.76% at the end of the fiscal year 2006. 5 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 2. PENSION PLANS The Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal funds several benefits related to retirement and survivors pensions, as well as the Bank's contributions to SAMS (social health assistance service of bank employees), related to post-retirement benefits. Various pensionable components contribute to these benefits, which are grouped into two types of cash benefit programmes: those related to the base wage – generally known as Base Plans and corresponding to four programmes – and those intended to provide for the payment of pensions relating to the complementary salary – known as Schemes and covering three programmes. All these programmes fall within the defined benefit category, given that the benefits granted – retirement or survivors pensions – are previously established. 2.1. Characteristics Base Plans • Plan I This plan covers all employees hired by the Banco de Portugal up to 31 December 1994. From that date onwards, this plan was closed and no more members were admitted. It is a non-contributory pension plan, insofar as employees do not contribute to its funding, which is fully ensured by the Banco de Portugal. • Plan II This plan entered into force on 1 January 1995 and covers employees hired after that date, who do not come from other credit institutions covered by ACT (Acordo Colectivo de Trabalho do Sector Bancário – the collective wage agreement prevailing for the banking sector) as far as social security matters are concerned. It is a contributory pension plan, insofar as employees contribute to its funding with 5% of their pensionable remuneration, as laid down in Clause 137-A of ACT, while the remainder is paid by the Banco de Portugal. • Plan III This plan covers the members of the Board of Directors of the Banco de Portugal and started on 1 February 1998, with the entry into force of Law No 5/98 of 31 January 1998 – Organic Law of the Banco de Portugal. With the entry into force of Decree-Law No 39/07 of 20 February 2007 this plan was closed. It is a contributory plan, where members participate in its funding with a percentage calculated on the basis of the rate fixed in Clause 137-A of ACT. 6 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements • Plan IV This plan includes employees who, although having been hired after 1 January 1995, come from other credit institutions covered by the ACT as far as social security matters are concerned. This is a mixed plan, given that it is non-contributory like Plan I, but grants benefits proportional to the years of service like Plan II. Pensionable complementary salary regimes • General Scheme The scheme covers staff hired by the Banco de Portugal after 1 January 2001. It is a contributory scheme, receiving contributions from both the Banco de Portugal and the employees, with a share of 60% and 40% respectively, including contributions for disability and death risks. The benefits granted by this scheme consist of paying a retirement pension proportional to the period of contribution (up to a maximum of 85% of the last complementary salary) and a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). • Special Scheme A This scheme covers staff hired by the Banco de Portugal up to 31 December 1998. It is a contributory scheme to which both the Banco de Portugal and the employees contribute according to the rules established for the General Scheme. However, in this scheme, disability and death risks are fully funded by the Banco de Portugal. The benefits granted by this scheme consist in the payment of a retirement pension corresponding to 85% of the last complementary salary, when the normal retirement age is reached or in case of early retirement, or calculated proportionally to the years of service for pension purposes in case of disability, as well as in the granting of a survivors pension to dependants of deceased employees (either active or retired). • Special Scheme B This mixed scheme covers staff hired by the Banco de Portugal in 1999 and 2000. In fact, it fully coincides with the mechanism applicable to Special Scheme A as regards the sharing of contributions between the Banco de Portugal and the employees, the limits on employees’ contributions and the coverage of shared risks, with the possibility of a capital redemption of the pension. With regard to benefits, this scheme coincides with the General Scheme. 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 2.2. Evolution of the population covered by the Pension Fund Reference should be made to the high maturity of the population covered by the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal, whose number of beneficiaries is higher than the number of active staff members. Therefore, the high share of liabilities relating to pensions in payment compared to total liabilities strongly conditions the Pension Fund’s asset management. Table 1 - Population covered by the Pension Fund Active members Retired members Pensioners 3.935 3.923 Ratio Active members /Beneficiaries2 0,79 Total 0,77 1 Change 31-12-2006 2004/2005 -33 1.709 20 1.734 1 486 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 1.737 1.704 1.724 1.744 474 475 -12 3.929 Change 2005/2006 5 -10 11 6 0,77 Active members; 2 Retired members and pensioners. As at 31 December 2006, the Pension Fund covered 1,709 active staff members, 1,734 retired staff members and 486 pensioners. 2.3. Developments in benefits/charges and contributions Chart 1 shows developments in the volume of benefits and payments by the Pension Fund in the last ten years. In 2006 the value of pensions paid amounted to €42,806 thousand, accounting for a 4.2% increase from the previous year. The value settled in 2006 as redemption capital and death grants amounted to €1,335 thousand and €372.7 thousand respectively. In 2005 these items amounted to €1,005 thousand and €216 thousand respectively. In 2006 the payments by the Pension Fund corresponding to contributions to SAMS regarding settled pensions amounted to €2,824.6 thousand, compared to €2,701.4 thousands paid in 2005. There was also the transfer of pension rights of former employees who started working in the European Commission, as well as the closing of individual accounts of employees whose contracts with the Banco de Portugal terminated. Given that these values are negligible (accounting for 0.1% of overall expenditure), they are not shown in the chart below. The sum of payments by the Pension Fund regarding these items totalled €47,460 thousand, accounting for a 5.3% increase from the fiscal year 2005. 8 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Chart 2 - Volume of benefits and payments by the Fund 50.000 45.000 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Pensions Redemption Capital Death Grants Contributions to SAMS 2006 As the plans/schemes funded by the Pension Fund are defined benefit schemes, the contributions are a “dependent variable”. Thus, it may be necessary to make periodic adjustments to regular contribution rates and, in some cases, to add an extraordinary contribution, as a result of several factors, such as changes in the evolution of financial variables, non-projected developments in benefits, or changes/updates in the calculation assumptions. In 2006 contributions totalled €85.8 million. This includes an extraordinary contribution of €61.8 million, paid by the Banco de Portugal, aimed at covering the revision of actuarial assumptions in 2006 (see section 6). Regular contributions paid by employees amounted to €1.8 million. 2.4. Actuarial and financial assumptions In 2006 the actuarial and financial assumptions were revised and the discount rate was reset. This led to the downward revision of that assumption, which partly counteracted the change in market interest rates. Therefore, at the end of 2006 the discount rate stood at 4.52% and the growth rates of wages and pensions at 3.23% and 2.23% respectively. The actuarial and financial assumptions used are listed in a footnote – at the end of this report – containing the results of the actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2006. 9 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 3. MACROECONOMIC FRAMEWORK AND MARKET DEVELOPMENTS 2006 was characterised by an acceleration of economic growth in the majority of developed economies, except Japan. In the context of emerging economies, strong economic growth in China and India continued to be noteworthy, with rates of 10.6% and 8% respectively. Table 2 - Economic growth and inflation rates Gross domestic product (%) 2005 2006p 2007p 2008p Euro area Portugal United States Japan 1.4 0.4 3.2 4.2 2.6 1.3 3.3 2.8 2.2 1.5 2.4 2.0 2.3 1.7 2.7 2.0 2005 Consumer prices (%) 2006p 2007p 2008p 2.2 2.1 3.4 -0.1 2.2 3.1 3.3 0.3 1.9 2.0 2.3 0.3 1.8 1.8 2.3 0.8 Sources: OECD, Economic Outlook (November 2006), Eurostat and Banco de Portugal (p) Estimates and projections. Inflation remained under control in most world major economies. The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices grew by 2.2% in the euro area and 3.3% in the United States. In Japan, prices recorded a positive change (0.3%) for the first time in many years, pointing to the end of the deflationary cycle in that country. Table 3 - Developments in the main euro area interest rates Dec.2005 Dec.2006 Change (p.p.) Key ECB interest rate Rate on the main refinancing operations 2.25% 3.50% 1.25 Money market yields (*) 3 months 1 year 2.49% 2.84% 3.73% 4.03% 1.24 1.18 2.86% 3.30% 3.57% 3.88% 3.95% 4.07% 1.02 0.65 0.50 Treasury bond yields (**) 2 years 10 years 30 years (**) Source: Reuters. (*) Euro area benchmark: Euribor rates. (**) Euro area benchmark: German government bonds.. In 2006 monetary authorities raised key interest rates, in order to contain any inflation pressures in a context of economic growth. The ECB pursued a policy of euro area key interest rate increases, which started in December 2005, raising it by 1.25 percentage points during the year, to 3.5%, at the end of 2006. In turn, key interest rates of the FED, Bank of England, Bank of Japan and Swiss National Bank were raised by 1, 0.5, 0.25 and 1 percentage point respectively. 10 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Market interest rates, for the various maturities and currencies, followed this upward movement in official rates. In the euro area, rises were more significant in the shorter maturities. In the private debt market, similarly to the previous year, 2006 was marked by the stabilisation, at historically low levels, of the interest rate spread on public debt. Default rates stood at historical lows, according to the rating agency Moody’s, which may be explained by the dynamic pace of global economic growth, making it possible for companies to continue to reduce the share of debt in their balance sheets and to record strong financial results growth. Equity market valuation, reflecting strong economic growth and the consequent positive impact on corporate financial results, was considerable, albeit more subdued than in 2005. The European DJ Eurostoxx 50 index increased by around 18.9%, the US S&P 500 index by 17.9% and the Japanese index by 7.9%. Turning to the foreign exchange market, and conversely to 2005, the euro appreciated by around 11% against the US dollar. This may be due to the combined effect of three factors: the more “aggressive” ECB action, compared to the FED, and the resulting narrowing of the interest rate differential between the euro area and the United States, making the euro somewhat more attractive than the US dollar; the rise in the share of reserves in euro to the detriment of US dollar in Asian and oil-exporting countries; and the systematic increase of the US trade deficit. Oil prices fluctuated throughout 2006, reaching around USD 78 per barrel in mid-August, but at the end of the year, they stood at levels close to those seen in the beginning of the year, i.e. around USD 61 per barrel. Outlook for 2007 According to the forecasts of the main international organisations, a slight slowdown in the pace of economic growth is forecast for 2007, compared to the previous year. Inflation is likely to remain under control in the major world economies, with central banks not allowing inflation pressures to materialise. The ECB is likely to pursue its policy of raising interest rates, although at a more subdued pace than in 2006. With regard to the FED, uncertainties persist about the next interest rate move. 11 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 4. ASSET PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE The management of the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio was determined by a policy of approximation to the liability structure, in order to limit the risk of a reduction in the funding level of the Pension Fund. To this end: • the structure of the bond portfolio changed considerably in early 2006, proceeding with the move (started at the end of 2005) from fixed-rate bonds to euro area inflation-linked bonds; • the asset mix in the Pension Fund portfolio was slightly adjusted throughout the year, with a small reduction in the exposure to equity, in favour of the remaining asset classes; • the modified duration of the fixed-income portfolio increased over the year, standing at 16.4 as at 31 December, compared to 12.7 at the end of the previous year. Chart 3 - Structure of the Pension Fund’s portfolio Real estate 13,5% Shares 9,7% 2,6% 7,3% 6,2% 0,3% 1,2% 5,6% 1,1% 1,0% Bonds 74,8% 76,8% Public debt Euro area Asia-Pacific Corporate debt " Supranational and similar debt North America Non-euro area Europe Buildings Mutual funds 12 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 5. STRATEGIC BENCHMARK At the end of 2006, the study undertaken to choose the strategic benchmark of the Pension Fund for 2007 was concluded. Its initial composition, with a strong exposure to euro area longterm inflation-linked bonds, shows that the asset management policy is strongly targeted at limiting the risk of a reduction in the funding level. However, there is a significant benchmark exposure (21.2%) to assets that are less correlated with the liabilities, implying a positive risk premium. This shows that the investment strategy for 2007 aimed not only at limiting risk but also at maximising the expected results of the asset and liability management. Table 4 - Composition of the Pension Fund’s strategic benchmark for 2007 Bonds and liquidity Inflation-indexed bonds Other bonds and liquidity Shares Euro area Non-euro area Europe North America Asia-Pacific Real estate 78,8% 73,4% 5,4% 9,00% 2,8% 2,0% 3,2% 0,9% 12,2% 13 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 6. RESULTS OF THE ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT OF THE PENSION FUND In 2006 the Pension Fund’s liabilities and the asset portfolio were conditioned by the increase in euro area interest rates. In a context of a marked-to-market valuation of liabilities, the impact of this rise on the value of past service liabilities was only partly eased by the less significant increase in the expected rate of inflation. As a consequence, the adjusted value of past service liabilities, considering the impact of the payment of pensions net of the receipt of regular contributions, minus the effect of exogenous factors, showed a negative change of -3.3% in 2006. From an integrated asset and liability management perspective, this change is the benchmark for the asset rate of return. Table 5 - Results of the asset-liability management of the Pension Fund Yields (1) (a) Change adjusted for liabilities -3,3% Asset portfolio (b) (c)=(1+b)/(1+a)-1 Bonds Public debt Corporate debt Supranational and similar debt -4,3% -4,5% 2,5% 2,2% Shares Euro area North America Non-euro area Europe Asia-Pacific 17,1% 19,8% 14,2% 13,1% 10,5% Real estate Buildings Mutual funds 7,9% 11,2% 4,0% Total -1,0% Results of the asset-liability management 2,4% 1) Time-weighted rate of return The asset-liability orientation of the investment policy, focused on limiting the risk of a reduction in the funding level, led to a strong exposure to assets correlated with liabilities, in 14 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements particular euro area long-term inflation-linked Treasury bonds. As a consequence, the asset rate of return was also conditioned – although to a lesser extent than the cost of liabilities – by the upward movement of interest rates, being negative (-1.0%). In 2006 the asset-liability results of the Pension Fund amounted to +€27.7 million (which corresponds to the difference between the decline in the value of the assets and in the adjusted value of the liabilities), representing 2.4% of the past service liabilities’ value. These results can be attributed to three factors: • the exposure to equity risk, whose contribution to results was around 50% (1.1% of the liabilities’ value); • the exposure to real estate risk, with a contribution of 0.5% of the liabilities’ value; • the exposure to interest rate and inflation rate risks, with a contribution of 0.8% of the liabilities’ value. With regard to the use of those financial management earnings generated in 2006: • around half (1.2% of the liabilities’ value) were used to finance 20% of the impact of the actuarial assumptions’ revision (the remaining 80% were funded through an extraordinary contribution made by the Banco de Portugal); • 0.5% of the liabilities’ value were absorbed by actuarial deviations and exogenous factors to the financial management of the Pension Fund; • the remaining 0.7% of the liabilities’ value correspond to an increase in the funding level of the Pension Fund (from 97.9% in December 2005 to 98.6% in December 2006). Table 6 - Use of the results of the asset-liability management (as a % of the liabilities value) Change in actuarial assumptions Exogenous factors and actuarial deviations Change in the funding level Total 1,2% 0,5% 0,7% 2,4% 15 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 7. RISK CONTROL The Pension Fund’s investment policy is bound by regulations set forth by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP (the supervisory authority for insurance companies and pension funds), namely as regards the asset composition and control as well as the use of derivatives, repurchase agreements and securities lending. It is also bound by internal rules, which are more detailed and tighter than the regulations. These rules were set out by the Managing Company itself, strictly in line with the risk profile indicated by the Banco de Portugal. In the course of 2006 the portfolio structure was subject to constant analysis and monitoring, intended to identify the degree of exposure to different types of risk and to mitigate those risks by placing internal limits or recurring to hedging instruments. Market risk is assessed from an asset-liability perspective, consisting in the risk of a reduction in the funding level of the Pension Fund. Therefore, the market risk control is ensured by pursuing an asset management policy in line with the liabilities structure. The control of credit risk associated with institutions issuing securities included in the investment portfolio or with those counterparties with which transactions are dealt is ensured by restricting investment to instruments and institutions of recognised safety and financial soundness. It also implies monitoring the rating given by international agencies, such as Fitch Ratings, Moody’s Investor Service and Standard & Poor’s, which must comply with the minimum levels established. The risk diversification policy is executed from an economic group perspective, through the setting of limits to the concentration of exposure to entities belonging to the same group. Chart 4 Exposure of the fixed-income portfolio by type of issuer/counterparty (31 December 2006) 1.5% 0.1% 98.4% Government Supranational Financial institutions At the end of 2006, the Pension Fund’s fixed-income portfolio showed a low level of credit risk, given the large share of sovereign issuers with a high rating. 16 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Chart 5 - Exposure of the fixed-income portfolio by rating of the issuer/counterparty (31 December 2006) 1.3% 38.0% 60.7% AAA AA A Country risk remained very low, given that the portfolio continued to be predominantly exposed to euro area countries, accounting for 97.5% of the total at the end of 2006. Chart 6 - Geographical distribution (as at 31 December 2006) 0.2% 1.6% 0.8% 97.5% Euro area Asia-Pacific Non-euro area Europe North America The management of the investment portfolio’s exchange rate risk continued to be carried out through forward foreign exchange transactions linked to investment in assets denominated in currencies other than the euro. The exchange rate risk was close to zero. As for legal risks, special emphasis is placed on the analysis of the legal framework and on the permanent monitoring of the strict compliance with the rules and limits of prudential diversification defined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal concerning the asset composition of the Pension Fund’s portfolio. 17 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE PENSION FUND FROM AN ASSET-LIABILITY PERSPECTIVE As at 31 December 2006, the assets of the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal amounted to €1,208.6 million, accounting for an increase of €27.0 million from a year earlier. Total past service liabilities amounted to €1,226.2 million, €691.2 million of which are liabilities relating to pensions in payment and €535.1 million to past service liabilities of active staff. In 2006 the increase in past service liabilities amounted to €18.8 million. This increase in past service liabilities corresponds to an overall rise of +1.6%. This is broken down into 2.4% regarding the expected costs for the year and -0.8% resulting from the combined effect of the indexation of actuarial and financial assumptions (increase in discount rates compared to the end of the previous fiscal year, although partly offset by the resetting of the discount rate and by higher inflation) and other deviations. Chart 7 - Developments in assets and liabilities of the Pension Fund (EUR millions) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2002 Pension Fund value 2003 2004 2005 2006 Past service liabilities At the end of the year, the Pension Fund recorded an overall funding level of 98.6%, ensuring a full coverage relating to pension payments and a 96.7% coverage of past service liabilities of active staff (i.e. above the minimum funding level established in the Notices of the Banco de Portugal). For the purposes of the provisions of Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 12/2001, as amended by Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 4/2005, the degree of coverage was 111.8% of the minimum required. The requirements established by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal were also fully complied with, and the coverage of the minimum solvency reached 125.3%. 18 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Table 7 - Financial position of the Pension Fund (EUR) 31 Dec. 2005 (1) (2) (3)= (1)/(2) (4) (5)= (1)/(4) (6) (7)= (1)/(6) Pension Fund value Past service liabilities (PSL) Actual funding level Compulsory minimum PSL (Notice of Banco de Portugal No 4/2005) Coverage of PSL of statutory funding PSL for the calculation of the minimum solvency ratio Minimum solvency coverage 31 Dec. 2006 1.181.526.663 1.208.550.035 1.207.429.808 97,9% 98,6% 1.023.931.378 1.081.453.102 115,4% 111,8% 930.486.308 964.546.285 127,0% 125,3% 19 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 9. PROPOSAL FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTS The net profit in the accounts of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A., for the fiscal year 2006 amounted to €77,879.94, which shall be distributed as follows: Legal reserve Free reserves Total €3,894.00 €73,985.94 €77,879.94 20 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 10. FINAL REMARK The Board of Directors would like to conclude the Report and Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2006 by thanking Banco de Portugal for its confidence and co-operation. A word of recognition is also due to the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the manner in which it monitored the business activities of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A.. Finally, reference should be made to the high professionalism and dedication of all the staff of the Managing Company, who played a decisive role in the results achieved. Lisbon, 19 March 2007 Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Chairman Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Member of the Board Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Executive Director 21 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 22 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Balance sheet and profit and loss account 23 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. BALANCE SHEET (EUR) ASSETS LIABILITIES 2006 GA 2005 AA NA 2006 Tangible fixed assets: Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets EQUITY 54.735 186.258 2.221.564 17.018 2.479.575 10.243 117.385 1.649.818 16.326 1.793.772 44.491 68.873 571.746 692 685.802 48.407 72.624 752.632 2.819 876.482 117.229 117.229 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fixed assets under construction CURRENT ASSETS Short-term debts of third parties: Government and other public entities Other debtors Marketable securities: Bank deposits and cash: Bank deposits Cash TOTAL ASSETS Capital 1.000.000 1.000.000 Legal reserve Free reserves Results carried forward Net profit for the year TOTAL EQUITY 103.843 829.182 0 77.880 2.010.904 102.650 806.526 0 23.848 1.933.025 129.961 121.868 423 2.741 56.628 18.417 78.208 549 3.411 188.535 18.536 211.031 15.191 805 8.168 741 224.165 341.808 2.235.069 2.274.833 PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 0 492 492 0 492 492 21.040 60.492 81.532 1.180.880 797.320 226.619 1.247 227.866 226.619 1.247 227.866 395.705 1.247 396.952 16.573 123.209 248 140.029 16.573 123.209 248 140.029 6.849 114.737 960 122.547 2.235.069 2.274.833 1.181.871 991 ACCRUALS AND PREPAID EXPENDITURE Accrued income Prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets 2005 NA 4.147.061 Accountant 1.911.992 LIABILITIES Short-term debts to third parties: Other shareholders Other creditors Suppliers, c/a Government and other public entities ACCRUALS AND INCOME COLLECTED IN ADVANCE Accrued expenses Income collected in advance TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Board of Directors SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL INCOME AND EXPENSES ACCOUNT (EUR) Fiscal years 2006 Fiscal years 2005 2006 EXPENSES Supplies and services from third parties 1.027.299 964.569 Staff costs: 1.986.185 1.944.953 Supply of services 3.369.279 3.258.506 10.732 3.380.011 10.666 3.269.172 40.225 35.768 Other interest and similar income (D) ................................... 98 3.420.333 0 3.304.940 Extraordinary income and profits (F) ................................... 5.440 3.425.773 13.496 3.318.436 3.425.773 3.318.436 Supplementary income (B) ................................... Amortisation of tangible and intangible fixed assets 257.522 294.875 22.597 30.355 8.858 650 8.093 3.310.555 24.058 3.259.461 991 3.587 (C) ................................... 6.003 3.317.549 15.476 3.278.525 Extraordinary costs and losses (E) ................................... 12 3.317.561 6.949 3.285.474 Tax on profit 30.332 3.347.893 9.115 3.294.588 77.880 23.848 3.425.773 3.318.436 69.456 33.328 102.784 108.212 77.880 9.711 16.704 26.415 32.963 23.848 Taxes Other operational costs and losses Provisions for risks and charges (A) ................................... Provisions for financial holdings Interest and similar costs (G) ................................... Net profit and loss for the year TOTAL Income from marketable securities and other Financial holdings TOTAL Summary: Operational profit and loss: (B) - (A) =............................. Financial profit and loss: (D - B) - (C - A) =.................... Current profit and loss: (D) - (C) =.................................. Profit and loss before taxes: (F) - (E) =..................... Net profit and loss for the year: (F) - (G) =..................... Accountant 2005 INCOME Board of Directors SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT BY FUNCTIONS Fiscal years 2006 2005 3.369.279 0 3.258.506 0 3.369.279 3.258.506 10.732 0 3.301.696 3.430 10.666 0 3.228.456 24.458 74.884 16.258 0 0 33.328 16.704 0 0 108.212 32.963 30.332 9.115 77.880 23.848 Extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 Taxes on extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 77.880 23.848 Sales and supply of services Cost of sales and of supply of services Gross profit and loss ....................... Other operational income Distribution costs Administrative costs Other operational costs and losses Operational profit and loss ....................... Net financing cost Income (losses) from branches and associated companies Income (losses) from other investments Current profit and loss ....................... Taxes on current profit and loss Current profit and loss after taxes Net profit and loss ....................... ....................... Accountant SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Fiscal year Fiscal year 2006 2005 Operational activities Net profit and loss Adjustments Amortisation Provisions Financial profit and loss Increase in debts of third parties Decrease in debts of third parties 77.880 23.848 253.159 5.243 248.404 16.135 0 81.039 -56.496 536.426 0 -132.823 164.985 -857.970 -9.724 -8.471 7.023 63 18.717 -45.595 442 0 713 1.981 196.222 27.029 380.709 62.480 -326.438 100.732 0 -43.252 443.189 -268.958 Increase in inventories Decrease in inventories Increase in debts to third parties Decrease in debts to third parties Decrease in income collected in advance Decrease in accrued income Decrease in prepaid expenses Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in income collected in advance Profits on the disposal of fixed assets Losses on the disposal of fixed assets Decrease in deferred tax assets Flows from operational activities ..... Investment activities Revenue from: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Assets under construction Investment subsidies Interest and similar income Dividends Payments relating to: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Flows from investment activities ..... Financing activities Revenues from: Loans received Equity increases Supplements and issue premiums Subsidies and endowments Sale of shares Loss coverage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Payments relating to: Loans received Repayment of financial leasing contracts Interest and similar income Dividends Capital reduction and supplementary payments Purchase of own shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flows from investment activities ..... 0 0 Cash change and equivalents Effect of foreign exchange differences Cash and equivalents at the start of the period Cash and equivalents at the end of the period ..... ..... ..... ..... -169.086 0 396.952 227.866 319.834 0 77.118 396.952 Accountant 2006 Report and Financial Statements Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account 29 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account Setting-up and business activity Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. (Banco de Portugal's Pension Fund Managing Company) was set up on 3 June 1988 through a notarial deed entered on folio 74 to folio 76 of the deed book No 677 - C of the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon, with the purpose of administering, managing and representing the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. The setting up of this Managing Company was authorised by Executive Order No 245/88 of 20 April 1988 of the Ministry of Finance. The annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account is in line with the number ordering set out in the Official Chart of Accounts (Plano Oficial de Contabilidade – POC). Numbers that are not mentioned correspond to irrelevant or non-existent situations or values. 3. Valuation criteria The Managing Company’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal, i.e. going concern, consistency, historical cost, prudence, substance over form, materiality and the accruals principle. The valuation criteria adopted by the Managing Company are the following: • Fixed assets Fixed assets are valued at acquisition cost. Depreciation is calculated over the expected lifetime of the asset, on a constant straightline basis. For the assets acquired up to and including 1993 a depreciation method is used where equal amounts of depreciation expense are taken in each year of the asset’s useful life. For the assets acquired after this date, a “month convention” is used, corresponding to the number of months as of the month when the asset was placed in service. Depreciation rates are in conformity with the Portuguese tax legislation. The resulting lifetime is close to that of assets. 30 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Depreciation rates are charged as follows: Annual percentage Basic equipment 10% Office and social equipment and sundry furniture 10 to 33.33% Other tangible fixed assets 12.50% • Marketable securities Marketable securities are valued at acquisition cost, which includes all acquisition-related costs. Provisions were set up aimed at a full coverage of the value of capital losses in the securities portfolio and corresponding to a decline in the market value against the acquisition cost of securities, where the former is lower. • Recognition of costs and income Costs and income are recognised when they occur, taking into account the period to which they refer and regardless of their actual financial settlement. 6. Deferred taxes The tax effect of temporary differences between the accounting and tax results was recognised in terms of the corporate income tax. These differences regard provisions for securities portfolio depreciation. Changes in deferred tax assets Total Total 2006 2005 Temporary differences that generated deferred tax assets Non-tax deductible provisions 990.87 3,841.65 Total 990.87 3,841.65 Amounts reflected in the balance sheet (25%) 247.72 960.41 Description 7. (EUR) Reversal of the difference Staff During 2006 the average number of staff in the Managing Company was 36. 31 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. -712.69 2006 Report and Financial Statements 10. Fixed assets Movements in this item were as follows: INITIAL BALANCE TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gross assets Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets 53,226.80 171,769.45 2,175,080.88 17,018.00 INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS NET ASSETS 1,507.96 18,852.05 46,482.83 (EUR) FINAL BALANCE WRITEOFFS/ WRITEDOWNS 4,363.17 54,734.76 186,258.33 2,221,563.71 17,018.00 117,229.01 FIXED ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION (i) Accumulated depreciation Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets Other Research and Development Expenses INCREASES 117,229.01 2,534,324.14 66,842.84 (4,820.10) (99,145.73) (1,422,448.74) (14,198.60) (5,423.21) (18,239.27) (275,960.40) (2,127.25) (117,229.01) (1,657,842.18) 876,481.96 (301,750.13) (234,907.29) - - 4,363.17 2,596,803.81 48,590.98 48,590.98 52,954.15 (10,243.31) (117,385.00) (1,649,818.16) (16,325.85) (117,229.01) (1,911,001.33) 685,802.48 (i) See Note 14. 14. Fixed assets under construction At the end of the fiscal year 2006, no fixed assets under construction were recorded. 17. Marketable securities This item is broken down as follows: FIXED INCOME SECURITIES Public debt Sundry VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES Equity Mutual funds Provisions for cash investments NET VALUE 2006 (EUR) 2005 895,450.50 895,450.50 523,048.55 523,048.55 286,420.02 286,420.02 (990.87) 1,180,879.65 1.15 278,113.07 278,114.22 (3,841.65) 797,321.12 32 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 32. Guarantees provided As at 31 December 2006, the Managing Company had provided guarantees to the amount of €1,845,363.12, mostly related to pending judicial proceedings. During the fiscal year 2006 and within the scope of one judicial proceeding, the bank guarantee for possible contingencies of the Pension Fund was renewed, to the amount of €1,795,362.12. Given that this judicial proceeding was settled in favour of the Pension Fund, the release of the above-mentioned guarantee is pending judicial decision in 2007. 34. Movements in provisions Movements in “Provisions for cash investments” were as follows: (EUR) INITIAL BALANCE Provisions for cash investments (i) Provisions for risks and charges INCREASE CANCELLATION FINAL BALANCE 3,841.65 990.87 3,841.65 990.87 121,868.00 8,092.95 0.00 129,960.95 (i) See Note 3. Provisions for risks and charges were set up in order to meet possible judicial contingencies of a compensatory nature. 35. Equity capital The Managing Company’s equity capital totals €1,000,000, being fully subscribed and paid up, and is represented by 200,000 shares with the nominal value of €5 each. The equity capital results from the redenomination and equity increase through the incorporation of reserves of the Managing Company’s equity capital, as approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 30 March 2001. 37. Share in the subscribed capital The Banco de Portugal holds 97.78% of the capital, corresponding to 195,524 shares. 33 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 40. Movements in equity capital Movements in the fiscal year were as follows: (EUR) INITIAL BALANCE INCREASES DECREASES 1,000,000.00 102,650.44 806,526.21 23,847.89 1,933,024.54 1,192.39 22,655.50 77,879.94 101,727.83 23,847.89 23,847.89 Capital Legal reserve Free reserves Profit and loss for the year FINAL BALANCE 1,000,000.00 103,842.83 829,181.71 77,879.94 2,010,904.48 Increases in the fiscal year were in line with the proposal for the distribution of net profit for 2005 submitted by the Board of Directors and approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting. 45. Financial statements (EUR) COSTS AND LOSSES 2006 2005 Interest paid 173.15 Provisions for cash investments 990.87 3,587.38 Losses from the sale of cash investments 3,748.90 13,073.90 Other financial costs and losses 2,081.27 Financial results for the year PROFITS AND GAINS 499.31 Interest received 1,902.91 Gains from the sale of cash investments 33,333.62 16,704.41 40,327.81 35,767.91 TOTAL 2006 2005 40,230.31 35,767.91 97.50 - 40,327.81 35,767.91 46. Extraordinary results (EUR) COSTS AND LOSSES Other extraordinary costs and Losses Losses in fixed assets 2006 12.18 - 2005 PROFITS AND GAINS Decreases in amortisation and 988.92 provisions - Gains in fixed assets Corrections to previous fiscal years Other extraordinary profits and gains Extraordinary results 5,427.84 4,453.07 5,440.02 5,441.99 2006 2005 3.841.66 1.092.63 5,339.28 - 505.73 101.51 1.20 TOTAL 5,440.02 34 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 5,441.99 2006 Report and Financial Statements 48. Other relevant information • Bank deposits This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2006 123,618.73 103,000.00 226,618.73 Demand deposits Time deposits 2005 45,705.00 350,000.00 395,705.00 • General government and other public bodies Value Added Tax - VAT VAT recorded in the Managing Company’s accounts relates to a self-liquidation resulting from services provided by a non-resident body. Income taxes – corporate income tax Taxes on profit are calculated on the basis of the value forecast to be paid, at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date, being recorded under “General government and other public bodies”. In accordance with the legislation in force, during a four-year period the tax administration may check the values mentioned above. This may lead to corrections to the tax base and to additional settlements with regard to the fiscal years from 2001 up to and including 2006. The Board of Directors assumes that any additional settlement will have no significant impact on the financial statements. • Supply of services The supply of services refers exclusively to management fees, whose amount is set on an annual basis according to the management agreement signed between the Banco de Portugal and the Managing Company. By decision of the Managing Company’s Board of Directors, management fees in 2006 were set at €3,369,279.00. • Supplementary income This income results from a sub-lease contract. • Staff costs This item includes training costs directly borne by the Managing Company and costs with staff members, who are covered by a secondment agreement concluded with the Banco de Portugal. 35 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements • Accruals and deferrals This item includes payments made during the fiscal year, regarding costs for the following year, namely costs of IT licenses. • Suspense accounts Pursuant to paragraph 3.1 of Regulatory Norm No 12/95-R of 6 July 1995 of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP, the accounts of the Pension Fund are recorded under class 0 Off-balance-sheet accounts, in the following main accounts: 01 - Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal; and 02 - Management of the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. As at 31 December 2006, these accounts were balanced and amounted to respectively plus and minus €1,208,550,035. Certified auditor Board of Directors 36 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Legal certification of accounts 37 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young Audit & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 1. We have audited the financial statements of SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2006 (showing a total amount of €2,235,069 and total equity capital to the amount of €2,010,904, including a net result of €77,880) and the Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Annex. Responsibility 2. The Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, results and turnover. This responsibility also includes applying appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an adequate internal control system. 3. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Scope 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Statutory Auditor Institute), which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. For this, the audit included: • examining, on a test basis, evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal; • • • assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate in the circumstances; assessing whether accounts are prepared on a going concern basis; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 5. Our audit also assessed the concordance between the financial information included in the management report and financial statements. 6. We believe that our audit provides a sufficient basis for our opinion. Opinion 7. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. as at 31 December 2006 and of its profit, results and turnover for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Lisbon, 19 March 2007 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas (n.º 178) Represented by: Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Monte Pinto (ROC n.º 1230) 2006 Report and Financial Statements Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal 40 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Financial position and income and expenses account 41 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Financial position (EUR) Note Fund investments 2006 2005 Land and buildings 4 89,429,554 81,072,500 Credit securities 5 1,099,555,657 1,085,135,059 Cash and bank deposits 6 9,977,986 102,502,675 General debtors and creditors 7 (356,474) (103,375,280) Accruals and deferrals 8 9,943,312 16,191,709 1,208,550,035 1,181,526,663 Note Fund value Initial assets 2006 2005 4,987,979 4,987,979 1,176,538,684 1,007,229,209 27,023,372 169,309,475 1,208,550,035 1,181,526,663 Accumulated profit and loss and contributions Previous fiscal years For the year 9 (See annexed Notes) 42 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Income and expenses account (EUR) Note Fund value increases 2006 2005 Contributions 10 85,781,423 114,742,331 Income 11 31,644,477 57,701,929 Capital gains 12 82,774,434 212,959,168 1,812,292 73,322 202,012,626 385,476,750 Other revenue Note Fund value decreases Pensions and payments 13 Mediation fees Taxes 2006 2005 47,460,402 45,053,006 - - 26,619 29,011 Capital losses 12 125,904,961 167,578,327 Other expenses 14 1,597,272 3,506,931 174,989,254 216,167,275 27,023,372 169,309,475 Profit and loss for the year 43 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Notes to the financial position and the income and expenses account 1. Setting-up and business activity The Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal (the ‘Pension Fund’) was set up by the Banco de Portugal, in its capacity as founder associate, through a public deed signed on 15 September 1988 in the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon. The second party to the Deed of Constitution was Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal's Pension Fund Managing Company) in its capacity as managing company, granted through the previous signature of a Pension Fund management agreement with the Banco de Portugal. The Pension Fund is composed of autonomous assets exclusively earmarked for the fulfilment of Banco de Portugal’s commitment to pay retirement, disability and survivors pensions, as well as charges for post-retirement contributions to SAMS (social health assistance service for bank employees). It is a closed fund, operating a defined benefit scheme and plays the role of first pillar of social protection. 2. Financial statements The accounts in the annex were prepared in accordance with the accounting records of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal. These accounts summarise the Pension Fund’s transactions and net assets. They do not take into account liabilities relating to pensions or other benefits payable in the future. The Pension Fund’s actuarial position, including these liabilities, is shown in the actuarial report. The financial statements should be read in conjunction with this report (see Note 15). 3. Accounting principles a) General The financial statements were prepared in line with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and in accordance with the rules of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. The accounts were prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of investment in land, buildings and credit securities) and on the basis of the going concern principle, in conformity with the basic accounting principles of consistency, prudence and accruals. 44 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements b) Land and buildings Land and buildings are initially recognised at acquisition cost plus acquisition expenses. Subsequently, this value is reassessed by independent entities, according to the valuation regime laid down in Regulatory Norm No 16/99 of 29 December 1999 and Article 8 of Regulatory Norm No 26/2002 of 31 December 2002 of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. Unrealised capital gains and losses arising from the revaluation of real estate are recorded in the income and expenses account, in the fiscal year in which the revaluation is made. c) Credit securities Portfolio financial investments as at 31 December 2006 are valued at fair value in accordance with Regulatory Norm No 26/2002 of 31 December 2002 of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. In fulfilment of this Norm, an economic methodology adjusted to the type of financial asset in question is applied to quoted securities not valued at fair value. The difference between the securities’ fair value and the respective acquisition cost is recorded under “Capital gains and losses” of the income and expenses account. The difference between the proceeds from the sale of securities and the value for which they were recognised is also recorded under the same items. d) Contributions Upon actual receipt, Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Pension Fund are recorded under “Contributions to the income and expenses account” (see Note 10). e) Income Income from real estate rents and from securities is recorded in the period to which it refers, except for share dividends, which are only recognised upon actual receipt. f) Pensions Pensions are paid to the beneficiaries by the Banco de Portugal, which is subsequently repaid in full by the Pension Fund, on a monthly basis (see Note 13). g) Fees Fees are recorded in the respective income and expenses account item in the period to which they refer, regardless of their date of payment. Outstanding fees that have not been settled yet are recorded as a counterpart to the “Accrued expenses” item. Fees paid in advance are recorded under the “Accrued expenses” item (see Note 8 a)). 45 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements h) Derivatives Foreign exchange forward contracts, conducted with the purpose of hedging foreign exchange risk in the securities portfolio, are revalued at the foreign exchange rates corresponding to the time to maturity. These rates are implied in the forward exchange rate (average bid/ask price) released by internationally recognised financial information systems at the revaluation date. The differences between the equivalent in euro to the forward revaluation rates applied and the equivalent in euro to the rates agreed represent the revaluations’ income or cost, which is recorded under Pension Fund value increases or decreases respectively, namely under “Capital gains or losses”, against “Accruals and deferrals” . i) Applicable taxation regime Pension funds are exempt from the payment of corporate income tax and municipal real estate tax (Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis), in accordance with the Tax Incentives Statute. 4. Land and buildings Date of 2006 last evaluation Acquisition Adjustments Balance-sheet value value Av. da República Arquiparque Av. da Liberdade Edifício Libersil Edifício Y Av. 5 de Outubro Av. de Berna Espaço Berna Linda-a-Velha Edifício Securitas 2005 Balance-sheet value 2005 2006 8,055,047 12,230,787 10,444,953 (1,176,687) 18,500,000 11,054,100 18,500,000 9,804,200 2006 2006 2005 10,045,180 4,537,154 11,127,433 4,354,820 1,798,567 14,400,000 4,537,154 12,926,000 11,900,000 12,926,000 2005 12,796,688 1,123,312 13,920,000 13,850,000 2004 14,355,004 73,147,293 (262,704) 16,282,261 14,092,300 89,429,554 14,092,300 81,072,500 The acquisition value includes the base price, legal charges and other expenses. The adjustment value corresponds to potential capital gains in the fiscal year 2006, to the amount of €3,749,899, and in previous years (capital gains of €12,532,362). Assessments should be made every three years, or earlier, when there are materially relevant mismatches between the building’s net value and its market value. In 2006 the buildings Edifício Libersil and Arquiparque were revalued, and the following potential capital gains were recorded: 46 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Potential capital gain/(loss) Buildings 5. Edifício Libersil 2,500,000 Arquiparque 1,249,899 Total 3,749,899 Credit securities 2006 Adjustments Acquisition value Variable income securities Shares Equity - - - - 128,731,225 23,913,057 152,644,282 189,299,451 983,388,323 3,726,020 1,115,845,568 (42,232,979) 2,030,011 (16,289,911) 941,155,344 5,756,031 1,099,555,657 868,853,112 21,227,669 5,754,827 1,085,135,059 Mutual fund units Fixed income securities Bonds Government of other supranational issuers of other issuers 2005 Market value Market value Adjustment values correspond to potential capital gains or losses calculated as the difference between the market value and the historical acquisition value. In 2006 the net value of potential capital gains and losses recorded in the income and expenses account amounted to €43,130,527 (see Note 12 b). The remaining €26,840,616 relate to previous years. 6. Cash and bank deposits This item is broken down as follows: Cash Demand deposits in Portugal Demand deposits abroad Time deposits in Portugal 7. 2006 2005 719 377,237 100,030 9,500,000 9,977,986 719 16,839,134 44,149 85,618,673 102,502,675 General debtors and creditors This item is broken down as follows: 47 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Current assets Taxes (a) Brokers and financial intermediaries Corporate income tax - current account (b) Defaulting bond holders (c) Lease-holders (d) Derivatives (e) Other Current liabilities Taxes Brokers and financial intermediaries Creditors - Buildings (d) Creditors - Other (f) Contributions and pensions to be settled Derivatives (e) Other Net value (a) 2006 2005 104,618 17,529 811,919 - 325,899 693 448,739 50,995 138,728 333,294 410,668 1,745,604 176,782 1,365,633 - 101,451,706 315,939 345,377 1,771,165 198,581 86,617 113,912 100,386 805,214 105,120,884 (356,475) (103,375,280) Taxes - VAT This item essentially comprises VAT paid in the reconversion works of Edifício Libersil, to be recorded in subsequent periods. In 2006 the tax administration repaid the requested amount. (b) Corporate income tax – Current account The current account with the State Treasury records the net value of corporate income tax withheld in the acquisition and sale of securities. (c) Defaulting bond holders These values are covered by provisions recorded under “Other accruals and deferrals” (see Note 8 b)). (d) Creditors - Buildings - Lease-holders/Provisions for non-performing loans This item comprises €301,644 regarding fully provisioned non-performing debts of Edifício Libersil’s lease-holders. (e) Derivatives The derivatives utilisation policy was exclusively based on the use of foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge foreign exchange risk in exchange traded funds denominated in four currencies: pound sterling, US dollar, Japanese yen and 48 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Swiss franc, to the notional amounts of GBP 4,252,000, USD 37,708,690, JPY 293,973,000 and CHF 3,315,000 respectively. 8. Accruals and deferrals] This item is broken down as follows: 2006 Interest receivable from credit securities from time deposits Rents received Other accruals and deferrals Uncollected interest - b) Accrued expenses - a) Deferred costs - a) Deferred income - Buildings Other 2005 9,910,050 32,933 - 16,441,647 53,410 (23,389) 329 9,943,312 (138,728) (141,560) 329 16,191,709 a) Note 3 g) b) Note 7 c) 9. Pension Fund value Changes in the Pension Fund value were as follows: Pension Fund value as at 31 December 2005 Profit and loss for the year Increases due to contributions (Note 10) Current Extraordinary Decreases due to payments (Note 13) Financial profit and loss Pension Fund value as at 31 December 2006 10. 1,181,526,663 20,156,675 65,624,748 85,781,423 (47,337,893) (11,420,158) 27,023,372 1,208,550,035 Contributions The Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Pension Fund are broken down as follows: 2005 2006 Current contributions Extraordinary contributions 20,156,675 65,624,748 85,781,423 19,838,693 94,903,638 114,742,331 Current contributions include, in addition to the component paid by the Banco de Portugal, contributions from its staff, under the conditions set out by their plans. In 49 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 2006 extraordinary contributions, to the amount of €65,624,748, resulted from the need to ensure the coverage of liabilities, as required by Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 12/2001 of 23 November, as amended by Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 4/2005 of 21 February. 11. Income This item represents income arising from: 2005 2006 Land and buildings Credit securities Shares Equity Real-estate based and mutual fund units Bonds Government of other public issuers of other issuers Demand deposits Time deposits 5,980,935 5,539,011 219 3,328,926 719 12 5,690,725 21,124,667 483,627 415,269 25,352,708 53,641 257,193 310,834 31,644,477 45,362,511 706,207 82,208 51,842,381 24,876 295,661 320,537 57,701,929 50 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 12. Capital gains and losses Capital gains and losses for the year are broken down as follows: 2006 2005 a) 3,819,900 3,819,900 1,183,000 1,183,000 b) 26,227,991 (65,850,486) (39,622,495) 123,259,033 (98,416,254) 24,842,779 - 187,000 187,000 14,244,196 (24,346,013) (10,101,817) 24,890,982 (820,382) 24,070,600 37,984,060 (35,092,297) 2,891,763 63,437,695 (68,338,577) (4,900,882) 498,287 (616,165) 215,019 1,458 (3,115) (1,657) 82,774,434 125,904,961 (43,130,527) 212,959,168 167,578,327 45,380,841 Potential capital gains and losses Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses Credit securities Capital gains Capital losses Realised capital gains and losses Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses Credit securities Capital gains Capital losses Derivatives Capital gains Capital losses Other Capital gains Capital losses Total capital gains Total capital losses Net value a) Note 4 b) Note 5 13. Pensions and payments Pensions are granted to individuals who retire on account of age limit, disability or early retirement, as well as to those who are entitled to survivors pensions. This item is broken down as follows: 51 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Retirement pensions on account of age limit Disability pensions Early retirement pensions Survivors pensions Capital payable Charges with the payment of pensions Death grant Subtotal Repayments Transfer of rights Total 14. 2006 2005 3,952,561 2,470,596 30,804,678 5,577,780 1,335,026 2,824,575 372,676 47,337,892 38,562 83,948 47,460,402 3,715,281 2,435,882 29,674,983 5,242,551 1,004,974 2,701,476 215,971 44,991,118 15,060 46,828 45,053,006 2006 2005 447,905 725,231 415,261 8,876 1,597,273 527,581 2,960,244 1,760 17,345 3,506,930 Other expenses This item is broken down as follows: Financial expenses- a) Expenses on buildings - b) Extraordinary expenses Other expenses a) Financial expenses This item covers expenses borne by the Pension Fund, regarding the global custody service of financial assets. b) Expenses on buildings This item covers normal costs with the management and maintenance of buildings. 15. Actuarial report information The Managing Company publishes, as an integral part of its accounting report, the actuarial results of the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal, as at 31 December 2006. 16. Tax liabilities The Banco de Portugal assumes tax liabilities, under the provisions of the agency agreement signed with the Managing Company on 6 April 2004. Pursuant to it, the Banco de Portugal shall: a) pay retirement and survivors pensions to the respective beneficiaries on behalf and for the account of the Managing Company; 52 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements b) c) withhold at source the contributions and taxes due for subsequent delivery to the competent authorities, and meet the corresponding tax reporting obligations; settle through an offsetting procedure the amounts paid and the contributions due to the Pension Fund related to the Bank’s employees, under the terms of subparagraph a). The Banco de Portugal has complied and will continue to comply with the agreement referred to as long as it remains in force. Within the scope of this agreement the Bank will assume all inherent responsibilities. 17. Contingent liabilities a) Edifício Libersil Judicial proceedings continue with regard to four actions brought before Court by four former shopkeepers against the Managing Company. According to the lawyers’ view, it is unlikely that the Company will be sentenced. b) Edifício Armazéns de Alverca There is a judicial proceeding in which a third party claims the amount of €1,771,165, invoking that the Pension Fund assumed the obligation to pay this amount in the deed of purchase and sale of the property, signed on 1 August 1998. These buildings were resold to the former owner on 31 July 2001, after detection of some structural, geotechnical and construction problems. These gave rise to additional costs paid by the Pension Fund, to the amount of €2,507,646, for which the Managing Company claims the right to compensation. In 2004 the Managing Company presented to Court a bank guarantee to the amount demanded by the party involved in the building sale, as a guarantee for this alleged responsibility, with the purpose of suspending execution. Given that it was not possible to predict which responsibilities the Court would decide to assign, a provision was set up, during the fiscal year 2005, to the amount of €1,771,165. At the end of 2006, the provision set up for this purpose was cancelled, after the Lisbon Court of Appeal dismissed the claim for damages brought by the complainant. On 12 January 2007, following a judgment of the Supreme Court of Lisbon, which confirmed the previous decision, the proceeding was brought to an end given that it was not possible to appeal the judgment. For this reason, applicable legal steps have been taken in order to return and cancel the above-mentioned bank guarantee. 53 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements c) Avenida 5 de Outubro - Edifício Pinta The owner of the building next to Edifício Pinta brought an action before the Court against the Pension Fund, to the amount of €433,491, as compensation for the damages caused to his building when Edifício Pinta was constructed. In 2006 the complainant withdrew the claim for damages, and the Pension Fund did not incur any costs. d) Future subscription of “Office Park Expo” real-estate based fund units The Pension Fund subscribed investment units in the real estate fund “Office Park Expo”, to the total amount of €26,974,860. Under the terms of the Partnership Agreement, the total investment may amount to €50,000,000. 54 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements Certification of accounts 55 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young Audit & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 1. We have audited the financial statements of FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. (Fund), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2006 showing total investments of €1.208.550.035 and a fund value to the same amount, including the profit for the year, to an amount of €27.023.372 and the Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Annex. Responsibility 2. The Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, results and turnover. This responsibility also includes applying appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an adequate internal control system. 3. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Scope 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Statutory Auditor Institute), which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. For this, the audit included: • • examining, on a test basis, evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal; assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate in the circumstances; • • assessing whether accounts are prepared on a going concern basis; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 5. Our audit also assessed the concordance between the financial information included in the management report and financial statements. 6. We believe that our audit provides a sufficient basis for our opinion. Opinion 7. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. as at 31 December 2006 and of its profit, results and turnover for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Lisbon, 19 March 2007 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas (n.º 178) Represented by: Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Monte Pinto (ROC n.º 1230) 2006 Report and Financial Statements Actuarial valuation 58 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements ACTUARIAL RESULTS OF THE PENSION FUND OF THE BANCO DE PORTUGAL AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2006 1. INTRODUCTION 2. POPULATION DATA 3. ACTUARIAL AND FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS 4. ACTUARIAL RESULTS AND STATUTORY MINIMUM FUNDING LEVELS Lisbon, 21 February 2007 Actuary, Rita Ornelas Marques 59 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements INTRODUCTION The funding target of the Pension Fund, consisting in the full coverage of liabilities relating to pensions in payment and the funding of 95% of past service liabilities of active staff, was met by 100.8%. Between 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2006 the Pension Fund’s liabilities rose by €18.8 million, considering the actuarial and financial assumptions defined in section 3. The values shown in section 4 comply with the minimum regulatory levels established in Notice of the Banco de Portugal No 4/2005 (111.8%) and the minimum solvency ratio defined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (125.3%).1 For the calculation of the value of liabilities use was made of the Projected Unit Credit Cost Method. POPULATION DATA Total individuals covered by the Pension Fund Retired staff Pensioners Active staff 1 3929 1734 486 1709 The verification of the minimum funding levels is made at end-year values. 60 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements ACTUARIAL AND FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS 3.1. FOR THE ACTUARIAL VALUATION Identification Assumption Assumptions resulting from the Plan Date of seniority pension/early retirement (a) 1st occurrence - Plan III - Other plans and schemes 65 years Pension payments per year 14 Wage payments per year 14 Identification Assumption Actuarial and technical assumptions TV 88/90 (b) 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) Mortality table Disability table Turnover table - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Wage growth rate - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Pensions increase Wage scale increase National minimum wage increase Wage rate of increase 2004/2005 - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Discount rate (c) Discount rate - portability National minimum wage in the following year Share of married members - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Age difference between members and spouses - Plan III - Other plans and schemes (a) -----T-1 Crocker Sarason (US) 2.228% 3.228% 2.228% 2.228% 2.228% 2.500% 2.500% 4.517% 4.500% 403.00 € real situation 80% real situation 3 (male individuals being the oldest) Consider the 1st occurrence among the following: - 65 years of age; 35 years of service or 95 points - for the Plan III members who are employees of Banco de Portugal; - (Estimated) term of office date - for the Plan III members who are not employees of Banco de Portugal. (b) In the calculation of transfers - due to actual dismissals/hirings - the TV 73/77 mortality table continued to be used, given that this table is considered to be inherent to the calculation of the minimum solvency ratio at the expected transfer date. (c) Discount rate in the period after dismissal from Banco de Portugal for the purpose of calculating liabilities relating to the portability of rights inherent to potential and actual dismissals/hirings (transfers). Discount rate used for the calculation of the minimum solvency ratio. The assumptions used in the actuarial valuation comply with the principle set forth in IAS 19. 61 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements 3.2. FOR THE CALCULATION OF THE ISP MINIMUM SOLVENCY RATIO Identification Assumption Assumptions resulting from the Plan Date of seniority pension/early retirement - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Pension payments per year Wage payments for year 1st occurrence(a) 65 years 14 14 Actuarial and technical assumptions Mortality table Disability table Wage growth rate - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Pensions increase Wage scale increase National minimum wage increase Wage rate of increase 2004/2005 - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Discount rate (b) Discount rate - portability National minimum wage in the following year Share of married members - Plan III - Other plans and schemes Age difference between members and spouses - Plan III - Other plans and schemes (a) TV 73/77 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) 0.000% 0.000% 2.228% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 4.500% 4.500% 403.00 € real situation 80% real situation 3 (male individuals being the oldest) Consider the 1st occurrence among the following: - 65 years of age; 35 years of service or 95 points - for the Plan III members who are employees of Banco de Portugal; - (Estimated) term of office date - for the Plan III members who are not employees of Banco de Portugal. (b) Discount rate in the period after dismissal from Banco de Portugal for the purpose of calculating liabilities relating to the portability of rights inherent to actual dismissals/hirings (transfers). Discount rate used for the calculation of the minimum solvency ratio. 62 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. 2006 Report and Financial Statements ACTUARIAL RESULTS AND STATUTORY MINIMUM FUNDING LEVELS Past service liabilities 1,226,238,773 Retired members and pensioners 691,158,181 Active staff members 535,080,592 Funding target 1,199,484,744 Minimum compulsory PSL - Notice of Banco de Portugal No 4/2005 1,081,453,102 Pension Fund value as at 31 December 2006 1,208,550,035 Funding level Overall 98.6% Funding target 100.8% Minimum level set out in Notice of Banco de Portugal No 4/2005 111.8% Minimum solvency value (ISP) 964,546,285 Funding target of the minimum solvency value 125.3% 63 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A.