2007 Report and Accounts Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 1 Table of Contents Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Members of the Company’s Boards Management Report Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Notes to the Balance Sheet and Income Statement Legal Certification of the Accounts Banco de Portugal Pension Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Account Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Income and Expenditure Account Certification of the Accounts Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 2 Data on Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. was incorporated on 3 June 1988 to manage the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. The Company’s share capital is 1,000,000 euros. Shareholders: • Banco de Portugal, with a shareholding corresponding to 97.77% as at 31 December 2007; and • Members and beneficiaries of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund. Its registered office is at Rua do Comércio, no. 148, in Lisbon. It has offices at Av. da República, no. 57, 7th floor, in Lisbon. As at 31 December 2007: • The Company’s Net Assets stood at 2,627,432.9 euros; • The Company’s Shareholders’ Equity amounted to 2,123,632.5 euros; • The value of the Pension Fund closed at 1,183,275,079.3 euros; and • The total liabilities of the Pension Fund amounted to 1,175,298,861.9 euros. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 3 Members of the Company’s Boards Shareholders’ Meeting Chairman Armando da Silva Couto Secretary Hernâni Fontoura Pires Board of Directors Chairman António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Director Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Managing Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Single Supervisor Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – S.R.O.C., S.A. Alternate Single Supervisor Rui Abel Serra Martins, R.O.C. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 4 Management Report To the Shareholders, Pursuant to the law and the articles of association, the Board of Directors hereby submits the 2007 Report and Accounts for your appraisal. 1. FOREWORD The Banco de Portugal Pension Fund is composed of an autonomous set of assets and liabilities allocated exclusively to meeting the liabilities endorsed by Banco de Portugal in respect of the payment of retirement, disability and widower’s benefits, as well as the payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to the healthcare and welfare service. As at 31 December 2007, the value of the Fund was 1,183.3 million euros. The financial management of the Pension Fund is oriented towards covering the potential fluctuations in the liabilities endorsed, which means that their accurate estimation is especially critical. Accordingly, particular attention is paid to the actuarial and financial assumptions used, especially the future estimated cash flow discount method, long-term growth projections for wages and pensions and, finally, the life expectancy prospects of the population covered. In this context, both the Fund’s assets and liabilities are valued at their fair market value, using for the liabilities a discount rate calculated on the basis of the daily interest rates applicable to very low-risk instruments for the relevant maturities. This methodology is grounded on the assumption that the present value of the liabilities has to represent at every point in time the capital that would have to be invested in low-risk investments to meet future payments. The discount rate determined at the end of 2007 and used to calculate the liabilities as at 31 December was 5.15%. This corresponds to the average interest rate, on that day, of inflation-linked Euro Zone government bonds for the different maturities existing in the market, taking into account the maturity structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities, adjusted by a spread that represents the difference between the interest rates for sovereign debt and very low-risk interest rates. Particular attention is also paid to the assumptions relating to the future growth of wages and pensions, using to this end estimated inflation rates extracted from inflation-linked securities, which are adjusted, in the case of wages, so as to incorporate the career evolution of active employees. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 5 With regard to life expectancy, we seek to incorporate as reliable an estimate as possible in order to avoid underevaluating the liabilities. In 2007, we continued to use the TV 88/90 mortality table, already adopted in the preceding year, whose correspondence to reality was confirmed by an empirical study performed on the basis of the Pension Fund’s demographic data up to 2006. Starting from an accurate estimation of the liabilities and their updating as market fluctuations affect the discount rate and the expected growth in wages and pensions, the financial management of the Pension Fund is oriented towards the combination of two goals: to contain the risk of reduction in the funded ratio, corresponding to the ratio between the Fund’s assets and its liabilities, and to simultaneously maximise the profitability of its asset portfolio. To this end, a strategic benchmark is determined each year. This guides the portfolio in respect of the most efficient breakdown between three main asset classes (bonds, shares and real estate), as well as the maturity structure deemed most appropriate for the bond subcomponent, or, further, for the breakdown between the main geographic regions. In 2007, we maintained our investment policy with reference to the sensitivity of the value of the Fund’s liabilities to changes in interest and inflation rates, from a perspective of an integrated management of assets and liabilities, whose corollary is a major concentration of the portfolio in bonds (80%), almost entirely inflation-linked long-term Euro Zone government bonds. In the context of the Pension Fund’s aforementioned investment policy, traditional return and risk measurements applied to the individual management of assets lose their significance, the indicators aggregated from an “assets versus liabilities” (A/L) perspective being considered more appropriate. In 2007, the funded ratio of the Fund increased to 100.7%, and the A/L return stood at 2.7% (the return on assets exceeded the increase in liabilities by 2.7%). The 1-month value-at-risk of the assets with regard to the liabilities with a confidence level of 95% was limited to an average value corresponding to 0.87% of total liabilities. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 6 Pension Fund - Highlights 31/12/2006 31/12/2007 Active employees 1709 1689 Retirees 1734 1728 Pensioners 486 486 Discount rate 4.52% 5.15% Estimated long-term inflation rate 2.23% 2.36% TV 88/90 TV 88/90 Population Data Actuarial and Financial Assumptions Mortality table Assets (million € and %) Bonds 966.7 80.0% 946.3 80.0% Real estate 165.3 13.7% 161.1 13.6% Shares 76.6 6.3% 75.8 6.4% Total 1208.6 100.0% 1183.3 100.0% Liabilities (million €) 1226.2 1175.3 Funded ratio 98.6% 100.7% A/L return 2.4% 2.7% A/L risk (1-month VaR, 95% confidence) 0.93% 0.87% Coverage Ratio Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 7 2. BUSINESS PURSUED BY THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY During 2007, Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. employed 34 people on average, 62% of whom were women, three quarters of the employees having a university degree. The human resource training policy encourages the high qualification of the employees by supporting attendance of post-graduate studies and master degrees, as well as specialist training actions. Throughout 2007, the Management Company continued to monitor the markets and manage the Pension Fund’s financial and real estate portfolio. In particular, the real estate portfolio was altered, one office building having been acquired and three office buildings having been sold. The actuarial monitoring of the Pension Fund’s liabilities was ensured throughout the year, focusing particularly on the forecast variations expected for year-end. In compliance with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 12/2007, the Management Company distributed brochures containing information on the benefits of the Pension Plan, as well as individual sheets with the status of benefits in progress as at 31/12/2006, to the members of the Fund. Following the execution of a new securities custody agreement in 2006, a securities lending programme was implemented in 2007. In the field of systems and information technology, the development and modernisation of the technological platform proceeded, adapting the infrastructure to market developments and business needs. A project to identify and assess the Management Company’s operational risks was executed in order to determine the scope of the Business Continuity Plan to be completed in 2008. This project made it possible to identify critical points and organisational and technical weaknesses, as well as to define protection and risk-mitigation strategies, fostering the development of a safety culture. On 31 December 2007, the Management Company’s shareholders’ equity amounted to 2.12 million euros (compared to 2.01 million in 2006), which resulted in an increase in its solvency margin to 114.3% (106.8% in 2006). Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 8 3. MACROECONOMIC BACKGROUND AND MARKET DEVELOPMENTS During the second half of 2007, there were some disruptions in the most developed economies, resulting from the crisis in the US real estate market. The crisis hit in mid-August upon the news of successive defaults in poor-quality mortgage loans (the so-called sub prime market) and affected the financial markets considerably. Most financial institutions experienced major losses in their asset portfolio and their funding needs led to dramatic hikes in money market interest rates. As a result of this crisis, volatility increased considerably in the markets, the highest-risk asset classes having experienced significant losses. The main central banks of the world, seeking to normalise the situation and avoid the financial crisis contaminating the real economy, adopted concerted measures to supply liquidity to the banking system and contribute to reducing the money market interest rates. Economic growth slowed down in most developed economies in 2007, standing at 2.3% in the Euro Zone, 2.2% in the USA and 2% in Japan. In the emerging economies, the levels of economic growth remained robust, particularly in China (11.1%) and India (8.7%). In turn, the Portuguese economy grew 2% during 2007, which represents a slight increase compared to 2006, albeit lower than the average growth in the Euro Zone. Inflation rose significantly in 2007 in most economies, standing at 3.1% in the Euro Zone, 4.1% in the USA and 0.8% in Japan. In Portugal, the Harmonised Consumer Price Index rose by 2.4%, less than the average inflation in the Euro Zone. Table 1: Economic growth and inflation Euro Zone Portugal USA Japan Gross Domestic Product (%) 2008P 2009P 2006 2007 2.7 2.3 1.9 2.0 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.2 3.3 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.8 2.0 1.6 1.8 Consumer Prices (%) P P 2006 2007 2008 2009 1.9 3.1 2.5 2.0 3.1 2.4 2.6 2.2 3.3 4.1 2.7 1.9 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 Sources: OECD,Economic Outlook (December 2007), Eurostat and Banco de Portugal. (p) Estimates and forecasts. The ECB continued with the cycle of rises in interest rates during the first half of the year, having interrupted it in the second half due to the marked anxiety in the financial markets, and despite the inflationary pressures persisting in the Euro Zone. The reference rate for refinancing operations stood at 4% at the end of 2007, which represents an increase of 0.50 percentage points over the year. In turn, the US Federal Reserve, in an attempt to boost economic growth and mitigate the current financial crisis, cut the Fed Funds Rate by 1 percentage point over the year, to close at 4.25% at year-end. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 9 Interest rates in the Euro Zone increased along all segments of the curve, with steeper increases in the shortest maturities as a result of the shortage of funds and strong aversion to credit risk originated by the crisis in the US sub prime market. Table 2: Evolution in the main interest rates in the Euro Zone Dec-06 Dec-07 Change (p.p.) ECB Intervention Rate Main refinancing operation rate 3.50% 4.00% 0.50 Money Market Yields (*) 3-month 6-month 1-year 3.73% 3.85% 4.03% 4.68% 4.71% 4.75% 0.959 0.854 0.717 Treasury Bond Yields (**) 2-year 10-year 20-year 3.88% 3.95% 4.07% 4.02% 4.35% 4.62% 0.135 0.401 0.549 Source: REUTERS (*) Euro Zone benchmark: Euribor. (**) Euro Zone benchmark: German public debt securities. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 10 Chart 1: Evolution of interest rates in the Euro Zone during 2007 In the private debt market, as a result of the financial crisis that became evident in the second half of the year, there was a major increase in spreads during 2007, reflecting the increase in aversion to risk by most investors. The Itraxx Europe 5-year index, which reflects the cost of hedging the risk of default by issuers of 5-year bonds, doubled in 2007, from approximately 25 to 50 basis points. Despite the environment that characterised the second half of the year, these six months were positive overall for the main share markets, save for Japan. The European DJ Eurostoxx 50 index gained approximately 6.8%, the US S&P 500 rose 3.5% and the Japanese Nikkei 225 lost 11.0%. The Portuguese PSI-20 index rose 16.3%. This situation changed dramatically when most stock exchanges fell at the beginning of 2008. On the exchange market, the euro appreciated 11% against the dollar, propelled by several factors, notably the different conduct of the ECB and the Federal Reserve, the reshaping of the foreign currency reserves of several central banks by substituting euros for US dollars, and the better economic performance of the Euro Zone compared to the US economy. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 11 4. PENSION PLANS 4.1. OVERVIEW Banco de Portugal ensures, through the Pension Fund, the right to retirement, disability and widower’s benefits (including possible supplementary and death benefits), as well as the payment of post-retirement charges relating to contributions to the healthcare and welfare service (Serviço de Assistência Médico-Social - SAMS). Pensions paid by way of retirement and widower’s benefits result from the summation of the amounts calculated on the basis of each component of pensionable wages, in compliance with the applicable collective employment contract and the Bank’s internal regulations. The Pension Plan encompasses four schemes relating to base wages and seniority and three schemes relating to fringe benefits. Of these schemes, only two remain open to new admissions in the Bank and, as a whole, they ensure the overall pension resulting from the various components of pensionable wages. 4.2. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE POPULATION COVERED BY THE PENSION FUND We would like to highlight the significant maturity of the population covered by the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund, where the number of beneficiaries is greater than that of its active members. The resulting weight of the liabilities for total pensions payable strongly restricts the attitude adopted in respect of the management of the Fund’s assets. Table 3: Population covered by the Pension Fund Active Retirees Pensioniers Total 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 1,704 1,709 1,744 1,734 475 486 3,923 3,929 Active1 / Beneficiaries2 Ratio 0.77 0.77 Change 2005/2006 5 -10 11 6 31-12-2007 1,689 1,728 486 3,903 Change 2006/2007 -20 -6 0 -26 0.76 1 Members; 2Retirees and Pensioners. On 31 December 2007, the Pension Fund covered 1,689 members (active employees), 1,728 retirees and 486 pensioners. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 12 4.3. DEVELOPMENTS IN BENEFITS/CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Chart 2 shows the developments in the volume of benefits and charges paid by the Pension Fund in the last 10 years. In 2007, the amount of matured pensions reached 44.3 million euros, which represents an increase of 3.4% compared to the preceding year. Sums paid in 2007 by way of redeemed capital and death benefit reached 0.7 million euros and 0.3 million euros, respectively. These same headings had reached 1.3 million euros and 0.4 million euros, respectively, in 2006. Charges borne by the Pension Fund in respect of contributions to the SAMS concerning pensions paid amounted to 2.9 million euros in 2007, compared to 2.8 million euros paid in 2006. Chart 2: Volume of benefits and charges borne by the Fund (thousand euros) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1998 1999 Pensions 2000 2001 Redeemed capital 2002 2003 Death benefits 2004 2005 2006 2007 Contribuitions to the SAMS Given that the schemes funded by the Pension Fund are defined-benefit schemes, contributions are of a “dependent variable” nature. Thus, periodical adjustments to the regular contribution rates and, possibly, payment of extraordinary contributions as a result of several factors, such as changes in the behaviour of financial variables, non-forecast developments in benefits or, further, modification/updating of any calculation assumptions, may be required. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 13 In 2007, total contributions amounted to 22. 7 million euros, being unnecessary any extraordinary contribution to cover any shortfall in the Pension Fund’s assets or as a result of any change to the assumptions. 4.4. ACTUARIAL VALUATION 4.4.1. Actuarial and financial assumptions The main actuarial and financial assumptions are those listed in this point, without prejudice to some individually considered adjustments. Assumptions resulting from the Plan Normal retirement age Number of monthy pension instalments Number of monthly wage instalments Actuarial and financial assumptions Discount rate Growth rate – pensions Growth rate – wages Growth rate – wage tables Growth rate – minimum monthly guaranteed wages 2007/2008 increase in wages Minimum monthly guaranteed wages in the following year Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Percentage of married staff Age difference between members and spouses 65 14 14 31-12-2006 4.517% 2.228% 3.228% 2.228% 2.228% 2.500% 403 € 31-12-2007 5.153% 2.359% 3.359% 3.359% 2.359% 2.500% 426 € TV 88/90 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) T-1 Crocker Sarason (US) 80% 3 (male individuals being older) The discount rate determined at the end of 2007 and used to calculate the liabilities as at 31 December was 5.15%. This corresponds to the average interest rate, on that day, of inflationlinked Euro Zone government bonds for the different maturities existing in the market, taking into account the maturity structure of the Pension Fund’s liabilities, adjusted by a spread that represents the difference between sovereign debt interest rates and very low-risk interest rates. The methodology to set the actuarial and financial assumptions is to mark them to market. As a result of the market’s behaviour in 2007, discussed in point 3., the discount rate and the inflation rate increased by 0.636 and 0.131 percentage points, respectively, compared to the end of the preceding year. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 14 In 2007, we continued to use the TV 88/90 mortality table, whose correspondence to reality was confirmed by an empirical study performed on the basis of the Pension Fund’s demographic data up to 2006. The actuarial and financial assumptions used in the Minimum Solvency scenario determined by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (the regulatory and supervisory body) are the following: Actuarial and financial assumptions Discount rate Growth rate – pensions Growth rate - wages Minimum guaranteed wages in the following year Mortality table Disability table Turnover table Percentage of married staff Age difference between members and spouses Minimum Solvency 31-12-2007 31-12-2006 4.500% 4.500% 2.228% 2.359% 0.000% 0.000% 403 € 426 € TV 73/77 1978 - S.O.A. Trans. Male (US) -/80% 3 (male individuals being older) 4.4.2. Results of the actuarial valuation The past services liabilities amounted to 1,175.3 million euros, of which 665.4 million corresponds to liabilities for pensions payable and 509.9 million to past services liabilities of active employees. Past services liabilities (PSL) Retirees and pensioners Active employees 31-12-2006 (euros) 31-12-2007 1,226,238,773 691,158,181 535,080,592 1,175,298,862 665,387,253 509,911,609 Between 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2007, liabilities decreased by 50.9 million euros. This reduction corresponds to an annual overall decrease of 4.15% in the amount of past service liabilities/reserve, as a result of the following combined effects: • Expected/Normal/Regular annual increase of 2.21% in liabilities; and • Unforeseen annual decrease of 6.36% in liabilities, corresponding to an actuarial loss (resulting from the difference between long-term assumptions and the actual figures) and a financial gain (resulting from the assumptions being marked to market, being particularly noteworthy the actuarial gain associated with the rise in the real discount rate in 2007). However, for the purposes of computing the “Assets-Liabilities” results, the percentage change in the Fund’s liabilities resulting from market fluctuations has to be determined. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 15 Thus, in 2007 a rate of -2.5% was calculated, which reflects the revaluation of liabilities resulting from the marking to market of the financial and actuarial assumptions, recognising the pension and contribution flows and excluding the change in liabilities resulting from factors external to the financial management of the Fund. On 31 December 2007, the regulatory minimum laid down in Notice no. 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal amounted to 1,071.2 million euros and the minimum solvency laid down by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal stood at 1,008.0 million euros. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 16 5. PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE AND RISK MANAGEMENT The Pension Fund’s investment policy is defined within the applicable regulatory provisions issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP), notably in respect of the breakdown of its assets and the use of derivatives, repos and securities lending transactions, and within more restrictive internal provisions laid down by the Management Company itself pursuant to the desired risk profile. The portfolio structure is continuously analysed and monitored with a view to the daily identification of the degree of exposure to different types of risks and the corresponding way to mitigate them, which is achieved by determining limits and resorting to hedging instruments. 5.1. Strategic benchmark for 2007 For the dual purpose of limiting the risk of observing a funded ratio reduction and maximising the portfolio return, a strategic benchmark was selected for the Pension Fund’s portfolio structure in 2007. Its breakdown, which is summarily presented, conforms to the established risk profile and was determined on the basis of an analysis of the impact of a likely set of scenarios for developments in the financial markets and a risk measurement model. Chart 3: 2007 strategic benchmark: average annual breakdown Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 17 5.2. “Assets-Liabilities” value-at-risk The risk of reduction in the funded ratio of the Pension Fund is assessed and monitored by calculating the 1-month Value-at-Risk for a confidence level of 95%. Chart 4: 1-month value-at-risk of “Assets-Liabilities” 1.0% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec This risk measurement tool, whose developments in 2007 are shown in Chart 4, corresponds to the reduction in the funded ratio at each point in time, in percentage points, which has an associated estimated probability of 5% of being exceeded over a 1-month period. 5.3. Breakdown by asset class The portfolio structure was determined with reference to the breakdown of the strategic benchmark. However, some departures were adopted in order to incorporate short-term expectations concerning market developments. The focus on an “Asset-Liability”-oriented investment policy, derived by the goal of limiting the risk of reduction in the funded ratio, resulted in a strong exposure to assets wich are correlated with liabilities, particularly long-term treasury bonds linked to Euro Zone inflation. Thus, the average exposure to bonds in 2007 was 75.8% (almost entirely public debt), while shares and real estate represented 8.5% and 15.7%, respectively, of the value of the asset portfolio. At the end of the year, there was a reduction in the exposure to real estate as a result of a scheduled sale, which reduced the weight of this asset class to 13.6%. In turn, the exposure to equities was also reduced, to 6.4%. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 18 The breakdown of the equity component of the portfolio shows an exposure predominantly represented by the Euro Zone and US markets (73%). Chart 5: Breakdown by asset class (average annual values) 5.4. Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap The degree of sensitivity of the funded ratio to changes in real interest rates is assessed and monitored by calculating the leverage-adjusted modified duration gap. In the light of expected rises in medium- and long-term interest rates in the Euro Zone, the investment policy was set in such a way that this indicator assumed negative levels, reflecting a value of the asset portfolio less sensitive to changes in interest rates than the value of liabilities. Given the high modified duration level of the Pension Fund’s liabilities and the fact that the portfolio also includes low interest sensitive assets, the average adjusted differential registered in 2007 was achieved by holding a bond portfolio with a high modified duration. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 19 Table 4: Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap Average 2007 values a) Modified duration of liabilities for past services 14.4 b) Modified duration of bonds 16.5 c) Weight of bonds 75.8% d) Funded ratio 99.6% Leverage-adjusted modified duration gap =b)xc)-a)/d) -2.0 5.5. Breakdown of the bond portfolio by issuer type The monitoring of the credit risk resulting from the exposure to security issuers and counterparties is ensured by restricting investments to instruments and institutions of reputed safety and financial robustness, as well as by monitoring the ratings assigned to them by international agencies. These ratings must conform to the minimum levels laid down in the established Investment Policy Guidelines. The bond portfolio was mainly composed of inflation-linked securities, with a term strucuture similar to the s liabilities's term structure., In this way, we seek to mitigate the risk of reduction in the funded ratio of the Pension Fund resulting from a possible increase in the inflation rate, since the value of these securities is also conditional upon developments in inflation Bearing in mind that liquid inflation-linked securities in the Euro Zone are almost exclusively public debt, this represented virtually all the bond portfolio in 2007. The instability in the credit markets, particularly in the second half of the year, also contributed to limiting the weight of the remaining debt. Table 5: Exposure of the fixed income portfolio by type of issuer / counterparty Governments Average 2007 values (%) 98.2% Supranational 0.3% Financial Inst. 1.5% Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 20 5.6. Breakdown of the bond portfolio by rating The Pension Fund’s bond portfolio was almost entirely composed of issues rated at least AA; issues rated AAA represented approximately 60% of the bond portfolio. Chart 6: Breakdown of the bond portfolio by rating ( average annual values) 0.3% 40.2% 59.5% AAA AA A 5.7. Breakdown of the Pension Fund’s asset portfolio by region Taking as a whole, the Pension Fund’s portfolio maintained a predominant exposure to the Euro Zone countries, which represented 94.6% of its total value in 2007. Exposure to other geographic regions materialised mostly through the equity portfolio. Chart 7: Breakdown of the Pension Fund’s portfolio by region ( average annual values) 0.6% 2.8% 1.8% 94.6% Euro Zone Europe - other Asia / Pacific USA Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 21 5.8. Exposure to exchange-rate risk Bearing in mind the goal of mitigating the risk of reduction in the funded ratio associated with a possible depreciation of the equity investment vehicles currencies denominations, a foreign currency hedging policy close to 100% was followed. The assumed level of the exchange-rate risk was, as consequence, low (approximately 0.11% of the total portfolio) and related to the technical and tactical asset management. The exposure to EUR/USD was the most significant exposure to exchange-rate risk, (nearly 0.07% of the total value of the Pension Fund’s portfolio). Table 6: Average exposure of the portfolio to exchange-rate risk Average exposure of the portfolio to JPY CHF GBP USD 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.07% exchange-rate risk Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 22 6. RESULTS AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE PENSION FUND Both the Pension Fund’s liabilities and the assets portfolio were influenced by the developments in the financial markets, particularly the rise in medium- and long-term interest rates in the Euro Zone. Liabilities for past services are valued at market prices taking into account the interest rates and the inflation expectations. The rise in interest rates over 2007 led to a reduction in the value of liabilities for past services, which was, however, partially offset by an increase in expected inflation. The adjusted value of liabilities for past services (taking into account the impact of pension payments net of received regular contributions and excluding the impact of exogenous factors) decreased by 2.5% in 2007. From a perspective of integrated management of assets and liabilities, this rate of change sets the reference for the rate of return. Table 7: Financial management results of the Pension Fund Rates of return on assets (a) Adjusted change in liabilities -2.5% Asset portfolio Bonds -2.3% Shares 3.3% Real estate (b) Total assets (c) Financial management results 10.5% 0.10% 2.7% (c)=(1+b)/(1+a)-1 Given both the Asset-Liability focus of the investment policy and the aim of controlling the risk of observing funded ratio reductions, the portfolio assumed a strong exposure to the assets which are highly correlated with the liabilities, particularly long-term inflation-linked Euro Zone treasury bonds. Accordingly, the portfolio’s return was also adversely affected by the interest rates rise, albeit to a lesser degree than the cost of liabilities, having reached +0,1%. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 23 In 2007, the Pension Fund’s “Assets-Liabilities” results amounted to +32.5 million euros, nearly to 2.7% of the value of liabilities for past services. Two contributions are at the source of these results: • A positive contribution of 1.8% resulting from the management’s position in respect of the modified duration adjusted differential, which corresponded, in practice, to a decision to maintain the sensitivity of the value of the assets portfolio to changes in interest rates lower than the sensitivity of the value of the liabilities to the same changes; and • An impact of 0.9% associated with the exposure of the portfolio to assets poorly correlated to the liabilities, where the significance of the return on the real estate portfolio should be highlighted (10.5%). Concerning the use of the financial management results generated in 2007 were issued as follows: • 2.1% corresponded to the increase in the funded ratio of the Pension Fund, from 98.6% in December 2006 to 100.7% in December 2007; • The remaining 0.6% was “spent” on actuarial departures and other factors which were also exogenous to the financial management of the Fund. Chart 8: Source and application of the “Assets-Liabilities” management results (in % of the value of liabilities) Total results; 2.71% External factors and actuarial departures; 0.58% Other assets; 0.89% Fixed income; 1.82% Increase in the level of funding; 2.12% Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 24 Developments in the financial condition On 31 December 2007, the value of the asset portfolio of the Banco de Portugal Pension Fund totalled 1,183.6 million euros. Total liabilities for past services amounted to 1,175.3 million euros. Chart 9: Developments in the funded ratio of the Pension Fund (amounts in euros) 101.0% 100.0% 99.0% 98.0% 97.0% 96.0% 95.0% 94.0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 At year-end, the Fund had an overall funded ratio of 100.7%, reflecting an increase of 2.1 percentage points compared to the amount witnessed at the end of 2006. For the purposes of Notice no. 12/2001 of Banco de Portugal, as amended by Notice no. 4/2005, the degree of coverage stood at 110.5% of the minimum required. The requirements issued by the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal were also fully met, the minimum solvency coverage having reached 117.4%. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 25 Table 8: Financial condition of the Pension Fund (amounts in euros) (1) (2) Value of the Pension Fund Liabilities for past services (L.P.S.) (3)=(1)/(2) Funded ratio (4) (5)=(3)/(4) Minimum mandatory level of funding (BP'’s Notice no. 12/2001) Level of coverage achieved (6) (7)=(3)/(6) Level of funding of the minimum solvency Level of coverage achieved (1) (1) 31-12-2006 31-12-2007 1,208,550,035 1,226,238,773 1,183,553,387 1,175,298,862 98.6% 100.7% 88.2% 111.8% 91.1% 110.5% 78.7% 125.3% 85.8% 117.4% As amended by BP’s Notice no. 4/2005. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 26 7. PROPOSAL FOR THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY APPROPRIATION OF PROFITS OF THE In the 2007 financial year, Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. made net profits of 112,728.0 €, which we propose to appropriate as follows: Legal reserve Free reserves Total 5,636.4 € 107,091.6 € 112,728.0 € Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 27 8. CLOSING REMARKS The Board of Directors would like to conclude the 2007 Report and Accounts by thanking Banco de Portugal for its confidence and cooperation. A word of recognition is also due to the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal for the way it monitored the business of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A.. Finally, we would like to highlight the high professionalism and dedication of all the staff of the Management Company. Lisbon, 17 March 2008 The Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Chairman Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Director Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Managing Director Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 28 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. Balance sheet and profit and loss account Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account Legal certification of accounts Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 29 BALANCE SHEET - SGFPBP (EUR) 2007 ASSETS A.B. 2006 A.P. A.L. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS: Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets 57.131 242.085 2.220.845 17.264 2.537.325 15.742 133.503 1.709.769 17.023 1.876.037 41.389 108.582 511.076 241 661.288 44.491 68.873 571.746 692 685.802 117.229 117.229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 492 492 0 0 492 492 0 492 492 827.059 12 827.047 1.180.880 0 975.903 1.247 977.150 226.619 1.247 227.866 17.973 143.480 3 161.456 0 17.973 143.480 3 161.456 16.573 123.209 248 140.029 4.620.711 1.993.278 2.627.433 2.235.069 INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS: Fixed assets under construction CURRENT ASSETS Short-term debts of third parties: Government and other public entities Other debtors Marketable securities: Bank deposits and cash: Bank deposits Cash 975.903 1.247 977.150 ACCRUALS AND PREPAID EXPENDITURE Accrued income Prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets TOTAL ASSETS GA = Gross Assets DA = Depreciation and accumulated provisions NA = Net Assets Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 30 as 31 of December (EUR) LIABILITIES 2007 2006 Capital 1.000.000 1.000.000 Legal reserve Free reserves Results carried forward Net profit for the year 107.737 903.168 0 112.728 2.123.633 103.843 829.182 0 77.880 2.010.904 195.065 129.961 234 1.413 243.935 46.599 292.181 423 2.741 56.628 18.417 78.208 15.726 829 16.555 15.191 805 15.995 503.800 224.165 2.627.433 2.235.069 EQUITY TOTAL EQUITY PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES LIABILITIES Short-term debts to third parties: Other shareholders Other creditors Suppliers, c/a Government and other public entities ACCRUALS AND INCOME COLLECTED IN ADVANCE Accrued expenses Income collected in advance TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 31 INCOME AND EXPENSES ACCOUNT - SGFPBP EXPENSES (EUR) 2006 2007 Supplies and services from third parties 1.080.288 1.027.299 Staff costs 1.965.206 1.986.185 230.484 257.522 46.165 22.597 7.675 8.858 65.104 8.093 3.394.922 3.310.555 12 991 4.139 6.003 3.399.073 3.317.549 5.882 12 3.404.955 3.317.561 43.009 30.332 3.447.964 3.347.893 Net profit and loss for the year 112.728 77.880 Total 3.560.692 3.425.773 105.398 54.349 159.747 155.737 112.728 69.456 33.328 102.784 108.212 77.880 Amortisation of tangible and intangible fixed assets Taxes Other operational costs and losses Provisions for risks and charges (A) Provisions for financial holdings Interest and similar costs (C) Extraordinary costs and losses (E) Tax on profit (G) Summary: Operational profit and loss: (B) - (A) =............................ Financial profit and loss: (D - B) - (C - A) =.................... Current profit and loss: (D) - (C) =.................................. Profit and loss before taxes: (F) - (E) =..................... Net profit and loss for the year: (F) - (G) =..................... Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 32 as 31 of December (EUR) 2007 2006 INCOME Supply of services Supplementary income (B) Income from marketable securities and other Financial holdings Other interest and similar income (D) Extraordinary income and profits (F) Total 3.489.279 3.369.279 11.041 10.732 3.500.320 3.380.011 56.023 40.225 2.477 98 3.558.820 3.420.333 1.872 3.560.692 5.440 3.425.773 3.560.692 3.425.773 Board of Directors António Manuel Martins Pereira Marta Manuel Ramos de Sousa Sebastião Helena Maria de Almeida Martins Adegas Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 33 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT BY FUNCTIONS - SGFPBP (EUR) 2007 2006 3.489.279 0 3.369.279 0 Gross profit and loss 3.489.279 3.369.279 Other operational income Distribution costs Administrative costs Other operational costs and losses 11.041 0 3.387.247 11.685 10.732 0 3.301.696 3.430 101.388 74.884 0 0 54.349 0 0 33.328 155.737 108.212 43.009 30.332 112.728 77.880 Extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 Taxes on extraordinary profit and loss 0 0 112.728 77.880 Sales and supply of services Cost of sales and of supply of services Operational profit and loss Net financing cost Income (losses) from branches and associated companies Income (losses) from other investments Current profit and loss Taxes on current profit and loss Current profit and loss after taxes Net profit and loss Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 34 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - SGFPBP (EUR) 2006 2007 Operational activities Net profit and loss Adjustments Amortisation Provisions Financial profit and loss Increase in debts of third parties Decrease in debts of third parties Increase in inventories Decrease in inventories Increase in debts to third parties Decrease in debts to third parties Decrease in income collected in advance Decrease in accrued income Decrease in prepaid expenses Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in income collected in advance Profits on the disposal of fixed assets Losses on the disposal of fixed assets Decrease in deferred tax assets Flows from operational activities 112.728 77.880 230.484 65.063 -56.023 253.159 5.243 81.039 214.160 -189 -1.400 -20.272 536 25 -1.815 -132.823 -9.724 -8.471 7.023 63 245 713 543.541 196.222 355.688 380.709 62.480 Investment activities Revenue from: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Assets under construction Investment subsidies Interest and similar income Dividends Payments relating to: Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Flows from investment activities 56.023 -205.968 205.743 443.189 Financing activities Revenues from: Loans received Equity increases Supplements and issue premiums Subsidies and endowments Sale of shares Loss coverage Payments relating to: Loans received Repayment of financial leasing contracts Interest and similar income Dividends Capital reduction and supplementary payments Purchase of own shares Flows from investment activities Cash change and equivalents Effect of foreign exchange differences Cash and equivalents at the start of the period Cash and equivalents at the end of the period 0 0 749.284 0 227.866 977.150 -169.086 0 396.952 227.866 Accountant Paulo José Antunes Jorge Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 35 Annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account Setting-up and business activity Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. (Banco de Portugal's Pension Fund Managing Company) was set up on 3 June 1988 through a notarial deed entered on folio 74 to folio 76 of the deed book No 677 - C of the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon, with the purpose of administering, managing and representing the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. The setting up of this Managing Company was authorised by Executive Order No 245/88 of 20 April 1988 of the Ministry of Finance. The annex to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account is in line with the number ordering set out in the Official Chart of Accounts (Plano Oficial de Contabilidade – POC). Numbers that are not mentioned correspond to irrelevant or non-existent situations or values. 3. Valuation criteria The Managing Company’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal, i.e. going concern, consistency, historical cost, prudence, substance over form, materiality and the accruals principle. The valuation criteria adopted by the Managing Company are the following: • Fixed assets Fixed assets are valued at acquisition cost. Depreciation is calculated over the expected lifetime of the asset, on a constant straight-line basis. For the assets acquired up to and including 1993 a depreciation method is used where equal amounts of depreciation expense are taken in each year of the asset’s useful life. For the assets acquired after this date, a “month convention” is used, corresponding to the number of months as of the month when the asset was placed in service. Depreciation rates are in conformity with the Portuguese tax legislation. The resulting lifetime is close to that of assets. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 36 Depreciation rates are charged as follows: Annual percentage 10% Basic equipment Office and social equipment and sundry furniture 10 a 33,33% Other tangible fixed assets 12,50% • Marketable securities Marketable securities are valued at acquisition cost, which includes all acquisitionrelated costs. Provisions were set up aimed at a full coverage of the value of capital losses in the securities portfolio and corresponding to a decline in the market value against the acquisition cost of securities, where the former is lower. • Recognition of costs and income Costs and income are recognised when they occur, taking into account the period to which they refer and regardless of their actual financial settlement. 6. Deferred taxes The tax effect of temporary differences between the accounting and tax results was recognised in terms of the corporate income tax. These differences regard provisions for securities portfolio depreciation. (EUR) Changes in deferred tax assets Description Temporary differences that generated deferred tax assets Non-tax deductible provisions Total Amounts reflected in the balance sheet (25%) 7. Total 2007 Reversal of the difference Total 2006 0 0 12 991 12 991 3 248 -245 Staff During 2007 the average number of staff in the Managing Company was 34. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 37 10. Fixed assets Movements in this item were as follows: (EUR) INITIAL BALANCE WRITE-OFFS/ WRITE-DOWNS INCREASES FINAL BALANCE TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gross assets Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS FIXED ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION (i) 54.735 2.396 0 57.131 186.258 66.958 11.131 242.085 2.221.564 136.369 137.088 2.220.845 17.018 246 0 17.264 117.229 0 0 117.229 0 0 0 0 2.596.804 205.969 148.219 2.654.553 Accumulated depreciation Buildings and other constructions 10.243 5.498 0 15.742 117.385 27.250 11.131 133.503 1.649.818 197.038 137.088 1.709.768 16.326 697 0 17.023 Other Research and Development 117.229 0 0 117.229 Other Research and Development Expenses 0 0 0 0 1.911.001 230.483 148.219 1.993.265 685.803 -24.515 0 661.288 Basic equipment Office equipment Other tangible fixed assets NET ASSETS (i) See Note 14. 14. Fixed assets under construction At the end of the fiscal year 2007, no fixed assets under construction were recorded. 17. Marketable securities This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 2006 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES Public debt 147.115 895.451 Sundry 393.524 0 540.639 895.451 286.420 286.420 286.420 286.420 12 991 827.047 1.180.880 VARIABLE INCOME SECURITIES Mutual funds Provisions for cash investments NET VALUE Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 38 32. Guarantees provided As at 31 December 2007, the Managing Company had provided guarantees to the amount of €195.065, mostly related to pending judicial proceedings. During the financial year 2007, a bank guarantee provided to support any contingencies of the Pension Fund was canceled, as part of a judicial trial, in the amount of € 1,795,362 given that this judicial proceeding was settled in favour of the Pension Fund. 34. Movements in provisions Movements in “Provisions for cash investments” were as follows: (EUR) INITIAL BALANCE Provisions for cash investments (i) Provisions for risks and charges INCREASE 991 1.260 129.961 65.104 130.952 CANCELLATION FINAL BALANCE 2.239 12 195.065 195.077 (i) See Note 3. Provisions for risks and charges were set up in order to meet possible judicial contingencies of a compensatory nature. 35. Equity capital The Managing Company’s equity capital totals €1,000,000, being fully subscribed and paid up, and is represented by 200,000 shares with the nominal value of €5 each. 37. Share in the subscribed capital The Banco de Portugal holds 97.78% of the capital, corresponding to 195,534 shares. 40. Movements in equity capital Movements in the fiscal year were as follows: Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 39 (EUR) INITIAL BALANCE Capital INCREASE DECREASES FINAL BALANCE 1.000.000 1.000.000 Legal reserve 103.843 3.894 107.737 Free reserves 829.182 73.986 903.168 77.880 112.728 77.880 112.728 2.010.905 190.608 77.880 2.123.633 Profit and loss for the year Increases in the fiscal year were in line with the proposal for the distribution of net profit for 2006 submitted by the Board of Directors and approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting. 45. Financial statements (EUR) COSTS AND LOSSES 2007 PROFITS AND GAINS 2006 Interest paid 55 173 Provisions for cash investments 12 991 294 3.749 3.790 2.081 54.349 33.328 58.500 40.322 Losses from the sale of cash investments Other financial costs and losses Financial results for the year Total Interest received 2007 2006 56.023 40.225 Gains from the sale of cash investments 2.477 98 Total 58.500 40.322 46. Extraordinary results (EUR) COSTS AND LOSSES Losses in fixed assets Fines and penalties Increases in amortisation and provisions Corrections to previous fiscal years Other extraordinary costs and Losses Extraordinary results Total 2007 PROFITS AND GAINS 2006 0 Gains in fixed assets 672 1.093 0 0 53 3.842 Corrections to previous fiscal years 0 506 Other extraordinary profits and gains 4 0 1.872 5.440 Decreases in amortisation and provisions 5.185 25 12 -4.010 5.428 1.872 5.440 2006 1.815 Benefits of contractual penalties 0 2007 Total Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 40 48. Other relevant information • Bank deposits This item, as at 31 of December, is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 2006 Demand deposits Time deposits 29.903 123.619 946.000 103.000 975.903 226.619 • General government and other public bodies Value Added Tax - VAT VAT recorded in the Managing Company’s accounts relates to a self-liquidation resulting from services provided by a non-resident body. Income taxes – corporate income tax Taxes on profit are calculated on the basis of the value forecast to be paid, at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date, being recorded under “General government and other public bodies”. In accordance with the legislation in force, during a four-year period the tax administration may check the values mentioned above. This may lead to corrections to the tax base and to additional settlements with regard to the fiscal years from 2004 up to and including 2007. The Board of Directors assumes that any additional settlement will have no significant impact on the financial statements. • Supply of services The supply of services refers exclusively to management fees, whose amount is set on an annual basis according to the management agreement signed between the Banco de Portugal and the Managing Company. Management fees, in 2007, were set at €3,489,279.00, the some value as the year before.. • Supplementary income This income results from a sub-lease contract. • Staff costs Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 41 This item includes training costs directly borne by the Managing Company and costs with staff members, who are covered by a secondment agreement concluded with the Banco de Portugal. • Accruals and deferrals This item includes payments made during the fiscal year, regarding costs for the following year, namely costs of IT licenses. • Suspense accounts Pursuant to paragraph 3.1 of Regulatory Norm No 12/95-R of 6 July of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP, the accounts of the Pension Fund are recorded under class 0 - Off-balance-sheet accounts, in the following main accounts: 01 - Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal; and 02 - Management of the Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal. As at 31 December 2007, these accounts were balanced and amounted to respectively plus and minus €1,183,275,079. Certified auditor Board of Directors Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 42 Legal certification of accounts Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 43 ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young Audit & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 1. We have audited the financial statements of SOCIEDADE GESTORA DO FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. (Banco de Portugal’s Pension Fund Managing Company), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2007 (showing a total amount of €2,627,433 and total equity capital to the amount of €2,123,633, including a net result of €112,728) and the Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Annex. Responsibility 2. The Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, results and turnover. This responsibility also includes applying appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an adequate internal control system. 3. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Scope 4. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Statutory Auditor Institute), which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. For this, the audit included: • examining, on a test basis, evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal; assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate in the circumstances; assessing whether accounts are prepared on a going concern basis; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. • • • 5. Our audit also assessed the concordance between the financial information included in the management report and financial statements. 6. We believe that our audit provides a sufficient basis for our opinion. Opinion Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 44 7. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. as at 31 December 2007 and of its profit, results and turnover for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Lisbon, 19 March 2008 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas (n.º 178) Represented by: Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Monte Pinto (ROC n.º 1230) Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 45 Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal Financial position and income and expenses account Notes to the financial position and the income and expenses account Certification of accounts Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 46 Financial position - FPBP (EUR) Fund investments Note 2007 2006 Land and buildings 4 70.658.614 89.429.554 Buildings under negociation 4 20.815.000 0 Credit securities 5 1.099.555.657 Cash and bank deposits 6 31.364.861 9.977.986 General debtors and creditors 7 -15.811.058 -356.474 Accruals and deferrals 8 10.053.078 9.943.312 1.208.550.035 (See annexed Notes) Income and expenses account - FPBP (EUR) Fund value increases Nota 2007 2006 Contributions 10 22.677.305 85.781.423 Income 11 32.825.487 31.644.477 Capital gains 12 62.988.657 82.774.434 69.917 1.812.292 118.561.366 202.012.626 Other revenue Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 47 (EUR) Fund value Note Initial assets 2007 2006 4.987.979 4.987.979 1.203.562.056 1.176.538.684 -25.274.956 27.023.372 1.208.550.035 Accumulated profit and loss and contributions Previous fiscal years For the year 9 (See annexed Notes) (EUR) Fund value decreases Note Pensions and payments 13 Mediation fees Taxes 2007 2006 48.768.831 47.460.402 0 0 3.834 26.619 Capital losses 12 93.009.294 125.904.961 Other expenses 14 2.054.363 1.597.273 143.836.322 174.989.255 Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 48 Notes to the financial position and the income and expenses account 1. Setting-up and business activity The Pension Fund of the Banco de Portugal (the ‘Pension Fund’) was set up by the Banco de Portugal, in its capacity as founder associate, through a public deed signed on 15 September 1988 in the 9th Notarial Office of Lisbon. The second party to the Deed of Constitution was Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal (Banco de Portugal's Pension Fund Managing Company) in its capacity as managing company, granted through the previous signature of a Pension Fund management agreement with the Banco de Portugal. The Pension Fund is composed of autonomous assets exclusively earmarked for the fulfilment of Banco de Portugal’s commitment to pay retirement, disability and survivors pensions, as well as charges for post-retirement contributions to SAMS (social health assistance service for bank employees). It is a closed fund, operating a defined benefit scheme and plays the role of first pillar of social protection. 2. Financial statements The accounts in the annex were prepared in accordance with the accounting records of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal. These accounts summarise the Pension Fund’s transactions and net assets. They do not take into account liabilities relating to pensions or other benefits payable in the future. The Pension Fund’s actuarial position, including these liabilities, is shown in the management report. The financial statements should be read in conjunction with this report (see 4.4 - Actuarial appraisal). 3. Accounting principles a) General The financial statements were prepared in line with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and in accordance with the rules of the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. The accounts were prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of investment in land, buildings and credit securities) and on the basis of the going concern principle, in conformity with the basic accounting principles of consistency, prudence and accruals. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 49 b) Land and buildings Land and buildings are initially recognised at acquisition cost plus acquisition expenses. Subsequently, this value is reassessed by independent entities, according to the valuation regime laid down in Regulatory Norm No 9/2007 of 28 June 2007 of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. Unrealised capital gains and losses arising from the revaluation of real estate are recorded in the income and expenses account, in the fiscal year in which the revaluation is made. c) Credit securities Portfolio financial investments as at 31 December 2007 are valued at fair value in accordance with Regulatory Norm No 9/2007 of 28 June 2007 of Instituto de Seguros de Portugal – ISP. In fulfilment of this Norm, an economic methodology adjusted to the type of financial asset in question is applied to quoted securities not valued at fair value. The difference between the securities’ fair value and the respective acquisition cost is recorded under “Capital gains and losses” of the income and expenses account. The difference between the proceeds from the sale of securities and the value for which they were recognised is also recorded under the same items. d) Contributions Upon actual receipt, Banco de Portugal’s contributions to the Pension Fund are recorded under “Contributions to the income and expenses account” (see Note 10). e) Income Income from real estate rents and from securities is recorded in the period to which it refers, except for share dividends, which are only recognised upon actual receipt. f) Pensions Pensions are paid to the beneficiaries by the Banco de Portugal, which is subsequently repaid in full by the Pension Fund, on a monthly basis (see Note 13). g) Fees Fees are recorded in the respective income and expenses account item in the period to which they refer, regardless of their date of payment. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 50 Outstanding fees that have not been settled yet are recorded as a counterpart to the “Accrued expenses” item. Fees paid in advance are recorded under the “Accrued expenses” item. h) Derivatives Foreign exchange forward contracts, conducted with the purpose of hedging foreign exchange risk in the securities portfolio, are revalued at the foreign exchange rates corresponding to the time to maturity. These rates are implied in the forward exchange rate (average bid/ask price) released by internationally recognised financial information systems at the revaluation date. The differences between the equivalent in euro to the forward revaluation rates applied and the equivalent in euro to the rates agreed represent the revaluations’ income or cost, which is recorded under Pension Fund value increases or decreases respectively, namely under “Capital gains or losses”, against “Accruals and deferrals” . i) Applicable taxation regime Pension funds are exempt from the payment of corporate income tax and municipal real estate tax (Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis), in accordance with the Tax Incentives Statute. 4. Land and buildings The acquisition value includes the base price, legal charges and other expenses. The adjustment value corresponds to potential capital gains in the fiscal year 2007, to the amount of €6,205,362, and in previous years (capital gains of €17,233,976). Assessments should be made every three years, or earlier, when there are materially relevant mismatches between the building’s net value and its market value. The value that is registered in real estate trading, € 20,815,000, was established on the basis of the contract of promise for the purchase and sale of a building and was included the predictable legal charges for the purpose of clearance of their value. Part of the substantial gains recorded in 2007, were held in early 2008 with the deed of sale of a property. Thus, the amount of € 4,204,900 counted as capital gains made corresponds only to buildings whose deed of sale occurred in the present year. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 51 5. Credit securities (EUR) 2007 Acquisition value 2006 Market value Adjustments Market value Variable income securities Shares 0 0 0 149.879.324 13.285.735 163.165.059 152.644.282 Equity Mutual fund units Fixed income securities - Bonds Government 973.881.367 -81.549.671 892.331.696 941.155.344 Of other supranational issuers 4.997.357 -16.563 4.980.794 0 Of other issuers 4.720.623 996.412 5.717.035 5.756.031 1.133.478.671 -67.284.087 1.099.555.657 Adjustment values correspond to potential capital gains or losses calculated as the difference between the market value and the historical acquisition value. In 2007 the net value of potential capital gains and losses recorded in the income and expenses account amounted to -39.613.360 € (see Note 12 b). 6. Cash and bank deposits This item, as at 31 of December, is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 Cash Demand deposits Time deposits 2006 719 719 1.464.142 477.267 29.900.000 9.500.000 31.364.861 9.977.986 Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 52 7. General debtors and creditors This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 2006 Current assets Brokers and financial intermediaries Taxes (a) Lease-holders (d) Derivatives (e) Other 0 17.529 450 104.618 120.895 325.899 3.094.098 0 693 693 3.216.136 448.739 31.647 0 346.697 176.782 18.534.938 315.939 113.912 113.912 0 198.581 19.027.194 805.214 -15.811.058 -356.475 Current liabilities Brokers and financial intermediaries Taxes Creditors - Buildings (d) Other Derivatives (e) Net value (a) Taxes - VAT This item essentially comprises VAT paid in the reconversion works of Edifício Libersil, to be recorded in subsequent periods. In 2006 the tax administration repaid the requested amount. (b) Creditors - Buildings - Lease-holders/Provisions for non-performing loans This item comprises €301,644 regarding fully provisioned non-performing debts of Edifício Libersil’s lease-holders. The 2007 financial year also includes figures on the transaction of a property, whose deed occurred at the beginning of 2008. (c) Derivatives The derivatives utilisation policy was exclusively based on the use of foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge foreign exchange risk in exchange traded funds denominated in four currencies: pound sterling, US dollar, Japanese yen Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 53 and Swiss franc, to the notional amounts of GBP 3,323,000, USD 36,206,500, JPY 873,300,000 and CHF 17,298,000 respectively. 8. Accruals and deferrals This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 2006 9.990.444 9.910.050 62.305 32.933 329 329 10.053.078 9.943.312 Interest receivable From credit securities From time deposits Other 9. Pension Fund value Changes in the Pension Fund value were as follows: (em Euros) 2007 2006 Pension Fund value as at 31 December 1.208.550.035 1.208.550.035 Increases due to contributions (Note 10) 22.677.305 Decreases due to payments (Note 13) 48.768.831 Financial profit and loss 816.570 -25.274.956 Pension Fund value as at 31 December (A) By reference: Past service liabilities (B) Actuarial surplus (A-B) 7.976.217 Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 54 10. Contributions Current contributions include, in addition to the component paid by the Banco de Portugal, contributions from its staff, under the conditions set out by their plans. During the financial year 2007 there was no need for extraordinary contribution to cover shortfalls in assets of the Pension Fund or due to change of assumptions. 11. Income This item represents income arising from: (EUR) 2007 Land and buildings 2006 6.905.292 5.980.935 0 219 2.937.395 3.328.926 22.371.928 21.124.667 66.241 483.627 129.016 415.269 25.504.580 25.352.708 53.861 53.641 361.754 257.193 415.615 310.834 32.825.487 31.644.477 Credit securities Shares Real-estate based and mutual fund units Bonds Government Of other public issuers Of other issuers Demand deposits Time deposits Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 55 12. Capital gains and losses Capital gains and losses for the year are broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 2006 Potential capital gains and losses Land and buildings Capital gains 7.785.546 3.819.900 1.580.184 0 6.205.362 3.819.900 Capital gains 6.549.350 26.227.991 Capital losses 46.162.710 65.850.486 -39.613.360 -39.622.495 1.140 - Capital losses (i) Credit securities Other Capital gains Capital losses 5.512 - -4.372 - 4.204.900 0 0 0 4.204.900 0 Mais valias 1.057.603 14.244.196 Menos valias 6.545.217 24.346.013 -5.487.614 -10.101.816 Capital gains 42.723.577 37.984.060 Capital losses 38.150.801 35.092.297 4.572.776 2.891.763 Capital gains 666.541 498.287 Capital losses 564.870 616.165 101.671 -117.879 Total capital gains 62.988.657 82.774.434 Total capital losses 93.009.294 125.904.961 -30.020.637 -43.130.527 Realised capital gains and losses Land and buildings Capital gains Capital losses Credit securities Derivatives Other Net value Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 56 (i) 13. In the course of 2007 as part of a process of alienation, it was necessary to make adjustments, positive and negative to the value of a property, which resulted in overall terms, an added value potential. Pensions and payments This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 Retirement pensions 44.270.135 42.805.616 669.274 1.335.026 2.910.124 2.824.575 313.026 372.676 48.162.560 47.337.893 515.861 38.562 90.410 83.948 48.768.831 47.460.402 Capital payable Charges with the payment of pensions Death grant SubTotal Repayments Transfer of rights Total 14. 2006 Other expenses This item is broken down as follows: (EUR) 2007 Financial expenses- a) Expenses on buildings - b) Extraordinary expenses Other expenses a) 2006 125.666 447.905 1.620.005 725.231 308.691 415.261 1 8.876 2.054.363 1.597.273 Financial expenses This item covers expenses borne by the Pension Fund, regarding the global custody service of financial assets. b) Expenses on buildings This item covers normal costs with the management and maintenance of buildings. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 57 15. Tax liabilities The Banco de Portugal assumes tax liabilities, under the provisions of the agency agreement signed with the Managing Company on 17 October 2006. Pursuant to it, the Banco de Portugal shall: a) pay retirement and survivors pensions to the respective beneficiaries on behalf and for the account of the Managing Company; b) withhold at source the contributions and taxes due for subsequent delivery to the competent authorities, and meet the corresponding tax reporting obligations; c) settle through an offsetting procedure the amounts paid and the contributions due to the Pension Fund related to the Bank’s employees, under the terms of subparagraph a). The Banco de Portugal has complied and will continue to comply with the agreement referred to as long as it remains in force. Within the scope of this agreement the Bank will assume all inherent responsibilities. 17. Contingent liabilities a) Edifício Libersil Judicial proceedings continue with regard to four actions brought before Court by four former shopkeepers against the Managing Company. According to the lawyers’ view, it is unlikely that the Company will be sentenced. b) Edifício Armazéns de Alverca At the end of 2006, the provision set up for this purpose was cancelled, after the Lisbon Court of Appeal dismissed the claim for damages brought by the complainant. On January 2007, following a judgment of the Supreme Court of Lisbon, which confirmed the previous decision, the proceeding was brought to an end given that it was not possible to appeal the judgment. d) Future subscription of “Office Park Expo” real-estate based fund units The Pension Fund subscribed investment units in the real estate fund “Office Park Expo”, to the total amount of €44,999,999. By decision of investors, under the terms of the Partnership Agreement, no more contributions of capital will be made. Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 58 Certification of accounts Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 59 ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young Audit & Associados-SROC, S.A. Edifício República Avenida da República, 90 – 6.º 1600-206 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: (351) 217 912 000 Fax: (351) 217 957 586 CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Introduction 5. We have audited the financial statements of FUNDO DE PENSÕES DO BANCO DE PORTUGAL, S.A. (Fund), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2007 showing total investments of €1,183,275,079 and a fund value to the same amount, including the loss for the year, to an amount of €25,274,956 and the Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended, as well as the corresponding Annex. Responsibility 6. The Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, results and turnover. This responsibility also includes applying appropriate accounting policies and criteria and maintaining an adequate internal control system. 7. Our responsibility is to express an independent professional opinion based on our audit to those financial statements. Scope 8. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Examination/Audit Technical Rules and Guidelines of Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (Portuguese Statutory Auditor Institute), which require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. For this, the audit included: • examining, on a test basis, evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and an assessment of estimates used in their preparation, which were based on judgements and criteria defined by the Board of Directors of Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal; assessing whether the accounting policies adopted and their disclosure are appropriate in the circumstances; assessing whether accounts are prepared on a going concern basis; and evaluating the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. • • • 5. Our audit also assessed the concordance between the financial information included in the management report and financial statements. 6. We believe that our audit provides a sufficient basis for our opinion. Opinion Report and Accounts | 20 0 7 Sociedade Gestora do Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. | 60 8. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view in all material respects of the financial position of Fundo de Pensões do Banco de Portugal, S.A. as at 31 December 2007 and of its profit, results and turnover for the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Lisbon, 19 March 2008 ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT & ASSOCIADOS, SROC, S.A. Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas (n.º 178) Represented by: Ana Rosa Ribeiro Salcedas Monte Pinto (ROC n.º 1230) Report and Accounts | 20 0 7