Jonatan A. Lassa (PhD) Telp 6238821732 Mobile 6282332864030 Jl. Walter Monginsidi II, No 2B Emails: CV RESUME Jonatan A. Lassa Summary of personal profiles: Areas of activism: practical development of regional knowledge platform (NTT); informal data platform for regional development; practical knowledge pool for national level in community based disaster reduction and climate adaptation; reviewers in int. academic journal; editorship of a few selected academic journal and publications. Areas of practical/professional experience: community development, carbon management and climate adaptation, disaster management and mitigation, conflict reduction, rural technology, urban/rural poverty reduction, food security. Areas of research/consulting: project design and proposal development in climate adaptation and risk management sector, institutional and governance dimension of development, adaptation and risk management; community based climate adaptation, urban/rural climate hazards mitigation, disaster reduction, crisis management, participatory approach in emergency and disaster management, environmental governance and food security and livelihoods. Areas of training/teaching: disaster reduction, crisis management, participatory approach in disaster management; climate adaptation, linking sustainable livelihoods with climate and risk management. Areas of experience (country experiences - study and work): United Kingdom, Germany, Indonesia, Thailand, Jamaica, France, Belgium, United States of America, Singapore Indonesia experience (area of work and research): Aceh, West Papua, Papua, NTT, Central Java, North Sumatra, Lampung, Jakarta, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, West Kalimantan. Quantitative social research skills: regular users of software such as SPSS 18, Excel based statistics, AMOS for Structural Equation Modeling. Exploratory social network analysis such as Pajek and Gephi for social network research skills; Quantitative social research skills: regular users of software such as Atlas.ti, word doc. Etc. Experienced with international clients and organizations such as UNESCO Paris, AusAID CBDRM Jakarta, Oxfam International, Oxfam Great Britain, Risk Frontiers Sydney, Netherlands Red Cross’ CBDRM and CCA project, United Nations, ICRM Singapore, ERIA and including voluntary support for other tens of local organisations. Detail Education and List of Employment A. UNIVERSITY OR EQUIVALENT Years attended From To 2011 2011 Degrees and academic Main course of study distinctions Post-doctoral fellowship Research on governance of climate adaptation and risk reduction Institute of Geodecy and Geoinformation at the Faculty of Agriculture - Univesity of Bonn Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research, ZEF, Bonn, Germany 2007 2011 PhD (Dr. Ing) Disaster risk reduction and climate risks 2007 2008 Certificate of attendance University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies, Norwich, United Kingdom Facultiy of Engineering, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Indonesia 2004 2005 1993 1999 Name, place and country Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Interdisciplinary Development Research (Environment (including water and natural resource management), Development Social Science Research Methods Master of Science Master of Science (MSc) - Environment (MSc) and International Development (incl. climate change policy). Bachelor of Engineering Civil Engineering B. SCHOOLS OR OTHER FORMAL TRAINING OR EDUCATION Name, place and country Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, USA PhD School on Global Governance, Brussels, Belgium UNU-EHS/ZEF PhD Block Course, Bonn, Germany on Risk &vulnerability, models/modelling and values/valuation. ADPC, AIT Bangkok Magdalene College, Cambridge University ADPC – AIT Bangkok, Thailand Years attended From To 2011 2011 Certificate of Executive Education 2009 2009 Certificate of attendance Summer Course – Equivalent 4 ECTS. 2008 2008 Certificate of attendance 80 hrs Professional Training Systems Summer Course 2008 2009 End-to-End Early Warning System 2006 2006 International Humanitarian Law 120 hrs Professional Training 2002 2002 Disaster Management Training Type Crisis Leadership – Executive Education Summer Course 4 ECTS Certificates or diplomas obtained 2008-Now Jan-Jun 2011 2007-2011 2005-2007 2002-2004 2000-2002 1999-2000 1999 2. EMPLOYMENT RECORD Self-employment / Independent Scholar (Associate with Circle Indonesia). Serves as senior advisor, lead researcher and consulting at various international clients [donors, United Nations, INGOs] Areas of consultation: proposal development, learning documentation, evaluation and research in the context of evidence based program design related to resilience building, vulnerability reduction, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, livelihoods and food security, child participation, land use change, urban adaptation, civil society building, knowledge sector, etc. Details CV can be provided upon personal request. Research Fellow (Post-doctoral), Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University Tracking the ‘integration’ of climate change adaptation into disaster reduction policy – cases from 43 district and province in Indonesia (using network theory). PhD Researcher and Resident Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (Section Enhancing Graduate Educational Capacities for Human Security Section and German Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning Systems (GITEWS) Project Program Coordinator (and Head of Office) , Hivos Aceh Program Number and kind of employees supervised: 6 staff, 12 consultants; Number of partners monitored: >25 NGOs Coordinating HIVOS’ Programs for Aceh- total project managed €4.5 million including: Biogas Project, Rural Technology, Gender, Human Rights, Community based conflict warning system, community based disaster risk management Program Officer, Disaster Management Program, Pikul This post is 60% based in Kupang with 40% field travel from NTT, Papua, Kalimantan and Sulawesi in Indonesia Number and kind of employees supervised: 6 NGO partners Program management, including monitoring and evaluation of project activitiesbsuch as disaster management and emergency response; food and livelihood security analysis, community based conflict resolution and early warning system. Partners’ capacity building & training including technical assistance for 6 main NGO partners Project/Program cycles activities including logical framework review from partners. Humanitarian responses to Nunukan Island - East Borneo 2002; Bawakaraeng environmental disaster in 2004, humanitarian crisis in Poso 2002-2004. Food Aid Monitor (Field Monitor) – United Nations World Food Programme (Surabaya Office) Supervision and monitoring of 4 NGO partners Monitoring and reporting the implementation of the urban project that conducted by NGOs. Liaise with municipal government agencies Training municipal NGOs Responsible for Project Appraisals on Community Development Program for Urban Poor Projects Food Security assessment on regular basis in Urban Poor Communities in Surabaya, East Java Focal Point of WFP Response to East Java Floods Feb-May 2002. Civil Supervisor, PT Rekayasa Industry – Cement Factory Plant Construction, Kupang Daily supervision of 6 contractors Production of manual on concrete technology for local contractors Assistant Program Manager for Alternative Energy Program (Solar and Wind Energy for NTT and South Sulawesi Province) under the E7 (now Pilot Project for 6 Rural Communities in Indonesia. In this project, I was able to function as an engineer for designing the solar home system project, monitoring the other alternative energy projects including: Drafting Plan of Actions for Field Officers in 6 project districts in two provinces in Indonesia Field monitoring and reporting (number of field officers supervised: 3 FOs). Project administrations Supervise solar energy program implemented by partners (No of partners supervised: 4 NGOs partners) AWARDS AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP ERIA Research Fellowship 2011 [ERIA WG Economic and Welfare Impacts of Disasters in East Asia and Policy Responses] Willis Re Research Fellowship 2012-2013 – Based at Nanyang Technological University (Declined the offer); Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Ash Centre, Harvard Kennedy School 2011 (Research on climate adaptation and disaster reduction in Indonesia.) Full travel grants: Stockholm Environmental Institute and UNISDR. Asian Writeshop on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – preparing papers to be incorporated into that of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Bangkok, Sept 2010. Full travel grants – Changing Governance in Asia – Young scholar workshops, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands. Full travel grants - Garnet PhD School 2009. Venue at the Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB; EC/Garnet PhD Program. DAAD Awards for PhD Scholarship in Disaster Research at ZEF of University of Bonn and Winner of Profile # 8 for GTIEWS PhD Research at EHS-UNU, Bonn 2007; BRC Summer Course 2006 on International Humanitarian Law – Cambridge UK. Full Travel Grants by Hivos and BRC. British Chevening Awards (British Council, UK), 2004 OTHER INFORMATION INCL. MEDIA EXPERIENCE: Opinions and articles in National and Local Media – producing more than 40 articles/opinions during 2004-2012. (English and Bahasa) Davos Disaster Reduction Conference (reviewer) Environmental Hazard (reviewer) IDRiM (Integrated Disaster Risk Management) Journal (reviewer) Disaster Prevention and Management Journal (reviewer). Editor for National Conference of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia - ISSN: 2086-1443 (for 2008-2009) Editor of CARR Indonesia (ISSN: 2089-2160). Reviewer of Philippines’ Report on Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Environment Founding editor of NTT Studies (2008-2010). TEACHING RELATED EXPERIENCES: Complexity, network theory and the 'technology' of evaluation. Evaluation learning from community development evaluators facilitated by Circle Indonesia, Yogjakarta (Resource person). NTT Ecological Change Writeshops and Social Network Theory – Mentoring local researchers and activists in NTT (Dec 2010) Training design and development of 20 training modules for Hivos Netherlands’ DRM TOT CSO partners in Banda Aceh – Full in house training one week training in June 2007. Training design for disaster management CSO Partners and local governments in Jogjakarta Sept 2006 (± 30 profesional participants) Training design for disaster management – 15 introductory modules for CSO Partners in Aceh Province, December 2005 (± 30 participants). December 2005 Training and material development for CSO partners on Food security and Livelihoods in Wamena, Papua (May 2004); Kupang NTT Province (July 2004). Training design and disaster management CSO Partners (including government officials) in Central Sulawesi (July 2003), East Nusa Tenggara and West Kalimantan (August 2003). Total trained participants > 100. Course design and lecturer for Engineering Mechanics I, at Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University, Kupang, Indonesia. 2003/2004. Course design and lecturer for Engineering Mechanics I, at Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University, Kupang, Indonesia. 1999-2000. Etc. incl. tens of public lectures and seminars at local universities, schools and institutions since 1999. Tens of keynote speeches in national disaster management conferences Selected Publications PEER REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. Lassa JA (forthcoming). Post disaster governance, complexity and network theory: Evidence from Aceh, Indonesia After the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004. Int. Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management (accepted). Lassa, J. 2012 (forthcoming) “Disaster Policy Change in Indonesia 1930-2010: From Government to Governance?” – International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (accepted). Lassa, J. 2010. “Strategic group formation for carbon governance in Indonesia after the Indian Ocean tsunami 2004.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 1(2) pp.28-39. Haynes, K., Lassa, J., Tower, B. 2010. “Child-centered disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation programming in Indonesia.” WP 2, Children in Changing Climate, Institute of Development Studies, UK. Lassa, J. 2008. “Measuring sustainability of tsunami early warning systems: an interdisciplinary research agenda.” Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 185-192. Lassa, J. (forthcoming) Emerging Agricultural Involution in Indonesia: Impact of natural hazards and climate extremes on Agricultural Crops and Food Security. (ERIA Working Paper - Reviewed) – this is included in the SELECTED BEST ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS FOR BACKGROUND P APER OF UNITED NATIONS ISDR GLOBAL REPORT 2013). SUBMITTED (AND TO BE SUBMITTED) PAPERS FOR PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS Climate Change Adaptation Discourse in the Local Disaster Reduction Regulations in Indonesia: Findings from 26 districts and 16 province (using network theory approach) – submitted to Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Lassa, J. and Lam S. S. “Conceptual Frameworks of Exposure of Cargo and Ports to Natural Hazard and Climate Extremes”. (To be submitted to Journal of Transport Review) Lassa, J., Haynes, K., Tower, B. What can children do in disaster risk and climate adaptation planning and practice? (Submitted to Environmental Planning A – Status: Revised). Lassa, J. The genesis of public private partnership in Indonesia: A case study from Padang, West Sumatra (To be submitted to Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management). Lassa, J. (Forthcoming) Understanding the incentives structure of disaster risk reduction: Evidence from Indonesia. This is also included in the SELECTED BEST ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS FOR BACKGROUND PAPER OF UNITED NATIONS ISDR GLOBAL REPORT 2013). Political will for disaster reduction: what incentives build it, and why is it so hard to achieve? Ben Wisner, George Kent, Jean Carmalt, Brian Cook, JC Gaillard, Allan Lavell, Marcus Oxley,Terry Gibson, Ilan Kelman, Dewald van Niekerk, Jonatan Lassa, Zen Delica Willison, MihirBhatt, Omar-Dario Cardona, Djillali Benouar, Lizardo Narvaez (A Contribution to the Review of the draft GAR 2011, Chapters 5, 6 & 7- Radix Online). WORKING IN PROGRESS Early warning systems as connecting dots: Learning from tsunamis and floods warning in Indonesia (work in progress). End to end flood early warning system in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Conditions for the sustainability of community based disaster risk reduction: Experiences from local districts and villages in Indonesia (Nias Island (North Sumatra), Manokwari (West Papua), TTS and TTU (East Nusa Tenggara). BOOKS AND CHAPTER IN BOOKS Lassa, J. 2011. The roles of CSOs in disaster reduction in Indonesia: National and Local Case Study. A chapter in Book by LIPI, published in Nov 2011. Lassa, J. (2010) "Disaster governance" in Penuel, K. Bradley; Statler, Matthew and Golson, J. Geoffrey, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications, Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief, pp. 113-114. Lassa, J. (2010) "Risk governance" in Penuel, K. Bradley; Statler, Matthew and Golson, J. Geoffrey. Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications. pp. 612-613. Lassa, J. (2010) "Politics of International Funding" in Penuel, K. Bradley; Statler, Matthew and Golson, J. Geoffrey. Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications. pp. 496-497. Lassa, Ed. 2009. “Integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.” Proceeding Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Conference V, Indonesia. MPBI – ISSN: 2086-1443 Lassa, et. al. 2009. Community based disaster risk reduction – a guide book, Grasindo, Jakarta, 80p. (co-authored with Paripurno, E. T., Pristianto, J., Magatani, A., Purwanti, H., and Pujiono - in Bahasa) Lassa, J. 2009. “The DNA Code of risk: why vulnerability matters! A civil society response to the draft guidelines for disaster risk assessment of Indonesia. International Peer Reviewed Advocacy Paper, For OGB & Indonesian CSOs. Lassa, J. 2006. Evaluation of disaster governance in Indonesia: 2004-2006, in Fatah, E.S. Ed. (2006) Puisi Indah, Prosa Buruk – Evaluasi Dua Tahun Kebijakan SBY-Kalla, SDI-Rekatama Media Bandung, pp. 323-354. ISBN: 979378223-4. Lassa J. 2011 Ed. The everyday life of local disaster risk governance in Indonesia: Case Study from 6 provinces. ECB Project (unpublished) NATIONAL ACADEMIC JOURNAL: Nakmofa and Lassa 2009. Community based approach to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation towards sustainable livelihood: ten years of experience from PMPB Kupang. Journal of NTT Studies, Vol 1 (2) pp. 136-146. Lassa, J. 2009. “The forgotten disasters? Remembering The Larantuka and Lembata disasters 1979-2009.” Journal of NTT Studies, Vol 1 (2) 159-18. Lassa, 2010. Global governance of disaster risk reduction: an introduction to a new analytical framework. Global: International Politics Journal Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 17-27. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION AND TALKS Invited talks on Institutions and governance of disaster reduction at global and national scale. Earth Observatory of Singapore, June 2012. Visiting Lecture – National DRR Science Camp 2012, LIPI – Held in Kebumen March 2012. Public Lecture on Knowledge Economy for Development at STIE (Wirawacana School of Economics Science, Sumba, Indonesia - Sept 2011) Lassa, J. 2011. Post disaster governance of Aceh 2005-2007: What complexity and network theory can offer? Abstract and full paper to AIWEST-DR 2011. Lassa, J. 2011. Auditing Climate Adaptation Vision in Local Disaster Risk Regulations in Indonesia. ACT global workshop di Yogya tgl 5 September 2011 (invited speaker). Lassa, J. 2011. “Tracking climate change adaptation vision in disaster risk reduction in Indonesia.” – Asian Fellow Seminar, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School. 28 Apr 2011 (invited speaker). Lassa, J. “Decentralized governance and institutional challenge on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation In Indonesia” – abstracts accepted – Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance: “Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges”, held at Colorado State University, 17-20 May 2011. Lassa, J. 2011. “Can Indonesia reduce its disaster risk? Some recent findings! Asian Disaster Management Seminar Series 2011. Crisis Leadership Program, Harvard Kennedy School. 6 Apr 2011. Lassa, J. 2011. When Uncertainty Becomes Norms and Negotiation is the Rule of the Game. Presented at the “Youth, Politics, and Reconstructions in an Indonesian Conflict Zone”: Indonesia Program, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University. 29 March 2011. Lassa, J. 2010. “Role of civil society organizations in Indonesia addressing climate and environmentally displaced people.” Panel Presentation at the Annual Meeting 2010, Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Network.” Jogjakarta 8-10 Dec 2010. Lassa, J. 2010 “Understanding polycentric governance of disaster risk reduction: an introduction to a new analytical framework.” In International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC, Davos 2010 Proceeding (extended abstract) Lassa, J. 2010 “Institutional vulnerability assessment and the governance of early warning system.” End to End NaturalHazard Early Warning Systems Conference: Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta, Indonesia 19-20 April 2010. Lassa, J. 2009. “The rise of risks: can Indonesia incrementally reduce disaster risks?” – Selected abstract and oral presentation at the Young Scholar Workshops - Changing Governance in Asia at the Leiden University, the Netherlands from 26 – 27 November 2009. Book of Abstracts. Lassa, J. 2009. “Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: shared problem, two cultures.” 9 th IIASA-DPRI Conference on Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 12-16 October 2009, Kyoto University Japan. Book of Abstracts. Lassa, J. 2009. Disaster risk governance: macro and micro scale analysis. International Symposium of PPI Global. Den Haag 3-5 July 2009. (oral presentation). Book of Abstracts. Lassa, J. 2009. Sustainability and governance of tsunami early warning system: bureaucracy and system theory approach. GITEWS Projekttreffen, 18-19 May 2009, GeoForchungZentrum Potsdam. Lassa, J. 2008. “When heaven (hardly) meet the earth: towards convergency in tsunami early warning systems. Proceeding of ISSM Conference (13-15 May 2008), Delft, Netherlands Lassa, J. 2008. “Governance for the sustainability of hazard early warning system. an interdisciplinary approach.” Poster Presentation at GITEWS Annual Conference Meeting at GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. Lassa, J. 2008. “The status quo of community based disaster risk reduction in Indonesia” – Key Note Speech and Presentation at the National CBDRM Symposium IV, Bali. (19-21August 2008) Lassa, J. 2009. Reflections on the case of tsunami early warning system in Indonesia. Risk Frontiers Briefing Note No. 184. Etc. Other Notes RESEARCH SKILLS Quantitative social research skills: regular users of software such as SPSS 18, Excel based statistics Exploratory social network analysis such as Pajek for social network research skills and Gephi (Network theory software). Minor on Visone and Citoscape. Quantitative social research skills: regular users of software such as Atlas.ti, word doc. Etc. Advanced level on participatory facilitation and social research skills including PRA/RRA/PLA Advanced level on Mind Managers, Mind Maps and Power Point. LANGUAGES: Bahasa Indonesia (native); English (fluent); Germany (basic); Timor-Dawan-Oecussi (moderate)